October 2013: Lutefisk. Football. Catechism

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October 2013

Lets play the game of associations. Im going to say a word and you say the first word that comes to your mind. Ready? Lutefisk. Football. Catechism. What did you say for lutefisk? Maybe you said ick or yum. Maybe you said butter or thought of Christmas Eve. Great. What about football? Was the first word that came to mind game? Or Vikings? Maybe it was soccer. Good. Now what about the last word? When I said catechism, what was the first word or phrase that came to your mind? Small? Martin Luther? What does this mean? Until a month ago, I would have responded with the same answers. We know well the Small Catechism by Martin Luther and his teaching question of what does this mean? Many of us have memorized the questions and answers in the small book. It is that very teaching tool that we are learning about in Confirmation this year and it was just a few weeks ago that I learned something new about the catechism. Do you know what catechism means? A catechism is a set of questions and answers. Questions and answers. It just so happens that the Lutheran faith pioneer, Martin Luther, wrote down his questions and answers. Martin Luthers Catechism became a teaching tool for people. It was designed for families to use as they taught their children the way of the Christian life. Martin Luther wrote a catechism. But its not the only catechism. Its not the only set of questions and answers. It makes me wonder what questions and answers would be in your catechism? What if you wrote your own? Truth be told, any one of us could write our own catechism. We still lean on Luthers questions and answers for learning and studying, but like Luther, we all are theologians too. What are your questions about God? About faith? About life? How would you answer them? This fall, at the time of Reformation, pull out your Small Catechism. Review the questions and answers that Martin Luther wrote and then ponder what your own book of questions and answers would contain. What could we learn from one another if we started discussing our questions? What if we used our own questions and answers to teach one another? What could this mean? Thats a question worth asking. Pastor Lindsay


The meeting was called to order by President Diane Maxwell, Pastor Lindsay led in devotions. In attendance; Diane Maxwell, Gary Ulland, Marilyn Ulland, Ardell Swenson, Bob Kittelson, Nancy Schwartz, Dean Christianson, Shad Rudlong, Scott Basness, Bill Maxwell, Pastor Lindsay and Laura Tjomsland. Pastors Report: Confirmation retreat was attended by 7 students. Confirmation classes will begin and it will focus on Lutheran Study. The new hymnals have arrived and the old hymnals will be retired. ELCA is celebrating 25 year anniversary. The new Bishop will be installed. The ELCA elected a new Presiding Bishop a female. Eleven visits were made including visits to the Confirmation families. Three visits to Prairie Manor. The Secretarys Report was approved as corrected. The Treasurers Report was approved as presented. WELCA Report: They would use up what is left from various events and will do the lunch for the auction. Deacons Report: Marilyn reported on Rally Day and there is still a need for Sunday School Teachers. Trustees Report: One bid has been received for the cement for the sidewalk around the entry way on the south side. Old Business: Auction report by Scott Basness, there will be three auctioneers, we will have a tent and tables set up. We will also secure a port-a-potty. Council will organize items on Friday and set things out on Saturday morning. The elevator report is that a regular phone cannot be used, and more research is needed. Check on a local company, possible one from Owatonna. New Business: The proposed Budget for 2014 was accepted as presented and will be presented at the annual meeting. Nominations for Council members are getting finalized for the annual meeting. The meeting was adjourned and we closed with the Lords Prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Laura Tjomsland, Secretary

Pastoral Acts: Baptism Sophie Charleen Elkins September 15, 2013 WELCA will have their Guest Day on October 2nd starting at 9:30 a.m. The program will be Randy Krulish and Linda Christianson speaking about their journey through life with disabilities.

Quilters take note Quilting will start on Monday, October 14th at 8:30 a.m. and continue for 6 weeks. We will have a potluck at noon.

Good Earth Village is having two overnight retreats for kids in grades 3-6. The dates for these retreats are October 11-12 and November 8-9. The cost is $45 per child. You can register at www.goodearthvillage.org or call (507) 346-2494.

HOP the ROG Frog

After a pretty calm summer, things sure picked up around here in the first few weeks of September. I was hopping around like everything was normal when suddenly there were lots of feet. Everywhere. There was this thing called an auction to be held and, even from my perspective on the floor, it was obvious it took a lot of work. Brent Ingvalson graciously brought a trailer to be used. Members of the council were busy preparing. I especially saw the feet of Bob Kittelson many days. Scott Basness and Diane Maxwell too. Galen and Dorothy Peterson and Mike Hoffman were super busy and involved on the day of the auction. The women of WELCA busied themselves preparing lunch and treats for the hungry patrons on that day. [Judging by the coffee cake crumbs I found, everything was delicious, ladies!] Thank you to everyone who participated in any way! Five hops for you! Mission Support: Role of $ in Our Lives & Faith Explore the role money plays in our lives and our faith. Nathan Dungan is nationally recognized speaker on this topic and will engage us in thinking how we as stewards consider how we will share, save and spend our money to reflect the values we hold including our faith. Bring pastors, stewardship, finance committee and staff or volunteers who work with children and youth. We will explore generational giving and spending patterns. As Nathan says, How we spend our money does make a difference in the world. Sunday, October 13 th, 2 5 p.m. at Gloria Dei Lutheran in Rochester. We must register as a congregation by October 4th. Please talk to Pastor Lindsay as soon as possible if interested.

Do you wonder whats been going on in the education hallway this fall on Sundays and Wednesdays? Have you heard fun noises coming from that end of the building? Remember all are welcome to check it out and join the children and youth anytime! Follow the giggles and come see what were up to! In Sunday School Children of all ages combine to form one class. It works out great; the older kids help the younger children and they learn to work together. The younger look up to the older and the older learn how to be leaders. This fall, we are learning about the disciples. We use a curriculum that teaches the same story over the course of many weeks using a different approach each week cooking, music, games, art, and more. It is our hope that with the repeated story from so many different angles, children will walk away with a great experience and know what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. If you are a parent or grandparent to a Sunday School child, ask them what they are learning. Ask them what it means to be a disciple. Tell them how you follow Jesus in your life. We end every Sunday School class with the Lords Prayer. Those who know it , pray it aloud. Those who dont yet know it we hope they will learn. Pray the Lords Prayer together as a family at home! Encourage them to join with the congregation in praying the Lords Prayer in the church service.

In Confirmation Its our Lutheran year! Were all about Martin Luther, grace, and the elements of the Small Catechism. We spent an overnight retreat at Good Earth Village in early September learning about the two Lutheran sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. We talked about the elements of a baptism and walked through a baptism, using a small gnome as the one to be baptized. [His name was Norman.] We began our instruction on Holy Communion by acting out the famous Last Supper painting. [Check it out in the youth room!] If you are a parent or grandparent to a Confirmation student, ask them about Wednesday nights. Ask them what questions they have. Ask them what they are learning about the church and about God.

Kids of all ages are invited to a Fall Festival! On the Sunday afternoon of October 13, meet at the church at 1:30 to jump on hayracks and be pulled by a tractor to the woods. We will have snacks, a scavenger hunt and a bonfire in the crisp fall air! We will return to church by 4pm.

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