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ForMen Dating Market Value Test ForWomen About Chateau Heartiste Feeds: Posts Comments Catalonia Singing SeparateWays Latest Baumeister Paper Supports CH Concept Of The SexualMarket How To Get A Girl To Send Nudes OfHerself November 1, 2012 by CH A reader (warning: mid-level troll alert) asks: best way to get a girl to send nudes? It seems difficult to do it without being cheesy/sounding desperate. The main problem with trying to get girls to text or message you delicious nudie s of themselves is that it subjects you to the risk that youll be perceived a cre epy perv desperate for sexual handouts. This risk is high, but not insurmountabl e, as the evidence of the deluge of girls sexting their privates to the four cor ners of alphadom attests. Personally, I dont go in for the proactive sext me strate gy, preferring instead to let it arise organically with girls who are already in to me and have decided on their own to expose their plush wares to my viewership , but I can see why some guys would be champing at the bit to get the sext ball rolling. Once a girl has sexted you, shes psychologically invested, and her perce ption will shift to her chasing you, which makes closing the deal a lot easier. Another problem with attempting to extract nudies from girls is that it exposes (heh) you to potential legal ramifications down the road. Yeah, I know, sounds c razy. Youre thinking, Why would I be legally culpable for a girls voluntary actions ? Well, folks, this is the feministed world were all barreling toward, and the day is not far off when women will be classed as victims even of their own freely m ade choices, and all consequences thereof rendered moot by state edict, to be pl aced upon the shoulders of men beta males. Anyhow, my take on this issue is that there are many ways to skin this kitty, am ong them: 1. Reverse psychology. No, dont send erotic pics of yourself. It wont get you anywhere with me. 2. Encouragement neg. Im not sure youre right for sex pics. Only certain girls can pull it off. You dont s eem the type. (The vaguer your implied reason, the better.) 3. Unreconstructed asshole game. tits or gtfo (note alluring lack of punctuation) 4. Casually aloof asshole game. Itd be cool to see your tits. (Be cognizant that she will likely reply with indigna tion, and that you should be prepared to expect it and brush it off.) 5. Lets you and her fight game. Damn, Ella just sent me a pic of her boobs. So many girls doing this now. Its craz y. (bonus preselection game!) 6. Idea implantation game. You ever send someone nude pics of yourself? I did once to a girl, and it acciden tally went to my Mom. I think she was proud. 7. Reverse Psychology II. Im glad youre not one of those girls who sends nude pics of herself. You dont need t hat excitement.

8. Feeding the female narcissist game. You look like you have a figure for photos. Have you ever modeled in the nude? (be careful with this tactic, as it can easily cross the line to transparency.) 9. Non-judgmentalism/No Big Deal game. If you sent a nude pic I wouldnt even be surprised. Girls send them all the time n ow. Its nothing. 10. Massive DHV game. This is where you demonstrate so much high value that the girl feels an overwhel ming urge to show you her naked body at the slightest hamster-nudged provocation . An example of this I found at a pickup site. Below is an example of how I got a random girl to send naked pics of everything (va jay jay included!!) on Facebook. If you can do this to a stranger, you can e asily do it to girls you know. Note:I had an advantage in that I was working on a movie at the time whichDHVd and made me artsy.. But I have done it without that story. This is not real life gam e so the modular progression is different. It goes something like you see below mixing and matching however. Guidelines: 1. Homework hey lazy ass, read this entire post and realize that this process ma y require more time and thought than you are willing to put forth. I am a sicko and love to see how far I can get girls to go over the net. Sometimes it takes l onger than others. I enjoy the process either way. 2.DHV-Attraction/Comfort-DHVto the point were they want to impress and then create comfort before requesting photos. 3. Compliment AfterDHVs tell them they are photogenic which builds their confidenc e makes them feel appreciated and indebted. Flatter the shit out of her by askin g if she has ever done any modeling. 4. Qualify Claim to be into photography (use photography terms: portfolio) or ar t and that you appreciate the feminine form. 5. Qualify joke about not wanting to send pics of yourself (they will usually re quest this) for fear of them showing them off to all of their friends (indicates that you wouldnt do this to them). 6.Neg- if they send you weak pics tell them that they are PG and you put them in y our Lion King scrap book or some shit ; ) Create leverage. 7.DHV(attraction spike/non-reactive) dont be too pushy about it. Act like it is no big deal and subtly remind them if they forget (always at the end of the paragra ph, see below). 8. Watch it! be careful what you wish for. This one had a meaty vagina (YIKES!) Beef curtains! Run! [ed: portions of actual messaging transcript follows. pay close attention to the punctuation and time stamp pattern. heheh.] Jess at 9:03am Oh, and its your turn to send me some pics of yourself. (If there are any naked o nes, I wont mind. Dont be shy.) LOL. DF 8:21pm Wait a minute, you sent me your PG pictures and you are asking for the full mont y? You send some sexy shots first so I know that you wont misuse my photos should we exchange DF 9:09pm and by sexy I mean naked of course [...] DF May 22 at 6:36am Dont mind, I came out of a relationship just little while back and yes I do find your interest in me most flattering. The feminine form is a thing of beauty and what can I say, some forms are more b eautiful than others. You for example are one of those more beautiful forms.

Jess 10:41am Oh, well that sucks, but not for me! LOL. And thank you, it makes me smile when you compliment me. I will send you some pics, but you have to send me some too. And please keep them to yourself, I will do the same. DF 8:20pm You are most welcome, glad to dimple your cheeks. I would never disregard your p rivacy, you have my word and a deal my dear. Jess 9:18pm Where are my pics? I want to see you naked baby! Sent via Facebook Mobile DF May 22 at 9:43pm that wasnt the deal sweetheart! You send me a topless first and then I send you o ne! Jess 9:58pm I did, I sent it to your regular email. LOL. Didnt you check it? Sent via Facebook Mobile DF 9:59pm no darlin send again! DF 10:16pm I got no bra pics, no topless pics no nothing just the ones that were on your fa cebook page Loading Jess 11:03pm I sent them to you again. Did you get it? Sent via Facebook Mobile DF 7:52am No I did not. You can always set up a private __ for us were we can post picture s. It is fast and apparently easier than the old fashioned way. Figure it out gi rl! Jess 8:19am K, I tried to e-mail it one more time. Did you get anything? They were pics I sc anned, so I cant upload them into a __ account. Jess 11:24am But I set one up anyway. The login is __ and the password is midnight82 and I se t it to private already. So you can put stuff on there if you want to and I want you to!! LOL. DF 10:26pm okay, those pictures are not the ones that we talked about make it happen prince ss Jes 11:02pm I emailed them to u again. Did u still not get them? Sent via Facebook Mobile Jes 4:11am K, look at our account now.You better post some on there too. I will put some more up tomorrow. Its your turn baby!!! Tell me what you think. I hope you dont think its too much. LOL. Oh, and gimme your address, I wanna send you copies of the pic

s I tried to e-mail you before. Theyre really cute naked pics of me. LOL. MWAH!! Sent via Facebook Mobile Jess May 26 at 4:08pm You disappeared again. *** Haha.. the pics werent that great. I never chatted with her again. Sometimes I ju st like to see how well I can persuade people. Maybe I should post the pics? Maybe we should call this guy Disappeared Again Man, and include him in the pant heon of other infamous alpha male greats like Skittles Man, Bring The Movies Man , and Nah Man? I cant vouch for his specific method above for getting girls to send nekkid pics as a generalized tactic, but I can say with confidence that acting like this guy does will significantly boost the odds that youll persuade a girl to deliver the goods. PS On a related note, homemade sex vids and pics of current and old flames (incl uding you, not other men) are a hundred times more limbically stimulating than t hose of strangers. Try it sometime. Youll see. Or maybe its just the outrageous na rcissist in me. Share this: Like this: Like Loading... Posted in Game, The Pleasure Principle | 60 Comments 60 Responses 1. on November 1, 2012 at 2:47 pm Libertardian Well, folks, this is the feministed world were all barreling toward In the year 2025: Beta: (avoids women entirely) Women: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE! 2. on November 1, 2012 at 3:31 pm Fifthnick Damnit! I just had this convo 3 hours ago with a girl i have been fucking. Backg round: She asked to come over yesterday, but i turned her down cause i didnt have time. Translated from another language, so sorry if it turns out odd: Me: Just got home. Come over Her: Would be nice but i have a huge fever and im really sick i cant Me: Oh maybe on the weekend then. Get well(i dont usually use smilies and she ac tually mention this earlier: you never use smilies when you texti never have any i dea if you are happy or mad) Her: I would love to come over but i cant skip school either cause ill fail otherw ise. Buggerbut well see then Me: Youve been skipping school? Ill have to discipline you next time we see Her: You think its nice to sit here when you talk like that? dont bully the sick( she had previously told me to make her submit during sex) Me: Youre creative and you have fingers Her: But i would rather use you Me: Ofc, but you should use the opportunity now that you have my permission. Im g oing to require a report with pictures though Her: If i could just get rid of my pants but its so cold but maybe ill have nice dreams about what you would do to me Me: No report eh? Youre quite a masochist Well see if you survive next time we meet Her: I wont survive even here if you tease me like that So no nudes for me. Logistics couldve been an issue since she doesnt have a smartp hone. 3. on November 1, 2012 at 3:39 pm Dr. Zoidberg I find it works to start the nudez ball rolling with a sarcastic playful teaser

pic or two of some non-erotic body part, e.g. a picture of my leg in my dirty fa tigue shorts with the caption white trash camo calf porn. They usually then up the ante. The current girl didnt send any back, but on our next date she gave me a c utesy homemade scrapbooked card filled with nudez inviting me to a face down ass up party in her bed. Keeper. 4. on November 1, 2012 at 4:00 pm Wrecked Em There are two basic hurdles to jump when getting a girl to send naked pictures. The first is that shes going to ask why you want to see pictures of her. This is an anti-slut defense and shes just looking for you to give her an excuse. The best is to say men are very visual [creatures] which has the added benefit of offering her some hand, which is hamster crack. The second is the logistics of her taking the picture and getting it to you wheth er thats in a text message or to your email account, requiring stopping the voice call to do it, or not but when shes worked through the procedure once the second, third, etc. photos are just a repeat of something shes already done. If the firs t picture picture is something mundane, youve split the barrier into two pieces: ANY picture of her, then a racy picture of her. 5. on November 1, 2012 at 4:18 pm Wolfie65 Nude pics are for 13-year old geeks. I prefer real life 3-D. on November 1, 2012 at 6:01 pm taterearl Second. on November 2, 2012 at 10:13 am Anon I concur. Game chicks NOT pics.

6. on November 1, 2012 at 4:27 pm Latent Sadist I have had mad success with this actually. What i do is pretty simple. This only seems to work well if its a new girl, not someone in your orbit who youve talke d to many times. All i do is start chatting on fb, build some attraction, slow r esponses, get her engaging. Then slowly ramp up the sex talk. There will come a point where you will have to bite the bullet and say something that could potent ially blow you out. You have to take the dive. Youd be suprised how turned on a g irl can get with a guy who boldly and comfortably starts talking about sex stuff . Think about the retards that ask her about her day, or her fav ice cream. That s 95%. The questions game is what i do. Probably not the first to do this, but i have f ound it to be like crack for girls. After building rapport, and flirting a bit, say ok ask me three questions, anything. and I have to answer. This seriously exci tes chicks because theyre nosy as fuck anyway. Theyll usually ask you retarded s tuff at first. Then its your turn to ask, and just start amping up the sex vibe. I usually start with asking if shes seeing a guy, somethin bout a bfetc. By the second round, i just flat out ask when she last had sex, or what her fav position is or something. From there it escalates. Then when and if it starts ge tting heavy, just offer to send a pic of yourself. Really this just guages her r eaction.and if she is down, then you can throw in the whole but you gotta send one back. Im not ashamed to send a pic first i dont care, but i am growing more hesi tant due to what heartiste saidi fear it coming back to bite me in the ass. Never show your face, so it cant be used as blackmail (mental note ive made) It really just requires that you act like sex talk is totally natural, you sexua lize early on so it isnt totally out of character, and that you persist. Its not

100% but nothing is, and youll screen out girls who just want to play games. You should think of it as, this girl is only going to get my attention (your val ue) if she gives me something in return (her Youre basically doing the gender equivalent of her trying to ljbf you, and make you her orbiting bitch . Sexualizing sends a clear signal that you wont be. Many chicks respond to that . To be real honest though, i havent done this with ultra hot women yet in the 9/1 0 range, so its a work in progress. Couldnt hurt, youll learn alot about what wo men can handleits more than youd think. 7. on November 1, 2012 at 4:42 pm Darius Jackson Chicks are such sluts.Becoming a priest was the right idea. 8. on November 1, 2012 at 4:51 pm Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM ) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM) There are two basic hurdles to jump when getting a girl to send naked pictures. Yes! hurdle #1: finding your phone hurdle #2: texting send some n00dz nbnc lzozzzozloo for all u beta neophytez zlozozlzlz NBNC = no butthole no care lzozozlzolzz on November 1, 2012 at 8:39 pm The Desert Gate Thank you, GBFM. Thank you.

9. on November 1, 2012 at 5:35 pm Anon Gay. 10. on November 1, 2012 at 7:13 pm YaReally 3 things: 1) dont send her pics of your cock. Most of the time they just laugh about it. A sexy description/story of what you want to do to her will get her 1000x wetter t han a pic of your wang. Plus youre the man, shes the woman, shes the one thats suppo sed to be enticing you with visuals. Thats why they have skirts heels corsets nai l polish makeup etc etc. if you cant get nudes without sending her pics of more t han your face first, work on your game. 2) dont focus on pics if you can get the meetup/lay. I just set up a fuck with a new chick for next week a few min ago, and she wants sex but shes fairly good girl and doesnt give off the I feel sexy about my body and have a bunch of pics on my p hone. I could push for naked pics but it would probably make her uncomfortable an d fuck up the vibe/trust/comfort I have going on for getting her to meet up (aft er we fuck I can get them easy), but shes up for the actual fuck. So to hell with pics, its not worth bombing a a solid lay for a titty pic. 3) if you get TOO sexual via txts/online with a girl before you actually meet up and fuck, you can trigger her ASD because when you push for the meet-up she KNO WS you just want to fuck her so for a lot of girls that hits the if I agree to me et up thats like admitting I want sex which makes me a slut so I have to flake on this. So pull back a bit before you push for the meet-up once you have a sexual vibe established. Joke around be light and casual and push for an innocent meetu p. Once the meetup is established ill actually NOT be sexual at all between the point she agrees to meet up and the point shes in front of me in the same room. T he sexual vibe is established, we both know whats going to happen, so I dont have to dwell on it and risk triggering her ASD so she doesnt flake and then I can jus

t escalate in person. Theres an art to it, thus the term PUA. oh, also 4) dont post her pics online. Dont be that guy, thats not cool. She trusts y ou not to do that shit. Show a buddy or hold your phone up for your buddy to see or whatever when you guys are drinking if you want some props, but dont go throw ing it up on the interwebs where it will live for eternity. on November 2, 2012 at 12:40 pm wingwoman 1) True. Woman arent turned on by dicks so much as what one is going to do with t hat thing. Effort is sexy unless one is repulsive and then it becomes creepy and uncomfortable. Its sometimes good just for an up the sexual aspect of any flirti ng and picture sending. 2) Solid however theres no such thing as a good girl and you should try women.;) 3) Sort of solid advice. 4) Keep that shit to yourself if you know whats good for you. on November 2, 2012 at 5:30 pm YaReally ? on November 4, 2012 at 2:10 pm Anon STFU bitch. on December 25, 2012 at 7:27 am Fascinated Let me guess, Anon. You are that guy.

on November 4, 2012 at 2:19 pm Anonymous There is some truth here, in the sense that women are mental not visual. Dick pics are just weird and superfluous. I always think of them as the man playi n your game baby (apologies to Barry White). Women are not ostensibly wired as suc h. A whisper into the ear of your female of the ways in which you are going to use your kit on her is much, much more effective.

11. on November 1, 2012 at 7:24 pm Uncle Elmer True story. In 1973 a girl in my high school kept asking me to come over. Of cours e I was too beta and never showed up. A few years later she appeared in the cent erfold of Hustler which at the time was published in the Dayton/Cincinnati area. I magine my chagrin when one of my buddies whipped out the centerfold and asked if she looked familiar. Damn fine body too, like an Aryan ideal. 12. on November 1, 2012 at 7:44 pm Nil Faith Wait till you get a message saying something like, brb going to have a shower Then, I use pics or dont believe and it has worked numerous times on November 2, 2012 at 7:42 am Turk Thats a good one actually. I thought the only non creepy way to get sexting is wh en she initiates first but I do like your idea. on November 2, 2012 at 8:48 am YaReally

I use this one a lot too. Its retarded (I went to vic secret today! Im going to need photographic evidence of this., as if shed be lying about showering or shopping), and she knows it, but if the attraction is there shell lol and take/send a pic an d you can escalate it from there because like someone else mentioned, her doing it the 2nd, 3rd, etc. time is just repeating an action shes already done so shes l ess hesitant about it. on November 2, 2012 at 7:57 pm Nilfaith This. Its a simple escalation, you know, and they know. That they arent lying, but because of the attraction already established.. it puts out a fun reason to send photos of herself. Hence why it works almost, every single time. You can use it against her with other things - Im sunbaking atm - Trying on new dresses at store (Girls love to send you photos of potential clo thing they can buy to impress, and usually send a sexier photo in the change roo ms) - Just got out of the shower Anything that involves the girls body, can be used against her basically.

13. on November 1, 2012 at 7:52 pm AD Or you could just be her student BTW this chick (teacher) was sampling more than one student. er-oct-17-2012/ on November 2, 2012 at 3:29 pm Libertardian I hear about another of these female teachers fucking her students literally eve ry week now. Im starting to think theyre trying to one-up each other. Sorry, Mary Kay LeTourneau, you were born before your time. Meanwhile, the witch hunt for the male teacher continues, six months later, desp ite (or because of) the fact that he didnt break the law: ews/article/212088/2/Former-student-accuses-Modesto-teacher-of-intimate-relation ship

14. on November 1, 2012 at 9:25 pm Heywood Jablome Its not difficult. 1) Wait until she texts you that shes been drinking. 2) Escalate. 15. on November 1, 2012 at 9:28 pm Leap of a Beta Setting up nudes has been fairly easy for me. First you ask for a new photo of h er. Tell her you want a new one for yourself because your friend wants to see yo ur newest girl or doesnt believe you when you tell him how hot she is. Like orig inal post, get her comfortable. Next step is that when you start telling her to wear a skirt or dress when youre hanging out that she has to send a pic to get it okayed by you first. Sets up pr oper expectations of feminine wear and approval seeking. Hell, sometimes youll get bra pics or topless right here. Rare but it happens. From there just start doing the same with bras and underwear. Might go slow or f ast depending on circumstances and her own shyness levels. Havent tried sex pics, but I bet once those get taken the nudes will flow like w ater

16. on November 1, 2012 at 10:24 pm Leap of a Beta Heres whats worked for me. It usually takes a bit, but feels natural. Best for if youre setting up a FWB or a plate to spin for a bit. First ask her to take a current picture of her, just for you, on her phone. Tell her your friends want to see your new girl or dont believe you pulled another ho t girl or that they dont believe how hot she is. Make it your own, but try to DHV through a friend while also making her just sure of herself and comfortable eno ugh to take a picture. If you dont do so, theyll beg out of it EVERY TIME, saying they cant get a good enough picture to send you. Basic idea is to get her used to it. Then when you start hanging out with her and planning any activities, you should already be setting expectations of her wearing feminine clothes. Just drop in t hat she needs to take take a picture of it to get your approval first. Make it a game and have fun. Tell her the skirt makes her look good, but you want to save it for another time. Or ask for a print, or a dress, or a skirt. If it doesnt lo ok good, dont say so till youve got a few compliments worked in then you can be ho nest. But get her to change if you can. The more fun you have, the more fun shell have, the better pics youll get. If you start getting a couple different outfits , chances are shell get lazy or in a good mood and youll start getting topless or bra pics at this step instead of the next. This step should set up an approval s eeking chaser mode to her clothing options and pictures that I love havent found a way to do it that I like as much as this one. Escalate the above step when it feels right by working in bras and underwear. Ca n be the same night, but usually is a different night or itll feel artificial to her. Id say only work it in the same night if you see a bra strap and tell her to match the bra to the outfit or she starts sending pics without a shirt without prompting. At that point itll feel natural to both of you and shell be in the mood. Ive also n ever had to send nudes back. So far my penis has never been a picture I have to send to a woman. Other option if youre looking for something quicker. just take a picture mid sex/B J the first time you bang. Dont ask, just do it. After that, theres really no inhi bitions on her side about the situation. 17. on November 1, 2012 at 10:36 pm collapseofman Girl sent me some a few weeks ago, followed by Come on, dont I get any? Sent her a well-lit shot of my balls. Banged next day. 18. on November 1, 2012 at 10:42 pm Andoronicus If you follow methods 1, 3, or 4, you have a 55.4% chance of getting naked pictu res, but methods 2, 5, and 8 have only a 48.4% chance. 19. on November 2, 2012 at 12:00 am muscleman Glad you made this post. Heres a great way to gauge interest from a girl. Send he r this text: send me a pic And see what she comes back with. If its nude or semi nude or something implied ( like skimpy clothing with THO, etc), you can press on with: thats all you got And so on. Incoming nudes before you know. Of course if they start sending you pics without you even asking, thats even bett er. Bonus alpha points if you dont respond. If she bugs you you didnt even comment on m y pics, reply with nice.

20. on November 2, 2012 at 12:54 am Running Brave He probably had Chris Hansons assistant on the other end lol Or even worse.Boob Futrelle using some chicks pic. 21. on November 2, 2012 at 1:22 am Poetry I want to punch the source poster. His lack of command of basic punctuation make s my eyes bleed. Ive sent nude pictures once, to a boyfriend who was in the adult industry so I kn ew it wouldnt be a thing even if we went up in flames which we didnt. The closest thing of those listed above (including the comments) that would poss ibly convince me is a request for nude photos to prove to the guys that hes banging someone attractive. I like making my partners look good. on November 2, 2012 at 1:32 am Anon Who cares, slut? on November 2, 2012 at 2:20 am Poetry Do me a favor. Ping me when you gather your brainmeats back into your skull. Oth erwise, youre worthless.

on November 2, 2012 at 1:33 am Anon Youre kinda ugly. on November 2, 2012 at 1:41 pm itsme check the aspect ratio on your pics, they look wrong stretched vertically. on November 2, 2012 at 3:31 pm Libertardian post them here or it didnt happen on November 2, 2012 at 4:22 pm Hugh G. Rection So what youre saying is I should just (pretend to) work in the adult industry?

22. on November 2, 2012 at 1:44 am Anonymous The first nudies Ive ever sent anyone were to Chateau Heartiste. :$ 23. on November 2, 2012 at 2:17 am aspic So here is a question I have been wrestling with for a while: Are all women INHERENTLY immoral? (no, not inspired by the topic at hand) on November 2, 2012 at 2:29 am Poetry Inherently? Youre asking if immorality is an inseparable part of being a woman? Im going to skip a few steps here, as I am jet-lagged as fuck. As the only true difference between men and women is biology, everything else bein g a social construct as shown by matriarchal societies and other cultures where sex (male, female, or hermaphroditic) takes on the social customs that one is ra ised in youre basically asking if there is a biological predisposition to immorali ty.

When immorality itself is a social construct. It would be best for you to define what behaviors you are titling immoral before asking such a question, as each person has different views of what is immoral a nd to what level an act is immoral. Then work from there. on November 2, 2012 at 7:26 am Heywood Jablome Oh, good grief. immorality itself is a social construct. Next youll assert that theres no such thing as truth. on November 2, 2012 at 9:59 am Anonymous This. If you took a man who lived alone his entire life I doubt he would not be able t o tell the difference between an immoral and a moral act. on November 2, 2012 at 12:51 pm wingwoman Morality (from the Latin moralitas manner, character, proper behavior) is the diff erentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are good (o r right) and those that are bad (or wrong). The philosophy of morality is ethics . A moral code is a system of morality (according to a particular philosophy, re ligion, culture, etc.) and a moral is any one practice or teaching within a mora l code. Morality may also be specifically synonymous with goodness or rightness. Imm orality is the active opposition to morality (i.e. opposition to that which is g ood or right), while amorality is variously defined as an unawareness of, indiff erence toward, or disbelief in any set of moral standards or principles.[1][2][3 ][4] An example of a moral code is the Golden Rule which states that, One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.[5] on November 2, 2012 at 2:36 pm Anonymous Your point? on November 4, 2012 at 7:26 pm Heywood Jablome Annnnnd so what?

on November 2, 2012 at 9:10 am C tits or gtfo on November 2, 2012 at 1:05 pm Darius Jackson How you feel about niggers?? All dat social construck shit

on November 2, 2012 at 12:51 pm wingwoman Theres nothing inherently immoral about naked pictures. 1) It harms nobody. 2) Its not always sexual. 3) Context is everything.

24. on November 2, 2012 at 7:29 am walawala

This is easier than you think. Some of my experiences: Its easier with girls Ive met on OK Cupid who are 30 or younger, usually 26-23. Secondly, i usually adopt a sexual frame off the top. After we swap photos, I usually say Me: Interesting, you look too innocent. Her: Innocent? Me: Yah then take it from there. Also in some cases if the girl asks for a Ful body shot and you send something fro m the waist down, they usually send a bikini pic. Or heres another approach that worked with a 21 year old I met on OK Cupid whom I never did meet in person but who sent me a series of photos of her in tight dre sses and finally neglige. Me: What are you wearing? Her: Pyjamas Me: Hello Kitty? Her: No, lingiere ME: Photo sends photo. on November 2, 2012 at 9:53 am Wolfie65 If any of the chicks I see on OKCupid sent me naked pics, Id have to get my eyes professionally cleaned.

25. on November 2, 2012 at 7:32 am Kenny OT: What do the Jezebeller feminists think of violence against men? Have a look for yourself. I suggest spreading this link far and wide: 55792 26. on November 2, 2012 at 8:24 am Kenny on November 2, 2012 at 1:45 pm itsme id like to see how many of these women actually have silhouettes that look like t he ones in the banner at the top of the page. on December 25, 2012 at 7:47 am Fascinated is so bizarre to me that I have to wonder if it is an astroturf sit e aimed at fanning the flames at the war between the sexes. (Did I just date mysel f?) The current post is a phone number a woman can give out to a guy and when he calls it he will be rejected by Siri. The sidebar ad is for a how to keep him from pulling away, bs. Really sad state of affairs. I would hope that anyone, male or female, doing the rejecting, would want to be as kind as possible. Just bizarre .

27. on November 2, 2012 at 11:46 am oyea For all I know, every girl is dying for an audience. The trick is to give her go od enough an excuse.

28. on November 2, 2012 at 12:56 pm wingwoman Ask and you shall receive (a lot of time anyway). Its not really that complicated . Basically flirt and ask. If shes willing to send pictures shed probably rather f uck you then be taking pictures. 29. on November 2, 2012 at 2:04 pm hiphopanonamous LOL -AGREESawarding-120-000.html 30. on December 21, 2012 at 7:16 pm rodny Im look for a woman 31. Comments are closed. Pages About Alpha AssessmentSubmissions Beta Of The Year ContestSubmissions Dating Market Value Test ForMen Dating Market Value Test ForWomen The Sixteen Commandments OfPoon Twitter Updates @bryan_caplan @tylercowen are you happy that a foe of your open borders nutjobbe ry has been vanquished? Do you feel like... the good man? 15hoursago Jason Richwine, innocent victim of another Cathedral witch hunt. Score a win for the lying liars. The reckoning day ropes tighten... 15hoursago RT @michellemalkin: This is a travesty. MT @politico Heritage announces resignat ion of Jason Richwine, co-author of report critical of immi 15hoursago Darwin award winner. Didnt VDH say copper thieves are running rampant in Mexifornia? 15hoursago Even when strong-willed reactionaries dont apologize, leftoids will lie that th ey apologized because its all about ego victories for them. 16hoursago RT @ReactionaryRvw: John Derbyshire Responds To A Foul LibelHes Been Accused Of Apologizing! 16hoursago Recent Comments Matthew King on Great Scenes Of Game In The Mo Matthew King on Great Scenes Of Game In The Mo Matthew King on Great Scenes Of Game In The Mo Matthew King on Great Scenes Of Game In The Mo Matthew King on Great Scenes Of Game In The Mo Martin on What Will The World Look Like Matthew King on Great Scenes Of Game In The Mo Martin on What Will The World Look Like Tilikum on What Will The World Look Like

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