Brochure Sprayed Concrete
Brochure Sprayed Concrete
Brochure Sprayed Concrete
Sprayed Concrete
Sprayed Concrete
The know-how and experience of a global community BASF, with its global underground construction team, is a
of BASF construction experts form the core of Master world leader in the provision of reliable, customer-oriented
Builders Solutions. We combine the right elements from product solutions focused on your needs in the tunneling
our portfolio to solve your specific construction challenges. and mining industries. We recognise that your success is
We collaborate across areas of expertise and regions and underpinned by our ability to deliver solutions that meet or
draw on the experience gained from countless construction exceed your critical needs. By accompanying you from the
projects worldwide. We leverage global BASF technologies, start of your project and understanding the issues that are
as well as our in-depth knowledge of local building needs, to important to you, we can contribute to your success.
develop innovations that help make you more successful and
drive sustainable construction.
Expert Advice, Advanced Systems extensive. Master Builders Solutions takes a consultative
approach to help you solve the challenges ahead, with
Master Builders Solutions provides technical consulting resources that ease the way.
expertise at every project stage, keeping you up to date • Technical experts and laboratory resources can help you
with the most appropriate technologies from start to finish. with product selection so that you get it right first time.
We support you with product training and quality control, and • Our global reputation and reliability foster the trust you
our professional technical services team is on hand 24 hours require from a technology supplier.
a day, 7 days a week, helping you with specialist technical
advice and trouble shooting.
• Innovative solutions through continual product
development dedicated to tunneling and mining needs.
• Admixture technologies for high quality sprayed concrete
• Unique sprayable fully bonded waterproofing membrane Mastering underground construction
which supports composite lining designs. challenges requires the right partner.
Continuous innovation and customized
solutions ensure that customers using
Customised Solutions Master Builders Solutions operate
successfully, and to the highest safety
No two projects are the same: from geotechnical issues to standards.
time frames and design constraints - the list of variables is
Sprayed Concrete
Safe Systems for High Performing Concrete concrete in both plastic and hardened states. Its unique
composition ensures better hydration of the cement. As a
You want a sprayed concrete solution that is safe in result, initial shrinkage is substantially reduced, bonding
application and use and formulated to last. Master Builders characteristics are enhanced and density and compressive
Solutions’ wide range of admixtures and additives is available strength are increased.
during concrete batching to ensure that specifications are
reached or even exceeded, whatever your needs.
Pumping Aid
Concrete Improvement
Set Accelerators Colloidal Silica
MasterRoc SA low dosage, alkali-free accelerators are MasterRoc MS Colloidal Silica is an amorphous precipitated
developed with the safety as a priority, providing low dust silica suspension (liquid) designed to improve the properties
and rebound levels. Additional benefits include both high of sprayed concrete in both the plastic and hardened states.
early strength gain and long-term strength development, as When improved pumpability and sprayability and reduced
well as enhanced durability. rebound in fresh mixes are desired, our colloidal silica
solution delivers, at the same time reducing permeability and
improving durability in the hardened state.
Sprayed Concrete
Alkali-free Accelerators
SEM pictures (32 000 X magnification) SEM pictures (32 000 X magnification)
Normal OPC HYDRATION @ 10 min WITH MasterRoc SA 160 (9% bcw) @ 10 min
The MasterRoc SA series of alkali-free accelerators has been The benefits of MasterRoc SA alkali-free accelerators are
developed in response to the demand for durable, high- maximized when combined with our high-performance
quality sprayed concrete that minimizes any environmental MasterGlenium superplasticizers and MasterRoc HCA
risk. These innovations are an essential part of modern DELVO CRETE hydration control stabilizers. We recommend
sprayed concrete. the use of Atlas Copco equipment, which incorporates our
integrated dosing system in order to ensure accurate dosage
Process Planning and Set-up Support
The MasterRoc SA series of alkali-free accelerators has the
Master Builders Solutions has the experience and track added reassurance of being the market-leading solution.
record to ask the right questions. We will partner with you
to ensure that all the necessary preparations are in place for
you to apply sprayed concrete successfully.
Research & Development
BASF has a dedicated underground construction crystal scale. This work is paving the way for the continuous
development team which focuses its efforts on tailoring development of new admixtures which will continue to
the properties of sprayed concrete’s microstructure. Part significantly improve the material properties of sprayed
of the BASF Corporation R&D community, our specialists concrete:
conduct intensive research on the critical processes at the
MasterRoc SA Product B
MasterRoc SA Product C
MasterRoc SA Product D
5 5,0
2 2,0
1.0 J3
0,5 Comparison of strength development
0.2 0,2
J1 CEM I 42.5N NORMO4 Untervaz (450 kg)
0.1 Additive:
MasterRoc HCA 10 (0.2%)
2 6 10 30 1 2 3 6 9 12 24
Minutes Hours
Sprayed Concrete
temporary sprayed
(steel mesh
primary permanent
sprayed concrete
(fiber reinforced)
permanent temporary
support design support permanent
thickness design in-situ
thickness cast
concrete permanent
support design secondary permanent
thickness sprayed or in-situ cast
The combination of a primary sprayed concrete lining and By employing MasterSeal 345, you can expect to reduce
secondary lining together with our fully bonded membrane your costs significantly. Typically, costs drop by between 15-
MasterSeal® 345 can be designed for long-term durability: a 20% compared to conventional methods.
permanent, long-term, durable waterproof tunnel lining.
Reduced Excavation
Know-How and Service
BASF provides support to tunnel designers and owners on Besides supplying products to our customers, BASF
issues relating to the design of complete system solutions assists them in the selection of the appropriate system and
throughout all phases of the tunneling project, which might methodology as well as providing initial supervision and site
include: training of our clients’ personnel.
• The required properties of sprayed concrete acting as a
temporary or final support of underground excavations. BASF cooperates globally with leading equipment
• Excavation support by means of composite linings manufacturers to ensure that products meet placing
(sprayed concrete + waterproofing membrane + sprayed performance requirements.
concrete) and the practicability of this method in special
sections such as niches, cross passages and caverns.
Sprayed Concrete
Future road tunnel: Tunnel face and freshly sprayed first lining using MasterRoc alkali-free accelerator technology.
Future metro station cavern: simultaneous excavation and spraying using MasterRoc technology.
Escape tunnel completed with MasterRoc sprayed concrete technology.
The information given in this BASF publication is based upon the present state of our scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a generic nature, no assumption
can be made as to a product’s suitability for a particular use or application and no guarantee or warranty as to it’s accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given.
Master Builders Solutions from
BASF for the Construction Industry
MasterAir® MasterFiber® MasterPolyheed® MasterSure®
Complete solutions for air Comprehensive solutions for Solutions for high performance Solutions for workability control
entrained concrete fiber reinforced concrete concrete
MasterBrace® MasterGlenium® MasterPozzolith® Solutions for industrial and
Solutions for concrete Solution for hyperplasticized Solutions for water-reduced commercial floors
strengthening concrete concrete
Master X-Seed®
MasterCast® MasterInject® MasterProtect® Advanced accelerator
Solutions for the manufactured Solutions for concrete injection Solutions for concrete solutions
concrete product industry protection for pre-cast concrete
MasterCem ®
Solutions for concrete curing MasterRheobuild® Ucrete®
Solutions for cement Solutions for superplasticized Flooring solutions for harsh
manufacture MasterLife® concrete environments
Solutions for enhanced
MasterEmaco® durability MasterRoc®
Solutions for concrete repair Solutions for underground
MasterMatrix® construction
MasterFinish ®
Advanced Rheology control
Solutions for formwork solutions for self-consolidating MasterSeal®
treatment concrete Solutions for waterproofing
and sealing
MasterFlow® MasterPel®
Solutions for precision grouting Solutions for water tight MasterSet®
concrete Solutions for retardation
UGC®: 03/13/Jellyfishadv
BASF Construction Chemicals Europe Ltd BASF Construction Chemicals BASF Australia Ltd
Global Underground Construction
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E-mail [email protected] E-mail [email protected] Fax +61 2 8811 3299
BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC BASF SA BASF Construction Chemicals Asia Pacific
P.O. Box 37127 Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3600 33 Tuas Avenue 11
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates Phone +55 11 2718 5507 E-mail [email protected]
Phone +971 4 8090800 E-mail [email protected]