Permasalahan penelitian
This study investigates the challenges faced by EFL teachers, both in rural and urban settings, in teaching writing
to Indonesian learners. The primary focus is on internal factors such as English competence, including grammar
and vocabulary, as well as native language interference. Additionally, external factors like class conditions, the
availability of teaching aids, and time constraints are explored. The research aims to address the following
questions: How do English competence and native language interference contribute to challenges in teaching
writing? What impact do external factors like class conditions and limited teaching aids have on the teaching
process? Lastly, what strategies can be employed to overcome these challenges and enhance the effectiveness of
EFL writing instruction?
Research gap
The research highlights several challenges faced by EFL teachers when teaching writing, with factors categorized
as internal (English competence, native language interference, motivation, and reading habit) and external (class
condition, aids availability, and time). The gap in research lies in the need for a deeper exploration of specific
strategies or interventions that can effectively address these challenges. Additionally, understanding how these
challenges vary across different educational levels or regions could provide valuable insights for tailored teaching
Formulasi penelitian Objektif penelitian
This study explores the challenges faced by 1. Looking for teacher challenges
EFL teachers in teaching writing to learners 2. Looking the investigation
in both rural and urban areas. The factors
contributing to these challenges are
categorized into internal (native language
interference, English competence,
motivation, and reading habit) and external
(class condition, aids availability, and time).
The research aims to understand the impact
of learners' English competence, particularly
in grammar, vocabulary, and paragraph
organization, as well as the influence of
native language interference, with a focus on
morphology, semantics, and syntax.
Additionally, the study investigates the role
of motivation and reading habits in learners'
writing abilities. External factors such as
class condition, availability of teaching aids,
and time constraints are also examined. The
research seeks to identify solutions for
teachers, emphasizing task alignment with
learners' language levels, establishing a
purpose for tasks, and providing guidance
throughout the writing learning process.
Scope of study
1. Looking for teacher challenges
2. Looking the investigation
General objective of study variables Varibales involved in the study Context of study
involved in this study Dependent variables: English Competence
Investigate and understand the challenges a. Challenges faced by EFL teachers in (37%)
faced by English as a Foreign Language teaching writing. Native Language
(EFL) teachers in teaching writing to b. Learners' English competence, Interference (33%)
learners in both rural and urban areas. including grammatical competence, Motivation and
Identify and analyze the factors contributing vocabulary mastery, and paragraph Reading Habit
to the challenges in teaching writing, organization. Class Condition
classifying them into internal and external c. Native language interference Aids Availabili
factors. Examine the impact of internal (Indonesian language) and its impact on Availability of Time
factors, including English competence English writing abilities. Guidance during
(grammatical competence, vocabulary d. Motivation levels among learners. Learning
mastery, and paragraph organization), e. Reading habits of learners. Task Matching
native language interference (Indonesian Independent variables:
language), motivation, and reading habits a. Class conditions, including class size
on teaching writing. Explore the influence of and related challenges.
external factors, such as class conditions b. Availability and utilization of teaching
(e.g., large class size), availability of aids
teaching aids, and time constraints on the c. Time constraints in teaching writing.
challenges encountered by EFL teachers in
teaching writing.Propose potential solutions
or strategies to a ddress the identified
challenges, aiming to improve the
effectiveness of teaching writing in EFL
settings, particularly in the context of
Indonesian learners
Significance of study
Practical significance
Theoretical significance 1. Adaptation to Competence Levels
1. Language Interference and 2. Addressing Native Language Interference
Competence 3. Motivation Enhancement
2. Motivation and Reading Habit 4. Classroom Adaptations
3. External Factor 5. Effective Use of Teaching Aids and Time Management: