Software Engineering SYIT SEM-IV

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1. What is a Software ?

a) Software is set of programs

b) Software is documentation and configuration of data
c) Software is set of programs, documentation & configuration of data
d) None of the mentioned

2. What are attributes of good software ?

a) Software maintainability
b) Software functionality
c) Software development
d) Software maintainability & functionality

3. Which of these software engineering activities are not a part of software

processes ?
a) Software dependence
b) Software development
c) Software validation
d) Software specification

4. Which of these is incorrect ?

a) Software engineering belongs to Computer science
b) Software engineering is a part of more general form of System Engineering
c) Computer science belongs to Software engineering
d) Software engineering is concerned with the practicalities of developing and
delivering useful software

5. RAD stands for

a) Relative Application Development
b) Rapid Application Development
c) Rapid Application Document
d) None of the mentioned

6. Which one of the following models is not suitable for accommodating any
a) Build & Fix Model
b) Prototyping Model
c) RAD Model
d) Waterfall Model

7. SDLC stands for

a) Software Development Life Cycle
b) System Development Life cycle
c) Software Design Life Cycle
d) System Design Life Cycle

8. What is the major advantage of using Incremental Model?

a) Customer can respond to each increment
b) Easier to test and debug
c) It is used when there is a need to get a product to the market early
d) Easier to test and debug & It is used when there is a need to get a product to
the market early

9. The spiral model was originally proposed by

a) IBM
b) Barry Boehm
c) Pressman
d) Royce

10. Selection of a model is based on

a) Requirements
b) Development team & Users
c) Project type and associated risk
d) All of the mentioned

11. Which one of the following is not a software process quality?

a) Productivity
b) Portability
c) Timeliness
d) Visibility

12. _____________&_____________ are two kinds of software products.

b) Firmware, Embedded
c) Generic, Customised
d) None of the mentioned

13. RUP stands for____________ created by a division of ____________

a) Rational Unified Program, IBM
b) Rational Unified Process, Infosys
c) Rational Unified Process, Microsoft
d) Rational Unified Process, IBM

14. Which one of the following is not a fundamental activity for software processes in
software engineering ?
a) Software Verification
b) Software Validation
c) Software design and implementation
d) Software evolution

15. Agile Software Development is based on

a) Incremental Development
b) Iterative Development
c) Linear Development
d) Both Incremental and Iterative Development

16. How many phases are there in Scrum ?

a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Scrum is an agile method which means it does not have phases

17. Which four framework activities are found in the Extreme Programming(XP) ?
a) analysis, design, coding, testing
b) planning, analysis, design, coding
c) planning, design, coding, testing
d) planning, analysis, coding, testing

18. The user system requirements are the parts of which document ?
a) SDD
b) SRS
c) DDD
d) SRD

19. What are the types of requirements ?

a) Availability
b) Reliability
c) Usability
d) All of the mentioned

20. What are the four dimensions of Dependability ?

a) Usability, Reliability, Security, Flexibility
b) Availability, Reliability, Maintainability, Security
c) Availability, Reliability, Security, Safety
d) Security, Safety, Testability, Usability

21. Which one of the following is a functional requirement ?

a) Maintainability
b) Portability
c) Robustness
d) None of the mentioned

22. _________ and _________ are the two issues of Requirement Analysis.
a) Performance, Design
b) Stakeholder, Developer
c) Functional, Non-Functional
d) None of the mentioned

23. Which of the following property does not correspond to a good Software
Requirements Specification (SRS) ?
a) Verifiable
b) Ambiguous
c) Complete
d) Traceable

24. Why is Requirements Management Important ? It is due to the changes

a) to the environment
b) in technology
c) in customer’s expectations
d) in all of the mentioned.
25. The UML supports event-based modeling using ____________ diagrams.
a) Deployment
b) Collaboration
c) State chart
d) All of the mentioned

26. Which level of Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) models all entities and
relationships ?
a) Level 1
b) Level 2
c) Level 3
d) Level 4
28. Which of the following diagram is not supported by UML considering Data-driven
modeling ?
a) Activity
b) Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
c) State Chart
d) Component

29. A sociotechnical system is a system that includes

a) people
b) software
c) hardware
d) all of the mentioned

30. A characteristic of a software system that can lead to a system error is known as?
a) Human error or mistake
b) System fault
c) System error
d) System failure

31. An aircraft engine normally includes automatic fire extinguishers.What kind of

dependability and security issue the example states?
a) Hazard avoidance
b) Damage limitation
c) Hazard detection
d) Hazard detection and removal

32. Circumstances that have potential to cause loss or harm is known as

a) Attack
b) Threat
c) Vulnerability
d) Control

33. Which tool is use for structured designing ?

a) Program flowchart
b) Structure chart
c) Data-flow diagram
d) Module
34. A step by step instruction used to solve a problem is known as
a) Sequential structure
b) A List
c) A plan
d) An Algorithm

35. Actual programming of software code is done during the ____________ step in
the SDLC.
a) Maintenance and Evaluation
b) Design
c) Analysis
d) Development and Documentation

36. Debugging is:

a) creating program code
b) finding and correcting errors in the program code
c) identifying the task to be computerized
d) creating the algorithm

37. In Design phase, which is the primary area of concern ?

a) Architecture
b) Data
c) Interface
d) All of the mentioned

38. In DFDs, user interactions with the system is denoted by

a) Circle
b) Arrow
c) Rectangle
d) Triangle

39. The context diagram is also known as

a) Level-0 DFD
b) Level-1 DFD
c) Level-2 DFD
d) All of the mentioned

40. A design description of an object is known as a class

a) instance
b) object
c) case
d) both instance and object

41. The intent of project metrics is:

a) minimization of development schedule
b) for strategic purposes
c) assessing project quality on ongoing basis
d) minimization of development schedule and assessing project quality on
ongoing basis

42. In size oriented metrics, metrics are developed based on the

a) number of Functions
b) number of user inputs
c) number of lines of code
d) amount of memory usage

43. Function Points in software engineering was first proposed by

a) Booch
b) Boehm
c) Albrecht
d) Jacobson

44. COCOMO stands for

a) Constructive cost model
b) Comprehensive cost model
c) Constructive cost estimation model
d) Complete cost estimation model

45. What all has to be identified as per risk identification?

a) Threats
b) Vulnerabilities
c) Consequences
d) All of the mentioned

46. Risk management is one of the most important jobs for a

a) Client
b) Investor
c) Production team
d) Project manager

47. Which of the following is a project scheduling method that can be applied to
software development?
b) CPM
c) CMM
d) Both PERT and CPM

48. A project usually has a timeline chart which was developed by

a) Henry Gantt
b) Barry Boehm
c) Ivar Jacabson
d) None of the mentioned

49. Software Configuration Management can be administered in several ways. These

a) A single software configuration management team for the whole organization
b) A separate configuration management team for each project
c) Software Configuration Management distributed among the project members
d) All of the mentioned
50. What type of software testing is generally used in Software Maintenance?
a) Regression Testing
b) System Testing
c) Integration Testing
d) Unit Testing

51. What are legacy systems?

a) new systems
b) old systems
c) under-developed systems
d) none of the mentioned

Which of the following is a type of Architectural Model?

a) Static structural model
b) Dynamic process model
c) Distribution model
d) All of the mentioned

What type of core-relationship is represented by the symbol in the figure below?

a) Aggregation
b) Dependency
c) Generalization
d) Association

COTS stands for

a) Commercial Off-The-Shelf systems
b) Commercial Off-The-Shelf states
c) Commercial Off-The-System state
d) None of the mentioned

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