Audible Noise Reduction
Audible Noise Reduction
Audible Noise Reduction
Introduction Adjustable frequency drives are commonly installed today in commercial buildings to provide system control and cost savings in the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. In buildings such as hospitals, schools and dormitories, office buildings and others, audible noise generated by electrical equipment can be a concern. An adjustable frequency drive may produce audible noise and induce noise in motors. Causes of audible noise The most obvious difference between operating a motor from the AC line and from the output of an adjustable frequency drive is that the drive changes the frequency of the power supplied to the motor. The form of the frequency wave applied to the motor is the major cause of motor noise. Instead of being a simple sine wave, the voltage is more complex. In drives with a pulse-width modulation (PWM) inverter, as in most modern drives, an inverter controls the voltage to the motor by sending a series of high-voltage pulses to the motor (see figure 1). Audible noise is generated by frequency distortion. The pulses may cause a resonance in the motor stator or cooling fins. The typical frequency of these pulses, called carrier frequency, is within the audible hearing range. This mechanical resonance causes the motor to act as an amplifier. The vibration can produce an annoying high-pitched tone. In order to generate a variable frequency, most PWM controlled drives have a switching frequency of 2 to 6 kHz. This is within the range where the human ear is the most sensitive and where even low noise levels are usually detected. Since the noise is high frequency, most people find it very annoying. High frequency noises are difficult to mask and can be heard at some distance from the source. Another source of noise is input power to the adjustable frequency drive. Generally, sounds cannot be heard when electricity passes through power wires. This is because there
Understanding the causes of audible noise is the first requirement in resolving its effects. The following will look at the factors that can generate audible noise in an adjustable frequency drive and the equipment connected to it. Also examined is the severity of the condition in various applications as well as solutions to limiting or eliminating audible noise concerns.
Figure 1. PWM voltage wave form is very little material that can vibrate and the forces are not very strong. Transformers, on the other hand, can produce a noticeable hum because their coils concentrate the magnetic fields produced by the current. Adding a filtering circuit on the input of an adjustable frequency drive to reduce electrical noise on the AC power line can increase audible noise. This is because the main device in such a filter is a large coil. The concentration of the magnetic fields, as in a transformer, can cause enough vibration in its windings to produce a noticeable noise. The adjustable frequency drive itself is another possible source of audible noise. The changing currents through the drive result in changing magnetic fields. These magnetic fields can cause metallic objects to resonate, resulting in acoustic noise.
Acoustic noise from the AC power line, input line filters or the adjustable frequency drive is rarely a concern. The equipment is usually located in an isolated utility room. If the noise is objectionable, there are a number of possible remedies. It is likely that the wall or cabinet to which the filter or drive is mounted amplifies the noise. The sound can be dramatically reduced by using vibration isolators between the unit and the wall or by mounting the unit on a floor stand. In an extreme case, the manufacturer of the drive or the filter can be contacted to see if a quieter filter or other solution is available. Audible noise generated in the motor, however, can be more significant and needs to be discussed in detail. The optimum solution would be to eliminate frequency pulse noise in the drives output voltage but that is not possible without adding passive components in the output of the drive. A second way to control audible noise is to change the switching frequency out of the sensitive range, by either moving it up or down. Lowering the switching frequency below the range allowed by the drive is not a good solution, since the current and voltage waveform would be distorted and the creation of a near sinusoidal waveform would be impossible. This means that the ability to control the motor would be reduced drastically. Raising the switching frequency is discussed below. Noise reduction techniques Four different motor noise reduction techniques will be compared: 1. Fixed high switching frequency 2. Random switching frequency 3. LC output filter 4. Automatic Switching Frequency Modulation Fixed high switching frequency A fixed high switching frequency in the range of 12-20 kHz is the traditional way of reducing acoustic noise in the motor. This high frequency sound is much harder for the human ear to detect and, unlike low frequency, has no significant impact on the waveform. This approach, however, has disadvantages. The primary ones are increases in: Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). Risk of motor insulation damage. Power losses which generate heat in the drive. Leakage currents if a larger EMI filter is used
Figure 2. Indexed output losses Random switching frequency Random switching frequency is also known as white noise. The switching frequency is continuously changed within a band around a base switching frequency. This approach does not require derating of the drive. The major disadvantage of this technique is that the induced white noise makes the motor sound as if a bearing is failing. This sound is different from the fixed switching frequency, but may be just as annoying.
LC filter
An LC filter can be mounted in the output of the drive. This filter generates a pure sine wave voltage. Since the distortion is eliminated, the noise induced to the motor is also eliminated. This means that the motor operation in general is improved, such that in most applications there is no difference between operating directly on line or operating with a drive. An LC output filter approach to resolving motor noise has some drawbacks. Primarily, the LC filter itself can become a source of audible noise. The disadvantages include:
before 60% load is reached. Therefore, a higher switching frequency is available at most times without having to oversize the drive, particularly under the important low load conditions where noise is a factor. In addition, most HAVC application motors are oversized for performance and system safety factors. This is because an oversized system can always be run at reduced load, while an undersized system simply cannot meet design requirements. The adjustable frequence drive, therefore, rarely operates near full output, greatly increasing the speed range where a high carrier frequency can be used. The fact that the switching frequency is highest at low load means that electrical disturbance on the system is very limited compared to a fixed high switching frequency. EMI is also less than with a fixed high switching frequency, resulting in lower leakage current, and longer motor life. In addition, total electrical losses are reduced since power loss due to low frequency distortion in the motor cable is minimal. This has the additional benefit of lowering energy costs. With ASFM, audible noise is still generated when the drive operates at high load. However, in most pump and fan applications, the normal ambient acoustic noise generated increases as the speed and load increase. The noise generated by the switching frequency is, therefore, usually disguised by the audible noise of the system.
Motor Design Influences Noise generated in the motor by frequency resonance is dependant primarily on the motor design, materials and construction. Motor designs respond differently to harmonic currents. In a comparison of two motors, in one motor audible noise was lower at the switching frequency than at twice the switching frequency. For the other motor, the exact opposite was true. The difference between the two motors was the number and size of the cooling fins. Noise Reduction Comparisons Cost and benefits The diagram below compares the different techniques discussed.
4.5 Khz ASFM White Noise
The LC filter and high switching frequency result in the greatest noise reduction. High switching frequency, however, causes not only an increase in the price of the drive when the drive is derated, it also increases electrical loss in the system and causes increased EMI. A major disadvantage of using the LC filter is increased price.
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White noise significantly reduces drive induced motor noise, but induces other noise of its own just as problematic. ASFM, a unique function of the VLT HVAC Drive, is usually the most cost effective solution.