The God of Fear

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Fear is one of the most hindering emotions of humanity, people often fear what they cannot control or comprehend,
It also causes was and disharmony both internally and externally, but every magus must see both sides of the
coin, fear is something we must master and use in our favor like the samurai that wields his katana with grace
and control, fear also helps to keep certain mysteries veiled from the profane, because what is sweet wine for the
initiated adept is poison from the jaws of the serpent for the mundane.
Fear could be seen of one of the attributes generated by the demon Choronzon, the guardian at the thresthold or
the psychic censor within our subconcious minds, there has been time i have thought this is the God xtians and the
other white light religions adore, because he does not exist outside their minds, god (IHVH) feeds on people
fears and feelings of guilt, this force or psychic entity, keeps the aspirant to magus from reaching the higher
spheres of the tree and becoming a God or Goddess him/herself. That is his positive roll to keep the unworthy
ones from reaching the real powers of Magick, and separating the goats from the sheep, king shall be kings
slaves shall serve.
The neophite must master God and control His powers to go into the path, that is why i see all the white light
religions specially christianity teach are just and inversion of the truth, god is not our lord, master or creator we
must be his. He is the dangerous force to be controlled not by a silly magickal circle but within ourselves, in the
deep mind of the human psychic where he exist, even if you are and atheists this exist like it or not unless you are
devoid of feelings of anxiety, fear, inner pain...He will exist within you, the thing with the rhp religions or
religions of the light(lie) how i usually called them is they have turned this thought form in something that exist
outside the self that must be adored or worshiped that has been one of the sickest lies ever taught to mankind.
This is what God and His Angels are thought forms created by the subconcious, with silly names and attributes.
Here those who are advanced in magick may understand why Black Magick is traditionally advice on higher
stages and the invocation (evocation for ceremonial magicians) of Demons (spiritual entities who exist outside of
the self or subconscious mind), has been termed dangerous because you are bringing into this universe or just

contacting them beings from another universe, a metacasual (parallel universe or whatever you like to call it) I
use the term Sitra Ahra (otherside), these are the Dark Gods and Goddesses. On the above statement I am not
including elemental entities, spirits of nature.or spirits from diseased humans or animals...
Neither, I am leaning to any philosophy, this my personal gnosis concerning the God of the White light
religion and his angels My aim with this is to demystify the lies that are usually taught.
And I see them even within occult or even worst among satanic circles. I personally consider that any
Satanist that believes THE MASTER Satan Lucifer is the creation of some white light religion god or
believing on the Judeo-Christian biblical fairytales on a literal sense must have her or his believes checked.
Believing in the stupidity from those who are without, or from our enemies is a horrible aberration that only serve
the poseurs and fakes that polluted our path, and the enemies of our faith. Believe in what is real not in
someones else insanity Let us search for true undefiled wisdom in the pure essence of Chaos.
Hail Darkness.

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