Dhanraj Baid Jain College: (PG Degree Course)

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(AUTONOMOUS) Thoraipakkam, Chennai 600 096. Accredited By NAAC with B++ Level An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Institution






(SEMESTER SYSTEM WITH CREDITS) (Effective from the Academic Year 2012-13) REGULATIONS 1. CONDITIONS FOR ADMISSION: A candidate who has passed B.A. Corporate Secretaryship / B.C.S or B.Com., B.B.A., B.B.M., Degree of University of Madras or other Universities in Tamil Nadu or B.C.S., or any other Graduate with Commerce or Accounts as Allied subjects of any University accepted by the Syndicate as equivalent thereto, subject to such condition as may be prescribed there for shall be permitted to appear and qualify for the M.Com(C.S) Examination of this College after a course of study of two academic years in this college. 2. ELIGIBILITY FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE: A candidate shall be eligible for the award of the Degree only if he / she has undergone the prescribed course of study in the Colleges affiliated to the University for a period of not less than two academic years, passed the examination of all the four semesters prescribed, earning 72 credits and fulfilled such conditions as have been prescribed there for. 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR PROCEEDING TO SUBSEQUENT SEMESTER: Candidates shall be eligible to go to subsequent semester, only if they earn, sufficient attendance as prescribed by the Syndicate from time to time. 4. PASSING MINIMUM: A candidate shall be declared to have passed in each paper / practical / project wherever prescribed, if he / she obtain NOT LESS THAN 50% of the marks prescribed for the examination. He / she shall be declared to have passed the whole examination. If he / she passes in all the papers the whole wherever prescribed as per the scheme of the examinations earning 72 CREDITS. Candidates who do not obtain the required minimum marks for a pass in a paper(s) shall be required to appear for a pass in the same at a subsequent appearance. 5. CLASSIFICATION OF SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES: Candidates who secured not less than 60% of the aggregate marks in the whole examinations shall be declared to have passed the examination in the FIRST CLASS.

All other successful candidates shall be declared to have passed the examinations in SECOND CLASS. Candidates who obtain not less than 75 percent of the marks in the aggregate shall be deemed to have passed the examination in First Class with Distinction provided they pass all the examinations prescribed for the course at the First Appearance. 6. RANKING: Candidates who pass all the examinations prescribed for the Course in the FIRST APPEARANCE ONLY are eligible for Ranking / Distinction.


(SEMESTER SYSTEM WITH CREDITS) SCHEME OF EXMINATIONS FIRST YEAR SEMESTER I Instructional Paper No. 1 2 3 4 5 Subjects General & Commercial Law Corporate Accounting I Labour & Industrial Laws Corporate Financial Management Research Methodology I SEMESTER II Instructional Paper No. 6 7 8 Subjects Direct Tax Laws & Practice Corporate Accounting II Securities Laws and Regulations of Financial 9 10 Markets Economic Laws & Practice Research Methodology II 6 6 3 3 100 100 3 3 Hours Per week 6 6 6 Exam Duration Hours 3 3 3 Total Marks 100 100 100 Hours Per week 6 6 6 6 6 Exam Duration Hours 3 3 3 3 3 Total Marks 100 100 100 100 100

Credits 4 4 3 3 3

Credits 4 4 4


Paper No. 11 12 13 14 15

Subjects Indirect Tax Laws & Practice Company Law & Practice Advanced Cost Accounting Computer application in business Organisational Behaviour

Instructional Hours Per week 6 6 6 6 6

Exam Total Duration Marks Hours 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100 3 100

Credits 4 4 4 3 3

SEMESTER IV Instructional Paper No. 16 17 18 19 20 Subjects Management Accounting Strategic Management International Business Marketing management Project Report and Viva Voce Project Report 100 marks Internal Viva-Voce 50 marks External Viva-Voce 50 marks Hours Per week 6 6 6 6 6 Exam Duration Hours 3 3 3 3 3 Total Marks 100 100 100 100 200

Credits 4 4 4 3 5


UNIT: I CONSTITUTION OF INDIA: Broad frame work of the Constitution of India Fundamental Rights, Directive principles of statement policy Legislative powers of the Union and the states Freedom of Trade, Commerce and Intercourse Constitutional provisions relating to state

monopoly Different types of Writs Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Prohibition, Quo warranto and certiorari. UNIT: II CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE: Element knowledge of the structure of Civil Courts, their jurisdiction, basic understanding of certain terms Order Judgement and decree Stay of suits, res judicata Suits by companies, minors Basic understanding of summary proceedings, appeals, reverence and revision. UNIT: III LAW RELATING TO ARBITRATION AND CONCILIATION: Law of Arbitration in India Types of Arbitration Appointment of Arbitrators Procedure, award Time limit Enforceability Conciliation and compromise Arbitration and transnational transactions Arbitration agencies Alternate dispute resolutions. UNIT: IV LAW RELATING TO TRANSFER OF PROPERTY: Important definitions Movable and Immovable properties Properties which cannot be transferred Lispendens Provisions relating to sale, mortgage, charge, lease, gift and auctionable claim. UNIT: V (A) LAW RELATING TO STAMPS: Methods of Stamping Consequence of Non-Stamping and Under-Stamping Impounding of Instruments for determination for stamp duly payable Penal provisions. (B) LAW RELATING TO REGISTRATION OF DOCUMENTS: Registrable documents Compulsory and Optional time and place of registration Consequences of Non-registration Description of Property. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Shukla M.C A Manual of Mercantile Law, S.Chand & Co. Sen Mitra Commercial Law, The World Press Limited. Tripathi N.M Mulla on the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. Tanton M.P Civil Procedure Code, Allahabad Law Agency. Singi D.K V.N. Shuklas The Constitution of India. Singh D.P Principles of Statutory Interpretation.

7. Rajini Abbi & Kapoor General Laws, Sultan Chand & Sons. 8. All Indian Reporter, Published by all India Reporter Limited. 9. Relevant Bare Acts. 10. ICSI Study Material on General and Commercial Laws.


Unit: I Accounting Standards Relevance and Significance National and International Accounting Standards. Unit: II Accounting for Share Capital Issue of Shares at par, at premium and discount Forfeiture and Re-issue of Shares Redemption of Preference Shares Underwriting of Issue and Profits prior to Incorporation. Unit: III Accounting for issue of debentures, redemption of debentures, conversion of debentures into shares. Unit: IV Preparation and presentation of final accounts of Joint Stock Companies as per Company Law Requirements Provisions and Reserves Determination of Managerial Remuneration. Unit: V Accounting treatment for amalgamation Absorption Reconstruction of Companies Internal Reconstruction to be incorporated.

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Arulanandam M.A & Raman Advanced Accounting Jain S.P & Narang K.L Advanced Accounting Gupta R.L. & Radhaswamy Corporate Accounting Muckerjee A & Hanif M Modern Accountancy, Volume II.


UNIT: I FACTORIES ACT, 1948 Object Definition Health, Safety and Welfare provisions Certifying surgeons appointed, duties Working hours employment of child, young person, women Annual leave with wages Concept of appointment of occupier and manager for manufacturing units. UNIT: II (A) PAYMENT OF WAGES ACT, 1936 Object Definition Rules for payment of wages Deduction from wages maintenance of register and records. (B) WORKMEN COMPENSATION ACT, 1923 Object Definition Rules regarding compensation Distribution of compensation Notice and claims. UNIT: III INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES ACT, 1947 Object Definition Procedures and settlement of Industrial Disputes Voluntary reference of disputes to Arbitration Award and settlement Strikes and lockouts layoff and retrenchment Transfer and closing down of undertaking Unfair labour practices. UNIT: IV EMPLOYEES STATEMENT INSURANCE ACT, 1948 Object Definitions ESI Corporation Functions Contribution and recovery Benefits Penalties for false claims. UNIT: V (A) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUNDS AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ACT, 1952 Object Definitions Provident Fund Schemes Contribution and Recovery Penalties and Offences. (B) PAYMENT OF GRATUITY ACT, 1972 Object Definition Payment and Forfeiture of Gratuity Offences and Penalties Super annuity and Pension Creation of in-house trust VRS. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. Kapoor N.D Industrial Law 2. Shukla M.C Mercantile Law 3. Bare Acts.


UNIT I Finance functions- Definition, Scope and Importance Role of Financial Manager Goals and Concepts in Financial Decision Making. UNIT II Cost of Capital Meaning and Significance Specific and Overall Cost of Capital Measurement of Capital UNIT III Capital Structure Concept Optimum Capital Structure Factors influencing Capital Structure Theories in Capital Structure Net Income, Net Operating Income, Traditional and Modigliani Miller Theories. UNIT IV Management of Working Capital Gross and New Working Capital concepts importance adequacy of Working Capital Determinants Cost Consideration Planning and financing working capital UNIT V Merchant Banking, Venture Capital, Mutual funds, Leasing & Factoring REFERENCE BOOKS: 1) Pandey L.M. Financial Management 2) Khan and Jain Financial Management 3) Maheshwari S.N. Financial Management 4) Vanhorne Financial Management 5) Khan M.Y. Financial Services


UNIT: I Research Meaning and Significance Objectives Types Research Process Common problems encountered in research Ethics in Research. UNIT: II Research Problems: Meaning Selection and Formulation Review of available literature Techniques involved in defining a problem. UNIT: III Research Design: Meaning and need for research design Feature of a good design Different research design. UNIT: IV Data Collection: Methods Primary and Secondary Data Observation Interviews Questionnaire Constructing a Questionnaire. UNIT: V Sampling Fundamentals Types Sampling errors and data collection errors Sample size and its distribution Testing the appropriateness of a sample. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Kothari C.R. Research Methodology 2. Donal R. Cooper & Pamela S. Schindler Business Research Methods.


UNIT I Income Tax Act 1961: Basic Concepts Residential status and Income exempt from tax computation of Income from (a) Salaries (b) House Property UNIT II Computation of Income from (a) Profits and Gains of Business or Profession (b) Capital Gains (c) Other Sources Set off and Carry forward losses clubbing of Income UNIT III Various deductions to be made in total income, rebates and reliefs in respect of Income Tax Taxation of Individuals, firms and Companies. UNIT IV Income Tax Authorities Jurisdiction and Power Assessment Refund UNIT V Wealth Tax Act 1957 Charge of Wealth Tax Assets deemed assets and exempt assets computation of Net wealth and return of Wealth Appeals and refunds

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1) Vinod K.Singania Students Guide to Income Tax, Taxmann Publications 2) Mehrotra and Goyal Direct Taxes Law and Practice, Sahitya Bhavan,Agra 3) Bhagarathi Prasad Direct Taxes Law and Practice, Wiley Eastern Publishers 4) ICSI Study Material on Tax Law 5) Bare Acts


Valuation of Goodwill and Shares. UNIT: II Accounts for Holding and Subsidiary Companies Preparation of Consolidated Balance Sheet. Unit: III Liquidation of Companies Accounting treatment (Including Statement of Affairs and Deficiency Accounts) UNIT: IV Banking Companies UNIT: V Insurance Company Accounts

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Arulanandam M.A & Raman Advanced Accounting Jain S.P & Narang K.L Advanced Accounting Gupta R.L. & Radhaswamy Corporate Accounting Muckerjee A & Hanif M Modern Accountancy, Volume II.


UNIT: I Financial System Significance Overview Constituents development and growth of financial and capital markets in India. UNIT: II Financial Instruments Capital market instruments equity shares, preference shares, sweat equity shares, non-voting shares & debentures: New instruments of the Capital Market Global Depository Receipts American Depository receipts. Money Market Instruments Treasury bills, Commercial bills, Certificate of Deposits. UNIT: III Primary Market Meaning Significance and Scope of Primary Market Development in Primary Market. Secondary Market Meaning, Significance, Functions and Scope of Secondary Market Stock Exchanges and their regulatory framework and control. UNIT: IV Capital Market Introduction, meaning, significance of Capital Market Capital Market vs. Money Market, Market players, investors and companies Securities Laws / regulatory framework governing Indian Capital Market E-trading of securities market. UNIT: V Credit Rating Concept Scope and Significance Benefits to investors Credit Rating Agencies in India. Investors Protection Meaning and significance Regulatory measures to promote investor confidence Role of recognized investors association.

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Prasanna Chandra Financial Management 2. Balakrishnan & Warta S.S Securities Market in India. 3. Gordon & Natrajan Financial Services 4. ICSI Study Materials Securities Laws & Regulation of Financial Markets.


UNIT I Industrial (Development and Regulation Act) Object and definition - An Overview of current Industrial Policy, Regulatory Mechanism Registration and Licensing of industrial undertakings, Government agencies, exemption from licensing provisions substantial expansion investigation offences and penalties. UNIT II Foreign Exchange Management Act Objectives and Definitions under FEMA Dealings in Foreign Exchange holding and Foreign Exchange etc., UNIT III Current Account Transactions Capital Account Transactions Export of Goods and Services Realisation and Repatriation of Foreign Exchange Exemption authorised person Penalties and Enforcement Compounding of offences Directorate of Enforcement Foreign Contribution Act Unit IV Pollution Control: Water, water and Environment (pollution) law Various board and their functions and powers, duties of occupier of specified industries to ensure adherence to standards, offences by the companies. Air Pollution concepts of sustainable development, Government policy regarding, Environment Salient features of the (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Law Unit V: Environmental Protection: Legal and regulatory framework procedures for obtaining various Environment Clearance Role and functions of Environment tribunal / authority Appearance before Environment Tribunal, Environment Audit Reference Books: 1) Gushan and Kapoor Economic and other Legislations 2) Taxmann Publications, Corporate Laws 3) ICSI Study Material on Economic Laws 4) Narayana B.S. Intellectual Property Rights Law 5) Bare Acts


UNIT: I Scaling: Meaning Important Scaling Techniques Multidimensional Scaling. UNIT: II Hypothesis: Meaning Types Sources of Hypothesis Testing of Hypothesis Errors in Testing Limitations in the testing of hypothesis. UNIT: III Statistical Tests: Parametric Tests Tests of small and large sample t-test, z-test. UNIT: IV Chi-square test, Analysis of Variance One way ANOVA and Two way ANOVA. UNIT: V Types of Reports Contents Features of good report Steps in writing a report Uses of Computers in Social research such as SPSS packages, etc., REFERENCE BOOKS: 1 Kothari C.R. Research Methodology

3. Donal R. Cooper & Pamela S. Schindler Business Research Methods.


UNIT I Indirect Taxes Introduction Special features of Indirect Tax levies Contribution to Government Revenues role of Indirect Taxation Merits and Demerits of Indirect Taxation Reforms in Taxation UNIT II Central Excise Laws: a) Meaning of Central Excise Nature of Levy of Excise duty base of excise duty kinds of excise duty administrative setup of excise department central excise tariff act, 1985 Manufacture and Manufacturer Excisable goods Classification in Excise b) Valuation of Excisable Goods Essentials Excise duty based on MRP Central Excise Valuation Rules 2000 Registration Procedure for Registration Amendments to Certificate of registration c) Clearance of Excisable Goods Set off of duties input duty relief schemes VAT, MODVAT and CENVAT Tax planning in Central Excise UNIT III: Service Tax Levy, Taxable services Law and procedures including its applicability to company secretaries in practice and Management Services UNIT IV: The Custom Laws a) Levy and collection of customs duty types of customs duty prohibition of importation and exportation of Goods Special Business for detection and prevention of illegal import and export. b) Valuation of Goods under Customs Act Clearance of Import Goods and Export Goods Warehousing of Goods Customs duty drawback Search, seizure, arrest and confiscation of Goods Tax planning in Customs UNIT V: Competition Law - Anti-Dumping Law IPR Act. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Jain R.K. Central Excise Manual Central Publications, New Delhi Bhatnagar S.P. Customs law and Procedure, Centax Publications, New Delhi Balachandran.V Indirect Taxation, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi Datey V.S. Indirect Taxes, Taxmann Publications, New Delhi Arvid P.Dattar Central Excise Law and Practice, Wadwa Publications, New Delhi.


UNIT I Incorporation of Companies Procedure for Incorporation of Public Company/Private Company Documents to be prepared and filed for Incorporation Procedure for Alterations in Memorandum and Articles of Association of a company along with specimen resolutions. UNIT II: Constitution of Companies Prospectus Provisions and Procedures to be followed for issue of Prospectus Procedure for listing of Securities Listing requirements to be followed UNIT III: Share Capital Procedure for allotment of Shares Issue of Share Certificate and Share warrants procedure relating to transfer and transmission of Shares Forfeiture of Shares Specimen Resolutions UNIT IV: Company Meetings and Management Procedures for the appointments, removal of Directors Managing / whole time Directors Manager, Secretary and Auditor Specimen Resolutions. Drafting of Agenda Notices and Resolutions for meeting of Board and Resolution Post Meeting Work including Drafting of Minutes Statutory Registers and Returns. UNIT - V: Winding up of Companies: Procedure for compulsory and voluntary winding up specimen resolution for every mode of winding up REFERENCE BOOKS: 1) Prasanna K. Ghosh and Balachandran Company secretarial Practice 2) Tandon B.N. Manual on Secretarial Practice 3) Pattershetti & Reddy P.R. Company Secretarial Practice 4) Shanbhogue..V. Company Law Procedures


UNIT I Elements of Cost Preparation of Cost Sheets and Tenders UNIT II Material Inventory Control Pricing of Material Issues Fixation of Levels and Miscellaneous Items in Materials UNIT III Labour Cost Control Labour Turnover Idle Time Overtime and Incentive Schemes UNIT IV Overheads Allocation Absorption Control Overheads UNIT V Methods of Costing Operating Costing Job, Batch and Contract Costing Process Costing Joint and byproducts Inter-process equivalent Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts REFERENCE BOOKS: 1) Jain S.P. and Narang K.L Cost Accounting 2) Prasad N.K. Cost Accounting


Unit : I MS Office Components of MS Office Word, Formatting, Alignment, ndentation, Fonts, Picture and image insertion, Mail merge, template creation of document using template. Unit : II MS Excel, Cell Formatting, Cell Alignment, Functions, Chart creation and insertion. Unit : III MS PowerPoint, slide creation and presentation, custom animation, layout. Unit : IV Tally About Tally software, uses, group creation, ledger creation, stock group and stock item creation, voucher creation.

Unit : V SPSS about SPSS, Statistical analysis, Statistical reports. Practical Exam Pattern Answer any four out of five questions [ 4 * 20 = 80 Marks ]


UNIT: I Introduction to Organizational Behaviour Meaning Elements Need Approaches Models Global Scenario. UNIT: II Individual Behaviour Personality - Learning Attributes Perception Motivation relevance to organizational behaviour. Group behaviour Group Dynamics Group norms Group Cohesiveness their relevance to organizational behaviour UNIT: III Organizational Dynamics Organizational Effectiveness Meaning, Approaches Organizational Culture Meaning, Significance Organizational Climate implications on Organizational behaviour UNIT: IV Leadership Styles Qualities Organizational Communication Meaning, Importance, Process, Barriers Methods to reduce Barriers Principles effective Communication Motivation Early and Contemporary theories UNIT: V: Organizational Change Meaning Resistance to Change Management of Change and Development Stress Meaning Types Stress Management types of Management of Stress REFERENCE BOOKS: 1) 2) 3) 4) Fred Luthans Organisational Behaviour, McGraw Hill 1995 Stephen T Robbins Organizational Behaviour, Prentice Hall, 1997 Keith Davis Human Bahaviour at Work, McGraw Hill 1991 Gregpory Moorehead & Griffin R.S. Organizational Behaviour, Managing People and organizational jaico 1994 5) Judith Gordan A Diagnostic approach to Organizational Behaviour, Allyn & Bacon, 1993


UNIT I: Management Accounting Nature and Scope Analysis and interpretation of Financial Statements Ratio Analysis UNIT: II Cash Flow and Funds Flow Statement UNIT: III Budget and Budgetary Control Procedure and Utility Various types of Budgets including Flexible Budgets Standard Costing and Variance Analysis Material Labour Overhead Sales Variances UNIT: IV Capital Budgeting Methods of Project Appraisal UNIT: V Marginal Costing Cost Volume Profit relationship Break-Even Analysis Profit planning and Pricing

REFERNCE BOOKS: 1) Dr.S.N.Maheswari Principles of Management 2) Anthony Management Accounting


Unit-I: 1.Nature and Scope of Strategic Management: Characteristics, Dimensions-Approaches to Strategic Decision Making, Strategic Management Process-Components of Strategic Management Model,-Policy & Strategic Management,Strategic role of Board of Directors and Top Management, Strategic Implications of Social and Ethical Issues. Unit-II: 2.Strategy Formulation and Strategic Analysis: Companys Goals, Mission and Social Responsibility, Vision-Objectives Analysis of Board Environment-External Environment Factors Economic, Social. Political, Ecological, International, Industrial-Competitive Forces and Strategy. SWOT Analysis, Analysis of Stakeholders Expectations. Unit-III: 3.Strategic Planning: Conceptual Understanding of Strategic Plan,-Meaning, Stages (Steps), Alternatives, Advantages and Disadvantages of Strategic Planning, How to make it effective?. Unit-IV: 4.Strategic Choices/Options: Generating Strategic Alternatives, Strategic Options at Corporate (Company) Level-Stability, Growth and Defensive Strategies, External Growth StrategiesMergers, Acquisition, Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliance, Evaluation of Strategic Alternatives,-Product Port Folio Models, Selection of Suitable Corporate Strategy. Unit-V: 5.Strategy Implementation: Implementation Issues, Planning and Allocating Resources,- Finacing Planning, Manpower Planning, Organizational Structures,- Factors affecting choice of structure, Degree of Flexibility and Autonomy.Strategic Review: Evaluating the Strategic Performance-Criteria and Problems-Concepts of Corporate Restructuring.


1. A Guide to company law-A.Ramaiah 2. Lectures on company law-S.M.Shah 3. ICSIs publications and monthly joural Charatered Secretary


UNIT-I Framework of international trade-scope of international marketing Vs domestic marketing-transition from domestic to international business-pre-export behavior-motivation to export- special difficulties in international marketinginternational marketing environment-controllable and uncontrollable factors . UNIT-II Industrial policy and foreign investment-kinds of collaboration and joint ventures-Negotiating foreign collaboration/joint ventures-Drafting of agreementsRestrictive clauses in the foreign collaboration joint ventures agreements-Indian joint ventures abroad. UNIT-III Globalization of trade and commerce-world trade OrganizationUNACTED Trade block and customs union European Union-Intra- African tradepreferential Trade Area (PTA)-European Free Trade Association (EFTA)-Central American common market (CACM)-South Asian Free Trade Association (SAFTA) UNIT-IV Indian foreign trade-Recent trends in Indian foreign trade-Institutional infrastructure of export promotions in India-Export assistance-Export financeFree Trade Zones-Export by air, post and sea-Small scale industries and exportRole of ECGC. UNIT-V Export regulation procedure of exports of goods Quality control and preshipment inspection-Excise clearance-Customs clearance-Procedure for executing an export order marine insurance export payment and letters of credit-Agreement on Agriculture Textiles and clothing Trade related investment measures Rules and procedures governing settlement of disputes.


1. M.L Verma-International Trade Vikas publishing House (P) Ltd., New Delhi

Reference Books:

1. M.B.Rai & Manjula Guru-WTO and International Trade Vikas publishing House (P) Ltd., New
Delhi 2.T.K.Velayutham -Foreign Trade- Theory and Practice A.H Wheller & Co. Lted.New Delhi



Unit-I: Introduction Meaning-Definition and Importance of Marketing-Difference between Selling and Marketing-Approaches to the study of Marketing-Marketing concept-Market Segmentation-Basic for segmenting the consumer market-Buyer Behaviour. Unit -II: Product-Meaning and Definition-Product Policy-Classification of Products-New Product Development-Product life cycle-Product mix-product line strategies-Branding. Unit -III: Pricing-Importance of Price-Objectives of Pricing-Factors affecting Price determination-Pricing Policies-kinds of Pricing-Pricing of New products-Discounts and Allowance-Resale-Price maintenance. Channels of Distribution-Factors influencing the choice of a channel- channel of Distribution for consumer and Industrial goods-Middlemen-Kinds of Wholesalers and retailers and their functions. Unit -IV: Promotion-Promotional mix-Factors determining promotional mix-Sales promotion-Objectives-Types-Advertising Budget-Personal Selling-Kinds of AdvertisingBenefits-Advertisement copy, Advertising Budget-Personal selling-kinds of salesmenFunction-Qualities of a good salesmen-process of selling. Unit -V: Market Research-Objectives, Importance-Marketing Research activities-Types of Research Design-types of elements of Research Design-Steps involved in Research process. BOOKS: 1. Marketing: By Philip Kotler 2. Marketing: By Rajan Nair 3. Marketing: By William.J.Stanton


Supervised Institutional Training shall be an integral part of the Course. It is to be a sort of job testing programme bridge the gap between theory and practice. It is designed to create a natural interest in the practical aspects of the Company Secretaryship so as to stimulate trainees desire to face its challenges and problems. The training should be given under the joint supervision and guidance of the Training Officer of the Institution and Faculty member of Corporate Secretaryship of the college. The details of the training given and the assessment of each student in that regard should be fully documented. The duration of the training shall be for a period of 30 days during the Second year. The training shall broadly relate to Secretarial Practice, Finance, Human Resource, Marketing and Systems. The following types of organizations may be selected for the training: 1. Public Limited Companies (Both Industrial and Commercial). 2. Statutory bodies, Public Enterprises and Public Utilities like L.I.C., Electricity Board, Housing Board and Chambers of Commerce, Cooperative Societies and banks. 3. Multi National Corporations NOTE: The paper on Institutional Training shall carry hundred marks and Internal and External Viva Voce based on a report submitted by the candidate, under the guidance of the faculty member of the respective colleges assisted by the training officers of the Institutions providing training. The report shall be around 100 typed pages, excluding tables, figures, bibliographies and appendices. The department of the respective college shall value the report. A candidate failing to secure the minimum for a pass (40%) shall be required to resubmit this report to the Department. The External Examiner in consultation with Internal Examiner should conduct Viva-Voce and evaluate the report.

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