1 October 2011

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Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

A newsletter of the First United Presbyterian Church

October 2011
A group of students listed what they thought were the 7 wonders of the world: 1. Egypts Great Pyramids 2. Taj Mahal 3. Grand Canyon 4. Panama Canal 5. Empire State Building 6. St. Peters Basilica 7. Chinas Great Wall One student had a different list 1. To See 2. To Hear 3. To Touch 4. To Taste 5. To Feel 6. To Laugh 7. To Love

A gentle reminder that the most precious things in life cannot be built or bought by humans

A Pastoral Note

from Jacquelyn Pinkowski

The new program year brings new energy, excitement and possibilities. The Deacons are kicking off the program of every member having a Deacon. You will be hearing more about our upcoming Stewardship Program. The Session has voted to continue the Appreciative Inquiry process for developing the information that is needed in the next step in calling a new pastor. The Faith Ed. Committee has new programs, and on it goes. As followers of Jesus, we are always faced with new chances to renew our relationship with our God. One of the things that came out of the retreat was the desire for more opportunities for spiritual development. I will be leading the Adult Faith Ed Class on Sunday, October 2 asking you what that means to you. Please come and share your desires and hopes. This will help us to continue looking toward the future. Thank you all for attending the Retreat on September 24th. I was so pleased that so many people attended. The energy and excitement in the room was wonderful. In talking with Tim afterwards he mentioned several times about the positive energy and excitement. Since the session has approved continuing the use of Appreciative Inquiry I anticipate more excitement and great ideas as we move forward. As you read the Music News you can see the excitement that is evident with the expansion of the Troy Childrens Choir along with all of the other opportunities to join your voice with others to praise God through singing. Progress is being made on the repairs to the sanctuary. Work has been going on for several weeks on the area behind the balcony. The large stained glass windows have been removed to repair. Scaffolding is continuing to be installed over the entire sanctuary. It is great to hear the noise of people in the sanctuary helping to get us closer to being able to move worship back into the sanctuary. Have you noticed anything different in the hallway coming from the front door into the office area? A new space is being developed for a library. Please stop by and take a look at the books that are available. September 2011 has been an exciting planning month for FUPC. Your participation is vital to the future of this church. Blessings, Jackie

Sermons and Scripture Readings for September

October 2nd - Respecting God and Neighbor Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20; Psalm 19; Philippians 3:4b-14; Matthew 21:33-46 October 9th - When its not convenient enough Exodus 32:1-14; Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23; Philippians 4:1-9; Matthew 22:1-14 October 16th - What we are able to stand Exodus 33:12-23, Psalm 99; 1st Thessalonians 1:1-10; Matthew 22:15-22 October 23rd - Michael Adee will be our guest preacher Deuteronomy 34:1-12; Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8; Matthew 22:34-46 October 30th - Guest Pastor Joshua 3:7-17; Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37; 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13; Matthew 23:1-12

Financial Update
Operating Income This Month Offerings $ 4,706.34 Rental Income $ 1,267.88 *Endowment $ 12,921.06 Total Income $ 18,895.28 Expenses Personnel Facilities Mission Rental Program Total Expenses Year To Date $ 80,478.04 $ 39,479.80 $112,324.12 $232.281.96 Budgeted $ 77,549.92 $ 38,839.08 $ 93,071.28 $209.460.28 Difference +$ 2,928.12 +$ 640.72 +$ 19,252.84 +$ 22,821/68

$ 16,049.74 $ 2,635.16 $ 2,681.75 $ 2,014.15 $ 2,024.33 $ 25,405.13

$ 131,913.38 $ 58,628.53 $ 20,268.25 $ 13,308.77 $ 20,342.58 $ 244,461.51

$138,910.64 $ 36,364.64 $ 21,168.33 $ 9,933.36 $ 26,088.28 $ 232,465.25

+$ 6,997.26 -$ 22,263.89 +$ 900.08 -$ 3,375.41 + $ 5,745.70 -$ 11.996/26

*This represents an additional 1% more than we have drawn from the endowment in the past. Please notice we have spent almost $12,000.00 more than we have income. We need your help!

Ministry of Music News

from Maury Castro
You know she can hear you, right? my wife, Kern, asserts. What do you mean? I respond. When you come into the room, she starts kicking like crazy. Yeah, I often have that effect on people. I remember her kicking a bunch at the opera in July, but I didnt know that she knows my voice. Yeah. In fact, she can hear long before she can sense light and eventually see. Her whole world is touch and hearing right now. This is a lose transcript of a conversation that my wife and I had in August about the little girl that she is carrying. It really struck me that despite being part of such an intensely visual culture, sound is primary to many, including this tiny one. Imagine what a gift each happy sound would be? Each note from a Mozart piano concerto, each soft word from a dad, each squeal from an ecstatic older sister, each breath from a nurturing mother. What a gift sound is! What a gift it can be! Choral Concert: Mozarts Coronation Mass and other works Plan on attending this joint concert sung by our Chancel Choir, the Chancel Choir of First Presbyterian Church, Albany, and the Madrigal Singers of The College of St. Rose. The concert will be all-Mozart, featuring the regal Coronation Mass, as well as the beloved Ave Verum Corpus and Laudate Dominum. The concert will be held on Sunday, November 13, at 3 pm at the First Presbyterian Church in Albany (362 State St.). Free will offering, and a reception to follow. Organ Concert It goes without saying that there will be no Scary Organ Music concert this year for Halloween! We hope that all of the restoration work will be completed very soon in the sanctuary, and that we can once again enjoy one of the areas finest organs. Troy Childrens Chorus The chorus will sing for the worship service on November 13. They will sing Let Me Be A Child of Peace by David Waggonner and Jubilate Deo by Michael Praetorius. Christmas Eve Childrens Choir All children in the congregation (ages 2-17) are invited to sing in the Christmas Eve Childrens Choir. We will sing Natalie Sleeths Hallelujah, Glory, Hallelujah. Rehearsals will be held: Tuesday, Dec. 6, 5:15-5:45 pm. Sunday, Dec. 18, 11:30-noon Saturday, Dec. 24, 6:15 pm.

If you would like to sign up a child to sing in this choir, please contact Maury at [email protected] or 272.2771 xt. 14.

Faith Education News

from Leslie Kelly
Faith Education Schedule for October
October 2 - Children will remain in worship, no faith ed classes

October 9 ,16 and 23 - All children will meet in the Wheeler Room for Opening Prayer. Younger children through Kindergarten will then meet for Godly Play and children in first grade and up will remain in the Wheeler Room to continue learning about Creation through the We Believe workshop curriculum. October 30 - Children will remain in worship. After fellowship time everyone is invited to Intergenerational Faith Education in the Rose Room. Fair Trade chocolate will be distributed to the children for reverse trick or treating.

Adult Education for October

October 2 Spiritual Formation Discussion: What is it that we are desiring to know more about? Led by Interim Pastor Jackie Pinkowski October 9 Sharing Faith Stories, led by Leslie Kelly October 16 Martha Juenger - Spiritual Disciplines and Stewardship October 23 Dr. Michael Adee ,M. Div., PhD - Executive Director & Field Organizer, More Light Presbyterians Its A New Day: Strengthening Our Welcome October 30 Intergenerational Faith Education One Says Thank you

Something to ponder Love your neighbor Who is our neighbor? the store clerk, the lawyer, the teacher, the other drivers on the road, the maintenance worker, the mechanic In our day to day lives we never know how our words or actions will affect someone else. We might brighten someones day or ruin someones day, depending on how we act or react. As followers of Christ we can plant a seed or slam a door. Lets pray to God to always give us the strength and sensitivity to plant a seed.

Ma tthew 22:37-39

He said to him, You shall love the Lord your


God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. first commandment.

This is the greatest and

And a second is like it:

You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Presbyterian Rainbow invites you to an October Weekend of Special Events! Its a New Day: Strengthening Our Welcome
Saturday, October 22ndpresentatation, workshops, conversation First Presbyterian Church 362 State Street, Albany (corner of State and Willett Street) 518-449-7332 / www.firstpresalbany.org

9 am - registration and refreshments 10 am - Program: Strengthening Our Welcome Presentation Opportunity for Questions Brainstorming / Developing Ideas Plenary sharing Noon - Lunch$5 suggested donation 1 pm - Plenary Session: Topics related to being a welcoming church: Marriage Equality, Bullying, Homosexuality and Scripture Presentation Questions and Conversation 3 pm - Closing Worship 4pm - Campus Ministry Gathering Michael Adee and the Reverend Beth Illingworth in conversation with area college students: Faith Matters Sexuality, Transgender, Marriage, and the myth of ex-gay Sunday Morning - October 23rd First United Presbyterian Church 1915 Fifth Avenue, Troy (downtown between Fulton and Grand on 5th Avenue) 518-272-2771 / www.unitedprestroy.org Monday Morning - October 24th Offices of the Albany Presbytery 1915 Fifth Avenue, Troy 518-273-2991 / www.albanypresbytery.org Sunday Afternoon - October 23rd Russell Sage College Sage Spirituality Center First Street, Troy 518-244-2207 / www.sage.edu/rsc

10amWorship with Michael Adee preaching 11:30amAdult Education led by Michael Adee Charting the Future: What are the challenges and opportunities for a More Light Church in this new day? 12:30pmPot Luck Lunch and Conversation with Michael Adee

10am - Michael Adee - Coffee and Conversation with Pastors Strengthening Our Congregations Welcome: Hospitality, Evangelism, and Pastoral Care

ITS A NEW DAY: STRENGTHENING OUR WELCOME Registration for Saturday, October 22, 2011 DEADLINE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 17th Registration is strongly encouraged.

Please print: NAME ADDRESS _______________________________________ _______________________________________

PHONE NUMBER _______________________________________ CHURCH _______________________________________


OR REGISTER ONLINE: www.PresRainbow.org

For information about related events on Sunday and Monday, go to www.PresRainbow.org or call Judy Moyer, 518-283-7663.

Notes from Fa-Fin-Stew Let George Do It! New Deacons Fellowship Program

The Board of Deacons, in partnership with Membership and Outreach, will be launching a new program in October. Every member of First United will have a Deacon who will be in touch with them from time to time throughout the year. If a member has a need, they can reach out to their Deacon for support/assistance any time. This ministry of fellowship is in addition to the ministry of caring the Deacons provide to our FUPC Special Care Members. Your Deacon will be calling or sending you a note in October to introduce themselves to you as your Deacon. K&L Tasks on Sunday Mornings Just a reminder of Carlos responsibilities on Sunday Morning. They are:
open and unlock the door, turn the lights on, set out the microphones, set-up and turn off recording, prepare beverages and place on cart check that signup boards (flowers and coffee

There is a childrens musical entitled Let George Do It. We are looking for George or Georgina! The meetings held after worship over the summer showed that there is a lot of interest and energy for ministry at FUPC. However, a few people cannot do it alone. The group called FaFinStew is reaching the desperate stage and is looking for people who are willing to have input to Facilities, Finance or Stewardship at First United. None of the wonderful ministries we have going can continue unless everyone steps up now with financial commitments, the building is kept repaired, the investments are managed and the budget is balanced. The next three months are critical for 2012. This takes some work by a dozen or so folks to make it happen. Thats the time commitment, three months. There will be some meetings, lots of email, a great feeling of accomplishment . Do you need more information? Talk to us, ask questions. John Buckley, Chandlee Gill, Dan Rogers, Laura Rogers, Trudi Wybourn

hour are located conveniently,

check that main bathrooms have toilet paper

and towels. Lets help Carlos do his job without expecting him to do other tasks. Nursery Volunteers Maybe you havent found what talents you have to offer up to God in service to the church. Here is your chance! We need volunteers to assist Elizabeth Rowell in the Nursery. We do not have helpers for October 2, 9, and 23. Please contact Leslie Kelly if you are interested. Fellowship Time Feeling a bit peckish after worship? I am sure that you arent the only one. Sign up and share in creating a fellowship time with yummy treats! If you have questions, please call Don Lutz at 283-6920. Thank you to the following people for signing up: October 2 - Joan Rogers; October 9 - Jennifer Nelson; October 16 - Sue Steele; October 23 - Potluck; October 30 - Kerry Welcome

Session Notes
The session met on September 26 and took the following actions: Discussed the retreat held on September 24, and authorized the appointment of an Appreciative Inquiry Team to move the congregation through a process to lead to electing a Pastor Nominating Committee and writing Church Information form. This will replace the more traditional Mission Study that we may remember. Discussed the possible uses for the former nursery school space. A sign will be placed in the space asking members and visitors to dream about what the space might be used for. Called a special session meeting for October 3 to hear any recommendations for the session house roof. The roof committee meets on Sept. 28 to consider both repairs necessary and repairs desired. Approved Oakwood Community Center as the recipient of the local portion of the Peacemaking offering to be received on October 3. People living in the area served by the Oakwood Ave. Presbyterian Church are organizing an effort to continue to serve that area after the church closes December 31. Affirmed that the loose offering on the First Sunday of each month is designated to the deacons. Received the end of year 2010 Financial reports, reviewed 2011 "year to date" reports and began work on the 2012 budget. Asked the Human Resources committee to conduct an Interim Pastor review before acting on contract renewal. Approved a recommendation that Misconduct Prevention training be required for all paid and volunteer staff unless he/she can document such training in a church setting. Approved the building use request of Jessica Flach and James Nichols for their wedding on November 19.


October Birthdays
3 Zack Shuster 6 Alexandra Lusak 11 Pat Rudebush Alyson Turner 16 Peter Hamlin 30 Greg Duggan

Happy Birthday to you!

The Session of First United Presbyterian Church calls for a meeting of the congregation on October 23, 2011 immediately following worship for the purpose of electing church officers. (Church bylaws require election of officers on the 4th Sunday of October.)


October 2011
Sunday Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

9:30 am Troy Childrens Chorus Choir Camp 10 am AA Group

10am Worship 7:30 NA Group

9:30-11:30 Music Together

3:30 Roxbury Farms Distribution 3:45 Troy Childrens Chorus

4:30 Worship Committee 7pm Choir Rehearsal

10 am AA Group

6:30 Special Session

6:30 Bible Study

10am Worship Faith Ed for Children 7:30 NA Group

10 Columbus Day


3:30 Roxbury 12 Farms Distribution 3:45 Troy Childrens Chorus 5:30 MLMT 7:00 Mission and Outreach meeting 6:30 Bible Study 7:15 Faith Ed Meeting

4:00 Fa-Fin-Stew Meeting 6pm Music Committee 7pm Choir Rehearsal


10am AA Group 10am Labyrinth

10am Worship Faith Ed for Children 11:30 Deacons Meeting 7:30 NA Group


9:30-11:30 Music Together





10am AA Group

3:30 Roxbury Farms Distribution 3:45 Troy Childrens Chorus 6:30 Human Resources Meeting 6:30 Bible Study

7pm Choir Rehearsal


10am Worship Faith Ed for Children 7:30 NA Group

9:30-11:30 Music Together 10 am Presbyterian Rainbow with Albany Presbytery 6:30 Session

3:30 Roxbury Farms Distribution 3:45 Troy Childrens Chorus 7pm Sustainable Living




10am AA Group

6:30 Bible Study

7pm Choir Rehearsal

10am Worship 7:30 NA Group



Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Doors: Where People with Differences Unite in Christ

First United Presbyterian Church 1915 Fifth Avenue Troy, New York 12180

In this issue: Notes from Jackie, Maury, and Leslie Whats happening in the community And more...

First United Presbyterian Church Officers for 2011, 2012 & 2013
The Session Moderator - The Reverend Jacquelyn Pinkowski Class of 2011: Sue Steele, Courtney Savaria, Karen Harpe Class of 2012: John Buckley, Pat Carlson, Peg Drew, Chandlee Gill Class of 2013: David Lanoue, Dan Rogers, Trudi Wybourn The Board of Deacons Class of 2011: Martha Juenger, Don Lutz, Marsha Mintz-Botsford, Pat Rudebush Class of 2012: Bob Harrington, Bonnie Kerr, Courtney Savaria, Claudia Schwendeman Class of 2013: Shirley Bowes, Steven Paul Bowes II, Dana Crobok, Shirley Street

Newsletter is published 11 times a year by

First United Presbyterian Church, Troy, New York Jacquelyn Pinkowski Maury A. Castro Leslie Kelly Carlie DAnnunzio Carla Fisk Interim Pastor Minister of Music Faith Education Director Financial Analyst Administrative Assistant

To Contact Us: you may call 518-272-2771 you may write to us at 1915 Fifth Avenue Troy, New York 12180 or you may email us at [email protected]

For pastoral emergencies call (518) 279-7401 or (406)7949360 or email [email protected]

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