CMC Batch 51 Repository Module BCQS2

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CMC Batch 51 Repository module BCQS

1. Which of the following statement reflects the proper anatomy

of thoracic wall?
A. Posterior it formed by 10 thoracic vertebrae
B. Laterally formed by twelve ribs on each side
C. C. Anterior formed by body of sternum
D. Anterior costal cartilage of ribs 1-Vi articulate with sternum
E. E. Ribs from 11-IX have 2 articulations with Vertebral column

Answer. D

2. Regarding pleural cavities?

A. Superiorly extend upto 1 rib
B. Inferiorly extend the level just above the wistel
manage/costal margin
C. Both lungs are in single pleural cavity
D. Pleural cavity castain are normally
E. Pleural cavity is lined by pseudostratified epithelium
Answer. B

3. Regarding trachea?

A .It starts at the level of C4

B. Carina is present in right bronchus

C. Tracheal rings are C shaped open parts facing Posteriorly

D. Left bronchus is wider

E. Posteriorly wall of trachea is compressed of skeletal muscles

Answer. C

4. Regarding pulmonary artery?

A . There carries deoxysegmental blood
B. Right pulmonary artery is longer than left
C.It lies posterior to ascending aorta
D.It divides into two & supplies superior & inferior lobe
E.Middle lobe is supplied by direct continuation of pulmonary
Answer. A

5. Which of the following statement reflect the proper anatomy of

typical thoracic vertebrae?
A. All contain one costal facet on each side of body
B. Tip of the spine is blunt in all vertebrae
C. Transverse process of the first vertebra isBlunt
D. Spinous process of all vertebrae are horizontal
E. These have odontoid process

Answer. C

6. 23 years old man presented to emergency room, with the

history of peanut Inhalation. On bronchoscopy, the peanut will
most Likely be located in the:

A. Left lower lobar bronchus

B. Left main bronchus

C. Left superior segmental bronchus

D. Right lower lobar bronchus

E. Trachea

Answer. D

7. A 17-year-old girl is admitted to the Hospital with severe

dyspnea. Physical examination reveals that the patient is
suffering from an asthma attack, with associated
bronchospasm. Which of the following nerves is responsible for
the Innervation of the bronchial smooth muscle cells ?
A. Greater thoracic splanchnic
B. Phrenic nerve
C. Vagus nerve
D. Intercostal nerve
E. Lesser thoracic splanchnic nerve
Answer. C

8. Epithelial lining of the respiratory tract is Derived from

A. Ectoderm
B. Paraxial mesoderm
C. Intermediate mesoderm
D. Lateral plate mesoderm
E. Endoderm

Answer. E

9. Embryologically vertebra develops from

A. Corresponding somite

B. Cranial part of somite

C. Caudal part of somite

D. Cranial part of corresponding somite and caudal part of above


E. Caudal part of corresponding somite and cranial part of below


Answer. D

10. Muscles and cartilages of larynx are developed from

which pharyngeal arch?

A. 1st arch
B. 2nd arch
C. 3rd arch
D. 4th arch
E. 4th and 6th arch

Answer. E
11. Which of the following is Potent Buffer of the blood


B. Phosphorus

C. Ammonia

D. Protein

E. Haemoglobin

Answer. A

12. Which is the Potent Buffer of the renal system?

A. Phosphorus

B. Protein

C. Haemoglobin

D. Ammonia


Answer. A

13. Which of the following is known as cytochrome oxidase

A. b
B. C
C. C1
D. a
E. a3

Answer. E

14. One FADH2 Provide how many ATP

A. 0.5 ATP
B. 1 ATP
C. 1.5 ATP
D. 2.5 ATP
E. 3.5 ATP

Answer. C

15. Which of the following is end products of aerobic

respiration are

A. Sugar and oxygen

B. Water and energy
C. Carbon dioxide, water and energy
D. Carbon dioxide and energy
E. Ethanol and CO₂

Answer. C

16. Which of the following end products will be obtained

when yeast ferments glucose?

A. Ethanol and CO2

B. Methanol and CO2
C. Ethanol and water
D. Water and CO2
E. Water and Energy

Answer. A

17. The basic respiratory rhythm is generated In

A. Apneustic center
B. Nucleus parabrachialis
C. Dorsal medulla
D. Pneumotaxic center
E. Cerebrum

Answer. C

18. At the end of a quiet inspiration, intra- alveolar pressure

is normally

A. 240 cmH2O

B. 24 cmH2O

C. 0 cm H2O

D. 14 cmH2O

E. 140 cmH2O

Answer. C

19. Vasomotor ischemia triggers an increase in sympathetic

outflow increasing BP and thereby facilitating restoration of
cerebral blood flow. This is called:

A. Bainbridge reflex
B. The CNS Ischemic Pressor response
C. Head’s paradoxical reflex
D. Marey’s reflex
E. Stokes Adam’s syndrome

Answer. B

20. Highest alrway resistance is found in

A. Trachea
B. Largest bronchi
C. Medium sized bronchi
D. Alveoli
E. Smallest bronchi

Answer. C

21. In hypoxia if the 02 carrying capacity is decreased or low

the likely cause is.

A. Anaemic hypoxia
B. Hypoxic hypoxia
C. Histotoxic hypoxia
D. Stagnant hypoxia
E. Ischemic hypoxia

Answer. A

22. Central chemoreceptors are:

A. Located just beneath the ventral surface of Medulla oblongata
B. Located just beneath the dorsal surface of Medulla oblongata
C. Stimulated in hypoxia
D. Stimulated in cyanide poisoning
E. Not sensitive to H+ ion and CO2 concentration

Answer. A

23. Co2 acts as a main regulator of respiration Because:

A. It has a direct effect on respiratory centre Through central
B. It has blood brain barrier
C. It has blood CSF barrier
D. It has no effect on action of decreased PO2
E. It has no effect on decreased pH

Answer. A
24. Oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve:
A. When displaced to left means it has less Affinity for oxygen
B. Turns to left in increased temperature
C. Tums to left in fetal haemoglobin
D. Turns to left in increased 2,3Diphosphoglycerate
E. Turns to right in CO poisoning

Answer. C

25. Total amount of new air, entering in respiratory passages

each minute is called as:
A. Tidal volume
B. Vital capacity
C. Total lung capacity
D. Residually volume
E. Minute respiratory volume

Answer. E

26. Factors shifting the oxy-hb dissociation Curve toward left

A. Increased temperature
B. Fetal hemoglobin
C. Increase in 1,2, DPG
D. Anemia
E. Exercise

Answer. B

27. Compression of major blood vessels like the superior vena cava
can lead to which clinical manifestation in lung cancer?

A. Facial swelling or puffiness

B. Shooting arm pain

C. Ptosis, miosis, and facial anhidrosis

D. Hypercalcemia

E. Malaise

Answer. A

28.What radiological findings are typically observed in a chest X-Ray

or CT scan for acute respiratory distress syndrome Diagnosis?

A. Clear lung fields

B. Lung cavities

C. Normal lung tissue

D. Opacities or white out” in both lungs

E. Darkened lung regions

Answer. D

29.What is the term for a calcifled Ghon complex seen on X-ray?

A. Granuloma complex

B. Hillar complex

C. Ranke complex

D. Tubercular lesion

E. Progressive complex

Answer. C

30. What is the primary role of granulomas in the immune response

against TB bacteria?

A. Isolating dead tissue from healthy tissue

B. Activating B-cells to produce antibodies

C. Forming a barrier to prevent bacterial spread

D. Secreting cytokines to kill TB bacteria

E. Creating a supportive environment for TB bacteria to thrive

Answer. C

31. Which cell-derived proteins particularly contribute to the

damage of bronchial cells In asthma?

A. C-reactive protein

B. Major basic protein derived from eosinophils

C. Interferons

D. Complement proteins

E. IgE antibodies

Answer. B

32. Which bacterial organism is most commonly associated with

lobar pneumonia?

A. Streptococcus pneumoniae
B. B. Klebsiella pneumoniae
C. Bacteroides
D. Fusobacterium
E. Peptococcus

Answer. A

33. Cause of pulmonary embolism is:

A. Fracture of bone

B. Thrombi from large vein of leg

C. Fragments of bone marrow

D. Amniotic fluid embolism

E. Foreign body

Answer. B
34. sudden death occur due to pulmonary embolism is:

A. Pulmonary Hypertension
B. Pulmonary Infarction
C. Saddle Embolism
D. Respiratory Failure
E. Pneumonia

Answer. C

35. Which one of the following drugs is suitable for prophylaxis of


A. Cromolyn sodium

B. Epinephrine

C. Ipratropium

D. Salbutamol

E. Pentoxifylline

Answer. A

36. A 56-years old patient is on anti-tubercular therapy. The patient

returned to physician with complains of inability to discriminate
between red & green colors. The drug responsible for such such
untoward effects is:

A. Rifampicin
B. Isoniazid
C. Ethambutol
D. Pyrazinarnide
E. Streptomycin

Answer. C
37. One of the following pharmacological agent causes
pseudomembranous enterocolitis.

A. Clindamycin
B. Moxifloxacin
C. Levofloxacin
D. Vancomycin
E. Metronidazole

Answer. A

38. One of the following drug is an oploid type Of anti-tussive


A. Noscapine

B. Dextromethorphin

C. Guaiphenesin

D. Promethazine

E. Ammonium chloride

Andwer. A

39. Azithromycin bring about its action in bacterium by one of the

following process:

A. By inhibiting 305 ribosomal subunit.

B. By distorting cell wall
C. C. By inhibiting DNA gyrase
D. By inhibiting topoisomerase-II
E. By Inhibiting 50S ribosomal subunit

Answer. E

40. Which of the following is anterior Mediastinal tumour?

A. Neurogenic tumour
B. Thymoma
C. Мухоma
D. Esophageal cancer
E. Metastases

Answer. B

41. Bilateral symmetrical hilar Lymphadenopathy is characteristic


A. Tuberculosis
B. Metastases
C. Lymphoma
D. Sarcoidosis
E. None

Answer. D

42. World Health Organization recommended a control strategy for

TB known as:

B. Gene therapy
C. Morphine
E. WHO Program

Answer. A

43. How does TB spread

I) by breathing

II) by coughing

III) by singing

IV) by sneezing
Choose the correct option

A. (I) And (II) only

B. (II) And (IV) only
C. (III) Only
D. (I), (II), (III) and (IV)
E. None

Answer. D

44. Which of the following viruses is not

Commonly associated with the common cold

A. Corona virus
B. Adenovirus
C. Rhinovirus
D. Varicella-zoster virus
E. All of these

Answer. D

45. Cigarette smoking increases the risk o

Acquiring the cancer of:

A. Liver
B. Bones
C. Ovaries
D. Uterus
E. Oesophagus

Answer. E

46. 55 years old male patient known case of Pulmonary

obstruction disease (COP) is Admitted in pulmonology ward CMC
Larkana, his abg done Ph = 7.1, Pco2 = 70mmHg, Pa02 = 65
mmHg, HCO3 = 26mEg/L and Sa02 is 92% , the result shows:

A. Acute Respiratory alkalosis

B. Acute Respiratory acidosis

C. Acute Metabolic acidosis

D. Respiratory Alkalosis with metabolic acidosis

E. Respiratory acidosis with metabolic Alkalosis

Answer. B

47. A 20 years old female medical student Having complaint of

frequent episodes of shortness of breath for last 1 month. On
examination, there is a diffuse bilateral wheeze in chest. She
visits a Pulmonologist who advised spirometry.

What findings on spirometry would be suggestive of Obstructive

airway disease?

A. FEV1/FVC ratio < 0.7

B. FEV1/FVC ratio > 0.9 with No significant post bronchodilator
change in FEV1
C. FEV1 >90%
D. FEV1 <70%
E. Normal FEV1/FVC ratio with reduced FEV1 and FVC
Answer. A

48. Young girl with known case of asthma came to emergency

department of CMC Larkana with acute shortness of breath,
her arterial blood gas (ABGs) was done which shows:
Ph = 7.6
PCO2 = 20 mmHg
PaO2 = 90 mmHg
HCO3 = 26 mEq/L
What is the interpretation of this ABGs?
A. Acute Respiratory alkalosis
B. Acute Respiratory acidosis
C. Acute metabolic acidosis
D. Acute on chronic metabolic respiratory
E. Respiratory Alkalosis with metabolic acidosis

Answer. A
49. Most common risk factor for development of chronic obstructive
pulimia disease (COPD) is

A. Low birth weight

B. Malnutrition

C. Family history of COPD

D. Smoking

E. Environmental pollution

Answer. D

50. 66 year Old female known case of Interstitial Lung Disease

having Complaint of Progressive Shortness of Breath over last 3
years. Her spirometry shows Normal FEV1/FVC ratio with Moderately
reduced FEV1 and FVC. Her Pulmonologist Further want to asses
Total Lung Capacity(TLC) which can be measured with:

A. Body Plethysmography
B. Simple Spirometry
D. Polysomnography
E. All of Above

Answer. A

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