All The Right Moves With A Girl

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The documents provide various advice related to dating and relationships, including how to ask someone out, handle rejection, and get to know someone better.

Advice includes asking a woman out casually for coffee or a bite to eat later in the week and asking for her number afterwards. It's also suggested to relax and not put too much investment or pressure on any single interaction.

If rejected, it's advised to not take it personally and move on. It's also suggested to persist politely if the rejection is not definitive and to invite getting to know each other better in a warm, low-pressure setting like getting hot chocolate.

They got all the right

Bullshit. The gameis played with lies. And most people do fall in love
with lies more easily than with truth. This is why the most honest
people are usually super-single.
Then they aren't your soul mate. Stop pining over someone who doesn't want you back and won't take
the gamble on your happiness and instead empower yourself and find someone better. Guarantee that
when you find someone who treats you well, knows how to be romantic and puts you first, then you'll
know what a soulmate is.
Sorry but you do not find a soul mate. You meet someone you love and then through working together
you become soul mates.reain
A girl once asked me, "Where will you spend this long weekend?" I said "I've no plan yet.
What about you?" "Me neither..." I asked "Wanna hang out?" "Eh...I guess not I'm lazy to
go out" wtf right? response, assuming that was exactly what she said. her questions to
you still can't considered as a hint that she want to spend her weekend with you.
@kwisikwusi It kinda makes sense. I can picture it, she says "I love u" hoping for a "I love u too" or a
kiss. He hesitates, she feels insecure. He asks her "wanna go out" and now she feels exposed, her
insecurities flashing up, and declines
Well First of all, all my respect for telling a women how you really feel for her. Most men arent even
capable of doing that. Secondly, if she really has so much work to do, its better for both of you to not
be together at the moment. Technically she didnt say "NO! I dont want you" so you might(!!!!!) still have
a Shot at this. If your feelings for that woman are so strong, keep trying... If they are not, its better to
move on. Stay strong buddy, you sir, are awesome!

Acesta fa si primul capitol dintr-un lung studio intitulat Ce ar fi trebuit sa faci cu
fata aceea.
Probabil voi abandona dupa primele zile, dar macar sa imi scot idea asta din
-cand ai sunat-o sa-ti declare interesul, sentimentele, atractia, discursul lui
Gabriel era de respectat, dar meditand la greseala aceea ( ea razand pe la
anumite fraze) permite-mi sa-ti reformulez intr-un mod mai e act, elegant si
efficient declaratia :

Cea ce am vrut sa-ti spun de fapt e .heh(pauza scurta) Scuze, ce aveam de

gand sa fac era sa-mi declar sentimentele ca un prescolar, dar mi-am dat seama
ca amandoi am deposit de mult faza asta, mult probabil as fi parut daca nu copil,
macar penibil chiar trist. (alta pauza scurta)
Sa facem asa, daca am interpretat catusi de putin bine semnalele care mi le-ai
dat, as intelege ca si tie iti place sa petreci timpul impreuna la fel de mult ca
mine, asa ca voi face toata situatia foarte usoara: Pe Luni pe Marti, dupa ore, te
invit sa luam pranzul la mol, apoi ne mai ratacim pe acolo, vorbim, ne cunoastem
mai bine, etc. si la sfarsitul intalniri dup ace am vazut amandoi cum este celalalt
in afara facultati, vedem daca are rost sa mergem mai departe. Eu nu sunt un tip
present sau greu de cap, daca imi spui simplu ca nu, asa ramane, poate tot ce as
mai vrea ar fi sa nu stergem de tot relatia de prietenie colegiala, dar vedem noi
atunci. (insereaza pe acolo un Mai esti cu mine?)
Deci ramane asa?
Suna mai bine nu? Putin persuasive, sufficient de revelator pentru personalitatea
ta, clar, concis,sic el mai important, increzator. In situatia de sus nu prea conta ce
ar fi raspuns.tu ti-ai facut datoria ca indragostit, mascul, si luptator.
Sa incercam sa o rezolvam mai bine data viitoare, da?
Partea II
In primele voastre intrevederi, anume partea cand ea te-a ghidat spre casa, ai
observant ca i era usor frig, aici ai fi putut folosi miscarea lui Gabriel ( a ta a fost
Ti-e frig? Vrei sa-ti dau hanoracul meu? Nu (usor amuzat) ) Pur si simplu il
dadeai jos, si il infasurai pe umeri ei, gest ce ar fi spus Protector, increzator,
observant, si simpatic.
Sa facem asa data viitoare, da amice?
In filme, de obicei, se invita tipa la Wanna go out sometime, alright then Ill call
you and well see from there, preiei numarul, suni, invite, distrezi. Wanted to
know what night you could be free. In case they got a kid, do a magic trick for
them, behind your ear.

Partea III
Iti mai amintesti scenariul de la tineret Betel, unde tipa blonda isi nota asemena
tie franturi din predica? Ei bine, daca te apropriai ceva de ea, replica de
deschidere sau macar de a-ti face prezenta remarcata era urmatoarea : Iti dau
un like in realitate, pentru ce faci acuma, si eu obisnuiesc sa iau notite din
predica pe telefon, macar asa ne asiguram ca ramanem cu ceva si pe alte
zile/mai tarziu.
Sau : Trebuie sa-ti spun, respect pentru ce faci acuma,si eu..

Part IV
Prima penetrare e vizuala-Florin 2014.

Never a falilure, always a lesson.

Hai iesim in ferestre, nu mai pierdem vrema prin facultate.
Ftele nu vor tipi disperati.

Part I
What you are describing is actually in a book called The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida. In
one of the chapters, he writes that a woman will make her decisions based on what feels right, but will
sometimes want the masculine perspective to see all possible options and outcomes for a more well
rounded decision. Even if she goes against his analysis, if the man doesn't supply her with this, she
will lose attraction in the long run. "what women really want to hear is what is going on in your mind"
as long as that's e actly what she actually thinks you should think
Part II
True. Chicks actually WANT to be friends with guys. They just haven't yet realized it doesn't work
Hmm, let me e plain it for you "themaddoofer": what Erica means is that a girl also likes to make male
friends, not just female. And you know, there are a lot of people who seem to confuse friendship with
love. You may not be part of the case, but most of the people do this. That's because people tend to
be an asshole even more each day, so common courtesy and a nice talking are now seen as some
rarity or as flirting. Of course, I'm generalizing, I know not all people are like this.
1) Don't te t your feelings
2) Don't wait three weeks. If you like her, ask. Being rejected gives you a chance to move on to
some one that likes you
3) t's not that you asked, it's who you asked. A real women will take your feelings seriously and
treat you with respect, even if she doesn't reciprocate them.
When i told my crush she made out with a good friend of mine in front of me. Kill her with fire
before she lays eggs my good sir.
You can't tell her how you feel, you have to show it to her with actions. I tried it and now I have the
girl I've been dreaming of.
He can't even tell her, he wrote it via sms or chat message... even picking up the phone and
actually telling her would be an improvement
I told a guy I would like to hang out with him and he replied "ha that's random"
A guy once askes me out and I panicked and said "I'll think about it". Only later did my friend e
plain that "I'll think about it" means no.
Stop blaming him for sending a te t confessing his love. Maybe it was childlish as you may think,
but this is our world now, people before used letters, notes..etc. He gave her a msg, she should
have understood that maybe he is too nervous to say in in her face. She could have just ask him
to meet her now and say how he truly feels, and then she responds or just send a nice msg. Half
of you here complain about the friendzone and how you are not able to confess. At least he did it,

These comments are all correct you should not have used a te t but show it with actions. I bought
a bo and went to my crush. She asked what was in the bo . I opened it to show her how i felt. So
what was in the bo ? You took a shit in the bo didn't you? Nope, just like this OP he will think you
laugh at him for e pressing his feelings. Two things could happen 1) he'll never speak to you again
2) he'll try to be friends knowing you will never like him.
Reply her "sorry wrong number LoL"
To the writer of the "lol" message: You want society to be filled with people with ASPD, depression,
an iety, social phobias, other mental disorders and generally miserable? Because congrats, you're
contributing to the best of your ability. B*tch Sincerely, someone who has studied psychology.
Its ok bro, you'll fins someone better, she didnt deserve you. And fuck all of you for Boeing
inconsiderate assholes "uh you shouldnt te t your feelings, we're so special" maybe he's too shy or
he just had to tell her. You guys fucking make me sick
Still better than "K"
And now you know what the fuck is she.... So there is always a bright side.
Chances are there's another guy with a crush on her. He was with her, had her phone, te t arrived,
he sent te t to discourage him and promptly deleted it. Pretty sure that's what I would do.
Te ting is the only option if she lives far away from him. Unless you e pect him to call her or
something. I was in that position once and we never talked on the phone or webcammed, just
rarely saw each other personally on vacation and te ted constantly.
Was about to comment the e act same thing
I may be a generation older than the author but I confessed my feelings to a guy via an internet
communicator when I was 16 or so. It was cowardly, immature and stupid, but teenagers are like
that. So give the guy a break, I'm sure none of you is perfect. Still, maybe she wouldn't have the
guts to laugh in his face if he told her in person. And it would hurt less
You didn't even think they might have met online? How is he supposed to tell her then? Travel for
few hours just to hear "lol" in response?
Methinks she's got absolutely no idea how to react.
Part III
I think any guy that "hits on me" is a creep. Its way less creepy and admirable to just talk to each
other like normal people and get to know each other. When a guy hits on me it's just because he
thinks I'm pretty not because he knows me. It's way more flattering and less perverted to be flirted
with when you know they know your personality and like that too. Here's a little free advice boys,
without the dumb mallard.
But what happens if the guy finds you pretty and wants to get to know you but you send him away
because you think he is hitting on you?
There's way too many pretty girls out there. I guess act like you just want to be friends first. Girls
don't want to know right away that you are just talking to her based on her looks and that's what
hitting on her implies. Even if you plan on getting to know her later. Girls usually get to know guys
first then decide if they like them based on their looks etc. Guys tend to do it the opposite way and
it makes girls feel like an object because it's like making how she looks the main priority.
he whole friend zone" thing is crap. If you have what she's is looking for she'll like you end of story.
My boyfriend and I were friends first then he told me he liked me. Besides you don't actually have
to be best friends first. We are talking about the initial few conversations whether or not you should
"hit on" or not.

The point is to not "hit on her" just act normal. When I guys hit on me I think "why is he talking to
me like he "likes" me already. He doesn't even know me. I feel like it's more awkward if you flirt
with a girl because she is cute then stop saying flattering things and talking to her because you
realize her personality sucks. The girl will feel like why doesn't he like me anymore what happend?
He seemed really eager when we first met.
I understand your point, you want guys to hit on you but not the way everyone knows, you want
them to know you and your personality rather than hit on your looks. I get it. It makes sense, so
there won't be any kind of surprises after you get into a relationship.
A girls know whether or not she will go to bed with you within the first five seconds of conversation.
After that, all guys need to to is not mess it up.
E ACTLY. Not a lot of guys realize that. I'm turned off right away with a guy who hits on me who
only knew me like a week ago, or less. He obviously only wants the physical thing, and I don't
want that. It's not sweet. We should get to know each other first, and I should be comfortable
around you, BEFORE you even hit on me, otherwise it's just gonna be awkward. Well, I guess
some people just want everything served on their doorstep right away.
And I was talking about being hit on like that day. I feel like a week of talking and hanging out is
okay. It's pushing it but it just depends on how well you are clicking.
Attractiveness is not really how most of the girls I know gauge creepiness... It's how you treat
women, your posture, your speech patterns, and your mannerisms. It's less about what you look
like and more about how you act, and that is why you think it's your looks.
Because how you carry yourself can be judged before you speak just as much as looks can.
no, if we're not interested we say so
So do we... We actually say it nicer too.
Just because one girl was a bitch to you doesn't mean all girls are, and just because your a nice
guy doesn't mean all guys are.
do you want to know a secret? girls think that you are atractive if you show confidence in yourself.
i'm like. you are a 7 i'm a 10, you would be lucky if you date me
You do realize that attractiveness is sth you can change? Do sport, get in shape, eat healthy,
shower daily, get your hair done, put on some makeup AND PUT ON A SMILE. Do effort on your
appearance like the pretty people and get a pretty partner. You can even better your chances if
you set RL future goals and follow them. Gaming WOW all night and whining won't get you ms/mr
Some people need to grow the fuck up. When you walk over to the girl and you are trembling in
fear and you are speaking in a squeaking voice tone, of course she will think you are a creep
regardless of what you are saying. If you show confidence and your body language is saying "Hey,
I am real", then not only the chances of her liking you are 100 times better, but the worst thing that
can happen is she politely declines. If she still says things like this, she's a bitch so not your loss

Learn from the mistakes of others kid, add your own, and what to do
ne t?
With those eyes of yours see all the right moves for your girl.

Part IV
The moment you think your partner is your whole fucking world, you're expendable while she's
irreplaceable. Then you start doing shit that you feel would keep her around you even though you're
just a speck of dust compared to her. You'll start doing her every bidding until she realize that she
wants a lover, not a manservant who solely exist to scratch her back where she couldn't reach. She's a
human, you are too. Stop worshiping each other and start lovin' the shit out of each other, noobs.

We did have cookies. I'm not one to ask someone over to get dirty. Things just developedcookies are
obviously problem creators since you are a parent now ver heard about children NOT born by
accident? rektI once asked a cute young man over for cookies, and that was a good enough signal I
guess. That was 10 years ago, we're now parents. See? Cookies are problemsolvers, use them.

Nu mai fi incordat, fi moale, nu-ti mai da umeri in fata, lasa, adopta o atitudine
pozitiva si, poti sa-i spui asa, foarte frumos.
Ioana, n-as vrea sa traiesc cu gandul ce ar fi fost daca asa ca. ce
voiam sa zic defapt, imi esti draga, acum bine inteles tu poti sa intelegi,
ca imi placi, mmm, n-am de unde sa stiu daca e chiar asa sau nu, dar imi
esti draga aa, indifferent de abodarea aceasta, de gestul pe care il fac,
nu vreau sa-l intelegi ca pe un avans sau.o modalitate de a ma da la
tine , pur si simplu o fac pentru ca tin la tine. Motivu pentur care tin
daca e sa ma intrebi, nu stiu, felul tau de afi, caracterul, simtul

umorului. Si imi place sa stau de vorba cu tine, nu stiu cum ma vezi tu,,
dare u te vad ca pe o buna prietena si si vreau sa te cunosc mai bine,
binenteles fara sa par a fi present, cu conditia sa imi spui daca sunt
prea direct, sau poate chair prea disperat.
Cu timpu eu, ca orice baiat, s-ar putea sa ma indragostesc de tine, si
poate tu n-ai sa vrei sau nu esti pregatita sau eu stiu, nu ne potrivim,
chiar daca nu ma accepti, eu nu vreau sa te pierd, decat sa pierd o
prietenie frumoasa din cauza unei indragosteli, prefer sa raman macar
cu una,. Chiar daca nu se poate mai mult, macar prieteni. d

Acum, nu sunt genul de om autoritar sau present, asa ca voi lasa totul
aici, am spus in principal ce am avut de spus, si iti multumesc foarte
frumos ca m-ai ascultat.
Nu stiu, poate sa sune chiar a disperare, dar nu e deloc asa..(i spui cazu
pentru ca ea ca fata, oricum se gandeste, ba asta bate in disperare i spui, ca
poate sa sune a disperat asa din prima, i spui, ca) ca nici macar nu stiu cum
ma vezi tu,, dare u te vad ca pe o buna prietena si imi esti foarte draga,
(cum i spui tu, din doar intalniri in clasa, sip e hol, Ioana sti ce, pfai is disperat, nu
pot,, cum i spui.i greu asa daca, o luai incetu cu incetu asa cum am spus eu, sa
o scoti intai sa vorbiti, blah 3. Spui e act cum ti-am spus eu, i spui, ti draga,nu
sti cum sa i spui ca sa nu sune a disperare,, nu stiu cum sa-ti zic ca sa
nu crezi drept obsesie sau saa ma crezi disperat, poate par a fi dar si
spui, poate par a fi eu mai disperat asa mai sobru mai asa sunt eu nah, si spui,
..-chiar tre sa i ceri ceva, un raspuns,, i ceri prietenia,..vrei sa fim prieteni?
.. i spui ca esti asa mai incuiat de felul tau si gata,, i spui ca esti mai incuiat sit i
draga, .i spui ca esti singura fata la care nu pot sa-i spun un lucru clar, pana
Incerci sa nu te utiti prea atent in ochi ei,, ca daca te uiti atent, nu-i bine,, te uiti
asa, te uiti un pic, apleci privirea, nu te uiti pe pereti,, in st, in dreapta, te uiti in
jos daca e dar nu la picioarele ei, sau la ass, boule,
Nu poti sa-i spui ca iti place de ea, e prea obsesiv din prima,

Check these out, cover them.
Here's just some of the things you'll learn in the book:
*The #1 Thing Women Are Attracted To (If you don't learn this you'll never attract hot women) Page 25
*3 Vocal Tones and when to use them and when not to page 65
*E actly what you should do before you get a girlfriend page 17
*How to increase your se appeal in under an hour page 46
*3 Secret Conversation Rules Most Men Will Screw Up page 60
*How To Start A Conversation With A Woman In A Way That Engages Her Emotions - page 68

*The C4 System For E ploding Your Game In Record Time page 55

*The 2 Types Of Eye Contact That Send Women Running For The Hills And How To Avoid Them page 89
*How To Showcase Strong Masculine Body Language (get this right and women will be naturally attracted to
you without you doing anything) -page 87
*Why Getting Into A "Feel Good State" Will Help Your Overcome Approach An iety forever! - page 99
*The C.S.Q. Conversational Model (Use this and you'll NEVER have to use another routine again) - page 67
*How to never run out of things to say using a little known conversational technique page 70
*How To Keep Out Of The Dreaded "Friends Zone"- page 78
*6 Simple Secrets Of Physical Escalation page 80
*3 Steps To Getting A Woman's Phone Number page 180
*10 Kick-ass Te ting Secrets To Get Her Responding + 2 real life e amples of successful te t conversations
page 114
*9 Convert Te ts Messages To Start A Conversation page 120
*How To Create Dates That Make Her Want To See You Again page 127
*16 Must Know Seduction Secrets That Get Your Laid And Overcome Resistance In The Bedroom - page 141
Plus, you'll also receive pictures of good and bad body language, stylish clothes, good and bad eye contact and

3 Signs That Youre Not A Confident Man

By Andy Anderson
Over the years I've talked with hundreds of women.
One of my favorite things is to ask what annoys them most about men.
Often times their answers are very similar.
Coincidence or pattern? HmmmI'll lean towards pattern. Let's dive
into the most common ones I have heard:
1) It annoys me when men don't lead.
So true. One of the most important things you need to learn is to LEAD!
The secret truth is that women LOVE IT when men take charge. It's e tremely powerful. It's a sign that you're a
man in control and not the little boy they're used to seeing. It's a trait that only confident men posses.
Scenario #1: You're in a bar talking to two women. They are best friends. You start the conversation. You
transition with ease. Everything is going great. You feel like a pimp.
Suddenly something happens

They get into their own conversation. What do you do? Allow them to continue the conversation or get the
attention back on you and LEAD?
HMMMI'll take the latter.
You need to regain control and steer the conversation so it works for you, not against you.
Scenario #2: You're out on a date. This girl is smokin hot. Big boobs. Tall. Blonde hair. Lawyer.
You're e cited to say the least. You meet up at a local bar. She looks like a million bucks.She asks you what you
and her are doing tonight. You say: "I don't know. What do you want to do?"
Women want you to lead with a plan. Even if you don't have one.
Right answer: "It's a surprise but you'll love it. Come this way"
Learn that it's YOUR job to lead her all the time. So start leading and you'll start seeing more success. It's as cut
and dry as that.
2) It annoys me when men comply with EVERYTHING I say.
Oh my lord. I'm about to fly off the handle! You should know by now that women test men all the time. It never
ends. Even if you get into a relationship with them.
It's their way of testing your strength as a man. Men that comply with everything a woman wants are total
The real fact of the matter is that she doesn't want you to comply all the time. Deep down she wants you to create
a little bit of anarchy. A guy with real confidence has his own opinions and ideas and is not afraid to e press
them. Even if they do not match what the womans.
Hint: Healthy Anarchy = Attraction
Scenario #1: You approach a woman and open in a bar. 5 minutes pass and she tells you she has to go the
bathroom. She wants you to hold her beer and wait for her until she gets back.
What do you do?
Wussbag: "Ok. I'll wait here for you."
Dude who causes anarchy: "Wellfirst you've got to give me a decent hug and then I'll see what I can do."
You then get the hug. Hold the beer and then strike up a conversation with either another group or girl nearby.
Don't stand around waiting like a tool.
Remember: If she puts up a hoop for you to jump through, make her jump through your hoop first, and then you
can go through hers.
3) It annoys me when men don't say anything interesting.
When a woman says this she actually means that most men don't make her FEEL anything.

You may know that it's not about what you say, but more about how you say it. Now if you know my game, I
don't really say anything groundbreaking to women. Most of my power comes from the way I say the most
mundane of things.
I learned this along time ago and it's gotten me laid more times that I can count.
Recently I was challenged one night to go out and the only thing I was aloud to discuss was how freakin cool
Star Trek was.
So I ponied up and accepted the challenge. Guess what? It worked like gangbusters!
I was able to put EMOTION behind everything I said. I was able to talk about how cool Warf was from the ne t
generation. How I thought the remake was amazing. And how I believed Voyager was the worst. It didn't matter,
that I was talking about something nerdy because I could make her FEEL what I was saying.
That being saidyou need to speak to her emotions. It's CRUCIAL if you ever want to become successful with
Now if you can talk about everything like it's the coolest thing ever AND you have something interesting to
sayman that's even more powerful.
3 Proven Tricks For Sparking Attraction
By Andy Anderson


Hello Andy, I heard about you from a friend that's taken one of your live coaching programs and has had
amazing success. After seeing how much more confident he is with women I had to find out what he was doing.
He told me to sign-up for your newsletter first. I like what I've read so far and even implemented one of the tips
from your last email. I honesty feel 20 times more confident than I have in years!
I have a question I was hoping you could help me out with. I think one of my main problems is causing
attraction and I really have no clue how to do it. When I'm interacting with a woman I feel like I'm talking about
good stuff, but no attraction is happening. Any direction would be helpful.
How to cause attraction is not an easy thing to e plain, because there's so many ways to spark it in a woman. Like
my dad says, "there's more than one way to skin a cat!"
He is completely right. So the best way I can help you is by giving you some practical tips and tricks.
1) Your Presentation
I've worked a lot on my presentation and it is something I am continuing perfecting and e perimenting with. So
what is presentation? Fashion and grooming of course.
Before I got into all this fun attraction hoopla, I had ZERO interest in fashion. But when I finally took some
interest and changed my appearance guess what? GIRLS STARTED TO RESPOND POSITIVELY TO ME.
As I noticed this I suddenly saw the value in fashion and grooming. Remember that when you walk through the
door, you're immediately being judged on your presentation. You can be ruled out as a potential partner if you
don't have your fashion and grooming down.


Women notice shoes more than anything else. So invest in a nice pair of stylish shoes. GO to Aldo or Nordstrom
Rack to find some hot dress shoes with style and flair. In a survey recent women said all they wanted in a man
were two things . For him to be NORMAL and to have nice shoes:)
Funny, but true. You can learn to cause se ual attraction without having to do jack squat,by simply dressing and
grooming yourself well.
2) The Way You Speak
Speaking as fast as a bullet train will do NOTHING to cause attraction. In fact it will make you LESS appealing.
The real trick is to speak slow as molasses. I mean half the speed you think you should be. There's something
VERY hypnotic, confident and calming about it. It sucks her in and makes her feel good.
Some guys don't believe me until they see me do it to a girl. Then they are believers for life!
3) Solid Eye Contact
Looking into her eyes from the moment you meet is a way to communicate that you're confident and that you're
When you interact with a woman look at her as if you're saying "I love you," without actually saying the words
aloud. If you add a slight smirk or smile it becomes even more powerful. If you're the type of guy that has darty
eye contact and is looking all over the place, she will feel like you're not paying attention to her and will
turn off.
If you go out there and use these 3 proven tricks for sparking attraction you will be well on your way to sparking
massive attraction.
1. Ask yourself "Why do I want a girlfriend?"
It's important to take a step back and ask yourself this pivotal question.
Do you want a girlfriend because you think it will make your life a million times better? Do you want a
girlfriend to fill a void? Do you want a girlfriend so you can share epic adventures?
What is it? Be honest with yourself.
Take the time to list out a couple compelling reasons why. They are your motivators.
They are your gas that drives your car and gives you the juice to move forward. Without them, this goal will just
end up being like another unfulfilled new years resolution.
2. Learn the basics of approaching women.
If you want a scorching hot girlfriend, you're going to have to get out there and proactively meet her. That
means, yes, you're going to need some tools in your bat belt to get the job done.
If you're like I was, you're probably nervous as hell about the thought of strolling up to an attractive woman,
starting a conversation, and walking away with her number. Back in the day, it just seemed like a pipe dream to
But I'm telling you, it's far from that.

Commit right here and now to learning how to approach women. You can no longerwait for women to fall from
the sky onto your lap. You can no longer wait for a beautiful woman to approach you. You can no longer wait to
hook up with one of the girls in your social circle. It's just too limited, takes too damn long, and you're probably
already in the "friend zone."
It's time to take immediate action!
If you learn how to approach, you'll finally have a enormous amount of selection with women. That my friend,
makes getting a girlfriend you actually like much easier.
3. Put yourself out there more.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you want a girlfriend in your life you're going to have to step out of your
comfort zone and throw some lures in the
It's the only way you'll ever have a chance of getting a fish to bite.
The sad truth is that most men who desire a girlfriend don't even put one lure in the water! They just sit around
feeling sorry for themselves and wonder why it just hasn't happened for them. It's the victim mentality.
When in all actuality, it's just because they never go fishing!
Truth: Women don't know you e ist until you put yourself in front of them and introduce yourself. You have to be
your own marketer. You have to put yourself on more selves so you become visible!
4. Learn how to create se ually e citing dates.
A lot of guys learn to approach and put themselves out there, and they start reeling in numbers that lead to dates.
The problem is they have no idea how to create se ually e citing dates that make a woman beg for more.
Instead, they do what every other chump does. They go out on dinner and movies dates. They sit and have boring
conversations. And then, they wonder why the girl won't come out on a second date with them.
Isn't is obvious?
Commit to learning how to create se ually e citing dates.
5. Learn what really turns women on.
If you want a girlfriend, you must learn how to continually evoke positive emotions into her. You're going to
have to present a MAN to her and not a little boy. You're going to have to learn what women are naturally drawn
to. Once you learn these little known secrets, getting a girlfriend will become easy.

"Even if the air is fake, I feel like I'm breathing" -Me You're beautiful

. Just take her to the park by the lake, and bring lots of rope, a large plastic bag and some kind of
heavy object...

Here is a little story: back in high school I had a crush on a girl, but she was head over heels for this
douchebag. I asked her out, she said no. So, I moved on with my life, dated many other girls, and
enjoyed my life not being an obsessed little bitch. I dont understand all these memes, unless they are
all from junior high kids who dont understand how many people are out there to choose from.
I don't think you understand how hard it is for some people to just move on. It could be the opposite of
what you just said. Maybe they fell in love, dated, connected on a different level than anyone he's ever
met and then one day she just moved on. Leaving this poor bastard alone, heart broken and weak.
Some people were taught to hold on to your first love. And when that bond breaks it becomes the most
painful thing in the world.
understand what you are saying, and it does suck loving someone and having it end. What I was
talking about was all these friendzone posts and lame whining for attention. We all have that special
someone that we would have given up everything for, but when it ends, that is it. You can wallow in the
pain, or move on with your life. I promise you they have.
how can you move on man? The way I look at is this; your brain thinks about the person constantly,
your heart hurts because you think about her. The more you try and move on, the more it hurts. It
takes time. And that's one thing we all have is so much of is time. Some people take days, others
months, few take years. I know people say "just move on" but honestly, how do you move on from
something you put so much effort into? So much time? It's not easy for some of us to pick up an go
So here's another story: I fell deeply in love with a good friend of mine in college; I was 20 years old
and had never been in love before. Unfortunately he already had a wonderful girlfriend. We remained
friends for four years and I was very unhappy during those years. I know I should have told him the
truth earlier, but I was too scared. But people make mistakes. Then after four years he got engaged to
her and it broke my heart all over again.
So I confessed, wished him the best, and we ended our friendship. Even though we are out of touch, I
still care deeply for him and wish him nothing but the best; I've tried moving on, dated other guys,
traveled around the world, but I still harbor strong and loving feelings for him.
I don't think that makes me a whiny little bitch. It just means that my feelings for him are/were sincere
and deep and that it will take more than just a few random dates to get over it. Bottom line: don't
trivialize other people's heartaches. Rejection is part of the human experience and we all deal with
All right listen here you 12 year old little shits. I am ten billion times weirder and more antisocial than
you will ever be and can barely even make friends, and even I have been able to find five or six people
willing to date me in the 5ish years since high school. Not even hot. Yeah it hurts when your first love
ends, but so fucking what? Follow Tyrion's advice and use the pain as armor (NOT that you little kids
should be watching GOT). There are a jillion fish in the sea even if you're gross.
Oh yeah? Every girl in my class runs away from me when i get close. Literally. If they notice I'm within
1 meter, they will move out. It's like I have this invisible shield. I'm almost 30 and I haven't even dated
one girl. You heard that right, not sex, not kiss, date. Though i'm kinda rich now, I have that going for
me, which is nice.
Not a competition bud
Shave shower workout eat right Take care of yourself You have to be joking.
Ten billion times, bitch. And I'm simply trying to get pussies to stop complaining. Maybe afterward you
can teach them how to deepthroat a black guy's cock.
All right listen slutbag, if you want to be so free with the insults why don't you put up what your real
face looks like so we can inform you how fucking ugly you are. Then perhaps you will finally stop
struggling with self-confidence and realize the bitter truth instead of being vicious to people on the

internet and giving blowjobs in the men's room of bars for an appletini. And then maybe make up for
being such a horrible bitch by turning your sluttiness to a good cause and banging ugly dudesOh look
you changed it...still hideous, or as far as I can tell beneath the Joker makeup and all the hair dye.
What are you, like 12? Don't you have some homework to do? Just because mommy won't let you go
to your friend's birthday party because you got a B on your test doesn't mean you can take it out on
people on the internet, sweetheart. Maybe she's just trying to help you not grow up to be a stripper,
though you sure do have the makeup and hair for it. God, why are British girls such skanks?
You should write a book, 'How to Look Like a Psychotic Creep on the Internet'. : Step One: come
across in the most childishly aggressive manner you possibly can and get angry over nothing or
something extremely trivial. Step Two: Target a random stranger and repeat Step One. Step Three:
Make particular references to this stranger's personality and physical appearance because, after all,
the playground insults never go out of fashion and you really have nothing else to use.
Step Four: Act as if this stranger actually gives one fuck over your 'opinions' by carrying the
nonsensical aggression on for at least a day (you have nothing better to do anyway.) Step Five:
Celebrate the fact you have now come across as a psychotic creep on the internet and have made
your mental instability known to others. JOB WELL DONE KOREAN JESUS, JOB WELL DONE.
Dayum! Forgot me popcorn...
ou need to WIN! Here, take all my upvotes and fucks! Take it all!!!
a few years ago i was fat and ugly. Almost every girl i know runs away. Even my own brother doesnt
wanted to hang out with me because i was weird as shit. I hated my life. But i started a change (i
asked God to help me). I started to workout, eat clean and meet as much people as i could. Now,
maybe 6 years later i am a goodlooking guy had a awesome time and much girls. Yea now i am Single
and have no time for friends (because of reasons) but life has ups and downs. but you can make a
change. Change your mind. Work your ass off and change your life dude.
Go one step back, go around the scissors, stab the guy, save the bitch, be happy until she gets her
period, then kill her and make love to your hand. I'm sure you open your legs like scissors
he was over you within three days cause any guy made a move on her? Her feelings for you must
have been strong. Forget about her and focus on what makes you confident and happy about yourself.
Everything else will come naturally. Stop looking for "the one" - just be patient, wait and concentrate on
your own happiness meanwhile. And don't wait forever to tell your next crush ;)
Its basically telling someone I'm sorry someone said I was pretty so were pretty much going out now.
Sorry for the rant had a girl like that once, so when I moved on to a different girl she suddenly said we
should date. Yeah relationships are complicated sometimes... But honestly probably not a good idea to
date a friend just because she acknowledged you.
you were simply rejected, I had a friend for 1 and a half year, like you, and she was dating some other
guy for two years, she broke up with him for me. . . that makes you alpha not being considerate and
think, oh if you just met a guy then it's okay
which idiot would stand in between a giant scissors? why not roll back and throw a rock at it?
one day someone will come into your life and thank that girl/boy for leaving you behind and
she/he will prove to you that true love really exist. just wait. i know it takes time but someone
worth waiting is worth having

Part VI
All the right moves-With Char
-First 203 chats were alright: life, interests, have fun.
-Forced chat to move in despite obvious lack of subjects.
-Started to show you forced funny side of subjects to go on chat and result-You got lost

-Fix: 2 talks, lack of subject/interst=incoming phone call.

And dont talk about weather or about your lfie-to to lost in Tm.

Bonus: Pickup advice:

Girls love giving dating advice, so today were gonna use their own dating advice, back at them.
Excuse me, umm theres a girl I saw over there I saw she was cute but um Im not sure what to say to
her.-Please tell me your boyfriend treats you right, youre gorgeous.-Ill try that. ..-I really hope
your bf treats. (pause) I want your number.
Do you wanna maybe like grab a coffe?- Im actually late for class. Im really confused right now.
Im sorry I have a boyfriend I dont seriously have a boyfriend But uhm.-But youre drinking
coffe, we should go like hang out or
Youre really cute.- Thank you, what is going on?-We should hang out sometime. And then be like,
Can I get your number? Say that, it will work. This is my second time being stopped so.-Yeah you
are cute though.
Pretend you know her, be like-Dont I know you? Thats creappy, it worked on me!-Dont I know
you? Do we know each other?-Yeah I think so Whats your number?
Do you wanna go eat icecream in ace state.Introduce yourself, ask her for her number.-Michael, (hand shake) Can I get your number?
Usually Im not a guy who asks girls on dates but.-Hey you caught my eye, maybe we can hang
out. And I was just.wondering if you would like to meet up someday.
Im less scared now, thank you!
Introduce yourself, Hi Im like, ask her what her major is. If she goes to school here if she lives around
here.-Whats your major, do you go to school here? D-Do you live around here?
Maybe (Still advice part) we can get some coffe sometime-Do you wanna get a cofe sometime?

This is bullshit, a person who isnt in a relationship is the best person to go for for tips. Because he
doesnt have the emotional bullshit that you get when you're in a relationship. That means he/she can
see the problems more clearly and help resolve them. This is the same like saying: never go to an
psych without mental problems because he wont understand you.
Easy one. They want alpha-qualities. The subconcious selection-mechanisms are still the same as
100.000 years before. Ofc one has to adopt to nowadays requirements and social obligations, but at
last, being the alpha-monkey still makes her wet. And everything aside from procreation is just a
romantic farce. Once you realise how stupid that whole thing is, youll prefer to dont waste your time
with such a trivial matter.
The fuck

If there's one piece of love-related advice I can give it's this: No one is out of your league, and every
girl wants you to make the first move. If you get "rejected," it's because they couldn't handle your
Not sure if crush sends signals, or is friendly with every guy. Could be either. Easiest way to find out is
to watch how she acts around other guys.
Take of your top please-(meaning the bottle cap, the took off her blouse) Proof that woman like real
talk some time. she would seriously take her top off for a refill Wonder what she would do for a
Klondike bar!

Precisely why you don't have a girl yet. Don't tell a girl things that are expected of you. Its like going to
a store and buying a mop and the sales guy tells you "this mop can soak up water". Do what is
expected of you and go beyond with your gestures. All you're doing now is begging and yea.. That's
pretty impressive to a girl who like any other person needs someone to give them a sense of security.
Share food with you, send links of pictures I find funny, not get mad if you take the covers, always text
you back as soon as I can.
God, this shows that guys tend to care more about their size than girls do. The average size is about
5in, and anything longer than that is more of a disadvantage for the guy anyway. I mean, you can't go
balls deep without hurting her. And also, girth is far more pleasurable than length!!! A skinny 8in one
feels the same as a skinny 5in one because the rest of it can't go in! But anyway, no, you shouldn't
worry about your size. Instead, focus on the ways to please her in foreplay, oral, etc.

But that doesn't mean that you will succeed. IE tried it so many times on me...but I never gave it a
Some people do use it, so chances are greater than the scenario where you never ask.
You can be a bit shady about it. Just be all like, "Oh just this one girl who is <insert compliments
here>" and never say it's her. That way she'll never really know it's her. And you would be safe from
spilling the beans if she did friend zone you. She'll probably try to find out who it is, but just mess with
her. Never tell her that she's your crush. You gotta make sure the fish is biting before you reel it in.
Win-Win-Win-Situation: Answer with "Not as hot as you". First Win: You showed some dominance and,
most importantly, confidence by telling your bitch you find that bitch over there hot. Bitches love
Confidence. Second Win: You compared your bitch with the other bitch and evaluated all important
facts like boobs size, boobs size and, most importantly, boobs size. Bitches love smart Men. Third
Win: After evaluating you came to the conclusion, that your current bitch is hotter than the other bitch.
Bitches love appreciation

that is until you have tried sex then you'll want sex ... the game part is just a cool option
I don't want sex, and I tried it, but it is overrated.

well you didn't do it well then ... think about the shit that is to rise a kid ... now think about it when we
were in the center of the chain food ... if sex wasn't the greatest thing ever we would have disappeared

There are also other women who feel like that. Yes, there are. And all u have to do is not to find them,
but to man up and be the best guy that u can be, and then the fuckin universe and all the shitty stars
will form a fuckin line and then u and that woman will meet.. hiding behind your shower curtain...
@trats88- i have gotten over all this drama of not finding "the one". I am pretty happy the way things
are for me now
Stop thinking about meeting the right women. F*ck B*tches, get money dont. money and bitches dont
work well together. fuck regular girls they are less costy and you get to keep the cash.
Same issue, how? I don't understand. You are beautiful. maybe she's a pain in the ass, a jealous bitch
or ...or maybe not. Look is overrated... but yeah i mostly judge on look too. : People who tend to look
no further than the appearance are the ones who are the most shallow and that is the issue why
sometimes you can't get people to really even want to know you, they'll stop paying attention because
'you're not what they expected to be'. she's probably a raging lunatic devil woman.
its not about that you can't find somone , its either your mentality is not flowing with the
avarage crowed "for e.g : you are more into scientific and intelligent conversations" or that you
don't have much confidence in yourself which will require you to fix things up by being what &
how you want yourself to be both physically "hitting the gym"and mentally "reading/watching".
You'd better get off from your high horse before reality bitch slaps you in the face
My personal advice: do not always think about this. You will find the right woman. It will happen, trust
me. And when you you find her and get into arguments(trust me, you will) just remember how great of
a woman she is and how great she makes you feel. It may have no sense now, but when you'll be in a
relationship, you will understand me. Good luck!
Looking like a model is not a blessing. My sister is a model and finds it hard to date because shes a
total nerd who can quote whole passages/ lines from science fiction books and movies. She dates
average guys because she has nothing in common with stereotypical hot guys. Just find something
that you love and find people who share the same interests. Love comes looking for you when you
least expect it.
Its not rocket science, if you're hard up it is a matter of confidence and numbers. You ask
enough ugly-fair looking chicks out you'll get a date or two and get used to rejection. Move to
fair-decent, decent-cute, cute to fucking hot. When you hit the level when you are rejected
more often than usual you'll know you've plateaued and back it down and notch and look for
you life mate in that category.
Everyone eventually finds the person who is right for him. Imagine the happiness you'll feel when you
actually find this girl :) so don't give up and wait for the right moment
and imagine the pain when you break up... and the anxiety of waiting another long time before finding
another "one" ...serious relationships feel good, and i had some but when it comes to an end, the only
things that really can make you good are your friends NEVER ever let down your close friend for "the
one" ...who might end up as a total random love story.
girls always say that, when they actually mean: i dont want you. Then your friendzoned and you go
cry because its a one way track. When you go you never come back. But, i love my girlfriend because
she gave the chance. I took the chance and now everyone wants me all of the sudden
I think that's false. The only people who think 'everyone gets someone' are those who have gotten
someone. Yes, it might have seemed hopeless for you at one point and that's why you're saying it, but
that doesn't mean that others will be as fortunate as you.

here's no "right one", it's just an illusion. Wait til you fall in love with a girl and try your best to
stay with her, and if everything goes right, marry her. Life is just an accident, never forget it.
of course it's not all you need but as you say without confidence you probbably won't get someone
(aigain even those without confidence probbably get one in the end as well) somewhere there are
someone for everybody. but I don't mean that you can sit and play computer all day and think you will
get someone, but you don't have to talk to every quite girl you se just to get a a girlfriend. you find the
right one when you don't search but you need to fight to get her stay
Welcome to life. It's not all roses like in the books and movies. Some people just aren't destined to do
certain things. I know, you think I'm trying to bring you down, but in reality I'm simply stating it as it is
By the way you sound you're not confident enough in yourself. You don't go out and search for
a right woman you just one day happen to see a girl maybe your know her maybe you don't but
there's just something about her. It sounds like a bad movie but it's how it works. No one in the
history of man went OK I'm gonna find my dream girl and then came back 1 week later like I
DID IT. Never lose hope and i'm sure you will someday.
You're an idiot. People are confident for a multitude of reasons,had 1 good kiss now confident that he's
a great kisser. Wearing his best shoe,confident cause of that. Wearing his black shirt that he got laid in
confident with that. Confidence doesn't come from within you internet stereotype of a
person,confidence comes from where we chose it comes. I have 0 inner confidence and yet you don't
see me stuttering when talking to a girl whom I fancy. So please remove yourself from the net retard.
But if that person had brought everything,he would think to himself ok got my number 2 pencil,got my
calculator,got my lucky pants with which I got all my A's on the last exam,and then he has confidence,it
comes from within but sometimes it has to be ignited if you know what I'm saying.
I'd say start by appreciating yourself more and start doing the shit you like, focus on that, and good
things will come by. If you expect things to get better just standing there watching the world go by I
assure that you will go desperate in the end waiting for something to happen. Sincerely, someone.
Try the theory behind "The Mystery Method"! There are different phases in approaching and getting
girls ... starting with the "Atraction-Phase". Mostly, this is the phase that guys struggle most with... "The
Game" by Neil Strauss is actually a great book to begin with... And don't forget to stay yourself...
No, never "stay yourself". Be a vastly optimized and improved version of yourself. If you've been alone
all this time there is a high chance that a big part of yourself just plain sucks.
I was like this a few years ago. The very night I surrended to solitude and decided to get rid of
emotions I got a phone call from somebody I almost forgot. I now call that girl my wife. So don't give
up and look around you. There is surely somebody you haven't noticed or don't know yet. When I met
my wife I realized that the way I looked at people was completely wrong.
Ah yes... I remember those times when I was young. When I was 25 I set myself the goal to find a
girlfriend by 2000 (I was born in 1973). While I did flirt a few times, nothing happened and by New
Years Day 2000 I was still single, so I decided to no longer try. Summer 2000 I noticed I was starting to
fall in love with a fellow online roleplayer, We tried a long distance relationship and finally got married
in Spring 2001. Maybe trying to find a girlfriend is the problem for some people.
Confidence is key my friend. Even if you are not confident, fake it. You might be surprised
Oh come on, u need corage buddy, nobody gonna knock your door down to ask u out.

mmaicon 1 point 8h
And u dont need to be pretty...
Join a dance school, there are tons of single women who love dancing and there are always too many
of them and too few men. It will build coordination and confidence. Then you'll be posting meme's that
too many women want you and you can't decide which one you want! go get dancing lessons (you
know, walz, foxtrott and s*it). they are usually overflown by women, and you'll have a nice start up
theme to talk about. worked for me the last foir times, plus i am a pretty good dancer right now. (but do
not hope to meet the love of your life right from the beginning
Pick Up. Google it. U need 2 realize that u are ugly if u dont look like a model. Accept that. Get
confortable. Women love this. "I gave that bitch a confortable man, butches love confortable women"
Srry 4 my bad english. Let the shitstorm begin ;).
It's because you are obsessed by it (to the point where you are asking the whole internet for help by
this confession, which seems desperate). Anyway, here is my simple advice : just remember that Life
happens when you are busy doing other things, and you will be just fine.
Once you start getting away from that mentality and projecting confidence. Women will notice. Advice
is kind of vague, but I don't have enough letters to explain!
Confidence can't just appear outta need to back it up with solid skills and abilities.
Otherwise it's just like an inflationary currency, huge numerical value, no actual value.
or maybe nice guys always fall in love with hot superficial bitches out of their league . Sorry to break
this to you my fellows but looks are important .
Sorry to brake it to you but girls go for guys with balls. Not pretty guys nor good/nice guys. They go for
jerks because they have balls but actally girls look for a great guy which is actually nice/good guy who
grew some balls. Of course there are exceptions.
oh come the fuck on we all know nice guys always go for hot girls who treat them like shit.usually girls
say physical appearance isn't important but it damn is. yeah there are a lot girls that go for jerks but
only because of looks and cause bitches think they can change them . they think real love will turn
them into nice guys and shit like this. yeah girls are dumb and they tend to overrate themselves
I agree that there are people who are superficial, but mostly people care about how you represent
yourself as a whole or in another words the message you are sending. It's same as an job interview. If
you come with thorn clothes, messy and greasy hair, unkempt beard and you didn't even shower(an
extreme example) how can you expect people to put trust in you that you will take care of things when
you can't even take care of yourself?
It can be argued that guys who think we're obliged to fuck them because they're "nice" to us are the
bigger jerks. Anyway, confidence is key - not how "nice" you are. So...or the guy is obliged to ask the
girl out or the girl have no confidence. Nice point of view.
Not true, it's just a lot of the nice guys don't have the courage to ask girls out because they're
not egotistic like the idiot guys.
Im asking what do you offer? Are you smart? Funny? Interesting? Talented? Ambitious? Creative?
OK, now what do you do to demonstrate those attributes to the world? Dont say that youre a nice guy
thats the bare minimum. Well, Im not sexist or racist or greedy or shallow or abusive! Not like
those other douchebags! Im sorry, I know that this is hard to hear, but if all you can do is list a bunch
of faults you dont have, then back the fuck away. -David Wong
Yes, we girls don't care about kindness, intelligence, or good looks. We just want some
douchebag to come and treat us badly. Makes perfect sense. Now, really. All those idiots

whining because "girls like jerks" and "nice guys are in the friendzone", have you ever tried to
make a move? If you did and they turned you down, it's not because girls like jerks. It's
because THAT ONE girl doesn't like YOU (for being creepy, ugly, stupid, or just, who knows?
maybe you're just not her type!).
The problem is these "nice guys" likes to think highly about themselves. They act like they "deserved"
a girl, and thats why they are getting mad about being rejected. Most of the "nice guys" are just boring,
but all of them consider themselves as interesting beings. Instead of trying to change their attitude,
looks, personality, whatever, they prefer to bitch at women that they are going for "jerks", where "jerk"
is most of the time, a guy who doesnt treat women like a queens or princesses.
: I agree completely. These are the type of guys who IMO would most likely become rapists and
sexual serial killers. In my opinion, the cure to this is simply face the reality: We are all animals
when it comes to sex, you simply go around looking, try your luck and then move on. I can
guarantee that, provided you are a normal looking, healthy guy, there is a girl out there whose
panties would be soaking wet from just being near you. Just go out there and make a fool out
of yourself :)
Sure its polemic. But im just describing "nice guys" i know by myself. Its not that they are nice, cool,
but still cant get girls. They are kind, but at the same time they are really negative (they like to talk
about things they are failing at etc), they say "no" to almost everything (no, i wont go to the club, i wont
go to the park, i wont go to the cinema, cause something something), and they judge others a lot (he is
jerk, she is bitch, he is stupid etc). Who would want someone like that?
Pretty much nobody! But they still believes that they are some special kind of people who just
deserves a nice girl. Some of them hit on one girl, some of them hit on two. They got rejected, and
auomatically went into all girls are bitches, and they goes only for jerks with looks/money mode. They
are not even trying to change anything in themselves. I myself spent years on improving myself, Ive
changed from being bitchy and negative to become happy and fun.
And they just think it will be click and they will drown in pussies. For me nice guy is a man who
considers himself as someone better than others, someone who cant see flaws in his personality, and
is surprised that world is not giving him some award for being awesome
Nah, I don't go for jerks. I just look for a guy who's nice, smart, funny, romantic, brave, adventurous,
helpful, energetic, rich, hot, has a ripped body, has a great car, plays the guitar, smiles like James
McAvoy, sings like Frank Sinatra, and dresses like Matt Smith, who takes care of me, doesn't mind me
being lazy, doesn't mind me getting fat and looking like shit, and buys things for me. That's not too
much to ask for.
Young girls (the stupid ones) are attracted to assholes because they think they can improve a
man. Only after they are deceived, alone and pregnant they realize how stupid they were. That
s when they look for the nice guy which by the time is already married with a smarter woman
(sometimes even hotter).
True. Was hanging out with my friends (have some girls in my group as well). One of my female
friends brings a guy from the university with her. God, that guy was THE good guy! It was
horrible. Never met such a boring person. She wanted something, he was giving it her. He pays
for her drinks and let her use his phone to call some friends over to the bar. He didnt become
her bf (what a wonder), yet still comes sometimes to the same bar where she is, doing nothing
but sitting there and drinking.
If you meet a girl who starts talking about her ex and compares you to him in the first conversation you
two ever have, you need to run for your life.
Because if she brings up her ex in the first conversation, she either still has feeling for him, is not over
the emotional pain of the break up, is talking shit about him because she's a bitch (and she will do the

same to you), is a psycho ex, or you're not captivating enough to her to divert her mind from thoughts
of her ex.
There's no reason why anyone should bring up a past relationship that went sour in the first
conversation unless it's a warning that said person is not yet ready for another relationship. Just stay
away from anyone that openly and easily talks shit about their ex because they obviously have some
unsettled issues.
I know she probably meant it as a compliment but it was at the expense of insulting a person who
shouldn't have been relevant in the conversation at all, and if it's an upgrade just because OP works
out then she's just being shallow and probably wouldn't see him as more than a hunk of meat.
But if you're just trying to get your dick wet then please disregard everything I just said and go for it.
i False! Flirting implies no cost, ZERO risk. Worst outcome - nothing. Best outcome - guy comes over
and gives you a huge ego boost. Making the first move that implies a cost and a RISK is actually
starting a conversation/asking for a number. This is where women are the ones that reject, the
gatekeepers. WOMEN LOVE it, because they get something out of flirting even if they aren't actually
interested. Which is why so many women flirt w/o any interest - they want the ego boost.
True! They are expecting you to make the first move and ask them out, so they get a huge ego boost
over how desirable they are... FYI: I'm saying this based on dozens of women overtly flirting with me
and then saying "oh, no, I have a boyfriend
Don't try and understand women, women understand women and they hate each other.

Okay then hell see you at 14 in the Park.

There's no such thing as a league in my experience. Any guy who wants me could get me if he were
funny and sweet and treated me right. And I could get any guy I want because I know their fatal
weakness (it's boobs). And if we're meant to be, we will be, and it doesn't matter what you look like or
if you're a nerd or whatever. (And before anyone makes a snide comment, yes, I have dated, and will
date, "ugly" guys--though they don't seem that way to me after getting to know them)
that is indeed very enlightening. I used to very funny and had a good sense of humour. Then slowly
over time my head went up my ass and i started to think ladies like "James Bond" like class and
mysterious personality. Follow this if you want to become an outcast. Anyway now i think my heads
come out, still wreaks of shit but at least i'm not a douche anymore, i hope.
Nobody likes a douche! Besides, Sean Connery isn't hot (though new James is). He's CONFIDENT.
As are all other Bonds. That's what gets them the ladies. Not being an asshole - being CONFIDENT. I
can't tell you how much it destroys a relationship when one or both parties has extremely low self
esteem, jealousy issues, or anything like that.
bro, maybe you got a chance if u just let the big "i love you" sink in on her for a day. The moment you
sent your last two messages, you signed your own death sentence , you stil there.sigh.

E:\Vrious\2014-08-18 13_14_42-Greenshot.gifWhen Youre In A Good Relationship,

You Learn These 10 Things
Id had serious relationships before meeting my fiance, with a couple lasting for
years. I thought I was an adult; I thought I knew how to be a great girlfriend.
Meeting someone I had a serious connection with taught me that nothing I had
experienced before was real. True love feels different than casual relationships
even if those relationships lasted for years (often well past their expiration date!).
When youre in a good relationship, you learn things. You act differently; you
think as part of a team, not as an individual making your way through the world.
Youll be more understanding and accepting of your partner, instead of just
getting frustrated with them like you may have with past relationships.
Misunderstandings are going to happen. If you take your partners words one
way, then learn they meant something totally different, dont punish them. Let it
go. Bringing it up all the time is only going to bruise the relationship and cause
communication problems later. Sometimes what you say or do will be taken the
wrong way, and youll get frustrated that your partner doesnt understand. Take a
step back and realize its not a big deal. Misunderstandings are made to be swept
under the rug because theyre so minor. They only become problems if you let
them grow bigger and mean more in the scope of your relationship. Be laid back
and forgive misunderstandings.
You have to trust your partner. Why would you share your life with someone when
you think theyre doing something wrong every time you turn your back? If you
dont trust your partner to be faithful, honest, caring, or anything else, then
youre not in a good relationship. The best relationships begin with a deep trust,
and even if problems come up (and they will!), the trust is strong enough to keep
you together.
Youre in love, so you want to be together all the time! Its so fun to cuddle all
night and be together all day, but when will you have time to experience different
things? When you go to separate workplaces or schools, you experience things
that will give you something to talk about later. When you go out with your
friends and your partner spends time with theirs, you have time and space to
yourself and come back to each other refreshed. You have a chance to miss each
other, and it helps you really understand the value of your relationship. Missing
someone is great because getting to see them after that period will make you so
happy and so sure of your relationship.
In a good relationship, both partners are encouraged to grow and change. You
have one life to live you should explore it to the fullest! If you want to quit your
job and go back to school, your partner should support you. If you want to try
something new or go back to something old, you should find support in your
relationship. And you should give this support in return. Encourage your partner

to explore hobbies and interests and meet new people. If you want your partner
to stay the same, youre going to have a very boring life together.
Compromising doesnt mean giving in. It doesnt mean that youve lost the
fight. In fact, its the opposite. Do you know how hard it is to compromise
sometimes? You want your way because it sounds right and makes sense to you.
Your partner is way off base with their suggestions. Take a step back and look at
the argument diplomatically. Whats the logical conclusion? If your partner is
right, dont be afraid to say so. Accept their way, or modify both of your solutions
to be half and half. The important thing is not getting your way, its staying in
your relationship and helping it grow. Compromising will definitely help your
relationship grow.
Your partner doesnt expect you to be a superhero, and hopefully you dont
expect that of them! Were all human; we all have flaws. Its ok to let these show.
In fact, to have a stable, serious relationship, you need to let your weaknesses be
known. Your partner will be more sensitive to things that bother you, and can
help build you up in areas where you need some help.
People have baggage. You have some. Your partner has some. Can you go back
and erase all of this? Nope! Youre stuck with it, and have to learn to deal with it.
Some things are easier to get over than others, but the reality is that sometimes,
you cant fix things. You cant make problems go away. You have to accept them
and get over them and move on, or else your relationship will crumble.
Whenever you have a fight, dont worry about who wins or who loses. Learn from
the fight from what was said as much as from how it was resolved. Once you
learn from a fight, you can apply that lesson to your relationship to avoid trouble
later. Thats all well and good, but youre not done! Forgive your partner! Forgive
yourself. The fight is over, youre past it, now let it go. Never hold anything
against your partner because the resentment will build until you dont want to be
with them.
Dont expect your partner to read your mind, or to bring you breakfast in bed, or
to offer to wash the dishes. Its not going to happen. You cant expect anything
from anyone you have to make it known. Communicate. Make sure your partner
knows what you expect from the relationship, as well as your opinions on a wide
variety of issues. This will help them act considerate towards you, but still dont
expect anything!
The worst thing you can do in a relationship is play games. Dont tease your
partner; dont reward good deeds with love and affection. You have to make
sure your partner always feels loved. You can be happy with them or be mad at

them it doesnt matter they just need to feel loved. They need to know your
feelings in the moment as well, dont get me wrong. But make sure youre
showing your feelings in a way that they wont be misunderstood (back to #1!).
works on clever girls. They understand, that you understand, that pickup lines are just stupid words to
establish communication. By using horrible ones and giggling inside about the line itself, you can show
you have a lot of humor and you don't take shit too seriously. some girls like that ;)
Cheesy pickup lines aren't bad to start convo with a girl. Assuming she has a good sense of humor. It
usually works if it's not sexual, somehow complements her and hasn't been said a thousand times
my all time fav.: "wanna watch some porn on the huge mirror next to my bed?"
Did it hurt when you... broke through the earths crust and ascended from hell?
"on a scale of 0 to America, how free are you (insert day/time) it worked for me in the first try
just keep following her and then when she asks you why are you following her, just say "when I was
young, my mom told me to follow my dreams"
You can always improve yourself, there is room for improvement for everyone, in lots of areas. You
can take care of your looks with better clothes and exercise, you can read books, and develop better
talking and socializing skills, you can do more creative activities, maybe gaming related (fan arts,
reviews, videos) etc. It is not changing, you'll simply be a better version of yourself. Just confidence is
only enough for one-nighters. But if you look shit and you're boring, do not hope.
Nobody gets laid by confessing. Chill with her, feel the vibe and then go for the kiss. The slap in the
face is softer than the slap on the heart.
Confessing your feelings is awesome, but nobody is obligated to like you back. You just tell them how
you feel, it's not a magic trick that makes them fall in love with you.

Did you date her, op? Because if not, why would she love you? At least tell her you have a crush on
her - love is a strong word you know.
This actually happened to me (the guy texted me - I had to put it in first person to fit in the meme).
We've been friends for 4 years and he told me before that I was "awesome", but he was realistic and
didn't want to get in the way of my relationship.
Well, mine was my best friend. She got a boyfriend the very day I planned to tell her how I felt... After a
lifetime of loneliness, it hit me really hard. I cried for days. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. Then I told
her that I was feeling really, really bad. She became worried, so i told her some bullshit story, only so
she could offer me some confort, a few kind words. But I couldn't stand it anymore. I felt like she didn't
believe my bullshit, that she couldn't understand why I was so sad
And that she was worried. So I finally opened my heart to someone. To her. I told her how I felt in a six
pages word document, along for why I fell for her and why I became so devastated because I thought
she liked me too. And getting it out of my chest made me feel a little better. Two days later I asked her
and her boyfriend so we could hang out. So I could spend some time with my friend, so I could meet
someone who will take good care of someone I like very much. But bad choice of words...

were my downfall. She thought I wanted her to cheat on her boyfriend with me. She blocked me right
away. I couldn't understand why. So I texted her on her phone. I explained myself and apologised. She
then told me really hurtful things. Like, I told her I tried to convince myself she didn't liked me, and
knowing I had depression, she said the most awful thing anyone ever said to me "then keep
convinving yourself". That hurts deeply even to this day. Then thinking everything was allright...
I asked them out again, to which she only replied "we can't". I waited for two weeks to talk to her
again. She rarely replied and avoided any conversation. And the awful things she said still haunted
me, but I didn't held it against her.And so things went on. I tried to talk to her once a week, and she
rarely responded. We used to talk for hours and hours, since we knew each other from childhood and
she still lives in my old neighborhood. But not anymore, since she knew how I felt...
On a rare occasion I could keep a conversation after that, I told her I would be back in town in July. I
live alone, and my parents live close to her. I said we could hang out when I was visiting my parents.
She said her and her boyfriend would travel through Europe for the whole month. Then I realised that
my days off would actually be on august and corrected myself. She didn't replied. Yes, she lied to me
about that europe trip.
She once told me she was worried, that she cared for me and that she wan't judgemental. That's what
gave me the courage to tell her. But now, she lied to me, she avoided me, she told me horrible things.
And I was getting upset about her sudden total disregard for me. We had another fight, in which she
ended up saying more than she wanted. She admitted she liked me once.
She blocked me, again. Blocked my phone, my parents and her childhood friend, my sister. When I
thought everything was alright, she did it. She broke me, again. Then she unblocked me and told me
she didn't wanted my friendship anymore. I asked if she wanted some time to think. And we didn't
spoke for two months. Then I started to try to talk to her again. Her boyfriend picked up. Told me she
was just stressed, that she was feeling guilty and asked me to give her some time. I started texting...
him to know how she's doing. A few weeks went on and I started asking if I could talk to her. He rarely
responded. Then once he asked for my e-mail. I asked him why she was so stressed and why she felt
guilty. He was a total jerk and never replied to me again. Again,when I thought everything was alright,
they broke me. And afther thousands spent on therapy, I guess the first time you fall in love isn't
supposed to work out, right? But I miss my friend really bad. It all her fault, she kept...
hitting on me, but I didn't get the clue.I did nothing wrong. She was so desperate to get a boyfriend
that she fired in all directions, not caring for who she'll end up hurting. But I forgive her. All I wanted
was to hug her and tell her that I forgive her, that everything is alright. But she hates me. All because I
opened my heart.

Dude, I read everything because something similar happened to me. There's no much I can say as I'm
not that great giving advices, but stay strong. What I mean is, you'll never stop missing her, as the first
love is the one you will always remember, but you can forgive her and move on, I know moving on is a
difficult thing to do, but eventually you'll start looking for new things. As I said I'm not very good at
giving advices, though the fact that I went through the same thing (twice actually)...
and moved one is a proof that you can and you will get over her. Maybe, just maybe, in some time,
she'll realize what she lost and it will be her who's gonna start looking for you. Now, TAKE YOUR
BALLS AND STOP SEARCHING FOR HER O HER BOYFRIEND as you're only hurting yourself.
Sorry for my english, I'm mexican. Cheer up, mate!
Damn dude. I read the whole thing. Manly tears where shed. You got it hard too huh?----it ain't about bein' an asshole, but it is about being confident. Most assholes just happen to be
Can you make yourself orgasm? If you don't know what you like you'll have a hard time telling your bf
what you like.
@sumdumnut we can make ourselves cum just fine alone, when it comes to sex it's a different story
though. i have the exact same problem, but i think it's simply because it's so much different from what
i'm doing on my own. i suggest giving it some time to get used to and know the new stimulations
before starting worrying about it.
adter my first don't tell him. It'll make him insecure and can lead to less sex. like those
fellow 9gaggers said - learn to get to know your body and preferences and ask him to do what pleases
you. also sex doesn't need to always lead to orgasms. women as well as meb can enjoy it even
without. don't be hardly focused and enjoy
It is not that hard just make sure the foreplay is a bit longer and tell him the way you want it ! You will
have a huge one ! !
People be like "I'm a nice guy why am I not drowning in p***y?" Because being nice doesn't just get
you girls you actually have to have game.
You are truly a good guy towards a girl if you would KEEP being nice to her even after she rejects you
sexually. I am not saying you can't combine true honest caring and lust. I am just saying caring isn't
honest if a cockblock could take it away.
There are, sadly, plenty of people like that, but please don't make the mistake of thinking that there are
no genuine nice guys. It is possible to care about someone without wanting to sleep with them. And to

all of the people who are actually like this: You can be nice, or you can want to be "rewarded" for your
actions. Either or, not both. If you expect a reward for being a decent human being, you are by
definition not a decent human being.
That happened because, after you put your act together and committed to an (I
assume) emotionally stable, monogamous relationship, you stopped giving off
that unattractive vibe that makes guys look creepily desperate to get a mate.
And since you stopped looking for a mate, because you are in a (I assume)
loving, healthy and fulfilling relationship, you began to irradiate happiness and
more self-confidence, making you more attractive to women. That's how you
got to this situation.
@MAlek89 To my fellow men, from all the corners of the world: If we were to
put our act together first, be in a healthy, loving relationship with ourselves
first, we would be able to hook up and get more girlfriends. Because nobody
taught (a lot of) us how to have good quality relationships with women, we
don't properly develop the social skills to interact with women. No more
friendzone, if we first accept and improve ourselves for the sake of ourselves.
MAlek89 28 points 2d
@MAlek89 BTW, before the shit storm let loose, and all the Trolls and Haterz start writing disjointed
and angry/mocking replies I must clarify that I'm a 24 Y/0 male, not sided with MRA/Feminism (I
support equality as stated to be the legal and moral equality between men and women, women having
the same opportunities and rights as men). The 2nd statement is a generalization, results may vary
per person, use as instructed and at your own risk.
No. The OP had a hard time to get hook ups and girlfriends, but once he got married, women
found him more attractive. Why? because he was at peace with himself, he (I assume) is happy
with his relationship, and being in peace, acceptance and happy (not in the "I'm shitting
rainbows and farting glitter 24/7" way) with himself, women perceive him as someone who can
add to their lives. But (I assume) he already has a woman who does that for him (and him for
PUA-pseudoscientific nonsense. In controlled studies, the same man's level of interest level
went from 53% of all women to 90% of all women, just by adding the attribute that he's spoken
for(ceteris paribus, so nothing else was changed). Women are biologically attracted men who
are interested in commitment and are HUGELY competitive on the matter.

@angelocalyptus 1) While PUA's can be very sleazy people, the idea that a guy must first
improve himself to be better with women is actual useful advice. 2)I agree with your point:
women notice a guy that has a relationship and are interested in him because he is,in a way,
"proven" to be a good mate (for any type of mating relation). But the women who want/enjoy to
take men away from their relationships are Scumbag Stacy's, and thus should be avoided
under penalty of endless drama.
True, the advice i can give. Be not drunk. Do it with a girl you love... trust me it makes it so
much better. And make sure you're comfertable. Then it should be no problem. Nervous is
okay. Don't over think it. If you're both new you just adjust to eachother. If he/she is not a virgin
they'll guide you. That's all. It's not much, don't, but it's amazing!
Here's my suggestion to all the virgins out there lose your virginity to a person who is also a
virgin the experience will be way better and will be special for the both of you
Ok well Charles Manson despite his utter horridness has name recognition. You don't. You are a much
better person than this guy'll ever be, and you two are incomparable. his wife is just messed up.
Maybe she wants attention, maybe she's disillusioned. Maybe she's insane. But don't go around
feeling bad about yourself because somebody horrible found someone and you didn't; the girl/guy
you'll find is infinitely better than his.

on't loose hope, if you two are truly in love you can make it work! Being together for 4 years really
shows devotion and strenght on both of your parts. It might take some time to be together, but in the
end it's worth it and if he's the one, it will only strenghten your relationship :) I wish you lots of
@roseofsharyn_ don't give up, I'm in along distance relationship and haven't met him either (due to
cultural differences) we might meet next year (can't wait) I hope you get the money to go meet him and
get happy together :) and don't listen to those negative comment, they just don't know what they're
talking about.

@roseofsharyn_ as other people have said, ignore all those people saying negative things. It's your
relationship, you and your boyfriend are the only ones who understand it. I made it through 4 years of
college doing long distance and my dad kept telling me to date other people because I don't know
what I want, since he was my first boyfriend and that college was the time I should be having fun. You
know what? That guy is no longer my boyfriend. He's my fiance and we're getting married soon. :)

I hope you cried because you realized that the girl you liked is actually a total bitch, which
made you waste your time and feelings, and not because she turned you down.

Well, you are needy. It is normal, but in order to attract someone, especially a girl, you must not be
needy. Basically, if you share feelings, it is a "get it off your chest" speech, you are technically a weak
person because you can not handle the pressure. Now, by telling her that and being needy, it tells her
on a sub level that will leach emotions off of her. Like one girl in class once told me "I am glad we
finally had chance to talk". Which meant "I know we are friends now" because she ...

Hrnek 142 points 22 Nov

@Hrnek did not show any interest past that conversation. It also tells her you are not happy with
yourself or your life and that is a big no-no. You need to be like "I am on my own path, wanna hop in,
so we can share the ride?" We all know how important friends are for example, what it does to you
emotionally, how it affects your mood. But you need to handle your own emotions. Go to gym or do
some sport to blow off steam for example. Watch sitcom for laughter, there are different methods.

Hrnek 133 points 22 Nov

@Hrnek Imagine a homeless person comes to you and asks for money, that is being needy. On the
other hand, some headhunter comes along, invites you to a lunch, shows you a job opportunity, shows
you salary, benefits, gives to tickets to some game so you feel good and wanted. That is quite
opposite. Of course he does that to get you but he can also show you that he has other guys ready to
offer the job to.

hguzman89 21 points 22 Nov

@Hrnek thank you, i will follow your advice

Hrnek 27 points 22 Nov

@Hrnek Btw. there is nothing wrong with having feelings and expressing them, the core problem is if
she is in the same spot as you. Which very often is not the case. Only in movies both people want
each other, love each other equally. At that point, it is easy. Feelings come with speciality, uniqueness
and attainability of that second person. I remember I felt strongest for a girl who made me feel I almost
had her everytime we hung out. So basically, she was in control. Now, remember a time ...

Hrnek 27 points 22 Nov

@Hrnek ... when you were doing something for a milionth time. You felt in control and confident, right?
So no real emotions were there. Like riding a bike. But at first, it was about keeping balance, possibility
of dropping on the ground, hurting yourself, it must have been associated with some feelings. So next
time some girl has feelings for you but you dont, it is probably because I know on some level that you
can just flip your finger and have her. She is too attainable for you... or easy.

Hrnek 25 points 22 Nov

@Hrnek Also, dont put them on pedestal. This is what triggers that neediness mostly. You signal her
that she is not in your league so you desperately want her. Which is repulsive. Now, in order to avoid
all this, you need to remember a time, anything, any feeling when you felt like you dont need anything.
Maybe you helped that lady with a bag to put it on the shelf on airplane, because she was struggling
and you did not have to exert too much effort. Same with being confident, happy, pround etc.

Hrnek 24 points 22 Nov

@Hrnek Usually these things are not associated with any feelings. If you ever met a girl who
confessed to you, you probably had no idea because you did not feel the same way, you did not try at
all or put any effort. It just means you are not invested in her that much. Thinking about someone
means you are investing in them. And who is more invested has usually stronger feelings. And this
includes going on a date, texting first or logner messages, doing something, buying stuff, etc.

Hrnek 30 points 22 Nov

@Hrnek All this stuff comes with experience, so you can also try to think about everything you do as
an experience. Not do or die thing like I used to. I speculate that people have more reasons for doing
something. I write this now to maybe help you a bit, to remind myself about this because I have to
think about it, also because I am bored a bit and lazy, but my goal is mostly share what I have learned
over the years about girls and women. Thing is, noone really cares what your reasons are.

Hrnek 28 points 22 Nov

@Hrnek Lastly, the pedestal problem rises when you dont have that many girls in your life. This girl
may seem great and unique to you, but it is because you invested too much in her. And you invested
too much because she was scarce. Maybe she knows that maybe she does not but bottom line is, she
probably thinks you would take away from her without giving anything. You are not as special to her as
she is to you. Spending time with you is loss for her. It is hard, I know, I am there with 1 girl.

Hrnek 34 points 22 Nov

@Hrnek But you need to suck it up, go improve yourself, get some new experiences. If you are happy
with your life, it destroys your neediness, if you have great body, it adds to your sexiness. There are
many ways to improve yourself, like being funny and cracking jokes makes you a good companion for
hanging out. So work on yourself and when you meet some girl who catches your eye try to think
about it like "how can I improve her life". If you have something that benefits her, she will be yours.

wnl10 1 point 22 Nov

@Hrnek owh I see...such good advices...perhaps I need to ask my crush out for a lunch...

Fuur 11 points 22 Nov

@Hrnek Your words are true and spot on. But what really brings people down is when you see your
friends find their gfs/bfs by total accidents and form lasting relationships, while you quietly wait your
turn only to find out that you are all alone now. And I don't mean completly alone, but at some point

meeting with friends mean that you are always the fifth wheel and this sucks the most. Well but it's just
me, maybe Im just hideous or something :/

paulh99 22 Nov
@Hrnek yeah sure... i can flip my finger and have any girl... "next time a girl has feelings for me" like
that ever happened..

fester02 4 points 23 Nov

@Hrnek After reading this I just say, you're da real MVP. But if you want to ask someone out, what
would a proper way of doing it be? (I like the" I'm on my own path, want to come along?" -way of
thinking, so if you have any advice I would be happy if you shared some: )

Hrnek 5 points 23 Nov

@fester02 1) Well, I would wait until she seems interested, laughts and you can see she has a good
time. They usually agree to it more often. Dont make it comlicated, you are not asking her to marry
you. You just want an opportunity to get to know her better. So "I think you are really cool, let's have a
coffee/bite later this week, what do you say?" and then ask for number (better ask out first, then
number, it makes the exchange more understandable). For me it used to be really hard but ...

Hrnek 3 points 23 Nov

@fester02 2) what my friend told me, you should relax. For him, there were always more girls waiting
for him to meet so basically what I did early was - if I sensed I should ask her out, I would think and
say it in a way like "I go to bed after I brush my teeth" - it is true, so you are certain saying it, it is just
what you do, part of your day. Now, you wait, what she says, so I would think - if she says yes: "great,
give me your number and we can arrange that", if no... then it depends on ...

Hrnek 2 points 23 Nov

@fester02 3) the situation. I met a girl on a street once waiting for the light, chatted with her for about
6 minutes, so I asked and she said no (not a strict no but more like 75% certain no). So I just persisted
and told her she should not judge me by 5 minutes on the street and that we will have a good time in
some warm place with hot chocolate (was winter). But if it is a strict no, then try to think of it as "well, I
tried". The less invested you are in her, the less the rejection hurts.

quadriga1 9 points 24 Nov

@Hrnek Let me add something! As a girl i can tell you: Don't ask for her number, give her yours. It
makes you look small and unmanly. On the other hand it works pretty well when you write your
number on a piece of paper and give it to her with a wink. She'll not feel forced to talk to you, you'll
seem confident and if she phones you, you can be sure she's interested. Also don't tell her she's
pretty. You'll go from the 'maybe'-league to the 'He just wants sex'-league.

cpvertigo 2 points 6d
@Hrnek nice advise prof ^^

goku4ever 1 point 6d
@Hrnek dammmm that's some advice!!!

machinegundog 3 points 6d
@Hrnek Good advices! The Main Thing is: You have to love yourself before a girl could like you!! You
have to think about nature and surviving.. A Women need a strong and confident man, who can protect
her and the kids.. and has his path and aims in his life. i know it sounds stupid nowadays.. but that
how attraction works.. u have to be happy to get a girl!

machinegundog 2 points 6d

@op Now getting a girl will fix none of your problems.. it even could get worse.. when u realize ure not
"strong" and confident enough to handle a girl FRIENDS, A JOB wich makes u happy and a HOBBY
you can focus on.. These are the essentials to make a girl likes you i think
OP, read this please. I comitted the same mistake you made several times, before i learned it. You
shouldnt expose your feelings so quickly... Its just too SCARY to be suddenly flooded with other
person's feelings. First you should flirt casually, or, if you are shy, like myself, ask her out, buy her
dinner, have a nice time and then try to kiss her. The feelings part is reserved just for the "follow up".
This means that, once you kiss her, you can start showing you feelings moderatelly.

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