Contoh Soal Kedaruratan Pediatrik
Contoh Soal Kedaruratan Pediatrik
Contoh Soal Kedaruratan Pediatrik
2. .. is responsible for 50% of total airway resistance at all ages. a. Nose b. Tongue c. Glottis d. Epiglotis
4. The management from blockage nose is a. Oral and nasal suctioning b. Positioning with or without oral airway. c. Nasal suction d. Positioning with oral airway 5. Yang bukan penyebab gagal sirkulasi pada anak adalah a. Syok septic c. Anafilaksis b. Luka bakar d. Kejang
6. Jika otak tidak mendapatkan oksigen selama 6-10 menit maka akan terjadi a. Brain damage not likely b. Brain damage possible c. Cardiac irritability d. Brain damage very likely 7. One of the most common chief complaints in children for seek medical care is a. Respiratory arrest c. Respiratory distress b. Cardio arrest d. congenital cardiopulmonal.
a. Smaller airways. b. Decreased metabolic demands c. Decreased respiratory reserves d. Inadequate compensataory 9. Which Is the worng statement about the extrathoracic differences in child? a. Nenonatus and infants are obligate nasal breathers because of the proximity of the epiglottis to nasopharynx. b. Infants and young children have al large tongue that fills a small oropharynx. c. The epiglottis is larger and more vertical to the pharyngeal wall in children d. The airway is small in infants and children younger than older adults. 10.Which is the true statement about the intrathoracic differences in child? a. Infants and young children have fewer alveoli than do adults. b. The alveolus in children is big than do adults. c. Infants and young children have relatively large cartilaginous support of the airways. d. Larger intrathoracic airways are more easily obstructed than smaller ones. 11.The capacity to increase tidal volume is limited in children, because a. The respiratory center is immature in infants and young children b. The ribs are horizontally oriented, during inspiration, a decreased volume is displaced. c. The musculature is not fully developed. d. The soft compliant chest wall provides little opposition to deflating tendency of the lungs. 12.Cause of acute respiratory compromise in children is a. Croup b. Shock inhalation c. Depresed ventilation d. Gastroesophageal reflux.
13.Cause of acute respiratory compromise in children is.. a. Depressed ventilation c. Sickle cell disease
b. Metabolic acidosis d. Abdominal distention 14.Level keparahan yang paling tinggi dari respiratory problem.. a. Respiratory distress c. Respiratory arrest
b. Respiratory failure d. respiratory syndrome 15.When a child cannot compensate for inadequate oxygenation and the circulatory and respiratory system begin to collapse is a phase from a. Respiratory distress c. Respiratory arrest
b. Respiratory failure d. respiratory syndrome 16.Yang bukan termasuk dari segitiga penilaian pediatric.. a. Penampilan b. Sirkulasi kulit c. Upaya nafas d. Kesadaran
17.Nilai takipneu pada anak 1-5 tahun adalah.. a. >60 kali/menit b. >50 kali/menit c. >40 kali/menit d. >20 kali/menit
18.Bedside testing for confirmation of successful endotracheal intubation, noninvasive monitoring for sedation in children, and noninvasive monitoring of ventilation is. a. End-tidal CO2 measurement b. Electrocardiogram c. Carboxyhemoglobin
d. Methemoglobin
19.Laboratory testing for clinical findings suggestive of pulmonary embolus is a. Arterial blood gas c. D-dimer b. Ammonia d. Methemoglobin
20.Imaging test for clinical findings suggestive of increased intracaranial pressure or intracranial mass lesion is a. X-ray b. CT scan c. unilateral decubitus chest radiograph d. forced expiratory chest radiograph.
21.Nyonya mitsuki mempunyai anak bernama itsuki yang dibawa ke dokter miyuki. Dari pemeriksaan didapatkan itsuki: Agitasi, Muscle tone normal, RR meningkat, kulit pucat, ada retraksi,nasal faring, stridor, whezzing dan gurgling, maka itsuki di diagnosis respiratory distress fase.. a. Distress b. Failure c. Arrest d. dysfunction
22.A viral infection of the airway below the level of the vocal cords is called. a. Croup b. Epiglottitis c. bacterial tracheitis d. pneumonia
23.Andi diperiksa oleh dr.Yadi. Pada pemeriksaan ditemukan: barking cough frequently, easy audible stridor at rest, and retraksi suprasternal and sterna at rest, agitation -, maka andi mengalami croup fase. a. Mild b. Moderat c.Severe d. Impending
24.Yang bukan management dari severe croup, adalah a. ABC c. L epinefrin d. M epinefrin
25.Yang merupakan penyakit congenital anomaly pada daerah trakea adalah a. Craniofacial anomalies b. Subglottic stenosis c. Vascular rings or slings d. nasal deformity
26.Which one is the wrong statement about acute respiratory failure a. Inability of the lung to meet the metabolic demands of the body. b. This can be from failure of tissue oxygenation and or failure CO2 homeostasis. c. Hipoksemi respiratory failure ketika PaO2 60 mmHg saat bernapas di ruangan. d. Hiperkanea respiratory failure ketika PaCO2 50 mmHg. 27.PAO2 tergantung pada hal berikut, KECUALI a. FIO2 c. Diffusing capacity
b. PACO2
d. Alveolar pressure
28.Physiologi deadspace tergantung pada. a. Ventilation-perfusion matching b. Alveolar ventilation c. Tidal volume d. Respiratory rate
29.The most important abnormalities in gas exchange that lead to respiratory failure are, EXCEPT. a. V/Q mismatch b. Intrapulmonary shunt concentration c. Hypoventilation d. Reduced in inspired oxygen
30.Contoh penyakit yang ditandai dengan rusaknya permukaan alveolarcapillary sehingga menyebabkan dead space ventilation meningkat adalah. a. CHF b. Emfisema c. PE d. Positive pressremventilation
31.Yang BUKAN merupakan manifestasi klinis pada respiratory failure adalah a. Respiratory compensation b. Parasypathetic stimulation c. Tissue hipoksia d. Hb desaturasi
32.Altered mental state, HR , and BP merupakan tanda repiratory failure bagian a. Respiratory compensation b. Parasypathetic stimulation c. Tissue hipoksia d. Hb desaturasi
33.Pemeriksaan penunjang yang dibutuhkan pada Respiratory failure adalah a. PaO2, X-ray, Hb, dan EKG b. EKG, EMG, PaCO2, CT scan c. PH, ultrasound, Creatinine phosphokinase d. Semua benar Jawabannya adalah. 1. A 2. A
3. B 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.B 21.A 22.A 23.B 24.D 25.C 26.C 27.C 28.A