Dotnet 3 Liners APT 2010

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Windows Application

1. iSpeak - Next Generation application:

In our day to day life we come across so many situations where we need to go through articles over
Internet and documents of different types, when the users are surfing through an article in Internet
Explorer. We wanted someone to speak for the user instead him /her going through entire article. We
have developed an application speaks the text selected text by the user in IE by a single click. We have
implemented lot of unique features like saving the selected text into the database, reading word
documents, pdf documents, Text-Wav file conversion, different voice modulations etc.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2008, WPF, XAML.

2. Reverse Engineering on database schemas for code generation:

Reverse Engineering on database schemas for code generation is 100% ASP.NET based code generation
framework with intellisense, compilation, debug, source view and design view support powered by

Reverse Engineering on database schemas for code generation is an ASP.NET 2.0 website web
application and is a fully-fledged template-based code generator that allows you to generate code for
any text language. Templates are written in Visual Studio as ASP.NET User Controls. The code
generation process can be dynamically customized by using properties. The Reverse Engineering on
database schemas for code generation Framework generates UIProperty objects in the web page by
reading the customized properties. The UIProperty objects are custom User Interface objects which are
created based on the property types of a defined class.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, c# 2005

3. Dynamic graph generator :

Visual inference of a business scenario in real time is highly appreciated for the fact that of the several
issues which need to be addressed, diversion of attention in implementing / understanding what to
focus on should not in itself turnout to be burden-some. This project is an attempt to develop dynamic
graphical components. It gives a provision to the developers to rapidly create and prototype dynamic
graphical displays and custom graphical components without writing low-level code.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, Graphs.

4. Cryptographic Text editor with version comparison

Now a day’s text editors play a major role in our rotean life. But the text editors which
predefined in our operating system are used to perform only limited functionalities (changing
font, Size, Bold etc...). “Cryptographic Text editor with version comparison text Editor” provides
various advanced and enriched features

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Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, c# 2005, Java Script, HTML

5. Generic Backend Data Manipulator:

One of the greater concerns which organizations of the present face is in bringing in the years of hard
ship they have faced in maintaining databases and addressing the same at the design level. The
current task is addressing one such task of accessing diff databases’ through a common editor which
can connect any ODBC compliant databases present in the local machine or anywhere within the
network, such as Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, etc. and edit SQL scripts and queries with syntax

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, XML.

6. WPF Based Image Morphing:

Morphing is simple graphics editor which allows you to morph images using warping. You can very
easily morph one image into another too. It’s a WPF application developed in C#. We can morph any
kind of images in this tool and we can set timelines to each image (limited to 200 frames).

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2005, Sql Server 2005

7. On Demand Web Spidering and Fetching:

The .Net based Web Spidering and Fetching is a multithreaded windows application that downloads
and stores Web pages Uniform Resource Identifier (URI’s), for a Web search engine. Roughly, a fetcher
starts off by placing an initial set of URLs, so, in a queue, where all URLs to be retrieved are kept and

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, XML, Threading.

8. Penmanship Analyzer or Handwritten Character Recognition System:

This project deals with developing an artificial neuron and creating a neural network using Microsoft
Visual C#, make it learn using some algorithm to identify Hand written characters. This application
consists of a 'Controls' component which provides 'Drawing Box' and 'Letter Box' controls, and also
defines a set of classes which can be used to develop applications which require handwritten (mouse-
drawn) images as inputs. The 'OCR' component makes use of created ANN and the 'Controls' component
to recognize mouse-drawn capital letters of English alphabet.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, XML, Neural Networks.

9. Face pattern identification using Neural Networks:

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This project deals with developing an artificial neuron and creating a neural network using Microsoft
Visual C#, make it learn using some algorithm to identify face patterns. A retinally connected neural
network examines small windows of an image, and decides whether each window contains a face. This
is basically a windows application which once learnt detects faces on supplied pictures.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, XML, Neural Networks.

10. Anatomization of Dotnet Dynamic Link Library:

Anatomization of Dotnet Dynamic Link Library Tool takes a dll or an exe file as input and analyses to
construct tree view with all classes in that dll as nodes. According to the class selected, it generates
class diagram with all methods, constructors, members, properties and even interfaces if they were
chosen. This project is developed by using the Concept called Reflection.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, Reflection.

11. Innovative Hospitality solutions:

The undercurrent in the services provided by any ace hospitality management would be in addressing
the feel good factor so as to retain and increase the customer base. This Innovative ‘Hospitality
Solutions’ is a software application which can be implemented by providing touch screen facility that
puts business at customer fingertips and makes it easy too (management review). This software
enables the customer to view the menu card on the touch screen and order the items by himself with
the touch of the finger on the screen.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, XML, Java Script, Ajax.

12. Remote controlling systems :

Remote controlling systems is a “graphical desktop sharing” in which a remote display system allows us
to view a computing ‘desktop’ environment from anywhere on the network. Also one can send private
and broadcasted messages to the clients when the necessity is felt. Using this software we can also
keep track of the persons work who ever connected to the network.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, XML, Win 32 API, Win Sock.

13. Bing Desktop Search Engine:

Normally, most of the Internet users spend 60-70% percent of the time on searching for the required
things or content. Obviously when we need to search something we just need to depend on the
browser. Till now most of the gadgets we find are web based. E.g.: iGoogle. But we have developed a
windows application fulfills the requirements of the Internet user, mentioned above. It provides us
search feature, which takes the search string and searches the web and displays results. Another
powerful image search feature searches images on web and displays the results like Google image

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Technologies: .NET Framework 2008, Bing API, XML.

14. Peer to Peer component perquisition:

Searching for some particular file in the local system or searching for some content in the internet is a
common phenomenon, but searching for something in the systems which are connected in a LAN makes
it much more interesting. This tool, Search engine for LAN, can be used in organizations where there
are many shared folders in individual systems which are connected in a LAN and a search is made based
on some criteria and lists out the information of the search made, the location and the size of the file.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, XML, Networking.

15. SQL Analyzer :

SQL Analyzer is a utility application for developers working with SQL Server. It is a stand-alone
windows application that can be used to connect to a SQL Server and analyze various database
objects in the server.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, c# 2005 , Java Script, HTML

16. Motion Segmentation Implementation Techniques

This Technique is to locate visual motion within the wide-angle visual fields. The motion
segmentation Technique produces a rough outline of the moving object in contiguous motion.
Motion segmentation is used in motion detector, which is a device that contains a physical
mechanism or electronic sensor that quantifies motion that can be either integrated with or
connected to other devices that alert the user of the presence of a moving object within the field
of view.
Objective of our project is to produce a rough outline of the moving object in contiguous motion,
to save video in motion and to signal out a motion event as motion alarm. This application can be
used in every security systems.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2008, c# 2008

IEEE Transactions:

• Mobile Computing

AD hoc networks are multihop wireless networks of small computing devices with wireless interfaces.
As we all know that Data caching is the simple concept nothing but clipboard memory. As we have less
efficiency in the existing system leads to lot of problems like, Difficult to measure the size of the

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memory. Accessing the latency time is very high and Bandwidth too. The above optimization problem
is known to be NP-hard. So Contribution in our work is the development of a 4-approximation
centralized algorithm, which is naturally amenable (analyzed) to a localized distributed

18. Bandwidth-Satisfied Multicast Trees in MANETs:

Multicasting protocols in mobile ad hoc networks determined bandwidth-satisfied routes for QOS
(Quality of service) applications. Bandwidth-satisfied routes suffer from two bandwidth-violation
problems, namely, the hidden route problem (HRP) and the hidden multicast route problem (HMRP).we
use an algorithm called Heuristic algorithm that can provide a feasible solution to BSMTP (Bandwidth-
Satisfied Multicast Trees Problem). The algorithm attempts to minimize the number of forwarders for
the new flow by constructing a bandwidth-satisfied multicast tree.

19. A Self-Repairing Tree Topology Enabling Content-Based Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks:
As we all know Content-based routing (CBR) provides a powerful and flexible foundation for distributed
applications. Till now content based routing was made without self repairing, no Multicast techniques
used, no powerful addressing methods used. We presented and evaluated COMAN, a protocol for
maintaining a tree-shaped network interconnecting the brokers of a CBR network in a MANET scenario.
COMAN is designed to tolerate the dynamics of the underlying physical network characteristic of
MANETs and to minimize the number of brokers, whose routing information is affected by topological

20. Efficient Resource Allocation for Wireless Multicast:

The success of wireless and mobile communications in the 21st century has resulted in a large
variety of wireless technologies such as second and third-generation cellular, satellite, Wi-Fi, and
Bluetooth. The resource allocation consumes more band width for the Internet Protocol multicast tree
and It does not support the dynamic group of members and mobility of group members which is called
as Cell and Technology Selection Problem (CTSP). We have used a mechanism includes Integer Linear
Programming (ILP) formulation, a distributed algorithm, and a network protocol, to solve the CTSP.

• Network Security
21. Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the DOWN Policy:

The project titled “Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the DOWN Policy”
presents a simple way to resolve a complicated network security. The draw in the current is every
system is considered as a trusted computer, so the attacker finds it easy to attack the system with fake
signals. We introduce a new technology to protect the network. This can be achieved by Realizing
widespread adoption of such applications mandates sufficiently trustworthy computers that can be
realized at low cost.

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22. Securing User-Controlled Routing Infrastructures:

Several recent proposals have argued for giving third parties and end-users control over routing in
the network infrastructure. As the end users in the network are given control there may be misuse if
the routing occurred. And also many new vulnerability (weakness) have been introduced which made
the process of preventing the end users became tedious. We are going to develop an infrastructure that
can prevent the end user in having control over the routing and also the infrastructure that is
developed is the forwarding infrastructure. We use Identifiers and Forwarding Entries, Packet Routing
Functions to develop this infrastructure).

• Image Processing:
23. Vision Processing for Real-time 3-D Data Acquisition Based on Coded Structured Light:

The structured light vision system is a successfully used for the measurement of 3D surface in
vision. There is some limitation in the above scheme that is tens of pictures are captured to recover a
3D sense. We have developed an idea for real-time Acquisition of 3-D surface data by a specially coded
vision system. To achieve 3-D measurement for a dynamic scene, the data acquisition must be
performed with only a single image. Using encoded pattern project, we getting the combination of
image from the matrix and adding new pixel colors according to the encoded one, without using any
similar images.

24. Piecewise Linear Digital Curve Representation And Compression Using Graph Theory
And a Line Segment Alphabet:

The use of an alphabet of line segments to compose a curve is a possible approach for curve data
compression. Many approaches are made but they can achieve only a simple curve. The curve that has
more complicated structure is handled only by methods considering recursive decomposition of the
canvas containing the curve. We propose the graph theory in order to eliminate the decomposition
need. This approach obviously improves the compression performance, as longer line segments can be

25. A Wavelet-Laplace Variation Technique For Image Deconvolution and Inpainting:

As we all know that we can impaint only small data quickly. In case of the large data it takes a lot
of time. And also the efficiency obtained is also low. The cost taken to finish the job is also high and
the edges of the picture are also blurred. We construct a new variation method for blind Deconvolution
of images and inpainting, motivated by recent PDE (partial differential equations) based techniques
involving the Ginzburg–Landau functional, But using more localized wavelet-based methods.

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26. Image Interpolation by Adaptive 2-D Autoregressive Modeling and Soft-Decision Estimation:

Image interpolation is to preserve spatial details, as the application till now uses the image
interpolation done by concentrating on one pixel at a time. And so it may take a long time to process a
single image by using techniques called Bilinear Interpolation and Bicubic Interpolation. We have used
a technique called soft-decision adaptive interpolation (SAI). Via a natural integration of piecewise 2-D
autoregressive modeling and block estimation, achieves superior image interpolation results to those
reported in the literature which is equivalent to the interpolation using an adaptive nonseparable 2-D
filter of high order.

27. Active Learning Methods for Interactive Image Retrieval:

Active learning methods have been considered with increased interest in the statistical learning
community. Initially developed within a classification framework, a lot of extensions are now being
proposed to handle multimedia applications by using CBIR method which faced a lot of disadvantage in
case of image retrieval. We have implemented altogether 19 features in CBIR system, including a color
histogram, symmetry features. Our strategy leads to a fast and efficient active learning scheme to
retrieve sets of online images (query concept).

28. Estimation of Defects Based on Defect Decay Model: ED3M:

An accurate prediction of the number of defects in a software product during system testing
contributes not only to the management of the system testing process but also to the estimation of the
product’s required maintenance. One group of researchers has found that larger modules have lower
defect density. Two of the reasons provided for their findings are the smaller number of links between
modules and that larger modules are developed with more care. Here we have used ED3M (Estimation
of Defects based on Defect Decay Model) approach. ED3M approach provides accurate estimates with as
fast or better convergence time in comparison to well-known alternative techniques.

29. High resolution Animated Scenes from Stills:

A single picture conveys a lot of information about the scene, but it rarely conveys the scene’s true
dynamic nature. A video effectively does both but is limited in resolution. Current techniques for
generating animated scenes involve either videos (whose resolution is limited) or a single image (which
requires a significant amount of user interaction). System is a scene animation system that can easily
generate a video or video texture from a small collection of stills.

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Web Applications
30. Silver lighted image gallery

Silver lighted image gallery allows one to store digital family photos hierarchically into categories,
folders and sub-folders. The entire album can be protected with a password, allowing restricted
viewing. The main aim of this project is to develop a flexible system that manages public and private
images, and Digital photo albums. The tool provides rich user interface with its AJAX capabilities.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2005, Sql Server 2005, File Streams, Sliverlight, Sliverlight tool kit.

31. Framing assist using WPF:

NGOs extend support to all the farmers to train them in the latest agro-techniques to exploit their
hidden potential. This support enables the farmer to increase the productivity from his land and
contribute to the Nation's production. Programs organized by NGOs are aimed at educating farmers
through various field level programs like Soil Testing Service, Method Demonstrations, Field Visits,
Group Meetings, Field Days, Farmers visit to Research Stations etc. The refined practices best
estimated by intellects located in cities use this software to impart the same through videos. NGOs
organizing various projects use such videos to educate the locals through high speed internet using the
same software which is well with their financial and technical reach.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2008, Sql Server 2005,wpf,XAML.

32. Webpage Starter Kit (MWPSK):

The My Web Pages Starter Kit (MWPSK) provides you a quick web site that allows an administrator to
create, edit, or delete pages as well as create, edit, or delete items on these pages through an
administrative backend system. This means that the administrator of the site will not be required to
have programming skills in order to create new pages and items contained on those pages. MWPSK
gives tremendous power to the administrator and allows them to keep a fresh site up and running very

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2008, Sql Server 2005, Themes, css.

33. Flex Based Business Catalyst:

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Flex Based Business Catalyst is a service marketplace where businesses of all sizes find cost-effective
and flexible ways to Hire, Manage and Securely Pay fully rated independent professionals, freelancers
and contractors online. It simply provides an online medium where businesses find and hire skilled
professionals to work on their projects remotely. It's completely free to register and post projects with
no obligation to accept bids.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2005, Sql Server 2005, Flex.

34. Zed Graph based Time Tracking Tool:

One of the fastest growing industries now days are software industries. Time reporting system is
a team timesheet recording and reporting system designed to make it easy to capture and report time
and project data.

Time reporting refers to the effectiveness and efficiency with which a bounded work task is
completed. A bounded work task can exist at the organizational, group or individual level.

In this project we use ZED graphs for graphical representation of the reports. Each and every
report can be export into EXCEL or CSV formats. All the data is maintained in database.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2008, Sql Server 2005, Zed graphs, css.

35. Incentive Auditor :

Incentives to employees’ keeps the momentum of any organization in achieving greater heights as
the employee is encouraged for the good work that is put in. The current task evaluates the
incentives of each individual employee according to the valuation system adopted. The task takes
in to account the hierarchy of the organizational setup to accommodate the division of incentive
ratios thus promoting healthy and competitive atmosphere in the organization.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2005, Sql Server 2000, css.

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36. Calculating functional points for measuring Reliability of a software :

The main objective of our Project is to check the Software Reliability by measuring Function Points.
Software reliability is increasingly the determining factor of overall system reliability.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2005, Sql Server 2005,java script.

37. Flex Based Web MS SQL Explorer

The Web MS SQL Explorer is basically a web application through which one can access the Microsoft SQL
server over web.

This System eliminates some of the repetitive work performed by database administrators.
Because database administrators are typically among the people most highly trained in solving the
database issues at a site, the improvements in normal sql explorer allows valuable resource to spend
more time working on database design and application data access issues.

This application Web database explorer aims to increase the scope of database administration by
building the remote administration tool to interact with SQL server located over the web.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2005, Sql Server 2005, HTMl , Adobe Flex 3.0

38. Aviation Alimentazione Controlling service :

“India is a major market where there is a strong demand for top quality in-flight catering services”. A
complicated system like airline catering needs to consider various issues. Therefore, the Transport
System (TS) and Automated Retrieval System have been devised, making the entire material
handling/stacking process completely mechanized. Airline catering services is the independent

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international airline caterer services which provides a collaboration work made easy by handling the
tasks of transporter, care taker, chef, and supplier.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2008, Sql Server 2005, CSS.

39. Event Management System :

Event Management is a major issue which is faced in the real world, the main reason for this is there is
no automated system to manage the events. It is a Web-based system that was developed to support
the organization for product launches, workshops, board meetings and seminars. Event manager
gathers the required information from the users, suppliers and store them physically in some locations
probably files. To overcome this practical problem and also to make the process easy we are
developing an application which is useful for the organizations.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2008, WPF, SQL SERVER 2005.

40. My

Academic Project management is a major issue which is faced by many educational institutes in India,
the main reason for this is there is no automated system followed in any institute. College
management/staff gathers all the project reports and project sources from students and store them
physically in some locations probably libraries. To overcome this practical problem and also to make
the process easy we developed an secured intranet application which is useful for each and every

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2008, WPF, SQL SERVER 2005, Themes, Java Script,Ajax

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41. MotoTrader:

Purchasing of any product involving slightest technology dependence firstly forces the seeker to
postpone the proposal due to the lack of relative perception on the product category under a single
roof. "Moto Trader" is a web application which is intended for car owners, buyers, sellers, car dealers,
and market researchers. This application has powerful inventory search features for new and used car
configuration with pricing information and can also search by Brand and model, separate photo
galleries and side-by-side comparison tools. For supporting dealers, this system connects dealers with
private-party sellers to buy new or used cars over the web.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2005, Sql Server 2005

42. Security Division:

Secure Division is developed for smooth working of Insurance Industry. The insurance company needs to
keep track of details of its target companies, agents, policyholders, their premium payments and the
various products that are available with it. Hence it is under tremendous pressure maintaining their
day-to-day activities, which is currently being done manually. We are doing an automated system
based on the above mentioned requirements.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2005, Sql Server 2005

43. Outsourcing

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Outsourcing is an arrangement in which one company provides services that are promised by yet
another company to their clients. However, it can also be achieved in-house. Outsourcing is a trend
that is becoming more common in information technology and other industries like call centre for
services that have usually been regarded as intrinsic to managing a business.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2005, Sql Server 2005.

44. Productivity Analyser:

This project involves developing a system for automating the productivity of a company by capturing
the basic employee’s data, like total number of person hours, Breakdown of total person months into
on-site and off-shore components etc. It generates reports in the form of bar graph’s and pie charts.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2005, Sql Server 2005.

45. Telecom Connections

Telecom Connections is a web based application through which user can effectively use the
benefits of Telephone Provider. In this application user can apply telephone connections online and he
can view his telephone bills and user can also launch compliments regarding his telephone. He can also
give feedback. Here user can view different plans provided by the Telecom Company.

Technologies: Dot NET Framework 2005, Sql Server 2005.

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46. Band width Economizer

This project is a web application merging audio/video streaming. Audio and Video Streaming is a
Process of Transferring data (Audio/video) from the source system to destination in the form of
bits/bytes through an application.

This project is an Ajax based web application. It contains features like listening and
viewing of files. Uploading and downloading of Audio/Video files. End user will be of two types,
premiere user and paid user. Only paid users can download the files. Here we opt for the
instantaneous view of Audio/Video file application by using bit –by- bit transfer of data. To view this
application we can either use the pre-existing players like Windows Media Player or Real player. This
application allows the user to upload and, download Audio/Video files .we can also view the
Audio/Video files based on the search criteria.

47. Peer to Peer communication with Multi language support :

One has witnessed the emergence of several chat applications developed using data base as middle
layer between the users, thus degrading application performance. The current application utilizes XML
& Ajax based interactive means to mention the above mentioned defects in turn gaining efficiency.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, XML, Java Script, Ajax.

48. Intranet based college staff meet

A Blog is a website usually maintained by an individual with regular

entries of commentary or descriptions of events. Entries are displayed in
reverse chronological order. The content is in the form of posts and comments
on those posts. Many blogs focus on a particular topic, such as web design,
home staging, sports, or mobile technology. Some are more eclectic, presenting
links to all types of other sites. And others are more like personal journals,
presenting the author's daily life and thoughts.

.NET Framework 3.5, ASP.Net 3.5, Microsoft Visual studio 2008

IDE, JavaScript, SQL Server 2005, ASP.NET, MVC (model view controller)

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49. TV shows

Most of the talent shows that are aired by (popular channels) for lakhs of television viewers also
draw extreme attention from critics as well as audience. All the uncertainties force the
management to show great interest in allocating a core team of experts in assessing the talent of
the youngster, because an encouraging participant can reap rewards for themselves as well as the
channel viz by enhancing the TRP ratings. The current software uses audio/video streaming for
the respective show requirements so that the recognized experts could listen and screen the pre-
participation candidates without physically going to places.

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, XML, Java Script, Ajax.

50. Net packet route trace

Network Packet Route Tracer is a smart .Net windows application which shows the geographical path of
a network packet traversal to a destination IP address from the source. This project involves
developing a C# component to implement TraceRoute functionality to find the IP addresses of the
intermediate routers.

The applications of this tool are mostly in network trouble shooting to identify the routing problems or
firewalls that may be blocking access to the site. It can also be used in choosing the fastest mirror to
download when there are multiple mirrors available for the same piece of data.

This project involves combining the TraceRoute component, technology to locate geographically based
on IP addresses from HostIP.Info/MaxMind, and Microsoft Virtual Earth API to plot the locations of
various intermediate routers that fall in the route of a network packet as it traverses to the

Technologies: .NET Framework 2005, XML, Java Script, Ajax.

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