Eduardo Cruz Hernández: Contact Info

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EduardoCruzHernndez ecruzhz@gmail.

com +52-448-103-39-18

Paseodelosrobles#4278 VillaUniversitariaZipCode45110 Zapopan,Jalisco,Mxico.


InstitutoTecnolgicodeEstudiosSuperioresMonterreycampusQuertaro BachelorinComputerScienceEngineering GraduationDate:Dec2012 GPA:88.36/100


Summer Present


Programmer Analyst at Oracle Mxico. Enhancement and support for internal use web applicationsdevelopedinAPEX(PL/SQL)andjQuery(javascript). Software Developer at Digitum Technologies. Working in the companys major product: a phonetrackingsoftware.UsingCakePHP(PHP)andjQuery. Intern at Tralix Mxico. In the Education area, developing simple web tools aimedtostore andconsultpartnersinformation.
Manageme2: Second edition of our desktop stock app project. Developed by a team of three.

Fall11Summer12 Fall10Fall11



Sinfony. Recursive acronym for Sinfony is not a framework or nothing yet. Framework made on javascript. Enables web applications to modify shared data among different browser instances in realtimeusingwebsockets.DevelopedusingNode.jsbyateamoftwo. WC. Short forWebC.ANSIC Compiler Emulatormadeon javascript. ItdletyoutypeC code into anHTMLtextareaandrunititdthenshowitsoutputonaterminallikejQuerypopUpwindow.

JanMay2012 AugDec2011

Brose OEE calculation system. Web application meant to measure Broses production plants efficiency. Broses branch in Quertaro was our client. Developed using Cake PHP and jQuery. I wasinchargeofdesigningandimplementingitsfrontend. FaceDetector.DevelopedinCfollowingtheViolaJonesAlgorithmspaper. File sharing system. Design and implementation of a software system meant to share files through a LAN. Itd split thefiles and spread theirpartsamongthe machines in thenetwork then, when needed, itd look for the parts to rebuilt the original file. Developed in Java by a team of three.
Simple Graphics Generator. Computer graphics framework developed by a team of three in C++. Using a simple language, the user could display 3D objects and apply simple transformations to them.

JanMay2011 JanMay2011


JanMay2010 AugDec2009

LAN Chat. Developed by a team of three using C. Chat server and client using unix sockets. Entireconversationcouldbeseeninabrowserusingthehttpprotocol.
Tecbook. Social Network developed in JSP and MySQL. Developed by a team of 4. In charge of programmingitsfunctionalityanddesignabitofitsinterface.

AugDec2009 JanMay2009 AugDec2008

Logolike Language interpreter. Itd display 2dgraphics programmedby theuser.Developed using CandOpenCVbyateamofthree.
ManageMe. Desktop stock app using VisualBasic and SQL server. Developed by a team of 5. In chargeofprogrammingsomeofitsfunctionality. UltimateQuest.2DLegendofZeldalikevideogamedevelopedinJavabyateamofthree.


ProgrammingLanguages: C/C++2years Java2years PHP2years Javascript2years PL/SQL1year ObjectiveC2months C#2months OperatingSystems: Win(user) Linux(user) Unix(user) RDBMs: MySQL(2years) Oracle(1year) SQLServer(7months) Frameworks/Technologies: jQuery(Javascript) APEX(PL/SQL) CakePHP(PHP) XCode(ObjectiveC) CodeIgniter(PHP) ASP/.NET Awardsandleadership 1stplaceatITESM'sNationalCreativeWritingContest'13.Category:Bachelor'sShortStory. 60thplace(outof200)atLatinAmericaACM'10. 24thplace(outof150)atANPA'10(NationalOpenProgrammingContest'Ants'). FinalistattheNationalMathOlympicsMxico2006.

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