Job Satisfaction of Teachers

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Jaime X. Castillo, Graduate Associate

Jamie Cano, Associate Professor

Ohio State University

The purpose of this study was to report similarities and dissimilarities of the descriptive-
correlational job satisfaction studies conducted by Newcomb, Betts, and Cano (1987), Cano and Miller
(1992), and Castillo, Cano, and Conklin (1997). Specifically, this study sought to compare overall job
satisfaction levels and the factors associated with job satisfaction/dissatisfaction among female and male
agriculture teachers in Ohio over a ten-year period. Job satisfying (motivator) factors investigated were:
achievement, advancement, recognition, responsibility, and the work itself. Job dissatisfying (hygiene)
factors investigated were: interpersonal relations, policy and administration, salary, supervision, and
working conditions. Demographic characteristics in all three studies were reported.

There has been a major increase in the number of female teachers. Moreover, there was a decrease
in the number of teachers of agriculture in Ohio. Overall, Ohio agriculture teachers have remained
satisfied with their jobs over the past ten years. Female and male teachers have remained slightly
dissatisfied to satisfied with the motivator and hygiene factors of their job. It was recommended that
bureaucracies of the job and opportunities for advancement be reconsidered and investigatedfor gender
bias. Furthermore, informative administrative training with regard to agricultural education program
responsibilities was suggested.

Introduction/theoretical Framework congruence among an employee’s needs and the

extent to which the needs are supplied by their
Roznowski and Hulin (1995) wrote that work situation or environment, influences affective
the most important information to have regarding employee reactions. Work situations and
an employee is a validated measure of their level of environments that enable attainment of desired
job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is defined as, “a outcomes are thought to increase job satisfaction.
pleasurable positive emotional state resulting in the Likewise, perceptions of work situations and
appraisal of one’s job or job experiences” (Locke, environments which hinder desired outcomes will
1976, p. 1300). More recently, Wilcox (1992) lead to dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the
defined job satisfaction, “as the state where job (Judge, Hanisch, & Drankoski, 1995).
employees are able to obtain the higher social and Herzber, Mausner, and Snyderman (1959)
egotistic human needs” (p. 13). developed a need satisfaction model called the
Motivator-Hygiene Theory.
Human needs are the founding theoretical
framework for job satisfaction. The Hierarchy of The premise of the Motivator-Hygiene
Human Needs, now recognized as the Theory was that jobs have factors which lead to
deprivation/gratification proposition, suggested satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Job satisfying
that when an individual identified a need which (motivator) factors included achievement,
was not being met, behaviors were directed recognition, work itself, responsibilities, and
toward satisfying a particular need (Mertler, advancement. Job satisfying factors allowed
1992). Need-satisfaction models suggest that individuals to satisfy their psychological potential

Journal of Agricultural Education 67 Vol. 40, No. 4 1999

and were usually related to the work itself Job satisfied teachers were more productive, motivated
dissatisfying (hygiene) factors were related to the their students more, and increased student
work environment and were pursued in order to achievement. Based upon the impacts of turnover
prevent job dissatisfaction or discomfort. Job rate and the findings of Mertler (1992) and Heller
dissatisfying factors included pay, working et al. (1992), the ultimate effect for agriculture
conditions, supervision, policies, and interpersonal teachers becomes critically important, given their
relationships. responsibility to provide effective and stable
instruction to youth enrolled in agricultural
Justification for the need to investigate job education programs.
satisfaction is exemplified in the seemingly
observed relationship between the level of job Several studies regarding the level of job
dissatisfaction and turnover, absenteeism, and satisfaction among agriculture teachers have been
tardiness (Locke, 1976). A report by the Carnegie conducted by researchers at Ohio State University
Forum on Education and the Economy (1986) (Newcomb, Betts, & Cano, 1987; Cano & Miller,
stated that half the teachers left the profession 1992; and Castillo, Cano, & Conklin, 1997). Cano
within seven years (Carnegie Forum on Education and Miller (1992) and Castillo et al. (1997), in
and the Economy, in Heller, Clay, & Perkins, addition to investigating levels of job satisfaction,
1992). The rate of turnover has been reported as investigated demographic characteristics along
the most consistent measure related to job with a gender analysis of the data. However, the
satisfaction (Padilla-Vellez, 1993). According to problem exists that simultaneous comparisons of
Padilla-Vellez, the greatest concern with regard to the data have not been conducted to extract
turnover was associated with the unfavorable similarities and dissimilarities over a period of
conditions which were placed upon an time.
organization. Turnover impacts an organization
by: 1) increasing costs related to recruiting, Purpose And Objectives
selecting, and training new employees; 2) reducing
the morale of employees who remain with the The purpose of this paper was to report
organization; 3) reducing relationships among similarities and dissimilarities of the job
employees; 4) projecting an unfavorable image to satisfaction studies conducted by Newcomb, Betts,
those who remain informed about the and Cano (1987), Cano and Miller (1992), and
organization; 5) interrupting daily activities; and, Castillo, Cano, and Conklin (1997). The following
6) by diminishing the opportunity for the research objectives were formulated to guide the
organization to grow (Mowday, 1984). paper:

Impacts placed upon students of 1. Describe selected demographic characteristics

agricultural education are greater than those which of secondary agriculture teachers in the
are placed among other high school students as a Newcomb et al. (1987), Cano and Miller
result of agriculture teacher turnover. Agricultural (1992), and Castillo et al. (1997) studies.
education students in many cases are in agriculture
programs for up to four years, where as in an 2. Describe relationships between secondary
English or Science class, students may have a agriculture teachers’ level of job satisfaction
different teacher each year until graduation. In and selected demographic variables in the
this regard, opportunities for the agricultural Cano and Miller (1992) and Castillo et al.
education program to grow, as well as student (1997) studies.
achievement, may be effected. Mertler (1992) and
Heller, Clay, and Perkins (1992) reported that 3. Describe the overall level of job satisfaction in

Journal of Agricultural Education 68 Vol. 40, No. 4 1999

the Newcomb et al. (1987), Cano and Miller random sample of male agriculture teachers
(1992), and Castillo et al. (1997) studies. @=513, n=369)and a census of female agriculture
teachers @=45, n=45). Cochran’s (1977) formula
4 . D e s c r i b e t h e j o b satisfying a n d j o b for a five percent margin of error was used to
dissatisfying factors in the Cano and Miller determine sample size.
(1992) and Castillo et al. (1997) study.
The population for the Castillo, Cano, and
5. Describe relationships between selected job Conklin (1997) study consisted of all secondary
satisfying factors (achievement, advancement, teachers of agricultural education in Ohio
recognition, responsibility and the work itself) (N=534). The sample consisted of a random
and the overall job satisfaction of secondary sample of male agriculture teachers @=453,
agriculture teachers by gender in the Cano and n=212) and a census of female agriculture teachers
Miller (1992) and Castillo et al. (1997) studies. &=Sl, n=Sl). The Krejcie and Morgan (1970)
formula for determining sample size was used for
6. Describe the relationships between selectedjob a five percent margin of error.
dissatisfying factors (interpersonal relations,
policy and administration, salary, supervision, Instrumentation
and working conditions) and the overall job
satisfaction of secondary agriculture teachers The Brayfield-Rothe “Job-Satisfaction
by gender in the Cano and Miller (1992) and Index,” as modified by Warner (1973), was used
Castillo et al. (1997) studies. to measure job satisfaction when all facets of the
job were considered in each of the studies
Methods And Procedures (Newcomb, Betts, & Cano, 1987; Cano & Miller,
1992; Castillo, Cano, & Conklin, 1997). Content
Research Design and face validity for the Job Satisfaction Index in
each of the studies was established by a panel of
The studies (Newcomb, Betts, & Cano, experts consisting of teacher educators and
1987; Cano & Miller, 1992; Castillo, Cano, & graduate students. Reliability for the Brayfield-
Conklin, 1997) included in this paper were all Rothe Job Satisfaction Index via the Cronbach
reported as being descriptive correlational. alpha procedure was .90, .94, and .90 respectively
in the Newcomb, et al. (1987), Cano and Miller
Population and Sample (1992), and Castillo, et al. (1997) studies.

The population for the Newcomb, Betts, Wood’s (1973) instrument was used to
and Cano (1987) study consisted of 544 assess the level of job satisfaction with regard to
agriculture teachers in Ohio a=544). The sample job satisfying and dissatisfying factors in the Cano
consisted of a random sample of the male and Miller (1992) and Castillo et al. (1997)
agriculture teachers @=538,~=366). A census of studies. Content and face validity for Wood’s
female production agriculture teachers @=6,x=6) instrument were established by a panel of experts
was conducted. Cochran's (1977) formula for a consisting of teacher educators and graduate
five percent margin of error was used to determine students. Overall reliability coefficients of Wood’s
sample size. instrument via Cronbach’s alpha were .89 and .92
respectively, in the Cano and Miller (1992) and
The population for the Cano and Miller Castillo et al. (1997) studies. Coefficients for the
(1992) study consisted of 558 agriculture teachers ten sub-scales in the Cano and Miller (1992) and
in Ohio (N=558). The sample consisted of a Castillo et al. (1997) studies were: achievement

Journal of Agricultural Education 69 Vol. 40, No. 4 1999

.86, .81; advancement .89, .66; recognition .93, males was 42.3. In the Cano and Miller (1992)
.84; responsibility .88, .62; work itself .68, .54; and Castillo et al. (1997) studies, female
supervision .96, .90; salary .94, .93; interpersonal agriculture teachers were significantly younger
relations .91, .55; policy and administration .95, than male teachers (pc.05).
.84; and working conditions .90, .92 respectively.
The Newcomb et al. study did not collect data Respondents in the Newcomb, Betts, &
regarding job satisfying and dissatisfying factors. Cano (1987) study had an average of 11.5 years of
Therefore, comparisons including the Newcomb et teaching experience (Table 1). In the Cano and
al. study will only be conducted with regard to Miller study (1992) female teachers, on average,
demographic characteristics of respondents and had 7.9 years of teaching experience, while males
the overall level of job satisfaction. had 13.5. Castillo, Cano, & Conklin (1997)
reported an average of 7.9 years of teaching
Data Collection experience for females and 16 for males. Cano
and Miller (1992) and Castillo et al. (1997)
The data for each respective study were reported females as having significantly less years
collected by mailed questionnaire. Response rates of teaching experience than males (@.05).
were 87, 81, and 80 percent respectively in the Newcomb et al. (1987) did not report an average
Newcomb, Betts, and Cano (1987), Cano and number of years in current teaching position for
Miller (1992), and Castillo, Cano, and Conklin the 1987 study. Regarding the number of years
(1997) studies. the respondents had been in their current position,
females provided a mean response of 6.0 years
Analvsis of Data while males averaged 10.4 in the Cano and Miller
study (1992). Castillo et al. (1997) reported
All data were analyzed using the Statistical female teachers as being in their current teaching
Package for the Social Sciences, Personal position for 6.5 years and male teachers 13 .0
Computer version (SPSS/PC+). Appropriate years. Cano and Miller (1992) and Castillo et al.
statistical procedures for description and inference (1997) reported females as being in their current
were used. The alpha level was set apriori at .05 teaching positions significantly less than males
in the Newcomb, Betts, and Cano (1987), Cano (g<.OS).
and Miller (1992), and the Castillo, Cano, and
Conklin (1997) studies. All correlation Correlations were calculated to describe
coefficients were interpreted utilizing Davis’ the relationships between agriculture teachers’
(197 1) descriptors. level of job satisfaction and selected demographic
variables. The coefficients ranged in magnitude
Results / Findings from negligible to moderate in the Cano and Miller
(1992) study. The coefficients for females were
The majority of respondents in each study (Table 2): age, -. 19; years in current position, -.30;
had attained a bachelor’s degree or higher. The total years teaching, -.27; degree status, .38; and
mean age for teachers in the Newcomb, Betts, & tenure status, .43. Coefficients for males were
Cano (1987) study was 38 (Table 1). There was (Table 2): age, .01; years in current position, -.03;
no report of mean ages by gender in the Newcomb total years teaching, -.03; degree status, .07; and
et al. (1987) study. The mean age for female tenure status, .O 1. The correlation between overall
teachers in the Cano and Miller (1992) study was job satisfaction and tenure status was significant
32.4 years while the mean age for males was 40.3. for females (pc.05). In the Castillo, Cano, and
The mean age for female teachers in the Castillo et Conklin (1997) study, correlations between
al. (1997) study was 33.2 while the mean age for agriculture teachers’ level of job satisfaction and

Journal of Agricultural Education 70 Vol. 40, No. 4 1999

selected demographic variables ranged in position, .03; total years teaching, .07; degree
magnitude from negligible to low. Coefficients for status, -.07; and tenure status, -.01. There were
females were (Table 2): age, -.06; years in current no significant relationships between job
position, .01; total years teaching, .01; degree satisfaction and selected demographic variables for
status, -.12; and tenure status, .02. Coefficients female or male teachers.
for males were (Table 2): age, .04; years in current

Table 1. Means and Standard Deviations for Selected Demographic Variables

1987 1992 1997

$=322) F e m a l e (~=37) M a l e @=299) Female (~=60) Male (a=171)
Variable M SD M SD M SD M SD
Age 38.0 32.4 6.31 40.3 9.28 33.2 9.07 42.3 9.27

Total Years 11.5 7.9 4.27 13.5 7.39 7.9 7.0 16.0 9.02

Years In ----- 6.0 4.06 10.4 6.74 6.5 6.23 13.0 8.68
Current Position

Table 2. Relationshin Between Overall Job Satisfaction and Selected Demographic Variables

1992 1997
Variable Females (11’35) Males @=263) Females (n=60) Males @=171)
I !I I r
Age -.19 .01 -.06 .04

Years in Current -.30 -.03 .01 .03


Total Years -.27 -.03 .01 .07


Degree Status .38 .07 -. 12 -.07

Tenure Status .43* .01 .02 -.01

Based on a five point Likert type scale with (Table 3). Female respondents in the Castillo,
responses ranging from strongly disagree (1) to Cano, and Conklin (1997) study provided a mean
strongly agree (5), respondents in the Newcomb, score of 4.03 while males provided a mean score
Betts, and Cano (1987) provided a mean score of of 3.92 (Table 3). The mean scores for female and
4.14 on the overall job satisfaction scale (Table 3). male teachers on the overall job satisfaction scales
In the Cano and Miller (1992) study, using the in the Cano and Miller (1992) and Castillo et al.
same scale, females provided a mean score of (1997) studies were not significantly different.
2.82, while males provided a mean score of 2.80

Journal of Agricultural Education 71 Vol. 40, No. 4 1999

Table 3. Means and Standard Deviations for Overall Job Satisfaction

1987 1992 1997

$=322) F e m a l e (11’36) M a l e @=288) Female (~=60) Male (g= 166)
Variable M SD M SD M SD M SD
Overall Job 4.14 2.82 .16 2.80 .20 4.03 .39 3.92 .43
Note. Based Upon Scale: l=Strongly disagree; 2=Disagree; 3=Undecided; 4=Agree; 5=Strongly Agree

The Newcomb, Betts, and Cano (1987) conditions, 4.00 (Table 4). Significant differences
study did not investigate job satisfying and (gc.05) were obtained between female and male
dissatisfying factors. Based on a six point Likert teachers on advancement (job satisfier) and
type scale with responses ranging from very interpersonal relationships (job dissatisfier) (Table
dissatisfied (1) to very satisfied (6) females
provided the following mean scores on the job
satisfying and dissatisfying factors in the Cano and Correlations were calculated to describe
Miller (1992) study (Table 4): achievement, 4.34; the relationships between the teachers’ overall
advancement, 4 . 0 4 ; r e c o g n i t i o n , 4 . 0 8 ; level of job satisfaction and job satisfying factors.
responsibility, 4.59; the work itself, 4.61; The coefficients for females in the Cano and Miller
interpersonal relationships, 4.78; policy and (1997) study were (Table 5): achievement, .05;
administration, 3.85; salary, 4.24; advancement, .25; recognition, .22; responsibility,
supervision/technical, 3.76; and working .05; and the work itself, .26. The coefficients for
conditions, 4.21. Using the same scale, males males were (Table 5): achievement, .07;
provided the following mean scores (Table 4): advancement, .05; recognition, .03; responsibility,
achievement, 4.50; advancement, 4.20; .05; and the work itself, .07. None of the job
recognition, 4.35; responsibility, 4.70; the work satisfying factors were significantly correlated with
itself, 4.65; interpersonal relationships, 4.91; overall job satisfaction. Coefficients in the
policy and administration, 4.12; salary, 4.10; Castillo, Cano, and Conklin (1997) study for
supervision/technical, 4.11, and working females were (Table 5): achievement, .55;
conditions, 4.08 (Table 4). Female and male advancement, .47; recognition, .3 7; responsibility,
teachers did not differ significantly on any of the .20; and the work itself, .27. The coefficients for
job satisfying or dissatisfying factors. The males were (Table 5): achievement, .01;
Castillo, Cano, and Conklin (1997) study utilized advancement, .06; recognition, . 10; responsibility,
the same Likert type scale and reported the . 10; and the work itself, .01. Achievement,
following mean scores for females (Table 4): advancement, recognition, and the work itself
achievement, 4.40; advancement, 3.88; were significantly related to overall job satisfaction
recognition, 4.10; responsibility, 4.54; the work for female teachers (pc.05). There were no
itself, 5.05; interpersonal relationships, 4.51; significant relationships between job satisfying
policy and administration, 3.69; salary, 4.06; factors and overall job satisfaction for male
supervision/technical, 3.80; and working teachers.
conditions, 3.79. Mean scores for males were:
achievement, 4.45; advancement, 4.21; Correlations were calculated to describe
recognition, 4.25; responsibility, 4.60; the work the relationships between the teachers’ overall
itself, 4.84; interpersonal relationships, 4.78; level of job satisfaction and job dissatisfying
policy and administration, 3.98; salary, 4.20; factors. The coefficients for females in the Cano
supervision/technical, 4.11, and working and Miller (1992) study were (Table 6):

Journal of Agricultural Education 72 Vol. 40, No. 4 1999

Table 4. Means and Standard Deviations for Job Satisfyingand Job Dissatisfying Factors

1992 1997
Females (11’37) Males (n=299) Females (n=60) Males (11’171)
Variable M SD M SD M SD M SD
Job Satisfiers
Achievement 4.34 .74 4.50 .73 4.40 .65 4 . 4 5 .59
Advancement 4.04 .93 4.20 .88 3.88 1.00 4.21 .89
Recognition 4.08 1.04 4.35 1.02 4.10 1.23 4.25 1.00
Responsibility 4.59 .76 4.70 .85 4.54 1.47 4.60 1.09
The Work Itself 4.61 .89 4.65 .87 5.05 1.84 4 . 8 4 .73

Job Dissatisfiers
Interpersonal 4.78 .56 4.91 .67 4.51 .80 4.78 .67
Policy/Administration 3.85 1 .O 1 4.12 1.06 3.69 1.10 3.98 1.00
Salary 4.24 1.21 4.10 1.23 4.06 1.04 4.20 1.35
Supervision/Technical 3.76 1.34 4.11 1.25 3.80 1.75 4.11 1.19
Working Conditions 4.21 .81 4.08 .90 3.79 1.06 4.00 .93
Note. Based upon scale: 1=very dissatisfied; 2= somewhat dissatisfied; 3=slightly dissatisfied; 4=slightly
satisfied; 5=somewhat satisfied; 6=very satisfied

Table 5. Relationship Between Overall Job Satisfaction and Job Satisfying Factors

1992 1997
Variable Females (a=3 5) Males @=263) Females (~‘60) Males (~=171)
Achievement .055 .077 .55* .01

Advancement .25 .05 .47* .06

Recognition .22 .03 .37* .10

Responsibility .05 .05 .20 .10

The Work Itself .26 .07 .27” .01


relationships, .21; policy, .25; salary, .33; Castillo, Cano, and Conklin (1997) study,
supervision, .14; and working conditions, .17. coefficients for females were (Table 6):
Coefficients for the males were (Table 6): relationships, .3 1; policy, .46; salary, .39;
relationships, -.02; policy, .03; salary, .12; supervision, .31; and working conditions, .30.
supervision, .01; and working conditions, .02. Coefficients for males were (Table 6):
None of the job dissatisfying factors were relationships, .03; policy, . 10; salary, .14;
significantly correlated with overall job satisfaction supervision, .14, and working conditions, .12.
in the Cano and Miller (1992) study. In the

Journal of Agricultural Education Vol. 40, No. 4 1999

Table 6. Relationship Between Overall Job Satisfaction and Job Dissatisfying Factors

1992 1997
Variable Females (r~=35) Males @=263) Females (r~=60) Males (n=17 1)
Relationships .21 -.02 .31* .03

Policy .25 .03 .46* .10

Salary .33 .12 .39* .14

Supervision .14 .01 .31* .14

Working Conditions .17 .02 .30* .12


All of the job dissatisfying factors were was made by the male teachers to integrate into
significantly related with overall job satisfaction the local community. It is therefore recommended
for the female teachers in the Castillo et al. (1997) that the recruitment efforts targeting females to
study (pc.05). There were no significant enter into the agriculture teaching profession
relationships between job dissatisfying factors and continue. Furthermore, community-based
overall job satisfaction for male teachers. orientation programs should be implemented to
assist new teachers, especially females, to integrate
Conclusions, Implications, And into the community. Finally, more research is
Recommendations needed to determine why females tend to leave the
agriculture teaching profession at a greater rate
In the last ten years there was a substantial than male teachers, paying particular attention to
increase in the number of female agriculture the job dissatisfying variables.
teachers, while in the same time period, a decrease
was noted in the overall number of teachers of Over the past ten years teachers’
agriculture in Ohio. Males continued to be demographic characteristics (age, years in current
significantly older than the female teachers. position, total years teaching, degree status, and
Furthermore, the male teachers, on average, had tenure status) were not significantly related to the
double the years of teaching experience and years overall level of job satisfaction. Although the
in current position than the female teachers. The correlation coefficients were stronger in 1992 than
findings implied that recruitment efforts targeting 1998, there were no significant findings (except
females to enter the agricultural teaching for the relationship between tenure status and
profession in Ohio were effective. In addition, the females in 1992). The findings implied that older
findings implied that because male teachers tended or younger teachers were not necessarily more or
to be older, it was expected that the years of less satisfied with their jobs. A further implication
teaching experience be greater for the male was that the longer a teacher remained in the
teachers than for the female teachers. The data teaching profession, their level of overall job
further implied that female teachers tended to satisfaction was not effected. Although the
leave the profession at a faster rate than the male demographic variables were not related to the
teachers. In addition, it appeared that the male overall level of job satisfaction, the researchers
teachers remained in the same school for longer recommend that demographic variables remain an
periods of time, implying that a greater emphasis objective of further job satisfaction studies because

Journal of Agricultural Education 74 Vol. 40, No. 4 1999

the demographic variables provide a description of female teachers may perceive opportunities for
the population being investigated. Furthermore, as advancement as being minimal, compared to the
efforts are made to increase the number and tenure male teachers.
of female teachers of agriculture, subsequent
relational studies may discover changes in the With regard to the job dissatisfying factors
relationship between the overall level of job (interpersonal relationships, policy/administration,
satisfaction and the demographic variables. salary, supervision/technical, and working
conditions) the same teachers were slightly
The lowest level of job satisfaction dissatisfied to slightly satisfied. Again, female
occurred in 1992. Female and male teachers of teachers consistently reported lower mean scores
agriculture have remained satisfied with their jobs than their male counterparts. Furthermore, it was
over the past ten years when considering all facets implied by the data that female teachers were less
of the job. If the purported findings by Mertler satisfied with the job dissatisfying factors,
(1992) and Heller, Clay, and Perkins (1992), that especially the factors dealing with policy and
satisfied teachers were more productive, motivated administration, supervision, and the working
their students more, and increased student conditions. Could it be that there are some
achievement are true, then it could be implied that unintended biases placed on female teachers
because the teachers of agriculture are satisfied brought upon administrators and/or supervisors?
with theirjobs, students enrolled in the agricultural Toward this end, respondents consistently
education programs in Ohio have been motivated reported, through written comments, that
and have accomplished greater levels of principals and school boards were uninformed and
achievement. This implication was further incapable.
supported by Heller, Clay, and Perkins (1992) who
wrote that teachers were motivated by achieving It is therefore recommended that some of
success in the classroom. Heller et al. added that the bureaucracies of the job, such as the
teachers had a need to facilitate the academic supervision and policies adopted by local
needs of their students, and received their greatest educational agencies, be reconsidered for biases
satisfaction by doing so. However, the and amended as needed. In addition, the
relationship between level of motivation and Agricultural Education Division of the State
achievement of agricultural education students and Department of Education should initiate
their teacher’s level of job satisfaction has not been educational sessions for school administrators at
explored. Therefore, the researchers recommend all levels to inform them of the duties and
that the relationship between students’ level of responsibilities of the local agricultural education
motivation and achievement and the agriculture programs. It is also recommended that the
teacher’s level of job satisfaction be investigated. opportunities for advancement be reviewed and
made gender equitable where necessary.
Related to the job satisfying factors
(achievement, advancement, recognition, References
responsibility, and the work itself), it was
concluded that the Ohio teachers of agriculture Cano, J., & Miller, G. (1992). A gender
remained slightly to somewhat satisfied. Female analysis of job satisfaction, job satisfier, and job
teachers consistently had lower mean scores than dissatisfier factors of agricultural education
their male counterparts. Furthermore, it was teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education, 33(3),
concluded that in 1997, there was a significant 40-46.
difference between male and female teachers on
advancement (job satisfier). The data implied that

Journal of Agricultural Education 75 Vol. 40, No. 4 1999

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York: Wiley. dissertation, North Carolina State University,
Mertler, C. A., (1992). Teacher motivation

Journal of Agricultural Education 76 Vol. 40, No. 4 1999


Manuscript Issue Page

1998 AAAE Distinguished Lecture: Experiencing Agricultural Education -Roland L. 1 1
A Faculty Assessment Of The Academic Rigor Of On-And Off-Campus Courses In 1 57
Agriculture- Greg Miller, Chin-Chun Shih
A Quantitative Analysis Of Instructor-Student Verbal Interaction In A Two-Way 3 50
Audio Two-Way Video Distance Education Setting- Tim H. Murphy
A Comparative Analysis of Ohio Agriculture Teacher’s Level of Job Satisfaction - 4 67
Jaime X. Castillo, Jamie Cano
Assessing The Inservice Needs Of Entry Phase Agriculture Teachers In Texas: A 3 40
Discrepancy Model Versus Direct Assessment- M. Craig Edwards, Gary E. Briers
Assessing the Reliability of Student Evaluations of Teaching (Sets) with 4 1
Generalizability Theory - Dawn M. Vanleeuwen, Brenda S. Seevers, Thomas J.
Associated Factors In Recruitment And Retention Of 4-H Members In West Virginia- 1 23
Gary J. Wingenbach, Terence Meighan, Layle D. Lawrence, Stacy A. Garton, Jean
M. Wloshuk
Attitude Of Colleges Of Agriculture Freshman Toward Agriculture- James E. Dyer, 2 1
Lisa M. Breja, Randall J. Andreasen
Attitudes Of Oregon Agricultural Science And Technology Teachers Towards 3 21
Integrating Science- Gregory W. Thompson, Mark M. Balschweid
Comparing Quality In On-Campus And Off-Campus Courses: Perceptions Of College 1 49
Of Agriculture Faculty- Greg Miller, Chin-Chun Shih
Computer Experiences, Self-Efficacy And Knowledge Of Students Enrolled In 2 28
Introductory University Agriculture Courses- Donald M. Johnson, James A.
Ferguson, Melissa L. Lester
Effects Of Student Learning Styles On Short And Long Term Retention Of Subject 2 11
Matter Using Various Teaching Approaches- James E. Dyer, Edward W. Osborne
Factors Affecting Involvement Of Volunteers In Extension Education Activities In 3 61
Talesh Township, Iran- Mohammad Chizari, James R. Linder, Sassan Karjoyan
Faculty Perceptions Of Web-Based Distance Education In Agriculture- Kevin A. 3 30
Born, Greg Miller
(table continues)

Journal of Agricultural Education 77 Vol. 40, No. 4 1999

Manuscript Issue Page
Identifying Barriers To Infusion Of Aquaculture Into Secondary Agriscience: 3 1
Adoption Of A Curriculum Innovation- Carol A. Conroy
Job Satisfaction Of Ohio Agricultural Education Teachers- Jaime X. Castillo, Eric A. 2 19
Conklin, Jamie Cano
Learning Styles, Teaching Performance, And Student Achievement: A Relational 3 11
Study- Bryan L. Garton, James N. Spain, William R. Lamberson, Donald E. Spiers
Level of Teaching Skills and Interest in Teaching Improvement 4 47
as Perceived by Faculty in a Land-grant College of Agriculture - George W.
Wardlow, Donald M. Johnson
Minutes- 1998 Journal Of Agricultural Education Editing-Managing Board Annual 1 82
Perceptions of Extension Agents’ Educational Needs Regarding Sustainable 4 20
Agriculture in the Khorasan Province, Iran - Mohammad Chizari, James R. Lindner,
Mohammad Zoghie
Perceptions Regarding Adult Learners Motivation to Participate in Educational 4 38
Programs -Awoke D. Dollisso, Robert A. Martin
Problems And Challenges Associated With The First Years Of Teaching Agriculture: 1 38
A Framework For Preservice And Inservice Education- John P. Mundt, James J.
Recognizing Tenured 4-H Volunteers- Ken Culp, III, Vicki J. Schwartz 2 38
Response Shift Bias:A Problem in Evaluating Leadership Development with Self- 4 28
Report Pretest-Posttest Measures -Frederick R. Rohs
Safety Issues In Agricultural Education Laboratories: A Synthesis Of Research- 2 46
James E. Dyer, Randall J. Andreasen
Student Attitudes Toward Animal-derived Products and Services and How They 4 10
Affect Society and the Environment - Patricia A. Nordstrom, Lowell L. Wilson,
Martha J. Richards, Brenda L. Coe, Marianne L. Fivek, Michele B. Brown

Students’ Perceptions Of Aquaculture Education In The Northeast Region- Gary J. 1 14

Wingenbach, Stacy A. Garton, Layle D. Lawrence
Teaching Values In Agricultural Education- Jacqui Lockaby, Paul Vaughn 1 74
The Effects Of Cooperative Learning Team Compositions On Selected Learner 1 60
Outcomes- Greg Miller, Tom Polito
(table continues)

Journal of Agricultural Education 78 Vol. 40, No. 4 1999

Manuscript Issue Page
The Relationship Between Learning Style, Academic Major, And Academic 1 30
Performance Of College Students- Jamie Cano
The Influence of Science Applications in Agriculture Courses on Attitudes of Illinois 4 57
Guidance Counselors at Model Student-Teaching Centers -James E. Dyer, Edward
W. Osborne
What Ever Happened To The Supervisor Of The Smith-Hughes Man?- John Hillison 2 55

Journal of Agricultural Education 79 Vol. 40, No. 4 1999

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