By Lex Mandrake and Harald Maassen

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by Lex Mandrake and Harald Maassen



Lex Mandrake The Stat Block
and Rules of
Harald Maassen Thumb
Lex Mandrake Treasure Tables
Rolling for Magic Items
ART FROM: Treasures
The Public Domain
PAGE 14:
LEGALESE: Quick Reference Lists
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-THE CREATURE'SNAME Hulking humanoid insect with large, shimmering ,
- A short description. multifaceted eyes.
- HP: the creature's Hit Point total. HP 90 , AC 18, Att 2 x Claw +8 (ld8+5),
-AC: the creature's Armor Class, this is calculated Mandibles +8 (2d8+5), Skill +8, Weak -2, TT 2
by either worn armor or a natural resistance, Motivation: to eat and build tunnel-networks
whichever makes more sense. Talents (+8): brute force, seeking prey, resisting
- Att: the creature's attacks and their damage. physical harm
Some attacks can be used more times than Weaknesses (-2): reasoning, bright light
others, indicated by a multiplier before the attack Confusing Gaze: those looking at this creature
itself. must save (DC15 Cha) on their turn or become
- Skill: Skill Bonus, applied to whatever the crea- confused. On failure roll ld4 and spend turn:
ture is good at, listed in Talents below. This 1-2: doing nothing, 3: moving in a random
bonus is already applied to the Attack values direction, 4: attacking a random creature.
above. Multiple failures wipe the affected's short term
-Weak: Weaknesses, the penalty applied when- memory.
ever the creature does something it isn't good at. Ambush Tunneler: can borrow and sense
-TT: Treasure Table, which may be rolled on to movement in the earth.
generate the monster's hoard (pg8).
- Motivation: what this creature primarily wants. ANIMAL, BEAR
-Talents: a list of things the creature is good at. Large land mammal. Calm unless provoked.
They can be specific or general. The GM can HP 34 , AC 11, Att Bite +6 (ld8+4), Claw +6
interpret these as proactive rolls (searching, (2d6t4), Skill +5, Weak -4, TT 1
sneaking, etc) or saves (resisting poison, dodging Motivation: to live in nature
a fireball, etc). Talents (+5): brute force
-Weaknesses: a list of things the creature is bad Weaknesses (-4): reasoning beyond animal
at. The GM interprets these similarly to Talents. thought
-Traits: any special features or abilities the
creature may possess. These are each listed as ANIMATED OBJECT, ARMOR
their own unique power with specific mech- Suit of armor brought to life by sorcery for a
anics in parentheses. specific purpose.
HP 25 , AC 18, Att 2 x Slam +4 (ld6t2),
RULES OF THUMB: Skill +4, Weak -5, TT 1
- If a creature seems like it would be unaffected Motivation: to complete its task
by a specific effect it probably is. (Ex. a creature Talents (+4): resisting damage, pretending to be
without eyes can't be blinded , a creature without inanimate
legs can't be tripped) Weaknesses (-5): reasoning, reflexes
- Creatures are not typically evil but may be Magically Animated: magic has brought this
biased against Player Characters. Remember to creature to life, dispelling it will destroy the
consider Disposition rolls and motivations. creature.
- Generally, creatures can see in darkness using Mindless: will only relentlessly follow the
infravision, the ability to see body heat. instructions of its maker, or else does nothing.



Dog-sized lizard with glowing eyes that turns what Blue skinned , camel-like mammal with
they see into stone. anteater-like snout and tongue.
HP 50 , AC 14 , Att Bite +5 (2d8+3) , Skill +5 , HP 30 , AC 14 , Att Slam +3 (ld8+ 1 ), Skill +3 ,
Weak -3, TT 1 Weak -4, TT 0
Motivation: to devour its petrified prey Motivation: to eat magic
Talents (+5): hunting , hiding , keen sight Talents (+3): hiding , searching
Weaknesses (-3): reflexes , reasoning beyond Weaknesses (-4): reasoning beyond animal
animal thought thought
Petrify: if another creature makes eye contact Smell Magic: can sniff out magical auras from
with the Basilisk they must save (DC12 Con) or items or enchantments.
begin turning to stone. On the victim's next turn Drain Magic: can use an action to lick a source
they can barely move and must save again, on a of magic and consume the magic energy.
failure they turn to stone completely. Spellcasting characters can resist (DCll Con) or
lose a casting for that day. Items or ongoing
CHIMERA effects have a chance to become inert (50 %),
Large lion-like creature with a ram head growing losing their magic permanently.
from its back and a serpent head at the end of its
HP 110, AC 14 , Att Bite +7 (2d6+4) , Horns + 7 Featureless humanoid fae who infiltrate societies
(ld12+4), Claws +7 (2d6+4) , Skill + 7, Weak -2, by taking on the appearance of a specific
TT2 member.
Motivation: to spread chaos and destruction HP 50 , AC 14 , Att 2 x Slam +6 (ld6+4),
Talents (+7): perception, brute force Skill +6 , Weak +O, TT 1
Weaknesses (-2): concentration , staying calm Motivation: to replace a person
Facing: each round , determine which end of the Talents (+6): deception , resisting magic
chimera is facing its opponents, limiting which Weaknesses (+O): empathy
attacks it uses. Bite for serpent, Horns for ram , Steal Identity: changes shape to become a
Claws for lion. perfect copy of a similarly sized humanoid they
Ram: the ram head hits for double damage with touch.
a running start. Read Thoughts: can hear the thoughts of nearby
Fire Breathing: each round there's a chance (2 creatures. Allows them to react as a Thief once
in 6) a random head will vomit flame on all per round, including Sneak Attacks (3d6
creatures it's facing (7d6 damage). damage).

Fae creature disguised as an old woman.
HP 80, AC 17, Att Claws +6 (2d8+4), Skill +6 ,
Weak +O, TT 1
Motivation: to kidnap mortal children
Talents (+6): magic , sneaking , deception ,
resisting magic
Weaknesses (+O): brute force , resisting damage
Spellcasting: as their action , the Crone can roll
on the Spellcasting Matrix as a 5th level
character , using the schools of Illusion or
Coven: when three or more Crones work
together they become more powerful (Skill
becomes + 10, TT becomes 2)



Giant winged lizard. Powerful, cunning, and A mass of sentient dirt and rocks, capable of
long-lived. taking vaguely humanoid form.
HP 250 , AC 19, Att 3 x Bite, Claw , or Tail+ 14 HP 125, AC 17 , Att 2 x Slam +8 (2d8+5),
(2dl0+8), Skill + 14, Weak +O, TT 4 Skill +8, Weak -2, TT 2
Motivation: to acquire and hoard treasure Motivation: to conserve and protect
Talents (+14): brute force, resisting damage , Talents (+8): brute force, resisting damage
resisting magic , intellect , persuasion, deception Weaknesses (-2): communication, acting quickly
Weaknesses (+O): reflexes, greed Earth Body: can meld and flow through earth
Flight: moves through air at incredible speed. when moving, becoming completely obscured.
Can attack with its claws or tail while moving. Takes half damage from physical attacks.
Ancient: may know any or all game world Demolish: double damage when attacking
secrets. May also know magic, at the GM 's structures or similar.
discretion (roll Skill on Spellcasting Matrix as a
13th level character, any school). ELEMENTAL, FIRE
Gigantic: this creature's massive size allows it to A large sentient flame, capable of taking vaguely
hit multiple targets , topple structures, and ignore humanoid form.
attacks (damage less than 20). The wind from its HP 100, AC 13 , Att 2 x Touch +8 (2d8+5)
wings can send most creatures flying (DC22 Dex Burn , Skill +8, Weak -2, TT 2
Save). It can however be climbed and attacked in Motivation: to spread and consume
weak points to avoid these effects, if the climber Talents (+8): reflexes, speed
can hold on (DC22 Str Save per round). Weaknesses (-2): communication, staying calm
Fire Breathing: each round there's a chance (2 Fire Body: acts as fire when going through or
in 6), it can breath a large cone of flame, around objects. Creates light. Takes half damage
damaging everything nearby (12d6). from physical attacks. Takes double damage from
Legendary: can act up to 3 times during the water attacks. Fire damage heals.
Player 's initiative. Burn: anything flammable touched by the
elemental starts burning (ldlO damage) each
ELEMENTAL, AIR round until extinguished.
A torrent of sentient wind, capable of taking
vaguely humanoid form. ELEMENTAL, WATER
HP 90, AC 15, Att 2 x Slam +8 (2d8+5), A mass of sentient water, capable of taking
Skill +8, Weak -2, TT 2 vaguely humanoid form.
Motivation: to seek new experiences and travel HP 115, AC 14 , Att 2 x Slam +8 (2d8+5),
freely Skill +8, Weak -2, TT 2
Talents (+8): reflexes , resisting damage Motivation: to wash over , quench, or aid
Weaknesses (-2): communication, paying Talents (+8): brute force, reflexes
attention Weaknesses (-2): communication, decisiveness
Air Body: acts as wind when going through or Water Body: acts as water when going through
around objects. Takes half damage from physical or around objects. Takes half damage from
attacks. Can fly at incredible speeds. physical attacks. Takes double damage from fire
Tomado: once per fight, can create a powerful attacks. Water damage heals.
vortex of wind that throws average sized Engulf: can flow into the space of an average
creatures and objects (DC13 Str Save) and sized creature and entrap it within the elemental' s
batters them with debris (3d8 damage). body until they break free on their turn (DC15
Str Save). Trapped creature begins to suffocate
(ld6 damage per round) and cannot move.



Elder fae being, bedecked in wizardly ornaments. Winged grotesque humanoid perched in high
HP 100 , AC 12, Att Staff +9 (ld6+2), Skill +9, alcoves and seemingly made of stone
Weak +O, TT 3 HP 50 , AC 15 , Att 1 x Bite , and 2 x Claws +4
Motivation: to preserve the lore of their people (ld6t2) , Skill +4, Weak -2 , TT 1
Talents (+9): magic , insight, nature and arcane Motivation: to protect their homes
knowledge Talents (+4): intimidating , resisting damage ,
Weaknesses (+O): reflexes , fortitude , strength , pretending to be inanimate
resisting damage Weaknesses (-2): persuasion , diplomacy
Spellcasting: as their action , the Magus can roll Statuesque: their hide is similar to stone both in
on the Spellcasting Matrix as a 13th level appearance and strength (half damage from most
character , using the schools of Divination and attacks).
two others (GMs choice). Flight: moves through the air at average speed.
Foresight: glimpsing possible future interactions
allows the Magus to be prepared. Before GIANT
encountering the characters , the Magus may cast Huge humanoid , similar to a human but with
up to three spells they think would assist them. exaggerated proportions.
HP 100, AC 13 , Att 2 x Club +8 (3d8+5) or 1 x
EYE TYRANT Throw Object +8 (3dl2+5) , Skill +8, Weak -3 ,
A hovering ball of flesh containing a large central TT2
eye and mouth. A dozen tentacles sprout from its Motivation: to eat and relax
mass , each tipped with a human-sized eye. Talents (+8}: brute force
HP 180, AC 18 , Att Bite +5 (4d6) , 3 x Eye Rays Weaknesses (-3): reasoning, reflexes , remaining
(Save DC16) , Skill +8, Weak -2 , TT 3 calm
Motivation: to prove its mental mastery over all Gigantic: this creature 's massive size allows it to
creatures. hit multiple targets, topple structures , and ignore
Talents (+8): willpower , knowledge of other attacks (damage less than 20). It can however be
realms , perception climbed and attacked in weak points to avoid
Weaknesses (-2): empathy , insight these effects , if the climber can hold on (DC12
Hover: slow flight. Str Save per round).
All Seeing: perfect vision in all directions and
Antimagic Gaze: all magic is nullified while in the
central eye 's field of vision.
Eye Rays: rays of colored light fire from its eye
stalks. Targets must save to avoid a randomly
rolled effect.
1. Charm - Cha Save or view the Tyrant as a
close friend for a long period
2. Telekinesis - Str Save or be moved a Near
distance and held there until the Tyrant's next
initiative, objects can also be moved
3. Seize - Int Save or take 36 damage and lose
next action, only take 18 damage with a
4. Sleep - Wis Save or fall unconscious for a short
time , can be awakened as normal
5. Petrify - Con Save or begin to turn to stone ,
repeat this saving throw on the target 's next
initiative to either end the effect or turn
6. Disintegrate - Dex Save or take 45 damage , if
this damage reduces the target to O HP they
turn to dust
Legendary: can act up to 3 times during the
Player 's initiative.


Horse-sized amphibian that requires larger prey Elephant-sized, blue-finned centipede that dwells
than its mundane counterpart. in arctic climates.
HP 20 , AC 11, Att Bite +3 (ld6+1) , Skill +3 , HP 200, AC 17 , Att Bite + 11 (9dl0), Skill +11,
Weak -4, TT 0 Weak -3, TT 3
Motivation: to live in nature Motivation: to hunt prey
Talents (+3): reflexes Talents (+11): resisting cold and heat, sensing
Weaknesses (-4): reasoning beyond animal movement
thought Weaknesses (-3): eyesight , reasoning beyond
Hop: can leap straight upward a far distance. animal thought
Tongue: instead of attacking, can extend a sticky Swallow: any average sized creature in the
tongue that wraps around a nearby average sized crawler's mouth (successful bite attack) is held
creature and drags them into its mouth (DClO there (DCl 7 Str or Dex to escape). On the
Str Save to break free). crawler's next turn it can choose to swallow the
Swallow: any appropriately sized creature in the creature in its mouth. Each round swallowed
frog's mouth (Bite or Tongue) is swallowed. Each creatures are burned by stomach acid (6d6) and
round they are burned by stomach acid (2d4) can barely move (Disadvantage) but can cut their
and can barely move (Disadvantage) but can cut way out. Dealing significant damage (30 or more
their way out. in one hit) from inside can cause the crawler to
vomit up its prey (DC15 Con Save to resist).
Tundra Burrower: the crawler's body is
superheated, allowing it to easily tunnel through
ice and snow. Anyone close to it is burned by the
intense heat it radiates (3d6 damage).

Slug-like invertebrate with large maw that
instinctually takes the form of inanimate objects.
GOBLIN HP 60 , AC 12 , Att Bite +5 (2d8+3), Skill +5 ,
Small, cowardly , green humanoids that dwell in Weak -3, TT 2
warrens and have a cruel sense of humor. Motivation: to lure prey to them
HP 7, AC 15 , Att 1 x Scimitar or Shortbow +4 Talents (+5}: resisting damage
(ld6+2) , Skill +4, Weak -2, TT 0 Weaknesses (-3}: reasoning, reflexes ,
Motivation: acquire wealth and expand domain communication
Talents (+4): reflexes , sneaking , hiding Imitate: can use an action to transform into a
Weaknesses (-2): persuasion, planning, courage similarly sized non-living object. Looks convincing
Nimble: may escape from melee combat after but becomes obvious if interacted with.
attacking Sticky: anything that comes in contact with this
Horde: often fight in groups, gaining Advantage creature is stuck and must use an action to
on attacks and morale when in a group (3 or separate (DC13 Str). Stuck creatures are easier
more). for the Imitator to eat (Advantage on Bite).



Large shambling piles of sentient rotting moss , Colossal bird made of flame.
weeds , and bark. Spawned long ago by eldritch HP 175, AC 18 , Att 2 x Beak and Talons t 13

magic. (2d8t8) , Skill + 13 , Weak -4, TT 3
HP 130 , AC 15 , Att 2 x Slam t 7 (2d8+4) , Motivation: to bring change or redemption
Skill t 7, Weak -3, TT 2 Talents (+13): reflexes , speed
Motivation: to fertilize itself with organic matter Weaknesses (-4): staying calm
Talents (+7): sneaking Flight: moves through air at incredible speed.
Weaknesses (-3): reasoning beyond animal Can attack with its talons while moving.
thought Fire Body: acts as fire when going through or
Plant-Matter:the mound is made of magically around objects. Creates light. Takes half damage
animated plants. They move slowly but are from physical attacks. Takes double damage from
otherwise identical to old forest growth. water attacks. Fire damage heals.
Envelope: an average sized or smaller creature Death and Rebirth: when killed explodes in
hit by both slam attacks is drawn into the mound. flame (6d6 fire damage). A new Phoenix will
Their restrained bodies are ground within the spawn from the ashes on the next sunrise.
creature until one is destroyed (DC14 Con Save However , if collected , ashes can bring the dead
each round or 2d8+4 damage). back to life.
Absorb Elements: elemental attacks heal rather Legendary: can act up to 3 times during the
than harm this creature. Player 's initiative.


Large mass of mustard-colored sentient goo. Reclusive spider-headed humanoid that defends
HP 50 , AC 8 , Att Pseudopod +4 (3d6t2) , spiders as their kin.
Skill +4, Weak -5, TT 1 HP 40 , AC 13 , Att Bite +4 (2d8t2) , or Claws +4
Motivation: to consume (2d4t2) , Skill +4, Weak -2 , TT 1
Talents (+4): sneaking Motivation: protect spiders and their eggs
Weaknesses (-5): reasoning , thought , reflexes Bonuses (+4): sneaking , perception
Ooze: its shifting jelly-like form allows it to crawl Penalties (-2): communication
up walls, cling to ceilings, and squeeze through Spider's Keeper: shares the senses of common
small openings. Exudes acidic enzymes to spiders in their area.
dissolve prey and obstacles. Moves very slowly. Web Spinner: create webs to capture prey
Divide: if an attack would reasonably separate a (DCl 1 Str check to escape). Can choose to
chunk of the ooze from its main bulk , that piece throw webs rather than making an attack (DCll
becomes a smaller copy of the base creature (half Dex Save to avoid). Can climb and move
current HP). unhindered on webs and sense any vibration in
Pig-faced humanoids , often dressed in SWARM, BAT
mismatched armor. Group of small nocturnal flying mammals with
HP 15 , AC 13, Att Battleaxe +5 (ld10+3) , or leathery wings.
Spear +5 (ld6+3), Skill +5, Weak -2 , TT 0 HP 20 , AC 12 , Att Bites +4 (2d4) Skill +4 ,
Motivation: to fight for coin Weak -4, TT 0
Talents (+5): intimidation, brute force , planning Motivation: to drink blood or eat insects
Weaknesses (-2): persuasion, diplomacy Talents (+4): hearing, reflexes
Aggressive: attacks twice in the first round of Weaknesses (-4): sight, brute force , reasoning
combat. beyond animal thought
Resourceful: able to cobble together arms , Swarm: technically dozens of small creatures.
armor , and other tools from whatever they can Occupy the space of their target when attacking ,
find. risking that another attacker may hit their victim
instead of them (50 % chance). The swarm
decreases when hurt (half damage when at half
Flight: move quickly through the air.



Large, lean, and crafty humanoid fae, with long Invisible spirits stuck between life and death.
thin noses and crooked posture. Unable to remember how they became this way.
HP 85, AC 15, Att 3 x Claw + 7 (2d6+4), HP 25 , AC 12 , Att Hurl Object +4 (3d6),
Skill+ 7, Weak -2, TT 2 Skill +5 , Weak -5, TT 1
Motivation: to trick people to their death Motivation: to lash out in anger and confusion
Talents (+7): riddles , puzzles, resisting damage Talents (+5): sensing life, hiding
Weaknesses (-2): deception Weaknesses (-2): reasoning, staying calm
Regeneration: regains lost health (lOHP) at the Undead: this living spirit does not need to eat or
start of its turn. sleep and will avoid daylight.
Adapt: after being harmed by something they Ethereal: can move through solid matter and
can become resilient to it (half damage) at the cannot be seen by normal means. Unaffected by
expense of something else (double damage). (ex. mundane weapons or effects.
Resistance to cold after being hurt by cold but Telekinesis: can mentally move an object or
also vulnerability to fire) creature up to as large as an average person.
Unwilling creatures can attempt to resist (DC12
UNDEAD, LYCH Str Save) , and can be slammed into hard
Ancient spellcaster, kept alive by dark sorcery. surf aces on failure (damage as attack , modified at
HP 135 , AC 17 , Att Chill Touch+ 12 (3d6), GMs discretion by distance).
Skill + 12 , Weak +O, TT 4
Motivation: to gain ultimate magical power UNDEAD, SKELETON
Talents (+12): magic, resisting magic, historical The reanimated bones of a normal human.
and arcane knowledge HP 15 , AC 13 , Att Shortsword or Shortbow +4
Weaknesses (+O): ego , short term planning (ld6+2), Skill +4, Weak -1 , TT 0
Spellcasting: as their action , the Lych can roll on Motivation: to kill the living
the Spellcasting Matrix as a 17th level character , Talents (+4): sensing life
using the schools of Necromancy and four others Weaknesses (-1): reasoning, communication
(GMs choice). Undead: this reanimated corpse does not need
Undying: when a Lych reaches O HP its body to eat or sleep and will avoid daylight.
crumbles to dust but will reform at full HP on a Brittle Bones: vulnerable to blunt force (double
certain trigger (next full moon, arcane ritual , item damage) but resistant to stabbing (half damage).
is activated). They can only be truly killed by
destroying their Spirit Vessel (see below). UNDEAD, ZOMBIE
Spirit Vessel: an object of any kind , crafted by The reanimated rotting body of a normal human.
the Lych to house their life force. Must be "fed" HP 25 , AC 8 , Att Claw or Bite +3 (ld6+ 1),
something regularly to keep the Lych in control Skill +3 , Weak -4, TT 0
of their magic (souls , gold, memories). Can only Motivation: to eat brains
be destroyed in a certain way (placed in sunlight , Talents (+3): sensing life, resisting damage
struck with a specific magic weapon , cast into a Weaknesses (-4): reasoning, communication
volcano). Undead: this reanimated corpse does not need
Legendary: can act up to 3 times during the to eat or sleep and will avoid daylight.
Player 's initiative. Dismemberment: if an attack could remove a
body part that part keeps moving (roll d6: 1.
Head - no movement and bite attack, 2. Arm -
claw attack, 3. Leg - zombie now slower, 4.
nothing). These parts are easy to destroy (5HP


Use these tables to determine the amount of
treasure appropriate for your dungeon. The in-
dividual creature table shows how much a single
creature might be carrying, and the hoard table
gives values for the total treasure to be found in a
dungeon appropriate for the given Player-level.
Note that the treasure hoards are set so that it
takes (on average) three treasure hoards for a
party of 4-6 characters to level up. You can roll on
the table to determine the relative wealth present
in the hoard or pick an appropriate one (dragons
tend to be on the high end, while mindless animals
tend to be on the low end). Roll ld6 to randomize.
Tier Single Creature Small Hoard (1) Medium Hoard (2-5) Large Hoard (6)
0 ld6 X 10 2d4 X 50 2d8 X 50 2d12 X 50
t 25 t 15 t 25 t 35
1 ld6 X 100 2d4 X 500 2d8 X 500 2d12 X 500
t 250 t 150 t 250 t 350
2 ld6 X 1,000 2d4 X 3,000 2d8 X 3,000 2d12 X 3,000
t 1,000 t 2,000 t 3,000
3 ld6 X 3,000 2d4 X 5,000 2d8 X 5,000 2d12 X 5,000
t 15,000 t 30,000 t 40,000
4 ld6 X 5,000 2d4 X 15,000 2d8 X 15,000 2d12 X 15,000
t 3,500 t 10,000 t 15,000 t 25,000
Note that using both the single and hoard tables AMULET OF TELE. - BELT OF FORT.
means you're effectively "doubling up" on
treasure, so this is not advised. Pick the one that AMULET OF TELEPATHY
best matches the situation at hand. Rare / Space: -
Consider the space this amount of gold will take copper medallion inscribed with a mind 's eye
up. Since each 100 gold pieces takes up 1 space, symbol
GM' s may want to put smaller luxury items into Use an action to establish a mental connection
the hoard (gems, jewelry, art objects, etc). Luxury with a nearby intelligent creature. Hear and share
items should take up 0-2 space and can be worth surf ace thoughts of connected creature. You may
100 - 1,000 gold each. attempt to control the creature's next action
(contested Wis check). On a failure you lose
ROLLING FOR MAGIC ITEMS: connection and can't mentally connect again until
Hoards can contain magic items as well. The four you rest.
rarities (uncommon, rare , very rare , legendary)
determine the power of the item. The higher the ARCANE INGREDIENTS
rarity of the item, the more spectacular its powers. Uncommon I Space: 2
Tier Dice Results case of pouches and vials holding strange
0 ld6 6: Uncommon spellcasting aids
1 ld8 7-8: Uncommon Roll a d6 when acquiring this item, it has that
2 ld20 16-18: Uncommon many uses. Expend a use to gain t 5 on your next
19: Two Uncommon Spellcasting roll.
20: Rare
3 ld12 7: Uncommon BELT OF FORTITUDE
8-9: Rare Rare / Space: 1
10-11: Very Rare thick leather belt bedecked with iron
12: Legendary Increase your Con score by 2 while wearing. Also,
4 ld8 4: Rare roll with Advantage against poison , disease , or
5: Very Rare similar physical ailment.
6-8: Legendary



Uncommon / Space: 1 Very Rare / Space: 1
dark blue waterproof leather shoes ornate silver lantern containing ghostly flame
Wearer can move across water or similar liquid as Contains a trapped spirit that can be conversed
if it were solid ground. with by the lantern-holder. The GM determines
the identity of the spirit within. Once per day the
CAPE OF OBSCUREMENT spirit can make the lantern and anyone touching it
Rare / Space: 1 able to pass through solid objects for a short
dark cape made from panther-like pelt period. If the lantern-holder would die, the spirit
This cloak creates an illusionary doubling effect can revive them. The spirit can be set free by the
around the wearer. All rolls to hit or physically lantern-holder whenever they wish.
interact with the wearer are made at disadvantage.
Very Rare / Space: 2 black iron vessel big enough to hold a person ,
silver incense burner on a swinging chain inscribed with a wicked visage
A cleric wielding this censer increases their divine Any dead being placed in the cauldron will
connection (base DC for Prayer set to 10). reanimate into an undead creature (typically
Additionally, any undead creature will avoid the skeleton or zombie , GM's discretion) on the next
smoke of the censer. If unable to escape it they will midnight hour. If a living being drains a few drops
be rendered immobile as long as they remain close of their own blood into the vessel they will have
to the smoke (DC 20 Wis to resist). However , if control of undead created within thereafter , but
the wielder of the censer is a cleric worshiper of a also suffer a curse. The more undead created the
death god (or similar) the undead can be more their controller will waste away (1 HP per
controlled by the smoke instead (same roll to servant) and upon their death they too will be
resist). risen as a mindless servant of the cauldron.


Uncommon / Space: 1 Rare / Space: 1
large cape made of slightly shifting fabric copper helmet wrought with strange interlocking
If the cape is touching a solid surface (wall, patterns
ground , or similar) it takes on the color and texture The wearer of this helm can travel vast distances in
of that surface. moments. After finding this item , roll a dlO to
determine the number of times it can be used.
DANCING ROPE Activate this helm to quickly transport the wearer ,
Uncommon / Space: 1 and any person they are touching , to a location
length of rope with scaly texture they have visited before , can see , or have studied
Performing music nearby the rope causes it to at length. If the location was only studied there is a
levitate itself into the air. Allowing average sized chance the teleportation will send them
creatures to climb it a far distance . When the somewhere similar (GM's discretion).
music stops it goes slack.
GEM OF IMPRISONMENT Very Rare / Space: 1
Legendary / Space: - painted u-shaped lute with silver strings
perfectly cut gemstone emitting a supernatural Playing this instrument well unlocks mundane
glow locks (Cha DC 10) , magical locks (Cha DC 15)
Any creature that touches this object with their and even dispels magical barriers (Cha DC 20).
bare skin is transported into an extra dimensional Failing to play it well results in broken strings. It
space within the gem . While inside they are in can only be played again after new strings are
suspended animation. The gem can only hold one wound on it (ld4x1000 Gold to buy).
creature at a time , the next person to touch it
switches places with any former occupant.



To generate , the GM rolls a d6 for item type. Uncommon - Enemies hit by this weapon can
Weapons and Armor work as they do in the only move or act on their turn.
Player 's Guide (pg7) with additional magic Rare - Enemies hit by this weapon have a
properties. chance to be encased in ice for a short period
Then they roll a d6 for magic property , applying (DC 10 Con Save to resist)
all the properties up to the rarity of the item (ex . a Very Rare - Once per long period wielder may
Rare item has both the Rare and Uncommon roll on the Spellcasting Matrix as their character
properties) . This assumes a Treasure Table is level, casting from the school of Abjuration. The
predetermining rarity. If not , rarity is GM' s choice. spell must be ice themed.
Legendary- Weapon is sentient , knows
MAGIC ARMS ancient secrets of the earth (GM's choice) and
Type (d6}: will tempt the wielder towards being cautious
1. Club , Dagger , or Sling (DC 10 Wis Save to resist).
2. Spear , Mace , or Shortbow
3. Shortsword or Scimitar 4. HOLY
4. Battleaxe , Flail, or Longbow Uncommon - Once per short period the
5. Longsword , Pike, or Crossbow wielder may have this weapon force undead
6. Greatsword or Maul creatures to retreat from it (DC 15 Wis Save to
resist). If so , they cannot move near the weapon.
MAGIC WEAPON PROPERTY (D6): Rare - +2d6 damage to undead creatures
Very Rare - Once per rest , for a long period,
1. BANE the wielder can chose to give those near them
Uncommon - +1d6 damage against a specific courage (Advantage on mental saves)
kind of creature (GM's choice) Legendary- Weapon is sentient , knows
Rare - Half the damage value dealt by this ancient holy secrets (GM's choice) and will tempt
weapon is restored to the wielders HP the wielder toward righteous deeds (DC 15 Wis
- Very Rare - Once per short period , wielder Save to resist)
may cause living creatures near them to flee from
the weapon (DC 15 Wis Save) 5. SHOCK
Legendary- Weapon is sentient , knows Uncommon - When an opponent is hit by this
ancient evil secrets (GM's choice) and will tempt weapon they may lose their next action (DC 10
the wielder toward wicked deeds (DC 15 Wis Con Save to resist)
Save to resist) Rare - +2d6 lightning damage
Very Rare - Wielder may have lightning
2. FLAMING damage rolled arc to one other close creature
Uncommon - On a critical hit this weapon Legendary- Weapon is sentient , knows
deals t4d6 fire damage ancient secrets of the sky (GM' s choice) and will
Rare - Any enemy damaged by this weapon make the wielder seek open spaces (Wis DC 10
takes ld6 fire damage each round unless they to resist)
spend a turn putting themselves out
Very Rare - Once per long period wielder may 6. SPECTRAL
roll on the Spellcasting Matrix at their character Uncommon - Once per rest the wielder may
level, casting from the school of Evocation. The become invisible for a short period
spell must be fire themed. Rare - This weapon ignores opponents AC
Legendary- Weapon is sentient , knows bonuses from mundane armor
ancient secrets of the earth (GM's choice) and Very Rare - Once per rest the wielder can
will tempt the wielder towards being impulsive become intangible for a short time and pass
(DC 10 Wis Save to resist). through solid objects
Legendary- Weapon is sentient , knows
ancient secrets of the afterlife (GM's choice) and
will make the wielder shun the living (DC 10 Wis
Save to resist)



Type (d6}: Uncommon - Armor is weightless, heavy
1. Padded armor does not impose Disadvantage
2. Leather Rare- tl AC
3. Chain Shirt Very Rare - +1 AC
4. Breastplate Legendary- Armor starts each combat with a
5. Splint shimmering glamor, imposing Disadvantage on
6. Shield attacks against wearer until they are hit


Uncommon - +1 AC
Rare - Wearer ignores extra damage from
critical hits
Very Rare - +1 AC
Legendary - +1 AC

Uncommon - Any spell roll made close to the
wearer is at Disadvantage
Rare - Wearer gains Advantage on Saving
Throws made against magical effects
Very Rare - +1 AC
Legendary - The first time the wearer comes
into contact with an ongoing magical effect
there's a 1 in 4 chance it is dispelled

Uncommon - If damaged, armor repairs itself
after a rest
Rare - tl AC
Very Rare - Armor heals the wounds of the
wearer at 3d6 HP per long period
Legendary- Once per rest wearer can
command armor to grow a protective shell,
granting 50 extra HP

Uncommon - +1 AC
Rare - Armor burns any fae creature close to it
for 3d6 HP per round
Legendary - +1 AC Very Rare / Space: -
tiny dragon carved from shimmering black stone
5. DRAGON SCALE Whispering a magic word (GM's choice) to the
Uncommon - Randomly determine an figurine causes it to transform into a real dragon
element (Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid), the wearer (statistics as the Dragon, Ancient creature) that
can ignore all damage from this element once per obeys the speaker. After a short time it transforms
long period back into a figurine and cannot be used again until
Rare - tl AC a period of time has passed (next full moon,
Very Rare - +1 AC fortnight, season, etc, GM' s discretion). If the
Legendary - Armor can unfold wings and dragon is killed they will transform into a broken
allow wearer to fly at great speed figurine that is no longer magical.



Randomly determine potion by rarity (d6) . Very Rare / Space: -
UNCOMMON: glyph-covered ring set with swirling gemstone
1. Courage: Until drinker 's next rest , they roll When finding this item roll to determine its current
against any fear related effect with Advantage magical energy (d20+5).
2. Growth: For a short period , drinker triples in A spellcasting capable wearer may expend all the

size ring's energy to cast a spell using the number in the
3. Healing: Drinker heals 4d4+4 HP ring as their casting result and not expend one of
4. Spider Climb: For a long period , drinker is their spells per rest.
able to stick to and climb sheer surfaces A spellcasting wearer may expend a spell and roll
5. Strength: For a long period , drinker 's Strength to cast , storing that number in the ring instead of
becomes 20 casting the spell. The ring's energy is cumulative .
6. Water Breathing: For a long period , drinker
can breath underwater RING OF RESISTANCE
RARE: Rare / Space: -
1. Diminution: For a short period , drinker is silver band set with specific gemstone
reduced to one fourth their size When finding this item roll a d4 to determine its
2. Dragon's Breath: Until drinker's next rest, they gemstone and element: 1. ruby I fire, 2. sapphire I
may breath fire at a nearby target (4d6 fire cold, 3. topaz I lightning, 4. emerald I acid.
damage) up to three times The wearer takes half damage from the assigned
3. Gaseous Form: For a short period , drinker element.
becomes cloud of sentient mist
4. Greater Healing: Drinker heals 8d4+4 HP ROBE OF STARS
5. Mind Reading: For a long period , they hear Legendary / Space: 2
surface thoughts of nearby creatures ornate cowled cloak adorned with shimmering
6. Restoration: Drinker instantly recovers from a constellations
physical ailment (poison , fatigue , etc) The wearer may use this cloak to shift themselves
VERY RARE: into a parallel plane of existence in which they are
1. Charisma: Until drinkers next rest , creatures weightless and intangible. While here they may
they meet have an initial Disposition of Friendly travel vast distances in moments and read the
2. Flying: For a long period , drinker can fly as fast thoughts and emotions of living things. Activate
as they can run this ability by concentrating for a short period once
3. Invisibility: For a short period, drinker cannot each rest.
be seen Additionally , the wearer is granted +5 AC and rolls
4. Mind Control: For a short period , drinker will with advantage when using or encountering spells
do whatever they are told or prayers.
5. Speed: For a short period , drinker takes two
actions each round
6. Supreme Healing: Drinker heals 10d4t20 HP
1. Deep Slumber: Drinker is put into a deep
sleep , only to reawaken from a specific trigger
(hundred years , a kiss, etc , GM's choice)
2. Experience: Drinker immediately gains a level
3. Foresight: For a quick period , drinker can see
future possibilities (GM answers any questions
on outcomes of actions)
4. Invulnerability: For a short period , drinker
cannot be harmed
5. Polymorph: For a long period , drinker
transforms into any one creatures they can
• •
6. Reincarnation: Drinker is restored to full HP
but also rerolls all their ability scores , rewrites
relevant traits , and changes their appearance


Uncommon / Space: 1
plain steel cylinder set with a single button
Clicking the button on this rod causes it to become
fixed in space until the button is clicked again. It
will withstand heavy weight without budging.

Uncommon / Space: 1
two foot tree branch cast in silver
Plants can be directed to grow or move rapidly in
a direction indicated by the wielder. Sentient
plants may roll to resist (DC12 Wis). Once the
plant moves the branch loses its power for a short

Legendary / Space: 1
unbreakable glass staff formed by lightning
The wielder of this staff can call upon the effects of
a storm, After each rest, roll a d6 to determine the
number of times the staff can be used. Spend a
use to roll on the Spellcasting Matrix (As a 17th
Level Magic-User, Int Check +5) using the TWINE OF EGRESS
Conjuration S chool. S pells cast in this way must Rare / Space: -
be storm themed (torrents of wind, sleet, rain, spool of golden thread
lightning). Place this thread on the floor and it will unspool in
the direction of the nearest exit. The string has no
STASIS GLASS end but can be destroyed as normal thread and is
Legendary / Space: 1 confused by magical misdirection.
beautiful hourglass with golden frame and
glittering sand WAND OF DETECTION
Turning over this sand timer stops time for Uncommon / Space: -
everything nearby except whoever is touching it rune-painted divining rod
for a short period. This rod will guide the holder toward the nearest
source of magic or secret door. Once the source is
TREMOR G AUNTLETS found the rod's magic is dormant for a long
Very Rare / Space: 1 period.
hand gear fitted with rune-stones
The wearer of these gauntlets can produce a WIZARD'S HAT
powerful shockwave. After each rest, roll a d4 to Rare / Space: 1
determine the number of times the gauntlets can green cloth conical hat
be used. Spend a use and strike a solid surface to Reach into this hat and roll a d6. On a 2-6 pull out
create a minor earthquake. Everything up to a far a mundane item of your choice. On a 1 pull out a
distance is affected (stone split, structures toppled, Magic item of the GM's choice.
and creatures knocked prone, at GM's discretion). Reaching into the hat again causes the last item
pulled to disappear.
Rare / Space: -
green, clawed, mummified finger on a leather
The wearer of this necklace restores 2d8 HP each
long time period or phase (GM's discretion).
Additionally, they cannot bleed out while at O HP,
but will still die if attacked while unconscious.



0 Uncommon
Disenchanter 1. Arcane Ingredients
Giant , Frog 2. Boots of Water Walking
Goblin 3. Chameleon Cloak
Ore , Mercenary 4. Dancing Rope
Swarm , Bat 5. Magic Arms or Armor , Uncommon
Undead , Skeleton 6. Potions , Uncommon
Undead , Zombie 7. Rod of Immobility
1 8. Silver Branch
Animal , Bear 9. Wand of Detection
Animated Object , Armor
Basilisk Rare
Crone 1. Amulet of Telepathy
Doppelganger 2. Belt of Fortitude
Gargoyle 3. Cape of Obscurement
Ooze , Ochre 4. Helm of T eleportation
Spiderkin 5. Magic Arms or Armor , Rare
Undead , Poltergeist 6. Potions , Rare
2 7. Ring of Resistance
Amber Brute 8. Troll 's Finger
Chimera 9. Twine of Egress
Crone (Coven) IO.Wizard's Hat
Elemental , Air
Elemental , Earth Very Rare
Elemental , Fire 1. Censer of Divine Authority
Elemental , Water 2. Ghost Lantern
Giant 3. Lyre of Unlocking
Imitator , Lesser 4. Magic Arms or Armor , Very Rare
Moss Mound 5. Onyx Figurine , Dragon
Troll 6. Potion , Very Rare
3 7. Ring of Mana Storage
Elven , Magus 8. Tremor Gauntlets
Eye Tyrant
Ice Crawler Legendary
Phoenix 1. Gem of Imprisonment
4 2. Grim Cauldron
Dragon , Ancient 3. Magic Arms or Armor , Legendary
Undead , Lych 4. Potion , Legendary
5. Robe of Stars
6. Staff of Storms
7. Stasis Glass


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