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3-Mark Questions
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2-Mark Questions
1. What is Python?
Answer: Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity and
3-Mark Questions
6. Explain the difference between Interactive Mode and Script Mode in Python.
Interactive Mode: Allows users to test and execute code line by line in the Python shell.
Script Mode: Allows users to write, save, and execute complete Python programs as scripts.
Implicit Conversion: Python automatically converts one data type to another (e.g., int to float).
Explicit Conversion: The programmer explicitly converts a data type using functions like int(),
float(), or str().
2. Basics of Flowchart
4. What is a flowchart?
a) A diagrammatic representation of an algorithm
b) A programming language
c) A type of database
d) None of the above
Answer: a
1. Basics of Python
1. What is Python?
a) A type of snake
b) A high-level programming language
c) An operating system
d) None of the above
Answer: b
4. Additional Questions
Flowcharts (MCQs)
Q6: In a flowchart, the oval shape is used for:
a) Input/Output
b) Process
c) Decision-making
d) Start/End
Answer: d) Start/End
Copy code
print(x ** y)
a) 25
b) 10
c) 7
d) 32
Answer: d) 32
Copy code
10 // 3
a) 3
b) 3.33
c) 10
d) 1
Answer: a) 3