Combining Tracking and Regularization in Recursive Least Squares Identication
Combining Tracking and Regularization in Recursive Least Squares Identication
Combining Tracking and Regularization in Recursive Least Squares Identication
S.Gunnarsson 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Linkoping University, S-58183 Linkoping, Sweden [email protected]
The combination of tracking and regularization in recursive identi cation is studied. It is shown that regularization of the information matrix corresponds to a normalization of the covariance matrix, and that several of the proposed methods for dealing with covariance matrix blow up can be interpreted as approximate implementations of covariance matrix normalization. parameters t we shall consider algorithms of recursive least squares (RLS) type given by the structure ^t = ^t?1 + Ptjt 't (yt ? 'T ^ (2) t t?1 ) where Ptjt is a symmetric matrix. We shall apply the terminology from state estimation, see 6], and split the update of Ptjt into a measurement step and a time step. The measurement update is simplest formulated in terms of the information matrix Rtjt , de ned by 1 (3) Rtjt = Pt? jt The measurement update is then given by, see 6], Rtjt = Rtjt?1 + 't 'T (4) t Applying the matrix inversion lemma gives the well known equation
P ' 'T P = Ptjt?1 ? tjt?1 Tt t tjt?1 (5) 1 + 't Ptjt?1 't Formulating the parameter estimation problem as the minimization of a weighted least squares criterion, see 1], the time update becomes P = 1P (6) Ptjt t+1jt
1 Introduction
In order for a recursive identi cation algorithm to have ability to track time varying systems and signals it is necessary to prevent the algorithm gain from tending to zero. This can be achieved by using, for example, exponential forgetting or covariance modi cation, see e.g. 1]. Such methods, however, make the algorithms sensitive for poor excitation. It therefore becomes necessary to introduce some safety mechanism that handles this situation. Several methods for dealing with this problem have been proposed. In 2], 3] and 4] di erent kinds of scalings of the covariance matrix are discussed. The results in 5] are closely related to the results that will be presented below, but in our approach the results are derived in a more straightforward way.
= t Rtjt (7) By, on the other hand, assuming that the parameter vector of the true system varies according to a random walk the parameter estimation problem can be formulated as a state estimation problem, and the Kalman lter can be applied. The time update is then given by Pt+1jt = Ptjt + t (8) where t is a symmetric matrix. Equation (8) together with the measurement update give, what is sometimes denoted, RLS with covariance resetting. Using the matrix inversion lemma equation (8) can be expressed, see 6], as 1 ?1 Rt+1jt = Rtjt ? Rtjt Rtjt + ? (9) t ] Rtjt
3 Regularization
A standard method for preventing the information matrix from becoming singular is to add a positive de nite matrix to the information matrix to ensure that it always is invertible. This operation can be easily incorporated in a third update step given by
= Rt+1jt +
where is a positive scalar. Combining equations (9), (10) and (4) give
1 ?1 T = Rtjt ?Rtjt Rtjt + ? t ] Rtjt +'t+1 't+1 + I (11) in the Kalman lter case, while we for RLS with exponential forgetting obtain
This is the form a, so called, Levenberg-Marquardt regularization is carried out as discussed in, for example, 1]. It is obvious that we by adding the scaled identity matrix to the information matrix prevent it from becoming singular. The updating of the covariance matrix, corresponding to equation (10), is now obtained by applying the matrix inversion lemma. This yields
= Pt+1jt (I +
Pt+1jt )?1
i.e. the regularization of the information matrix corresponds to a normalization of the covariance matrix. The covariance matrix update in the Kalman lter case is hence given by
Pt+1jt P ' 'T P = Ptjt?1 ? tjt?1 Tt t tjt?1 + 1 + 't Ptjt?1 't t
i.e. the covariance matrix is scaled by a positive scalar less than one. Combining equation (16) with the time update in equation (8) yields 1 1 Pt+1jt = (17) (1 + ) Ptjt + (1 + ) t Equation (17) together, the measurement update and the choice t = I is the, so called, Recursive Least Squares with Stabilized Forgetting, (RLS-SF) presented in 4]. This algorithm furthermore appears to be almost identical to the Selective Forgetting method (SF1) proposed in 3]. A related approach is to measure the magnitude of the matrix to be inverted in equation (13) by the trace of Pt+1jt , and to replace equation (13) by c Pt+1jt (18) Pt+1jt = trace(Pt+1jt ) This then gives the constant-trace algorithm discussed in 2]. Finally, another way of approximating the normalization operation is to use that (I + Pt+1jt )?1 I ? Pt+1jt (19) for small . Inserted in equation (13) this gives Pt+1jt = Pt+1jt ? Pt2 (20) +1jt With some slight changes of time indices we get the Exponential Forgetting and Resetting Algorithm (EFRA), presented in 7], in which a term proportional to the square of the covariance matrix is subtracted from the covariance matrix.
together with the normalization in equation (13). Applying the same ideas to the RLS algorithm with exponential forgetting gives that the covariance matrix is given by
Pt+1jt P ' 'T P = 1 (Ptjt?1 ? tjt?1 Tt t tjt?1 ) 1 + 't Ptjt?1 't t
4 Related Algorithms
The normalization in equation (13) requires a matrix inversion and multiplication of two full rank matrices, and therefore a simpler operation could be of interest. One such simpli cation is achieved by replacing Pt+1jt in the second factor by the unit matrix. The normalization hence becomes 1 P (16) Pt+1jt = (1 + ) t+1jt
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