St. Paul Lutheran Church: From The Pastor's Desk

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Paul Lutheran Church

10792 N Co Rd 210 E, Seymour, IN 47274 Office Phone: (812) 522-7364 & 522-7484 Email:[email protected] Web site:

From the Pastors Desk Influential People
In the most recent issue of Time Magazine, they have the list of the 100 most influential people in the world. The list is filled with all kinds of people. The list contains politiciansSen. Rand Paul, President Barack Obama. It contains entertainersJimmy Fallon, Steven Spielberg, Jennifer Lawrence, Beyonce. It contains athletesLi Na (female tennis player), Lebron James. It contains activistsMalala Yousafzai,Wayne LaPierre, Sheryl Sandberg. It contains religious figuresPope Francis. Some of these names you may be familiar with and others not so much. However, Time Magazine has said that these 100 people are the one, who are influencing the world the most at this point in time. As I flipped through the magazine, it made me think about who is influencing me and has influenced me in the past. I thought about my parents and grandparents. I thought of pastors in my home congregation and seminary professors. I thought of Sunday School Teachers and public school teachers. I thought of authors of books that I have read that shape me and my thoughts (even though I have never met them). I thought of movies, and TV shows that I watch and impact my thinking and sense of humor. More and more I realized that there are a lot of factors and people who are influencing mewhether I realize it or not. Then the light bulb went off in my head with the questionAm I influencing anyone? Am I impacting the lives of others? I think that this is a good question to ponder. Afterall, during the baptismal liturgy we light a candle from the Christ Candle and proclaimlet your light shine before others that they may see your good works and glory your Father in heaven. Isnt this in some ways a call to influence others? Doing things that others see and impacting them in a way that bring glory and honor to God. As people of faith, we are called to make a difference in our world and seek to be a beacon of light in our worldand isnt this being a person of influence? I know that I will never make an edition of Time Magazine as a person of influence, however that doesnt mean that I can not be a person of great influence with the people I encounter. I ask myself occassionally, how am I influencing others around me? Am I making a difference in my community? Am I making a positive impression on the people I interact with? I believe that the most influential people in our lives are probably not those listed in the edition of Time Magazine, but rather are people with whom we interact with on a regular basis (e.g. teachers, Sunday school teachers, co-workers, family). Thus, if we we seek to make a difference and want to change the world for the better, it begins with seeking to be a person of influence with those we encounter. How are you being intentional about influencing others within your life?

THOSE RECEIVED by Transfer or Affirmation of Faith: Tyler Shaw, Lana Gadberry, Cody Wayt, Mel Black and Nathan Rapp
1 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 12 12 15 15 16 Meg Brown Wayne Taulman Maude Kleffman Paul Otte Kenny Browning Sophia Engelau Wilma Claycamp Carly Kaiser Samantha Price Sidney Hoene Molly Claycamp David Hildebrand Karen Hoene Bob Claycamp Scott Jackson Christy Newkirk 17 21 21 23 24 25 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 Bill Lucas Carrie Kruse Jack Tormoehlen Lincoln Shoemaker Ella Kruse Gina Goodwin Chris Herbert Leslie Wente Teresa Brown Jeremy Kleffman Selma Mellenbruch Heidi Kleffman Patty Herkamp Annelise Engelau Pat Otte

TRANFERED OUT April 8, 2013- Marilyn Wente was transferred to Immanuel Lutheran Church.

CONGRATULATIONS to Brian and Jennifer Rorick on the birth of a son. Zachariah Mark was born on April 10th. He has 1 brother, Noah.

CONFIRMATION SUNDAY is on May 5 th . There will be only one service on that day at 9:00 am and no school.

BRENNEN ARTHUR RORICK was baptized on April 7, 2013. He is the son of Ben and Darla Rorick. Brennen was born on February 2, 2013 and has two brothers Brayden and Bryce. His sponsors are Allen & Carrie Morrison and Kendra Harris.
June Volunteers

May Volunteers Greeters Alvin & Pat Otte (8:00) Leon & Linda Seitz (10:15) Communion Assistants Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Dan Davis (10:15) Altar Care May 5-Teresa Browning May 19-Linda Guinn May 12-Susan Holle May 26-Phyllis Cupp Lectors May 5-Susan Holle (8:00) Karen Davis (10:15) May 12-Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00) Ed DeVoe (10:15) May 19-Jamie Baker (8:00) Leon Seitz (10:15) May 26-Alicia Perry (8:00) Kendall Alstatt (10:15) Acolytes May 5-Jack Rosenberger (8:00) Ariel Douglass (10:15) May 12-Anna Holle (8:00) Kyle Claycamp (10:15) May 19-Eliana Baker (8:00) Sarah Davis (10:15) May 26-Erin Otte (8:00) Lydia Shuler (10:15) Projectors May 5-Madison Jones (8:00) Tyler Claycamp (10:15) May 12-Alicia Perry (8:00) John Pierceall (10:15) May 19-Jamie Baker (8:00) Hannah Wood (10:15) May 26-Doris Rorick (8:00) Jack Tormoehlen (10:15) Flowers May 5-Luci Angel May 12-Lois Bryden May 19 & 26-Need Volunteers Childrens SermonMay 5-Leah Otte Welcome CenterShirley Lewis (8:00) Michelle Wood (10:15)

Greeters Merrell and Sara Otte (8:00) John and Amy Pierceall (10:15) Communion Assistants Merrell Otte (8:00) Larry Guinn (10:15) Altar Care June 2-Nina Franke June 16-Judy Wonning June 9-Ruth Ann Newkirk June 23-Wanda Engelau Lectors June 2-Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Judy Wonning (10:15) June 9-Doris Rorick (8:00) Hannah Davis (10:15) June 16-Leah Otte (8:00) Marc Fountain (10:15) June 23-Lois Bryden (8:00) Laberta Otte (10:15) June 30-Mark Rorick (8:00) Amy Rotert (10:15) Acolytes June 2-Madison Engelau (8:00) Lyra Claycamp (10:15) June 9-Abby Hoevener (8:00) Dylan Hatfield (10:15) June 16-Maggie Newkirk (8:00) Rachel Hildebrand (10:15) June 23-Cole Fosbrink (8:00) Eli Wood (10:15) June 30-Jack Rosenberger (8:00) Chloe Bryden (10:15) Projectors June 2-Madison Jones (8:00) Chloe Bryden (10:15) June 9-Alicia Perry (8:00) Greg Rust (10:15) June 16-Jamie Baker (8:00) Tyler Claycamp (10:15) June 23-Doris Rorick (8:00) Hannah Wood (10:15) June 30-Jamie Baker (8:00) John Pierceall (10:15) Flowers June 2 & 9-Susie Schnitker June 23 Natalie Fish June 16 & 30 Need Volunteers Childrens SermonLou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Welcome CenterLuci Angel (8:00) Linda Seitz (10:15)

Upcoming Worship
Below are the lessons and some thoughts about the upcoming Sundays. Please take some time to look over the lesson and reflect upon

May 5th:
TextJohn 14:23-29 (Confirmation SundayOne Service9:00AM) Today we have 9 young adults who will be affirming their baptism. The text proclaims that the Holy Spirit or Advocate will come and teach us all things. The Holy Spirit is the one who walks along side of us and empowers us for mission to the world. Our prayer for the 9 young adults is that the Holy Spirit will be with them and empower them throughout their lives.

May 12th:
TextJohn 17:20-26 The lesson from John is Jesus High Priestly Prayer where he prays for the disciples and all those who believe in Him. Jesus calls those who believe in Him to be united and to proclaim in word and deed that God loves the world.

May 19th:
Pentecost Sunday (TextActs 2:1-21) Pentecost Sunday is the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for a sign. This sign was the speaking in tongues. Peter preaches to all those gathered and many came to faith that day and were baptized. Today also marks the beginning of the churchthe body of Jesus that now continues in the mission of proclaiming Jesus to the world.

May 26th:
Trinity Sunday (TextRomans 5:1-5) Early Christians began to speak of the one God in three persons in order to describe more fully the wonder of salvation. God is above us, beside us, within us. God is our loving Father, our savior Jesus, our companion Spirit. To be baptized in this name is to enter into Gods community.

Mission SpotlightAnchor House

The Anchor House is located at 250 S. Vine St. The Anchor House is a homeless shelter and food pantry. Its mission is to foster lifetime independence while feeding our community. This mission is achieved by providing life skills programs, education, boundaries, structure and accountability. The homeless shelter is open to families with children and was established to help residents meet and exceed their basic needs in life. The Anchor House seeks to provide a safe and healthy haven for families. They maintain a drug, alcohol and smoke free environment. They guide families to appropriate resources for assistance. They assist people in getting their GED (if needed). They help with job searching. They hold workshops on parenting, financial stability and nutrition. They also provide Goodwill vouchers. Each family when admitted to Anchor House is given a suitcase that is full of hygiene items for the family. Some of the policies of Anchor House that are meant to foster growth and create a safe environment to help all achieve their goals: all school age children must attend school, no physical punishment of children allowed, all adults are required to be employedto find and maintain work, all adults are assigned daily chores, attend all inhouse classes, save at least 50% of all income, and zero tolerance of illegal drugs and alcohol. One way to support Anchor House is through the monthly collection of food. They also take items like bed sheets, towels, etc. In order to support the Anchor House monetarily, you can at any time mark on the offering envelope a gift for Anchor House. These gifts will be forwarded to the Anchor House. The Anchor House uses volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering at the Anchor House, please contact Deb Bidwell (Executive Director) at 812.522.9308

CONFIRMATION Confirmation instruction is drawing to a close as our 8th Graders get ready for their Confirmation Day, Sunday, May 5th at 9:00 am. The following 8th Graders will confirm their faith: Jacoby Robert Eugene Begley Son of Ryan and Dana Begley Darren Allen Carr Son of Kent and Joy Carr Whitney Danielle Dosha Schepman Daughter of John and Carrie Schepman Levi Duane Claycamp Son of Troy and Beth Claycamp Rusty Lee Mace Son of John and Carrie Schepman George Campbell Mansfield V Son of George and Tiffiny Mansfield Macy Gail Rotert Daughter of Donald and Wendy Rotert Hannah Joy Wood Daughter of Stephen and Michelle Wood Cody Robert Wyat Son of Gerald and Delanie Wayt The Council will hold a reception after second service to honor Confirmation as an important step in the lives of our Confirmands.


The Graduates of Borchers Preschool Class 20122013:

Hannah Baker Meg Brown Shaylynne Canfield Kaelynn Engelau Melina Engelau Nathan Fritch John Harris Lila Hunter Jada Miller Alana Petro Braiden Toppe

On behalf of the Staff of Borchers Pre-school we would like to Thank Mrs. Jeanette Kruse for all her devotion , love, and guidance over the past years. You will be deeply missed!! May you and Gene enjoy your retirement!!

enrollment for the 2013-2014 school year. Your child must be age 4 by August 1st, 2013 to be in the 4/5 yr. old class; to be in the 3/4 yr. old class the have to be age 3 by August 1st, 2013 and for the 2/3 yr. old class they have to be 2 by August 1st, 2013. Enrollment forms are at the Welcome Center or call the church office at 522-7364 for more information or an enrollment form.

BORCHERS PRESCHOOL is now accepting

St. Paul Borchers Care Team

Encourage one another and build up each other
1 Thessalonians 5:11, NRSV

The food pantry item for May is macaroni and cheese dinners. Please place your donations in the wooden box in the hallway near the kitchen, or in the basket near the main entry doors. Donations are given to food pantries at Provisions, Anchor House, and Human Services. -Lutheran World Relief blankets, as well as school kits, fabric kits, personal care kits, and baby care kits were to be dedicated during services on April 28th and taken to Indianapolis for shipping the first week in May. Thanks to all the volunteers who contributed time and materials to benefit people all over the world who are in need of these necessities we so often take for granted. ITS TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING! Several folks have offered to do basic handyman jobs and cleaning chores for anyone who needs assistance. Contact Trish if you would like some help. Community Diner has a mission to provide nutritious meals in a safe environment, regardless of the recipients age, sex, race, financial qualifications or religious beliefs. In May, the Community Diner will host two FREE meals in Seymour. Food will be served from 5-7 PM on Monday, May 13th at Knights of Columbus, 117 E. 2 nd Street, and on Monday, May 20th at Seymour Community Center, 107-109 S. Chestnut Street. For more information contact [email protected] .

YES! Cinema FREE movie for Seniors 55 & older on Tuesday, May 7 th . A carpool will leave the church parking lot at 12:15 and return between 4:00 and 5:00. Please sign up at the Welcome Center so transportation can be arranged. The movie title will be available a few days prior to the event at Questions? Please contact Trish Tangman. Borchers Breakfast Club (BBC) meets every Thursday from 9:00 to 12:00 for breakfast and social time. YOU are welcome to join the group just for breakfast, or for the entire morning! Theres always a tasty breakfast followed by several friendly games of cards, dominoes, or Rummikub. Come see how the groups quilting project is progressing! Hopefully the quilt will be auctioned the first Friday in November at St. Pauls Harvest Home Supper & Bazaar.

Stephen Minister group meetings continue to be held monthly. Continuing education for the next few months will be led by Kendall Alstatt with materials entitled Five Lies that Ruin Relationships by Chip Ingram. The group is learning to recognize habits that jeopardize human relationships, in hopes of helping care receiver/caregiver relationships as well as personal relationships. Please note the May Stephen Minister group meeting will take place from 6:30 to 9:00 on Tuesday May 28th due to the Memorial Day holiday.

Thanks to everyone who provided refreshments for the recent Lutheranism class, the Earth day event, and the Welcome Reception for new members. The generosity of members at St. Paul never disappoints!

St. Paul Borchers Care Team CONTINUED

Care for Gods Creation ! Thanks to all who participated in the Earth Day event in the church parking lot. Profit from steel recycling will be used to donate new socks and underwear for needy families through the Jackson County Clothing Center. The event generated several ideas and plans are being made for a similar event next year. If you have Earth Day ideas, please share them! PLANT SWAP on Saturday, May 25 from 9:00 AM NOON A spin off from our Earth Day event will involve a chance to give away your extra garden plants, herb plants, flowers starts, water garden plants, or anything GREEN & GROWING! Several folks expressed an interest in an opportunity to share and swap their spring garden goodies! Bring your goodies and see what you would like to take home from someone elses offerings! If possible, bring your own table to display your plants on. There are a limited number of church tables which can be used outside. Please let Trish know if youd like to use one of the churchs table for the plant swap.

Several months ago the High School youth held a breakfast to benefit the family of Helen Carter of Cortland. Helen is recovering from a brain stem stroke brought on by complications from spinal meningitis. We are happy to learn that Helen is planning to return to her home soon!!!! We are still looking for opportunities to help Helen and her family. Please continue to pray for the Carter family.

St. Paul-Borchers welcomed several new members into our church family with a reception between services on April 21st. Welcomed on that Sunday were: Lana Gadberry, Cody Wayt, Tyler Shaw, Nathan Rapp, and Melody Black. Please continue to help these folks feel welcome as members of our church family. Let Trish know if you would be interested in interviewing new members for future newsletters.

Will meet at 7:30 pm on Thursday, May 2nd at Pat Ottes home. Bible Study Leader is Linda Rust.

Will meet at 7:00 pm in the Church Fellowship Hall on May 2nd. Jamie Baker is hostess.

Will meet on Tuesday, May 21st at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Hostess is Bertha Otte. Bible Study Leader is Jo McGrew.

St. Pauls Youth and Family Ministries

Daycamp planning is underway. This years theme is Sky. We will be borrowing curriculum and props from St. Peters Lutheran Church again this year. We have a lot of fun activities planned for this year. There will be a planning meeting on Wednesday, May 8 at 7:00 for anyone interested in helping or hearing more about the upcoming week. The registration forms are available at the Welcome Center. There are also many areas that need volunteers. The sign-up sheet for volunteers is at the Welcome Center as well. This year we are doing something a little different for the youth helpers (grades 7 and up). We are going to have Mission opportunities for these youth to participate in outside of the church grounds. Each day a different set of kids will be traveling to a different location to help with a mission project for someone in need, while others stay and help at daycamp. We will be explaining more about this at the meeting in May. Any questions regarding daycamp please contact Carolyn Jones or Molly Claycamp.

Adult Praise and Kids Praise Groups Adult Praise Group will be practicing on Wednesday, May 1 at 7:15. We will sing for our final time on Sunday, May 5 at 9:00. Kids praise group is finished practicing for the year except for the kids grades 4-6. Kids grades 4-6 will practice on Wednesday, May 1 at 6:30 and 7:15. They will be singing with the Adult Praise Group on Sunday, May 5 at 9:00. They will be having their end of the year pizza party on Wednesday, May 15 at 6:00 at the Picnic Woods. (if its raining it will be held in the adult Sunday School area.)

Adult and Kids Bells Adult Bells will practice on Wednesday, May 1 at 6:30 pm. Kids Bells Team 1 is finished practicing for the year.
Carolyns Office Hours: Monday Morning Wednesday-Morning Email: [email protected] Home Phone: 497-3338 Cell Phone: 521-0281

Kids Bells Team 2 will practice on Wednesday, May 1 at 6:00. They will play at worship on Sunday May 5 at 9:00am. Both Kids Bell groups will be having their end of the year pizza party on Wednesday, May 15 at 6:00 at the Picnic Woods. (if its raining it will be held in the adult Sunday school area.)

St. Pauls Y & F Ministries Continued

Luther League Luther League is planning a mission day at Springhill Park in May. Watch the bulletin for specific dates and times. We will have a meeting during Sunday School on Sunday, May 19 at 9:15 to go over Mission Trip supplies needed as well as sign-up for the Sunday School Picnic Meal to be held on Sunday, June 9 at 11:00.

Jr. High Youth Jr. High Youth will meet on Saturday, May 4 at 9:00 at the Picnic Woods to clean up trails and the grounds. We are not sure how long this will take, but will finish by 10:30 for sure.

Tweeners Tweeners will meet on Saturday, May 4 at 9:00 at the Picnic Woods to clean up the shelter houses and leaves. We are not sure how long this will take, but will finish by 10:30 for sure.

BORCHERS CHAPEL DEVOTIONAL SERVICES will begin on May 2 nd at 8:30 am in the Borchers Chapel. The services will continue through the summer. Everyone is invited to attend. WORK NEEDED for Youth June 10th14thWe are looking for people who are in need of some help during day camp week June 10th14th. This includes anything from building fence, to cleaning out a shed. We are blessed with a large number of Jr. High and High School youth volunteers at day-camp and would like to branch out to anyone in the community with a project for these kids. They will be available for 2-3 hours each morning from June 10th14th. Please contact Carolyn or Molly for more information or if you have a job for us. THE STORY Bible Study will have its last study for the season on May 5 th . The study will begin again in the fall. THE WINGS GROUP will have a workday in the Picnic Grove on May 11th at 1:00 pm. If it rains it will be rescheduled for May 18th at 1:00 pm. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet on Monday, May 13th at 6:00 pm in the Narthex.

PICNIC GROVE MOWINGLooking for volunteers to mow and take care of the lawn care needs at the Picnic Grove during the months of April through October. If interested, please sign up for a month on the sheet at the Welcome Center. Contact Kevin Wheatley or Howard Wente with questions. BOOK BUZZ will not meet in May due to Memorial Day. We will meet on June 24th at 1:00 p.m. Our book will be War Brides by Helen Bryan. ADULT CHOIR will practice on Thursday, May 16th at 7:00 pm.


ST. PETER LUTHERAN YOUTH GROUP will hold their annual Golf Scramble on Saturday, May 4th at Hickory Hills Golf Course in Brownstown. Registration begins at 8 am and tourney starts at 9 am. Cost is $40 per person and includes: 18 holes of golf, cart, food, and drink. Teams contact Adam at 812-498-3056 or AJ 812-498-0580.

Sun Mon Tue
9:00 am Pre-school 6:00 pm Kids Bells Team 2 6:30 pm Kids Praise Group grades 4th6th practice 6:30 pm Adult Bells Practice 7:15 pm Adult Praise Group practice

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28


8:30 am Borchers Chapel Devotional Service 9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club 7:00 pm WINGS meeting in Fellowship Hall 7:30 pm Ruth Circle Meeting at Pat Ottes Home

9:00 am Pre-school

9:00 am Jr. High Group & Tweeners Clean up day at Picnic Grove

9:00 am Confirmation Sunday 7:00 pm The Story Bible Study

9:00 am Pre-school

12:15 pm Free Senior Movie

9:00 am Pre-school 4:00 pm TREATS 8:00 pm Day Camp Planning Meeting

9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club

9:00 am Pre-school

1:00 pm WINGS workday in Picnic Grove

8:00 am WOV Communion 9:10 am Sunday School 10:15 am LBW Worship 4:00 pm Turbo Kick Class

9:00 am Pre-school 7:00 pm Church Council Meeting 6:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry


9:00 am Pre-school 6:00 pm Kids Praise Group & Kids Bells Pizza Party in Picnic Grove 7:00 pm Pre-school Graduation

9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club 7:00 pm Adult Choir


1:00 pm Rain day for WINGS workday in Picnic Grove

8:00 am LBW Worship 9:10 am Sunday School 9:15 am Luther League Meeting to go over Mission Trip 10:15 am LBW Communion 4:00 pm Turbo Kick Class


9:00 am Hannah Circle meeting in Fellowship Hall

1:30 pm Clothing Center

9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club


9:00 am Plant Swap in the parking lot

8:00 am LBW Communion 9:10 am Sunday School 10:15 am LBW Worship


6:30 pm Stephen Minister Group Meeting


9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club


St. Paul Lutheran Church 10792 N 210 E Seymour, IN 47274

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Seymour, IN 47274 Permit #213

Return Service Requested

Saturday, May 25, 2013 9 AM - NOON In St. Paul Lutheran Church Borchers Parking Lot Bring your extra plants to give away or trade! vegetable plants, flowers, bulbs, water garden plants, seeds, herb plants

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