Theoretical Framework

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Theoretical Framework The theoretical Framework of this report is mainly divided into two entities.

Firstly, the theories of customer satisfaction are discussed clearly to reveal the level of customer satisfaction. Secondly, the theories of employee motivational factors are discussed to show the importance of motivated employees to create quality service. The chosen theories briefly explain the factors that affect the level of customer satisfaction as well as the motivational factors of working staffs. 5.1 The Gaps Model of Service Quality The gap model of service quality is the theory developed by (Parasuraman et al. 1985) identifies five different specific gaps between the customers expectation and perceived service. 14

Figure 5 Gap Model of Service Quality (Zeithaml et al., 2006, 46) The customer gap is the difference between customer perceptions and expectations. Perceptions and expectations are two interrelated elements equally important to deliver quality service. Customer expectations are the desires and wishes that customers make prior to the service whereas perceptions are the assessments of the services experienced. Expectations are generally beliefs of what should be and perceptions are formed based on the experienced services. (Zeithaml et al. 2006, 33-34) believes, the smaller the gap between expectations and perceptions are, the better the service quality will be. Gap 1 Unknown about customer expectation This is the gap between customer expectations and the perception of those expectations by management. The gap results due to lack of understanding of customer's 15 needs and wants. The situation is likely to happen due to the result of inadequate customer satisfaction research. Bureaucracy in different management level is equally responsible to create this gap since it lacks the communication and effective management policy among staffs. The management should be always keen on finding what customers expect from them conducting several researches. A well managed company always tries to seek best ways to get interacted with the customers' expectation. To close gap 1, the company needs to set up plans to deal with the customers' expectations and work on finding the reliable ways to fulfill those expectations. Moreover creating a strong relationship with customers can be an idle solution to cover up this gap. (Zeithaml et al. 2006, 35-38)

Gap 2 Lack of quality service and standards Along with the understanding of customer's need and wants it is also important to know what kind of products and service to design to meet up the customer expectation. Provider gap 2 is the result of the company having service and products that is not designed according to customers' wants. Absence of customer, inadequate service scope and inappropriate physical evidences also create this gap. Physical evidences are the physical tools such as business cards 3whereas service scopes means the physical settings that the service is delivered in for example the location of business premises. To close the provider gap 2, Zeithaml suggests that company should introduce important Customer satisfaction barometers into the measurement system so that the perceived desired quality can be designed. Companies need measurement systems that incorporate and align measures of customer perceptions and satisfaction with pivotal operational and performance indicators. (Zeithaml et al. 2006, 38-39) Gap 3 Unable to deliver the standard services This is the gap between service quality specifications and delivery of the service. It is very important that the right service is to be rendered in the right time. The key drivers of customer service; systems, processes, and people are needed to ensure that the ser-16 vice delivered should match the set standards. Deficiencies of human resource policies and failure to match supply and demand are the key driver to create this gap. For example, a management in a company may establish a standard such that the telephone calls should be answered in 30 seconds. However, if it takes more than the standard time to answer the calls then it is said to be delivery gap. (eNotes 2012) To close gap 3 the company should always focus on employee training and establish plans to gear up the workers' motivation since motivation and right training plays vital role in creating prompt and punctual service. Team work, great co-operation among staffs, effective recruitment, etc. are the major elements that company should take care of to avoid this gap. Customers are sometimes responsible to create this gap since they may not realize their roles and responsibilities which may deteriorate the whole service process. (Zeithaml et al. 2006, 39-42)

Gap 4 Unable to perform as promised It is the gap between what was promised or communicated to customers and what actually is delivered. Basically it is communication gap that many companies are facing while rendering service. The company makes advertisement of its products and services through different media, customers start expecting the quality of service or product on how they have been promised. If the service is not delivered as promised, customers perceived low service quality. Thus, company should always focus on creating systematic and accurate communication unit so reach to customer to provide standard service in right way. (Zeithaml et al. 2006, 42-43) To close gap 4, company should always focus on inter-communicational aspects among its staffs. The internal service department should always be in touch with the external and advertising department to know the promised schemes and offers. Customers should be educated properly to use the service provided to get maximum utilization. (Zeithaml et al. 2006, 4243)17 Closing all the provider gap 1 to 4 means to improve the service quality. It is very essential issue regarding customer satisfaction. If a company wants to create quality service in all aspects to meet up customers' expectations it should always focus on closing these gaps. Several researches should be carried out to find out the core expectations of customers. Service quality can be standardize knowing what wants and desires of customers. Communication unit should be active enough to know customers expectations and to deal with the internal management unit to provide promised service in right time and in right way. Additionally, provider gap 4 plays an important role in case of Nepal SBI Ltd.

5.2 The Profit-Chain Model The profit-chain model developed by Heskett et al. (1997), aims to introduce the importance of employee satisfaction in any business firm. The theory explains the relationship between employee and customer satisfaction. It shows that the profitability and revenue growth is only possible through the service provided by the satisfied and

motivated employees. Figure 6, Profit-Chain Model (Heskett et al, 1997)18 Several researchers have found that the business organizations where employee perceptions are favorable enjoy superior business performance. The service profit chain model of business performance (Heskett et al, 1997) has identified customer satisfaction as a significant dominant variable in this relationship. Profitability and Revenue growth is directly proportional to customer's loyalty. Loyalty is the direct outcome of customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction largely depends on the value of services provided and thus value is finally created by satisfied, loyal and productive employees. The level of satisfaction within employee is measured by the feelings they have towards their jobs, companies and their co-operation with other staffs. It is very important to create employee satisfaction which is largely related to different elements such as the design of workplace, the standard of job provided, training and development, rewards and benefits, bonuses and salaries, and tools for serving customers.( Heskett et al. 1997, 1112) Employee surveys are one of the key vehicles for ensuring a full dialogue between management and employees. Although many companies already conduct effective surveys, few companies excel at survey follow-up, which is the phase that achieves maximum business value. (Thomas Rollins 1994, 35) The employed theory tries to give a clear picture of importance of satisfied and motivated employees to create profitability in the company. The senior management may find this theory as an opportunity to take action for enhancement of profitability of the company. 5.3 Hezberg's Two Factor Theory Frederick Herzbergs two factor theory aims to provide clear pictures of the factors that causes job satisfaction as well as a different set of factors that cause dissatisfaction in the work place. Since this report aims to study about employees motivational and

demotivational factors, the part of the questionnaires are thus based on this theory to find out different circumstances.19 Figure 7 Hezberg; s Two Factor Theory (Tutor 2u, 2012) According to Herzberg Frederick Two factor theory people are influenced by two factors i.e. Motivation and hygiene. Herzberg analyzed this motivation theory during his investigation of 200 accountants and engineers in the USA who were asked to recall the moment when they had felt positive or negative at work and reason for all those feelings. He acknowledged that satisfaction and psychological growth was a factor of motivational likewise Dissatisfaction was a result of hygiene. According to Herzberg hygiene factors are needed to make sure that an employee does not become dissatisfied. They do not lead to higher levels of motivation, but without them there is dissatisfaction. Motivation factors are needed in order to motivate an employee into higher performance. These factors result from internal generators in employees. (Training & Development Solutions, 2001 - 2013) 5.3.1 Hygiene factors Hygiene factors are very important element based on the need of a business to avoid unpleasant environment at work .The inadequateness of hygiene factors causes em-20 ployee dissatisfaction. The hygiene factors symbolized the physiological needs which the individuals wanted and expected to be fulfilled. Working factor refers to the working environment of the work place including friendly atmosphere, easy access to information, regular notification of plans and policies of the work place. Physical atmosphere should be comfortable and organization policy should be transparent to the employees. Different variables of hygienic factors can be described below in detail. Quality of supervision is an essential role of supervisors to be able to mobilize their workers in a proper manner .They must have leadership quality in order to guide the employers. The pleasant working conditions and sound relation with the supervisors

always makes workers to start their day in a good way which enhance to maximize the level of creating the quality of services in any firms. Salary is the amount provided to the worker as per their work, effort, skills and time in the work place. Salary is the determining factor for the workers so that it must meet their needs and demands. Likewise, every worker desires for the long term and secured job. If the nature of the job provided is longer and permanent, employees may like to contribute more whereas the short term and temporary workers may not perform their job in high standard. Interpersonal relations: Interpersonal relationship in any workplace consists of varied tools like: the mutual affection, cooperation, co-ordination and sensible relations between the workers. A worker always deserve sound environment in his/her workplace to perform job at high level. Team work and co-operation as well as relation with co-workers thus play a vital role to assure the quality of performance in any company. 5.3.2 Motivational Factors: According to Herzberg, the hygiene factors cannot be regarded as motivators. Motivational factors yield positive satisfaction. The motivational factors are involved in performance of job in high level. These factors are also called satisfiers. Workers find the-21 se factors essentially satisfying. Different variables of motivational factors can be described below in detail. Status: It is one of the most important elements under motivational factor. A worker always seek better status in his working place .It motivates workers to improve the level of their performance. Likewise opportunity for advancement is another variable under employee motivational factors. Workers always need to be provided with trainings, skill development programs and knowledge based camps for their professional development. Gaining Recognition: workers must be provided with recognition according to their effort, hardship and determination in the work so that other would also be motivated

with them to improve. Similarly a good worker always desires his/her own responsibility towards their job. Assigning the roles and responsibilities to the specific workers is the key role of company managers which helps enhancing the employees motivation to perform their job in high level. Challenging and stimulating Job: workers seeks development in their particular sector so they need to be provided with different types of work rather than monotonous works every time through which they can uplift their knowledge and seek professional growth. (Management Study Guide, 2008-2012; NetMBA, 2002-2010) In case of Nepal SBI Bank, It is very important role of senior managers to study about their employees under above points. The importance of motivated employees plays a vital role to create quality service. The simple formula of keeping working staffs motivated to enhance the level of quality service and products should be always kept in mind. The questionnaires made for the employees in this survey are based on this theory under different motivational and hygiene variables. The results will be later analyzed and presented with possible recommendations. 22 5.4 The ISO Guideline (Measuring Customer Satisfaction Level) "If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it." (Lord William Thomson Kelvin, 1824-1907) Measurement of Customer Satisfaction is a new and significant addition to the new ISO9000: 2000 standard. Every organization seeks customer satisfaction where these sorts of parameters help organization to measure the customers satisfaction and demands so that organization can provide them with appropriate services as per their requirements. Clause 8.2.1 in ISO9000: 2000 states: "As one of the measurements of the performance of the Quality Management System, the organizations shall monitor information relating to customer perception as to whether the organization has met customer requirements. The methods for obtaining and using this information shall be determined".

The requirement has been there in the QS9000 standard clause 4.1.6 which says: Trends in customer satisfaction and key indicators of customer dissatisfaction shall be documented and supported by objective information. These trends shall be compared to those of competitors, or appropriate benchmarks, and reviewed by senior management." Attributes of customer satisfaction can be summarised as: Quality: In order to grab customers attention and to seek customers satisfaction the quality of the product should meet the demands of the people. Products quality determines the status of the organization so it needs to be satisfactory to the consumers.

should be marked according to the nature of goods for instance: fragile goods should be marked with handle with care. Date of manufacture and expiry date should also be mentioned.23

commitments so one must maintain commitments regarding delivery of products on time in order to maintain the good organizational relation and to maintain its status.

launched product must be affordable and must include low level to high level consumers. Prices need to be reasonable according to quality of the particular product.

must have professional quality to resolve the problems that occurs during the course of service. They must be responsible enough and must have ability to resolve complaints and reject those reports.

in every organization as there is no effective communication in between workers of the organization, customers and organization and in between the stakeholder and the workers to maintain the friendly working relation. Unless we measure and define different parameters of customer satisfaction we cannot begin to address the issues associated with customer satisfaction. Major overall satisfaction measure, consists of four subscales which are as follow;

bank to a friend, family or relatives est for them

customers have.24

HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied SCIENCES

Customer Satisfaction Research of Nepal SBI Bank Ltd

Prakash Dhakal Bachelors Thesis

Degree programme in International Business 2012

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