Fisheries (Fish) : Types of Fish Consist of Two Types, Namely Consumption Fish and Ornamental

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Fisheries (Fish)

Fisheries are human activities related to the management and utilization of sailing
biological resources. Biological resources do not confirm as a whole and generally include
fish, amphibians, and various aquatic invertebrates inhabiting and interconnected areas, and
their environment. Where in this case our group took the topic of fish, where fish is part of a
fishery. Fish are members of the poikilotermic (cold-blooded) vertebrates that live in water
and breathe with gills. Fish are the most diverse group of vertebrates with more than 27,000
species worldwide.

In general, fish are classified into three parts, namely unahang fish (Aganatha), cartilage
fish (chondrichtyes) and hard-boned fish (osteichtyes). Fish are not berahang or the term
Aganatha is a type of fish that is mostly spread between the American and European
mainland. Aganatha is a fish that lives in fresh water or at the bottom of sea waters. Has an
elongated slindris shape measuring 76 cm to 90 cm. Aganatha is a type of fish that does not
have a jaw but has a mouth with a circular and grated shape, for example lamprey and hag
fish. Cartilaginous fish species are very easy to find, almost on every land on this earth. They
live in the ocean. Most of the body's skin is filled or covered with rough scales. Another
feature of Chondrichtyes is that it has a mouth at the bottom with a tongue and jaw, for
exemple Sharks,Whales, and Stingrays. Similar to cartilage fish, this type of fish is spread
almost in every corner of the earth, which distinguishes hard-boned fish living in the sea,
fresh water or swamps. Has a body size that varies from 1 to 4 meters. Osteichthyes breathes
using gills covered with gill caps. They are fish with true bones that contain a hard calcium
and phosphate matrix. for example Carp chef,Koi fish,Tilapia, and Betta fish.

Types of Fish consist of two types, namely Consumption Fish and Ornamental
Fish. The fish consumed are the types of fish commonly eaten by humans as food. The
fish consumed can be classified according to the habitat of fish species, especially from
the sea and waters. Examples of fish consumption are catfish, carp, snapper, etc. While
ornamental fish is a species of fish that has a freshwater and marine habitat that is not
preserved for consumption but to beautify the garden / living room. Examples of
ornamental fish are betta fish, arowana fish, redfish, koi fish, crocodile fish, guppy fish,
lohan fish, etc.
Fish kill or fish die-off is a symptom of the death of fish populations and
marine animals in general locally. The main cause is a reduction in oxygen in the water,
which can occur due to various things such as drought, algae explosion, overpopulation,
or an increase in water temperature. Fish diseases and parasites can also cause fish
destruction. Poisoning due to water pollution can also be a cause but rarely happens.
Destruction of fish can also be caused by pollution and environmental damage. Where
pollution and environmental damage can affect organisms at certain age levels, with fish
larvae more vulnerable. Symptoms of dissolved oxygen deficiency tend to affect larger
fish more than small fish due to the ratio of gill surface area to fish body mass. While the
symptoms of dangerous substances pollution can affect many species, with the most
accumulation of substances found in filter animals.
Processed fish products consist of surimi, Isinglass, tatami iwashi etc. Surimi is
a fish product that is made to mimic the texture and taste of lobster, crab, and clam meat.
Usually made of white fish meat like pollock or hake that has been crushed into a paste
and has a chewy texture after cooking. Examples of preparations from surimi include fish
sausages, meatballs, crab sticks, fish nuggets, ham fish, brains etc. Isinglass is a material
obtained from fish air sacs, especially sturgeon fish. Usually used in the purification of
wine and beer. Tatami iwashi is a traditional Japanese fish product made from baby
sardines which are laid and dried in a crossed position like woven tatami.

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