Kyungwha Kyungwha Kyungwha Kyungwha Kyungwha Kyungwha Kyungwha Kyungwha Park Park Park Park Park Park Park Park

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Interaction between a singlesingle-molecule magnet Mn12 monolayer and a gold surface

Kyungwha Park
Department of Physics, Virginia Tech

Salvador BarrazaBarraza-Lopez (postdoc) Michael C. Avery (undergraduate)

Supported by Jeffress Memorial Trust Fund NCSA clusters, Virginia Tech System X, VT clusters

What are single-molecule magnets (SMMs)? Motivation Methodology: density-functional theory (DFT) Review of properties of isolated SMM Mn12 SMM Mn12 deposited on a gold surface
- Method and model - Changes in electronic structure (orbital broadening, charge transfer) - Changes in magnetic properties

Beyond DFT: effect of Hubbard-like U term

What are singlesingle-molecule magnets?

Volume of one molecule: a few nm3 Single molecule: several transition metal ions strongly coupled via ligands Behaves as single-domain magnetic nanoparticle Large spin with large magnetization reorientation barrier Can form single crystals (different molecules are well separated)
C & E news, Dec 13, 2004 T.Lis Acta Cryst. B36, 2042 (1980)


1.5nm S=10


Mn3+ Mn4+ O

Cl N C


Examples: Mn12 , Mn4 , Fe4, Fe8, Co4, Ni4, cyanide-bridged molecules, Mn84 D. Hendrickson J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 2455 (1992) torus, etc.

SingleSingle -molecule magnets

Fe8 S=10 Mn5N3 S=11 Mn84 torus
Wieghart et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 23, 77 (1984)



C.-I. Yang et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 456 (2007)

Tasiopoulos et al, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 43, 2117 (2004)

Single-chain magnet Mn-Ni-Mn unit S=3 S=3

Li et al., Inorg. Chem. 44, 4903 (2005) Coulon et al., PRB 69, 132408 (2004)

Magnetic Anisotropy Barrier & Easy Axis

(magnetization reversal barrier) Classical
caused by spin-orbit coupling
easy axis

Quantum mechanical
Energy = Dms2 ; D > 0 for B=0
Spin projection ms




Barrier "down" Easy axis

e.g. Mn12 : Barrier = 60K


Magnetic hysteresis: essence of quantum tunneling

On resonance

Mn12 (S=10) at 1.9K

per data point

In ground state

down up

tobs=500 s

Steps: tunneling on Plateaus: tunneling off Classical ferromagnets at 300 K HL (T) Off resonance down up

B. Barbara et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (2000); J. Friedman et al., PRL (1996); L. Thomas et al., Nature (1996)

Another evidence of quantum tunneling

Time dependence of magnetization becomes independent of temperature (T) as T 0
[log(/ 0 )]1

= 0 exp(U/ kBT),

C. Paulsen et al., J. Mag. Mag. Mat. (1995) A. Caneschi et al., Nature (1993)

Motivation: device applications

Deposition of SMMs on a gold or silicon surface
Steckel et al., Nano Lett. (2004); Zobbi et al, Chem. Comm. (2005); Fleury et al., Chem. Comm. (2005).

Magnetic measurement:
Properties of Mn12 monolayers differ from those of bulk Mn12
Naitabdi et al., Adv. Mater. 17. 1612 (2005) Salman et al., Nano Lett. (2007)

Photoemission spectra on Mn12 monolayers: Mn12 d orbitals in valence

bands are similar to those for bulk Mn12

STM image

del Pennino et al., Surf. Sci. (2006); Voss et al., PRB (2007)

Motivation: device applications

Electronic transport measurements through SMM Mn12

- Jo at el. Nano Lett (2006)

- Henderson et al., J. Appl. Phys. (2007)

Theories on transport through SMM:

- G.H. Kim and T.S. Kim, PRL (2004). - Romeike et al. PRLs (2006) - Elste and Timm, PRB (2005), PRBs (2006) - Leuenberger and Mucciolo, PRL 97, 126601 (2006). - Misiorny and Barnas, cond-mat/0706.2315

No first-principles calculations on SMMs deposited on a surface or bridged between electrodes

How to solve manymany-body problems quantum mechanically using DensityDensity-Functional Theory(DFT)

Interacting many-electron problem: H=E where =(x1,y1,z1,...,xN,yN,zN) H = Hkin + Hn-e + He-e Cost: M3N for M x M x M grids ( e.g.: 1030 for N=10, M=10 )

Kohn & Pople (1998, Nobel prize in chemistry)

Total density of electrons is the same

N non-interacting single-electron problems: Hi=ii where i=i (x,y,z) r 2 H= / 2 + Veff (r ) where Veff (r) is an effective potential Cost: NM3 for M x M x M grids (e.g.: 10 x103 for N=10, M=10 )

How to do electronic structure calculations

Initial assignment (geometry, total charge, spin conf., total moment) Place Gaussians on each atom as a basis set for an atomic wavefunction

r r r 2 (r ) = Ck f k exp[ k (r Rk ) ]
Solve N nonnon-interacting one-electron equations under effective potential self-consistently: Veff (r)= Vnucl+VH[(r)]+Vxc[(r)]

Energy is converged?

r [ / 2 + Veff (r )]i = i i

Calculate forces, (r), geometry

NO YES Geometry
Force is small? is optimized!

Mn12: [Mn12O12(O2CCH3)16(H2O)4]
T.Lis Acta Cryst. B36, 2042 (1980)

y x

Mn4+ Mn3+

Experimental data
Single molecule: S4 symmetry 4 Mn4+ (3d3 ,S=3/2) ions in cube 8 Mn3+ (3d4 ,S=2) ions in outer crown Easy axis: z axis

Total ground-state spin: S = 8 x 2 4 x 3/2 = 10

Electronic structure & Magnetic anisotropy for isolated Mn12

M. R. Pederson & S. N. Khanna, PRB 60, 9566 (1999)

[Mn12O12(O2CH)16(H2O)4] All-electron density-functional theory (DFT)

Mn (I) calculations using NRLMOL All ligands were included Total ground-state spin S=10 Spin density is localized on Mn ions Majority HOMO-LUMO gap=0.45 eV Minority HOMO-LUMO gap=2.08 eV Mn (III) Mn (II)

(2nd order) magnetic anisotropy barrier =55.7 K c.f. Expt: 55.6 K

A.Fort et al., PRL (1998)

M.R. Pederson & K.A. Jackson, PRB (1990); ibid, PRB (1991); K.A. Jackson & M.R. Pederson, PRB (1990); D. Porezag & M.R. Pederson, PRB (1996)

How does a metal surface affect electronic structure and magnetic anisotropy of Mn12?
gold surface

Monolayer of Mn12 on gold surface
L. Zobbi et al., Chem. Comm. 1640 (2005).

~20 nm
S. Barraza-Lopez et al., Phys. Rev. B (2007).

Consider slab calculation: Mn12-S2gold surface

short link

Method & Model

Spin polarized density-functional theory (DFT) Use Vienna ab-initio simulation package (VASP) PBE GGA for exchange-correlation potential Projector augmented-wave (PAW) pseudopotentials
[Blchl, PRB (1994); Kresse & Joubert, PRB (1999)]

- All-electron wavefunctions are available - To take into account spin-orbit coupling - Accuracy is improved in magnetic materials
Au: s1 d10 Mn: 3p6 4s2 3d5 O: s2 p4 C: s2 p2 S: s2 p4

Method & Model (continued)

No chemical bonding between Au and Mn12 so two S atoms link Mn12 to Au All ligands are included in our simulations Mn12+linker+Au slab: Total 2886 valence electrons per unit cell Optimize Au slab and Mn12 separately to create a whole geometry

Au(111) Au(111 ) slab

Compute equilibrium lattice constant for bulk gold (4.175 ) With the calculated lattice constant, we construct Au monolayers Check convergence with # of k points and energy cutoff for plane waves To cover Mn12, at least 36 surface gold atoms per monolayer are needed Use six gold monolayers (36 x 6 = 216 gold atoms as a total) Relax gold slab (w/o molecule) until max forces are less than 0.01 eV/

Isolated SS-terminated Mn12

Mn12 with the lowermost H atoms replaced by S atoms, is adsorbed on Au Total magnetic moment of Sterminated Mn12 in ground state :18 18 B (c.f. ground state of Mn12: 20 B) By adding H below sulfur, the magnetic ground state goes back to 20 B
Geometry 3

Density of States: Geometry 2

Spin polarization of sulfur evident from the density of states (DOS) HOMO-LUMO gap is created by sulfur pp-orbitals
Sulfur p-orbitals hybridized with Mn d-, O pporbitals

Building whole structure

Unit cell 17.7 x 17.7 x 34.0 3 6 Au layers + S2 + Mn12 (Geo 2) + 10 vacuum Distance between closest H atoms in neighboring molecules: 3.35 . Interactions between molecules are weak. No further relaxation of the whole structure 4 k-points in 6x6x1 Au supercell Charge profile was computed; charge from Au slab has a tail going all the way to the lower section of magnetic molecule

Energy levels around the Fermi level and charge transfer

The location of the HOMOHOMOLUMO for the isolated Sterminated Mn12, relative to the Fermi energy of bulk Au, determines the direction of charge transfer, transfer from Au to the magnetic molecule Au Fermi level is above majority spin LUMO but below minority spin LUMO.

Au Fermi level

Density of states: states: Whole structure

Upon adsorption, spin polarization of S atoms is lost

Different scale

Orbital broadening
Mn12 molecular orbitals broaden upon adsorption Orbital broadening is much less than charging energy Weak coupling


Charge transfer towards Mn12

Determined via in-plane integration of the charge density for molecule with and without gold slab; 1.23 electrons; Au tail dominating.


Mn atoms in region C

Calculated spin density

Side view

Spin density is localized on Mn

Top view Red: up Blue: down

Mn(I): inner, -2.588 B Mn(II): outer, 3.524 B Mn(III): outer, 3.543 B monoclinic unit cell 17.7 x 17.7 x 34.0 3

Spatial change of magnetic moments

From the plane-averaged magnetic moments along the z-direction, we find an increase of 2 B between the S-terminated Mn12 and the whole structure The whole structure has a magnetic moment of 20 B.
Whole - 2


Barraza-Lopez, Avery and Park: PRB 76 224413 (2007)

Magnetic Anisotropy in SMMs

z y




r r r r r B = v E = v ( )
: Coulomb potential due to atomic nuclei and electrons

e r r 1 r r r Spin-orbit VLS = S B = 2 2 S ( p ) coupling mc 2m c

Magnetic anisotropy barrier for SS-terminated Mn12

To compute magnetic anisotropy barrier, we consider spin-orbit coupling in DFT selfconsistently.

Although total magnetic moment differs for Mn12 and Geo.2 (S-terminated Mn12), the MAB of ordinary Mn12 is the same as that of Geo. 2 Magnetic anisotropy barrier for Geo. 3 gets reduced by about 9%


Geometry 3

Mn12 66.7

Geo 2 66.9

Geo 3 60.7

Magnetic anisotropy barrier for whole structure

Whole Geo 2 Geo Whole - 2 3 - Geo 2

The spatial charge and magnetic moment distributes in a similar way for whole structure and Geo. 3. So [magneitc ansiotropy barrier (MAB) of Geo 3] = [MAB of whole structure] The magnetic anisotropy barrier for the whole structure is reduced by 9% of that for the isolated Mn12.


2.0 B


Mn12 66.7

Geo 2 Geo 3 Whole 66.9 60.7 60.7

Additional inclusion of electron electron-electron correlations: LSDA+U method

Takes into account the orbital dependence of strong on-site correlations (in LSDA or in GGA), which is absent in standard DFT. Hubbard-like U term plays important role for localized d- or f-electrons. d- or f-orbitals are more localized and energy gap increases. Value of U term: depends on local environments, determined by experiment or standard DFT calculations by varying the occupancy of dor f-orbitals.

V. I. Anisimov et al., PRB 44, 44 943 (1991) V. I. Anisimov et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 9, 767 (1997)

Effect of correlation: GGA+U

On-site U=6 eV is considered for Mn d-orbitals Ordinary Mn12: HOMO levels are shifted down. HOMOLUMO gap greatly increases due to HOMO and LUMO that are from Mn d-orbitals. S-terminated Mn12 (Geo 2): HOMO, LUMO are from S porbitals so the gap does not change much. Direction of charge transfer does not change with U
Barraza-Lopez, Avery and Park, J. Appl. Phys. (2008) Electronic level (eV)



Mn12 HOMO Mn12 LUMO gap Geo 2 HOMO Geo 2 LUMO gap

-6.13 -7.04 -5.08 -6.45 -4.78 -4.77 -4.84 -4.50



-6.37 -6.66 -5.37 -6.07 -6.05 -5.51 -5.22 -4.84 0.32 0.15

(*) Boukhvalov et al, PRB 75, 75 014419 (2007)

Modeled a monolayer of Mn12 adsorbed on a Au surface via a thiol group using DFT Electronic structure: broadening of molecular orbitals was small, weak coupling between Mn12 and a Au surface even with the short link Charge transfer from Au to Mn12 Total moment for whole structure back to 20 B Magnetic anisotropy barrier for whole structure is reduced by 9% compared to that for isolated Mn12 molecule Effect of on-site U on orbitals for isolated molecules
Barraza-Lopez, Avery and Park: PRB 76 224413 (2007), JAP 103 07B907 (2008)

Bulk gold & Au(111) slab

Bulk gold: Equilibrium lattice constant = 4.175
Exp: 4.078 , difference: 2.8%

Check convergence with # of k points and energy cutoff for plane waves With calculated lattice constant, we vary # of Au layers and # of vertical vacuum layers Au surface energy saturates with 8 Au monolayers and 7 vacuum layers To cover Mn12, at least 36 surface gold atoms per monolayer are needed Use six gold monolayers (36 x 6 = 216 gold atoms) Relax gold slab (w/o molecule) until max forces are less than 0.01 eV/

vacuum layer

Projected density of states for Mn12 on Au slab

Blue: Isolated Mn12 Red: Mn12 on Au slab



Mn(I): inner, Mn(II), Mn(III): outer

Projected density of states for Mn12 on Au slab

Broadening of orbitals is much less than Coulomb charging energy: Weak coupling


Mn(I): inner, Mn(II), Mn(III): outer

Mn12 molecular orbitals eLUMO

Au Fermi level 0.3 eV



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