270 Years of Service in The Name of Christ: Sowing, Growing, and Serving

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270 Years of Service In the Name of Christ

Sowing, GROWing, and Serving

1741 - 2011

SERVICE FOR THE LORDS DAY August 21, 2011 ORGAN PRELUDE WORDS OF WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Our help is in the name of the Holy God, who made heaven and earth. People: Blessed be the Lord, who has not given us over to our enemies. Leader: If it had not been God who was on our side, we would have been swallowed by our enemies. All: Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Let us worship God together! *HYMN #342G Rejoice, the Lord Is King *PRAYER OF CONFESSION Forgive us, Gracious Lord; we have allowed this world to shape us and enslave us. You call us to live as one body and to honor each members gifts, yet we confer honor with rank and divide classes one from another. You call us to freedom and rest, yet we toil at endless tasks and impose such labor on others. You call us to love and serve you, yet we serve gods of profit and production; they swallow us alive. Redeem us, O Lord. Transform and renew us, that we might discern your will-what is good and acceptable for all. *MOMENTS FOR SILENT, PERSONAL CONFESSION *ASSURANCE OF PARDON *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles Creed (back cover of bulletin) *GLORIA PATRI (back cover of bulletin)

Marion Williams 1966

Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church Daretown, New Jersey

(856) 358-1104 Rev. Dr. Julia Pizzuto-Pomaco, Pastor Dominic Mercado, Director of Music Margaret A. Powers, Organist Jill Stout, Secretary website: www.daretownpres.org

CHILDRENS MESSAGE SPECIAL MUSIC Mighty Is the Power of the Cross Lisa Headley & Nick Mercado PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION FIRST LESSON Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21 (p. 581) Romans 9:1-5 (p. 159) THE APOSTLES CREED I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; The third day he rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. GLORIA PATRI Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.



The Missions of the Month for August are Ranch Hope and Meals on Wheels. Please keep these ministries in your prayers. Ranch Hope provides a Christian-based learning environment for over 75 boys and girls each year. To help support this mission, please donate school supplies for which there is an ongoing need. Much needed items include composition notebooks, one subject spiral notebooks, ink pens, pencils, washable markers, and white construction paper. Please place these items in the box located in the narthex. Thank you! Meals on Wheels is a ministry of Salem County that provides meals for those people in our community who would need a healthy, hot meal once or twice a day. The elderly, terminally ill or homebound are recipients of these blessings. We have had many people in our church over the years who were on delivery teams to take these meals into homes. It involves more than just dropping a meal off but often includes the building of personal relationships with the recipients. Join us for a prayer time every Sunday morning in the youth lounge before church at 9:20am. There are now 12 assisted listening devices available for people to better hear the worship service. They are located in a basket in the narthex. Please return the devices to the basket at the conclusion of worship. CD copies of our worship service are available every Sunday in the narthex. Check out our website for the weekly Bulletin and Insert.

Welcome, family of God! We rejoice that God gives us one another as sisters and brothers in faith. The The The The The elder for the month is Lisa Headley. deacon for the month is Faye Crispin. trustee for the month is Wesley Harbison. greeters are Doug & Darlene Kurman. lay leader is Michele Hitchner.

Mission Statement: In the Name of Christ: Sowing, GROWing, and Serving. Vision Statement: We are GROWing, Growing in Faith, Reaching others for Christ, Offering opportunities for mission, Worshipping the Lord with our whole hearts. If you are visiting with us today we warmly welcome you and hope you have received a welcome packet. Please feel free to contact Pastor Julia with any questions or pastoral needs. Pastor Julia can be reached at 358-1104 or [email protected]. You can contact Jill Stout, our secretary/treasurer at 358-1104 or [email protected]. While Pastor Julia is away for vacation, study leave and the Camp of the Woods Trip through August 30th you may contact Jonathan Smith at the First Presbyterian Church of Salem (856-935-2148 or 935-0322) for any pastoral emergencies.

We give thanks to Harold Ware for playing the organ the month of August!

Please welcome Kurt Pleim to the pulpit this morning and next Sunday, August 28. Kurt Pleim recently graduated from Palmer seminary with his Master of Divinity degree. He is certified ready to receive a call from the Philadelphia Presbytery, and is currently waiting for a church to call him as their pastor. Kurt grew up in Brentwood NY, which is in the center of Long Island. He attended church there from his childhood. After moving to Montgomeryville PA in 2000, Kurt and his wife Linda became members of Lenape Valley Presbyterian Church in New Britain. At LVPC Kurt was involved in many ministries, he was the chairperson of the board of deacons, has participated in childrens and youth ministry as a Sunday school teacher, and served on session as Youth Elder. Kurt has also participated as a liturgist along with Pastor Hood at LVPC. During a yearlong study in discipleship at LVPC, Kurt discerned a call to ministry. Kurt felt the call to prepare for ministry, and while attending Palmer seminary Kurt completed one year of internship at First Presbyterian Church of Lambertville in Lambertville NJ, and one year at Oxford Presbyterian Church in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia. Kurt is currently working as a semiconductor design engineer at IBM in New York. He has been married to his wife Linda for 25 years. They have two children, Alex, age eighteen, and Nicholas, age fourteen. Please Note: The meeting date for the next Kids Klub has been changed to Tuesday, August 23. Meet in the social hall at 10 am to build a birdhouse! September 2nd will be a time of swimming and water fun (beginning at 3pm at Carol Quirks house). More information to follow. All children including preschoolers, elementary age and youth are all invited to attend!

Prayer Requests: Mary Radcliffe, Debbie Covey (Oak Gandys daughter), Judi Walker, Jack and Pat Barrett, Billy Cundey Jr. (friend of Chris Baum), Paul Headley, Ron Rudenolff and Joanne Riddell (friends of Dee & George Leptien), Sharon & Michael Hughes (friends of Kitty Lamb), Jean Johnston (Patrick Sheehans grandmother), Bruce and Teresa Monell, Carl Whestel (friend of Andrea Wood), Brian Denny (friend of Jeanine Tindall), Peggy Kroeplin (Donna Strouds mother), Brad Davis, Bill Williams, Eric Robertson (friend of Andrea Wood), Carol Barnhart (Cora Laytons daughter), John Baitinger (Marion Dwyers brother), Joyce Miller (Dallas Skinners sister), Joan Freeman (friend of Katie Robbins), Brenda (Hackett) Halls daughter, Jill (friend of Jane String), Denise Snyder (Mary Ellens daughter-in-law), Bryce Morgan Dolbow, grandson of Kay Fogg (friend of Jane String), Dot Floyd, Bill and Taffy (friends of Rick & Kitty Lamb) and Martin Hackett. Fit To Serve will meet at 6pm this Tuesday, August 23rd. We can do it together!! Everyone is welcome!! Come for a healthy snack and good fun activities to get moving and exercise! Call Dana with any questions609-364-7480 and let her know if you want to join the Fit to Serve Facebook group and receive encouragement and fitness tips throughout the week! This is a great opportunity to connect with others and get healthy! If you have signed up for the Fall Retreat, please note that the final payment will be due by September 11th. Cost is $160 per adult and $20 per child up to age 12. Please see Jennett and Bill Stanley.

If you would like to spend more time with our youth, why not help out with youth group this year? Let Dana or Pastor Julia know if you have some time to give. We would really appreciate the help! We are planning to continue to meet on Sunday evenings at 6pm. We are also hoping to begin a Jr. Youth Group for 2nd through 6th grade that would also meet on Sunday evenings beginning in September just after Rally Day. Summer Reading 2011- A popular book in the past few months has been Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo. At 7:30 pm on September 20th and 27th and possibly October 4th we will be discussing our questions and thoughts related to the book. We will also be studying another book as a companion to aid our discussion entitled Heaven by Randy Alcorn. You can order these books from the Way Station or talk to Donna or Ken Stroud. You can come to the discussion even if you have not read the books. All are welcome! Confirmation Class will be beginning this Fall7th grade and up. We will be meeting monthly on a Sunday afternoon beginning at 4 pm. We will meet once a month through the year and plan on joining in the late Spring. Please let the office know if you have a youth that is interested in joining the church this year. If you are able to volunteer one Sunday or more in the nursery during worship service please use the sign up sheet located right outside of the upstairs nursery. This is an important ministry of our church and it would be great to staff it with volunteers

Rally Day September 11th - Plan to stay for a Celebration Luncheon in order to celebrate our childrens accomplishments from the previous year and where we will hear more detailed stories about our youth mission trip and see a great slide show! Mark it on your calender now. Plan to bring a side dish to share. Please RSVP to the office if you are able to attend. The Soup Kitchen at St. Theresa's in Bridgeton greatly appreciated all the fresh vegetables from our garden. When asked if they had any needs, they mentioned that they would love to have some lettuce to serve with the tomatoes and other vegetables. Camp of the Woods Trip: All are invited to join us on a camping trip to Camp of the Woods in Speculator, New York. We will be leaving from the church parking lot on August 27th at 8 am and returning in the evening of August 30th. There are many things to do up at camp: mini-golf, zip-line, swimming, tubing, shuffleboard, tennis, hiking, climbing wall, and lounging at the lake among so many other things. You will experience exciting worship and great Bible teaching and an opportunity to get away from it all. Let Colleen Moore (856-297-3546) know if you are interested in attending. We will be camping at a local state park so a minimal fee will be involved but there are also cabins and RV hook ups near by. Join us!

The flowers this morning are presented in honor of George Williams birthday by the Ewart family. Happy Birthday George!!

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