Research Questionnaire

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National School of Business Management

School of Business
Research Questionnaire
I am following a BSc. in Industrial Management Degree in National School of Business
Management of Sri Lanka. I have to conduct a research study to complete my degree
program successfully. The following questions are designed only for research purpose.
Therefore, I have to gather needed information from you. The information will be kept
confidently. So you are kindly requested to answer the following questionnaire to success the
objectives of the research.

Part- "A"- General Information

Please put the relevant number in the box
01. Gender:
1. Male 2. Female
02. Age Level
1. 17 20 Years 2. 20 - 30 years 3. 30 - 40 years
4. 40 - 50 years 5. Over 50 years
03. Level of education
1. Up to grade 8 2. Up to O/L 3. Up to A/L
4. Other level of education
04. Marital status
1. Married 2. Unmarried

Please put () in the relevant cage using following scale from 05 to 24 question statements.
1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree

Part- "B"- Job related Factors

Job related factors 1 2 3 4 5
05 I am satisfied with the existing salary structure of the
06 I am satisfied with the incentives I get & I think it
matches with my performance
07 My company has given enough opportunity to go
08 Company has assigned me work over load for
09 I have to do my duties with strict supervision
10 Supervisors encourage me to achieve targets
11 I am satisfied with my training to fulfil tasks
12 I am satisfied with the travelling allowances of the

Part- "C"- Individual Factors

Individual Factors 1 2 3 4 5
13 I have enough skills and qualifications to fulfil my
14 I am satisfied with my job safety
15 I am satisfied with work relationships with the people
around me.
16 I feel that my team members were also a part and
parcel of my career success
17 I am satisfied with the top level managers in my
workplace as positive role models.

Part- "D"- External Factors

External Factors 1 2 3 4 5
18 My family members are giving me enough support to
do the job successfully
19 I am doing alternative job(s) except machine operator
job in this company
20 I dont have good social and economic status due to
working in the company

Part- "E"- Employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5
21 I have good image towards the company
22 I am working hard to achieve companys targets
23 I am coming to the job everyday
24 I hope to continue the job in this company

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