Koopman's Theorem and The Roothan Equations: F T J K J K

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Koopmans Theorem and the Roothan Equations

The HF equatios are Fi i = i i , i = 1K n Fi = Ti + Ji Ki Ji = Coulomb operator in the average field of ji electrons Ki = Exchange operator in the average field of ji electrons i are the orbital energies. They are a good approximation to the magnitude of the ionization energy for an electron in the orbital i.

Proof Clearly i F i = i , where i = i h i +

i Tij Kij i


For electron ionization (detachment) I.P. = EN-EN-1 take electron from kth orbital = 1 2 L k k +1 L HN 1 2 L k k +1 L 1 2 L k +1 L HN 1 12 L k +1 L = k h k + J kj Kkj = k q.e.d.

Koopmans Theorem 1 of 1

HF Roothan equations Return to the Hartree-Fock z electron 1s2s

(1, 2 ) = 1 (1) (2 ) (1) (2) (1s(1)2 s + 1s(2)2 s(1)) 2 2

2 2 2 T Ze + 2s(2 ) e 2 s(2) 2 s(2) e 1s( 2) (r ) = 0 1 1s 1 1 r1 r r 12 12 2 2 2 T Ze + 2s(1) e 2 s(1) 2 s(1) e 1s(1) (r ) = 0 1 2s 2 1 r r12 r 2 12




s 1 s = C1 L XL L 2s 2 s = CL XL L

where {XL } is a complete set of functions. In atomic case these functions are orthonormal. Substitute into eqs. (1) and (2) respectively, and proceed as usual to get the linear equations which lead to diagonalization of a Hamiltonian matrix. Start with a zero order guess for


2 s

as usual, by choosing one coefficient C to be one and the

others zero to evaluate the coulomb and exchange operators. Then diagonalize and get a new set of Cs. Use these to evaluate the coulomb and exchange operators, and diagonalize again. Continue until the process converges and the orbital energies converge.

Koopmans Theorem 2 of 2

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