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This study to investigate teachers from different Teaching writing to EFL :An investigation of challenges
part of East Java regarding their challenges of confronted by Indonesian teachers.
teaching writing. Challenges in teaching writing are
complex. It is not only related with the learners'
factors but also external ones. In the internal
factors, the challenges are related with native
language, linguistic competence, and motivation.
Those problems are related with condition of the
learners. The external challenges are teaching
writing at large class and the availability of aids and
time. Based on the challenges above, it suggests the
teacher: In the first place, the teachers need to
match the tasks that they ask the learners to perform
with their language level. This means ensuring that
they have the minimum language they would need
to perform such a task. Secondly, the teachers need
to ensure that there is a purpose to the task and that
learners are aware of this. The last but not least, the
teachers should remember that learners need to be
helped or guided during the process of learning to
Sumber penelitian
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Focus of study Issu penelitian
The study explores the challenges encountered by This study explores the formidable challenges faced by
ten EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers, ten EFL teachers, encompassing both urban and rural
focusing on both internal and external factors. The settings, in teaching writing. The factors contributing to
primary areas of investigation include: these challenges are categorized into internal (e.g., English
English Competence: The study identifies English competence, native language interference, motivation, and
competence as the most influential internal factor reading habit) and external (e.g., class conditions, teaching
affecting teachers' challenges in teaching writing. aids, and time availability) factors. English competence
Native Language Interference: The influence of emerges as the most impactful internal factor, with 37% of
learners' native language (Indonesian) on their teachers identifying it as the primarychallenge. Native
English writing ability is examined. Motivation language interference, particularly from Indonesian, adds
and Reading Habit: The study discusses the complexity to learners' writing abilities. External factors
correlation between learners' motivation, reading like large class conditions and limited teaching aids further
habits, and their writing proficiency. External compound the difficulties. The study concludes with
Factors: External challenges include class suggested solutions, emphasizing task alignment with
conditions, availability of teaching aids, and time language levels, establishing task purpose, and providing
constraints.Solutions: The study suggests solutions guidance throughout the writing learning process.
for teachers to overcome these challenges.
Matching tasks with learners' language levels,
ensuring a clear purpose for writing tasks, and
providing guidance throughout the learning process
are highlighted as key strategies. In conclusion, the
study provides a comprehensive overview of the
multifaceted challenges faced by EFL teachers in
teaching writing, offering insights into both internal
and external factors influencing the teaching and
learning process.

Permasalahan penelitian
This study investigates the challenges faced by EFL teachers, both in rural and urban settings, in teaching writing
to Indonesian learners. The primary focus is on internal factors such as English competence, including grammar
and vocabulary, as well as native language interference. Additionally, external factors like class conditions, the
availability of teaching aids, and time constraints are explored. The research aims to address the following
questions: How do English competence and native language interference contribute to challenges in teaching
writing? What impact do external factors like class conditions and limited teaching aids have on the teaching
process? Lastly, what strategies can be employed to overcome these challenges and enhance the effectiveness of
EFL writing instruction?
Research gap
The research highlights several challenges faced by EFL teachers when teaching writing, with factors categorized
as internal (English competence, native language interference, motivation, and reading habit) and external (class
condition, aids availability, and time). The gap in research lies in the need for a deeper exploration of specific
strategies or interventions that can effectively address these challenges. Additionally, understanding how these
challenges vary across different educational levels or regions could provide valuable insights for tailored teaching
Formulasi penelitian Objektif penelitian
This study explores the challenges faced by 1. Looking for teacher challenges
EFL teachers in teaching writing to learners 2. Looking the investigation
in both rural and urban areas. The factors
contributing to these challenges are
categorized into internal (native language
interference, English competence,
motivation, and reading habit) and external
(class condition, aids availability, and time).
The research aims to understand the impact
of learners' English competence, particularly
in grammar, vocabulary, and paragraph
organization, as well as the influence of
native language interference, with a focus on
morphology, semantics, and syntax.
Additionally, the study investigates the role
of motivation and reading habits in learners'
writing abilities. External factors such as
class condition, availability of teaching aids,
and time constraints are also examined. The
research seeks to identify solutions for
teachers, emphasizing task alignment with
learners' language levels, establishing a
purpose for tasks, and providing guidance
throughout the writing learning process.
Scope of study
1. Looking for teacher challenges
2. Looking the investigation
General objective of study variables Varibales involved in the study Context of study
involved in this study Dependent variables: English Competence
Investigate and understand the challenges a. Challenges faced by EFL teachers in (37%)
faced by English as a Foreign Language teaching writing. Native Language
(EFL) teachers in teaching writing to b. Learners' English competence, Interference (33%)
learners in both rural and urban areas. including grammatical competence, Motivation and
Identify and analyze the factors contributing vocabulary mastery, and paragraph Reading Habit
to the challenges in teaching writing, organization. Class Condition
classifying them into internal and external c. Native language interference Aids Availabili
factors. Examine the impact of internal (Indonesian language) and its impact on Availability of Time
factors, including English competence English writing abilities. Guidance during
(grammatical competence, vocabulary d. Motivation levels among learners. Learning
mastery, and paragraph organization), e. Reading habits of learners. Task Matching
native language interference (Indonesian Independent variables:
language), motivation, and reading habits a. Class conditions, including class size
on teaching writing. Explore the influence of and related challenges.
external factors, such as class conditions b. Availability and utilization of teaching
(e.g., large class size), availability of aids
teaching aids, and time constraints on the c. Time constraints in teaching writing.
challenges encountered by EFL teachers in
teaching writing.Propose potential solutions
or strategies to a ddress the identified
challenges, aiming to improve the
effectiveness of teaching writing in EFL
settings, particularly in the context of
Indonesian learners
Significance of study
Practical significance
Theoretical significance 1. Adaptation to Competence Levels
1. Language Interference and 2. Addressing Native Language Interference
Competence 3. Motivation Enhancement
2. Motivation and Reading Habit 4. Classroom Adaptations
3. External Factor 5. Effective Use of Teaching Aids and Time Management:

Content of literature rewiew chapter

1.2 Challenges faced by EFL teachers in 1.3 Class conditions, including class size and related challenges
teaching writing. 1.3.idefenition
1.2.1. definition 1.3.2 indicator
1.2. indicator 1.3.3 relevan factors
1.2. 3 relevan factors 1.4 reseacrh framework
1. 5 summery
Conceptual and operational definition of variables
Construct/variable Conceptual definition Role of
Challenges faced by EFL teachers in challenges faced by EFL (English as a Dependent variable
teaching writing. Foreign Language) teachers in teaching
writing" refers to the inherent difficulties
and obstacles encountered by educators
who instruct non-native English speakers
in the skill of writing. These challenges
may encompass linguistic barriers,
cultural differences, varying proficiency
levels, and pedagogical obstacles that
impact the effective teaching and learning
of writing in an EFL context.
Class conditions, including class size and class condition, including class size and
related challenges related challenges," involves the overall Independent variable
learning environment within a classroom
setting. It encompasses factors such as the
physical space, organization, and notably,
the number of students (class size).
Challenges related to class conditions
may include limited teacher-student
interaction, difficulty in maintaining an
inclusive atmosphere, and potential
impacts on individualized instruction, all
influenced by the size and dynamics of the
Operational defenition Remaks
Construct /variables Indocators of each constructs/variable Addressing grammar
errors is pivotal for
enhancing the clarity
and effectiveness of
Recognizing and
embracing diverse
writing styles
enriches the learning
experience but
requires cultural
Challenges faced by EFL teachers in Grammar errors, Varied writing styles Larger class sizes
teaching writing. influenced by cultural backgrounds. may lead to
opportunities for
guidance and
Inadequate physical
space may hinder
activities and impact
the overall learning
Class conditions, including class size and Number of students in a class, influencing
related challenges teacher-student interaction and
individualized attention, The size and
layout of the classroom affecting mobility
and interaction
Research framework
Hypotheses Data analysis technique
The hypothesis derived from the provided We analyzed qualitative using a thematic
text suggests that teaching writing in English approach and quantitative data using
as a Foreign Language (EFL) to Indonesian descriptive analysis
students, particularly in both rural and
urban areas, poses significant challenges for
English teachers. These challenges stem
from a combination of internal and external
factors, including learners' English
competence, native language interference,
motivation, reading habits, class conditions,
aids availability, and time constraints
Novelty of research

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