TLE - Information and Communication Technology Tle 8 Third Quarterly Assessment
TLE - Information and Communication Technology Tle 8 Third Quarterly Assessment
TLE - Information and Communication Technology Tle 8 Third Quarterly Assessment
Name: Date:
Direction: Read the questions/statements carefully and write the corresponding letter of your answer
before the number.
1. It refers to raising fish for family consumption and economic or business activity.
a. Fish culture c. Dynamite fishing
b. Aquaculture d. Fish preservation
2. It is a prohibited way of fishing that kills the small fishes and preventing them to be raised for
future use?
a. Hand fishing c. Dynamite fishing
b. Traditional fishing d. Barriers and Traps
3. Which Equipment is used to pump water from water source to fill the pond with required level of
a. Fish pen c. Water pump
b. Fish cage d. Fish pond
4. It is a square or rectangular pen constructed in the shallow lakes.
a. Fish cage c. Fish pond
b. Fish pen d. Water pump
5. It is a thin, long, straight metal blade with a bar. It is thrown by hand at the target fish.
a. Silo c. Barricades
b. Sibat d. Cash net
6. It is a fishing instrument made of bamboo slot webbings in oval shape with or without handle
a. Scoop c. Cover pot
b. Snare d. Barricades
7. It is a cylindrical device made of bamboo splits. It has two openings, a small one on top and a
wider at the bottom.
a. Cover pot c. Scoop
b. Harpoon d. Fish Corral
8. The following are good sites to raise fresh water fish like milkfish EXCEPT.
a. Bay c. Voe
b Islet d. River
9. A chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility
a. Plants c. Germination
b. Pesticide d. Fertilizer
10. These are given as soon as the mouth of fish is big enough to swallow the smallest size pellet.
a. Pellets c. Chicken manure
b. Crumbles d. Mash or powder form
11. Method in which feeds is distributed evenly so that all fish will have access to food
a. Hand feeding c. Using feeding bag
b. Pellet feeding d. scattering
12. It is usually made of wood, bamboo, metal, or plastic. It is called sikwan in the local dialect.
a. Netting Needle c. Fibers
b. Mesh Gauge d. Brading
13. It is made of wood or metal. Its function is to keep the braided net firm.
a. Netting Needle c. Fibers
b. Mesh Gauge d. Hanging Rod
14. it usually made of wood or metal. It is called agpang in the local dialect.
a. Netting Needle c. Fibers
b. Mesh Gauge d. Brading
15. Development of plant from seed or spore after it has been planted in soil and remained dormant
for a certain period of time.
a. Germination c. Chemicals
b. Fertilizer d. Plants
16. Milkfish fingerlings come from nursery ponds and transported to the project site using
a. Plastic bag c. Plastic bottles
b. Plastic containers d. Plastic wares
17. This is known as finisher pellet and it is given to fish weighing 115-350 grams per piece
a. Juvenile Pellet c. Adult Pellet
b. Crumbles d. Mash or powder form
18. This consists of two-stage procedure. The first stage includes environmental, economic, social,
and geopolitical. The second stage consists of field survey of the most promising site.
a. Site selection c. Materials needed
b. Pollution consideration d. Topography
19. It means preparing a scaled of a proposed fishpond and considered the first step.
a. Construction c. Planning
b. Building d. Materials
20. Shows the specific measurement in meters and centimeters of different ponds to be used at
different stages of growth of fish.
a. Dikes c. Size of pond
b. Gates d. Types of pond layout
21. Its purpose is to serve as partitions for the three main ponds and the water supply canals.
a. Gates c. Rivers
b. Dikes d. Pond
22. This controls the water supply in and out of the ponds.
a. Gates c. Rivers
b. Dikes d. Pond
23. This differs from the dug-out type because it is built directly in a portion of a lake, river, or any
existing body of water.
a. Bamboo Fish pen c. Synthetic net
b. Net cage for milkfish d. Floating net cage
24. The suitable sites in this type are sheltered coasted waters that are not polluted, free from floods,
and protected from typhoons.
a. Bamboo Fish pen c. Synthetic net
b. Net cage for milkfish d. Floating net cage
25. The cage can either be fixed or stationary and floating, depending on the depth of the water.
a. Bamboo Fish pen c. Synthetic net
b. Net cage for milkfish d. Floating net cage
26. It is made of fine mesh netting (net enclosure or bitinan). The size may vary depending on the
purpose it may be used for fry or fingerling production.
a. Hapa hatchery c. Tank hatchery
b. Stationary b. Floating net cage
27. This net cage module may also have six or more components like floating cages.
a. Hapa hatchery c. Tank hatchery
b. Stationary b. Floating net cage
28. Used in chopping, planting, weeding, furrowing and cultivating soil.
a. Shovel c. Hoe
b. Hand trowel d. Spade
29. Containing or contaminated with a substance capable of injuring or killing a living thing.
a. Toxic c. Strenuous
b. Dilute d. Hazardous
30. Used to make planting holes or seed.
a. Rakes c. Dibber
b. Tractor d. Tiller
31. It is the ability to withstand force or stress without being distorted, dislodged, or damaged.
a. Adequate c. Abundant
b. Stability d. Relevant
32. It t of makes deep tilling easier and facilitates the combat of weeds without using herbicides.
a. Planter c. Cultivator
b. Hedge trimmer d. Tiller
33. Used when the plants begin to grow. It tills the soil between plants thus loosens soil and removes
a. Tractors c. Tiller
b. Planter d. Cultivator
34. Its germination depends on several factors such as maturity, availability of water, oxygen and
a. Seeds c. Fertilizer
b. Soil d. Pesticides
35. It is the process of taking or seizing fish with the use of different kinds of tools or fishing gear.
a. Fishing c. Catching
b. Fish capture d. Fish preservation
36. Refers to seeds, equipment, chemicals and man power
a. Farm inputs c. Germination
b. Fertilizer d. Nutrients
37. Used as the main cutting tool of plant material-twigs, vines, scion sticks flowers and foliage.
a. Secateurs c. Watering can
b. Mattock and pick d. Rakes
38. It has always been an important item in the Filipino diet and considered the cheapest source of
a. Meat c. Fish
b. Bread d. Vegetable
39. In fishing villages, fish capture is done with the of ____________.
a. Fishing nets c. Hand Fishing
b. Poison and Dynamite d. Barriers and Trap
40. This has become a traditional catching tool used by the fishers, the origin of which dates back
with our forefathers.
a. Net c. Barriers and Traps
b. Hand Fishing d. Poison and Dynamite
41. A mesh is a basic construction consisting of how many knots and bars?
a. 4 knots and 4 bars c. 3 knots and 5 bars
b. 5 knots and 5 bars d. 4 knots and 3 bars
42. Used for tilling and pulverizing the soil
a. Water pumps c. Harrow
b. Rotivator d. Plows
43. It is a synthetic fiber comes in various commercial names such as, Amelan, Angalon, etc.
a. Polymide c. Polyester
b. Polythelene d. Polyvenlidene
44. Use in tilling the soil and making furrows in large farms.
a. Water pumps c. Harrow
b. Rotivator d. Plows
45. Tools that are attached to tractors that enhance farming activity to make better and easier to do.
a. Implements c. Mattock and pick
b. Tools d. Equipment
46. Used to carry heavy materials such as large rocks, concrete blocks, fertilizers, soil piles and
a. Wheelbarrow c. Secateurs
b. Dibber d. Mattock and pick
47. Come in wide range of sizes-leaf, garden, flat, and bow.
a. Dibber c. Forks
b. Rake d. Mattock
48. Is a versatile cutting tool to shape, split, and cut woods and to fell trees
a. Shovel c. Spade
b. Billhook d. Ax
49. These are tools designed for manual operation and usually used in preparing soil and cleaning
the area
a. Shovels c. Implements
b. Hand tools d. Machineries
50. Area of agriculture that deals with garden-plant cultivation. This also means as the science of
growing fruits, vegetables, ornamental trees.
a.Horticulture c. Aquaculture
b. Agriculture d. Floriculture