Is 6494 - 1988
Is 6494 - 1988
Is 6494 - 1988
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IS 6494 (1988, Reaffirmed 2010): Code of Practice for
Waterproofing of Underground Water Reservoirs and Swimming
Pools (First Revision). UDC 621.642.37 + 725.74 : 699.82
Indian Standard
( Reaffirmed 2000 )
G .. "
(First Revision)
Second Reprint OCTOBER 1997
UDC 621'642'37 + 725'74: 699'82 .
@ Copyright 1989
NEW DELHI 110002
Jun, 1989
IS : 6494 - 1988
Indian Standard
(First Revision)
O. FOR E W 0 R D
0.1 This Indian Standard (First Revision) was
adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on
1 September 1988, after the draft finalized by the
Waterproofiing and Damp-proofiing Sectional
Committee had been approved by the Civil
Engineering Division Council.
0.2 During the construction of underground
water reservoirs and concrete swimming it
is essential to ensure the water-tightness of the
resulting structures so that the flow of water from
inside the structure to outside, and the infiltra-
tion of water from the surrounding soil into the
structure are effectively prevented. This standard
is intended to provide guidance to the engineers.
contractors and others engaged in building
activity in the methods to be adopted for the
construction of water-tight underground reser-
voirs and swimming pools.
0.2.1 This standard lays down provisions
relating to membrane type of waterproofing
including certain other provisions relating to
construction technique, the quality of material,
1.1 This standard lays down the procedure to be
followed and the precautions to be taken during
the constr-uction of underground water reservoirs
and swimming pools So as to ensllre the water-
tightness of the resulting structure. Method of
maintenance and rectification of defects noticed
during the construction are also covered in this
2.1 Requirements for Swimming Pools and
UadergroundReservoirs - These structures
should be built so as to compJy with the require-
ments of the best practice pertaining to reinforc-
ed concrete, plain concrete or such other form of
concrete construction as may be employed [see
IS : 3370 t Part 1 )-1965]. The requirements
Code of practice for concrete structure. for the storage
of liquids: Part 1 General requirements.
etc, which are important from the point of view
of overall waterproofing and which need to be
taken into consideration by those entrusted with
civil construction work.
0.3 The standard was published in 1972 and the
revision of this standard has been taken up to
incorporate further changes necessary in view of
the revision of various standards referred to in
this standard. In this revision the detail proce-
dure to be followed in carrying out chemical
injection treatment has been added.
0.4 For the purpose of deciding whether a
particular requirement of this standard is com
plied with, the final value, observed or calculated,
expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be
rounded off in accordance with IS: 2-1960*.
The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of
the specified value in this standard.
$Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised).
laid down under 2.1.1 to 2.1.9 shall also be taken
into consideration.
2.1.1 Suitable precautions shall be taken to
a void cracks and leakages resul ting from the
a) Movements due to shrinkagf' and creep,
b) due to variation of tempera-
ture and humidity,
c) Movements due to dissipation of heat
generated by the concrete in the process of
d) Damage to the concrete by the
of chemically aggressive liquids from out-
e) Damage due to uneven settlement of fouu
f) Cracking of concrete caused by rusting of
bars, and
g) Hydrostatic uplift force.
IS I 6494 1988
2.1.2 Construction joints should be set at right
angles to the general direction of the member
( see Fig'. I). The position and arrangement of
construction joints should be determined at the
design stage and indicated on the drawings.
Consideration should be given to the limiting
number of such joints and to keeping them free
from possibility of percolation ( set .5.5). The
surface-film of the first-placed concrete should
preferably be removed while the concrt'te is still
green to expose the aggregate and leave a sound
irregular surface. This m.ay be effected. by
spraying with water or aIr and water, aSSisted
by light brushing, where necessary. If the con-
crete has been allowed to harden, it will be
necessary to achieve the desired surface by hack-
ing the whole of the surface, care being taken
to avoid damaging the While the remainder of the concrete
sh()uld be kept continuously wet, curing of the
joint SUI face may be suspended a few hours
before concreting is to .be resumed so as to
permIt no more than dr.ying of the
joint surface Just before concretmg IS resumed
roughened joint surface should be thoroughly
cleaned and made free of all loose matter, pre ..
ferablY without rewetting, and then treated with
a thin layer of cement grout or cement-sand
mortar worked well into the surface. The ratios
of sand to cement, and water to Cement in this
grout or mortar should not exceed those in new
c,oncrete. Special care should be taken to avoid
segregation of the concrete along the joint plane
and to obtain thorough compaction. Alternatively, for horizontal joints,
the layer .of grout or mortar may be omitted,
provided that the workability of first batches of
concrete placed in contact with the joint is
slightly increased.
2.1.3 The concrete mix proportions should be
so designed as to produce a concrete from the
Inaterials available:
a) which has a workability to ensure that,
with the means available, it can be satis-
factorily placed in the formwork and
compacted without risk of segregation,
honeycombing or bleeding; and
b) which is sufficiently impervious to water
and non-porous. The directions given in 3 of IS : 3370
(Part 1)-1965 may be followed while designing
the concrete mix.
2.1.4 The permeability of any uniform thoro-
ughly compacted concrete of given mix propor ..
tions is very largely dependent on its water"
cement ratio. While an increase in this ratio
would lead to an increase in the inherent per-
meability, the consequences of reducing the
water-cement ratio of a mix with a given cement
content, that is, failure to achieve complete com-
paction of the drier mix, are lik-ely to be much
more serious. For a given mix made with parti-
cular materials, there is a lower limit to the
watercement ratio which can be used economi-
cally on anyone job. It is essential to select a
richness of mix compatible with the available
aggregates, whose particle shape and grading
have an important bearing on the workability
which must be suited to the means of compac-
tion s*cted. Suitable additives m-ay be added
to concrete dense and workable. Efficient
vibrating equipment should be employed for
compating the concrete.
2.1 1 In practice, it is usmllly
particularly when dealing thin with congested
reinforced sections, to specify a cement content
sufficiently high to ensure that thorough
tion is in fact obtainable with the means available
whilst maintaining a sufficiently low water-
cement ratio. In thicker sections, where a
reduction in cement content may be desirable
to restrict the temperature rise due to cement
hydration, a lower cement content is usuaUy
permissible, partly because the overall permea-
bility of the section is reduced by the greater
thickness and partly because the less congested
conditions may permit thorough compaction of
a somewhat drier mix.
2.1.5 Concrete should be
Curing has an important
properly cured.
influence on the
*Code of practice fot' concrete structures (or the storale
of liquids: Part 1 General requirements.
permeability of concrete and it is necessary to
keep the concrete moist, particularly during the
first few days.
2.1.6 The permi,sible stresses in concrete and
steel shaI I be accord ing to the recoIDrrlendations
given in 3.3 and 3.4 of IS : 3370 (Part 2)-1965*.
2.1.7 Slabs in contact with water shall be
designed in accord alice with the provisions of
3.3.1 of IS : (Part 2)-1965,
2.1.8 To reduce sh;inkage stresses as far as
possible, there should not be than 0'3 percent
of steel in any direction.
2.1.9 I n long walls, it is recom-mended that
the walls be divided into sections not more than
15 m long with a gap of about 30 cm left between
sections so that the shrinkage in the long sections
may occur as far as possible before the gaps are
concreted, and the longer this can be deferred,
the better. The use of carefully rebated joints
is imperative at these construction joints.
2.2 Reqllirements for Underground Water
Reservior Only
2.2.1 To avoid temperature changes as far as
possible, the reservoirs may, with advantage, be
built partly into the ground so that the soil is
available to cover the roof, if necessary, and to
form embankments on the outside so as to enclose
the reservoir completely in a covering of earth.
Special precautions should be taken to guard
against evaporation and the movements arising
from extremes of temperature before the cover-
ing is made.
2.2.2 The permissible stress in steel reinforce-
ment shall be governed by the provision of 3 .. 4.2
of IS : 3370 (Part 2)-1965*.
2.2.3 Lapping of reinforcement in circular
tanks should be so arranged that not more than
25 percent of the bars are jointed at anyone
vertical section.
2.2.4 If the reservoir was partly underground
and partly above ground -in the portion
exposed to atmospheric condhif)ns, there should
not be less than 0'3 percent of steel in either
3.1 Cement - Portland cement conforming to
IS : 269-1976t or Portland blastfurnace slag
cement conforming to IS : 455-1 976t or Portland
pozzoJana cement conforming to IS : 1489-1976
shall be used.
Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage
of Part 2 Reinforced concrete structures.
tSpecification for ordinary and low-heat Protland
cement ( third rel'is;on ).
for Portland slag cement ( third revision ),
SSpf'cification for Portland pozzoJana cement ( second
3.2 Aggregates
a} The aggregates should not have an absorp-
tion greater than 2 percent, as measured
in accordance with 2 of IS : 2386 (Part 3)0
b) Grading
I) The grading should be such as to pro-
duce a concrete with the specified pro-
portions and consistency and one that
will work readily into position without
segregation and without the use of an
excessive water content, and can be
readily compacted into a dense imper-
vious mass.
2) Fine aggregate should be in accordance
with Table 4- of IS: 383-1970t ( all
3) The maximum size of coarse aggregate
should be as large as possible, but
limited to the of the following
i) one quarter of the smallest distance
between the opposite faces of the
ii) fi ve millimetres less than the mini-
mum cover to the reinforcement,
iii) five millimetres less than the clear
distance between the main reinfor-
ceing bars.
3.3 Water - Water shall be free from dele.
terious materials, reasonably clean and from a
source approved by the engineer.
3.4 Steel - Steel reinforcement shaH comply
with the requirements of IS : 432 (Part 1)-1982t.
IS : 432 (Part 2).1982 or IS : 1786198511.
3.5 Bitumen Felt - It shall conform to Type 3,
Grade 2 of IS : and Type 2, Grade
2 of IS : 7193-1974**.
3.6 Bitumen Mastic - It shaH conform to
IS : 5871-1970tt
Methods of test for aggregates for conCrete: Part 3
Specific gravity, density Voids) absorption and bu1kinB.
tSpecification for coarse and fine aggregates frOID
natura) sources for concrete ( second revision ).
for mild steel and medium tensile steel
bars and hard-drawn wire for concrete reinforcement:
Part 1 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars ( "'irtl
revisiorl ).
Specification for mild steel and medium teasile steel
bars and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement:
Part 2 Hard-drawn steel wire ( thi,d remsion ).
IISpecification for high strength deformed steel ban and
wire for concrete reinforct:ffif'nt ( third revisitm ).
for bitumen felts for waterproofiug and
damp-proofing ( third rems;on ).
$GJass fibre hase coal tar pitch and bitumen felts.
ttSpecification for bitumen mastic (or tanking aDd
damp-proofing (first revision ).
IS -I 6494 1988
4.1 General Features - The swimming pools
and underground water reservoirs have to be
made proof against leakage or seepage of water
as follows:
a) From inside the structure to the surround-
ing ground, and
b) From the surrounding ground towards the
inside of the structure.
4.1.1 It shall be borne in mind that the prac-
tice -of using concrete, not in itself watertight,
and placing too much reliance on the water-
proofing measures is not desirable. Concrete
should be watertight in itself and the water-
proofiing methods should be looked upon as
additional safety devices.
4.2 Preventive Mea-sure for Reduction of
Surface Water Entering into Adjacent
Ground - Where possible, the grounds should
slope away from the structure for a distance of
about 3 m to divert the surface run off and to
prevent water from standing near or against
the side walls. The surfaces near the side walls
should preferably be paved. On sloping -sites,
it would -be desirable to construct a-cut-off land
drain on the high side to lead water around the
structure to a lower level.
4.3 The ground water shall be prevented from
remaining in contact with the side walls or the
flooring for long periods by installing a system
of drainage around the foundation of the struc-
ture or beneath the floor or both together. The
provision of drains around the structure near the
foundation level is recommended for any site
where the ground water table is likely to rise
very much above the foundation level. These
drains should be graded to an open out1et or
storm water sewer or to a sump located in the
premises where pumps of suitable capacity
should be provided to pump out the water as
fast as it gets coHeeted.
4.4 Waterproofing Treatment - For preven-
ting the ground water fronl percolating through
the flooring the waterproofing/damp-proofing
treatment indicated in 4.4.1 to 4.4.7 may be
4.4.1 After Jaying the levelling course of Jean
concrete and allowing it to harden for at least
48 hours, waterproofing membrane should be
spread 'over it, care being taken to provide suita-
ble overlaps and care should be taken to prevent
-any damage to the membrane.
4.4.2 If bitumen felt is used for the damp-
proofing treatment, it shall conform to IS: 1322-
1982*. The damp-proofing treatment should
be given in accordance with the recommenda-
tions given in IS : 1609-1976t.
.Specification for bitumen felts for waterproofing and
damp proofing ( third revision ).
tCode of practice for laying damp-proof treatment
using bitumen felts ( second revision).
4.4.3 If bitumen mastic is used for the damp ..
proofing treatment, it shall conform to IS : 5871-
4.4.4 .The damp-proofing treatment may also
be earned out In accordance with IS: 9918-
1981 t.
4.4.5 The treatment mentioned in 4.4.1, 4.4.2
or 4.4.3 should be covered over with at least
50 thick sand cement screed using 1 : 3 mix
and Integral waterproofing compound in pres-
cribed proportions. The surface or the screed
should be levelled only with a wooden float and
should not be trowelled smooth. Before laying
the structural concrete, the surface of the screed
should be wetted with cement slurry.
4.4.6 After the side walls are constructed and
to undergo the specified curing, the
InSIde surface of the walls and the flooring should
be made rough with a hackino- tool washed
clean with water and wire 'so as to
remove all the loose material, and a waterproof
cement plaster 1 : 3 mix with suitable proportion
of an waterproofing compound should
be appht'd In two coats, the first coat being
12 mm thick and the next 10 n1m thick. The
second coat should be applied after allowing a
time interval of at least 24 h for the first coat
to harden.
4.4.7 The outside surface of the side walls
?e treated with. a waterproof rendering
In a 81mllar manner but ln this case, only one
coat of plaster 12 mIT! thick may be applied
instead of two successive coats.
4.4.8 The rendering should be cured as care-
fully as the main concrete structure. After the
outside coat of plaster has been fully cured and
allowed to dry for some time, it may be given
a coat of hot bitumen of the incustrial grade
85/25 conforming to IS : 702-1961! as a further
precaution against the seepage of ground water
into the tank.
5.1 General and Necessary Features of
Workmanship - For obtaining impervious
concrete, it is not only necessary to use properly
graded aggregate and to employ a suitably
designed mix but it is also of utmost importance
to see that the concrete is compacted by means
of suitable tools. In Case of walls Or inaccessible
portion of the forms, where use of internal vibra-
tor is impracticahle, the form should be ham-
mered slowly facilitating proper placement of
concrete. The concrete shall be thorollo-hly worked
around the reinforcement, along the 0 embed ded
fixtures and into corners of forms.
*Specification for bitumen mastic for tanking and
damp-prooting (first revision ).
tCode of practice for in-situ waterproofing and damp-
proofing treatment with glass fibre reinforced bitumen.
tSpecifica tion for industrial bilumen ( T(t'i ).
5.2 lat.ernal Vibrators - These should inva ..
riably be used, wherever possible. Vibrators
should not be used for displacing concrete. Over-
loading the vibrators by placing too much con-
crete per vibrator is not good. Over vibrating
by using too many vibrators relative to quantity
of concrete also is not good. Segregation by ex"
cessive vibration or excessive water content
should be strictly a voiCled. Vibrator shall be
withdrawn gradually and smoothly, and in a
manner which shall not cause suction, voids or
air entrapment.
5.] Construction and Expansion Joints -
Joints in concrete structures constitute the possi-,
ble sources of leakage. Careful attention should
therefore, be paid to the design, location and
construction of joints in water retaining struc-
tures made of concrete [for details) see 8 of
IS : 3370 (Part 1)-1965*1
5.4 Construction Joints - As far as possible,
vertical joints should be avoided. This can be
done by completing a layer of concrete not more
than 60 cm high in a continuous operation work-
ing around the circumference in both directions
from the starting point and repeating the pro-
cess for the day's operation. Before closing day's
operation, a rebate should be formed in the
concrete on the top surface of the wall forming
'key' to get construction joints as explained
in 2.1.2 for flext day's operation.
5.5 Before next operation is started, all timber
spoils, laitance, scum or loose concrete shall be
removed by hacking the surface and then
bing off with a wire brush to remove all loose
mortar or aggregates. Thereafter, before resum ..
ing concreting operation, the surface should be
thoroughly washed and wetted with water, and
then a thin coat of cement sand grout of cement
mix as that in c.oncrete should be applied. As
an additional precautions, water bars as men-
tioned in 8 of IS : 3370 ( Part 1 )-1965* may be
used at such joints. But sufficient care shall be
taken when such water barriers are used, as
otherwise, while pouring concrete from height,
these strips may get bent and thereby restrict
the passage of concrete, causing large size pores
and honeycomb concrete. If it is not possible
to take adequate care, it is better not to use the
water bar. Concreting with proper measures
at joints will itself be sufficient guarantee for
water-tightness and the use of water bar will
then be not necessary.
5.6 Expansion Joints - In concrete swimm"ing
pools and reservoirs of small and medium capa-
cities, it is not economical to provide expansion
joints and it is not a practice also. In large
reservoirs, expansion joints shall be provided at
predetermined positions limiting their spacing
to not more than 35 m in the case of under-
ground structures or those \vith fully covered
*Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage
of Part 1 General requirements.
IS I 6494 1981
sides, and not more than 28 m in the case of
partl y exposed structures. The expansion joints
may be constructed according -to IS: 3370
(Part 1 )-1965*. Sufficient care and precautions
should be taken in providing them, if not pro
perly done, this is a source of continuous trouble.
In large reservoirs, concrete cover slab be
designed to slide over the top of walls. The wall
tops in these cases should be suitably finished
smooth and a layer of bitumen felt or paper
should be applied.
5.7 Treatment at Fixtures Like Pipes aDd
Conduits - The pipes and special fixtures
should be fixed in position before concreting
operation so that these are built in at the rime
of construction. These specials should be pro-
vided with puddle collars for proper grip with
concrete and also to act as a water bar around
the periphery of such fixtures.
5.8 In the case of underground water reservoirs
and swimming pools, being founded On piles,
the damp-proofingJwaterproofiing treatment shall
be provided to bottom raft using bitumen Celt
conforming to IS: 1322-1982t or IS: 7193-1974+
should be provided as shown in Fig. 2. The
bitumen felt shall be laid in accordance with the
details given in IS: 1609-J976 or IS: 9918-198111
as the case may be.
*Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage
of liquids: Part 1 General requirements.
tSpecification for bitumen felts for waterpmofing
and damp-proofing ( third revision ).
tSpecitlcation for glass fibre l)ase coal tar pitch and
Code of practice for 1aying damp-proof treatment
using bitumen felts ( second rtvision ).
iiCode of practice for in-situ waterproofing and damp-
proofing treatment with glass fibre tissue reinforced bitu-
men .
IS : 6494 1988
6.1 It is det-rimental to keep the water retaining
structures dry for a longer period than 4 weeks,
as it may lead to formation of cracks. So it is
imperative that before the last casting is com-
pleted, water arrangement for testing the tank
y,$ ready at site. Immediately after the removal
of form work, the tank should be tested. All pre-
liminaries should be completed in advance.
6.2 Water should be supplied to the reservoir
slo",ly at -the rate -of 300 to 450 mm depth of
per day and the result closely observed,
both from the angle of structural stability whether
any crack is being noticed anyw here in the struc
tore at any time and f(om the point of view of
watel tightness At the end of the operation, that
is. when full supply level is reached, all valves
shall be closed tightly. The water level in the
reservoir shOUld be properly marked on the wall.
Leakdge through the valves should have
checked and there should not be any drop due
to the same. After 24,48 and 72 h, the levels
should be checked and the drops in level will be
a measure of water-tightness.
6.3 The permissible standard usually adopted is
b mm drop in 24 h in case of covered reservoir
and 11. mIll in case of open reservoirs. Neces-
sary adjmtment should be made depending on
the relattve humidil y and other local conditions.
6.4: If there is no drop, but dampness is observed
in the OUler su lface, such dampness may vanish
in course of time as the free lime ejected out of
cement will be plugging the minor pores causing
such dampness. If the intensity of leakage is
sltghtly more, then lime may be added to the
6.5 In case of leakages, the points should be
marked and separately treated after dewatering.
6.6 It is sometimes difficult to locate the source
of leakages in case of underground reservoirs.
If it is from the floor, it is hardly possible to
locate unless clear cracks are noticed and hence
complete floor wilf have to be treated. So in
;;;uch case of underground reservoir, the drop in
level should be recorded for every 300 mm after
keeping the water for 24 h. If at some stage,
there is no drop, then it is presumed that floor
is in order and lhe wall above that height is only
i'esponsible for leakage. If drops are noticed
all through, it may be only the floor which is
responsible for the leakage or both floor and the
wall. With the presum ption that the floor is
not in order and the wall is in order, the floor
may be set right leaving the treatment of the
wall for the future, if necessary.
6.7 For all these uncertainties, it is recommend-
ed that some additional aids or precautions be
taken for underground reservoirs, especially to
prevent outside .water to find its way
inside when the reservOIr IS empty.
7.1 The nature of the remedial treatment will
depend on the extent and magnitude of the
leakage noticed. In the case of minor seepage
taking place through unnoticeable hair cracks,
etc, the treatment mentioned under 7.1.1 to 7.1.3
and 7.1.5 is recommended whereas in the
case of severe leakage or seepage through
cracks, etc, the treatment mentioned in 7.1.4 is
7.1.1 In case of leakage through the opening
of the horizontal conSlruction joint, after empty-
ing the reserv_oirs, the leaky joint should be pro
perly cut-off preferably by using a power-driven
carborundum saw or any other tool so as to get
a square or slightly undercut groove. The joint
is then filled up with cement mortar or synthetic
resin after coated with mastic or bitumen.
7.1.2 Coating with Sodium Silicate - The
solution made of one part of sodium silicate
commercial ( sp. gravity l'S kgj litre; paste variety
of purity containing sodium oxide and silica in
the ratio of 1 : 2'6 to 1 : 2'8) and three parts of
water by volume is applied copiously with as_oft
broom over the entire surface. The treatment
consists of three coats applied at an interval of
24 h between each coat.
7.1.3 For tank subjected to considerable pres-
sure, bilumen coatings are commonly giv-en.
Bitumen conforming to IS: 1580-1969 should
be applied to a perfectly dry and clean surface
in two coats each 10 mm Ihick. This is parti-
cularly suitable where there is any probability
of the concrete cracking due to -adoption of high
working stresses in the design, lack of provision
for settlement, contraction, etc.
7.1.4 Chemical Injection - In the case of severe
leakage through cracks or seepage of water
from surrounding ground in water logged areas,
this method as indicated in 7.1.4 .. 1 to
may be carried out. The main advantage of
method IS that this treatment may be applied
at any stage, that is, even if leakage or the see-
page problem develops long after the construc-
tion. In this case, the removal of the back-fill
of earth around the task may be avoided as the
treatment lTlay be given from the inside surface. Holes about 50 mm dia and 25 to
40 mm deep ihall be chiselled in grid pattern
at a spacing not exceeding 15 metre centre-to-
centre all over the base, walls and top slab. In
addition, an the construction joints shaH be
opened by making a groove as to reach the
reinforcement. ?vIS grouting nozzles of 25 mm dia
shall then be fixed in these holes and grooves
( s(t Fig. 3 ).
Specific<Jtion for bituminous c(;mpounds for water-
proofing and caulking ( second rtl'isian ).
3A FloOr and Wall
PLASTER (1 :3)
3B Junction
IS : 6494 - 1988 After the nozzles are fully set, neat
cement slurry admixed with waler soluble mono-
mer based chemical shaH be injected through
the network of nozzles with -low pressure grout
pumps at a pressure not exceeding the designed
strength of the concrete. The grouting shall be
started at very low pressure and increased -gra-
dually to a required pressure. The grouting
shall continue till the hole refuses to take any
further grout, even at an increased pressure. The water soluble monomer based
chemical used shall conform generally to
IS : 2645 .. 1975*. In addition, it should conform
to the following requirements:
a) It should be soluble in water;
b) The resultant grout solution shOUld not
have viscosity greater than 1'2 centipoises;
c) With addition of catalysts, gelation should
occur by polymerisation cross linking
chain reaction, that is, the water shall be
bound into the gel structure and there
sha1l not be any shrinkage of gel after-
wards; and
d) The gelatin be such that it can be con-
trolIed to required time. The nozzles shall be removed
24 hours after the grouting is over and the holes
shaH be finished -off neatly.
7.1.5 Guniting - In the case of leakages
from very many points, guniting has to -be resort-
ed to for covering the entire surface with suffi-
cient. thickness of mortar strengthened with mesh
*Specification for integral cement waterproofing com-
pound ( r s t reMsiDn ).
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and qua-lity certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS -has the copyright of all its pubJic.'ltions. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior pennission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the Si.'lndard, of necessary det?ils, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS.
Review of Indian Standards
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comment">. SL:1ndards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is k1ken up for revision. Users of Indian
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
o('BIS Handbook' and 'Standards Monthly Additions'.
Amendments Issued Since Puhlicatifm
Amend No. Date of Issue
Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002
Telephones: 32301 31, 323 33 75, 323 9402
Regional Offices:
Central Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Z1far Marg
NEW DELHI 110002
Eastern 1/14 C.LT. Scheme VII M, V.I.P. Road, Maniktola
CALCUIT A 700054
Northern SeQ 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022
Southern C.I.T. Campus,]V Cross Road, CHENNAI 600113
Western Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri (East)
MUMBAI 400093
Text Affected
Telegrams: Manaksanstha
(Common to all offices)
32376 17, 323 3X 41
33784 99, 337 K5 () 1
33786 26, 337 9] 20
60 38 43
23502 16,2350442
23515 19,23523 15
832 92 95,832 7858
832 78 91, 832 78 92
Printe_d l1y Reprography Unit. J3JS. New Ddhi