Bibliografi Reading Comprehension

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Agudelo, et. al. 2007.

How to Improve Sixth Graders Reading Comprehension through the Skimming Technique in Profile 8, pp 25-39. Bogota: Universidad Nacional
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Alyousef, H. 2005. Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL Learners in The Reading Matrix Vol. 5, No. 2. pp 143-152. Broughton, et al. 1978. Teaching English as a Foreign Language, second edition. New York: Routledge. Brown, H. Douglas. (2001): Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (second ed). New York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc. Concannon, Tara. 2006. Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies in Literacy at the Crossroads pp. 131-146. Diaz, S. and Laguado, J. 2013. Improving Reading Skills through Skimming and Scanning Techniques at a Public School: Action Research in Opening Writing Doors Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 134-150. Pamplona: Duke, N. and Pearson, D. 2001. Reading Comprehension: Strategies that Work. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement (CIERA), Michigan State University. Duke, N. et al. 2011. Essential Elements of Fostering and Teaching Reading Comprehension in Samuels, S. and Farstrup, A. (eds.). What Research Has to Say About Reading Instruction (4th ed.). 2011. Newark: International Reading Association. Erfort, M. (2001). Reading Skills. Cape Peninsula: Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Eskey, D. 2005. Reading in Second Language. In Hinkel, E. (ed). 2005. Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning. Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum. Grabe, W and Fredricka L. S (2001). Teaching and Researching Reading. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Harmer, Jeremy. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching, New Edition. New York: Longman Inc. Listia, R. and Kamal, S. (2008). Kendala Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar. Available at: (accessed on 12 April 2013) Listia, R. and Kamal, S. (2008). Issues in Teaching English in a Cultural Context: A Case of Indonesia. Unpublished paper. Mikulecky, B. (2008). Teaching Reading in a Second Language. London: Pearson Education. Inc. National Adult Literacy Database. 1999. Academic Studies English: Support Material and Exercise for Introduction to Reading Comprehension. Canada: National Adult Literacy Database. Neufeld, P. 2005. Comprehension Instruction in Content Area Classes. In The Reading Teacher, Vol. 59, No. 4, pp. 302-312. Newark: International Reading Association. Pardo, L. 2004. What Every Teacher Needs to Know About Comprehension. In The Reading Teacher, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 272-280. Newark: International Reading Association. Patel, M. and Jain, P. 2008. English Language Teaching (Methods, Tools & Techniques). Jaipur: Sunrise Publishers & Distributors.

Permadi, Adrian. 2008. The Effectiveness of Skimming and Scanning Technique in Improving Students Reading Abilities. Bandung: Unpublished paper of UPI Rajabi, P. 2009. Cultural Orientation and Reading Comprehension Models: The Case of Iranian Rural and Urban Students. In Novitas Royal, vol. 3 (1), pp. 75-82. Smith, F. 2004. Understanding Reading Sixth Edition. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. Snow, C. and Sweet, A. 2003. Reading for Comprehension. In Snow, C. and Sweet, A (eds.). Rethinking Reading Comprehension, pp. 1-11. New York: Guilford Press. Trajanoska, I. 2012. Developing Students Reading Skills. A PowerPoint Presentation. Unpublished. Ueta, T. 2005. Teaching Reading. Birmingham: University of Birmingham. Westood, Peter. (2008). What Teachers Need to Know about Reading and Writing Difficulties. Victoria: Acer Press.

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