Consumer Credit Insurance: Proposal and Policy Schedule
Consumer Credit Insurance: Proposal and Policy Schedule
Consumer Credit Insurance: Proposal and Policy Schedule
Corporate Details
Company Name Address ABN Number Registered for GST Telephone
Vehicle Details
Make Year Registration No. Comprehensive Insurer MITSUBISHI 2013 AUS102 Model Purchase Price VIN No. LANCER SEDAN SEDAN $ 45000.00 SA102301AS1014
Cover Details
Type of Cover Period of Insurance DEATH CRITICAL ILLNESS DISABLEMENT REDUNDANCY/BUSINESS FAILURE from 11/09/2013 to 11/09/2018 Single/Joint Private/Commercial Single Private
Premium Details
Net Premium 75% Loading Stamp Duty $ 7442.00 $ 475.00 GST on Premium Total Premium Business Use Declaration I/We declare that the credit to be provided to me/us is to be applied wholly or predominantly for business or investment use. Declaration by Insured Person(s) HEALTH: I/We understand that this policy does not provide cover for any claim which is the direct or indirect result of any pre-existing condition, illness or injury, or for any condition, illness or injury for which I have consulted a medical practitioner in the 12 months prior to the commencement of the policy. I/We have answered all questions truthfully and have not withheld any relevant information. I/We certify that any answers not in our own handwriting have been checked by me and are correct. I/We agree that the Proposal and Policy Schedule is the basis of the insurance contract. I/We have read and understand the PDS & Policy Document and agree to be bound by all terms and conditions. I/We have been continuously employed for the past six months. I/We have never had any insurance cancelled, altered, accepted on special conditions or declined. I/We agree to allow the administrator to obtain any relevant information from the financier or interested parties. Agent Name: Westcorp Capital
Generated: 12/09/2013 at 02:45 AM
$ 593.00 $ 8510.00
ISN: A01982
Document ID: TWG AMIA CP 0513/001
Insurers: VIRGINIA SURETY COMPANY, INC Life Cover is underwritten by TAL LIFE LIMITED ABN 70 050 109 450, Australian Financial Services Licence Number 237848
Corporate Details
Company Name Address ABN Number Registered for GST Telephone
Vehicle Details
Make Year Registration No. Comprehensive Insurer MITSUBISHI 2013 AUS102 Model Purchase Price VIN No. LANCER SEDAN $ 45000.00 SA102301AS1014
Cover Details
Type of Cover Period of Insurance DEATH CRITICAL ILLNESS DISABLEMENT REDUNDANCY/BUSINESS FAILURE from 11/09/2013 to 11/09/2018 Single/Joint Private/Commercial Single Private
Premium Details
Net Premium 75% Loading Stamp Duty $ 7442.00 $ 475.00 GST on Premium Total Premium Business Use Declaration I/We declare that the credit to be provided to me/us is to be applied wholly or predominantly for business or investment use. Declaration by Insured Person(s) HEALTH: I/We understand that this policy does not provide cover for any claim which is the direct or indirect result of any pre-existing condition, illness or injury, or for any condition, illness or injury for which I have consulted a medical practitioner in the 12 months prior to the commencement of the policy. I/We have answered all questions truthfully and have not withheld any relevant information. I/We certify that any answers not in our own handwriting have been checked by me and are correct. I/We agree that the Proposal and Policy Schedule is the basis of the insurance contract. I/We have read and understand the PDS & Policy Document and agree to be bound by all terms, conditions and exclusions. I/We have been continuously employed for the past six months. I/We have never had any insurance cancelled, altered, accepted on special conditions or declined. I/We agree to allow the administrator to obtain any relevant information from the financier or interested parties. Agent Name: Westcorp Capital
Generated: 12/09/2013 at 02:45 AM
$ 593.00 $ 8510.00
ISN: A01982
Document ID: TWG AMIA CP 0513/001
Insurers: VIRGINIA SURETY COMPANY, INC Life Cover is underwritten by TAL LIFE LIMITED ABN 70 050 109 450, Australian Financial Services Licence Number 237848
Credit Protection
Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording
Product Disclosure Statement Prepared on 7 May 2013 Insurer: Virginia Surety Company, Inc (ABN 63 080 339 957) Australian Financial Services Licence number 245579 TAL Life Limited (ABN 70 050 109 450) Australian Financial Services Licence number 237848. Promoter: Australian Motor Insurance Agency Pty Ltd (ABN 68 162 886 286)
Virginia Surety Company Inc 1300 131 306 (03) 9862 3299 PO Box 246, Balwyn VIC 3103 [email protected]
TAL Life Limited (02) 9448 9000 (02) 9448 9100 P.O. Box 142, Milsons Point NSW 1565
The Warranty Group Australasia Pty Ltd (ABN 37 005 004 446) administers the Policy on Our behalf. The insurance Policy is promoted by Australian Motor Insurance Agency Pty Ltd (AMIA) of Unit 17, first floor 885 Albany Hwy, East Victoria Park WA 6101. In effecting this insurance Policy, the dealer is acting as an agent of VSC, and not as Your agent. Some of Your insurance premium is paid to the agent as commission. Details of the commission received by the agent are set out in the Financial Services Guide that the agent will provide to You.
Significant Features
There are four types of Cover, which provide protection against losses caused by four types of contingencies: Life Cover Critical Illness Cover Disability Cover Redundancy/Business Failure Cover You may choose one of the following combinations of the types of Cover: Life Cover Disability Cover Life & Critical Illness Cover Life and Disability Cover Critical Illness and Disability Cover Disability and Redundancy/Business Failure Cover Life, Critical Illness and Disability Cover Life, Critical Illness and Redundancy/Business Failure Cover Life, Disability and Redundancy/Business Failure Cover Critical Illness, Disability and Redundancy/Business Failure Cover Life, Critical Illness, Disability and Redundancy/Business Failure Cover The table below provides an outline of the significant features of the four types of Cover. However, You should read the Policy Wording for details of the scope of the Cover. Benefits payable under the Policy for individual claims are also subject to limits. The maximum amounts We will pay for the Cover You have chosen are set out in the following table. Type of Cover Life Cover Life Cover Significant Features In the event of death, We will pay to Your Financier the Payout Figure of Your Finance Contract at the date of Your death. For example, if the payout figure on the date of Your death is $20,000, We will pay that amount. No Excess Period applies If You suffer a Critical Illness, We will pay to Your Financier the Payout Figure of Your Finance Contract at the date the Critical Illness is diagnosed. For example, if the payout figure on the date of diagnosis of a Critical Illness is $30,000, We will pay that amount. No Excess Period applies Benefit Limits Maximum Benefit payable is $100,000
If You suffer a Disability, We will pay 1/30 of Your Monthly Maximum monthly benefit is Repayment for every day You are Disabled. For example, if $3,000 per month or $100 per Your monthly repayment is $600, the benefit You receive is $20 day. per day. Subject to policy conditions, an unlimited number of claims may be made. A 14 day Excess Period applies. If You become Unemployed, due to Redundancy or Business Failure, We will pay 1/30 of Your Monthly Repayment for every Maximum monthly benefit is $2,000 per month or $66.66 per
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day You are Unemployed. For example, if Your monthly repayment is $750, the benefit You receive is $25 per day. Subject to policy conditions, an unlimited number of claims may be made. A 21 day Excess Period applies
day. No more than 4 monthly Payments may be claimed for one claim. Maximum Claim benefit $6,000
Note: The maximum benefit payable for the total of all claims under the Policy (in aggregate) is $100,000.
Period Of Cover
Your Cover will end if certain events occur for example, when the Finance Contract is paid out or re-financed. The Period of Cover is not necessarily the term of the Finance Contract. You should refer to the circumstances in which Your Cover will end, which are listed on page 11 of the Policy Wording.
Significant Risks
You should be aware of the following risks associated with the Policy: Excess Periods: You may be subject to one or more Excess Periods under this Policy. An Excess Period is the amount of time You have to wait following the date of Your claim before any payment calculation will commence. A full description of all the Excess Periods that may apply can be found in the Policy Wording. Disclosure Obligations: Failure to comply with disclosure obligations may have consequences in relation to the Cover being provided or may affect a claim being paid. These consequences are outlined under Your Duty of Disclosure in the Policy Wording. Policy Coverage: Our liability under this Policy is excluded in certain circumstances. In order to understand when the Policy will cover Your loan repayments and when it will not, You should carefully read the Policy Exclusions relating to each type of Cover on page 10. Benefit Limits: Benefits payable under the Policy are subject to limits. The maximum amounts We will pay for the Cover You have chosen are set out in the Policy Wording and in the table on the previous page. Variation of Finance Contract: If You have varied the term or payment instalments on Your Finance Contract this may affect the cover provided or the amount of a claim payment made.
How To Apply
To apply for Cover, the Proposal & Policy Schedule will need to be completed via Our electronic system by the dealer. Upon completion You will be given a copy of the Proposal & Policy Schedule for You to sign confirming its accuracy.
Taxation Information
Premiums are subject to Goods and Services Tax (GST) and stamp duty imposed by Commonwealth and State Governments (excluding the Life cover component). GST will also affect any claim You make under this Policy. Please refer to the GST on Claims Payments section on page 12 for full details. Generally, Your premiums are not tax deductible and claims payments are not assessable income for tax purposes unless You purchase Your policy for business purposes and Your Vehicle is registered for business purposes. This taxation information is a general statement only. You should seek professional taxation advice for information about Your personal circumstances.
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Your Privacy
Virginia Surety Company, Inc is bound by the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988. By submitting a Proposal & Policy Schedule, You will be supplying Us with personal information. We collect this information so that We can assess the risk and determine the appropriate terms, conditions and exclusions that will apply to the Policy. If We accept Your proposal, We will use the information so that We can administer Your Policy, including processing claims and responding to Your queries. The information collected is held by Us and will be disclosed to financiers and/or service providers such as promoters, assessors or loss adjusters, as well as companies in The Warranty Group. With some exceptions You have rights of access to, and correction of, Your personal information upon request. We value the privacy of personal information and We ensure that information about You is handled as permitted and required by law. Please contact Our Privacy Officer on 1300 654 611 if You have any queries or would like a copy of Our privacy brochure. Alternatively, if You would like to view TAL Life privacy statement please refer to TAL Life may collect personal and sensitive information from or in respect of You to enable Us to provide or arrange for the provision of Our insurance products. If You do not supply the required information, We may not be able to provide the requested product or service. The way in which TAL Life collects, uses and discloses Your information is explained in Our Privacy Policy available using the link above or by contacting Us using the address details below. Privacy Officer TAL Life Limited PO Box 142, Milsons Point, NSW 1565 In processing and administering Your insurance We may disclose Your information to other parties such as organisations to whom We outsource Our mailing and information technology, Government regulatory bodies and other companies within the TAL Life Group and accountants (if applicable). We may also disclose Your information to other bodies such as the reinsurers, Your financial adviser, health professionals, investigators, the administrator, lawyers, the trustee of any superannuation fund through which the policy is effected, external complaints resolution bodies and as required or authorised by law. We rely on the accuracy of the information You provide. If You think that We hold information about You that is incorrect, please let Us know. Under current privacy legislation, You are generally entitled to access the personal information We hold about You. To access that information, simply make a request in writing. This process enables Us to confirm Your identity for security reasons and to protect Your personal information from being sought by a person other than yourself. If, for any reason We decline Your request to access and/or update Your information, We will provide You with details of that reason. Information relating to Your right to privacy is available at the website of the Officer of the Privacy Commissioner at:
When We pay a claim under the Policy, We have the right to take over and enforce any right You may have to recover the loss from another party. We may do this in Your name and You have an obligation to assist Us as required.
This Policy shall, at all times and in all respects, be governed by and subjected to the laws of the State or Territory in Australia where this Policy was issued and whose courts shall have jurisdiction in any dispute arising under or in connection with this Policy. This condition shall not preclude the parties from agreeing to submit any dispute to Arbitration, or to any other form of Alternative Dispute Resolution, after it has arisen.
We, Us, Our: means Virginia Surety Company, Inc (ABN 63 080 339 957) in relation to Critical Illness Cover, Disability Cover and Redundancy/ Business Failure Cover, and TAL Life Limited (ABN 70 050 109 450) in relation to Life Cover. You, Your: means the person(s) named as the insured in the Proposal & Policy Schedule.
Your Duty Of Disclosure Critical Illness Cover, Disability Cover and Redundancy/Business Failure Cover
What You Must Tell Us and Why: When entering into a policy of insurance with Us You must answer Our questions truthfully and You have a duty under law to tell Us anything known to You and which a reasonable person in the circumstances would include in response to Our questions. We will use Your answers to decide whether or not to insure You and anyone else named on the Policy, and on what terms We will provide Cover. Who Needs to Tell Us: It is important that You understand You are answering questions for yourself and those answers will affect anyone else You want to be covered under the Policy. You have the same duty to disclose this information to Us before You renew, extend, vary or reinstate a policy of insurance. If You Do Not Tell Us: If You do not answer Our questions in this way We may reduce or refuse to pay a claim, or cancel the Policy. If You answer Our questions fraudulently, We may refuse to pay a claim and treat the Policy as never having existed.
Type Of Cover
You have a choice of four types of cover: Life Cover Critical Illness Cover Disability Cover Redundancy/Business Failure Cover You may choose one of the following combinations of the types of Cover:
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Life Cover Disability Cover Life & Critical Illness Cover Life and Disability Cover Critical Illness and Disability Cover Disability and Redundancy/Business Failure Cover Life, Critical Illness and Disability Cover Life, Critical Illness and Redundancy/Business Failure Cover Life, Disability and Redundancy/Business Failure Cover Critical Illness, Disability and Redundancy/Business Failure Cover Life, Critical Illness, Disability and Redundancy/Business Failure Cover
Insured Persons
Where there are two or more Insureds named in the Proposal & Policy Schedule, no benefit will be payable in respect of more than one of the Insureds at the same time. Hence, policy terms, conditions and exclusions apply to two or more Insureds as if they were an individual.
Policy Coverage
Life Cover In the event of Your death during the Period of Cover, We will pay the Financier the Payout Figure calculated as at the date of death under Your Finance Contract (up to a maximum of $100,000). No Excess Period applies to Life Cover. Critical Illness Cover In the event of Your suffering a Critical Illness during the Period of Cover, We will pay the Financier the Payout Figure calculated as at the date of diagnosis under Your Finance Contract (up to a maximum of $100,000). No Excess Period applies to Critical Illness Cover. Disability Cover In the event that You suffer a Disability during the Period of Cover, We will pay the Financier 1/30 of Your Monthly Repayment for each day You are Disabled, up to a maximum of $100 per day (if paid on a daily basis) or $3,000 per month (if paid on a monthly basis). Following payment of a Disability Benefit, You must have returned to work for 3 months before You are entitled to claim any further Disability Benefit (unless You claim for continuing disability within 3 months). In the event of Total Permanent Disability We may, at Our option, pay the Financier the Payout Figure (up to a maximum of $100,000). In this instance We will not pay any Residual component. A 14 day Excess Period applies to Disability Cover. Redundancy/Business Failure Cover In the event that You become Unemployed due to Redundancy or Business Failure, during the Period of Cover, We will pay the Financier 1/30 of Your Monthly Repayment for each day You are Unemployed. Any number of claims may be submitted but the total payout will not exceed $2,000 per month (if paid on a monthly basis) or a total of 4 Monthly Repayments but subject to a maximum claim benefit of $6,000. You must be re-employed for a minimum of 6 months before You can lodge any subsequent claim. No benefit is payable for any period for which You have received payment in lieu of notice. A 21 day Excess Period applies to Redundancy/Business Failure Cover.
Policy Exclusions
Our liability to pay any claim is excluded in the following circumstances: We will not cover any arrears or deferred payments owed to the Financier at the date of the claim. We will not cover the Residual where this option has not been selected and paid for.
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No benefit is payable after You reach 65 years of age. A claim may only be lodged for one Type of Cover at any one time. No Redundancy/Business Failure benefit is payable for any period of Redundancy/Business Failure for which You have received payment in lieu of notice. No Redundancy/Business Failure is payable if You are employed on a casual, seasonal, intermittent or on a contractual basis that ends prior to the expiry of the Period of Cover. We will not pay claims for any of the following events or circumstances marked with an X AAAA L = Life Cover CI = Critical Illness Cover D = Disability Cover R = Redundancy/Business Failure Cover L Suicide, attempted suicide or intentional self -inflicted injury or illness Taking part in criminal, war or warlike activities Use of or contact with nuclear materials, weapons or waste, ionising radiation or Asbestos Aerial activity, except as a passenger in a fixed wing aircraft owned and operated by a licensed airline Motor racing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) Any illness, injury or condition which is a direct or indirect result of any pre existing illnesses, injury and/or medical condition Any condition of the back, spine, neck or surrounding muscular skeletal system as a result of any pre-existing illness, injury, hereditary, congenital or degenerative condition Being addicted to or under the influenc e of alcohol or a drug other than a drug taken under the advice of a Medical Practitioner Riot, civil commotion, strike or lockout Any illness sustained or manifested within 30 days of the commencement of cover Backache, unless a Medial Practitioner provides medical evidence showing definite symptoms of restriction of movement Any emotional, stress related or psychiatric condition, post -viral debilities, chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis Pregnancy, abortion or childbirth related conditions Professional sporting activities Deliberate misbehaviour or misconduct resulting in unemployment Cessation of employment within 60 days of the commencement of cover If You have been offered employment but elect not to take it Casual Employment Avian influenza, Epidemic influenza, Pandemic influenza or any World Health Organization declared Pandemic X X X X X X X X CI D X X X X X X X X X R X X X
When Am I Covered?
The Period of Cover is the period beginning on the date Cover commences and ending on the date Cover ceases. Provided You have paid the premium, We will insure You during the Period of Cover subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions set out in this PDS. The start of Your Cover Your Cover will commence on the date that You sign the Proposal and Policy Schedule, or the date of commencement of Your Finance Contract, whichever is the latter. The end of Your Cover Your Cover will end when any of the following occurs: the Policy is cancelled (see section below titled How can Your Policy be cancelled?); the Period of Cover expires; the Finance Contract is paid out or re-financed; payment of a Life Claim or Critical Illness Claim is made under the policy; the maximum aggregate policy claim of $100,000 limit is reached; You reach the age of 65 years; You commit any act of bankruptcy, including petitioning for bankruptcy and/or voluntary liquidation; You cease to be an Australian resident.
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Claim Recovery
We reserve the right to take action to recover costs incurred by Us where We believe the incident is the responsibility of another party. When We do this, We may take action in Your name and You will be required to cooperate with Us and provide any information We may require.
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