Chapter 11 - Stability of Slopes
Chapter 11 - Stability of Slopes
Chapter 11 - Stability of Slopes
What is slope?
An exposed ground surface or soil mass that stands at an angle with the horizontal.
Types of slopes:
Based on the method of formation:
A. Natural slope:
Natural slopes are those that exist in nature and are
formed by natural causes.
Such slopes exist in hilly sides, mountains, river
B. Finite Slope:
The slope that is of limited extent. The slopes of embankments and earth dams are
examples of finite slopes.
The slope length depends on the height of the dam or embankment.
Swelling- Highly plastic and over-consolidated clay easily swells when it comes in contact
with water
Creep - Under sustained loading, the highly plastic clays undergo constant deformation.
Therefore, after a certain period, clays might ultimately fail, even at low shear stresses.
Cyclic loading- Under the impact of cyclic loads, the bond between the soil particles may
break, and the pore water pressure might increase, resulting in the loss of strength.
Langtang valley debris avalanche during 2015 Gorkha Earthquake causing around 310 deaths
Chapter 11 – Stability of slopes 4
Face failure occurs when soil above the toe contains weak stratum. In this case the
failure plane intersects the slope above toe.
Toe failure is the most common failure in which failure plane passes through toe of
Base failure occurs when there is a weak soil stratum under the toe and failure plane
passes through base of slope.
Translational failure:
Translation failure occurs in the case of infinite
slopes and here the failure surface is parallel to
the slope surface.
Chapter 11 – Stability of slopes 5
This type of failure is influenced by the preence of hard stratum at a shallow depth
below the slope surface.
Wedge Failure:
Wedge failure (also called block failure) is a failure along a inclined plane.
This type of failure occurs when there are fissures, joints, or weak soil layers in slope,
or when a slope is made of two different materials.
It is more similar to translational failure but the difference is that translational failure
only occurs in case of infinite slopes but wedge failure can occur in both infinite and
finite slopes.
Compound failure:
A Compound failure is a
combination of translational slide
and rotational slide.
“We will consider only the limit equilibrium method, since it is the oldest and the
mostly used method in practice. In this method, it is assumed that the soil is at the
verge of failure i.e., shears strength of soil is equal to the driving shear stress at
c = cohesion intercept
cm = mobilized cohesion intercept
Φ = angle of shearing resistance.
Φm = angle of mobilised shearing resistance.
FH = Hc/H;
Hc = critical height i.e., the maximum height at which it is possible for a slope to be
Chapter 11 – Stability of slopes 9
A. Dry soil:
Chapter 11 – Stability of slopes 10
The soil is cohesionless, therefore c = 0. Further the soil is dry; hence there is no pore
water pressure.
Hence, the slope will be stable as long as the angle of slope i is less than or equal to the
angle of shearing resistance ϕ' of the soil.
In limiting condition, ϕ' also called the angle of repose.
Chapter 11 – Stability of slopes 11
B. Submerged soil:
Comparing equation (1) and (2), it can be concluded that the factor of safety of a
submerged slope is the same as that in dry condition.
Chapter 11 – Stability of slopes 12
All lines which are tangent to the friction circle makes an angle of Φ m (the value of Φm
is used from assuming a suitable value of FΦ) with the normal of the slip surface.
These lines represent the direction of the reaction (R) on the slip surface.
The total reaction R, strictly speaking, will not be exactly tangential to the friction
circle, but will pass at a slightly greater radial distance than r sin φ from the centre of
Chapter 11 – Stability of slopes 20
the circular arc. Thus, it can be considered as being tangential to modified friction
circle of radius kr sin φm where k is a constant greater than unity, (the value of which
is supposed to depend upon the central angle θ and the nature of the distribution of
the intergranular pressure along the sliding surface)
The cohesive force Cm is equal to the cm*la where cm is the mobilized cohesion and la is
the length of the arc. This force is also equal in magnitude to c m*lc where Lc is the
length of the chord.
The line of action of this force can be determined by taking moments of the actual force
and the equivalent force about O.
, (la = l here)
Obviously, the value of a is greater than r so plots outside the failure arc.
Now to find the direction and magnitude of reaction,
The lines of action of W and Cm are located first. A tangent is drawn to the modified
friction circle from the point of intersection of W and Cm, to give the direction of R.
and, the magnitude of R can be found out from the force polygon.
Generally, the analysis is repeated for 3-4 times to obtain a curve between assumed
value of Fφ and the computed value of Fc, as shown.
And the Fs is computed by drawing a line at 45° which gives Fc = Fφ. The slip circle
which gives the minimum factor of safety (Fc) is the most critical circle.
Chapter 11 – Stability of slopes 21
cm = Unit cohesion mobilised
γ = Unit weight of soil
H = Vertical height of the slope
Taylor (1948) prepared two charts relating the stability number to the angle of slope,
based on the friction circle method.
The first is for the general case of a c – φ soil with the angle of slope less than 53°, as
shown in Fig. 9.25
Chapter 11 – Stability of slopes 22
The second is for a soil with φ = 0 and a layer of rock or stiff material at a depth DH
below the top of the embankment, as shown in Fig. 9.26. Here, D is known as the depth
factor; depending upon its value, the slip circle will pass through the toe or will
emerge at a distance nH in front of the toe.
Chapter 11 – Stability of slopes 23
If the slope angle and mobilised friction angle are known, the stability number can
be obtained. Knowing unit weight and vertical height of the slope, the mobilized
cohesion can be got.
The factor of safety may be evaluated as the ratio of the effective cohesional
strength to the mobilised unit cohesion.
Knowing the height of the slope, unit weight of the earth material constituting the
slope and the desired factor of safety, the stability number can be evaluated. The
slope angle can be found from the chart against the permissible angle of internal
Chapter 11 – Stability of slopes 24