White Box Heroes RPG

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Supplemental Classes for Swords & Wizardry: White Box

By Salvatore Macri
Cover Art: Rick Hershey Interrior Art: Maciej Zagorski (used with permission), Joe Calkins (used with permission) Proofreading: Cinzia D'Angelo, Lord Kilgore, Jim Adams Suggestions: the Island Kingdom players, Matthew J. Finch, Meepo, Lord Kilgore, NeilFord, Geordie Racer, RandallS, bat, and the rest of the S&W forum-goers Original System and Rules Authors: E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson Original Supplemental Material Authors: E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, Joe Fischer, Doug Schwegman, Peter Aronson, Gordon Davidson, Roger Moore, and Ken Rolston System Reference Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt First Print Edition - June 2009

White Box Heroes

Companion Productions
Copyright 2009 Salvatore Macri Swords & Wizardry, S&W, and Mythmere Games are trademarks of Matthew J. Finch Cover Art: Copyright Rick Hershey, 2008 Rick Hershey, Standard Stock Art: Issue ERSPQC02 by Empty Room Studios Publishing Art: Maciej Zagorski, Copyright Maciej Zagorski, 2006. Stock Art, The Forge Studios. Joe Calkins, Copyright Joe Calkins, 2007 Neither I (Salvatore Macri) or Companion Productions are affiliated with Matthew J. Finch or Mythmere Games

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION....................................................................1 Additional Godi Spells...............................................20 SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSES.................................................1 The Problematic Raise Dead....................................21 Thief..................................................................................1 Rune Spells...............................................................22 House Rule: Halfling Thief Variant..............................2 Rituals.......................................................................22 Paladin..............................................................................3 The 24 Divine Runes.................................................23 Paladin's Mount...........................................................3 Jester..............................................................................26 Assassin...........................................................................4 Jester Weapons........................................................27 Monk.................................................................................5 Jester Spell List.........................................................27 Druid.................................................................................6 Spell Descriptions (Jester)........................................28 Druid Spell List............................................................7 ORIGINAL CLASSES & RACES..........................................30 Spell Descriptions (Druidic).........................................8 Tunnel-Fighter................................................................30 ADDITIONAL CLASSES......................................................12 Buckler......................................................................30 Ranger............................................................................12 Summoner......................................................................31 Rule Variant: Expanded Favored Foe.......................12 Summoner Spell List.................................................32 Bard................................................................................13 Spell Descriptions (Summoner)................................32 Magical Instruments..................................................14 Demon/Devil Class Type ..........................................35 Illusionist.........................................................................15 Books on Summoning...............................................36 Illusionist Spell List....................................................15 Gnomes..........................................................................36 Spell Descriptions (Illusion).......................................16 Half-Orcs.........................................................................37 The Northern Godi..........................................................20

White Box Heroes

Supplemental Classes for Swords & Wizardry: White Box

Welcome to White Box Heroes, a supplement for the Swords & Wizardry: White Box rules from Mythmere Games. White Box Heroes began as an attempt to gather the additional classes from the Supplements and convert them for use with the Swords & Wizardry: White Box rules. With the classes from the Supplements done, I began looking at old periodicals as well as Classic and Advanced products for inspiration. As the number of supplemental classes grew, some in the S&W community expresses a desire to see these classes gathered into a single document, and so White Box Heroes was born. Hopefully the classes presented here will be of use to some, even if only for personal inspiration.

Inclusion of any of these classes is at the Referee's discretion. The Referee should carefully consider what effect including one of the additional classes will have upon his game. As always, the Referee has the final say as to whether or not one of these classes is appropriate for/allowed in his game.

The Thief is a specialized class adept at subterfuge and pilfering. With skills born from a lifetime of stealing, Thieves are morally Neutral at best if using the Law-Neutrality-Chaos alignment suggestion (S&W p.4). Thieves are, at best, Neutral. The Thief's penchant for larceny tends to make other party members weary of including such a class into the group. The Thief's low HD makes overt martial participation less favorable for this class which prefers to rely on subterfuge and judicious use of backstabing to prevail in combat.

The following classes are additional classes which may be used with Swords & Wizardry: White Box rules. These classes were inspired by those found in the first few supplements.

Thief Class Abilities

Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Thieves may use any weapons, including magic swords and daggers, and may wear leather armor. Thief Abilities: Starting at first level Thieves possess a host of very specific abilities. These abilities include proficiency at opening locks and disarming traps, picking pockets, moving without a sound, and using shadows to conceal themselves. They also possess a greater facility for detecting sounds and noises from beyond closed doors. To successfully use these abilities the player must generate a number (on a d20) which falls within the range displayed on Table 2: Thief Abilities table (see below). Backstab: A Thief attacking from behind gains a +4 bonus to his and inflicts double damage. At levels 5-8 the damage is increased to X3, at levels 9+ the increase is X4. Climb Sheer Surfaces: Thieves may climb incredibly sheer surfaces. As hardy adventurers, anyone may attempt to climb vertical surfaces but only the Thief may ascend impossibly difficult surfaces or attempt unthinkable climbs. The Thief starts out with a chance of 1-17 on d20 to climb sheer surfaces. This chance increases by +1 for every 5 levels. Read Languages (3rd): At 3rd level a Thief may read most languages (1-16 on d20). Use Scrolls (10th): Upon reaching 10th level Thieves are able to use arcane scrolls. Spells above 6th level carry a 2 in 20 chance (1-2 on d20) of being miscast resulting in the scroll's reverse effect affecting the Thief as opposed to the intended target. Saving Throw: Thieves gain a +2 bonus on saving throws vs. death and poison. XP Bonus for Dexterity: This class bonus is due to a high Dexterity attribute.

Table 2: Thief Abilities

Level Open Locks (d20) Remove Traps (d20) Pick Pocket & Move Silently (d20) 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-9 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-15 1-17 Hide in Hear Shadows Noises* (d20) (d20)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1-3 1-4 1-5 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-11 1-13 1-15 1-17

1-2 1-3 1-4 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-10 1-12 1-14 1-16

1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-7 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-13 1-15

1-7 1-7 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-13 1-13 1-13 1-13

*GMs may allow other characters a 1-3 chance on a d20 to successfully Hear Noises. Referees may allow characters with above average DEX scores (15 to 18) to add thier bonus from Dexterity to the success range given on Table 2. Example: A 1st level Thief with a Dexterity score of 17 (+1 bonus) would have a 4 in 20 chance of opening a lock as opposed to the standard 3 in 20.

Table 1: Thief Advancement

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XP 0 1,200 2,400 4,800 9,600 20,000 40,000 60,000 90,000 125,000 HD 1 1+1 2 2+1 3 3+1 4 4+1 5 5+1 BHB +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +5 ST 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5

House Rule: Halfling Thief Variant

Some referees may wish to allow Halflings to also function as Thieves. This is similar to how the Elf advances in both the Fighter class and the Magic-User class. A Halfling Thief may use either the Fighter or Thief class advancement

chart, to be announced at the start of the adventure. Each day, the Halfling Thief may decide whether he will function as a Fighter or a Thief, adopting the BHB, ST, and Class Abilities of the chosen class. Halfling Thieves may advance up to fourth level in the Fighter class, and 6th level as a Thief. Another option is to allow the halfling greater advancement in the Thief class (up to 8th level). With this option, the halfling advances as a Thief only with all the benefits and limitations granted to the Thief class. In addition, the halfling retains his racial abilities.

Paladin perform any Chaotic act, his status of Paladin will be immediately revoked and may never be regained. The Paladin will thus lose all special abilities gained from the Paladin class and will continue as a normal Fighting-Man. Referees who do not use an alignment system will have to carefully gauge the Paladin's actions to insure he or she does not act contrary to the high morals required to belong to the class. Such strict adherence to lawful tenants makes traveling or adventuring with chaotic party members nearly impossible for the Paladin.

Paladin Class Abilities

In exchange for following such a strict moral code, the Paladin is granted several special abilities: Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Paladin's may use any weapons, and may wear any armor. Lay on Hands: The Paladin may cure 2 hp for every level he has attained. A 4th level Paladin could thus restore 8 hp. This special ability can also be used to cure 1 disease per 5 levels. Each function of Lay on Hands may only be performed 1/day, and only on others. Immunity: Paladins are immune to disease. They also gain a +2 bonus to saving throws versus all non-melee (or missile) attacks. Paladin's Mount: At any time the paladin chooses, he may gain a wondrous steed. The paladin may not gain another such steed until 10 years have passed since the previous steed was gained. A paladin's horse has the following stats:

Halfling Bonuses to Thief Class Abilities.

Due to their nimble nature, the referee may wish to allow Halfling Thieves bonuses to their Thief class abilities.

Table 3: Racial Bonuses for Halfling Thieves

Open Locks +2 Remove Pick Move Hide in Hear Traps Pocket Silently Shadows Noises +1 +1 +2 +2


Paladin's Mount
HD 4; AC 5[14]; Atk hooves (1d6); Save 15; Move 18; CL/XP 5/240; Special: High intelligence, Trained for combat. Dispel Evil & Detect Evil (9th): At 9th level the Paladin gains the innate abilities to Detect Evil (see 1st level Cleric spell of the same name, S&W p.22) and Dispel Evil (identical to the 5th level Cleric spell of the same name, S&W p.22). Holy Sword: If a Paladin comes to possess a Holy Sword, wielding the divine weapon will make the Paladin immune to spells. Limited Wealth: Paladins are limited to 4 magic items (not including armor and shield and up to 4 weapons). They may keep enough wealth to maintain themselves (and, at higher levels, their men and a modest castle or keep). Any excess wealth is donated to charitable or religious institutions. XP Bonus for Strength: This class bonus is due to a high Strength attribute.

Paragons of virtue, these knightly warriors are a bane to all things evil and unholy. Fighting-Men with a Charisma score of 17 may opt to follow the Paladin class. The decision to follow the path of the Paladin must be made at 1st level and may not be revoked or changed afterwards. In addition to the Charisma requirement, Paladins are also bound to a moral requirement. If using the Law-Neutrality-Chaos alignment suggestion, Paladins must be flawlessly Lawful. Should a

Table 4: Paladin Advancement

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XP 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 16,000 32,000 64,000 128,000 256,000 512,000 HD 1+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BHB +0 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +6 ST 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7

the risk of inciting a violent reactions from onlookers. Onlookers within 10' of an Assassin using a poisoned weapon have a 1-10 on d20 chance of recognizing the poisoned item. This recognition will provoke a ferocious attack from onlookers. Such attacks are made with a +4 bonus to-Hit and damage. Poison used in a more covert manner, such as hidden in food or drink, does not provoke such a reaction as long as the poisoning attempt remains undetected. Thief Abilities (3rd): Assassins may function as Thieves. The chance of an Assassin successfully performing a Thief's special ability is equal to the Assassin's level minus 2. Thus, a 4th level Assassin would have the same chance to Hide in Shadows as a 2nd level thief (1-3 on d20). Magic (10th): Assassins function as Thieves with regards to scrolls (see Thief Class Abilities, Use Scroll above). Cost: The payment an Assassin should demand for accepting a mission is given in the table below. The amount to be paid is based on the Assassin's level. Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Payment per Mission (GP) 750/mission 1,000/mission 1,250/mission 1,500/mission 1,750/mission 2,000/mission 4,000/mission 8,000/mission 16,000/mission 32,000/mission

Assassins are paid killers. Even more so than the Thief, the inclusion of this class into an adventuring group will most likely provoke extreme caution and mistrust (or even outright hostility) from the rest of the party members should the Assassin's true nature be revealed. Like the Thief, if using the Law-Neutrality-Chaos alignment suggestion, Assassins are, at best, Neutral. In order to qualify for this class, Dexterity, Intelligence. and Strength need to be 12 or more. An Assassin's Prime Attribute is Dexterity. Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings cannot be Assassins. Assassins may wear leather armor and use shields, and may use any weapons including any magic weapons.

Assassin Class Abilities

Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Assassins's may use any weapons and shields, and may wear leather armor.

Disguise: Assassin's may disguise themselves through dress and manners. A successful disguise will allow the Saving Throw: Assassins gain a +2 bonus on saving Assassin to conceal his likeness, pass of as a member of throws vs. death and poison. another class, or assume the guise of someone of the opposite sex. An Assassin has a 1-19 on d20 chance of XP Bonus for Dexterity: This class bonus is due to a high successfully disguising himself (1-18 on d20 is disguising as Dexterity attribute. a member of the opposite sex). This roll must be performed 1/day for every day the Assassin wishes to remain disguised. Victims of the disguise with an Intelligence score of 13-18 reduce the Assassin's chance of success by -1. A Wisdom score of 13-18 also reduces the Assassin's chances by -1. For example, a male Assassin trying to pass himself off as a high-born Lady to an astute captain of the guard (both Intelligence and Wisdom 13+) will have a chance of success of 1-16 on d20. Poison: Assassins often make use of poisons to facilitate the completion of their missions. Because of the insidious nature of poison, Assassins spied using such vile tactics run

Additional Experience Points: Upon successful completion of a mission, Assassins receive experience points (in addition to those gained from the assassinated victim) equal to 80% of the gold payed for the mission.

Table 5: Assassin Advancement

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 XP 0 1,500 3,000 6,000 12,000 24,000 48,000 HD 1 2 3 3+1 4 5 6 BHB +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 ST 14 13 12 10 9 8 7

with the exception of armor (which they may not use). Monks may use magic weapons as well as rings but may not use potions or scrolls. Monks may not gain followers or hirelings until they reach 6th level. Afterwards, the Monk may have a number of followers as indicated in the Charisma chart. The Monk gains an additional follower for every level he has attained. These followers are limited to Monks (of the same order as the player character) and Fighting-Men who cannot be of higher level than the Monk's level -1.

Monk Hierarchy At any given time the number of Monks of 7th level and above is limited to 1. When a Monk gains enough experience 8 96,000 6+1 +3 6 points to reach 7th level (or higher), he temporarily gains the abilities of the new level but must seek out and defeat the 9 192,000 7 +4 5 Monk who currently holds that rank (level). These fights need 10 384,000 8 +5 4 not be to the death, and magic may be employed. The loser of such a confrontation drops in number of experience point to the level below. For example, a 7th level Monk wishing to Referees might find it more appropriate in certain situations to reduce the chance of a successful assassination down to a take the place of another 7th level Monk loses his confrontation. His experience points are reduced to 24,000 single roll as opposed to "playing out" the whole (6th level Monk). assassination. GMs who wish to do so may use the table below to determine the chance of success (on a d20) of a planed assassination. A roll equal to or under the number Monk Class Abilities shown, after cross referencing the Assassin's level with the victim's level, indicates a successful assassination. Referees Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Monks may use any should adjust this chance based on the situation. weapons. They may not wear any armor.

Table 6: Chance of Assassination (d20)

Assassin's Level 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 3 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 Victim's Level 4 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 1 1 1 2

Weapon Bonus: Monks fighting with weapons gain a +1 bonus per 2 levels to damage up to a maximum of +5. Unarmed Combat: Monks fighting unarmed have a 1-15 on d20 chance of stunning their opponent (for 2d6 turns) if the number generated to hit is 5 or more than the minimum required. There is a 1-5 on d20 chance that such a blow will kill the victim. In addition, an unarmed Monk gains various abilities, such as increased movement, extra attacks, better unarmored AC, and increased unarmed damage based on level (see Monk Abilities Chart below). Thief Abilities: The Monk possesses the following Thief abilities (with bonus modifiers); Open Locks (+2), Remove Traps (+3), Listen, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows (+2). Climbing: Monks may climb as Thieves. At level 5, a Monk may fall 20 ft. without sustaining damage if a wall is within a reach of 2 ft. to break the Monk's fall. At 8th level the distance fallen increases to 40 ft. and the wall must be within 4 ft. Speak with Animals (4th): At 4th level a Monk may speak with animals. Simulated Death (5th): At 5th level the Monk may simulate death, lowering his heart beat and body temperature. He may remain in this state for d6/level turns. Heal Self (7th): Once per day, the Monk may heal himself of 1d6+1 points of damage. For each level beyond 7th, the Monk adds an additional +1 to the roll.

Monks are monastic martial artists who strive for physical and mental perfection. Humans with a minimum score of 15 in both Wisdom and Dexterity and 12 in Strength may become Monks. Although Monks prefer unarmed combat they may, if they wish, use any weapons. They may not wear any armor. Monks treat treasure and wealth as Paladins do

Speak with Plants (8th): At 8th level, a Monk may speak with plants. Immunity to Quest (10th): See Quest spell. Quivering Palm (10th): Once per week, by laying his palm upon a creature, the Monk may have the creature die on command. The creature may not have HD greater than the Monks level for this special ability to work. The command to die need not be given immediately, and the Monk can choose to withhold the command for a number of days equal to his level. Saving Throw: A successful saving throw allows the Monk to dodge missiles while a saving throw at -2 penalty allows the Monk to dodge magic missiles. XP Bonus for Wisdom: This class bonus is due to a high Wisdom attribute.

Druids are neutral Clerics who have retreated from the "civilized" areas of the world to pursue the worship of nature. Human characters of neutral bent possessing a Wisdom of 12 and a Charisma of 14 may elect to become Druids. Druids possess their own spell list (see Druid Spell List) independent of the Cleric's. Druids do not possess the Cleric's ability to Turn Undead but gain their own set of druidic special abilities. Druids may use daggers, sickles/crescent shaped swords (1d6), spears, and slings, and may make use of leather armor and wooden shields. They may use magic items usable by all classes as well as those usable by Clerics (excluding items in written form such as books and scrolls). Druids are devoted to protecting both plant and animal life, punishing those who transgress against either. The Druid's holy symbol is the mistletoe.

Table 7: Monk Advancement

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XP 0 1,500 3,000 6,000 12,000 24,000 48,000 96,000 192,000 384,000 HD 1 1+1 2 2+1 3 3+1 4 4+1 5 5+1 BHB +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +5 ST 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5

Table 8: Monk Abilities Chart

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Move +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +10 AC 9 [10] 8 [11] 8[11] 7 [12] 6 [13] 5 [14] 4 [15] 3 [16] 2 [17] 1 [18] Att/rnd* 1 1 1 2,1 2,1 2 2 2 3,2 3,2 Damage 1d6-2 1d6-1 1d6-1 1d6 1d6+1 2d6 2d6+1 3d6 3d6+1 4d6

Druid Class Abilities

Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Druids may use daggers, sickles/crescent shaped swords (1d6), spears, and slings, and may wear leather armor and use wooden shields. Spell Casting: Like the Cleric, the Druid may cast divine spells from a specific list as shown on the table below. For more information, see the Cleric's Spell Casting ability (S&W:WB p.6). Languages: Druids speak their own druidic language in addition to the common tongue. At 4th level and 8th level, the Druid may chose an extra language from the following; Dryad, Elvish, Treant, Giant (Hill), Centaur, Manticore, or Dragon (Green). Fire Resistance: Druids gain a +2 bonus to Saving Throws

*2,1 = 2 attacks first round, followed by 1 attack on the second. 3,2 = 3 attacks first round, followed by 2 attack on the second.

when dealing with fire. Initiate Powers (2nd): At 2nd level the Druid gains the following abilities; identify pure water, identify plants, identify animals, and pass through overgrowth. Shape Change (6th): At this level, Druids may take the shape of a mammal, reptile, or bird. The Druid may shape change up to 3 times per day, but is limited to one type (bird, reptile, mammal) per day. The size of the animals the Druid shape changes into ranges from as small as a raven to as large as a small bear. Changing from one form to another heals the Druid of 1d6 X 10% points of damage previously sustained. Charm Immunity (6th): Druids at this level are immune to charm spells from woodland or water creatures such as dryads. XP Bonus for Wisdom: This class bonus is due to a high Wisdom attribute.

Druid Spell List

As stated above, Druids possess their own spell list independent of the Cleric's, although some of the druidic spells are similar to the Cleric's or Magic-User's. Druid spells are generally aligned to natural or elemental forces and living things.

1 Know Weather 2 Locate Animals 3 Detect Snares & Pits 4 Detect Magic 5 Purify Water 6 Faerie Fire

Level 2
1 Produce Flames 2 Locate Plants 3 Speak with Animals 4 Cure Wounds I 5 Obscuring Mist 6 Create Water 7 Heat Metal 8 Warp Wood

Table 9: Druid Advancement

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XP 0 1,500 3,000 6,000 12,000 24,000 48,000 96,000 192,000 384,000 HD 1 2 3 3+1 4 5 6 6+1 7 8 BHB +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +5 ST 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4

Level 3
1 Pyrotechnics 2 Protection from Fire 3 Call Lightning 4 Cure Disease 5 Hold Animal 6 Plant Growth 7 Water Breathing 8 Neutralize Poison

Level 4
1 Produce Fire 2 Protection f/ Lightning 3 Speak with Plants 4 Walk Through Flora 5 Insect Plague 6 Temperature Change 10' 7 Cure Wounds II 8 Animal Summoning I 9 Hallucinatory Terrain 10 Dispel Magic

Table 10: Druidic Spell Advancement

Level 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 Spell Level 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 5 1 2 2 3

Level 5
1 Wall of Fire 2 Control Winds 3 Pass Plant 4 Hold Plant 5 Animal Growth 6 Commune with Nature 7 Anti-Plant Shell 8 Transform I 9 Sticks to Snakes 10 Animal Summoning II

Spell Descriptions (Druidic)

Animal Growth
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D5, M5 120 ft 2 hours

Commune with Nature

Spell Level: Range: Duration: D5 Self 3 questions

Same as the magic-user spell of the same name.

Same as the magic-user spell Commune but must be performed outdoors and the answers received will only pertain to Nature.

Animal Summoning I
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D4 30 ft 1 hour

Control Winds
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D5 120 ft 6 turns + druid level

The Druid summons up normal animals to serve as his allies: 1 creature larger than a man (such as an elephant), 3 animals the size of a man or horse (such as a lion), or 6 animals smaller than a man (such as a wolf). The animals obey the Druids commands.

Animal Summoning II
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D5 30 ft 1 hour

A Druid my employ this spell to increase the force of, or calm, winds within 120' of the Druid. The center-point of the spell's effect is the Druid and follows the Druid's movements. Such affected winds may influence flying creatures and sailing ships (forcing them out of the air or halting their maritime travel). A Control Winds spell cast upon an existing Control Winds spell will negate it. The spell's range is increased to 320 at 10th level.

Create Water
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D2 Close 1 turn per level

Similar to the Druid spell Animal Summoning I except that 2 creatures larger than a man may be summoned, or 6 creatures the size of a man or horse, or 12 animals smaller than a man.

This spell is identical to the 4th level cleric spell Create Food and Drink, but does not create food.

Anti-Plant Shell
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D5 Self 2 hours

Cure Disease
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D3, C3 Touch IImmediate

Similar to the magic-user spell Anti-Magic Shell but instead of Identical to the Cleric's spell of the same name. protecting from spells, it protects against attacks from plants and living vegetables.

Call Lightning
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D3 360 ft 1 turn per level

Cure Wounds I
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D2, C1 Touch Immediate

This spell functions like the Cleric spell of the same name. In order for this spell to occur, the Druid must be within 360' of stormy weather. The lightning bolt inflicts 8d6 + druid level points of damage (GMs may wish to allow a successful saving throw to half the damage). The caster may target anyone within the spell's range. The Druid may call down 1 bolt of lightning per turn. This spell is only usable outdoors.

Cure Wounds II
Spell Level: Range: D4, C4 Touch



Heat Metal
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D2 30 ft 2 rounds

Same as the clerical spell of the same name.

Detect Magic
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D1, C1, M1 60 ft 20 minutes

This spell is identical to the arcane and clerical spell of the same name.

Detect Snares & Pits

Spell Level: Range: Duration: D1 10 ft per caster level 1 + druid level hours

This spell allows the caster to discover snares, pits, and other outdoor traps.

Heat Metal makes metal extremely warm. This spell affects 1 metal item weighing pound per level of the caster. A creature takes damage if it's holding or wearing equipment that is targeted by this spell. On the first round of the spell, the metal becomes searingly hot to the touch. Heated objects in contact with hands make the hand unusable for 1 day. If another body part (other than hands or head) is affected, the victim will suffer 1d6-4 (minimum 1) points of damage. If the searing metal is in contact with the victim's head, he'll take 1 point of damage and be dizzy. A victim still in contact with the searing metal for a second consecutive round will receive further damage. Hand held objects will render the victim's hand useless for 1d6-2 weeks. Other body parts (other than hands or head) receive an additional 1d6-2 points of damage. A head in contact with heated metal for a second round receives an additional 2 points of damage and the creature affected is struck unconscious for 1d6+1 turns.

Dispel Magic
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D4, M3 120 ft 10 minutes

Hold Animal
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D3 120 ft 1 hour + 10 minutes per level

Same as the Magic-User spell of the same name.

Faerie Fire
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D1 60 ft 6 turns

Similar to the magic-user spell Hold Monster, Hold Animal affects mammals of up to 200 lb. X druid level, or reptiles, birds, and fish of up to 100 lb. X Druid level.

Hold Plant
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D5 30 ft + 10 ft/druid level 6 turns + druid level

This spell lines the target in a luminescent glow.

Hallucinatory Terrain
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D4 Touch Immediate

Similar to the Magic-User spell Hold Monster but affects living, magical or animated plants. This spell affects both treants and fungoid life forms.

Insect Plague
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D4, C5 480 ft 1 day

This spell creates an illusionary forest covering an area of 30 ft . X 30 ft. per Druid level. Creatures within this area will absolutely believe they are in a forest, acting and reacting appropriately to their surroundings. A Referee may wish to allow victims of this illusion a saving throw to see through the illusion. Other Druids, magical woodland creatures, and treants are never fooled by this hallucinatory forest. A Dispel Magic or a reversal of Hallucinatory Terrain will dispel this illusion.

Same as the clerical spell of the same name.

Know Weather
Spell Level: Range: D1 2 miles X 2 miles/ druid level



exists within the range of the spell, then the spell fails and the Druid simply re-emerges from the starting tree.

The Druid may forecast the weather in a given location (see range) with a chance of accuracy of 1-19 on d20. The forecast is for the next 12 hours.

Plant Growth
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D3, M4 240 ft Permanent

Locate Animals
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D1 60 ft + 10 ft per druid level 1 round per level

Identical to the Magic-User spell of the same name.

This spell is similar to the Locate Object spell but deals with animals as opposed to objects.

Produce Fire
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D4 30 ft 1 turn

Locate Plants
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D2 60 ft 20 minutes

This spell creates fire covering an area of 10 ft . X 10 ft. This spell may be reversed to extinguish fires covering the same area.

This spell is similar to the Locate Object spell but deals with plants as opposed to objects.

Produce Flame
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D2 Caster 2 turns per level

Neutralize Poison
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D3, C4 Referee's discretion 10 minutes

Same as the clerical spell of the same name.

This spell allows the Druid to produce a small flame in the palm of his hand which illuminates as a small lantern. The flame may be hurled up to 30 ft. It may cause inflammables to combust.

Obscuring Mist
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D2 20 ft 1 turn per druid level

Protection from Fire

Spell Level: Range: Duration: D3 Touch 3 turns + druid level

A misty vapor arises around the Druid. It is stationary once created. The vapor obscures all sight beyond 5 ft. The cloud covers 100 cubic feet per Druid level.

Pass Plant
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D5 480 ft 10 minutes

If cast upon a non-Druid, this spell renders the target invulnerable to normal fire. If cast upon a Druid, this spell also protects from magical fire, but such magical flames will immediately cancel the spell on the next turn.

Protection from Lightning

Spell Level: Range: Duration: D4 Touch 6 turn + druid level

Use of this spell allows the Druid to enter one tree and emerge from another of the same species. The base distance traveled this way is 480 yards + modifier based on the type (Oak +120 yards. Ash, yew, linden, and elm -120 yards. Other deciduous trees -180 yards. Coniferous trees -240 yards). The tree's girth must be large enough to engulf the Druid. Travel must be from one living tree to another. If no such tree

This spell negates the effects of electrical attacks. The spell ceases after such an attack.

Purify Water
Spell Level: D1


Range: Duration:

Close or touch Immediate

Spell Level: Range: Duration:

D5, M5 120 ft 3d6 days

This spell is identical to the clerical spell Purify Food and Drink but is limited to water.

Same as the Magic-User spell of the same name.

Spell Level: Range: Duration: D3 240 ft 1 hour

Walk Through Flora

Spell Level: Range: Duration: D4 Close 3 turns + druid level

The caster creates either fireworks or blinding smoke from a normal fire source such as a torch or campfire. The Referee will decide exactly how much smoke is produced, what effect it has, and what happens to it as its produced, but the amount of smoke will definitely be more than 20 cubic feet.

Speak with Animals

Spell Level: Range: Duration: D2, C2 30 ft 6 turns

This spell allows the Druid to pass through thick/dense vegetation. This "doorway" (3 ft. X 6 ft.) is usable only by the caster, but another Druid or a dryad may follow. This spell may also be used to pass through solid trunks. The Druid may decide to stay within the truck for up to the duration of the spell as an effective way to hide from others.

Wall of Defense I
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D5, M4 120 ft 10 minutes

This spell is identical to the 2nd level Cleric spell of the same name.

Same as the 4th level Magic-User spell of the same name.

Speak with Plants

Spell Level: Range: Duration: D4, C4 30 ft 6 turns

Warp Wood
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D2 30 ft 1Permanent

Same as the clerical spell of the same name.

Sticks to Snakes
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D5, C4 120' 1 hour

This spell allows the Druid to cause straight wooden shafts to bend. This spell affects an amount of wood equal to 1 spear shaft or 6 arrows per 2 Druid levels.

Water Breathing
Spell Level: Range: Duration: D3, M3 30 ft 2 hours

Same as the Cleric spell of the same name.

Temperature Change, 10'

Spell Level: Range: Duration: D4 10 ft 6 turns3 turns + druid level

Functions like the Magic-User's spell of the same name.

Allows the Druid to vary the temperature in a given area (10 ft. radius) by +/- 50 degrees. Mistletoe is required to cast this spell.

Transform I


The following classes were inspired by classes culled from various sources, such as old periodicals, or later incarnations of the game. As always, the Referee has the final say with regards to any supplemental class' inclusion into his game.

Track (Outdoors): A Ranger has a 1-18 on a d20 chance of successfully tracking prey (animal, monster, or humanoid) outdoors. The chance of success decreases by 2 for each day old the tracks or signs are. Tack (Indoors): Rangers may use their tracking ability to track prey indoors as well (including in dungeons). In order to track a prey indoors, the Ranger must have observed the prey no more than 6 turns previously. The chance of successfully tracking the prey (on a d20) depends on the action the monster takes. Monster's Action Goes down a passage Goes through a door Goes throough a trap door Goes through a secret door Goes through a chimeny Chance to Track (d20) 1-13 1-11 1-10 1-6 1-8

These hunters and woodsmen are a sub-class of FightingMen. In order to qualify or the Ranger class, both INT and WIS scores must be at least 12, and CON must be 15 or more. In addition to these requirements, a Ranger is expected to act in a lawful manner at all times. Should the Ranger's actions shift his alignment from lawful to Neutral or Chaotic, he will lose all Ranger benefits and abilities and will become an ordinary Fighting-Man. A Ranger's Prime Attribute is STR. If not specified otherwise, Rangers perform as Fighting-Men.

Alertness: Rangers reduce their chance of being surprised by half. Example; if the Referee declares the chance of being surprised by a particular ambush is 50%, the Ranger's chance of being surprised is decreased to 25%. Favored Foe: When fighting giant class foes, Rangers gain a bonus to their damage equal to their level.

Ranger Class Abilities

Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Rangers may use any weapons, and may wear any armor. Great Fortitude: At 1st level, Rangers roll their Hit Dice twice. Spell Casting: High level Rangers may cast Cleric and/or Magic-User spells. Ranger Level 8 9 10 Spell Abilities 1st level Cleric spells and 1st level M-U spells 2nd level Cleric spells and 2nd level M-U spells 3rd level Cleric spells and 3rd level M-U spells 3/2/1 2/1/Spells Per Day 1/-/-

Rule Variant: Expanded Favored Foe

Later incarnations of this class expanded and clarified the term "Giant Class" to include the following; bugbears, giants, gnolls, goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, ogres, ogre magi, orcs, and trolls. Magic Items: In addition to being able to use magic items eligible to the Fighting-Man, upon reaching 8th level the Ranger may employ any magic items which heal or cure disease, as well as items or scrolls which deal with Clairvoyance, Clairaudiance, ESP, Telekinesis, and Teleportation. Followers: Although Rangers may not hire men-at-arms or servants, upon reaching 9th level they will attract 2d6 followers. Roll on the tables below for each follower to determine the Type, Class, and Level of the followers. Followers who are killed cannot be replace. Type (d20) 1-12 13-15 16-17 18-19 20 Man Elf Dwarf 2 Halflings Special Class (Men) (d20) 1-10 11-16 17-19 20 Fighting-Man Cleric Magic-User Thief (If used) or choose one


Level (d20) 1-10 11-13 14-16 16-17 18-19 20 2nd 3

rd th

Special Type (d20) 1-5 6-8 9-11 12-15 16-17 18-19 20 Ranger level 1d4+2 Unicorn Pegasus Werebear (lawful) Hill Giant Stone Giant Gold Dragon

5th 6th 7

song. Bards also possess some class abilities in common with other classes such as the Magic-User's spell casting ability and the Thief's thieving abilities (see Thief, above). To qualify for the Bard class, a character must have a STR and INT score of at least 9, and a CHA of at least 13. Bards with a DEX score below 9 see their thieving abilities halved. A Bard's Prime Attribute is CHA. At the Referee's discretion, Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings may become Bards but may not progress beyond 8th level. Bards may use any magic items usable by Fighting-Men, Thieves, and those usable by all classes.

Bard Class Abilities

Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Bards may use any weapons, and may wear leather or chain armor. Thieving Abilities: Starting at 2nd level, Bards possess the thieving abilities of a Thief one half his level (see Thief, above), rounded down. These abilities include; Open Locks, Remove Traps, Pick Pockets & Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Hear Noises, and Climb Sheer Surfaces. Bards wearing chain armor cannot use the Climb Sheer Surfaces and Move Silently abilities. Bards with a DEX score of less than 9 see their chances of successfully performing their thieving skills cut in half. A Bard of Lawful alignment or one that becomes Lawful through play loses his thieving abilities. Bard's do not possess the Thief's Backstab ability. Spell Casting: Bard's are able to cast arcane spells in the same manner as Magic-Users and Elves. See the Bard Abilities table for the number of spells a Bard may memorize per day. Charm: The Bard Abilities table lists the chance (on a d20) of the bard charming an audience (within 60 ft.) through music or song. Monsters of 4 HD or more add a +1 penalty to the Bard's roll for every HD above 3. Likewise, characters of 5th level or greater also add a +1 penalty to the Bard's roll result for every level above 4. Some creature are more resilient to the Bard's charm. Undead, for example, add a penalty of +2 to a Bard's charm roll for ever HD they possess. At the Referee's discretion, extremely powerful creatures, such as Baalrochs, may have a fixed penalty to the Bard's roll (up to +20) which exceeds what the creature's HD would normally confer. When using his charm, the Bard makes 1 roll and compares his result against each audience member affected, modifying his success range for each individual. Example: A 5th level Bard attempts to charm a group composed of a 6th level Fighting-Man (+2 penalty to the Bard's chances to charm), 2 1HD men-at-arms, and a 5 HD cockatrice (also +2 to the Bard's roll result). A 5th level Bard's normal chance to charm is 1-10 on a d20, and he rolls a 9. Individually applying each audience member's modifier to his roll results in only the 2 men-at-arms being charmed (the Fighting-Man's +2 modifier adjusts the Bard's roll result to 11, which is over the success range. The cockatrice's +2 penalty to the Bard's charm also modifies the result to 11, thus meaning the charm was likewise ineffective versus the beast). A charm affects all those within 60 ft., excluding the Bard's

Establish Stronghold (9th): A Ranger may establish a stronghold at 9th level much like the Fighting-Man. XP Bonus for Dexterity: This class bonus is due to a high Dexterity attribute.

Ranger Disadvantages
In addition the the special abilities possessed by this class, Rangers also possess certain disadvantages and limitations. Limited Wealth: Rangers may only own what they can carry with them, donating any excess to a worthy cause. Solitary and Self Sufficient: No more than two Rangers may operate together. Rangers will hire neither servants nor men-at-arms.

Table 11: Ranger Advancement

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XP 0 2,500 5,000 12,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 170,000 270,000 540,000 HD 2 3 3+1 4 5 6 6+1 7 8 9 BHB +0 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +6 ST 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7

Part skald and part minstrel, the Bard is both a master musician and a keeper of legends and lore. Bards are knowledgeable in many areas and the ancient legends and obscure lore studied by the Bard gives this class insight into many things. In addition, by way of their great musical prowess, Bards may influence an audience through music or


party. A Bard may use his charm ability once per day per level. Suggestion: While a Bard has an audience charmed, he may attempt to implant a suggestion within the audience's subconscious. This suggestion acts in a similar manner to the arcane spell Suggestion. Victims are afforded a chance to save versus the suggestion. A successful save will result in the victim detecting the attempted suggestion and will most likely attack the Bard and his party. Lore: A Bard's Lore ability (see Bard Abilities table) gives the Bard's chance, on a d20, to use his wealth of knowledge of ancient legends and lore to discern the properties of magic items, as well as knowledge of locales and legends outside the dungeon. When trying to discern the properties of magic items he cannot use, the Bard's chances are halved. The lore ability isn't simply limited to discovering the properties of magic items but can be used to glean information on anything that knowledge of legend and ancient lore might assist. The Referee should assign a penalty to the bard's chance of success based on the obscurity of the information sought. Languages: A Bard may speak a number of additional languages equal to his INT score. Followers: Starting at 3rd level, and every 3 levels afterwards, Bards attract followers to follow him on his journeys. The table below gives what level followers the Bard attracts as well as the class of the followers. Bard Level 3 6 9 Roll (d20) 1-6 7-11 12-15 16-18 Followers 1 first level +1 second level +1 third level Follower's Class Bard Druid Fighting-Man Thief

Table 12: Bard Advancement

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XP 0 2,000 4,000 9,000 16,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 HD 1 2 3 3+1 4 5 6 6+1 7 8 BHB +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +5 ST 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5

Table 13: Bard Abilities

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Spells/Day 1/-/-/-/-/-/1/-/-/-/-/-/2/-/-/-/-/-/3/-/-/-/-/-/3/1/-/-/-/-/4/1/-/-/-/-/4/2/-/-/-/-/4/2/-/-/-/-/4/2/1/-/-/-/Charm & Lore (d20) 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8 1-10 1-12 1-14 1-16 1-18 1-20

Magical Instruments
The following are magical instruments are usable by Bards.

Magical Harp: This harp adds + 2 to the Bard's chance of successfully charming an audience. In addition, this harp 19-20 Magic-User possesses 3 songs which can each be played once per day. At fifth level, and for each 3 levels afterwards, the Bard may Although a Bard's followers do not need to be paid, when one play the songs one extra time per day. The first song playable on this magic harp is one of protection and is dies, the follower is not replaced. identical to an arcane Protection from Evil spell. The second XP Bonus for Charisma: This class bonus is due to a high song produces effects similar to a Shield spell. The third song mimics a Continual Light sell. A Bard must be of 2nd Charisma attribute. level or higher to play this harp. 1st level Bards attempting to do so receive 1d6 points of damage. Magical Harp, Greater: This harp adds + 4 to the Bard's chance of successfully charming an audience and possesses all the songs of the lesser harp. In addition, the greater magical harp possesses 2 additional songs. The first turns the Bard invisible for as long as he is playing (note that the sound of the harp playing will be heard while invisible, which


will seem to others as if the music is coming out of thin air). The second song produces effects identical to an arcane Strength spell. Like the first song, the effects of this strengthgiving melody cease once the Bard stops playing (either willingly or through interruption). The two songs of the greater harp are playable once per day. At eighth level the Bard may play the songs one extra time per day. Bards of less than fifth level who attempt to this this harp suffer 3d6 points of damage. Magical Lyre: This magic instrument adds + 6 to the Bard's chance of successfully charming an audience. It possesses all the songs from both the magical harp and the greater magical harp. In addition, the magical lyre possesses 2 additional songs which can each be played once per day. When reaching 10th level the Bard may play the songs one extra time per day. The first song playable on the magic lyre allows the Bard to fly as if affected by a 3rd level magic-user Fly spell. The effects last for 1d6 turns +1 turn per Bard level, or until the Bard stops playing (either willingly or through interruption). The second song produces effects identical to a Dispel Magic spell (use the Bard's level to determine the chance of success). A Bard must be of 8th level or higher to play this lyre. Lower level Bards attempting to do so receive 5d6 points of damage.

Table 14: Illusionist Advancement

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XP 0 2,750 5,500 11,000 22,500 47,500 92,500 177,500 357,500 715,000 HD 1 1+1 2 2+1 3 3+1 4 4+1 5 5+1 BHB +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 ST 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6

Table 15: Illusionist Spell Advancement

Level 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 Spell Level 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 2 2 2 5 1 2

Illusionists are a Magic-User sub-class who specialize in magical illusions. An Intelligence and Dexterity of 15 are required to qualify for this class. An Illusionist's prime requisite is Intelligence. Illusionists may only employ illusionist scrolls, Crystal Balls, and certain wands (fear, paralyzation, illusion, and magic detection). Illusionists possess their own spell list (see Illusionists Spell List) independent of the Magic-User's.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Illusionist Class Abilities

Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Like the Magic-User, Illusionists may use daggers and staves and may not wear any armor. Spell Casting: The Illusionist casts spells in the same manner as the Magic-User and Elf. Illusionists possess their own spell list independent of the Magic-User's. Saving Throw: Illusionists gain a +2 bonus to save versus illusions. XP Bonus for Intelligence: This class bonus is due to a high Intelligence attribute.

Illusionist Spell List

As stated above, illusionists possess their own spell list independent of the magic-user's, although some of the druidic spells are similar to the cleric's or magic-user's.

1 Phantasmal Force I 2 Light (Dark) I 3 Wall of Fog 4 Change Self 5 Reflection 6 Hypnotize 7 Detect Invisibility

Level 2
1 Phantasmal Force II 2 Invisibility I 3 Fog 4 Blind 5 Misdetection 6 Hypnotic Pattern 7 Detect Magic 8 Deafness


Level 3
1 Invisibility II 2 Fear 3 Phantasmal Force III 4 Light (Dark) II 5 Paralyze 6 Non-Detection 7 Hallucinatory Terrain

Level 4
1 Invisibility III 2 Massmorph 3 Shadow Monster I 4 Shadow Magic I 5 Creation I 6 Emotions 7 Confusion 8 1st lvl M-U spells

Spell Descriptions (Illusion)

1st Level Magic-User Spells

Spell Level: Range: Duration: I4 N/A N/A

Learning this spell allows the Illusionist to learn and use all 1st level Magic-User spells. He must seek these spells in the same manner as Magic-Users.

Level 5
1 2nd lvl M-U spells 2 Project Image 3 Summon Shadow 4 Creation II 5 Chaos 6 Shadow Monster II 7 Shadow Magic II 8 Create Specter

2nd Level Magic-User Spells

Spell Level: Range: Duration: I5 N/A N/A

Learning this spell allows the Illusionist to learn and use all 2nd level Magic-User spells. He must seek these spells in the same manner as Magic-Users.

Spell Level: Range: Duration: I2 80 ft Until dispelled or removed by caster.

On a failed save, this spell causes blindness in a victim. The blindness will remain until it is either dispelled or removed by the caster.

Change Self
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I1 Self 10 + level + 1d6 turns

This illusion makes the caster appear to be a different creature. The illusionary guise must share the same general size and shape as the Illusionist.

Spell Level: Range: Duration: I5 120 ft Concentration

This spell affects a 30 ft .X 30 ft. area. All those caught within the affected area will become confused until they leave the area. High level Fighting-Men and Illusionists are not affected by this spell.


Detect Invisibility Confusion

Spell Level: Range: Duration: I4, M4 120 ft 2 hours Spell Level: Range: Duration: I1, M2 10 ft/level 1 hour

Same as the 2nd level Magic-User spell of the same name.

Same as the 4th level Magic-User spell of the same name.

Create Specter
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I5 Near caster Permanent

Detect Magic
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I1, M1, C1 60 ft 20 minutes

This spell is used to raise a deceased person, causing him to become a specter with HD equal to 1/2 the deceased character's level (rounded up). The deceased character must have been at least 2nd level in order to be raised as a specter. The specter is raised with both its mind and memory intact. The specter does not come under the control of the illusionist and retains its independence. In order for this spell to work, the deceased must be raised within a number of turns equal to or less than 24 + 6 X Illusionist's level.

Same as the Cleric and Magic-User spell of the same name.

Spell Level: Range: Duration: Battle Lust: I4 180 ft Concentration Makes targets fight as Berserkers (+1 to-Hit, +3 damage, and +5 temporary HP). Battle Lust may be countered by Fear. When used, it's effects are variable (d20 roll). A result of 1-4 = hate any enemy, 5-8 means the targets hate each other, 9-14 = hate both each other and any enemy, 15-16 = hate themselves (committing suicide), 17-20 = hate the caster. A person under the influence of Hate will attack whoever the dice roll indicates. Causes immunity to fear.

Creation I
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I4 Touch 4 + illusionist level in days Hate:

Deprivation: Causes men to desert Countered by Bravado.

Creation allows an IIlusionist to create materials up to a hardness comparable to wood (much like a Djinn). The total amount of weight an Illusionist may create in a day equals 5 pounds X the level of the Illusionist.

Creation II
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I5 Touch 4 + illusionist level in days


Spell Level: Range: Duration: I3 180 ft Level + 1d6 turns

Similar to Creation I except the amount of material created in a day has a maximum weight of 15 pounds X the level of the Illusionist.

Spell Level: Range: Duration: I2 80 ft Until dispelled or removed by caster.

This spell causes creatures who fail their saving throw to flee. The spell will affect 5d6 first level types, 4d6 second level, 3d6 third level types, 2d6 4th level, 1d6 5th level types, or 1d6-2 6th level types.

Spell Level: Range: Duration: I2 Mover 6 ft / minute 1 hour

Identical to the Illusionist spell Blind but causes deafness instead.


This magical fog acts in a similar manner to a Cloudkill except it simply obstructs vision as opposed to poisoning its victems. Fog is affected by winds in the same manner as Cloudkill is.

Spell Level: Range: Duration:

I4 240 ft 4 rounds + 1 round/level

Hallucinatory Terrain
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I3, M4 240 ft Until touched or dispelled

Same as Invisibility II but allows the recipient to attack while invisible.

Light (Dark) I
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I1, M1, C1 60 ft 1 hour + 10 min/level

Same as the 4th level Magic-User spell of the same name.

Hypnotic Pattern
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I2 120 ft Concentration + 1d6+3 turns

Same as the Magic-User and cleric spell of the same name.

Light (Dark) II
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I3, M3, C3 120 ft Permanent until dispelled

Conjures up a magical pattern before the Illusionist that will hypnotize all onlookers (save negates). Those ensorcelled by the hypnotic pattern will be held motionless. The spell affects 4d6 1st levels victims, 3d6 second level, 2d6 3rd or 4th level victims, or 1d6 victims of 5th or 6th level.

Same as the Magic-User and Cleric spell of the same name.

Spell Level: I4, M4 240 ft Until negated or dispelled Range: Duration:

Spell Level: Range: Duration: I1 120 ft Until dispelled

Same as the Magic-User spell of the same name.

This spell acts in a similar manner to the arcane spell Charm Person. Victims must be looking into the Illusionist's eyes in order for this spell to have an effect. Due to the powerful nature of this spell, victim's suffer a penalty of 2 to their saving throw when attempting to resist a Hypnotize spell.

Spell Level: Range: Duration: I2 120 ft 10 minutes

Invisibility I
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I2, M2 240 ft Until dispelled or an attack is made

This spell causes any detection spells (Detect Invisibility, Detect Magic, Detect Thoughts) to malfunction.

Spell Level: Range: Duration: I3 Self 2 turns/level

Same as the 2nd level Magic-User spell of the same name.

Invisibility II
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I3, M3 240 ft Until dispelled or an attack is made

Prevents any detection spells from working on the Illusionist. This spell also negates detection through magic items such as Crystal Balls.

Same as the 3rd level Magic-User spell of the same name.

Spell Level: Range: I3 180 ft

Invisibility III



Until dispelled or removed by caster

Spell Level: Range: Duration:

I4 Same as mimicked spell Same as mimicked spell

This spell paralyzes its targets. The number of creatures affected is equal to twice the Illusionist's level in HD. A successful save negates this effect.

Phantasmal Force I
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I1, M2 240 ft Until negated or dispelled

This spell allows the Illusionist to cast semi-real offensive spells which mimic the following real offensive spells; Lightning Bolt & Fire Ball Wall of Defense I Death Spell Do 1d6 points of damage for every 4 illusionist levels. 1d6 - 2 +1/every 4 illusionist levels. Affects 1d8 creatures of 1 HD.

Same as the Magic-User spell of the same name.

Phantasmal Force II
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I2 240 ft Until negated or dispelled

Shadow Magic II
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I5 Same as mimicked spell Same as mimicked spell

Similar to Phantasmal Force I, this more powerful version of the spell allows the Illusionist to move about while employing the spell. In addition, the spell remains in effect for 3 turns after it has been negated.

Same as Shadow Magic I but the damage inflicted is doubled.

Shadow Monster I
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I4 30 ft 1 round/level

Phantasmal Force III

Spell Level: Range: Duration: I3 240 ft Until negated or dispelled

This spell allows the caster to conjure semi-real monsters. Monsters summoned have 20% the number of HD of the Similar to Phantasmal Force II, this more powerful version of original (Original HD X 0.2. Any score of less than .4 is the spell allows the Illusionist to include sound, small, and rounded down, and any fraction of .4 or greater is rounded up temperature to his illusion. Unlike the lesser Phantasmal to 1 hit point). Shadow monsters have an AC of 9 [10], and Forces, this version is not destroyed by touch. In addition, the do not possess any of the original monster's special abilities spell remains in effect for 5 turns after it has been negated. (unless the victim believes the shadow monster is real). The illusionist may conjure a number of monsters whose combined original HD is/are equal to the Illusionist's level. Project Image Shadow Monsters take double damage from silver weapons. Spell Level: I5, M6 Range: Duration: 240 ft 1 hour

Shadow Monster II
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I5 30 ft 1 round/level

Identical to the Magic-User's Project Image spell.

Spell Level: Range: Duration: I1 80 ft 1 turn

Same as Shadow Monster I, but the shadow monsters summoned are have 40% of the original creatures HD. Also, their AC is increased to 8 [11]. With this version of the spell the Illusionist may conjure a number of monsters whose combined original HD is/are equal to the Illusionist's level X 1.5.

This spell acts as a mirror to counter the Petrifying Gaze of certain creatures such as Medusas or Basilisks.

Summon Shadow
Spell Level: I5

Shadow Magic I


Range: Duration:

Near caster Until mission is complete

properly use a shield (adjust AC accordingly). In addition, this exhaustion reduces the target's Move by half.

Similar to an Invisible Stalker spell, but summons Shadows instead. The number of Shadows summoned is equal to 1 + 1 per level over 5.

Odin's Spear
Spell Level: Range: Duration: G2 150 ft Immediate

Wall of Fog
Spell Level: Range: Duration: I1 60 ft Concentration

The Illusionist creates an opaque wall of fog that blocks vision. The caster may choose to create the wall in a straight line running 60 ft. in length and 20 ft. in hight or a circular wall with a 15 ft. radius, also 20 ft. in hight.

A magical spear flies where the caster directs, with a range of 150ft. There are two versions of this spell, and your GM will specify which version is available in his campaign: in the first version, the godi must roll to hit the target with a +1 bonus to the roll. The divine spear inflicts 1d6+1 points of damage. In the second version of the spell, the spear hits automatically, doing 1d6-1 points of damage. The godi may cast an additional two spears for every 5 levels of experience. Thus, at fifth level, the godi is able to hurl 3 spears, and 5 spears at 10th level.

The Northern Godi

The Godi (plural "Godar") is a northern cleric and servant of the northern gods. This class is identical to the Cleric presented in the Swords & Wizardry: White Box (p.5-6), with the addition of a few spells and rituals which allow the godi to master the mystical powers of Runes. Unlike the Cleric, the Godi does not possess the ability to Turn Undead. Although the whole of the nordic pantheon is venerated by the Godi, these Clerics will usually focus their worship to one particular god. These gods include, but are not limited to, Odin, Thor, Frey, Freyja, Hel, and Loki.

Thor's Hammer
Spell Level: Range: Duration: G2 Touch 10 rounds

When cast upon a war hammer, this spell adds a +2bonus to Hit and damage. If cast on any other weapon (including fists) the bonus is +1. Weapons affected by a Thor's Hammer spell give off a magical glow and may damage creatures only affected by magic weapons.

Additional Godi Spells

The following 3 spells are additional spells provided by the northern gods to their priests. These spells are available only to the Godi class, although a Referee may allow a Cleric converted to the worship of the northern gods to access them.

The Problematic Raise Dead

Although Godar, like regular Clerics, have access to life restoring spells such as Raise Dead, these spells are rarely cast upon valorous heroes. The Godar believe heroic Fighting-Men and Clerics who die gloriously in combat will be taken by the Valkyries to Valhalla. This is a great honor, and because of this belief, a Godi is very particular with regards to who he will bring back to life. Before casting Raise Dead , the Godi must roll a d20. If the roll is lower than the fallen warrior's level, then the intended target of the Raise Dead spell is seen as too valorous and heroic to bring back. He Godi will not rob such a hero of this honor and no godi would ever interfere with the valkyries coming to claim a noble warrior. If the result of the d20 roll is more than the slain warrior's level then the Godi will deem the dead of no consequence to the gods at that moment and may bring him back to life. The Godar believe that non-warriors such as Magic-Users and common folk are never claimed by the Valkyries, and thus belong to Hel. Referees may include non-humans, such as Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings in this category. Bringing these back to life carries its own dilemma. The Godi believes

Spell Level: Range: Duration: G2 Touch 10 rounds

The recipient of this spell (either the Godi, or another) becomes infused with a berserk battle-lust. For the following 10 rounds, those under the influence of a Berserker spell gain an extra attack each round. At the end of the spell's duration, the target is exhausted for 3 turns. During this exhaustion period, all attacks upon the the target receive a +2 bonus. The target of the spell is also too exhausted to


that bringing these non-warriors back to life means stealing them from the Courts of Hel. Before a Raise Dead spell can be performed on noncombatants, the Godi must roll under the deceased subjects CHA score. A success means that the Godi deems the deceased worth the risk of attracting Hel's attention. The Referee may allow a modifier to this roll to reflect any bond of affection the godi might have towards the deceased (like a fellow adventurer).

In order for this spell to succeed, the Godi must perform the appropriate ritual (see below). Once properly inscribed, the rune may be activated with an Activate Divine Rune spell. The maximum number of divine runes the Godi may have inscribed at one time is equal to the number of 2nd evel spells he may cast (with a minimum of 1). For example, a seventh level Godi may have up to a maximum of 2 divine runes inscribed at one time. Inscribing more runes than the permitted limit will result in all runes currently inscribed to lose their magical properties and the current Inscribe Divine Rune ritual is ruined.

Rune Spells
Through the use of Rune Spells, along with the appropriate rituals, Godar may access the powers of divine runes. A Godi may use the Inscribe Divine Rune spell to place a divine rune upon an object, thus turning a mundane item into a magical item. To properly inscribe the rune, the Godi must have learned the rune through a Learn Divine Rune spell and must have performed he appropriate ritual. An Activate Divine Rune spell will activate the inscribed rune.

Learn Divine Rune

Spell Level: Range: Duration: G2 Self 1d6+5 days

Through this spell the Godi may learn one of the 24 divine runes. This spell must be accompanied by the proper ritual (see below) in order to be effective. Each use of this spell The following spells (Rune Spells) are used by Godar to results in a permanent loss of 1 hit point. A successful Saving learn, harness, and master the powers of the 24 divine runes. Throw negates the HP loss. Rune Spells are available only to Godar, or Clerics converted to the worship of the northern pantheon. When a Godi is created, he does not begin play with any runes known. Knowledge of each divine runes must be acquired through play, in one of two ways. The Godi may find a fellow Godi who knows a rune and is willing to teach the character via the Learn Divine Rune Ritual, or the Godi may learn a rune by having an item at the ritual bearing the rune sought already properly inscribed (with the Inscribe Divine Rune spell).

Runic Divination
Spell Level: Range: Duration: G2 Touch Immediate

Activate Divine Rune

Spell Level: Range: Duration: G2 Touch 10 rounds (unless noted otherwise)

This spell allows the Godi to activate 1 divine rune that has been inscribed by a Godi (either himself or another) with an Inscribe Divine Rune spell. Activate Divine Rune will activate one of the various powers inherent in a divine rune. The specific power invoked must be specified before casting.

In order to use this spell, the Godi must possess a set of tiles depicting the 24 divine runes. These tile must be crafter by the Godi on material ranging from wood, stone, bone, or any other appropriate material. After casting this spell while throwing the tiles, the Godi interprets the throw in the hope of finding a divine answer to 1 question. This spell's effect is similar to the clerical Commune spell (see S&W:WB p.20). Unlike the Commune spell, Runic Divination is limited to 1 question, and does not carry the "once per week" limitation that Commune does. The Referee will determine the effects of this spell. It should be noted that the northern gods are a fickle lot, and will most likely tire of constant pleading for answers or overly frequent demands on their time. The Godi needs to tread lightly when making such demands for information, least he angers the gods.

Inscribe Divine Rune

Spell Level: Range: Duration: G3 Touch Permanent

The following rituals must be performed to ensure the success of their associated runic spells. Failing to perform the rituals, or failing to perform them successfully, will result in negating the effects of the associated rune spells.

This spell will allow the Godi to inscribe a learned rune upon an object. The rune inscribed must be one that was previously learned by the Godi via a Learn Divine Rune spell.

Inscribe Divine Rune Ritual


In order to properly inscribe a divine rune, the tools to be used, the object upon which the rune is to be inscribed, as well as the Godi himself, must all be ritually purified before the actual inscription. This purifying ritual takes 2d6 hours to perform. Following the purifying ritual, the godi may proceed with the inscription ritual, dedicating the object being inscribed to the god or gods. This inscription ritual takes 3d6 hours to perform, after which, the Inscribe Divine Rune spell is cast. Both the purifying and inscription rituals must be uninterrupted. Any disturbance during these rituals will disrupt the ritual and render the Inscribe Divine Rune spell ineffective.

This rune represents strength of wild beasts. 1. Causes one hostile wild animal to remain immobile. 2. Gives the Godi the strength of a bear (STR 18). 3. Causes all attackers within 30 ft to attack the Godi instead of others.

Learn Divine Rune Ritual

This ritual requires either an object with the rune sought properly inscribed or the presence of another Godi who already knows the rune sought. A godi or common Cleric must also be present to reawaken the rune seeker with Neutralize Poison and Cure Serious Wounds. The Learn Divine Rune Ritual calls for the ceremonial death of the Godi wishing to learn the new divine rune. This "death" is brought about with the help of a toxin which will paralyze the victims mind and body, giving the appearance of death. Once in this death-like state, the Godi is placed in a coffin a buried alive (some godar will instead be lashed to a tree, or walled into a cave, or any other gruesome fate). This death-like state lasts for 5 + 1d6 days, until the Godi is awakened, and may result in the permanent loss of 1 hit point (as mentioned, a successful Saving Throw negates the HP loss). After 6 to 11 days, the victim is awakened with a Neutralize Poison spell to negate the toxin ingested, as well as a Cure serious Wounds spell. Once reawakened, the Godi possesses the knowledge of the rune in question. He may now call on the rune's power through the use of the Inscribe Divine Rune and Activate Divine Rune spells.

This rune is the symbol of giant-kind. 1. Causes one giant to remain immobile. Giant may save every round to negate the effect. 2. Giantish creatures will have a favorable reaction towards the Godi. 3. The Godi grows to the size of a hill giant, acquiring all the giant's abilities. The Godi also acquires the giant's stupidity, brutality, and savagery (if alignment is used, the Godi will treat his alignment as Chaotic).

This rune is associated with the gods. 1. Grants a +2 to all saves. 2. Acts as a Protection from Demons scroll (S&W:WB p.55). 3. Reveals the true appearance of any supernatural creature or god.

The 24 Divine Runes

What follows are the 24 divine runes, along with the descriptions of each rune's powers. Each rune may produce multiple effects and the Godi must state which of the effects he wishes to activate when casting an Activate Divine Rune spell.

This rune signifies wealth, usually in the form of cattle owned. 1. Detect treasure within a 90 ft radius. 2. Indicates direction to a specific treasure. 3. Shields treasure from magical detection.

This rune signifies travel, riding, and the journey. 1. For 6 hours, the Godi may travel hard without being fatigued, and ignores the effects of any adverse weather conditions. 2. The Godi does not get lost, and ignores any negative effect to his sense of direction brought about by darkness or weather. 3. Any hostile creature coming within 100ft of the sleeping


Godi will automatically awake him. Duration: 6 hours.

each round, for the duration of the rune's effect.

This rune is associated with fire, warmth, torches, and wildfires. 1. The rune burns like a torch. Heavy rain will not put it out, but if the rune is totally submerged in water, the torchlike light will be extinguished. 2. The rune will burn intensely. If it strikes an opponent, the rune will inflict 2d4 points of damage.

This rune represents danger, and the fortune to avoid it. 1. Confers a +2 bonus to saving throws. 2. Doubles the Godi's MOVE for the duration of the rune. 3. Once during the rune's duration, the godi may delay the effects of a single attack. The results of the delayed attack are applies at the end of the rune's duration. The godi must specify which attack is delayed, and this before the opponent's hit and damage rolls are made.

The rune of gifts and giving. It signifies generosity and hospitality. 1. Will cause intelligent creatures to respond favorably o request for food and shelter. 2. Causes vengeful people to respond positively to offers of compensation or weregild for an offense or injury.

This rune symbolizes ice and cold. 1. Causes 10 ft X 10 ft of surface water to freeze. The newly formed ice may support the weight of a man. If cast on moving water, the frozen section becomes an ice raft, moving with the current. The ice melts in 2d6 rounds after the rune's duration. 2. Creates a small hail storm centered around the Godi (10 ft radius). All within a 10 ft radius of the Godi suffer 2d6 damage (save halves damage) each round they are in the area of effect. The Godi suffers no damage from the hail.

This is the rune of joy. 1. Causes all intelligent creatures within a 20 ft radius to stop fighting. A successful save is required to resist this effect. 2. Causes 1 person to react favorably to a request for aid.

This rune is associated with harvest time. 1. Will inform the Godi if specified plants and animals are edible or poisonous. 2. Within a range of one mile, the rune will direct the Godi to plants posessing magical or medical properties.

This rune embodies the destructive side of nature. 1. Creates a lightning bolt, similar to the Magic-User spell, but does a fixed 3d6 of damage. A successful save halves damage. 2. Creates a small but violent storm centered around the Godi. All within a 20 ft radius of the Godi must succeed in a saving throw or be unable to act. The save is made

This rune is associated with tracking, snaring, and hunters. 1. If inscribed upon a sling or bow, the rune will impart a +2 bonus to hit.


2. The Godi may track any creature, regardless of terrain or weather conditions (up to the rune's duration).

duration. 2. An opponent failing a save will run in fear when confronted by the rune bearers might.

This is the rune of concealment. 1. The Godi is aware of the presence of invisible beings within a 60 ft radius, but cannot see them. 2. Produces effects identical to a Magic-User Invisibility I spell. Duration is identical to the Invisibility I spell, up to 10 rounds. After 10 rounds, the invisibility ceases.

This rune signifies durability and vitality. 1. If unarmored (shield may still be used), treat the subject's AC as if it were 6[13] (+ shield, if any). 2. The Godi is healed of 2d6 damage. May only be used once per 10 round duration. 3. The Godi takes half damage from and magical, damage-inflicting attack.

This is the symbol of the elk. This rune represents protection. 1. The Godi receives +3 to any saves versus magic or spells. 2. If inscribed on a weapon, the weapon may automatically parry 1 attack during the activated rune's duration. The specific attack to be parried must be declared before the opponent rolls to hit or damage. 3. If inscribed on a shield, grants a bonus of -1 [+1] to AC.

This rune is associated with horses and equestrian mastery. 1. Attacks preformed from horseback receive a +1 bonus. 2. A designated steed may have its MOVE doubled for the duration of the rune (10 rounds). 3. A rider will gain a -1 [+1] bonus to AC while on horseback.

This rune is associated with the sun and represents healing and good health. 1. A healing spell cast by the Godi will cure the maximum amount of hit points. This cancels the rune's activation. 2. May be used to identify potions that heal, or those that possess other beneficial medical properties.

This is the rune of knowledge and wisdom. 1. Produces effects identical to a Read Languages spell (Magic-User). 2. The godi may rip the answer to 1 question out of a victim's mind, provided the victim knows the answer to the question. The victim is afforded a saving throw to negate the effects of this runic power. 3. Acts as a Locate Object spell with a fixed duration of 10 rounds (or until the object is located, whichever occurs first).

This is the rune of war and might. 1. If inscribed on a weapon, the rune-inscribed weapon will inflict maximum damage and hit automatically (no roll to hit). May be used once during the rune's 10 round

This rune is associated with water.


1. Allows the Godi to breath underwater for up to 10 rounds. 2. Allows the Godi to float in water, regardless of weight carried or encumbrance. 3. If carved upon a sailing vessel, the rune will protect the ship from shipwreck for up to 10 turns.

trademark, along with a host of special abilities that complement the class' calling. Jesters may use clubs, daggers, had axes, slings, staves, and swords (short and normal). They may also use two weapons exclusive to the class; the jester's scepter and laughing gas balls (see below), and may wear leather armor.

Jester Class Abilities

Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Jesters may use clubs, slings, staves, swords (short or normal), hand axes, daggers, jester's scepters and laughing gas balls. They may wear leather armor only and are not permitted to use shields. Languages: At each odd numbered level, the jester may learn 1 new language. Climb Walls & Pick Pockets: Jesters possess the thief abilities of climbing walls and picking pockets (see Jester Abilities below for chance of success). Immunity: Jesters are immune to insanity of any type. Catching: Years of practicing feats of juggling has given the jester the uncanny ability to catch items hurled at him (this does not include propelled items such as arrows, bolts, or sling stones). The jester may do nothing in the round in which he'll perform the catch. The object thrown at the jester must be thrown at up to 20ft in order for the jesters to attempt catching it. When an object is hurled towards the jester, the jester will make a Catching roll. If the Catching roll is successful, the Jester may immediate hurl the caught object back at the attacker (roll to-Hit). If the weapon the jester hurls back at an attacker is a weapon the jester doesn't normally use, the jester's attack roll suffers a -4 penalty. A jester may catch up to 3 hurled items per round. A failed Catching roll results in the jester taking damage from the weapon. Use Scrolls (10th): Upon reaching 10th level, jesters are able to use arcane scrolls. Spells above 6th level carry a 2 in 20 chance (1-2 on d20) of being miscast resulting in the scroll's reverse effect affecting the jester as opposed to the intended target. Ventriloquism: Jesters may throw their voices anywhere within a 10 ft radius. Listeners are afforded a saving throw to see through the auditory ruse. Tumbling: Years of honing their acrobatic skills has given the jester the ability to avoid incoming melee attacks. A jester who forgoes taking any action in a round gains a -1 [+1] bonus to AC. This bonus increases by -1 [+1] for every 3 additional Jester levels after level 1 ((at 4th levels, 7th level, and 10th level). This increase in AC lasts for 1 round and is effective only versus melee attacks. Magic Spells: Jesters are able to cast a small number of spells, some exclusive to the class, others shared with the Magic-User. Jesters record their spells in special spell books that can only be read by other Jesters. Jesters may cast Jester Spells while wearing leather armor. This applies only to Jester Spells and not to the spells they share with MagicUsers.

This rune signifies growth. 1. Allows 1 animal to double in size. The animal's HP and damage are doubled and its MOVE is halved. After the rune's duration, the targeted animal reverts to its normal size. 2. Causes the surrounding plant-life around the godi to grow to monstrous proportions and encase the Godi. Anyone wishing to get to the Godi must first contend with the monstrous plant-barrier (AC 4[15]; HD 3d6).

This rune is associated with the day. 1. Illuminates an area of 200 ft radius. This effect is unaffected by magical darkness. 2. Acts in a similar manner to a Dark Vision spell for up to 10 turns.

This rune signifies nobility. 1. Acts in a manner identical to the Magic-User Charm Person spell. 2. Similar to a Suggestion spell, but the duration is only 10 rounds.

Clowns, Jokers, Tricksters, and Harlequins all fall under the Jester class. This absurd class lives by its wits, quick tongue, and ability to entertain, bedazzle, and influence an audience's mood. Comedy and mirth are the jester's


XP Bonus for Dexterity: This class bonus is due to a high Dexterity attribute.


Table 18: Jester Special Abilities

Level Add. Lang. +1 0 +1 0 +1 0 +1 0 +1 0 Climb Walls (d20) 1-15 1-15 1-15 1-15 1-15 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 Pick Pocket (d20) 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-9 1-11 1-12 1-13 Catching (d20) 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-17 1-17 1-17 1-17 1-17

Jester Weapons
Jester's Scepter: A Jester's Scepter resembles a rod topped with a sculpted, weighted head. The head of the weapon is usually crafted in the likeness of something fanciful, like a bell-capped jester's bust. A jester's scepter is treated as a mace in combat (see S&W:WB equipment list). Laughing Gas Balls: Small glass balls containing mystical laughing gas. When thrown, the glass ball shatters, releasing the laughing gas which affects 1 person. Victims failing their saving throw succumb to uncontrollable laughter which lasts for 1d4 rounds. During this time, the victim may perform no actions other than moving at 1/2 their normal pace. Laughing gas balls may only be purchased from Jester Academies, Clown Schools, certain circuses, and sometimes through a thieves guild. The cost for 1 laughing gas ball is around 15gp (depending from who they are purchased).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Table 16: Jester Advancement

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XP 0 1,500 3,000 6,000 12,000 24,000 48,000 96,000 192,000 384,000 HD 1 1+1 2 2+1 3 3+1 4 4+1 5 5+1 BHB +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +5 ST 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4

Jester Spell List

As mentioned above, Jesters are able to cast a small number of arcane spells. Some of these spells are taken from the Magic-User spell list. Others, noted as "Jester" spells, are exclusive to the Jester alone. These jester-specific spells may be cast while wearing leather armor. Jesters acquire and cast their spells in the same manner as magic-users do. Some of the Arcane spells described in the Jester Spell Description are not found in the S&W:WB rules. Referee's may wish to add these arcane spells to the Magic-User's list of available spells. These new Arcane spells are marked with an "*" after the spell's name.

1 Charm Person 2 Sleep 3 Charm Animal 4 Giggle 5 Contortion 6 Beffudling Pun

Level 2
1 Magic Mouth* 2 Mirror Image* 3 Joke 4 Pyrotechnics* 5 Uncanny Contortion

Table 17: Jester Spell Advancement

Level 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 2 1 2 2 3 3 4 Spell Level 3 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 5 -

Level 3
1 Hold Person 2 Suggestion* 4 Rope Trick*

Level 4
1 Belly Aching 2 Confusion 4 Extended Joke

3 Blasphemous Obscenities 3 Charm Monster


Charm Monster (Arcane)

Spell Level: J4, M4 60 ft Until dispelled

Level 5
1 Feeblemind 2 Gut Busting Joke 3 Greviouse Insult

Range: Duration:

This spell is identical to the Magic-User spell Charm Monster.

Charm Person (Arcane)

Spell Descriptions (Jester)

Befuddling Pun (Jester)
Spell Level: Range: Duration: J1 20 ft 1 turn

Spell Level: Range: Duration:

J1, M1 120 ft Until dispelled

This spell is identical to the Magic-User spell Charm Person.

Confusion (Arcane)
Spell Level: Range: Duration: J4, M4 120 ft 2 hours

The Jester utters a clever pun which, on a failed save, causes the victim to stand inert for 1 turn as he contemplates the esoteric pun.

Belly Aching (Jester)

Spell Level: Range: Duration: J4 60 ft 1d6 + Jester level rounds

This spell is identical to the Magic-User spell Confusion.

Contortion (Jester)
Spell Level: J1

Range: self Causes a victim to laugh uncontrollable for a number of Duration: 1 turn or until Jester attacks rounds equal to 1d6 + Jester's Level. A successful save from a victim of 4 HD or less will half the duration. If the victim possesses more than 4 HD, a successful save will negate the The jester may magically contort his body, avoiding attacks for 1 turn. An attack by the Jester during the spell's duration spell's effect. will nullify the spell. During this time, the jester is treated as having an AC of 1 [18].

Blasphemous Obscenities (Jester)

Spell Level: Range: Duration: J3 40 ft 1d6 rounds

Extended Joke (Jester)

Spell Level: Range: Duration: J4 Same as the spell being extended See below

Renders Clerics ineffective for 1d6 rounds due to embarrassment (no save). Acts as a Giggle spell on nonclerics.

Charm Animal (Jester)

Spell Level: Range: Duration: J1 120 ft Until dispelled

Extended Joke lengthens the duration of another Jester spell by 50%. Only Jester spells of level 1-3 can be affected by Extended Joke.

Feeblemind (Arcane)
Spell Level: Range: Duration: J5, M5 240 ft Permanent until dispelled

Identical to the Magic-User spell Charm Person, but affects normal (non-magical) animals instead of humanoids.


Identical to the 5th level Magic-User spell of the same name.

Spell Level: Range: Duration:

J2, M2 touch Permanent until triggered or dispelled

Giggle (Jester)
Spell Level: Range: Duration: J1 20 ft 1d6 rounds

This spell affects thinking creatures of 1 or 2 HD within 20 ft of the Jester. Those failing their saving throw are overcome with an uncontrollable case of the giggles which lasts 1d6 rounds. While in this state, victims suffer a -2 to-Hit due to the distracting nature of their condition.

This enchantment is set upon an object, and the magic is triggered when certain conditions established by the caster are met. When that happens, a mouth appears on the object and speaks the message it has been commanded to speak. The message may be up to 30 words long.

Mirror Image (Arcane)*

Spell Level: Range: Duration: J2, M2 Around caster 1 hour or until destroyed

Grave Insult (Jester)

Spell Level: Range: Duration: J5 90 ft 2d6+ Jester's level rounds

This spell will have one of two effects upon it's victim. It will either cause the victim of the spell to flee in embarrassment, or it will send the target into such a fit of rage that he'll attack the Jester. There is an equal chance that the target's reaction will be embarrassment or rage (50% chance each).

The spell creates 1d6-1 (minimum of 1) images of the caster, acting in perfect synchronization with him like mirror images. Attackers cannot distinguish the images from the caster, and may attack one of the images instead of the caster himself (determine randomly). When a hit is scored upon one of the images, it disappears.

Pyrotechnics (Arcane)*
Spell Level: Range: Duration: J2, M2 240 ft 1 hour

Gut Busting Joke (Jester)

Spell Level: Range: Duration: J5 60 ft 1d6 + Jester's Level rounds

Identical to the Jester's Belly Aching spell. In addition, 1d6-1 points of damage are inflicted on the target per round of uncontrollable laughter.

The Jester creates either fireworks or blinding smoke from a normal fire source such as a torch or campfire. The Referee will decide exactly how much smoke is produced, what effect it has, and what happens to it as it is produced, but the amount of smoke will definitely be more than 20 cubic feet.

Hold Person (Arcane)

Spell Level: Range: Duration: J3 120 ft 1 hour plus 10 minutes per caster level

Rope Trick (Arcane)*

Spell Level: Range: Duration: J3, M3 As far as the rope can be thrown 1 hour + 1 turn/level

This spell is identical to the Hols Person Magic-User spell.

Joke (Jester)
Spell Level: Range: Duration: J2 20 ft 1d6 rounds

The Jester tosses a rope into the air, and it hangs there, waiting to be climbed. The caster and up to three others can climb the rope and disappear into a small other dimension. The rope itself can be pulled into the pocket dimension, or left outside. If its left outside, someone may steal it, though.

Sleep (Arcane)
Spell Level: Range: Duration: J1, M1 240 ft Referee's discretion

The incantation for this spell is a magically charged joke. All those within the spell's range must successfully save or suffer an attack penalty of -4 (save negates the spell's effect).

Identical to the Magic-User spell of the same name.

Magic Mouth (Arcane)*

Suggestion (Arcane)*


Spell Level: Range: Duration:

J3, M3 up to shouting distance 1 week

hand axes, clubs, daggers, maces (light), spears, short swords, crossbows (light and heavy), darts, and slings. They may wear any armor except plate. No shield but may use buckler.

The Jester speaks a hypnotic suggestion to his intended victim. If the victim fails a saving throw, he will carry out the suggestion (as long as it can be performed within a week). The suggestion might not call for the action to be carried out immediately. A suggestion that the victim kill himself is never obeyed.

This small shield adds -1 [+1] to AC only against the following weapons: Hand Axe, Club, Dagger, Mace (light), Spear, Short Sword. At the Referee's discretion, the following abilities may also be used in certain man-made environments such as sewers or dungeons. Maneuverability: A Tunnel-Fighter's Move is never affected by natural situational modifiers when in tunnels, caves, and caverns. In addition, the Dwarven Tunnel-Fighter's Move score is increased by +1 at third level, with an additional +1 granted at sixth level. Thus, a 3rd level Tunnel-Fighter will have an unencumbered Move of 10. At 6th level, the TunnelFighter's Move will become 11. Tracking: Tunnel-Fighters may track creatures within their favored environment in a manner similar to the Ranger's indoor tracking ability. In order to track a prey indoors, the Tunnel-Fighter must have observed the prey no more than 6 turns previously. The chance of successfully tracking the prey (on a d20) depends on the action the monster takes. Monster's Action Chance to Track (d20) 1-13 1-11 1-10 1-6 1-12

Uncanny Contortion (Jester)

Spell Level: Range: Duration: J2 self 1 turn or until Jester attacks

Same as the jester spell Contortion, but gives the jester an AC of -1 [20] for the duration of the spell.


A collection of new classes and races for use with Swords & Wizardry: White Box.

This class is available only to dwarves. The Tunnel-Fighter is a Dwarven Fighting-Man who specializes in combat within the tight confines of the tunnels, caverns, and dungeons which litter the bowels of the earth. This focus on combat within the restrictive environment of tunnels, low ceilings, tight hallways, winding passages, and stalagmite/stalactite ridden caverns, limits the Tunnel-Fighter's allowable weapons and armor. The Tunnel-Fighter may only use short or medium weapons which do not require much space to use. Regarding armor, Tunnel-Fighter's have access to all armor except plate (which is too bulky for the tight maneuverings required of this class) and shields (although they may use bucklers, see below). Other than the racial requirement, Dwarves wishing to pursue the Tunnel-Fighter class need to have an above average dexterity (13+). Like the Fighting-Man, a Tunnel-Fighter's Prime Attribute is STR.

Goes down a tunnel Goes through a door Goes throough a trap door Goes through a secret door Goes through a cave/cavern

Alertness: When within their favored environment (tunnels, caverns, and such), Tunnel-Fighters reduce their chance of being surprised by half. Example; if the Referee declares the chance of being surprised by a particular ambush is 50%, the Tunnel-Fighter's chance of being surprised is decreased to 25%. Defense: When in their favored environment, TunnelFighters may use the surrounding terrain features to increase their defense. Such features include stalactites, stalagmites, tunnel corners, low rises, pillars, support beams, jutting stone formations, and recesses in walls, passages, or tunnels. The Referee has the final say as to when enough favorable features are present in a given location to merit the AC bonus. By putting such features to use, the Tunnel-Fighter gains a -1 [+1] bonus to his AC. This bonus increases to -2 [+2] at 3rd level, and to -3 [+3] once the Tunnel-Fighter reaches 6th level. XP Bonus for Strength: This class bonus is due to a high Strength attribute.

Tunnel-Fighter Class Abilities

Character Advancement: Tunnel-Fighters use the Fighter class advancement chart. They are typically allowed to progress as high as sixth level. Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Tunnel-Fighters may use


3 4 5 6 ST 16 15 14 13 12 11 7 8 9 10

5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 160,000 320,000 640,000

2 2+1 3 3+1 4 4+1 5 5+1

+0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6

Table 19: Tunnel-Fighter Advancement

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 XP 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 16,000 32,000 HD 1+1 2 3 4 5 6 BHB +0 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4

Table 21: Summoner Spell Advancement

Level 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 Spell Level 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 5 1 2 2 3 6 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3

The Summoner is an arcane spell-caster like the Magic-User. A Summoner's magic focuses on summoning forth beings from elsewhere, be it another location or another plane, and binding the summoned creature to the Summoner's will. In addition to summoning creatures, the Summoner's magical repertoire also allows for the summoning of certain energies to produce various effects. The Summoner's spell list also includes spells allowing the Summoner to contact and commune with otherworldly beings. Contrary to the MagicUser, the Summoner's choice of spells and allowable spells per day is much more limited and narrowly focused. Both an Intelligence and a Wisdom score of 15 are required to qualify for this class. In all other regards, Summoners are treated as Magic-Users.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Summoner Class Abilities

Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Like the Magic-User, Summoners may use daggers and staves and may not wear lany armor. Spell Casting: The Summoner casts spells in the same manner as the Magic-User. Summoners possess their own spell list with spells gathered from both the Magic-User's and Cleric's spell lists, as well as their own spells exclusive to the class (see Summoner Spell List). Dominance: Any Saving Throw performed by a summoned creature in reaction to any action from the Summoner suffers a -1 penalty. XP Bonus for Intelligence: This class bonus is due to a high Intelligence attribute.

Table 20: Summoner Advancement

Level 1 2 XP 0 2,500 HD 1 1+1 BHB +0 +0 ST 15 14


Summoner Spell List

The following spells may be learned by the Summoner. Most of the spells are taken from the Cleric and Magic-User spell lists and Referees and players should consult the Sword & Wizardry: White Box rule book for their descriptions and ingame effects. A few spells, identified by a " * ", are exclusive to the Summoner class and are described below (see Spell Description (Summoner) for information on these spells). Note: Although the Summoner shares many spells in common with both the Cleric and the Magic-User, these spells are different from their arcane and clerical counterparts. A Summoner may not learn a clerical or arcane version of a Summoner spell. A Summoner may only learn the Summoner's version, regardless of the fact tat the spell is identical to a clerical or arcane version.

Note: Although some spells are noted as affecting demons, this also includes devils. Mechanically, there is no in-game differences between the two.

Spell Descriptions (Summoner)

Extended Summoning
Spell Level: Range: Duration: S3 Same as the spell being extended See below

1 Detect Magic 2 Light (Dark) I 3 Protection Chaos (Law) I 4 Read Magic 5 Sum./Banish Demon I*

Level 2
1 Detect Evil 2 Detect Invisibility 3 Monster Summoning I* 4 Phantasmal Force 5 Sum./Banish Demon II* 6 True Name* 7 Web

This spell lengthens the duration of a summoning spell by 50%. Only summoning spells without a duration based on concentration (like Monster Summoning) are affected by this spell. Extended Spell must be cast on the round preceding the summoning spell to be affected.

Legend Lore
Spell Level: Range: Duration: S6 Caster See below

Level 3
1 Dispel Magic 2 Extended Summoning* 3 Monster Summoning II* 4 Protection Chaos (Law) II 5 Paralyze 6 Sum./Banish Demon III*

Level 4
1 Create Food and Drink 2 Dimensional Portal 3 Monster Summoning III* 4 Sum./Banish Demon IV* 5 Wall of Defense 6 Wizard Eye

This spell allows the Summoner to call upon an otherworldly being's knowledge to gain information about some legendary person, place, or thing. The spells final result may be no more than a cryptic phrase or riddle, or it might be quite specific. This spell involves a long and arduous magical effort (1d100 days), at the end of which, the Summoner gains the answer sought.

Monster Summoning I
Spell Level: Range: Duration: S2 NA 6 rounds

Level 5
1 Commune 2 Conjure Elemental 3 Contact Other Plane 4 Dispel Evil (Good) 5 Insect Plague 6 Monster Summoning IV* 7 Passwall 8 Sum./Banish Demon V* 9 Wall of Defense II

Level 6
1 Control Weather 2 Invisible Stalker 3 Legend Lore* 4 Monster Summoning V* 5 Sum./Banish Horde*

The caster summons allies, who serve him until slain (or until the duration of the spell expires). The allies do not appear immediately; there is a delay of 1 turn (10 minutes) before they appear. The monster(s) summoned via this spell is randomly determined by a d6 roll. d6 Monster Summoned Evil Summoners may get the monsters in parentheses, at the Referees discretion. 1d6 Giant rats 1d6-2* Dwarves (goblins) 1d6-2* Elves (hobgoblins) 1d6 Kobolds 1d6-2* Orcs 1d6-2* Skeletons

1 2 3 4 5 6


*Minimum of 1 creature


6 rounds

Monster Summoning II
Spell Level: Range: Duration: S3 NA 6 rounds

The caster summons allies, who serve him until slain (or until the duration of the spell expires). The allies do not appear immediately; there is a delay of 1 turn (10 minutes) before they appear. The monster(s) summoned via this spell is randomly determined by a d6 roll. d6 1 2 3 4 5 6 *Minimum of 1 creature Monster Summoned 1 Gargoyle 1 Ogre 1 Centaur 1 Shadow 1 Lycanthrope, Werewolf 1 Wraith

The caster summons allies, who serve him until slain (or until the duration of the spell expires). The allies do not appear immediately; there is a delay of 1 turn (10 minutes) before they appear. The monster(s) summoned via this spell is randomly determined by a d6 roll. d6 1 2 3 4 5 6 *Minimum of 1 creature Monster Summoned 1d6-3* Hobgoblins 1d6-3* Zombies 1d6-3* Gnolls 1d6-3* Bugbears 1d6 Orcs 1d6 Skeletons

Monster Summoning V
Spell Level: Range: Duration: S6 NA 6 rounds

Monster Summoning III

Spell Level: Range: Duration: S4 NA 6 rounds

The caster summons allies, who serve him until slain (or until the duration of the spell expires). The allies do not appear immediately; there is a delay of 1 turn (10 minutes) before they appear. The monster(s) summoned via this spell is randomly determined by a d6 roll. d6 1 2 3 4 5 6 *Minimum of 1 creature Monster Summoned 1 Cockatrice 1 Manticore 1 Minotaur 1 Ogre Mage 1 Salamander 1 Troll

The caster summons allies, who serve him until slain (or until the duration of the spell expires). The allies do not appear immediately; there is a delay of 1 turn (10 minutes) before they appear. The monster(s) summoned via this spell is randomly determined by a d6 roll. d6 1 2 3 4 5 6 *Minimum of 1 creature Monster Summoned 1d6-2* Bugbears 1d6-3* Harpies 1d6-3* Ochre Jellies 1d6-3* Lycanthrope, Were-rats 1d6-3* Wights 1d6-3* Spiders, Giant

Summon/Banish Demon I
Spell Level: Range: Duration: S1 240 ft. Until dispelled, Banished, or killed.

Monster Summoning IV
Spell Level: Range: S5 NA

This spell allows the Summoner to summon a Class I demon or devil and bind it to his command (see Demon/Devil Class Types below). The summoned fiend obeys the Summoner only for as long as the Summoner concentrates on it; and when the caster ceases to concentrate, even for a moment,


the demon or devil is released and will attack him. After a Summoner's concentration has been broken, the only way to be rid of the summoned fiend (other than killing it) is to have the Summoner cast a Banishing version of this spell. Only the Summoner who cast the spell which summoned the fiend may banish it. Only a Banish Demon/Devil of the same type as the target fiend's Class may effectively be used o banish a demon or devil. Thus, a Banish Demon/Devil I is required to banish a Class I fiend, which could only have been summoned via a Summon Demon/Devil I spell. A Banish Demon/Devil II will banish a Class II fiend, which the Summoner called forth with a Summon Demon/Devil II spell. While the Summoner's concentration remains unbroken, he may dispell the summoned fiend at any time without the use of a Banishing version of this spell.

Range: Duration:

240 ft. Until dispelled, Banished, or killed.

Summon/Banish Demon II
Spell Level: Range: Duration: S2 240 ft. Until dispelled, Banished, or killed.

Allows the Summoner to call forth a horde of demons whose total individual HD does not exceed 16. For example, the Summoner may summon a horde of 16 Class I demons (1 HD each), or 1 Class IV demon (8 HD), 2 Class II demons (2 HD each), and 4 Class I demons (1 HD each) for a total of 16 HD. Like the Summon Demon spell, the demon horde will remain under the Summoner's control for as long as he concentrates. Any momentary loss of concentration will see the horde break free of the Summoner's control, and will then proceed to attack the Summoner. The Summoner may dispel the horde at any time, as long as his concentration hasn't been broken, otherwise, only a Banish Horde spell (or killing the entire horde) will rid the Summoner of the horde. True Name may not be used in conjunction with Summon/Banish Horde.

True Name
Spell Level: Range: Duration: S2 240 ft. Permanent

Same as Summon/Banish Demon I, but summons and banishes Class II demons.

Summon/Banish Demon III

Spell Level: Range: Duration: S3 240 ft. Until dispelled, Banished, or killed.

Same as Summon/Banish Demon I, but summons and banishes Class III demons.

Each time the Summoner casts a Summon/Banish Demon spell, he calls forth a different demon with randomly generated Hit Points and Special Abilities. In order for a Summoner to call forth a specific demon previously summoned, the Summoner must make use of the True Name spell in order to gain the specific demon's True Name. Whenever a Summoner summons a demon he wishes to be able to re-summon (either because the HP or Special Abilities generated might be put to use with a later summons, or because the knowledge possessed by a specific demon might need to be called upon later), he must cast True Name upon the summoned demon. This automatically breaks the caster's concentration resulting in the demon slipping from the Summoner's control (and subsequently attacking the Summoner). The targeted demon is afforded a chance to save versus this spell. A successful save means the caster was unable to force the demon to reveal its True Name. On a failed save, the Summoner gains the demon's true name, and any further casting of the appropriate Summon/Banish Demon spell will either allow the Summoner to call forth a randomly generated demon or a demon whose True Name the Summoner possesses. The maximum number of True Names the Summoner may know is equal to his INT score +1/ every 3 Summoner levels (3rd level, 6th level, and 9th level). Other than unearthing a demon's True Name in ancient books, scrolls, and texts, True Name is the only way a Summoner may gain a demon's True Name.

Summon/Banish Demon IV
Spell Level: Range: Duration: S4 240 ft. Until dispelled, Banished, or killed.

Same as Summon/Banish Demon I, but summons and banishes Class IV demons.

Summon/Banish Demon V
Spell Level: Range: Duration: S1 240 ft. Until dispelled, Banished, or killed.

Same as Summon/Banish Demon I, but summons and banishes Class V demons.

Summon/Banish Horde
Spell Level: S6


Demon/Devil Class Type

The demons (and/or devils) summoned through a Summon/Banish Demon spell all fall into one of 5 classes (Class I through V). Every time a Summon/Banish spell is cast, Hit Points and Special Abilities must be randomly generated. Below are the states, along with accompanying Special Abilities tables, of each Class of Demons.

3 4 5 6

Quick (+3 to Move, incl. Flight if any) Energy attack, 3/day, 1d6 damage, range 50 ft. Tentacles (failed save immobilizes target) Fearsome Appearance (moral is halved)

Demon/Devil (Class III)

Armor Class: Hit Dice: Attacks: Special: Move: 5 [14] 4 Claw or Bite (1d6+2) 1 roll on the Special Abilities Table I, 1 on Table II, and 1 on Table III 12

Demon/Devil (Class I)
Armor Class: Hit Dice: Attacks: Special: Move: 9 [10] 1 Claw (1d6) 1 roll on the Special Abilities Table I 6

HDE/XP: 4/120* *The Referee should consider adjusting the XP value of the demon/devil based on the Special Abilities generated.

HDE/XP: 1/15* *The Referee should consider adjusting the XP value of the demon/devil based on the Special Abilities generated.

Special Abilities Table III

d6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Special Ability Immune to non-magic weapons Spell-casting (3 M-U spells/day, lvl 1 to 3) Regenerate 1 hp/round Huge (+1 HD) Invisibility (1/day) Spit Web (save or stuck)

Special Abilities Table I

d6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Special Ability Increase Move to 9 Flight (Move 6) Scales (AC -1 [+1]) Immune to 1st level M-U spells Darkvision 60 ft. Weapon , Random (+1 damage/to-Hit)

Demon/Devil (Class IV)

Armor Class: Hit Dice: Attacks: Special: Move: 3 [16] 8 Claw or Bite (2d6) Roll once on Special Abilities Tables I, II, III, and IV 12

Demon/Devil (Class II)

Armor Class: Hit Dice: Attacks: Special: 7 [12] 2 Claw (1d6+1) 1 roll on the Special Abilities Table I, and 1 roll on the Special Abilities Table II 9

HDE/XP: 8/800* *The Referee should consider adjusting the XP value of the demon/devil based on the Special Abilities generated.


Special Abilities Table IV

d6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Special Ability Polymorph (3/day) Poison (1/day, save or die) Raise 1d6 skeletons or zombies Deadly claws (+3 to claw damage) Sharp Fangs (+3 to Bite damage) Weapon , Random (+2 damage/to-Hit)

HDE/XP: 2/30* *The Referee should consider adjusting the XP value of the demon/devil based on the Special Abilities generated.

Special Abilities Table II

d6 1 2 Special Ability Tough (AC -1 [+1]) Immune to M-U spells level 1 and 2


Books on Summoning
Demon/Devil (Class V)
Armor Class: Hit Dice: Attacks: Special: Move: 2 [17] 16 Claw or Bite (3d6) 1 roll on Special Abilities Tables I, II, III, IV, and V 15 Books on Summoning are divided into two types with each type possessing a specific in-game effect. The first type of books on summoning are those that contain a demon or devil's True Name. These type of books allow the Summoner to summon the specific fiend described within the book, provided the Summoner knows the appropriate Summon/Banish spell required to summon a demon/devil of that Class. In essence, this acts as a True Name spell, without requiring that the demon or devil be present beforehand, nor does it allow the fiend in question a save to resist giving up its True Name. The second type of summoning books (or scrolls, tablets, etc) are those which grant the Summoner new Special Abilities tables from which to roll a summoned demon/devil's Special Abilities. Such books grant the Summoner the choice of using the Special Abilities tables described above, or the newly acquired tables unearthed from the demonic tome. Such tables always note what class of demon or devil they effect. The choice of using either the general Special Abilities table (above) or one of the new extra tables is made when the Summon/Banish Demon spell is cast. Here's an example of a new Special Abilities Table which could be found.

HDE/XP: 16/3200* *The Referee should consider adjusting the XP value of the demon/devil based on the Special Abilities generated.

Special Abilities Table V

d6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Special Ability Weapon , Random (+3 damage/to-Hit) Breath weapon, 3/day (damage = 1/2 demon/devil's current HP) Teleport (same as spell) 3/day Death Spell 1/day Petrifying Gaze (see S&W:WB, Basilisks) Summon 1d6 Class I demon/devil

Arachnid Devil: Special Abilities Table III

d6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Special Ability Chitinous Shell (-1 [+1] AC) Wall Walking (may climb vertical & horizontal surfaces) 8 legged (+3 to Move) Spit Web (save or stuck) Poisoned Fangs (save or Sleep 3/day) Summon Spider, Giant 1/day

Like their distant kin, the Dwarves, Gnomes are a short, bearded race, resistant to magic and adept at construction. Although resistant to magic, Gnomes have a legendary innate affinity for illusionary magic. Unlike dwarves, Gnomes prefer hilly regions where they burrow for gems and precious metals. The player-character Gnome possesses the same resistance to magic (+4 to save), as well as the ability to take note of the same stonework features, as their Dwarven kin (see Dwarves, S&W p.8). Gnomes also possess the ability to talk to any normal (non-magical) burrowing animals.


Like the Elven adventurer, the Gnome may choose each day whether to use the capabilities of one of two classes. Whereas the Elven adventurer chooses between FightingMan and Magic-User, the Gnome chooses between FightingMan and Illusionist (see Elves, S&W p.9 for more information).

Brute Strength: Half-Orcs gain a +1 to damage rolls in melee combat. Hereditary Foes: Half-Orcs gain a +1 bonus to-Hit when fighting elves and dwarves.

Gnome Racial Abilities

Character Advancement: Like Elves, Gnomes use either the Fighting-Man or Illusionist class advancement chart. They may progress as high as fourth level as Fighting-Men and eighth level as Illusionists. Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Only magical armor when acting as an Illusionist, and Any when acting as a FightingMan. Weapons include darts, daggers, or staves when acting as an Illusionist, Any when acting as a Fighting-Man. Dwarf-like Abilities: Gnomes possess the following dwarven racial abilities; Keen Detection, Hard to Hit, Saving Throw. Hereditary Foes: Gnomes gain a +1 bonus to-Hit when fighting kobolds and goblins. Languages: Common, dwarven, gnomish, goblin, halfling, kobold. XP Bonus for Intelligence: This class bonus is due to a high INT attribute.

Half-Orc Disadvantages
Reviled and Shunned: Half-Orcs are unwelcome in most communities. Their low CHA makes acquiring loyal hirelings difficult. A party which includes a Half-Orc sees each part member's Loyalty bonus reduced by -1 (see CHA, S&W:WB p.4). Most NPCs will have a negative reaction to Half-Orcs which will hamper the Half-Orc's dealings with commoners, specialists, merchants, and any other NPCs the character might come in contact with. This might range from prejudicial treatment, such as a merchant charging the Half-Orc more for his wares, to outright hostility.

The result of the unfortunate union of human and orc, the Half-Orc is a ferocious and savage warrior. Half-Orcs are shunned by most communities, including orcish tribes. Players wishing to play a Half-Orc may not possess a WIS score higher than 12 or a CHA score higher than 7. If these attributes are higher than the listed limit, they should be reduced to 12 and 7. Although most Half-Orcs are Fighting-Men, Half-Orcs with above average dexterity (15 or more) may chose to become assassins instead.

Half-Orc Racial Abilities

Character Advancement: Half-Orcs may progress as Fighting-Men up to 5th level. Half-Orcs with a DEX score of 15 or more may choose to follow the Assassin's path instead. As Assassins, Half-Orcs may progress as high as 6th level. Unlike a human Assassin, the Half-Orc does not gain the Assassin's Disguise special ability. Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Half-Orcs have the same Weapon/Armor restriction as the Fighting-Man or Assassin, depending on which class was chosen at character creation.


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Coast, Inc. System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch Swords & Wizardry: Whitebox by Matt Finch and Marv Breig, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch White Box Heroes by Salvatore Macri, Copyright 2009, Salvatore Macri END OF LICENSE


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