Modern Shaman Journey - Finding God in Synchronicities
Modern Shaman Journey - Finding God in Synchronicities
Modern Shaman Journey - Finding God in Synchronicities
Overview: What is a shaman? "A member of certain tribal societies who acts
as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who
practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over
natural events." (ref )
I would say a shaman is a person who divines information from the other side,
one who can consciously manipulate the physical realm by thought and intention,
one who helps others transcend (trance end). A shaman is initiated on a vision
quest, when the oversoul helps your soul actualize.
A true shaman must overcome the cultural barrier of religion, all indoctrinated
myth blocks conscious evolution. The shaman can enter a state of direct
knowingness by shifting into a will less state. (Some frame this as opening the
crown chakra).
The shaman must shut off the ego to “see” which is not easy to do because we
believe that our willful ego to be our self. This is exactly like mediation, the mind
must be quieted so we can “hear”. Quieting the ego and the mind lifts the veil to
the other side. Doing this has nothing to do with the indoctrinated cultural god,
seeing is automatic for the practitioner.
There seems to be an extreme danger of the ego less state. An authentic vision
quest can only happen if the participant reaches a near ego less state, that
means the person's will is near zero while their awareness is near 100%. But it's
the ego and the will that enables us to survive while we are in physical form.
Overcoming one's ego is the most difficult part of spiritual practice. The perfect
song that feels exactly like my own vision quest is by Dishwalla, Counting Blue
Cars (listen here:
v=c5MjVyqByzU&feature=related ) Every time I hear this song it time travels my
heart back to those moments.
Being trained as an engineer I found it difficult quiet my mind, I was analyzing the
phenomenon as it happened, I put my "self aware" self in a compartment that
watched my body self act out the walkabout. I wanted to find "god", to know just
what is “spirit”. I found out that my body could exist in this other state of
consciousness. My willful conscious mind that organizes "my life" is a babe in
comparison to the capability of the unconscious self. Years later I concluded that
our willful state of being was quite capable of blocking the spiritual side of life,
that modern day materialism has put us in a state of resistance to the organizing
ability of our unconscious self. Everyone has moments when they let go and
allow spirit to act, but our material realm keeps most in a near constant state of
The rational mind and god
Our rational mind is new evolutionary speaking and it has that it is not yet
integrated to our larger and much older subconscious mind that we term instinct
of animals. We are self aware creatures unlike the rest of the animal kingdom.
Your pet dog or cat are not self aware, they don't see their reflection in the mirror
as themselves. Often a dog will bark at its own image. The rational mind is a
babe, the latest creation from a rapidly expanding brain volume. Unlike animals,
the human brain is capable of self awareness, speech, mathematics and abstract
thought. Could it be that it's gaining awareness of the higher mind not as our
mythical god but as as an extension of the self.
God is the collective mind of the group, the analogy I penned 3 years ago in
“Comprehensive Theory of God” is that a cell in your body is to your brain as
you are to God. Thus “god” and "you" are one in the sense that you are one
aspect of the whole, like a holographic shard broken off the larger mirror.
But how can god have experience if it's omniscient and omnipresent? God must
shatter itself into a million bits and forget everything. Evolution is god coming
back together metaphysically speaking. This is the Humpty Dumpty Theory of
God, god is remembering itself through us. Get it? You are a fragment of god, it's
mirror image, that's why you feel empty when existing in the soul less state of
materialism. In this weird reality god (your soul) can't leave you alone when you
are consumed by material world.
God isn't out there - somewhere - it's in you, it is you, it's your soul, and it's
outward expression of your soul is your emotion. That means your emotions are
a second order derivative of your soul - a real thing.
But this implies a horror that god really isn't all that powerful. Since god is our
collective soul it is only powerful as we are since we are it. So that means
praying for peace or blaming god for the world's ills is a waste of time because
god really can't fix anything. Only you can. Action on your part is required. Our
previous concepts of god are very outmoded, we may think that a judgemental
god might soon judge planet earth but that's because we have a serious
misperception of god. Will we ever reconcile our external god for misleading us
into the Apocalypse?
Our minds in conjuncture with the ego structure itself from what appears to be
reality. We learned "reality" from our upbringing, our experiences, and from the
cultural indoctrination that structures everything within the context of
separateness. Unless you were raised by hippies, your upbringing was: "there's
me and everything outside of me". Half of you is cut off at the start because our
culture is blinded by the memes.
Quantum Awareness
The level of our intelligence and awareness is rapidly evolving and many are
postulating that humans are making a quantum jump to a higher consciousness
right now. One of my theories is that the Apocalypse may happen because the
fundamentalist meme strength is preventing the natural voluntary shift to the new
higher consciousness. Conflict on the physical plane resolves this psychic
logjam. A perfect example is the American Civil War where 550,000 combatants
died to end slavery when 60 years earlier Europe ended slavery voluntarily, no
one died because they simply changed the laws reflecting the new state of
consciousness that all men are born free.
Therefore the more we resist change the more probable the Apocalypse. If we
have a personal Apocalypse then that lessons the bigger cultural one because
one more ego has been transported across the cultural barrier into a new higher
vibe. Whenever there's a roadblock to conscious expansion a conflict occurs on
the physical plane to resolve a problem. Thus big wars are caused by big mental
blocks. Resistance to change is the force driving the Apocalyptic conflict so our
minds can get through the threshold forcing us to leave myth behind. Currently in
America at least 100 million souls fervently believe that we live in end times and
are supporting the conflicts in the Middle East as fulfillment of prophecy.
As a modern shaman, I intuit that the god-spirit-collective soul knew this when
the Christian myth was being forged, St. John's purported vision Revelation is a
vision of the end of newly created religion. When the Biblical writers applied their
will against the spirit then they got a message back of what was to transpire. That
means that the so-called "end times" is really about the end of Christianity and
NOT about the end of the world. At the end of the Piscean Age a huge conflict on
the physical plane would ensue destroying the Judeo-Christian memeplex that is
a hoax of monumental proportions. This is certainly unfolding now. And it may be
already past tense since modern philosophers have already killed god. The past
centuries of wars that cumulated in WW2 and the Holocaust lead to the Death of
God movement (ref: .
Thus when humans punched through the self awareness threshold they also
became “aware” of “god”. Becoming self aware has the unintended consequence
of god awareness. Animals have no problem with death because they are not
aware of their existence. They just act instinctively. Humans, however, have a
huge problem with death, that's why there's religion. Religion is the solution to
the fear of death. Every culture has beliefs in god and spirit and those beliefs
become institutionalized into religion. That cycle is at it's end so now it's time for
all the world's religions to transform, a quantum jump to a new consciousness is
Those who gain this god awareness are enlightened beings, those who learn the
ability to control and direct it are wizards. Unfortunately most are trapped in
religious fear memes that prevent them from actually remembering who they
really are. Apocalypse Now! Believers are possessed by the memes. Just talk to
them. Facts and reason fall on deaf ears because they only allow the meme. The
memetic code is a closed system that shuts off all inquiry until the possessed
experience becomes so painful they shuck fear and consciously choose to live
life. Eventually all indoctrinated either die or deal with their programming. A
movie that illustrates this perfectly is “Commandments” starring Adrian Quinn.
His faith is shattered when his beloved wife dies so he decides to break all the
commandments. (NY Times review:
Observe that the god fearing are unable to manifest directly so they pray to god
hoping for results. They can't seem to grasp that if god is all powerful why would
they have to pray over and over for the same thing? Is god deaf? Isn't god
supposed to be omniscient? So wouldn't god already know what you want before
you ask? These paradoxes arise because the question arose from the wrong
initial premises.
Christians are adamant that you must pray, they don't see the connection to their
action and the result. If you have to pray then you are doing it. Figure it out! But I
say faith and prayer are no match for knowingness. If you know that your
thoughts manifest then you don't have to pray or even wait for results.
Knowingness restructures the field to your intention. Religion teaches faith as a
technique. Shamans on the other hand to learn the ropes by trial and error, and
believe me at this point in the cycle we are all becoming shamans in training.
As a modern shaman, I must unfortunately deal with the number one affliction of
Western culture, that is the Judeo based faiths that are pouring vials of judgment
onto mankind. This is the reason I was selected and trained, to bring awareness
into the physical realm. Presently, the Evangelical Christianity are totally lost and
acting in conjuction with Zionists, raising holy hell while seemingly holding good
Modern Christians are empowering the violent State of Israel, the brainwashing goes on in mega
churches, the apocalyptic Christian cult joined with Israel in the end times:
Many modern Christians are empowering the Jews to wage holy war on their
Islamic brothers. This is terribly dangerous and could easily lead to nuclear world
war. The Jews have no real power unless they are backed by the huge Christian
majority. Millions of Christians are actually praying for this terrible tragedy as a
way to force unbelievers into faith (which by the way, results in the annihilation of
Israel). This is serious black magic using collective prayer as a weapon, using
prayer as a way to cast will into the intentional field.
The Evangelicals are using black magic to cause the Apocalypse when in
fact they need to have their own personal awakening and they need to stop
projecting evil intent! The only way to stop this insanity is to become more aware
of ourselves and how our thoughts and actions are creating the so called "end
times". Christians believe that prophecy is manifesting and not realizing that they
are causing prophecy to manifest.
My insight into the Judeo based religions is they are intellectual highways to
atheistic hell. The Judeo based religions include all the Hebrews, Catholics and
Christian denominations, and Muslims who derived all or part of their holy text
from the Torah or Old Testament. All preach the separate god theory. First of all
god is not found in the mind. Secondly I've observed from personal experience
that the longer you are a Catholic or a Jew the more likely you are going to
become a hard core atheist. The holy rollers are even worse off, they can't
escape the severity of blind belief so they are one step away to the funny farm.
Believers soon find out that god is doing nothing about their problems (or the
world's ills) and become angry with god. They fall away from their faith and
sleepwalk through the daily grind of the materialistic hell realm. Complete
disillusionment is a prime path to atheism but it is a path for those escaping
religious indoctrination and memetic possession. Those who relish the power and
glory of materialism are often viewed as demonic by the spiritual.
Even though Judaism is only 0.22% it was the base for Christianity and Islamic religions
which are over 50% of the worlds population.
Judaism is the matrix center of soul death because it teaches a judgmental
external god. What this leads to is soul less materialism, the affliction of Western
Just look at who's in charge politically and you'll see straight atheistic greed and
power consuming the materialists who are without spiritual redemption.
Cynicism of spirit reigns supreme in this age, human political culture is far from
the divine during this time period.
The sad fact is that we are ruining our earth home and pure evil is at the helm of
the United States. Very clearly we can witness that those in charge are making
earth a hell and making life miserable for so many, and in the center of every
controversy and war are the money&power worshippers.
Those trying to escape this hell are often chasing Shadows of the Beast (see ) unable to comprehend that their religious
upbringing caused their trauma.
Interconnectedness of the Judaic religions, all of Christianity sprung from the Judaic root, this is
why Christians are unable to resist Jewish rule.
The end times is when this Judeo-Christian tree has reached a fractal limit of
expansion then dies. No thing in Nature is eternal, all things follow a path of birth,
expansion, maturity then collapse. Myth is no exception, religious memes no
longer can stand up to scientific inquiry. The vibe is slowly changing, as god fear
evaporates, many are letting go of fear of god because they are transcending
their own judgement. Once they self realize that if they are capable of
unconditional love so must be god. At that point religion has no hold over their
being, they let it go voluntarily. The manipulators know this that is why the
fundamentalists are demanding uncondiontional loyalty to the word, especially
the Old Testament memes.
Many religious are praying for the troops or Israel or end times or more converts.
Prayer for a certain outcome is black magic, that is, prayer being a form of
psychic control. I call it "preying". Those who do so are violating free will and
creating massive karma for themselves. Hell is the world psychically controlled
by the memetically possessed religious freaks.
The much older mind, the larger subconscious mind is what a shaman taps as
his guide on a vision quest, this is exactly the same phenomenon as the
aborigine finding water on a walkabout. Since it's our subconscious mind that is
tapped into the field, it has a tremendous amount of power yet it appears to be
subordinated to the immature rational mind and it's ego.
Emotion is the key to understanding the link between what your thinking and
feeling to what you are seeing and experiencing. That which appears to be
outside and separate from self isn't. A shaman recognizes this and moves energy
by his/her feelings/emotion in conjunction with will.
thoughts in our mind has intention stapled to it, it's the way we wish to proceed
so our wishes are our intentions so it's impossible to fake out the universe
dreams are the subconscious energies crossing over your brain circuits
you are dreaming all of the time, not just when you are asleep
thus your dreams often are about your intentions and the roadblocks to them
we are all shamans in training, hiding behind myth won't cut it anymore
We literally create our reality through our thoughts, will, intentions, and it's speed
is governed by the field strength of our soul's emotion. Synchronicities are the
phenomenon of our rational mind recognizing the subconscious creation or
energy flow. The initiated learn to see these flows and are amazed as they see
them in real time.
Our rational mind is the last part of the self that knows what is going on.
This is because survival forces us to subordinate the subconscious mind to the
rational mind and it's ego. When you witness a synchronicity, and you own it by
realizing that your thoughts and intentions created it, that's the first time your
rational mind is getting cued in to what this other part of self has been working
on. Then you have found god.
The new language forming is the bridge between the subconscious and rational
minds. This might be the shift to the next age. We are all quantum shamans (see
this link: in training now, very rapidly the group will
be gaining rational awareness that the self is directing the patterns outside of the
28 July 2008 (updated 20,22 May 2009)
akashkic record – the file drawer of the universal mind that is accessed in
meditative, dream or shamanic states
automatic writing – the body mind writing instead of the usual brain mind
automatic walking – the whole body being moved by the body mind or outside
blind belief – a form of mental illness where the beLIEver thinks he knows but is
only infected by the religious mind virus
brain – collection of neurons in the 4th dimension that emanates the mind in a
higher dimension
egoless state – the vision quest state of consciousness where ego is turned off
resulting in a will less state of being, the soul precense while awake
evil - ignorance,
devil = a being in a state of ignornance, d evil, since d=4, devil = 4 evil = for evil,
evil is live backwards, so evil is against life
faith – the state of belief, another state of not knowing but it's the feeling of the
soul often mistranslated to the mind
free will – state of choice, a belief that you have a choice if there's no free will
god – the collective soul of humanity or even larger universal group (yes Virginia
there's a hierarchy to the gods, the gods have a god)
hell – the current state of the world caused by the belief in hell or fundamentalist
memes – mind viruses, cultural ideas repeated from one mind to another
memetic possession – a fully installed meme on the brain hard drive that is over
write protected (a locked brain that disallows new memes)
memetic veil – the memetic barrier of the memetically possessed that puts the
infected in a state unable to comprehend or reason, a blind believer is veiled
mind – a localized point of consciousness that is usually collocated with the brain
while awake
mind chatter – the minds constant conversation with itself, it blocks hearing and
knowing and other states of consciousness, the grounded state of consciousness
omniscience – state of all knowingness, direct knowingness taps this state for
preying - the black magic technique of using prayer as a weapon, often used by
Christians or other fundamentalist cultists to catch new victims, a metaphysical
recruiting technique
quantum shaman – a shaman who recognizes quantum effects that the mind has
on physical reality
spirit guides – modern spirit guides are real personalities from your culture that
you can identify with but are located on the other side. They are assigned to your
case and provide assistance, the shaman can actually remote view and converse
with his guides.
will less state – a state of being where the subconscience mind or soul can direct
the body
you – a multidimensional being, a part of the whole, your soul or your ego in
lower states