C Question

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Short Question 1) What are different stages in problem development? 2) What are items involved in task analysis?

3) What is the significance of the Computer jargon GIGO? 4) What are the various programming analysis tools? 5) What is meant by the term coding? 6) What is the difference between programming and coding? 7) What is the subprogram? 8) What is the purpose of an output layout? 9) What are the three types of programming errors? 10) How is the program tested for its correctness? 11) What are bugs and what is the meaning of debugging? 12) What is the difference between testing and debugging? 13) Which of the following two is drawn first flowchart or algorithm? 14) What are syntax errors? 15) How does a programmer determine that a logical error exists? 16) What causes logical errors? 17) What tools are provided through the language processors to find logic errors? 18) What are the two purpose of flowcharts? 19) What is a flowcharting template? 20) What is the shape of the terminal symbol? What is its purpose? 21) What symbol is used to show input and output? 22) When should arrowheads be used?

23) How can you tell if the input-output symbol is indicating an input or an output? 24) What is a process loop? 25) What symbol indicate a program decision? 26) What kind of decisions can be made with a Computer program? 27) What kinds of processes are shown by the process symbol? What is its shape? 28) What is the function of the preparation symbol? 29) What symbol may be used in place of the preparation symbol? 30) What is the purpose of connector symbol? 31) Explain the difference between an entry connector and exit connector. 32) Define pseudocode. 33) What is the purpose of pseudocode? 34) Name the two advantages of pseudocode over flow charting. 35) What are the three basic pseudocode structre? 36) What are various flow charting symbol? 37) How is flowchart helpful in solution of a problem? 38) What are the two types of flowchart? 39) What is the purpose of a system flowchart? 40) Apart from helping in development of algorithms what are the uses of flowcharts? 41) How does a programmer find coding errors? 42) What is a Computer program? 43) What is meant by Computer programming? 44) What is meant by developing algorithms?






A1. Multiple choice Questions: Choose the most appropriate alternative in the following questions. Which step is taken first in designing a program? a) Data Validation b) Input design c) Task analysis d) Problem identification The term GIGO is an acronym of a) Good Input Good Output b) Garbage in Garbage Out c) Grand input Grand Output d) Games Input Good Output Algorithm are necessary a) To find out a definit solution to computational problems b) To write a program c) To make the decision table d) To translate flowchart into a program. Decision table is a) A table containing decisions b) A method to analyze how to get decision c) One of the various programming analysis tool d) A debugging tool. Decision tables are made prior to making a/an a) Flow chart b) Algorithm





c) Program d) Task analysis We take the help of flowcharts a) To decide the sequence of steps involved in finding the soloution or solutions b) As an aid to making algorithm c) To prepare decision tables. Debugging is a process of a) Testing b) Finding out the errors in a program c) Finding out the errors indecision table d) Decoding a program. Testing is done to a) Find out whether the program fulfills all the conditions correctly b) Find out the efficiency of program c) Debug a program d) Conclude a program. A flowchart is a) method of programming b) usually difficult to understand c) only used by school students d) seldom used in industry e) a method of displaying a problem is simple steps.

B1. State whether the following statements are True or False. 1. Flowcharts are prepared when a program has been written fully. 2. In order to solve a problem, its solution through computer must be specified in terms of sequence of computations steps. 3. Printer and screen page layout are the same. 4. Debugging can be done only with the help of computer. 5. Debugging process is a part of testing process. 6. Algorithm leads to definite solution of a problem. 7. GIGO is an acronym for good input good output. 8. Coding is a process of translating algoritm and flowcharts into programming language. 9. Flow chart is one of the programming analysis tools. 10.Decision tables provide definite solutions to a computer program. 11.Debugging program is a process of finding and correcting errors so that it will run as designed. 12.Proper program program design can reduce testing code. 13.A flowchart is always requried for proper program development. 14.Program development cost is usually reduced by using structured programming. 15.The steps in an algorithm can be listed in any order. 16.We should determine all the details of a program design before writing down any part of that design. 17.Pseudocode is the only design tool that can describe a top down design.

C1. Fill in the blanks 1) _______ is a graphic method for describing the logic of decisions. 2) The first step involved in program development is _______. 3) A good program should economize both on computation time and on the ________ required represent the program. 4) A good program should economize both on computation time and on the ________ required represent the program. 5) ________ is the process of converting broad specification into usable programming language instructions that produce described results. 6) A _______ is a step by step diagrammatic representation of logic paths. 7) The method of translating the algorithm or flowchart into a programing is known as ______. 8) ________ is the process of checking the correctness of the program. 9) ________ error occurs when there is a violation in any of the rules of language. 10) Top-down design always proceeds from the ______ to the ______. 11) A(n) _______ is a digram that depicts the levels of refinement of problem solution. 12) A(n) _______ is used to represent the logic of a programming problem solution visually. 13) _______ is the process of writing a problem solution in a programming

Question 1) What are the steps in the programming process? 2) What is an algorithm, and what is its importance to programmers? 3) What information is needed to define a problem? 4) Why should computer program be planned prior to being written? 5) Can a flowchart be drawn for a task if the person drawn the flowchart cannot perform the task manually? 6) Why are there standards for the symbols used in drawing flowcharts? 7) What is the meaning of the rectangle-shaped symbol? 8) Why should the at-end decision be drawn immediately after the input symbol? 9) Draw a flowchart of the logical steps needed to produce a printing listing of all students over the age of 18 in a class. (The input records contain the students names and ages.) 10) Draw a flowchart of the logical steps needed to print the name and age of the oldest and youngest student in the class. (The input records contain the students names and ages.) 11) Describe three basic pseudocode structures. 12) Name the fundamental steps in the program development cycle. 13) Describe in your own words what takes place in steps of the program development cycle. 14) Which of the following statements is true of program design? a) It is done after the code is written. b) It is not necessary for long programs. c) It provides an outline for the program code.

d) It requires the use of both flowcharts and pseudocode. 15) State the two fundamental objectives of good programming style. 16) State several ways in which you can make your programs a) Easier to read. b) Easier to use. 17) Which of the following does not apply? Following the principle of structured programming should result in a) More readable programs. b) Programs that always execute correctly. c) Increased programmer productivity d) Programs that are easier to maintain 18) Describe a program flowcharts sometimes called logic diagrams? 19) Describe the nature of logic errors. With examples. 20) Which type of error is the more difficult to find? Why? 21) What tools are available to the programmer to help locate errors? 22) What is syntatic error? What is an executing error? How do syntactic error and exection errors differ from one another? 23) Name some comman syntatic errors. Name some common execution erroor? 24) What is logical error? How do logical errors differ from syntatic and execution? 25) What are diagnostic message. 26) What is the difference between compilation dignostics and execution diagnostics? Name some situations in which each type of diagnostic message would be generated.

27) Describe the three basic pseudocode structures. 28) Draw a flowchart of the logical steps needed to produce a printing listing of all students over the age of 18 in a class. (The input records contain the students names and ages.) 29) Draw a flowchart of the logical steps needed to print the name and age of the oldest and youngest student innthe class. (The input records contain the students names and ages.) 30) Why should computer program be planned prior to being written? 31) Can a flowchart be drawn for a task if the person drawn the flowchart cannot perform the task manually? 32) Why are the standard symbols used in drawing flowcharts? 33) What is the meaning of the rectangle-shaped symbol? 34) Why should the at-end decision be drawn immediately aftre the input symbol? 35) Determine a step by step procedure (list the steps) to do these task: 36) (Note: There is no one single correct answer for each of these tasks. This exercise is designed to give you practice in converting intuitive commands into equivalent algorithms and making the shift between the through involved in the two types of thining.) a) Fix a flat tire. b) Make a telephone call. c) Go to the store and purchase a loaf of bread. d) Rost a bread. 37) Determine and write an algorithms (list the steps) to interchange the contants of two cups of liquid. Assume that a third cup is available to

hold the contents of either cup temporarily. Each cup should be rinsed before any liquid is poured into it. 38) Write a set detailed, step by step instructions in english to find the smallest number in a group of three integer numbers. 39) Write a set detailed, step by step instructions in english to calculate the change remaining from a dollar after a purchase is made. Assume that the cost of the goods purchased is less than a dollar. The change received should consist of the smallest number of coins possible. 40) Report Exercise 6(a) but assume the change is to given only in pennies. 41) Write an algorithm to locate the first occurrence of the name JONES in a list of names arranged in random order. 42) Discuss how you could improve your algorithm for Exercise 7a if the lost of names was arranged in alphabetical order. 43) Write an algorithm to determine the total occurences of the letter e in any sentence. 44) Determine and write an algoritm to sort four numbers into ascending (from lowest to highest) order.

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