Local Stabilization of Linear Systems Under Amplitude and Rate Saturating Actuators
Local Stabilization of Linear Systems Under Amplitude and Rate Saturating Actuators
Local Stabilization of Linear Systems Under Amplitude and Rate Saturating Actuators
Sophie Tarbouriechb
b L.A.A.S.-C.N.R.S. 7 Avenue du Colonel Roche,
This paper addresses the problem of local stabilization of linear systems subject to control amplitude and rate saturation. Considering the actuator represented by a rst order system subject to input and state saturation, a condition for the stabilization of an a priori given set of admissible initial states is formulated from certain saturation nonlinearities representation and quadratic stability results. From this condition an algorithm based on the iterative solution of LMI-problems is proposed in order to compute the control law. Keywords: Amplitude and rate control saturation, local stabilization, LMI.
amplitude saturation 9], 10]. The second one can be viewed as a position-feedback-type model with speed limitation and considers the actuator represented by a rst order system subject to input saturation (corresponding to the amplitude saturation) and output (state) saturation (corresponding to the rate saturation) 11], 7]. It should be noticed that the rst model appears as a particular case of the second one. Both models allow to treat the problem only considering amplitude saturations in the control loop. The design approaches can be also classi ed in two groups: control laws where saturation e ectively occurs (i.e. the behavior of the system is nonlinear) 11], 10], and control laws where saturation is avoided (i.e. linear behavior) 7], 9]. In this paper we address the problem of local stabilization of linear systems subject to both actuator amplitude and rate saturation. Our objective is to propose a method for computing state feedback saturating control laws that ensure both asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system with respect to a given set of admissible initial conditions and a certain degree of time-domain performance in a neighborhood of the origin. Considering the actuator represented by a rst order system subject to input and state saturation, a condition for the local stabilization is formulated from certain saturation nonlinearities representation and quadratic stability results. From this condition an algorithm based on the iterative solution of LMI-problems is proposed in order to compute the control law. It should be pointed out that, unlike 7] and 9], in our approach e ective saturation is allowed and no open stability assumptions are made. On the other hand, our approach di ers from 11], 10] and 9] in the sense that the set of admissible initial states to be stabilized is given a priori.
For any vector x 2 <n , x 0 means that all the components of x, denoted x(i) , are nonnegative. For two vectors x, y of <n , the notation x y means that x(i) ; y(i) 0, 8i = 1 : : : n. The elements of a matrix A 2 <m n are denoted by a(i l) i = 1 : : : m l = 1 : : : n. A(i) denotes the ith row of matrix A. For two symmetric matrices, A and B , A > B means that A ; B is positive de nite. AT denotes the transpose of A. For x 2 <m ,
1 Introduction
Physical and technological constraints do not allow that control actuators provide unlimited amplitude signals neither react unlimited fast. This fact implies that the most of the control systems are susceptible to be submitted to amplitude and rate actuator saturation. The negligence of both amplitude and rate control bounds can be source of limit cycles, parasitic equilibrium points and even instability of the closedloop system. In particular, rate saturation is responsible by a phase lag that has a high destabilizing e ect. Moreover, the problem of actuator amplitude saturation may be more di cult to solve when the actuator is also subject to rate saturation 6], 11], 8]. For these reasons, the study of the problem of control systems subject to amplitude and rate saturation has been received the attention of many researchers in the last years. More recently, the problem of stabilization of linear systems under actuator amplitude and rate saturation as a more generic problem has been the subject of some papers (see for instance 9], 11], 7], 10]). In these papers, we can identify basically two kinds of saturating actuator modeling. In the rst one, the actuator is modeled as an integrator presenting input and output (state)
D(x) = diag(x) 2 <m m denotes a diagonal matrix obtained from vector x, i.e. d(i i) (x) = x(i) . Co f g denotes a convex hull. 1m denotes a m-dimensional vector of ones, 4 i.e. 1m = 1 1 : : : 1]T 2 <m .
++ Kx
Ku x(t)
2 Problem Statement
Consider the following linear continuous-time system de ned as: x _ (t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) (1) n m where x(t) 2 < and u(t) 2 < are respectively the state vector and the control vector. Matrices A and B are real constant matrices of appropriate dimensions. The pair (A B ) is supposed to be controllable. Each control actuator is supposed to be a rst order system, that presents both position and rate limitations, that is, 8i = 1 : : : m we have u _ (i) = satr(i) ( (i) (;u(i) (t) + satp(i) (v(i) (t)))) (2) where v(i) and u(i) are respectively the input and the output (state) of the actuator, ; (i) < 0, corresponds to the pole of the actuator and 4 sign( ) min( j j) satr(i) ( ) = (i) 4 satp(i) ( ) = sign( ) min( (i) j j) where (i) and (i) denote respectively the rate and amplitude bounds. This model of rate-limiting is known as the classical rate limiter and can be viewed as a position-feedbacktype model with speed limitation 11]. As pointed in 11], for (i) ! 1, this model corresponds to the ideal rate limiter of SIMULINK. Consider now a state feedback de ned as follows v(t) = Kx x(t) + Ku u(t) (3) Let T 2 be a diagonal matrix where t(i i) = i = 1 : : : m. The closed-loop system is depicted (i) in gure 1 and can be described by x _ (t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) u _ (t) = satr (;T u(t) + Tsatp (Kx x(t) + Ku u(t))) (4) De ne the regions RLp and RLr , respectively as the region where there is no occurrence of amplitude saturation and the region where there is no occurrence of rate saturation:
4 RLp = fx 2 <n u 2 <m j Kx Ku ] x u j g 4 RLr = fx 2 <n u 2 <m j ; Tu + Tsatp (Kx x + Ku u)j
From the de nitions and considerations above the problem we intend to solve is stated as follows:
Problem 1 Find matrices Kx and Ku such that 1. System (4) is locally asymptotically stable in Z , that is, 8z (0) = x(0)T u(0)T ]T 2 Z , the corresponding
trajectories converge asymptotically to the origin. 2. When the system operates inside the linearity region RL , a certain time-domain performance speci cation is satis ed.
3 System Representation
Consider now the following de nitions1 : a vector (t) 2 <m with
( )
i (t) = min(1
<m m
jK i z (t)j )
( ) ( )
From the de nitions above, it follows that the closedloop system (4) is equivalent to the following one z_ (t) = (A( (t)) + B( (t))D( (t))K)z (t) (5)
1D :
4 : : : (m) ]T and = : : : (m) ]T be respectively a vector of lower (1) (2) bounds for (t) and for (t). Consider now all the possible m-order vectors such that the ith entry takes the value 1 or (i) and respectively 1 or (i) . Hence, there exists a total of 2m di erent vectors. By denoting each one of these vectors by j ( ) and, respectively, j ( ) j = 1 : : : 2m , de ne the following matrices:
Let now
4 =
It follows that at instant t, if z (t) 2 RLp ( ) \ RLr ( ) there exist nonnegative scalars j (z (t)), j = 1 : : : m, P2m _ (t) can be computed as j =1 j (z (t)) = 1, such that z follows: z_ (t) = with j (i) (t)j
2 X
j =1
j (z (t)) (Aj (
Dj ( ) = diag( j ( )) Dj ( ) = diag( j ( )) Associated to and we can now de ne the following regions in the space <n+m : RLp( ) = fz 2 <n+m jKz j where RLr ( ) = \j RLr ( )j
2 =1
( )
( )
( )g
(6) (7)
( )
4 Main Results
In order to solve Problem 1 we consider that the following data are a priori given: A set of initial conditions Z0 de ned by a polyhedral set in <n+m described by its vertices:
4 Cofv : : : v g v 2 <n Z = nv s
0 1 +
4 RLr ( )j = fz 2 <n+m j TDj ( )Kx (;T + 4 i 4 i TDj ( )Ku )]z j ( )g with ( )(i) = , ( )= , i (i) i 8i = 1 : : : m.
( ) ( )
8s = 1 : : : nnv
Notice that for all z (t) 2 RLp( ) \ RLr ( ) one has 0 < (i) 0 < (i)
i (t) (i) (t)
( )
A region Dp , contained in the left half complex plane (8) (H + sG + sGT ) < 0g (13) where H and G are l l symmetric real matrices and s is a complex number with its conjugate s. This is an LMI region as de ned in 2]. We assume that if the poles of A B TKx ;T + TKu are located in the region Dp the time-domain performance speci cations in the zone of linear behavior of the system (4) are satis ed.
4 fs 2 C Dp =
1 1
8i = 1 : : : m
Consider now the variable change (t) = (i) (t) ; 1 + 0:5(1 ; (i)) then, if (i)(t) veri es (8) it follows that
( )
j i (t)j 0:5(1 ;
( )
( )
4 )= (i)
4 T De ning now the vectors (t) = (1) (t) : : : (m) (t)] 4 and = (1) : : : (m) ]T , from (5) and (9) it follows that, 8z (t) 2 RLp( ), z_ (t) can be computed by: z_(t) = (A( (t))+B( (t))D ( ))K)z (t)+B( (t))D( (t))Kz (t)
Proposition 1 If there exist a matrix W = W T > 0, W 2 < n m n m , a diagonal matrix S > 0, S 2 <m m , matrix Y 2 <m n m and vectors 2 <m and 2 <m , satisfying the following matrix inequalities:
( + ) ( + ) ( + )
Bj ( ) = Dj (0 )T Note that the matrices Aj ( ) and Bj ( ), are the vertices of convex polytopes of matrices, i.e.,
1 2
0 < (i) 1 (vi) 0 < (i) 1 i = 1 : : : m (vii) h(i j )W + g(i j )(AW + BY )+ +g(i j )(AW + BY )T < 0 1 i j l
T( ) ? Xj ; Bj ( )S Bj m S > 0 j = 1 ::: 2 D2 ( )Y W ? 0 i = 1 ::: m 2 Y ( i ) (i) (i) T 1 vs 0 s = 1 : : : nv vs W # W ? 0 (;N(i) + (i) M(i) ) ( i )2 i i = 1 ::: m # W ? 0 i = 1 ::: m (;N(i) + M(i) ) ( i )2
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
D2 ( ) = D(0:5(1m ; )) Xj = ;W AT j ( ) ; Bj ( )D1 ( )Y ; Aj ( )W ;Y T D1 ( )Bj ( )T N(i) = 0 T(i) ]W M(i) = T(i) Y 4 Y W ;1 solves Problem 1. Then K =
with j (i)(t)j
( )
Suppose now that z (t) 2 Z0 . Since (ii),(iii),(iv) and (v) are veri ed we have that z (t) 2 E (RLr ( ) \ RLp ( )), 8 (t) such that j (i) (t)j (i) i = 1 : : : m and therefore z _ (t) can be computed by (16). Consider now that q(t) = ;D( (t))Kz (t). Since, j (i) (t)j (i) it follows that
2 z T (t) (i) K(Ti)K(i) (i) z (t) q( (17) i)(t) Substituting q(t) in (15) and take into account (17) and the fact that (i) 0 one obtains
2 X
For notational simplicity consider: Aj ( ) = Aj , Bj ( ) = Bj and j (z (t)) = j .
4 Consider the set E = fz 2 <n+m z T W ;1 z 1g with 4 P = W ;1 and the regions RLp ( ) and RLr ( ) de ned respectively in (6) and (7). Consider also K = Y W ;1.
Satisfaction of conditions (i) to (vii) leads to the following facts: 0 1. Pre and post-multiplying (i) by P 0 I , with P = W ;1 , considering K = Y W ;1 and applying Schur's complement it follows that (i) is equivalent to Lj ; KT D2 ( )S ;1 D2 ( )K P Bj > 0 (14) BT P S ;1 where Lj = ;(Aj + Bj D1 ( )K)T P ; P (Aj + Bj D1( )K). Since (i) holds for j = 1 : : : 2m by convexity one obtains
2 X
X j z T (t)Lj z (t) ; z T (t)P j Bj D( (t))Kz (t) j=1 j =1 2m X T T ; z (t)K D( (t)) j BjT Pz (t)) > 0 j=1 2m X ;z T (t) j (Aj + Bj D1 ( )K + Bj D( (t))K)T P + j=1 m
2 X
And therefore, from (16) one has z_ T (t)P z (t) + z (t)P z_ (t) < 0 Since this reasoning is valid 8z (t) 2 E , we can conclude that E is a positively invariant and contractive set w.r.t the system (5) (or, equivalently (4)) and V (z (t)) = z T (t)Pz (t) is a strictly decreasing Lyapunov function for system (5) (or, equivalently (4)). Hence, we can conclude that if conditions (i) to (vi) are satis ed with K = Y W ;1 , it follows that 8z (0) 2 Z0 the corresponding trajectory does not leave E and converges asymptotically to the origin. Furthermore the poles of (A + BK) are placed in Dp guaranteeing the performance speci cation in the linearity region RL. Problem 1 is then solved if the conditions (i) ; (vii) are full led.
j=1 m X i=1
( )
0, j = 1 : : : m, such that 2 th diagonal = 1, with (i) denoting the i j =1 j component of S ;1 . 2. (ii) and (vi) ensure that E RLp ( ) \ RLr ( ) 4], 1]. 3. (iii) ensures that Z0 E 4. (vii) ensures that the poles of (A + BK) are placed in the region Dp de ned in (13) 2]. Using the variable change (9), if (8) is veri ed, that is 8z (t) 2 (RLr ( ) \ RLp ( )), z_ (t) can be computed by:
z_(t) =
2 X
2 X
j Bj D( (t))Kz (t)
the variables W , Y , and is very di cult (it is an NP-hard problem) or even impossible. An way to overcome this problem is to x, a priori, the value of the components of ( 4]) and . In this case, all inequalities become LMIs and, given (Z0 Dp ), it is possible to solve constraints (i) ; (vii) of Proposition 1, as a feasibility problem, with e cient numerical algorithms 1]. Of course, considering the xed vectors and and the given data, it may actually be impossible to nd a feasible solution. In fact, considering a scaling factor , > 0, the maximum homothetic set to Z0 , denoted ? Z0 , that can be stabilized using the proposed approach considering the xed and , can be obtained by solving the following convex optimization problem with LMI constraints: max WY subject to > 0 8i = 1 : : : nv
timization problem
m X i=1
( )
subject to LMIs (i) (iv) (v) and (vi) of Proposition 1 the optimal value of occurs.
1 viT vi W
Hence, if the optimal value of , to 1, it means that it is possible to nd a solution considering the xed and for the given data (Z0 Dp ). We conjecture that smaller the components of vectors and , greater can be the optimal value of the scalar , that is, it is possible to stabilize larger domains of admissible initial states (see the numerical example). Note that the idea is to render the problem less conservative by allowing more control saturation. In fact smaller are the components of and , larger is the region (RLp( ) \ RLp( )) where the invariant ellipsoid containing Z0 can be included. In this case two issues arise: how to choose the initial vectors and and how exactly to decrease the components of and (if ? < 1). One simple way of handling them is to apply trial and error procedures. Another way is to use an iterative algorithm, where in each step, two or three variables are xed and a convex optimization problem with LMI constraints is solved:
6 Numerical Example
Consider the matrices of the system given by 10]: 2 ;0:0366 0:0271 0:0188 ;0:4555 3 0:0482 ;1:0100 0:0024 ;4:0208 7 A=6 4 0:1002 0:2855 ;0:7070 1:3230 5
0 0 1:0000 0
=6 4
Algorithm 1 : - Step 0: Initialize and . - Step 1: Fix and , solve (18) for W , Y and . - Step 2: Fix and Y , solve (18) for W , and . - Step 3: Fix W , Y , S and solve the following op-
Notice that matrix A is unstable (the eigenvalues of A are: ;1:9809 ;0:3340 0:2807 0:0952i). Consider that the bounds on the control are given by = 5 2 T and = 2 5 T and the set of admissible initial conditions is an hypercube in <4 : Z0 = fx 2 <4 u = 0 ;1 x(i) 1 8i = 1 : : : 4g. Given these data the objective is to solve Problem 1. We consider that the performance speci cation in the linearity region was translated as the placement of the poles of (A + BK) in the region Dp = fs 2 C Refsg ; > 0g.
3 7 5
0 T = 20 0 15
Notice that greater is , farther from the origin are the poles of (A + BK) and greater tends to be the speed of the convergence of the trajectories to the origin inside the region of linearity. Considering the data above, Table 1 shows the nal values2 of , , obtained from the iterative algorithm proposed in Section 5 from di erent initial vectors and and di erent values of . The number of iterations needed in each case is denoted by niter . initial and final denote the optimal value of obtained by the iterative algorithm from respectively ( initial, initial) and ( final final ).
0:3 0:3 0:5 0:5 1 1 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]T 1 0:9]T 1 1]T 1 0:9]T 1 1]T 1 0:9]T
2:928 3:550 1:267 1:573 0:343 0:406 3:596 3:648 1:535 1:579 0:397 0:409
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7 Concluding Remarks
A su cient condition for the existence of a control law that guarantees the asymptotic stability of a given region of initial states in presence of control amplitude and rate saturation was proposed. The condition applies to both stable and unstable systems. Furthermore, the e ectively saturation is considered. It is shown, by means of an example, that this fact can allow the stabilization of larger sets of initial conditions. The proposed stabilization condition leads to an LMI-based framework to compute the control law.
The numerical results presented in this section were obtained from the MATLAB LMI Control Toolbox 3] by using a precision of 0 001 and feasibility radius of 104 .
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