FNKrampa PH DThesis
FNKrampa PH DThesis
FNKrampa PH DThesis
A Thesis Submitted to the College of Graduate Studies and Research in Partial Fullment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
In presenting this thesis in partial fullment of the requirements for a Postgraduate degree from the University of Saskatchewan, I agree that the Libraries of this University may make it freely available for inspection. Copying of this thesis in any manner, in whole or in part, for scholarly purposes may be granted by Professor D.J. Bergstrom and/or Professor J.D. Bugg who supervised my thesis work or, in their absence, by the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering or the Dean of the College of Engineering. It is understood that any copying or publication or use of this thesis or parts thereof for nancial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. It is also understood that due recognition shall be given to me and to the University of Saskatchewan in any scholarly use which may be made of any material in my thesis.
Requests for permission to copy or to make other use of material in this thesis in whole or part should be addressed to:
Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 5A9
In this dissertation, an experimental and numerical study of dense coarse solids-liquid ows has been performed. The experimental work mainly involved pressure drop measurements in a vertical ow loop. A limited number of measurements of solids velocity proles were also obtained in the upward ow section of the ow loop. The numerical work involved simulations of coarse particles-in-water ows in vertical and horizontal pipes. The vertical ow simulations were performed using the commercial CFD software, ANSYS CFX-4.4, while ANSYS CFX-10 was used to simulate the ows in the horizontal pipes. The simulations were performed to investigate the applicability of current physically-based models to very dense coarse-particle ows.
In the experimental study, measurements of pressure drop and local solids velocity proles were obtained. The experiments were conducted in a 53 mm diameter vertical ow loop using glass beads of 0.5 mm and 2.0 mm diameter solids for concentration up to 45%. The liquid phase was water. The measured pressure drop exhibited the expected dependence on bulk velocity and solids mean concentration. The wall shear stress was determined by subtracting the gravitational contribution from the measured pressure drop. For ow with the 0.5 mm particles at high bulk velocities, the values of the wall shear stress were essentially similar for each concentration in the upward ow sections but more variation, indicating the effect of concentration, was noted in the downward ow section. At lower bulk velocities, the wall shear stresses with the 0.5 mm glass beads-water ow showed a dependence on concentration in both test sections. This was attributed to an increase in the slip velocity. For the large particle (2.0 mm glass beads), similar observations were made but the effect of concentration was much less in the upward test section. In the downward test section, the wall shear stress for the ow of the 2.0 mm glass beads increased by almost a constant value for the bulk velocities investigated. The solids velocity ii
proles showed that the solids velocity gradient is large close to the wall. In addition, the solids velocity proles indicated that the slip velocity increased at lower velocities due to increase in the bulk concentration in the upward ow section.
For the vertical ow simulations, different physical models based on the kinetic theory of granular ows were programmed and implemented in ANSYS CFX-4.4. These models, referred to as the kf f ks s , kf f ks s Ts , and kf f ks kfs models, were investigated by focusing on the closure laws for the solids-phase stress. The treatment of the granular temperature Ts depends on whether small- or large-scale uctuating motion of the particles is considered. The models were implemented via user-Fortran routines. The predicted results were compared with available experimental results. The predicted solids-phase velocity proles matched the measured data close to the pipe wall but were higher it in the core region. The solids concentration, on the other hand, was signicantly under-predicted for concentrations higher than 10%. Variations in the predictions of the phasic turbulent kinetic energy and the eddy viscosity were noted; the effect of solids concentration on them was mixed. A general conclusion drawn from the work is that a more accurate model is required for accurate and consistent prediction of coarse particle ows at high concentrations (less than 10%). In a related study, attention was given to wall boundary conditions again focusing on the effect of the solids-phase models at the wall. Comparison between numerical predictions, using some of the existing wall boundary condition models for the solids phase in particulate ows, with experimental results indicated that the physical understanding of the inuence of the uid and solids-phase on each other and their effect on frictional head loss is far from complete. The models investigated failed to reproduce the experimental results. At high solids concentration, it was apparent from the present study that the no-slip and free-slip wall boundary conditions are not appropriate for liquid-solid ows.
For the horizontal ow case, three-dimensional simulations were performed with a focus on the velocity and concentration distributions. Medium and coarse sand-in-water ows in three pipe diameters were considered to investigate the default solids stress models in iii
ANSYS CFX-10. Simulations were performed for three cases by considering: 1) no additional solids-phase stress, i.e. no model for Ts ; 2) a zero equation, and 3) an algebraic equilibrium model for the granular temperature. The model predictions were compared to experimental results. The effect of particle size, solids-phase concentration, and pipe diameter was explored using the algebraic equilibrium model. All the cases for the models considered exhibited the characteristic features of horizontal coarse particle slurry ows. The zero equation and the algebraic equilibrium model for the granular temperature produced similar results that were not signicantly different from the prediction obtained when no solids-phase stress was considered. The comparison with experimental results was mixed. Locally, the measured solids-phase velocity distributions were over-predicted, whereas the solids concentration was reasonably reproduced in the core of all the pipes. The concentration at the bottom and top walls were over-, and under-predicted, respectively. This was attributed to the inappropriate phasic wall boundary condition models available.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisors, Professor Donald J. Bergstrom and Professor James D. Bugg. I thank them for the thoughtful insights, guidance, advice, and for generously making time for me to discuss various aspects of this interesting research. I am also grateful that they allowed me to continue with the research when I had to take on a contract to begin my career. My sincere thanks go to my advisory committee members: Professors R.D. Sanders, R. Sumner, and Dr. R. Gillies, as well as the late Professor C.A. Shook, for their invaluable suggestions. I am very grateful to my external examiner Professor Jennifer Sinclair-Curtis for her interesting comments and suggestions most of which have been reected in the nal version of the thesis. I and very grateful to the Professors whose classes I have taken as a course, audited or just sat in; all of them have something special and unique to offer and at University of Saskatchewan for me it is an honour to have had contact with them and also to learn as a student and to acquire the tools for teaching. Advice on the profession of teaching during my earlier days of the program by the Professor S. Yannacopoulos is not forgotten and I am thankful to have met him. Technical assistance, among others, provided by Mr. D. Deutscher, Mr. D. Pavier, Mr. D.V. Bitner and the staff at Saskatchewan Research Council Pipe Flow Technology Centre is gratefully acknowledged. My appreciation also goes to the secretaries in the Department of Mechanical Engineering for their various help and support. Special thanks go to Dr. and Mrs. Afeti, Mr. Adim Morkporkpor, Dr. L.E. Ansong, and Dr. Tachie for their motivation. I am also very grateful for the exceptional support and help by Mr. and Mrs. Pavier; words can never describe my appreciation for your graciousness. To my numerous well-wishers, thank you all so much. I would also like to thank all my colleagues and friends for their moral support and prayers. A special thank you to Samuel Adaramola; Olajide Akinlade; Mr. and Mrs. Ahiahonu, Botchwey, Dzaka, Gana, Mawuli, v
Nketia, and Udemgha, to mention a few. I really appreciate your friendship and support. And thanks to the late Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Joan Peters. I would also like to thank the management of SINTEF Petroleum Research in Norway for allowing me to take time off to complete the thesis work. It is my pleasure to acknowledge the encouragement and support received from my family who helped in many ways to make this program a success. A special thank you to my wonderful wife, Bridgette Krampa. Thank you for being in my life and always being supportive. To my son Jayden and daughter Iyanna, all I can say is that you have been a source of inspiration and encouragement. Financial supports in the form of research grants from Syncrude Canada Limited and the Collaborative Research Development Fund (CRD) of the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) are gratefully acknowledged. Also nancial support from the university in the forms of devolved scholarship, Graduate Teaching fellowships, travel awards, all of which help in attaining various accomplishments are graciously acknowledged.
To My wonderful father Felix, uncles Julius and Peter; to wife; Bridgette, and to Jayden and Iyanna, my two wonderful kids for enriching my life in ways unimaginable; and to the memory of my late Mother, Monica
PERMISSION TO USE ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DEDICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES NOMENCLATURE 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 Motivation for the Present Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classication of Flow Regimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 Classication based on particle size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classication based on solids concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Numerical Techniques for Two-Phase Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 Eulerian-Lagrangian method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eulerian-Eulerian method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typical governing equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.4 1.5
Experimental Techniques for Slurry Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Objectives and Organization of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.5.1 1.5.2
Predictive Models for Liquid-Solid Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Liquid-Solid Flow Pressure Drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 Frictional head loss in vertical ows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Frictional head loss in horizontal ows: The Two-Layer Model . . . 19 Frictional stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Coulombic stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3 2.4
Particle Size and Concentration Effects on Pipeline Friction . . . . . . . . . 24 Two-Fluid Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.4.1 2.4.2 Averaging techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Two-phase closure problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Inter-phase momentum transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Fluid-phase stress closures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Solids-phase stress closures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Coupling mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5 2.6
Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Experimental Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.6.1 2.6.2 Vertical ow experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Horizontal ow experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 40
Experimental Apparatus and Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Materials and Experimental Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Experimental Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.3.1 Flow loop operation and data acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.4 3.5
Solids Velocity Proles Measured with the L-Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Analysis of Pressure Drop Measurements in the Flow Loop . . . . . . . . . 51 ix
Pressure drops in upward and downward ow sections . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.6.1 3.6.2 Average pressure drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Wall shear stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 65
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Derivation of Governing Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 Local instantaneous equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Ensemble averaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Ensemble-averaged equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Closure Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.4.1 4.4.2 Physical mechanisms in slurry ows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Closures common to both phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.4.3 4.4.4 Momentum transfer term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Pressure and interfacial stress terms . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Solids-phase stress closures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Liquid phase stress closures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Effective uid-phase stress tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Fluid-phase two-equation turbulence model . . . . . . . 87
Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 4.5.1 4.5.2 Fluid-phase wall boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Solids-phase wall boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 94
The kf f ks s Ts model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 The kf f ks kfs model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Numerical Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Experimental data used for comparison . . . . . . . . . . 101
Simulation Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Single-phase ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Solids-phase velocity and concentration distributions . . 106 Turbulence kinetic energy and viscosity distributions . . . 112
Effect of Solids Wall Boundary Conditions on Pressure Drop Predictions . . 129 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 Solids-phase boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Experimental cases considered and numerical set-up . . . . . . . . 130 Model predictions for 10% solids mean concentration . . . . . . . . 131 Effect of solids mean concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Mathematical Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 Zero-equation model for Ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
The algebraic equilibrium model for Ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Consideration for solids-phase turbulence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
6.3 6.4
Summary of Experimental Data used for Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Simulation Matrix and Numerical Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 Simulation matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Simulation approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Discussion of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 6.5.1 Preliminary simulations: Solids stress model comparison . . . . . . 150 Flow with medium particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Comparison between predictions and experimental data . . . . . . . 154 Discussion of concentration, particle size, and pipe diameter effects 159 Solids concentration effect in the 53.2 mm pipe . . . . . 159 Solids concentration effect in the 158.3 mm pipe . . . . . 162 Particle diameter effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Pipe diameter effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Overall Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 7.3.1 7.3.2 Experimental work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Numerical work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 7.3.3 7.3.4 Vertical ows: Comparison of solids-phase stress closures 180 Vertical ows: Pressure drop prediction . . . . . . . . . . 181
A.1 Sampling Drum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 A.2 Volumetric Calibration of Sampling Drum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 A.3 Calibration Setup and Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 A.4 Calibration with Slurry and Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 B SOLIDS VELOCITY MEASURED WITH THE L-PROBE C RAW PRESSURE DROP DATA D AVERAGING TECHNIQUES xii 200 205 211
Model constants in the uid-phase k turbulence model. . . . . . . . . . 89 Phasic and ow properties used in CFX-4.4 simulation . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Simulation matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Computed wall quantities for ow at 10% mean concentration . . . . . . . 134 Computed solids wall boundary condition quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Phasic and ow properties used in CFX-10 simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Experimental and other ow conditions used in simulations . . . . . . . . . 147
C.1 Pressure gradient data for 0.5 mm glass beads at Cs =5% in water . . . . . 205 C.2 Pressure gradient data for 0.5 mm glass beads at Cs =25% in water . . . . . 206 C.3 Pressure gradient data for 0.5 mm glass beads at Cs =30% in water . . . . . 206 C.4 Pressure gradient data for 0.5 mm glass beads at Cs =35% in water . . . . . 207 C.5 Pressure gradient data for 0.5 mm glass beads at Cs =40% in water . . . . . 207 C.6 Pressure gradient data for 0.5 mm glass beads at Cs =45% in water . . . . . 208 C.7 Pressure gradient data for 0.5 mm glass beads at Cs =45% in water . . . . . 208 C.8 Pressure gradient data for 0.2 mm glass beads at Cs =5% in water . . . . . 209 C.9 Pressure gradient data for 0.2 mm glass beads at Cs =10% in water . . . . . 209 C.10 Pressure gradient data for 0.2 mm glass beads at Cs =40% in water . . . . . 210
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9
A sketch of two-phase ow in a vertical pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flow regimes for slurry ow in a horizontal pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 4
Idealized concentration and velocity for two-layer model . . . . . . . . . . 20 Particle effect on uid turbulence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 53 mm vertical slurry ow loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Conductivity probe and test section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Conductivity probe and test section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Solids velocity prole from L-probe for Cs = 5% in vertical upward ow . 49 Solids velocity prole from L-probe for Cs = 25% in vertical upward ow . 50 Schematic of pressure drop measurement section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Pressure gradient in ow loop for 0.5 mm particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Pressure drops in ow loop for 2.0 mm particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Difference between nominal bulk concentration and estimated values . . . . 58
3.10 Average pressure drop in the ow loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 3.11 Wall shear stress in ow loop for 0.5 mm particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 3.12 Wall shear stress in ow loop for 2.0 mm particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Fixed control volume with two phases with moving interface . . . . . . . . 66 Velocity predictions for single-phase ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Friction factor prediction for water in a smooth pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Solids-phase velocity predictions: dp = 470 m; Cs = 8.7%. . . . . . . . . 107 Solids concentration predictions: dp = 470 m; Cs = 8.7%. . . . . . . . . 108 Predicted solids velocity and concentration: dp = 470 m; Cs = 27.8%. . . 110
Predicted solids velocity and concentration: dp = 1700 m; Cs = 8.5%. . . 111 Predicted solids velocity and concentration: dp = 1700 m; Cs = 17.7%. . 113 Turbulence kinetic energy predictions: dp = 470 m; Cs = 8.7% . . . . . . 115 Phasic turbulence kinetic energy predictions: dp = 470 m; Cs = 8.7% . . 117 . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.11 Turbulence kinetic energy predictions: dp = 470 m; Cs = 27.8% . . . . . 120 5.12 Phasic turbulence kinetic energy predictions: dp = 470 m; Cs = 27.8% . . 122 5.13 Predictions of eddy viscosity: dp = 470 m; Cs = 27.8% . . . . . . . . . . 123 5.14 Turbulence kinetic energy predictions: dp = 1700 m; Cs = 8.5% . . . . . 125 5.15 Phasic turbulence kinetic energy predictions: dp = 1700 m; Cs = 8.5% . . 126 5.16 Predictions of eddy viscosity: dp = 1700 m; Cs = 8.5% . . . . . . . . . . 127 5.17 Predictions of eddy viscosity: dp = 1700 m; Cs = 17.7% . . . . . . . . . 128 5.18 Head losses prediction of 3.4 mm PVC particles at Cs = 10% . . . . . . . . 132 5.19 Head losses prediction of 3.4 mm PVC particles at Cs = 10% to 40% . . . . 135 5.20 Head losses prediction of 3.4 mm PVC particles for various Cs . . . . . . . 137 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Sampling positions for particle velocity measurements . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Typical mesh before and after simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Contour plots of 0.18 mm sand-in-water ow in 53.2 mm pipe at Cs = 15% 151 U and c proles of 0.18 mm particles at Cs = 15% in 53.2 mm pipe . . . 152 us and cs contours for 0.55 mm particles at Cs = 30% in 53.2 mm pipe . . . 154 U and c proles of 0.55 mm particles at 30% in 53.2 mm pipe . . . . . . 155 U and c validation of 0.18 mm particles at 15% in a 53.2 mm pipe . . . . 157 U and c validations for ows in 53.2 mm pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Contours for 0.18 mm particles at Cs =15% and 30% in 53.2 mm pipe . . . 160
6.10 Concentration effect on us and cs for ows in 53.2 mm pipe . . . . . . . . . 161 6.11 Contour of 0.55 mm particles in 53.2 mm pipe at Cs = 15% and 30% . . . 163 6.12 Concentration effect on Us and cs for ows in 53.2 mm pipe . . . . . . . . 164 6.13 Contour plots of 0.18 mm particles in 158.3 mm pipe at Cs = 15% and 30% 165 6.14 Concentration effect on Us and cs for ows in 158.3 mm pipe . . . . . . . . 166
6.15 Contour plots of 0.55 mm particles in 158.3 mm pipe at Cs = 15% and 30% 168 6.16 Concentration effect on Us and cs for ows in 158.3 mm pipe . . . . . . . . 169 6.17 Particle diameter effect on predicted us and cs in 53.2 mm pipe for cs =15% . 170 6.18 Particle diameter effect on predicted us and cs in 53.2 mm pipe for cs =15% . 171 6.19 Pipe diameter effect on predicted us and cs for 0.55 mm at cs =15%. . . . . . 173 6.20 Pipe diameter effect on predicted us and cs for 0.55 mm at cs =30%. . . . . . 174 A.1 Calibration of drum volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 A.2 Calibration of Electromagnetic Flowmeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 B.1 Solids velocity prole from L-probe for Cs = 5% in vertical upward ow . 201 B.2 Solids velocity prole from L-probe for Cs = 25% in vertical upward ow . 202 B.3 Solids velocity prole from L-probe for Cs = 45% in vertical upward ow . 203 B.4 Solids velocity prole from L-probe for Cs = 40% in vertical upward ow . 204 F.1 F.2 Contour plots of 0.18 mm particles in 263 mm pipe at Cs = 15% and 30% . 218 Contour plots of 0.55 mm particles in 263 mm pipe at Cs = 15% and 30% . 219
LIST OF SYMBOLS Acronyms CFD CRD DEM DNS DPM LES LDV PDPA PDF EMFM NSERC NMR RANS SRC Computational Fluid Dynamics Collaborative Research Development Discrete Element Simulation Direct Numerical Simulation Discrete Particle Method Large Eddy Simulation Laser Doppler Velocimetry Phase Doppler Particle Analyser Probability Density Function Electromagnetic Flow Meter Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Saskatchewan Research Council
Roman Symbols A A1 , A2 c c1 , c2 cf cs c C1 , C2 Clim Cmax Cross-sectional area of pipe Sectional areas of pipe cross-section in layer model Concentration Constants in turbulence model Liquid phase concentration Solids phase concentration Turbulence constant sectional concentration in layer model Concentration limit Solids maximum concentration xviii
Solids mean concentration In-situ solids mean concentration Drag coefcient Compaction modulus Coefcient of uid phase turbulence time scale Model coefcient Turbulence constants Median particle diameter, m Particle diameter, m Pipe diameter, m Particle diffusion tensor Coefcient of restitution Constant in wall function formulation Voltage drop in mixture Voltage drop in carrier uid Gravitational acceleration, ms2 Functional relations related to kinetic theory models, k = 1,2,3,4 Radial distribution function Reference elasticity modulus, Pa Interfacial friction factor Drag force, N Fluid phase friction factor Solids phase friction factor External force on particle per unit mass, Nkg1 Coulombic force Height of uid column, m Channel height, m Frictional head loss Molecular ux Turbulence kinetic energy, m2 s2 xix
k kfs Ki Kv Ksc Kst l12 lc lf lfs L m Mfsi n P Pf s = s /f S1 , S2 , S12 Sij Sfsij t tc tfs tp tT Tf ij TI Ts Tsij u
Roughness height, m Covariance correlation, m2 s2 Bagnolds grain-inertial model coefcient Bagnolds macro-viscous model coefcient Collisional coefcient of diffusion Kinetic diffusivity Relative distance between two particles, m Particle mean free path, m Eulerian integral length scale of the uid phase, m Distance between two particles, m Characteristic length of pipe, m Mass, kgm3 Momentum inter-phase drag transfer Outward pointing normal Pressure, Pa Production term due to shear in uid phase, Nm2 s1 Density ratio Sectional perimeters of the pipe cross-section Phasic strain rate tensor, s1 Fluid-solids strain rate tensor, s1 Time, s Particle-particle collision time, s Particle-uid interaction time, s Particle relaxation time-scale, s Fluid phase turbulence time-scale, s Fluid phase effective stress tensor, kgm3s1 Turbulence Intensity Granular temperature, kgm3 s1 Solids phase effective stress tensor, kgm3s1 Velocity eld, ms1 xx
u u si u U Ud Uir Uplus v V V W x, y, z
Velocity uctuation, ms1 Small-scale solids velocity uctuation, ms1 Friction velocity, ms1 Velocity eld, ms1 Drift velocity, ms1 Characteristic mean relative velocity, ms1 Mean velocity in inner units, U/u Particle settling velocity, ms1 Bulk velocity, ms1 Characteristic control volume, m3 Weighting factor Cartesian coordinate in the streamwise, wall-normal or cross-stream direction, m
Xfsi X (r, t)
Greek Symbols ha cr Ts ij s L slip Constituent phase Inter-phase drag function Half angle Dissipation rate of granular temperature, Nm2 s2 Crossing trajectory coefcient Diffusion coefcient of the granular temperature Kroneker delta Dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy, m2 s3 Coefcient of Coulombic friction Log-law constant Linear concentration Wall slip parameter xxi
t s m 2 k , 1 , 2 , 12 ij w
Phasic turbulence (eddy) viscosity, Pas Phasic dynamic viscosity, Pas Phasic kimenatic viscosity Bulk viscosity of solid phase, Pas
Normal stress in layer model, Ns2 Prandtl number Shear stresses in layer model, Pa Viscous stress tensor, Pa Wall shear stress, Pa Specularity coefcient Angle of friction Flow eld variable Generic source quantity
Subscripts coll d dil f fn ha l m mixin p s sin Related to collision Downward ow section Related to dilute regime Fluid phase First computational node from a solid boundary Half-angle Liquid phase Mixture related to inlet mixture variable Particle Solid phase Inlet solids phase variable xxii
t u w
Superscripts +
Dimensionless indicator Fluctuating component of a quantity Solids phase friction Fluid-solid interface parameter indicator Phase induced uctuations
f int pif
Operators and special notations Ensemble average operator /t D/Dt Partial derivative Material derivative Difference
A two-phase mixture is made up of two distinct phases such as gas-liquid, gas-solid, or liquid-solid that co-exist in an arbitrary space. The phases are separated by interfaces and interact dynamically across these interfaces. For most particulate two-phase ows (i.e. liquid-solid or gas-solid ows), the uid phase (also known as the carrier phase) is continuously connected and the solids phase (often referred to as the dispersed or particle phase) exists as discrete particles. The study of particulate two-phase ows is not only important from a fundamental viewpoint, but also from the viewpoint of practical applications (e.g. hydrotransport and pneumatic transport of particles in pipes and channels) and natural ow phenomena (e.g. atmospheric dispersion, sediment transport in water bodies, and biological/biomedical ows). Flows which include granular materials are found in the mining, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries.
Due to the dispersed phase, the physics of two-phase ow is generally more complex than for single-phase ow. Further complications, which are sometimes difcult to elucidate, arise when the ow is affected by turbulence, and/or when the dispersed phase undergoes either a uctuating or continuous contact motion with other particles. In this case, the solids phase does not follow the ow but interacts and modies the uid phase ow features. The motion of particles in two-phase ow mixtures affects the structure of uid-phase turbulence and inuences the momentum balance in the ow. Turbulence modulation in two-phase turbulent ows is also of importance for industrial applications. These turbulent ows continue to provide a challenge to engineers and physicists in developing an analytical description and predictive model from rst principles. Furthermore, the design
of conveying systems requires fundamental understanding of the transport mechanisms of the mixtures.
The analysis of single-phase ows using computational uid dynamics (CFD) has steadily advanced in sophistication. Although there are various methods for solving the Navier-Stokes equation (e.g. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), Large Eddy Simulation (LES)), the so-called Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach is often preferred due to its reduced computation cost. One of the most widely used turbulence closure models based on the RANS approach is the two-equation k model (e.g. see Pope, 2000); k is the turbulence kinetic energy and is the dissipation rate of k . The turbulence kinetic energy and its dissipation rate are obtained by solving their respective transport equations. In this model, the Reynolds stress is approximated by the product of the turbulent viscosity and the mean strain rate. The turbulent viscosity is assumed to be a function of the turbulence kinetic energy and its dissipation rate. Being an isotropic model, the k model has the limitation of not predicting highly anisotropic and rotational ows well. Nonetheless, it is the most widely used turbulence model for industrial processes. The simplicity of the k model makes it amenable to the simulation of complex two-phase ow. 1.1 Motivation for the Present Study The hydrotransport of solid particles occurs in many natural and industrial processes. Pipelining of oil sands by means of hydrotransport not only reduces material handling costs, but also provides some initial processing (Lipsett, 2004). During its hydrotransport, the slurry undergoes a process known as oil sands conditioning where the bitumen separates from the oil sands matrix. This initial conditioning process facilitates the aeration of the bitumen droplets prior to entering the separation unit. The transported oil sands slurry overall forms a complex multiphase system made up of water, bitumen, solids, air, and chemicals. The interaction forces in this complex multiphase system govern the conditioning and separation as well as tailings handling and disposal.
The development of better mechanistic models requires an understanding of the ow physics. Other challenges include the effect of large particles on pump performance and the pipeline itself. Presently, existing mechanistic models can only predict the pipeline friction with some success using either empirical or ad hoc models. A few detailed studies have been performed to investigate the local phasic velocity and concentration distributions (Hsu et al., 1989; Roco, 1990). However, such studies were limited to onedimensional analysis and the constitutive relations for the closure terms were empirical. In this thesis, the two-uid model is used to model pipe ow of coarse-particle liquid-solid mixtures. The two-uid model treats both the liquid and the solids phase as individual uids which are considered to form an inter-penetrating continuum. This allows the pertinent ow physics of each phase as well as the interaction between the phases to be considered. 1.2 Classication of Flow Regimes Two-phase pipe ow regimes depend on the phasic materials, ow rates, and pipe orientation. For liquid-solid ows, the particle diameter and the solids mean concentration are often used to classify the nature of the mixture and ow regimes. The particle diameter is often used to determine whether the ow exhibits Newtonian or non-Newtonian behaviour, or possesses homogeneous or heterogeneous characteristics. The solids mean concentration is generally used to delineate dilute or dense ows. Before discussing in detail the ow regimes, illustrative examples for dispersed vertical and horizontal slurry pipe ows are given in Figures 1.1 and 1.2, respectively, as reproduced from Brennen (2005).
In Figure 1.1, the ow regime is vertical and the constituents are well-mixed; the mean velocity and concentration elds are symmetric about the centreline. Particle size and concentration effects cause the ow to exhibit heterogeneous characteristics (see Sumner et al., 1990). For the horizontal ow case shown in Figure 1.2, the phasic eld variable distributions in the vertical plane vary from symmetric (homogeneous regime) to asymmetric (heterogeneous regime) forms depending on several factors, including particle size, solids phase concentration, and the total ow rate. The homogeneous ow regime illustrated by
Figure 1.1: A sketch of two-phase ow in a vertical pipe. Reproduced with permission from Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow, Brennen, C.E., page 169, Copyright (2005), Cambridge University Press.
Figure 1.2: Flow regimes for slurry ow in a horizontal pipeline. (a) Homogeneous ow, (b) Heterogeneous ow, (c) Flow with moving bed, and (d) Flow over a stationary bed. Reproduced with permission from Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow, Brennen, C.E., page 170, Copyright (2005), Cambridge University Press. Figure 1.2a occurs at low or moderate solids concentration and when the uid phase turbulence velocity scale is much larger that the settling velocity of the particles. In the presence of large particles, concentration gradients in the vertical direction often exist leading to a heterogeneous ow regime, e.g. Figure 1.2b. Occasionally, a limiting case where particles form a bed in the bottom of the pipe occurs and this phenomenon is termed saltation ow. Two scenarios can occur in saltation ow, a moving bed (Figure 1.2c), where the bulk of
the packed bed formed at the bottom of the wall moves or a stationary bed (Figure 1.2d) where the solids phase above a static bed is transported by the uid phase. 1.2.1 Classication based on particle size Particle size has been used to classify liquid-solid ow regimes in industrial horizontal pipelines in some studies. Durand and Condolios (1952) proposed that a slurry ow is homogeneous when the particle size in the mixture is less than 50 m; heterogeneous when it lies between 50 m and 2000 m; and a sliding bed ow is encountered when the particle size is greater than 2000 m. Roco (1990), on the other hand, indicated that for industrial pipelines, the ow of mixtures with particle size less than 10 m corresponds to a nonNewtonian ow; between 10 m and 200 m is quasi-homogeneous ow, and over 200 m is considered heterogeneous. One of the leading research institutes conducting slurry ow research, the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, characterizes heterogeneous slurry ow as one with median particle diameter greater than 50 100 m and a sufciently small content of occulated nes such that the viscosity of the carrier mixture (water + ne particles) is not high (Shook et al., 2002). The particle density and ow conditions also play a role in determining the ow regimes; large particles that are positively or neutrally buoyant could result in homogeneous ow. 1.2.2 Classication based on solids concentration For Newtonian heterogeneous ows, the solids concentration is often used as a criterion to determine when the ow is dilute or dense. If the motion of the particles is controlled by local hydrodynamic forces then the mixture is said to be dilute. In this case, the effects of particle-particle interactions may be neglected. For the case where the ow is controlled by both the local hydrodynamic forces and particle-particle interactions, the mixture is considered to be a dense mixture.
There is no universal criterion for distinguishing between dilute and dense ows on the basis of concentration. The criterion varies from study to study and depends on the type of mixture and the ow structure under investigation. Using the solids concentration Cs and 5
the ratio of the inter-particle distance (lfs ) to the particle diameter (dp ), Elghobashi (1991) classied dense suspensions for Cs 0.1% and lfs /dp 10. In slurry ows, dense ow is generally assumed for Cs 5% (e.g. McKibben, 1992), while in uidized bed research, a value of Cs > 20% is generally considered to be dense (e.g. Gidaspow, 1994). The physical characteristics of whether the ow is dilute or dense have been broadly classied into three categories on the basis of inter-particle collisions (Tsuji, 2000), namely: 1) collision-free ow or dilute ow; 2) collision-dominated ow or medium concentration ow; and 3) contact-dominated ow or dense ow. 1.3 Numerical Techniques for Two-Phase Flows Over the past ve decades, mathematical modelling of particulate two-phase ows has been the focus of many research studies. In general, two distinct methods are used: the EulerianLagrangian and the Eulerian-Eulerian methods. 1.3.1 Eulerian-Lagrangian method In the Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, the uid phase continuity and momentum conservation equations are solved in the Eulerian framework using the Navier-Stokes equation with or without additional coupling terms; that is the Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), Large Eddy Simulation (LES), and the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) formulations. For the solids phase, the trajectories of the individual particles in the mixture are solved in the Lagrangian framework using Newtons second law. The two frameworks are coupled through interaction forces implemented by considering the coupling mechanisms between the uid and the particles. In recent years more complex situations such as particle-particle interactions have been accounted for using the so-called Discrete Element Method (DEM). Briey, the DEM, also called the Discrete Particle Method (DPM), is an extension of Newtons second law to explicitly include inter-particle forces. These forces, expressed in terms of contact and damping force terms resulting from particle-particle interaction, are derived from the Hertzian contact theory (see for example, Cundall and Strack, 1979). The implementation of boundary conditions and the robustness in handling poly-dispersed particle
size distributions makes the Lagrangian formulation attractive. However, the solids phase concentration does not explicitly appear in this formulation and requires special treatment. Nonetheless, the rapid development in the DEM approaches appears to provide a solution for this drawback in the Eulerian-Lagrangian method, albeit with severe computational limitations. 1.3.2 Eulerian-Eulerian method The Eulerian-Eulerian formulation is essentially obtained from some sort of averaging technique. The averaging techniques often consist of one of the following approaches: 1) Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) type modelling, or 2) Probability Density Function (PDF) modelling. These approaches result in continuum-like governing equations for the statistical properties of the dispersed phase. In the RANS approach, the equations are derived using one of several methods. The common methods include: 1) ensemble, 2) volume, 3) local mass and local time, 4) space/time, and 5) double-time averaging. While a vast body of literature on the topic exists, the work of Anderson and Jackson (1967); Drew (1983); Elghobashi and Abou-Arab (1983); Ishii (1975); Jackson (1997); and Whitaker (1973) are among the most cited. The resulting averaged equations are often similar, but different modelling and treatment of closure laws have been suggested (see for example, van Wachem and Almstedt, 2003).
The Eulerian-Eulerian equations for two-phase ows are obtained either by considering each phase separately using the Eulerian-Eulerian method or by considering the mixture as a single continuum. For the mixture model, averaged phasic equations for each phase are added together to obtain a single transport equation for the mixture. For example, for isothermal ows, the mixture model consists of one continuity equation, one momentum equation, and one diffusion equation representing the concentration gradient. For sediment transport and in some slurry ow studies, the Rouse-Smith equation or an extended form, formally derived from the momentum equation (Greimann and Holly, 2001; Roco and Shook, 1985) is employed. Bartosik and Shook (1991) and Bartosik and Shook (1995), used a different approach. Known concentration distributions were supplied to the 7
transport equations of the mixture to predict the pressure gradient of slurry ows in a pipe using single-phase, two-equation turbulence models.
The Eulerian-Eulerian method (commonly known as the two-uid model) considers both the uid and solids phase as two inter-penetrating continua, and the RANS form of the continuity and momentum equations are solved for both phases. In the two-uid model, the solids concentration appears in the transport equations of each phase. Furthermore, it is possible to account for particle-particle interaction in the two-uid model at high solids concentrations. Thus, the solids phase is treated as a uid, but the modelling of the solids phase stresses continues to be a challenge for researchers.
The constitutive models for the solid stresses and the inter-phase momentum transfer are partially empirical. Single-phase ow closures are normally adopted for the uid phase with concentration taken into account. For the solids phase, several approaches have been used to model the stresses in the averaged equations. The momentum equation contains both a solids pressure term and a solids molecular or laminar viscosity term. The solids pressure is either accounted for using an empirical correlation (Gidaspow, 1994), the theory of powder compaction (Bouillard et al., 1989) or the kinetic theory of dense gasses (Chapman and Cowling, 1970). Implementation of the correct solids laminar viscosity is critical. The development of constitutive relations for the solids viscosity is still a major area of research in the two-phase ow community. A variety of approaches including omez and Milioli, 2001), empirical cora constant value (e.g. Sun and Gidaspow, 1999; G relations (e.g. Enwald et al., 1996) and theoretical formulations (e.g. Sinclair and Jackson, 1989; Enwald et al., 1996) have been used to specify the solids viscosity. Empirical correlations of the solids viscosity are usually determined from the mixture viscosity (measured experimentally), the carrier uid viscosity, and the solids concentration. In many gas-solid ows relating to uidization, the application of granular kinetic theory provides models for the solids pressure and viscosity of the solids phase (Gidaspow, 1994; van Wachem et al., 2001). The modelling issues become complicated when turbulence in the solids phase has to be considered and solids concentration uctuations are also taken into account. Often the 8
solids phase turbulence is modelled in terms of the uid phase turbulence through an eddy viscosity expression. In some studies which employ the kinetic theory, the solids phase turbulent stress is expressed in terms of the granular temperature. Second-order scalar moments resulting from solids concentration uctuations are usually modelled using a gradient diffusion model. 1.3.3 Typical governing equations As noted in the preceding section, the governing equations for the two-uid model are similar irrespective of the averaging process employed. However, the interpretation of the terms - particularly the unclosed ones - is often different. With this in mind, a general set of phasic governing equations for isothermal ow are presented. Continuity equations Liquid phase ( cf f ) + (cf f Uf i ) = 0, t xi Solids phase ( cs s ) + (cs s Us i ) = 0, t xi with the additional constraint of cf + cs = 1 . (1.3) (1.2) (1.1)
The subscripts f and s denote the uid and solids phases, respectively; c is the volume fraction or concentration; is the material density; Ui is a component of the velocity eld; and xi denotes a coordinate direction. Momentum equations Liquid phase P (cf f Uf i ) + (cf f Uf i Uf j ) = cf + (Tf ij ) (Uf i Usi ) + cf f gi . (1.4) t xj xi xj
Solids phase P (cs s Usi ) + (cs s Us i Usj ) = cs + (Ts ij ) + (Uf i Usi ) + cs s gi . (1.5) t xj xi xj where P is the mean uid pressure; Tf ij and Ts ij are the effective stress tensors for the uid and solids phase, respectively; is the inter-phase drag correlation; and g is the gravitational acceleration. 1.4 Experimental Techniques for Slurry Flows Most experimental studies of slurry ows have been limited to measurements of bulk parameters due to the inherent problems associated with detailed measurements of local eld variables such as velocity and concentration in two-phase mixtures. For liquid-solid mixture ows, the pressure drop, deposition velocity, and in-situ concentration have been measured. These measurements cover a wide range of particle types and sizes as well as solids mean concentrations and mean velocities. In most of the studies where local eld variables have been measured, conductivity probes and gamma-ray densitometers are usually used extensively (Sumner, 1992; Gillies, 1993). The conductivity probe is very sensitive to ow chemistry and, like the pitot-tube and other intrusive devices, cannot be used to obtain nearwall measurements due to its poor spatial resolution. While the conductivity probe can be used to measure local solids phase velocity and concentration, the gamma-ray densitometer is often used to measure chordal average concentration distribution to supplement velocity data measured with the conductivity probe. In general, local measurements have been hindered by instrument limitations.
The application of non-intrusive devices to measure ow quantities has been extended to two-phase particulate ows (Tsuji et al., 1984). The use of gamma ray and laser Doppler measurement techniques have enabled local ow eld mean and uctuating quantities to be measured in two-phase particulate ows (Alajbegovic et al., 1994; Fessler and Eaton, 1999; Liljegren and Vlachos, 1983). However, because slurry ows are generally opaque, the use of the common non-intrusive devices is limited to simple ows at low solids con10
centrations. Nevertheless, application of techniques such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Ultrasonic Doppler Techniques are emerging and showing promise for slurry data measurement. Presently, the NMR is not applied extensively for turbulent ows and the ultrasonic technique is only effective for obtaining solids velocity data. Recent studies employing imaging techniques are also emerging (for example, Kiger and Pan, 2000). For most multiphase ow data, particularly two-phase liquid-solids ow, only velocity and concentration proles are available, while turbulence and higher order statistics are inconceivably difcult to measure. A detailed review of the experimental techniques is provided in Chapter 2. 1.5 Objectives and Organization of the Thesis 1.5.1 Objectives In the hydrotransport of slurries with large particles in pipelines, the pipeline friction and the preconditioning of the slurries are important for the efcient operation of the transport system. The present work is part of a larger collaborative research program between the University of Saskatchewan and Syncrude Canada Limited in association with the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) to investigate coarse particle slurry ows in pipes. The project was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through a Collaborative Research Development (CRD) grant supported by Syncrude Canada Limited. The project involved both experimental and numerical work.
The overall objective of this study was to simulate coarse particle liquid-solid ows in vertical and horizontal pipes, and to experimentally investigate these ows in a vertical pipe. The experimental work was conducted at the SRC Pipe Flow Technology Centre. A vertical ow loop was constructed for the project. The study involved measurement of radial distributions of solids velocity as well as pressure drop measurements. The numerical activity was performed at University of Saskatchewan. The numerical study involved the use of the commercial CFD package ANSYS CFX. The specic objectives are outlined below:
1. Investigate friction effects by obtaining pressure drop measurements of coarse particle in water slurry ows in a vertical ow loop using spherical glass beads as the solids phase. 2. Investigate particulate two-phase ow closure models, with special attention to the solids stress closure, for the prediction of coarse-particle liquid-solid ows in a vertical pipe using the two-uid model in ANSYS CFX-4.4. The predicted radial proles of solids velocity and concentration were compared with experimental data of Sumner et al. (1990). 3. Investigate solids-phase boundary conditions and their contribution to the total pressure drop of liquid-solid ows in vertical pipes. Comparisons between the predictions and the experimental results of Shook and Bartosik (1994) were made. 4. Predictions of solids velocity and concentration distributions in horizontal pipe ows of coarse-particle liquid-solids mixtures. The solids stress models implemented in ANSYS CFX-10 for the two-uid model were tested. The predictions were compared with the solids velocity and concentration distributions from the benchmark experimental data from Gillies (1993). 1.5.2 Organization of the thesis In Chapter 2, theoretical models for pressure drop predictions of liquid-solid ows in vertical and horizontal pipes as well as the effects of solids concentration and particle size on pipeline friction are reviewed. In addition, the two-uid model is reviewed in terms of averaging techniques, closure problems, and formulation of boundary conditions. The chapter ends with a review of previous relevant experimental studies on vertical and horizontal ows. In Chapter 3, a vertical pipe ow loop facility and an experimental procedure for solids velocity and concentration measurements as well as pressure drop measurements are described. The solids velocity measured in the upward ow section of the ow loop are discussed in Chapter 3. The discussion of the pressure drop data analysis and results in upward and downward ow sections in a 53 mm diameter vertical pipe is also presented.
The transport equations for the phasic mass and momentum are derived in Chapter 4 by employing a so-called double averaging technique. Closure equations, as well as additional auxiliary equations and phasic boundary conditions are also discussed in a general context. In Chapter 5, liquid-solid ows in a vertical pipe were simulated using three approaches for the two-uid model in ANSYS CFX-4.4. The effect of particle diameter and solids mean concentration on the predicted results is discussed. As well, a comparative study of ve solids boundary condition formulations and their effect on the total frictional head loss for vertical ows of liquid-solid mixtures is reported. The simulation of coarse particle liquid-solid ows in horizontal pipes is discussed in Chapter 6, where the effect of the solids phase stresses implemented in ANSYS CFX-10 on the ow eld variables is investigated. The simulations focused on the solids velocity and concentration results. A summary, conclusions, contributions, and recommendations for future work are provided in Chapter 7.
In this chapter, theoretical, numerical and experimental studies of liquid-solid slurry ows are reviewed. The theoretical part considers methods for frictional head loss prediction and continuum modelling in the context of the two-uid model. In the case of the frictional head loss, pressure drop analysis for vertical ows is considered followed by a discussion of the two-layer model for horizontal ows. The continuum modelling begins with a review of averaging techniques for the two-uid model. Next, modelling techniques used to obtain closure for the two-phase momentum and auxiliary transport equations are considered. Finally, a brief survey of particulate ow experiments is provided. Experimental distributions of phasic concentration and velocity, as well as turbulence eld variables, are reviewed. In addition, recent developments in measurement techniques and their limitations are highlighted. 2.1 Predictive Models for Liquid-Solid Flows Because of its complexity, particulate and multiphase processing was treated with empiricism in the past decades, while other areas such as single uid and solid mechanics attracted most of the scientic attention and relative progress. Currently, we are witnessing a signicant shift of fortune that offers an outstanding challenge and opportunity to the particulate community. The methods of investigation for particulate and multiphase processes are rapidly moving from macroscopic (bulk) to microscopic and mesoscopic (particle-scale) analysis. The connection between the ow microstructure and macroscopic behaviour is a central research issue, and can provide a rational approach for predictive methods and new design in various industrial processes. M.C. Roco, Particulate Science and Technology: A New Beginning, Particulate Science and Technology, Vol. 15, 81-83, 1997.
The observation of Roco (1997) cited above is particularly true for gas-solid ows and uidized beds. However, studies of liquid-solid mixtures such as slurries still rely heavily on empiricism. This is not surprising because the physics of slurries is further complicated by the fact that the constituents of most practical slurries vary in physical composition and properties. Analytical methods using bulk parameters have been used for many years and have had a specic focus on pipeline friction prediction. For example, the two(Gillies et al., 1991) or three-layer model (Doron and Barnea, 1993) are used to predict pressure drops in slurry pipelines. However, to predict local ow variables, the transport equations for the variables must be solved. That is the case of the mixture model (for example, Roco and Balakrishnan, 1985; Roco and Shook, 1984) and the two-uid model (for example, Hadinoto and Curtis, 2004; Ling et al., 2002), which are methods used to predict local eld variables of liquid-solid slurry ows. An additional drawback has been the fact that slurries are opaque, which makes local measurements more difcult. This opacity is a major setback for modern non-intrusive experimental instrumentation (Crowe, 1993). Signicant advances (e.g. Dudukovic, 2000) have been made in recent years with specic attention on the measurement of higher-order moments in turbulent uidized bed experiments for CFD model validation. For gas-solid ows, the experimental data of Tsuji et al. (1984) have contributed signicantly to the development of microscopic models.
Prior to discussion of the theoretical aspects of liquid-solid (or slurry) ows, it is worth noting some signicant earlier work on slurry transport in pipelines. Slurry pipeline design parameters include ow quantities such as the bulk velocity, the input or delivered concentration, and pressure drop. Several empirical correlations for pressure drop have evolved since the early part of the twentieth century (Howard, 1939; Wilson, 1942). The extensive work by Durand and co-workers (for example, Durand and Condolios, 1952) on pressure drop measurements for slurry ows was later improved by Wasp and co-workers (cf. Wasp et al., 1977). Newitt et al. (1955) noted that the contribution of the solids phase to the frictional head loss is the result of the particles immersed weight being transmitted to the wall of the pipe. This signicant observation forms the basis of pipeline friction calculations in slurry ow research. Notable correlations can be found in the studies of Charles 15
(1970) and Turian and Yuan (1977), which aimed to provide pressure drop information for different ow regimes. As indicated in the review by Wani et al. (1982, 1983), extrapolation of the results to ow conditions outside the range of the database used to develop them must be done cautiously. In the following sections, frictional head loss analyses for vertical and horizontal ows, and a detailed review of the two-uid model are discussed. 2.2 Liquid-Solid Flow Pressure Drop Considering the ow mixture as a single uid, the mixture momentum equation can be obtained by the summation of equations (1.4) and (1.5). For a fully developed ow, integration of the axial momentum equation over the pipe cross-section (assumed constant) for a constant density mixture yields the following expression for the pressure drop dP 4w dh = + m g , dz D dz (2.1)
where P is the static pressure; z is the pipe axis along the ow direction; g is the acceleration due to gravity; D is the pipe diameter; w is the total wall shear stress dh/dz is the pipe inclination; and m is the mixture density: m = Cs s + (1 Cs )f . 2.2.1 Frictional head loss in vertical ows In a vertical upward ow, the pressure drop (P1 P2 ) measured over a pipe section of length L is given by 4w (P 1 P 2 ) = + m g. L D The frictional pressure drop is typically expressed in the form im f g = 4w , D (2.4) (2.3) (2.2)
where f is the liquid density and im is the frictional head loss of the liquid-solid mixture. The total shear stress w is treated as the sum of the uid and particle shear stresses: w = fw + sw . (2.5)
For Newtonian uids, the uid phase wall shear stress is calculated from the linear stressstrain relationship fw = f dUf dy ,
where f and Uf are the dynamic viscosity and the mean velocity of the liquid phase, and y is the distance normal to the wall of the pipe. A similar argument can be made for the solids phase if it is considered to exhibit Newtonian behaviour.
For the dispersion of large solids in a Newtonian uid under shear, Bagnold (1954) characterised the stresses between the solids as macro-viscous and grain-inertia regimes, between which a transitional regime exists. The shear stress at the wall can be written for the macro-viscous and grain-inertia regimes as (cf. Shook and Bartosik, 1994) 3/2 Kv f L dUs dy dUs dy
Ba < 40
w 2
sw =
In equation (2.7),
2 2 Ki s dp L
s L d2 p (dUs /dy ) Ba = f
is the Bagnold number, where dUs /dy is the shear rate of the solids phase at the wall, and L is the linear concentration (e.g. Bagnold, 1954; Shook and Roco, 1991) given by Cmax Cs
1 3
L =
In general, the Bagnold number indicates whether the source of granular (i.e. the
solids phase) stresses is from inter-particle collisions or from the interstitial uid. In his study of uid-particle ows in a shear cell, Bagnold concluded that when the value of Ba is less than 40, the viscous interstitial uid dominates and the mixture exhibits a Newtonian rheology (that is the solids phase stress and strain are linearly related) meaning that the solids phase stress is due to the viscous effect of the interstitial uid. This regime is called the macro-viscous regime. When Ba greater than 450, direct collision between particles and particle-wall collisions dominate and the stress becomes proportional to the square of the strain rate; this regime is called the grain-inertia regime. The grain-inertia regime can be related to the rapid granular ow regime where the stresses are entirely attributed to kinetic and collisional effects. It should be noted that the concept of a rapid granular ow regime also extends to dilute regions where it is expected that the contribution of the kinetic stress will be higher compare to the collisional contribution. The coefcients determined for Ki and Kv in the work by Bagnold (1954) are approximately 2.25 and 0.013, respectively. In the study of Shook and Bartosik (1994), it was assumed the velocity gradient at the wall was equal for both phases since velocity information for both phases is not always readily available. The same approach was adopted by Bartosik (1996) who modied equation (2.7) to the form sw = 8.3018 107 2 2 3/2 D s dp L .317 Re2 f dUl dy
where Ref is the liquid phase Reynolds number, and D represents the diameter of the pipe. Recently, Matousek (2002) evaluated the effect of the modied Bagnold stress at the wall given by equation (2.10). It was observed that equation (2.10) predicted a much smaller value for the solids effect than that measured in a vertical pipe for both medium and coarse sand slurries.
Using the friction factors for the uid phase and solids phase, and equation (2.5) it can be shown that the wall shear stress for vertical ows is w = 0.5V 2 (ff f + fs s ) , (2.11)
where V is the bulk velocity, and ff and fs are the friction factors of the liquid and solids18
phases, respectively. The uid phase wall stress is determined by estimating the uid phase friction factor ff for the pipe using the Reynolds number (Re = DV L /f ) and the roughness (k ) from the correlation of Churchill (1977). The correlation of Churchill (1977), which can used for both laminar and turbulent ows over smooth or rough surfaces is often applied to estimate ff in the slurry ow community: 8 Re
1 12
+ (A + B )1.5
2.457 ln
+ 0.27
k D
and B =
37530 Re
For the solids-phase, different correlations for fs have been used for different ow conditions and for various dp /D values. Shook and Bartosik (1994) proposed a correlation of the form fs = A dp V s f
dp D
I3 L,
where A = 0.0153, I1 = -0.15, I2 = 1.53, and I3 = 1.69. In the study of Ferr e and Shook (1998), the coefcient and indices in equation (2.14) were modied as A = 0.0428, I1 = -0.36, I2 = 0.99, and I3 = 1.31 to closely match the experimental results. 2.2.2 Frictional head loss in horizontal ows: The Two-Layer Model The two-layer model concept began with the initial studies of Wilson et al. (1972). The two-layer model consists of force and mass balances coupled together using the two layers shown in Figure 2.1. In Figure 2.1, A1 and A2 are the cross-sectional areas of layers 1 and 2, respectively, and A = A1 + A2 ; C1 and V1 are the concentration and velocity in layer 1; V2 is the velocity in layer 2, and C2 is the incremental concentration in layer 2. The quantity Clim is assumed to be the total coarse particle concentration in layer 2 including C1 , (i.e. Clim = C1 + C2 ) (see Gillies, 1993). The quantities S1 , S2 , S12 are the perimeters bounded by the surface of the pipe in layers 1 and 2, and of the interface, respectively.
Also, ha is the half-angle subtended by the interface. The stresses at the boundaries and at the interface are calculated independently. The upper layer is usually assumed to contain particles whose immersed weight is balanced by lift forces due to the uid so that the uid and particles (i.e. nes) together form the carrier uid.
Layer 1 V1 S12 S2 y A1 S1
V2 A2 ha (a) Layer 2 C1
C2 Clim (b)
C V1 V2 (c)
Figure 2.1: Idealized concentration and velocity distributions used in the SRC two-layer model; (a) cross-section of pipe, (b) step prole for concentration distribution, and (c) step prole for velocity.
The force balance includes contributions from the uid wall friction in each layer and particle-wall friction in the lower layer. The initial two-layer model was developed using the coefcient of Coulombic friction, s , and a friction coefcient that is dependent on velocity and constituent properties. The research group at the Pipe Flow Technology Centre of SRC extended the model to coarse particle slurry ows (Gillies et al., 1985) with several improved versions over the past two decades (Gillies et al., 1991; Gillies and Shook, 2000; Gillies et al., 2004). Recent versions of the two-layer model for slurry ows in horizontal or inclined pipes (Gillies et al., 1991; Shook et al., 2002) are based on the concept that the concentration and velocity distributions at any cross section consisting of the two layers separated by a hypothetical interface (Figure 2.1).
In horizontal ows, the frictional head loss can be directly determined from the mea-
In the two-layer model for a horizontal slurry ow, the frictional head losses for the upper and lower layers are given by im f g = and im f g = 2 S2 12 S12 + F2 , A2 (2.17) 1 S1 + 12 S12 A1 (2.16)
respectively, where the stresses 1 and 2 are stresses which act on the pipe wall in the upper and lower layers, respectively; 1 opposes the motion in Layer 1, while 2 opposes the motion in Layer 2; F2 is the Coulombic force which opposes the motion of layer 2. Equations (2.16) and (2.17) constitute the two-layer model. 2.2.3 Frictional stresses The frictional stresses in layers 1 and 2, 1 and 2 , are velocity-dependent and are calculated from the velocities in the respective layers: L = 0.5VL2 (ffL f + fsL s ) , L = Layer 1, Layer 2. (2.18)
In equation (2.18), fL is the friction factor of each phase . The equation shows that in each layer the frictional stress is produced by uid ( f) and solids ( s) effects. The uid contribution to the frictional stress is determined by estimating the uid friction factor from equation (2.12). The solid contribution to the frictional stress is determined by estimating the solids friction factor fs . The current correlation for the solids friction factor (Gillies et al., 2004) is
.25 fs = 1 0.00005 + 0.00033 exp 0.10 d+ L
where d+ is the dimensionless particle diameter: d+ = dp and u is the friction velocity. f f u = d p VL f f ffL 2
The stress 12 at the interface between the layers is computed from the velocity difference V1 V2 and the density of the upper layer 1 using a fanning friction factor characteristic of the interface f12 : 12 = 0.5f12 (V1 V2 )2 1 , (2.21)
where 1 = C1 s + (1 C1 ) f .For highly stratied ows Wilson and Pugh (1995) (cf. Shook et al., 2002) proposed an interfacial friction factor given by f12 im = 0.2175 (s /f ) 1
For ows with less stratication, Gillies et al. (1991) proposed the following relation for the interfacial friction factor: 1 , 2 [3.36 + 4log10 (dp /D)]2 dp /D < 0.002 (2.23)
f12 =
The Coulombic and frictional stresses (1 and 2 ) are modelled using empirical and semiempirical correlations that are based on physically sound theories and experimental evidence. The friction due to the particles at the boundary is due to Coulombic effects and interaction with other particles (Gillies, 1993). The Coulombic friction force F2 is the resisting force exerted by the wall on the particles and creates a normal inter-particle stress gradient: d 2 = (s f ) gClim, dy 22 (2.24)
where 2 is the normal inter-particle stress in Layer 2. Estimation of Clim has been a major issue in the development of the SRC two-layer model. In the study of Gillies et al. (1985) a constant value of Clim was used. Taking the solids concentration into account, Gillies et al. (1991) used a correlation for Clim that depends on the in-situ concentration Cr , mean ow velocity V , and the terminal falling velocity v for particles with a mass median particle diameter d50 greater than 74m : V Cmax Clim = 0.074 Cmax Cr v
(1 Cr )0.189 ,
where Cmax is the maximum packing concentration of the solids, Cr is the mean spatial volume fraction of the coarse particles, and v is the particle settling velocity at innite dilution. A method for estimating the solids mean concentration based on physical arguments and experimental observations was later proposed in the work of Gillies and Shook (1994) who also postulated a semi-empirical approach for calculating Clim . In the earlier two-layer models, the interfacial stress was considered to produce a normal stress in the solids in layer 2, i.e. 2 = 12 /tan, where is the angle of internal frictional of the particles. Gillies et al. (1991) integrated equation (2.24) and obtained an equation for the solids shear stress that, in addition to the stress in Layer 2, also depends on the stress at the interface between the two layers. Later, Gillies and Shook (2000) obtained a Coulombic shear stress relation that is independent of the stress at the interface between Layer 1 and Layer 2. The result, expressed as a Coulombic force, is F2 = 0.5 (s f ) gD 2s (sinha ha cosha ) (Clim C1 ) (1 Clim ) . 1 Clim + C1 (2.26)
To estimate the frictional head loss using the two-layer model, the slurry ow pipeline designer must determine the stresses 1 and 2 in layers 1 and 2, respectively as well as the Coulombic force F2 . To do that V , Ct , Cmax , D , f , s , f , and k must be specied. In addition, the particle size distribution, the relationship between viscosity and concentration for the ne particles and the particle drag coefcients must be known. The steps to be taken leading to the estimation of im are detailed in the works of Gillies (1993) and Gillies et al.
(2004). 2.3 Particle Size and Concentration Effects on Pipeline Friction The effect of the particle diameter dp on the uid phase friction factor is often considered negligible. It is, however, worth noting that ne particles can change the rheological properties of the carrier uid and consequently affect the friction factor. The dependence of the uid phase friction factor on concentration is inuenced by the concentration of the nes in the mixture.
The effect of particle diameter on the solids-phase friction factor friction fs is physically based on the particle-uid interaction in the near-wall region of the ow. For a particular ow condition, Wilson et al. (2000) and Wilson and Sellgren (2003) proposed a Kutta-Joukowski lift force on the particles in the near-wall region that can drive them away from the wall provided the particles are large enough not to be trapped in the viscous sublayer. For small particles trapped in the viscous sub-layer, the lift force is not able to repel them away from the wall. The resulting effect is either a combined effect of kinematic and Coulombic friction, if the particles form a moving bed, or a Coulombic friction due mainly to a stationary bed. In either case, the solids friction would be high. For larger particles with diameter greater than the thickness of the viscous sub-layer, the recent theory of Wilson et al. (2000) predicts that the lift force will repel the particles from the wall and this will decrease the friction factor. This has been supported by the experimental results of Gillies et al. (2004). At higher velocities, the lift force also reduces the Coulombic friction, signicant especially for ner particles.
At low velocities, the friction factor increases rapidly as the concentration is increased beyond a certain level; Gillies and Shook (2000) noted that this concentration is typically between 30% and 35%. As shown in their horizontal ow experiments for high concentration slurries, this indicates that the Coulombic friction will increase at low velocities due to a high concentration at the bottom of the pipe.
2.4 Two-Fluid Models The development of the two-uid model consists of three fundamentally important steps: the averaging process, the development of constitutive relations, and the boundary condition formulation. 2.4.1 Averaging techniques The ergodic theorem of averaging often assumed for stationary and homogeneous singlephase turbulence (Kleinstreuer, 2003; Monin and Yaglom, 1971; Wilcox, 2002) is usually adopted to derive the two-phase mass and momentum transport equations. Prior to performing an averaging process, a number of assumptions regarding the ow physics are often made (e.g. Ahmadi and Ma, 1990; Elghobashi and Abou-Arab, 1983). Different averaging techniques have also been related to particular types of two-phase ows (Roco and Shook, 1985). Over the past three decades, several extensive studies on averaging techniques for two-phase ows have appeared in the literature. The types of averaging include volume averaging (e.g. Soo, 1967; Whitaker, 1969, 1973), local mass and local time averaging (e.g. Roco, 1990), and ensemble averaging (e.g. Drew, 1983; Drew and Lahey, 1993; Drew and Passman, 1999; Joseph and Lundgren, 1990). Others include local spatial averaging (e.g. Anderson and Jackson, 1967; Jackson, 1997, 1998), space-time averaging (e.g. Elghobashi and Abou-Arab, 1983; Roco and Shook, 1985), and double-time averaging (e.g. Abou-Arab and Roco, 1990; Roco, 1990). 2.4.2 Two-phase closure problem In general, the averaged equations of the two-uid model are very similar in form to the equations given in Section 1.3.3 irrespective of the averaging technique used; the basic differences were outlined in that section. The averaging process generates additional quantities (including averages of products) so that the number of unknowns is greater than the number of equations. The additional quantities must be modelled to close the system of equations, but typically it is not possible for the closure to apply to all ows. More importantly, Joseph and Lundgren (1990) noted that the closure models derived from one par25
ticular averaging approach (e.g. ensemble averaging) can be very different from those of another (e.g. volume averaging). In view of this, the development of constitutive relations must be treated with caution. This issue has also been pointed out in a few other studies (Hwang and Shen, 1993; van Wachem and Almstedt, 2003).
The development of constitutive models for multiphase ows continues to be a major research topic. This is due to the complex phenomena of uid-uid, uid-particle, particle-particle, and particle-wall interactions. The physical properties and concentration of the solid particles are factors that strongly inuence the interaction. The uid-uid interactions are modelled using single-phase ow approaches; the uid-particle interactions are obtained from empirical correlations; and the particle-particle or particle-wall interactions are often modelled using constitutive equations derived from the kinetic theory of granular ows with or without modied plasticity models based on Coulomb friction. The pioneering work of Bagnold (1954) was crucial to understanding the particleparticle interaction phenomena in granular ows. The use of the kinetic theory of dense gases (Chapman and Cowling, 1970) with application to granular ows (Savage, 1983) to model these inter-particle interactions has received a lot of attention. Several studies based on the kinetic theory of granular ow have been applied to a wide range of particulate two-phase ows. However, only few studies have focused on a variety of liquidsolid ows (e.g. Abu-Zaid and Ahmadi, 1996; Greimann and Holly, 2001; Hsu et al., 2004; Ling et al., 2002). Inter-phase momentum transfer The inter-phase momentum transfer term typically has contributions from drag, lateral lift, virtual mass, and Basset forces. For the types of ow investigated in the present work, the lateral lift, virtual mass, and Basset forces are assumed negligible compared to the drag force and, therefore, only the momentum transfer due to drag is discussed below. In general, the drag force on a particle in a uid-solid ow system is represented by the product of the inter-phase drag function and the relative velocity.
Several correlations for have been proposed in the literature. For ows with high solids concentrations, the correlations were obtained from pressure drop measurements in xed, uidized, or settling beds. Ergun (1952) performed pressure drop measurements in xed liquid-solid beds at packed conditions. The extensive sedimentation experiments of Richardson and Zaki (1954) led to the correlation between settling velocity and voidage. The correlation has been extended in many forms to estimate . Wen and Yu (1966) considered settling of solid particles in a liquid for a wide range of solids concentration. They correlated their data with those from other studies for solids concentration in the range 0.01 Cs 0.63. In recent years, studies have been performed on the sensitivity of a number of drag correlations on predictions for gas-solids ows (e.g. Yasuna et al., 1995) and uidized beds (e.g.7 van Wachem et al., 2001). Yasuna et al. (1995) investigated the inter-phase drag correlations of Ding and Gidaspow (1990), Syamlal (1990), Richardson and Zaki (1954), and Schiller and Naumann (1933) for gas-solid ows in a vertical pipe. Overall, it was concluded that the computed results were insensitive to the choice of the inter-phase drag correlation for the solids phase concentration range considered. van Wachem et al. (2001) investigated the effect of the inter-phase drag correlations of Gidaspow (1994), Syamlal et al. (1993), and Wen and Yu (1966) on ow predictions in freely bubbling, slugging and bubble injected uidized beds. van Wachem et al. (2001) found that the inter-phase drag correlations of Gidaspow (1994) and Wen and Yu (1966) reproduced ow features observed in experiments better than the correlation of Syamlal et al. (1993). The performance of most of the current two-uid models has been generally attributed to the accuracy of the interphase drag term used (Zhang and Reese, 2003a).
In dilute ows, the inter-phase drag function typically depends on the drag coefcient, CD , for a single particle and is based on the number of particles per unit volume. A simple form is given by 3 cs = CD f |Usi Uf i |, 4 ds (2.27)
where ds is the diameter of the particle, CD is the drag coefcient of a single particle, and f is the density of the uid phase. The drag coefcient varies for different ow regimes and depends on the particle Reynolds number Rep . In the viscous and inertial regimes, the drag coefcient correlations commonly used are those of Schiller and Naumann (1933): 24/Rep 0.44 Rep 0.1, (2.28) Rep 1000,
CD =
where Rep = f |Us Uf |dp /s is the Reynolds number. For many particulate ows with a wide range of solids concentration, the experimental studies mentioned above are usually employed to provide correlations for the inter-phase drag coefcient that account for the dense regions in the mixture. For dense ows, the so-called Ergun equation is used to obtain the inter-phase drag correlation in CFX-4.4 (Gidaspow, 1994); c2 cs |Usi Uf i | s f = 150 + 1.75 f . 2 (1 cs )ds ds For the Wen and Yu (1966) model, the inter-phase drag correlation is given by 3 cs cf f = CD |Usi Uf i | cf 4 ds In this case, the drag coefcient used is given by 24/cf Re [1 + 0.15(cf Re)0.687 ] cf Re < 1000 0.44
CD =
cf Re 1000.
The correlations of Garside and Al-Dibouni (1977) and Richardson and Zaki (1954) were used by Syamlal et al. (1993) to determine the terminal velocity in uidized and settling beds expressed as a function of the solid volume fraction and the particle Reynolds number. The drag coefcient is readily determined from the terminal velocity. Thus, the inter-phase
drag correlation of Syamlal et al. (1993) is cs cf 3 = CD 2 f |Usi Uf i |, 4 vr,s ds where the drag coefcient has the form derived by Dalla Valle (1961) vr,s Re
CD =
0.63 + 4.8
and vr,s is the terminal velocity correlation of Garside and Al-Dibouni (1977) for the solid phase, vr,s = 0.5 a 0.06 Re + (0.06Re)2 + 0.12Re(2b a) + a2 . (2.34)
Closure for the uid-phase effective stress for turbulent ow is normally derived using methods available for single-phase ows. The viscous stress tensor is dened using the linear stress-strain relation. In the context of the k model, the turbulent or Reynolds stress tensor is calculated using the eddy-viscosity approximation based on the Boussinesq assumption. The determination of the eddy-viscosity requires a solution to the transport equations of the turbulence kinetic energy k and its dissipation rate . This approach has been widely adopted but also treated with caution (Bolio et al., 1995), since the constants appearing in the modelled equations of k and are the same as those used for single-phase ows. 29
Squires and Eaton (1994) investigated the values of two model constants in the transport equation of the dissipation rate of the turbulence kinetic energy by comparing the solutions from a gas-phase k model with DNS simulation data for homogeneous isotropic turbulence interacting with particles. The constants are C2 , which appears in the source term for a single-phase ow and C3 that appears as an additional source term that accounts for inter-phase turbulence interaction. They showed that these two constants depend on the Stokes number, i.e. the ratio of the turbulence time scale to the particle response time (tT /tp ) and the loading, Xfs = cs s /cf f . For the cases they investigated, the results showed that for tT /tp = 0.14 and Xfs = 1.0, C2 increased by a factor of 6 and C3 by a factor of 4 compared to the single-phase values. The inuence of particles was found to depend less on the loading for a higher Stokes number of tT /tp = 1.5. Bolio et al. (1995) performed a sensitivity test on the model constants c1 , c2 , c , k , and , using a low-Reynolds number model and found the effect of the variations on their predictions to be insignicant when the values of the constants were varied by 0.1. In the study of Cao and Ahmadi (1995), the particle effect was accounted for by using a model constant that depends on the Stokes number and solids concentration in the eddy-viscosity relation. Solids-phase stress closures For the solids-phase, the effective stress tensor has been interpreted differently in the literature depending on whether the ow is dilute or dense. The treatment for the solids-phase viscous stress was discussed in Chapter 1. For dilute ows, Rizk and Elghobashi (1989) expressed the eddy-viscosity of the solids-phase in terms of that of the uid-phase. Bolio et al. (1995) employed the kinetic theory of granular ow using the constitutive equations developed in the study of Lun et al. (1984) with a slight modication to account for the particle mean free path. In this case a transport equation for the so-called granular temperature was solved. The model of Bolio et al. (1995) was extended further by Hrenya and Sinclair (1997), who considered turbulence in the particle phase and employed a mixing length model for the solids-phase eddy-viscosity. Cao and Ahmadi (1995) modelled the solidsphase eddy-viscosity using a two-equation ks s model, where a transport equation for ks was solved and s was calculated using an algebraic equation. Interestingly, all of the 30
models used in these independent studies produced reasonable agreement with velocity and turbulence data from the dilute ow experiments of Tsuji et al. (1984).
Cao and Ahmadi (1995) extended their simulations to dense ows using data from the study of Miller and Gidaspow (1992) while Hrenya and Sinclair (1997) compared their results with the experimental data of Lee and Durst (1982). For dense ows, the effective stress tensor is modelled in terms of the granular pressure, collisional stress and kinetic or streaming stress (Gidaspow, 1994; Enwald et al., 1996; Peirano and Leckner, 1998). As well, when turbulent uctuations in the solids-phase due to concentration uctuations are assumed, additional terms appear in the momentum equation that must also be modelled. Presently, models based on the kinetic theory are developed using the following assumptions: mean spatial gradients of velocity and granular temperature are small, a low level of anisotropy exists, particles are nearly elastic and do not rotate, and the solids concentration gradient is assumed negligible. For liquid-solid ows, it is evident that these assumptions are not always met as the experimental data of Alajbegovic et al. (1994) demonstrates.
For horizontal ows that fall within the regimes shown in Figure 1.2, an elaborate model will be one that considers all three regimes, i.e. homogeneous, heterogeneous, and saltation ow regimes. This could be achieved by employing the concepts of slow and rapid granular ows.
Slow granular ows assume a quasi-static regime where the stress is determined using theories from soil mechanics. A number of models have been proposed since the derivation by Schaeffer (1987) and are typically based on the Coulomb yield friction criterion (cf. Jenike and Shield, 1959), which states that the principal shear stress is directly proportional to the principal normal stress, where the proportionality constant is the sine of the internal friction angle . Some of the proposed forms can be found in the works of Johnson and Jackson (1987); Johnson et al. (1990) and Syamlal et al. (1993). Rapid granular ow refers to the regime where random particle velocities exist. As in turbulence, the particle velocities can be decomposed into mean and uctuating components. The en31
ergy associated with the uctuating motions is represented by the granular temperature, Ts .
The study by Bagnold (1954) has been the motivation for the subsequent development of the kinetic theory of granular ow. Savage and Jeffrey (1981) and Jenkins and Savage (1983) applied the kinetic theory of dense gases to develop a more rigorous theory for rapid granular ows. An extensive literature on the subject exists, and detailed studies and reviews (Enwald et al., 1996; Peirano and Leckner, 1998; Simonin, 1996) as well as books (e.g. Gidaspow, 1994) have been published. Therefore, it is now a common practice to model solids-phase stresses in particulate two-phase ows using the kinetic theory of granular ow. The dry granular ow models of Gidaspow (1994) and Lun et al. (1984) with some minor modications by other authors, as well as the extension of the work of Jenkins and Richman (1985) by Peirano and Leckner (1998) to account for interstitial uid effects, can be considered state of the art models, at least for pneumatic transport and uidization applications. Coupling mechanisms The coupling mechanisms in two-phase ows are related to the interaction between the primary phases (i.e. uid) and the secondary phase (i.e. particles, droplets etc), and/or between the particles of the secondary phase and their effect on the uid turbulence. For very dilute suspensions, say cs 106 or l12 /dp 100, the particles have negligible effect on the turbulence of the uid and their motion is governed by the turbulent motion of the uid-phase. Here, l12 is the relative distance between two particles. In this regime, the dispersion of particles depends on the state of the uid-phase turbulence but there is no feedback to the uid-phase turbulence. This mechanism is termed one-way coupling. A second regime, referred to as two-way coupling, is characterised by 106 < cs 103 or 10 l12 /dp < 100, where the solids concentration is large enough so that the particles can either enhance or damp the turbulence. Gore and Crowe (1989) analysed several independent experimental data and observed that if dp /lf > 0.1 (lf is the integral length scale), turbulence is enhanced and if dp /lf < 0.1, turbulence is attenuated. In addition to the two32
way coupling mechanism, a third regime arises if the relative distance between particles, l12 is small enough for particle-particle interactions to occur. The term four-way coupling is often associated with this regime.
To determine the effect of particles on the uid turbulence, Hetsroni (1989) suggested that particles enhance turbulence due to vortex shedding when the particle Reynolds number, Rep > 400. The particle Reynolds number is based on the particle diameter, the velocity of the particle relative to the uid, and the uid properties. Elghobashi (1994) proposed that the ratio of the particle response time scale tp to the turbulence time scale tT can be used to determine how the uid turbulence is modied. This is illustrated in Figure 2.2. In Figure 2.2, particles at a concentration of cs = 104 or less have negligible effect on the uid turbulence irrespective of their time scale. Between cs = 104 and cs = 103 , particles with a small response time decrease turbulence and those with large response time increase it. Beyond cs = 103 , the particle-particle interactions become dominant and independent of the particle time response time.
Particles enhance turbulence Negligible effect on turbulence Particle-particle Interaction more dominant than turbulence modulation
2.5 Boundary Conditions Like any other ow, accurate specication of boundary conditions for liquid-solid slurry ows is very important because it heavily inuences the wall shear stress and the near-wall turbulence production. However, while the importance of the boundary conditions, especially for the solids-phase, have been emphasized in some studies, the free slip boundary condition or zero shear stress at the wall is commonly assumed. The pressure gradient required to overcome friction is an important design parameter for slurry pipelines. For single-phase ows and very dilute two-phase ows, specication of the wall boundary condition - from which the wall friction effects can be evaluated - is well established. Theoretically, the wall shear stress for dilute ows is estimated by considering the mixture as a single uid as in the mixture model (e.g. Roco and Shook, 1983). The application of the two-uid model allows consideration of phasic boundary conditions and their contributions to the total wall shear stress and hence the pipeline friction.
Both wall function and low-Reynolds number formulations for wall boundary conditions for the uid phase are used by various authors. Rizk and Elghobashi (1989) showed using a low-Reynolds number model that the wall function formulation is questionable, even for dilute ows, since a signicant deviation from single-phase ows can occur at relatively low solids concentration. Sinclair and co-workers (e.g. Bolio et al., 1995) and others, for example Cao and Ahmadi (1995, 2000), have used the low-Reynolds number models to simulate gas-solid ows and obtained good agreement with the experimental data of Tsuji et al. (1984). The use of a wall function for ows in which local agglomeration of particles occurs in the near-wall region was questioned by Rizk and Elghobashi (1989). However, the wall function formulation has also been used extensively for various two-phase ows. Louge et al. (1991) reported that for dilute ows, the presence of the particles does not greatly affect the applicability of the law of the wall. This will not be true for dense ows especially in the horizontal orientation where the ow can be signicantly stratied leading to the formation of a stationary or moving bed. In the case where the particles settle, the particles will perturb the uid-phase near-wall ow eld. Such concerns have
been raised in recent years even for dilute ows (Benyahia et al., 2005; De Wilde et al., 2003). Using a two-phase boundary layer law-of-the-wall, Troshko and Hassan (2001) formulated a wall function to simulate bubbly ow in a vertical pipe. Hsu et al. (2004) used the wall function formulation in their sediment transport simulation and most recently, Benyahia et al. (2005) extended the wall function by accounting for particle drag at the wall and implemented it for dilute gas-particle ows.
For the solids-phase, a boundary condition which accounts for the physical interactions between the particles and the wall is required. For conned ows of particulate two-phase mixtures, the particle-wall interactions in the form of particle bouncing, sliding, and rolling all contribute to the difculty in deriving a generic wall boundary condition (e.g. Sommerfeld, 1992). Often, a number of assumptions are made to simplify the problem: 1) coarse particles roll over the wall surface while ne particles stick to it, 2) the particles have a zero normal velocity at the wall, and 3) in the tangential ow direction at the wall the particle can experience a scenario between the free-slip and the no-slip condition. For Eulerian-Eulerian simulations of gas-solid ows, several studies (for example Bolio et al. (1995), Ding and Gidaspow (1990), Ding and Lyczkowski (1992), Hui et al. (1984), Johnson and Jackson (1987), and Tsuo and Gidaspow (1990)), have used different formulations for the solids-phase wall boundary condition. These approaches, often referred to as partial slip boundary conditions, imply a nite contribution of the particle wall shear stress to the total pressure gradient. The partial slip conditions are in contrast to the free-slip boundary condition for the solids-phase (i.e. zero particle wall shear stress) often applied in the two-uid modelling of two-phase ows, particularly in commercial CFD packages. 2.6 Experimental Studies Over the ve decades since the experimental work of Bagnold (1954), the study of particulate ows has been the subject of many investigations. Experimental investigations of liquid-solid ows are relatively scarce compared to studies on gas-solid ows, although
several proprietary databases exist. Nonetheless, signicant data of bulk ow quantities such as pressure drop have been accumulated over the years. Some of these studies include investigations by (Gillies et al., 1985; Gillies, 1993; Hanes and Inman, 1985; McKibben, 1992; Sumner et al., 1990; Sumner, 1992; Zisselmar and Molerus, 1986). In liquid-solid ows, these data include the pressure gradient, deposition velocity, and in-situ and delivered concentrations. Experimental studies of uid-particle two-phase ows have mostly been limited to measurements of bulk parameters due to the inherent problems associated with local measurements in such mixtures.
To understand the physical mechanisms that control the solids concentration distribution in liquid-solid ows, detailed measurements are very important. Signicant improvements have been made in the application of non-intrusive techniques to measure particulate two-phase ow quantities. The application of the Phase Doppler Particle Analyser (PDPA) and Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) techniques to obtain local ow quantities including uctuating quantities in particulate two-phase ows is becoming more common (Alajbegovic et al., 1994; Fessler and Eaton, 1999; Liljegren and Vlachos, 1983; Tsuji and Morikawa, 1982; Tsuji et al., 1984), although they are still limited to dilute ows. For liquid-solid slurry ows, the use of the conductivity probe together with the gamma ray densitometer for the measurement of local solids velocity and chord-averaged solids concentration, respectively, is a common practice. Extensive datasets on horizontal ows have been produced using these techniques for the past three decades (Brown et al., 1983; Gillies et al., 1984, 1985, 1999). The conductivity probe has also been extended to local concentration measurements (Gillies, 1993; Lucas et al., 2000; Nasr-El-Din et al., 1986, 1987; Sumner et al., 1990). 2.6.1 Vertical ow experiments Vertical ows are often considered simpler than horizontal ows from an experimental viewpoint. However, due to their limited applications, fewer vertical ow experiments are reported in the literature. The experimental studies of Durand and Condolios (1952) and Newitt et al. (1955) began the series of work on vertical liquid-solid ows. The experi36
ments of Durand and co-workers were conducted in pipes with diameters ranging from 40 to 700 mm. The ows involved sand and gravel slurries with sizes in the range of 0.2 to 25 mm and the concentrations were between 5 - 60%. For experiments using a 150 mm vertical pipe with sand particles, they found that the frictional head loss was indistinguishable from that of the ow of pure water. In addition, the solids concentration prole was observed to be uniform for most of the pipe cross-section. Using different particle sizes between 0.1 mm and 3.8 mm, Newitt et al. (1955) studied the ow of liquid-solid mixtures in 25.4 mm and 54 mm vertical pipes. They also found that for solids concentration less than 20%, the frictional head loss was almost identical to that of single-phase water. A similar observation was made by Newitt et al. (1961) who used a 51 mm vertical pipe. Overall, they observed that for the coarse particles, the frictional head loss was similar to the observations of Durand and Condolios (1952). At lower solids mean concentrations, the effect on the uid velocity prole was found to be negligible. In contrast, for higher solids mean concentration the maximum uid velocity decreased with a corresponding increase in velocity near the wall of the pipe. The solids concentration was found to be higher in the central core of the pipe surrounded by an annulus of lower concentration.
In a collaborative work, McKibben (1992) and Sumner (1992) showed results that conrmed the observations by Newitt et al. (1961). For ows with larger particles particularly at high solids concentrations, the head loss observed was higher than for a single-phase ow of the carrier uid (Shook and Bartosik, 1994). Shook and Bartosik (1994) noted the effect to be more signicant as the particle size increases above 1.5 mm. Further studies by Ferr e and Shook (1998) aimed at exploring this effect supported the observation that the wall friction in turbulent slurry ows in vertical pipes increases as the particle size increases. Alajbegovic et al. (1994) used a state-of-the-art Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) system to measure both liquid and solids velocity, as well as solids concentration in a vertical pipe for dilute liquid-solid ows using ceramic and polystyrene particles. In addition to the mean eld variables, they obtained phasic turbulence intensities in the axial and radial directions and phasic Reynolds shear stresses. The solids concentration measurements were calibrated against data measured with a gamma ray densitometer. They found that 37
the LDV can be used for two-phase liquid-solids ows to measure the liquid and solids velocity as well as the higher order statistics of both phase, The solids concentration was also obtained. The data were used to validated their numerical model. 2.6.2 Horizontal ow experiments The investigations of Durands and Newitts group again were among some of the earliest detailed studies of horizontal slurry ows. The experimental work of Daniel (1965) is one of the rst studies on coarse particle slurry ows focusing on velocity and concentration distributions. In his work, solids concentration distributions of liquid-solid ows in a 25 mm high by 102 mm wide rectangular channel were measured using a gamma ray densitometer. Different sized sand, nickel and lead particles were used. The solids concentration distributions obtained showed varied asymmetric characteristics that can be attributed to particle properties and solids concentration. In general, the solids concentration was large near the lower wall and decreased rapidly toward the upper wall. Mixture velocities were also obtained. The velocity showed asymmetric distributions, which depended on particle size and solids concentration. Besides slurry ows with ne particles (e.g. Gillies et al., 1984) and multi-component slurry ows (Gillies, 1993) for which extensive data has been acquired at the SRC, several coarse-particle data have also been collected (see Roco and Shook, 1983). These experiments have exhibited similar asymmetric features. 2.7 Summary In this chapter, some of the predictive models as well as experimental techniques for particulate two-phase ows were reviewed. The methods for pressure drop prediction in slurry ows with coarse particles in both vertical and horizontal ows were discussed. Numerical prediction techniques using the two-uid models were also presented. Flow characterization using various variables such as concentration, and length and time scales was reviewed. The limited availability of local experimental data necessary evaluating model predictions was noted.
Predictive approaches which use bulk parameters are desirable in the design process of slurry conveyance systems. However, they are limited in elucidating the microscopic description of the mechanisms associated with the transport process. In the present work, the experimental database is expanded by the provision of new sets of pressure drop results. In addition, the two-uid model is used to model these ows. Only few applications of the two-uid model for liquid-solids ows predictions, especially for high bulk concentrations, have been reported in the literature. The present study employs this model to predict the hydrotransport of coarse particles. The closure laws for the solids stress tensor are a particular focus of this study.
In this chapter, the experimental facility, instrumentation, and procedure used for measuring pressure drop in vertical ows are discussed. A circulating ow loop of circular crosssection built at the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) Pipe Flow Technology Centre is briey described. The experimental results obtained for the ow of mixtures of water and glass beads at various bulk concentrations are discussed. 3.1 Experimental Apparatus and Instrumentation The experimental facility used in this study consists of a 53.2 mm diameter, 9.5 m high vertical pipe ow loop which was constructed and installed at the SRC Pipe Flow Technology Centre. Figure 3.1 shows the layout of the ow loop. The ow loop was constructed using stainless steel for the upward (4) and downward (5) ow test sections and carbon steel for the remaining parts. The main components of the ow loop include a variable speed pump (13), a stand tank (11), and valves (2, 9, 14, and 15) to facilitate the operation of the system. The measurement instruments used are an electromagnetic ow meter (10), temperature sensor (12), and pressure transducers. Differential pressure transducers were used to measure pressure differences P in the upward ow and downward ow test sections and a pressure gauge (7) was used for recording the overall pressure in the system.
A centrifugal slurry pump (Linatex 3 2 pump) with a 75 mm inlet and 50 mm discharge was used to circulate the mixture in the ow loop. The pump is powered by a 15 kW electric motor and a Reeves variable speed drive to control the pump speed and hence the ow rate. An electromagnetic ow meter (EMFM) - Foxboro Flowmeter (M-21332640
B) with a Foxboro Transmitter (E96S-IA) - was used to determine the ow rate in the ow loop. The ow meter was calibrated by collecting weighed samples over measured time intervals. An initial calibration was performed using water. Subsequent in-situ calibrations to verify the effect of solids concentration were performed. For this calibration, quantities of the water-sand mixture at different concentrations owing through the electromagnetic ow meter were collected over a time interval and weighed. The data was compared with the case of single-phase water ow. The calibration results demonstrated that the output of the EMFM (i.e. voltage reading) was proportional to the total volume ow rate of the mixture. A detail description of this calibration procedure is provided in Appendix A.
Double pipe heat exchangers were installed on both the upward and downward sections of the loop to control the temperature of the mixture. The temperature was controlled by circulating warm or cold ethylene glycol-water mixtures through the annulus of the heat exchangers. For each condition considered, the temperature of the slurry was controlled within 3o C. The pressure drops in the upward and downward sections of the ow loop were measured for steady ow conditions. Differential pressure transducers were used to determine the pressure difference between pressure taps located 2.134 m apart. For the present study, only the average pressure values were available as output for analysis. The test sections were preceded by long straight disturbance-free pipe section (about 4.0 m), which included the heat exchangers. Thus, in addition to their central function, the installation of the heat exchangers also facilitates fully-developed ow conditions prior to the measurement section.
The layout of the ow loop allows upward and/or downward ow measurements of local solids concentration and velocity proles. Local measurements of both solids concentration and velocity using conductivity probe (the L-probe) for slurry ows were originally planned. However, during preliminary testing signicant and inconsistent uctuations in the conductivity measurements were observed due to changes in the chemistry of the mixture. As a result, it was decided that this aspect of the study should be deferred to future work. Here, a brief discussion of the solids velocity measurements is presented. The L42
probe followed previous designs by Brown et al. (1983) and Nasr-El-Din et al. (1986) at the University of Saskatchewan and SRC Pipe Flow Technology Centre. The probe, shown in Figure 3.2a, has a diameter of 3.2 mm. Compared to previous probes of this kind, the size of the probe used in this study was expected to produce fewer disturbances in the ow. The test section where the probe was installed is shown in Figure 3.2b. The probe consists of two pairs of sensor electrodes separated by 6.0 mm in the streamwise direction. Each pair of sensor electrodes is 2.0 mm apart. A eld electrode is placed above each pair of sensor electrodes and the body of the probe acts as the electrical ground as shown in Figure 3.3. A similar probe was built into the wall of the test section.
The local solids concentration is determined from measurements of the electrical resistivity of the mixture and the carrier liquid. Since the voltage drop across a sensor electrode is directly proportional to the electrical resistance of the carrier uid, the local solids concentration is determined by measuring the time-averaged mixture voltage drop Em and the carrier uid voltage drop EL . Typically, for horizontal ow, the carrier uid voltage drop is determined by stopping the ow and allowing the solids to settle. For vertical ow, to avoid the solids from settling and thereby plugging the ow loop, a small quantity of the mixture is bled and the voltage drop of the liquid in the collected mixture is measured and used as EL . The solids concentration is calculated using the equation derived by Maxwell (cf. Sumner, 1992): cs = 2 (Em EL ) . (2Em + EL ) (3.1)
It is worth noting that the solids velocity measurements are not susceptible to the conductivity issues. The particle velocity is measured using the temporal uctuations in the potential difference measured at the two pairs of sensor electrodes. Cross-correlation of these uctuating signals results in a correlation peak corresponding to the time required for the particles to travel between the two pairs of sensor electrodes. The time-averaged velocity of the solids in the vicinity of the probe is determined by dividing the distance between the sensors by the time corresponding to the cross-correlation peak. These measurement techniques are detailed elsewhere (Gillies, 1993; Sumner, 1992). In the present study, the
Wall probe
cross-correlation algorithm used was developed in-house by Dr. Gillies at the SRC Pipe Flow Technology Centre.
As mentioned above, extensive measurement of local solids concentration and velocity was suspended after preliminary studies revealed inconsistent conductivity measurements. The problem associated with the conductivity probe only affected the concentration data and not the solids velocity data. Moreover, after running the solids in the ow loop for some time, the particles eroded the bend of the conductivity probe exposing and wearing off the wires leading to the electrodes. In addition, some of the 2.0 mm glass beads were broken after running the ow loop at 40% solids bulk concentration, which was the rst test case for that particle size. The velocity data obtained with the conductivity probe are presented below. 3.2 Materials and Experimental Conditions Two sizes of spherical glass beads (0.5 mm and 2.0) mm from Potters Industries Inc. were used in this study. The material density of the glass beads is 2500 kg m3 . The density and viscosity of the water were determined from correlations using the temperature measured during the experiments. Measurements were made for mixture ows involving each particle diameter. For the smaller particles, six solids bulk concentrations from 0 to 45% were considered and for the larger ones, three solids bulk concentrations between 0 and 40% were investigated. The mean velocity ranged from approximately 1 to 5 m s1 depending on the solids bulk concentration. Measurements were obtained for upward and downward ow directions. 3.3 Experimental Procedure The experimental procedure involves the ow loop operation and data acquisition. The ow loop operation consists of the initial set-up of instrumentation, the start-up, solids addition, solids discharge, and the shut-down stages. For data acquisition, the pressure transducers were zeroed in both test sections prior to starting up the ow loop. During the 46
loop operation, pressure drop measurements were obtained for water and the water-solids mixture before and after the addition of the solids. 3.3.1 Flow loop operation and data acquisition Hot water at approximately 50o C was rst introduced into the ow loop through the drain (16) (see Figure 3.1) with all the valves, except those connected to the pressure taps and the air bleed valve (2), open. Hot water is used to speed the removal of excess air in the system. The stand tank valve (14) is closed when the stand tank is about three-quarters full. The air bleed valve is then opened and the lling of the ow loop is continued until water collects in the funnel (1) attached to the air bleed valve indicating ow loop overow. The ow of water is stopped at this point, the drain and the air bleed valves are closed, and the stand tank valve (14) is opened. The hot water is further heated to 60o C by re-circulating hot glycol in the heat exchangers (3 and 6). At the same time the pump is powered and air bubbles trapped in the ow loop are removed through the stand tank. All the air in the system is assumed to be purged when air bubbles are no longer observed escaping from the stand tank. The water is slowly cooled to the desired operating temperature by re-circulating cold glycol in the double pipe heat exchangers. A ow rate is then set and pressure drop measurements are made when steady state is observed. The steady state condition is assumed when the change in the pressure drop is minimal for about ve minutes. At this point, a number of pressure drops in the upward and downward sections are read and averaged within 60 seconds of reading. The pressure drop measurement is repeated for a number of ow rates at increments of about 0.5 m s1 depending on the bulk concentration of the solids.
After the pure-water pressure drop measurements, a known mass of the glass beads is mixed with water and shaken to remove any air bubbles attached to the surfaces of the glass beads. This weighed quantity of solids is then added to the ow loop via the stand tank while the water is circulating. It should be noted that the solids bulk concentration of the glass beads is determined from the volume of the weighed quantity divided by the total volume of the ow loop. Complete mixing of the solids in the system is ensured 47
when the variation of the pressure drops in the ow loop becomes insignicant. After the pressure drops in the test sections stabilise, the pressure drop data for the two-phase mixture is acquired following the same approach discussed above for the pure water case. The solids concentration was increased by adding more solids and the ow rate-pressure drop measurements were repeated until the ow loop had to be shut down at the end of the work day.
To salvage the glass beads, the mixture was collected into a barrel and the solids were separated by wet sieving through a mesh. To avoid plugging the line by shutting down prior to removal of the solids, water was simultaneously fed through the stand tank while the mixture was being discharged via the drain into the barrel. This process was continued until the uid discharging from the drain was free of solids. The drain valve was then closed and the supply of water terminated. The ow loop was then ushed and emptied. The glass beads were air dried over several days so that they could be reused. The drying was necessary in order to provide a better estimate of bulk concentration during loading of the solids into the ow loop. 3.4 Solids Velocity Proles Measured with the L-Probe As noted in Section 3.1, detailed concentration measurements with the L-probe were ultimately abandoned due to inconsistencies in the liquid conductivity. However, limited data for the solids velocity was acquired. The solids velocity proles for the upward ow of 0.5 mm glass beads at bulk concentrations of 5% and 25% in water are shown in Figures 3.4 and 3.5, respectfully. Additional solids velocity proles that were acquired for the 0.5 mm and 2.0 mm glass beads are plotted in Appendix B. In the gures, V is the bulk velocity (the mixture velocity measured with the electromagnetic ow meter) and Uus refers to the mean solids velocity calculated from the measured solids velocity prole. The general trend of the proles resembles those obtained in the previous study of McKibben (1992). The data for the 2.0 mm glass beads was not realistic. As noted in Section 3.1, the conductivity probe was eroded by the particles, which rendered it unusable for the later experiments.
Us (m s )
0.5 Cs = 5%, dp = 0.5 mm V = 2 m s , Uus = 1.86 m s 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 y/R 0.6 0.8 1.0
-1 -1
3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 y/R 0.6 0.8 1.0 Cs = 5%, dp = 0.5 mm V = 4 m s , Uus = 3.66 m s
-1 -1
Figure 3.4: Solids velocity proles for vertical upward ow of 0.5 mm glass beads at bulk solids concentration of 5% in water: (a) bulk velocity = 2 m s1 and (b) bulk velocity = 4 m s 1 .
Us (ms )
3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 Cs = 25%, dp = 0.5 mm V = 4 m s , Uus = 3.91 m s 0.4 y/R 0.6 0.8
-1 -1
Figure 3.5: Solids velocity proles for vertical upward ow of 0.5 mm glass beads at bulk solids concentration of 25% in water: (a) bulk velocity = 2 m s1 and (b) bulk velocity = 4 m s 1 .
3.5 Analysis of Pressure Drop Measurements in the Flow Loop Considering the denition of the mixture density (see equation (2.2)), the solids bulk concentration in the upward or downward (Csx = Csu or Csd ) ow directions can be calculated from Csx = f , s f (3.2)
where = mu or md ; the subscripts u and d denote upward ow and downward ow. The values of mu and md represent the densities in the upward and downward ow directions, respectively. Their values affect the magnitude of the pressure drop in the upward and downward ow sections and depend on the slip velocity in these sections. The slip velocity depends upon the volume ow rate of the mixture, solids properties, and solids loading.
From equation (2.1) and using Figure 3.6, the upward and downward ow pressure drops are 4wu Pu1 Pu3 = mu g + L D and 4wd Pd1 Pd3 = md g + , L D (3.4) (3.3)
In the pressure sensing lines, the hydrostatic pressure drop - of only the uid - connecting the differential pressure transducers to the ow loop is P2 P3 = f g, + for upward ow and for downward ow. L (3.5)
Since the pressure sensing lines that connect the pressure transducers to the pipeline contain the carrier uid, the measured pressure gradient calculated by subtracting equation (3.5) e and Shook, 1998), and (3.4) for the downward from (3.3) for the upward ow section (Ferr ow section are P L and P L
downow upow
It should be noted that the wall shear stresses wu and wd act in the opposite direction to the ow and are always considered positive. The equations also illustrate the two contributions to the pressure drop for fully-developed ow, friction, and gravity.
Pu1 Pu2
Flow direction Flow direction
Figure 3.6: Schematic of pressure drop measurement sections and connecting tubing (a) upward test sections and (b) downward ow test sections. 52
From equations (3.3) and (3.4), the average pressure drop in the upward and downward sections of the ow loop can be expressed as P L = 0.5 P L + P L
In the scenario where the bulk solids concentrations in the upward and downward ow sections are different, the gravitational pressure drop would affect the relationship between the wall shear stresses in the ow test sections and the average pressure drop. Under such conditions, one would require knowledge of the respective solids bulk concentrations in the test sections to determine the wall shear stresses accurately. If the difference in mixture density is neglected, i.e. assuming negligible particle-uid slip in the upward and downward ow directions, then the average pressure drop (equation (3.8)) becomes P L = 0.5 P L + upow P L = 4w D (3.9)
and the ow loop wall shear stress w = 0.5(wu + wd ) can be determined. The wall shear stress values are discussed in Section 3.6.2.
Under zero velocity slip conditions, the mean solids concentration and hence, the mixture densities in the upward and downward ow sections will the same. The average mixture density in the upward and downward ow sections can be calculated by considering the difference between equations (3.3) and (3.4): mu + md = 2f + 1 g P L P L + 4 (wd wu ) . D (3.10)
If one assumes that the wall shear stresses in the upward and downward ow sections are equal, the average mixture density in the ow loop can be obtained from m = 0.5 (mu + md ) = f + 0.5 g P L P L . (3.11)
3.6 Pressure drops in upward and downward ow sections Figure 3.7 shows the measured pressure drop for upward and downward ow measured as a function of the bulk velocity for the liquid-solid ow with the 0.5 mm glass beads. Figure 3.7a shows that the pressure drop in the upward ow direction, represented by equation (3.3), depends on both the mean velocity and the mean solids concentration. The data show the expected trend of increasing pressure drop as the bulk velocity increases due to increased shear at high velocity. Although the present study is different from previous work in terms of the particle properties and the range of bulk velocity considered, the dependence of the pressure drop on solids bulk concentration, observed in previous studies by Shook e and Shook (1998); Shook and Bartosik (1994)) and reand co-workers (for example, Ferr cently by Matousek (2002), is also evident. The work of Ferr e and Shook (1998) involved the use of water or ethylene glycol as the carrier uids and glass beads of diameter 1.8 mm and 4.6 mm as the particles in 40.27 mm diameter pipe. The range the the bulk velocie and Shook (1998) was from approximately 3.5 ms1 to 7.5 ms1. ties in the work of Ferr Shook and Bartosik (1994) used sand, polystyrene, and PVC particles in water within the particle diameter range of 1.37 mm and 3.4 mm. Pipe diameters of 26 mm and 40 mm were used and the bulk velocity was between approximately 2 ms1 and 7 ms1. In the study of Matousek (2002), ows with sand particles of 0.12 mm, 0.37 mm, and 1.85 mm, as well as mixtures of 0.37 mm +0.12 mm and 1.85 mm + 0.12 mm in water in a 150 mm diameter pipe were investigated. Three angles were considered; horizontal, vertical and -30o . The range of the mean mixture velocity ranged between 2 ms1 and 8 ms1 .
From Figure 3.7a, it can be deduced that as the solids bulk concentration is increased, the pressure drop increased in part by an upward shift proportional to mu . Compared with the previous studies mentioned above, lower mixture velocities (less than 3.0 m s1 ) were attained in the present work. The Cs = 45% measurements were repeated and similar results were obtained as shown in Figures 3.7a and 3.7b. Figure 3.7b shows the pressure drop measured as a function of the bulk velocity for the ow with the 0.5 mm glass beads in the downward ow section of the ow loop. Recall that, the downward pressure drop can be
dened using equation (3.7) and the downward shift in its value is proportional to the value of md . Again, the expected relationship between the pressure drop and the bulk velocity is evident. The pressure drop in Figure 3.7b exhibits a downward shift as the solids bulk concentration is increased. Quantitatively, the pressure drop in the downward ow section is lower than the values in the upward ow section. This can be attributed to either the relative values of the mean solids-phase concentration in the downward and upward ow sections or the effect of concentration on the frictional pressure drop. The pressure drop data presented in Figures 3.7 and 3.8 consist of gravitational and frictional contributions. In addition, the frictional pressure drop is also partly determined by the value of the solids concentration at the wall.
Figure 3.8 shows the pressure drop data for ow with the 2.0 mm glass beads. Overall, the pressure drop for the 0.5 mm and the 2.0 mm glass beads in water show similar dependence on bulk velocity and solids bulk concentration.
The average concentration in the upward and downward sections of the ow loop can be calculated from the difference in the upward and downward pressure drops measurements (see equation (3.11)). This equation assumes that w is the same for the upward and downward ows. The difference between the nominal solids bulk concentration Csn (i.e. solids loaded into the ow loop) and that calculated from the upward and downward pressure drop measurements Csc for the 5% and 40% concentrations and 0.5 mm and 2.0 mm glass beads are shown in Figure 3.9. The percentage difference lies within 20%. For both particle sizes, the percentage difference increased with velocity V for 5% concentration and decreased for 40% bulk concentration. A positive percentage difference indicates that the average solids-phase concentration in the upward and downward test section is higher than the nominal solids-phase concentration based on the amount of solids added to the liquid. Without the actual mean solids concentration data in the upward and/or downward test sections, it would be difcult to explain the reason for the positive percentage difference. A negative percentage difference could be explained by particles trapped in parts of the ow loop. 55
10 8
P/L (kPa/m)
6 4 2 0 0 2 4
V (m/s)
Cs (%) 0 5 25 30 35 40 45 45r
4 2
P/L (kPa/m)
0 -2 -4 -6 0 2 4
V (m/s)
Cs (%) 0 5 25 30 35 40 45 45r
Figure 3.7: Measured pressure drop for ow of 0.5 mm glass beads-water mixture in the 53 mm diameter vertical pipe: (a) upward ow section and (b) downward ow section.
P/L (kPa/m)
6 4 2 0 0 2 4
V (m/s)
Cs (%) 0 5 10 40
6 4
P/L (kPa/m)
2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 2 4
V (m/s)
Cs (%) 0 5 10 40
Figure 3.8: Measured pressure drops for ow of 2.0 mm glass beads-water mixture in the 53 mm diameter vertical pipe: (a) upward ow section and (b) downward ow section.
-40 0 2
V (m/s)
Figure 3.9: Percentage difference between solids bulk concentration values supplied to the ow and those estimated using equations (3.11) and (2.2), and the measured pressure drops.
3.6.1 Average pressure drop Figure 3.10 shows the average of the upward and downward ow pressure drops (i.e. the average pressure drop given by equation (3.8)) versus the bulk velocity for the liquid-solid ow with the 0.5 mm and 2.0 mm glass beads. It should be noted that without direct measurements of the solids concentration in the upward and downward ow sections, it is difcult to estimate the effect of the net gravitational pressure drop (i.e. (mu md ) g in equation (3.8)) on the average pressure drop.
The data for the 0.5 mm and 2.0 mm glass beads at 0%, 5%, and 40% is compared using Figures 3.10a and 3.10b. In both gures, the pressure drops for the ows at 5% solids bulk concentration are identical to that for the ow with only water (i.e. 0% solids bulk concentration). On the other hand, the pressure drop for ow of the 0.5 mm glass beads at 40% solids bulk concentration deviates from that for the 2.0 mm at velocities less than 3 m s1 . For the ow of 0.5 mm glass beads (Figure 3.10a), the average pressure drop increases at high solids bulk concentration, particularly Cs > 35%, for similar bulk
velocities. For the 2.0 mm glass beads (Figure 3.10b), the data for the single-phase and liquid-solid ows at solids bulk concentration of 5% and 10% fall on the same curve. The average pressure drop for ow at solids bulk concentration of 40% is slightly higher than that for the single-phase ow for the range of bulk velocities reported.
5 4
P/L |ave (kPa/m)
3 2 1 0 0 2 4
V (m/s)
Cs (%) 0 5 25 30 35 40 45
5 4
P/L |ave (kPa/m)
3 2 1 0 0 2 4
V (m/s)
Cs (%) 0 5 10 40
Figure 3.10: Average pressure drop in the ow loop for ow of glass beads-water mixture in the 53 mm diameter vertical pipe: (a) 0.5 mm glass beads, and (b) 2.0 mm glass beads.
3.6.2 Wall shear stresses Figure 3.11a shows the wall shear stress w plotted against the bulk velocity for 0.5 mm glass beads in the upward ow test section of the ow loop. The values of w were calculated from the measured pressure drop using equation (3.3) and the overall solids bulk concentration in the ow loop. The use of the bulk solids concentration to determine the wall shear stress has been employed in previous studies (Ferr e and Shook, 1998; Shook and Bartosik, 1994). As pointed out in Section 3.6.1 for the pressure drop, Figure 3.11 shows that the wall shear stress is essentially the same as for single-phase ow at the lowest solids concentration of 5%. At higher solids bulk concentrations, the wall shear stresses deviate from those measured for the single-phase ow as the bulk velocity decreases implying a dependence on concentration that becomes more distinct at lower mean velocities. This can further be explained using Figures 3.4 and 3.5. At high bulk velocity, lower slip velocity between the particles and the liquid. The mean solids concentration in the upward and downward ow sections is similar and, hence, equal to the solids bulk concentration in the ow loop. Therefore, the gravitational pressure drop is estimated well from using the bulk concentration loaded into the loop. This implies that the gravitational pressure drop estimated from the measurements is similar in both the upward and downward ow sections. Based on this, one can infer that the values of the wall shear stress at high bulk velocities in Figure 3.11 are not signicantly dependent on concentration. At low bulk velocities, for example in Figure 3.11a, high slip velocity occurs due to the density difference between the particles and the liquid. The solids mean concentration in the upward ow direction will be expected to be higher due to the aforementioned slip velocity than the corresponding value in the downward ow section. For the upward ow case for example, the plotted wall shear stress in Figure 3.11a includes extra (i.e. undetermined) gravitational contribution to the pressure drop that is inherent in the shear stress.
In support of the above discussion, one can see from Figures 3.5a and 3.5b that the slip velocity in the upward ow section is qualitatively apparent. The solids mean velocity computed from the proles in Figures 3.5a and 3.5b are 1.55 m s1 and 3.91 m s1 . How-
w (Pa)
Cs (%) 0 5 25 30 35 40 45
0 0 2 4
V (m/s)
w (Pa)
Cs (%) 0 5 25 30 35 40 45
0 0 2 4
V (m/s)
Figure 3.11: Wall shear stress for ow of 0.5 mm glass beads-water mixture in the 53 mm diameter vertical pipe: (a) upward ow section and (b) downward ow section.
ever, the absence of the phasic concentration data makes it difcult to quantify the exact magnitudes of the slip velocity in the ow sections. Such quantitative arguments will aid in calculating the extra pressure drop contribution hidden in the measured wall shear stress as a result of the slip velocity in the ow sections. Figure 3.11b shows the wall shear stress data for the 0.5 mm glass beads in the downward ow test section based on equation (3.4). The wall shear stress data obtained in the downward test section is similar to that of the upward test section except that the deviation extends to higher velocities. However, the deviation in the wall shear stress at higher solids bulk concentration is less pronounced than that measured in the upward ow test section at lower bulk velocities.
Figure 3.12a shows the wall shear stress for the 2.0 mm glass beads-water mixture ows for 0%, 5%, 10%, and 40% solids bulk concentrations. For the larger particles, the wall shear stresses for the mixture ows are more similar to that for single-phase ow. In Figure 3.12b, the downward ow wall shear stresses for the 2.0 mm particles are similar to those observed in the upward ow test section at Cs = 5% and 10%. At the highest concentration of Cs = 40%, the effect of concentration is reminiscent of that noted for the case of the smaller glass beads. 3.7 Summary In this chapter, an experimental study of water slurries of glass beads is presented. Measurements for the pressure drop and estimates for the wall shear stress in the upward and downward test sections of a circulating ow loop are reported. The average pressure drop in the ow loop was also presented. The results obtained show that the pressure drops as well as the wall shear stresses increase with increasing velocity. The effect of particle size is mixed. The data from both test sections exhibited the generally expected trend. From the present work, and as noted in other studies (see for example, Ferr e and Shook, 1998), the bulk concentration in the upward and downward ow sections is required to determine the wall shear stress. In conclusion, the measurements presented in the present study is incomplete in terms of measured parameters. This is consistent with previous studies and
w (Pa)
Cs (%) 0 5 10 40
0 0 2 4
V (m/s)
w (Pa)
Cs (%) 0 5 10 40
0 0 2 4
V (m/s)
Figure 3.12: Wall shear stress for ow of 2.0 mm glass beads-water mixture in the 53 mm diameter vertical pipe: (a) upward ow section and (b) downward ow section.
further reveals lack of information for numerical simulations. Thus, for vertical ows of particulate slurry ows where signicant slip velocity is expected, effort must be made to obtain velocity and concentration distributions of at least one phase.
4.1 Introduction The governing equations for momentum and mass transport used in this study are presented in this chapter. A two-step averaging technique is used to derive the governing equations for the two-uid model. The method involves both an ensemble averaging technique (Enwald et al., 1996) and a concentration-weighted averaging technique to account for concentration uctuations. Details of the procedure are presented starting with the ensemble-averaged transport equations of mass and momentum. The concentrationweighted time-averaging process is then applied to the ensemble-averaged equations to obtain equations for the conservation of mass and momentum. Closure relations for the interaction terms common to each phase are discussed followed by those for the constitutive equations for the phasic stress tensors. Finally, a general overview of the phasic boundary conditions is presented. 4.2 Derivation of Governing Equations 4.2.1 Local instantaneous equations The main governing equations for the two-uid model are the mass and momentum transport equations. The local instantaneous conservation equation is derived for a general control volume V, see Figure 4.1, through which a ow property of the phase in a twophase mixture is transported (Enwald et al., 1996). For this control volume shared by the two phases, an interface of area Aint (t) and velocity uint i exists between the two phases; the subscript i is used here to indicate an arbitrary direction of the interface velocity. The 65
Phase = 1: u1i,
Phase = 2: u2i,
Figure 4.1: Fixed control volume with two phases with moving interface. following integral balance can be written for a xed coordinate system for the mixture:
d dt =1
V (t) 2
dV =
Aint (t)
(u i n i )dA +
V (t)
A (t)
A (t)
J i n i dA .
In equation (4.1), the term on the left-hand side is the time rate of change of in the control volume V (t), the portion of V occupied by . On the right-hand side, the rst term is the generation of due to an interfacial source term int ; the second term represents the convective ux of across the surface of V (t) at a velocity u i ; the third term is the production of due to the source term ; and the fourth term represents the molecular ux J i , where n i is the outward-pointing normal to the interface of V (t) occupied by phase .
Using the Leibnitz theorem, the term in the parenthesis on left-hand side of equation (4.1) is transformed into the sum of a volume integral and a surface integral as d dt
V (t)
dV =
V (t)
( ) dV + t
Aint (t)
uint n i dA.
Gauss theorem can be used to rewrite the second integration term on the right-hand side of equation (4.1) as the sum of a volume and a surface integral yielding (u i n i )dA =
A (t) V (t)
( u i ) dV xi
Aint (t)
(u i n i )dA.
Similarly, the last term on the right hand side of the same equation becomes J i n i dA =
A (t) V (t)
(J i n i ) dV xi
Aint (t)
J i n i dA.
Using equations (4.2) through (4.4), equation (4.1) can be rewritten as a volume integral for the volume occupied by the two phases and a surface integral which expresses the jump conditions across the interface (see Enwald et al., 1996):
( u i + J i ) dV ( ) + t xi
V (t) 2 int [u i uint i ]n i + J i n i +
(4.5) d A = 0.
Aint (t)
In the present study, no mass transfer is considered. Therefore, the mass transfer per unit area of interface and time in equation (4.5) is neglected, i.e. ( [u i uint int i ]n i ) = m = 0 (4.6)
The generation of due to an interfacial source term int is also not considered and therefore neglected. The integrand in each of the integrals in the remaining terms of equation 67
(4.5) must vanish since the equations are valid for all V (t) and A (t). Therefore, the local instantaneous conservation equation for a eld variable of a phase can be written in general form as ( ) + ( u i + J i ) = 0 t xi (4.7)
and the jump condition between the phases at the interface (see equation (4.5) in the ow is given by
J i n i = 0.
Equations (4.7) and (4.8) are used to obtain the transport equations for mass and momentum. 4.2.2 Ensemble averaging Considering a point in space which is occupied by a two-phase mixture, only one phase will be present at any time. The properties of the ensemble average (see Appendix D) are reviewed in detail by Drew (1983) and include: f +g = f + g , f g = f g , (4.9)
constant = constant, f = f , t t f = f , xi xi
where f and g are any scalar, vector or tensor variables. The averaging process uses weighted averages. The weighted average of a scalar, vector, or a tensor is given by
= W / W ,
where W is an arbitrary weighting factor. The ows considered in the present study are incompressible.
The presence of that phase is characterized by the phase indicator function, which is dened as 1, 0, if r is in phase at timet , otherwise (4.11)
X (r, t) =
where X is a discontinuous function at the interface between the phases and its gradient is a delta-function that is non-zero only at the interface. The average of the phase indicator function is equivalent to the average occurrence of phase : c = X , where c is the concentration of a phase and the angular brackets (4.12) denote an ensemble
average. A fundamental property of X derived by (Drew, 1983; Drew and Passman, 1999) is D X X X = + uint = 0. i Dt t xi (4.13)
In the averaging process, the term Reynolds decomposition, which is specically used in time-averaging process, is employed. Consider a general eld variable , we have =
+ , with = 0
where the rst term on the right-hand side is a weighted mean value and the second term is the deviation from this mean value. The use of equation (4.14) in the averaging process results in terms containing correlations of the uctuating components. These extra terms are analogous to the Reynolds stress terms for single-phase ows turbulence modelling (cf. Enwald et al., 1996). 4.2.3 Ensemble-averaged equations The ensemble-averaged equations are derived by rst multiplying the general instantaneous equation, i.e. equation (4.7), by the phase indicator function X and then performing the 69
Considering each term in equation (4.15) and employing the product rule for the differential terms, the following relations are obtained: X ( ) t = = (X ) ( ) X , t t (4.16)
X and
( u i ) xi
(X u i ) ( u i ) X xi xi ( X J i ) J i X . xi xi
J i xi
Multiplying equation (4.13) by and averaging the result yields X t + uint i X xi = 0, (4.20)
which when subtracted from the right hand side of equation (4.19) simplies to (X ) + t (X u i ) + xi (u i uint i ) ( X J i ) xi + J i X . xi
X =
X xi
With no mass transfer between the phases, the averaged conservation equation becomes (X ) + t (X u i ) + xi (X J i ) xi J i X . xi
X =
Averaged continuity equation From equation (4.14), let = 1 and J i = = 0 and substitute into equation (4.22). After utilizing equation (4.9), the mass balance for incompressible ow becomes ( X ) + ( X (U i + u i ) ) = 0. t xi
C1 C2
The transient term (term C1) becomes Term C1 Term C2 can be expanded as follows: Term C2 ( X U i + X u i ) . xi (4.25) ( X ) = (c ). t t (4.24)
From equations (4.24) and (4.28), the ensemble-averaged continuity equation is written as (c ) + (c U i ) = 0. t xi Note that the angle brackets (4.29)
for convenience. This also the case for the momentum equation below. Averaged momentum equation Setting = U i , J i = p T ij , and = gi , where p is the pressure within a phase, T ij is the stress due to viscous effects, and gi is the acceleration due to gravity, in equation (4.22) leads to X (U i + u i ) Uj + uj [ X (U i + u i ) ] + t xj
M1 M2
= (4.30)
( X (p T ij ) ) X gi (p ij T ij ) X . xi xi
M3 M4 M5
In equation (4.30), the quantity in the square brackets of term M1 is identical to the corresponding term C2 in the continuity equation. Following equations (4.25) through (4.28), we have Term M1 [ X (U i + u i ) ] = (c U i ) . t t (4.31)
The convection term is represented by term M2. Expanding and transforming this term using the Reynolds-type decomposition results in Term M2 X (U i + u i ) Uj + uj xj X U i Uj + X U i uj + X Uj u i + X u i uj
= xj
The rst term in equation (4.32) is phase averaged, whereas the second and third terms
pif vanish. The fourth term is a stress tensor term denoted by ij , which is phase averaged as
pif ij =
X u i uj X u i uj = . X c
Substituting into equation (4.32), the nal form for term M2 is obtained: Term M2 pif (c U i Uj ) (c ij ). xj xj (4.34)
The stress term, M3, is obtained using equation (4.10) and by decomposing into mean and
uctuating parts (i.e. p = p + p i and T ij = ij + ij ), we have
Term M3
( X (p T ij ) ) xi X (p + p i ) ( ij + = ij ) xi
(4.35) .
Equation (4.35) simplies after expanding the terms and averaging to Term M3 [c (p ij )]. xi
The last term on the right hand side of equation (4.30), term M5, is the momentum source due to interaction between phases. The ensemble average of term M5 is expressed as Term M5 M i = (p ij T ij ) X . xi (4.38)
int int The averaged pressure and stress tensor P and ij , respectively, at the uid-solids inter-
face are introduced to separate the mean eld effects from the local effects in the interface momentum source term. Expressing the interfacial pressure in terms of its mean and uc73
Introducing equations (4.39) and (4.40) into equation (4.38) and applying the averaging rules results in the following: Term M5 X T ij X xi xi int int X X + (p ij X = P ij ij ij ) xi xi xi c int int c = P ij + (p ij X ij ij ) xi xi xi int int int c c P ij c = P ij + M ij i, xi xi xi p ij
where M i is the averaged momentum transfer between the phases, after the mean pressure
X . xi
The term M i represents local surface forces, which are due to interfacial-averaged pres-
Substituting equations (4.31), (4.34), (4.36), (4.37), and (4.41) into equation (4.30) and rearranging yields the ensemble-averaged momentum equation for a phase given by equation (4.43) int pif c Tij + (c U i ) + (c U i Uj ) = c P + ij t xj xi xj int int c c P P + c gi + M ij i. ij xj xi
This form of the momentum equation is valid for both the liquid and solids phase after making some important assumptions; also the closures for each phase are physically different for some of the terms. Equations (4.29) and (4.43) are frequently used as the governing equations for multiphase ows. Equations in this form have been presented in several studies with applications to uidization (e.g. Enwald et al., 1996; Peirano and Leckner, 1998) and sediment transport (e.g. Drew, 1975; Greimann and Holly, 2001).
int int In equation (4.43), P and ij are the averaged interfacial pressure and stress ten-
sor, respectively introduced to separate the mean eld effects from the local effects in the
pif interface momentum source term. In the traditional ensemble averaging procedure, ij is
often considered a Reynolds stress due to turbulence in a phase as a result of the decomposition used during the averaging process (see for example Enwald et al., 1996). As such, it is used to represent the correlations of velocity uctuations in regions smaller than several
pif particle diameters. In the present study, ij is physically interpreted differently by relat-
ing it to stresses resulting from small-scale interaction (Hsu et al., 2003) between the uid
pif and solids phases (e.g. pif phase-induced uctuation). To this end, ij is regarded as
a small-scale Reynolds stress, which is identied with particle-induced turbulence for the
pif uid phase or turbulence in a dilute region for the solids phase. Further discussion of ij
is provided in Section 4.4.3. 4.3 Double-Averaged Equations To physically account for momentum transport due to turbulent uctuations on the scale of mean ow variations, a second averaging process is applied to the ensemble-averaged equations derived in the preceding section. This is achieved by time averaging equations (4.29) and (4.43). The double averaging procedure has also been recommended to remove discontinuity in rst derivatives of eld variables resulting from single averaging procedures (e.g., see Ren et al. (1994)). Except for the additional closure requirements, the double-averaged transport equations are essentially unchanged in form. For constant material properties of both phases, the concentration-weighted averaging technique is similar to the so-called
Favr e-averaging process (Burns et al., 2004; Hsu et al., 2003). To begin, the concentration eld is decomposed into a mean and uctuating part: c = c + c , (4.44)
where c , c , and c are the ensemble-averaged, time-averaged, and uctuating concentrations, respectively; the single prime is associated with large-scale uctuations. The following denition c U i = 1 T
t+T /2
c U i d( )
tT /2
With the above relations, the time-average quantities and the concentration-average of the eld variable i can be related using the expressions
c i = (c + c )( i + i ) i = i + c i c
so that the time-average and concentration-weighted average variables are related by = + i , where i =
c i . c
so that the physical effect of i is turbulent dispersion and thus, is modelled as a diffusion process with an appropriate dispersion coefcient. Equation (4.47) provides the correspondence between the time-averaged and concentration-weighted average variables provided
that c i can also be measured.
4.3.1 Continuity equation The concentration-weighted time averaging is performed on the ensemble-averaged equations to account for the large-scale uctuations in the ow. For constant density, the left 76
(4.49) .
Using the concentration-weighted process, equation (4.47), the continuity equation reduces to c U i = 0. (c ) + t xi with the additional constraint
c = 1
for mass conservation. Equation (4.50) is similar in form to the ensemble-averaged continuity equation.
4.3.2 Momentum equation Applying the concentration-weighted averaging to the momentum equation (4.43) and simplifying terms yields int int P + c c U i + c U i Uj = c P t xj xi xi pif c ij + + c u ij i uj xj xj + c gi c int )] int + M [c (P P ij ij i. xj xi
On the left-hand side of equation (4.52), the rst and second terms represent the local time rate of change and the rate of convection, respectively, of linear momentum of phase per unit volume. On the right-hand side, the rst term is the contribution of the phasic pressure to the force acting on phase per unit volume, whereas the second term is the contribution
int of the corresponding time-averaged interfacial pressure; Pint P P is assumed
to be an interfacial pressure uctuation. The third term is comprised of the phasic viscous (laminar) and small-scale Reynolds (or phase-induced turbulent) stress, the fourth term denotes the phasic large-scale Reynolds stress, and the fth term is the gravitational body force term. All of these stresses contribute to the forces acting on phase per unit volume. The sixth term accounts for the difference between the interfacial pressure and the phasic pressure, and the seventh term is the interfacial averaged viscous stress contribution of phase . The last term on the right-hand side of equation (4.52) is the so-called averaged interfacial momentum exchange or the inter-phase momentum transfer. The inter-phase momentum transfer term accounts for the inter-phase drag, lateral lift force, virtual mass force, Basset force, and the wall force. Equations (4.50) and (4.52) are used to represent the double-averaged phasic continuity and momentum equations. 4.4 Closure Equations As in the case for single-phase momentum equation for turbulent ows, the closure problem arises when averaged transport equations for two-phase ows are derived. More terms require constitutive equations or closures compared to single-phase ows. Some of the terms on the right-hand side of equation (4.52) require constitutive relations that need to be interpreted in the context of the contribution to each phase. Prior to discussing the closure models, the physical mechanisms inuencing the different regimes or regions in liquid-solid slurry ows are considered. 4.4.1 Physical mechanisms in slurry ows The physical mechanisms discussed here pertain to the use of scaling, intuition, and phenomenological concepts to describe the stresses that contribute to the momentum transport of liquid-solids mixtures. The regimes considered cover essentially the entire dilute-todense spectrum.
For dilute ows or in the dilute regions of a ow, the distances between particles are large and particle-particle interaction effects are minimized. The particles in dilute regions
can be entrained by the owing uid and are easily suspended by the uid turbulence. At the same time, particularly for large particles that are not easily perturbed by the uid turbulence, the inertia of the particle determines the level of concentration. On the basis of time scales, the inertia effects are determined by the value of or the Stokes number, St. In this regime, the suspension mechanism is dominated by the uid turbulence.
At moderate to high solids concentrations, the average inter-particle distance is small. Consequently, the solids-phase stresses are generated via particle-particle interactions in the presence of the interstitial uid, or due to the enduring contact experienced by the particles. In the former case, the concept of macro-viscous ow rst considered by Bagnold (1954) comes to mind. The effect of the interstitial uid on the dynamics of the solids phase makes the analysis of the stresses more complex. While current understanding of the interstitial uid effect is far from complete, the classical study of Bagnold (1954) led him to introduce the dimensionless Bagnold number expressed by equation (2.8).
At very high solids concentration of heavy particles, ow scenarios with moving or stationary beds are likely to be encountered. In this case, the uid turbulence is small, if not completely absent, in the moving or stationary bed regions. The main mechanism for suspension and momentum transport is the gradient of the solids phase stresses. In the context of liquid-solid ows, the moving bed regime is analogous to the intermediate ow regime, whereas the stationary bed regime can be thought of as either a quasi-static (often assumed) or static ow regime. For the quasi-static ow regime, the frictional forces between the particles are predominant. The phasic velocities are nite and the concentration gradient in the bed region would not necessarily be zero in the quasi-static regime. An immobile bed formation is typically a static ow regime and for this regime, the velocity of the particles in the bed region is zero and the solids concentration is at maximum packing. Stationary bed formation is undesirable in the hydrotransport of slurries and accurate models for the quasi-static or static regime is important to determining efcient operating conditions. In spite of it being the most common ow regime, little is know about the intermediate ow regime due to the difculty in constructing theoretical models (Savage, 1998). As a result, 79
the intermediate regime is treated by combining the effects of the rapid granular and quasistatic ow regimes. For practical coarse-particle slurry ows, all the above regimes often occur simultaneously. Thus, any modelling of the ow must consider these regimes in their entirety. An important limitation of this modelling effort is the treatment of the boundaries between regimes. 4.4.2 Closures common to both phases Momentum transfer term The interfacial momentum force on the solids equals the opposite of the interfacial mo mentum force on the uids. For the momentum transfer term M i , we begin from M i
(equation (4.42)). It is assumed that linear combinations of physical forces such as drag,
lift, added mass, Basset forces, etc can be used to obtain the closure for M i . In this study,
only the drag force contribution is considered for simplicity. Therefore, the inter-phase drag term is expressed (Greimann et al., 1999) as
Mi = Mi = Drag
X s uf i uint i tp
where tp is the particle relaxation time. Applying the ensemble averaging process to equation (4.53) and retaining second order correlations involving X , while neglecting higher order ones yields
Mi = Drag
1 cs s (Uf i Us i ) + X uf i tp cs
The quantity X uf i /cs represents a diffusive ux and is referred to as the drift velocity. It accounts for the dispersion effect due to the particle transport by the uid turbulence. Following the theoretical analysis of discrete particles suspended in homogeneous turbulence performed by Deutsch and Simonin (1991), the diffusive ux can be modelled as (Greimann and Holly, 2001) 1 X uf i = Dfs ij cs 1 cf 1 cs cs xi cf xi , (4.55)
where Dfs ij is a particle diffusion or dispersion tensor. From equations (4.54) and (4.55), we have
Mi = Drag
cs s (Uf i Us i ) Dfs ij tp
1 cs 1 cf cs xi cf xi
Equation (4.56) is modelled after the concentration-weighted time average: M iDrag = cs s cs s cs s Uf i Us i Dfs ij c u tp tp s f i tp 1 cf 1 cs cs xi cf xi . (4.57)
The particle relaxation time can be express as a function of the inter-phase drag function : tp = cs s . (4.58)
The inter-phase drag function is modelled with using empirical correlations. The correlation proposed by Richardson and Zaki (1954) for is usually used (Roco, 1990; Hsu et al., 2004) for liquid-solid slurry ows or sediment transport simulations. For particulate ows with a wide range of solids concentration distributions, especially in uidized bed simulations, those of Wen and Yu (1966) and Gidaspow (1994) are often preferred. For the ows investigated in this work, the local solids concentration varies over a wide range. In the present study, the inter-phase drag function is calculated from equations (2.29) and (2.30).
The second term in equation (4.57) includes the correlation between the solids phase concentration uctuation and the uid phase velocity uctuation, which is modelled by a gradient transport term:
c s uf i = ft
cs , xi
where ft is the uid phase turbulent viscosity, the closure of which is discussed in Section
Presently, the particle diffusion tensor Dfs ij is not very well understood. For non-
where kfs = u f i u s i is the covariance correlation between the turbulent velocity uctuations
of the two-phases. This quantity presented via its modelled transport equation is further discussed in Chapter 5. In equation (4.60), tfs is the interaction time between particle motion and liquid phase uctuations if a relative motion exists between the two phases, and is given by 3k f tfs = C 2 f The coefcient C is expressed as C = 1.85 1.35cos2 (4.62) 3|Usi Uf i |2 1 + C 2k f
where is the angle between the mean particle and the mean relative velocities (Csanady, 1963). Squires and Eaton (1991) explained the particle diffusion process using two concepts: the crossing trajectory and inertia effects. The crossing-trajectory effect is attributed to the fact that the particles fall out of the uid phase turbulent eddies. This causes them to more quickly lose correlation with the surrounding uid. The crossing trajectory effect is quantied by the uid-particle interaction time (see Chapter 5). The inertia effect is due to the inability of the particles to track exactly the uid motion. The above effects were used by Greimann and Holly (2001). Enwald et al. (1996) calculated Dfs ij using 1 Dfs ij = tfs kfs . 3 Pressure and interfacial stress terms For liquid-solids ows, the pressure at the liquid-solid interface can be assume to be equal to that of the liquid-phase. Therefore, a simple constitutive relation would be P
int =f or s
= P f.
In this case, the rst term on the right hand side of equation (4.52) becomes int P xi P f. xi
=f or s
= c
int Following Roco (1990) and Roco and Shook (1985), the correlation between c and P ,
that is the second term on the right hand side of equation (4.52), is neglected. 4.4.3 Solids-phase stress closures
int ), on the The third, fourth, fth, and sixth terms, i.e. cs (s ij + spif ij ), s cs usi usj , cs (Ps P
right hand side of equation (4.52) require constitutive relations. In the present study, different types of closures for the solids-phase stress are investigated in the context of kinetic theory of granular ow. Several methods based on the kinetic theory of dense gases originally postulated by Chapman and Cowling (1970) have been used to derive constitutive equations for the solids-phase stresses. The works of Campbell (1990), Jenkins and Richman (1985), Lun et al. (1984), Peirano and Leckner (1998), and Simonin (1996) are just a few examples. This modelling approach leads to closure relations that account for the solids stresses in rapid granular ows. The modelling efforts followed here consider ow mechanisms over the dilute-dense spectrum of solids concentration while taking into account interstitial uid and frictional effects.
There are a number of models for the solids-phase stresses contributing to kinetic and collisional effects; the difference between them is mainly in the expressions for the transport coefcients. The models of Gidaspow (1994) and Lun et al. (1984) using the kinetic theory approach covers a wide range of solids concentration. These models were developed for dry granular ows. The models proposed by Peirano and Leckner (1998) are extensions of those of Jenkins and Richman (1985) to include interstitial uid effects, and are essentially limited to dilute ows.
The stresses due to particle-particle interaction are modelled in a way analogous to the constitutive relation for the molecular stress in a single-phase Newtonian uid. The 83
transport coefcients are, in this case, determined from the kinetic theory of granular ow. Thus, written in the conventional form, we have cs s ij = 2s Ss ij + 2 s s Ssjj Ps ij , 3 (4.66)
where Ss ij is the strain-rate tensor dened by 2Ss ij = (Us i,j + Usj,i); the transport coefcients s and s are the solids-phase dynamic and bulk viscosities, respectively; and Ps is the so-called solids-phase (particle) pressure. The closure equations for s , s , and Ps used in the present study are provided in Chapter 5.
For dispersed two-phase ows, the average interfacial stress term is often considered insignicant (Ishii and Mishima, 1984), thus the 7th term in equation (4.52) is int ij c 0. xi (4.67)
In dense particulate ows, additional stresses exist due to friction between particles. These extra stresses are largely based on the critical state theory of soil mechanics (Jackson, 1983; Roco, 1990; Roco and Shook, 1983). It is assumed that the material of the solidsphase is non-cohesive but possesses rheological characteristics similar to that in the plastic regime (Schaeffer, 1987; Tardos et al., 2003). Such characteristics are generally modelled as sf ij = Psf ij + F(Psf , cs ) s ij S s ij : S s ij S
s ij = Ss ij Ss mm ij /3 is the where Psf is the averaged normal frictional stress or pressure; S deviatoric part of the strain rate tensor (Srivastava and Sundaresan, 2003); and F(Psf , cs ) is a function to be specied. Different functional forms of Psf and F(Psf , cs ) have been considered in recent studies (Makkawi and Ocone, 2006; Srivastava and Sundaresan, 2003; Tardos et al., 2003). The stress induced by the uid ow on the solids-phase (i.e. pit = phase-induced turbulence) is neglected:
cs spif ij = 0.
The eddy-viscosity assumption is used to model the solids-phase turbulent stresses, i.e. 2 s cs u si usj = 2st Ss ij s cs ks ij . 3 (4.70)
Different models for the eddy viscosity for the solids-phase are used in the present study as discussed in Chapters 5 and 6.
In the quasi-static rate-independent ow regime, inter-particle stresses arise because of the friction experienced by particles in enduring contact. Under conditions of high solids concentration, particles interact with multiple neighbours. The normal and the tangential forces due to friction effects are the main contributions to the solids-phase stresses and hence, momentum transport. In many studies where the kinetic-frictional closure is considered, the modelling process assumes the frictional contribution as an additional stress in an ad hoc manner. For particulate ows where inter-particle contact is inevitable, as in the case of ow with a moving or stationary bed, the pressure difference can be used to account for extra pressure due to contact. Following Drew (1983), we have Ps = (P int + Psf ) (4.71)
where Psf is intuitively assumed to be an extra normal stress due to enduring contact. The stress term cs (Ps P int ) is, therefore, simplied as cs (Ps P int ) = Psf . (4.72)
As noted by Drew (1983), several modellers have used Psf = Psf (cs ) to model the pressure difference. 4.4.4 Liquid phase stress closures For the uid phase, the effective stress consists of the third and fourth terms in equation (4.52). Often, the second part of the third term, ijpif is modelled using one of the following approaches: 85
1. As the Reynolds stress (see Enwald et al., 1996) in which case the fourth term in equation (4.52) does not appear. This approach is usually applied when only the ensemble-averaging procedure is used, 2. decomposed into particle-induced and shear-induced stress components (for example, Alajbegovic et al., 1999; Burns et al., 2004), or 3. As the averaged small-scale Reynolds stress generated due to the interaction between the uid and the particles or by uctuations in the particles (Hsu et al., 2004; Hwang and Shen, 1993). This basis is often unique to the double-averaging technique and the concept of large-scale uctuation, where concentration uctuations are also introduced (see also Zeng et al., 2005). Even though this study investigates different two-uid models, the discussion to follow in section is tailored towards the third approach. Effective uid-phase stress tensor Applying equation (4.52) to the uid phase, the third term contains the viscous and a Reynolds-like stress, which is identied as the stress resulting from the small-scale or particle induced uctuations. The viscous shear stress of the uid (liquid phase) is calculated using the linear stress-strain rate relationship: cf f ij = cf f f Uf i Uf j + xj xi . (4.73)
In dilute ows, the phase-induced turbulence is assumed due to the slip between the uid and the particles. The effect of the slip can be characterised by the particle diameter as the length scale and the relative velocity as the velocity scale (Gore and Crowe, 1989). In addition, the solids concentration in the dilute regions is low and the effect on the mean ow is expected to be negligible. For dense ows, where particle-particle interactions are still dominant, particle-induced turbulence may be included in the uid phase closure as discussed by Hwang and Shen (1993).
The uid-phase turbulent stress is modelled using the eddy viscosity model:
f cf u f i uf j = cf ft
Uf i Uf j + xj xi
2 f kf ij , 3
where the eddy viscosity of the uid phase ft is calculated using the two-equation kf f turbulence model ft = C f kf2 . f (4.75)
In equation (4.75), C is a model constant (see Table 4.1); kf is the uid phase turbulence kinetic energy; and f is the dissipation rate of kf . For the uid phase, the sixth term in equation (4.52) vanishes. Fluid-phase two-equation turbulence model In this work, the transport equations for kf and f are solved to compute ft . By denition, the uid-phase turbulence kinetic energy is kf = 1 cf u f uf . 2 cf (4.76)
The transport equation for kf is derived by subtracting the governing equation of the mean kinetic energy of the instantaneous uid phase velocity from that of the kinetic energy of the concentration-weighted mean velocity. Dropping the symbol and using some of the
closure equations in the preceding sections, we have Hsu et al. (2004) Uf i (cf f Ufj kf ) = Tf ij (cf f kf ) + t xj xj 1 f ij cf u + f i f cf uf i uf i uf i cf uf i Pf xj 2 cf u u fi + Pf cf f ij f i xi xi cs s cs s cs uf i(Uf i Usi ) cf f cs uf i (uf i u s i) tp tp
Following single-phase ow arguments (Wilcox, 2002), equation (4.77) is transformed to the standard convection-diffusion form. On the right-hand side, the rst term is the produc87
tion term, where Tf ij = cf f ij + f cf u f i uf j is the effective stress. The second term is treated
where k is the Prandtl number of the kf equation. Following Roco and Shook (1983), the third term is ignored. The fourth term is the dissipation rate of the uid phase turbulence kinetic energy kf , which is given by f = 1 u cf f ij f i . cf f xi (4.79)
The correlations in the last term in equation (4.77) is modelled as kf = cs s (2cf kf + kfs + (Uf i Usi )Udi ) . tp
where Udi is the drift velocity dened as Udi = tfs kfs 3 1 cf 1 cs cf xi cs xi . (4.81)
Thus, the modelled transport equation for kf is given by ft kf (cf f Ufj kf ) = cf f + (cf f kf ) + t xj xj k xj cs s cf Uf i + ft (Uif Uis ) + Tf ij tp f xj xj f cf f + cf f kf Following a similar approach, the transport equation for f can be obtained as follows: ft f f Uf i cf f + + C1 Tf ij (cf f f ) + (cf f Ufj f ) = t xj xj xj kf xj f f cs s cf C2 cf f f + C3 ft (Uif Uis ) kf kf tp f xj f C3 cf f kf kf 88
Equations (4.82) and (4.83) are the generic forms used to calculate kf and f in the present study. The specic closure terms and relations used for the ows calculated in this work for vertical and horizontal ows are discussed in Sections 5.1 and 6.2, respectively.
With the exception of C3 , the numerical coefcients of the uid-phase k turbulence model provided in Table 4.1 are those calibrated for single-phase ows. Appropriate values for the constants, including that for C3 , for the case of two-phase ows are still the subject of debate (Bolio et al., 1995; Rizk and Elghobashi, 1989; Simonin, 1996; Squires and Eaton, 1994) and the focus of recent investigations (Zhang and Reese, 2001, 2003b). Table 4.1: Model constants in the uid-phase k turbulence model. C C 1 C 2 C 3 1.2 k
1.0 1.3
4.5 Boundary Conditions Boundary conditions have to be imposed at the inlets, outlets and bounding walls of the ow domain. The inlet and outlet boundary conditions are discussed in Chapter 5. The total wall shear stress is a very useful parameter in two-phase ow system design. Thus, in systems where head losses are considered important, the correct formulation of the wall boundary condition, particularly in the two-uid formulation, is crucial. To this end, discussion and formulation of phasic wall boundary conditions is presented in the following sections. The wall function formulation is adopted for the uid phase, while some of the existing formulations for the solids-phase are presented.
4.5.1 Fluid-phase wall boundary conditions In turbulent ows, the wall-function formulation typically uses a logarithmic relation for
+ the near-wall velocity in inner coordinates (yfn = 30 200):
U+ = where
1 Ufn + = ln(Eyfn ), u
+ yfn = u yfn /
u =
fw /.
The subscript fn refers to the rst node from the wall; u is the friction velocity; Ufn is
+ the velocity parallel to the wall at a distance of yfn from the wall; yfn is the dimensionless
distance from the wall; and E = 9.793 is the log-layer constant. The values of kfn and fn at the rst node are, u2 kfn = C and C 3/4 kfn u3 = . fn = yfn yfn
This formulation does not consider the effect of the solids-phase on the uid at the wall. The effect of the solids-phase can be accounted for through the inter-phase drag term to reect the effect of turbulence interaction between the phases (Benyahia et al., 2005). 4.5.2 Solids-phase wall boundary conditions Several approaches are used for the solids-phase wall boundary condition in the literature. Considering particle-wall interactions of neutrally buoyant wax spheres, Bagnold (1954) proposed dispersive stress relations for the macro-viscous and grain-inertia regimes, respectively, and developed a solids-phase wall shear stress, which can be recast in Newtonian form using equation (2.7). As noted in Chapter 2, Shook and Bartosik (1994), calculated the solids-phase velocity gradient at the wall using a stress-strain relation. They assumed that the velocity gradient of the solids at the wall is equal to that of the liquid. The solids mean concentration Cs was used to calculate the linear concentration L . Considering the grain-inertia regime, they modied equation (2.7) to the form given by equation (2.10). Shook and Bartosik (1994) and Bartosik (1996) adopted these approximations be90
cause local solids velocity and concentration measurements were not obtained during their study. For the present work, the solids-phase velocity gradient is explicitly calculated to determine the solids-phase wall shear stress.
Eldighidy et al. (1977) proposed a slip condition for the solids-phase wall boundary condition in the form Us where, Us
= slip
Us y
is the particle velocity at the wall, y is the wall-normal direction, and the
coefcient slip is known as the slip parameter. Different approaches were used to estimate slip for the two-uid application by Ding and Gidaspow (1990) and Ding and Lyczkowski (1992). In the study by Ding and Gidaspow (1990), slip was assumed to be the mean distance between particles and estimated it from 4 cs 3 to obtain slip = dp cs
slip 2
3 dp 6
The estimated expression for slip in the study of Ding and Lyczkowski (1992) was obtained more rigorously via the kinetic theory approach. Ding and Lyczkowski (1992) dened slip in the same way as Ding and Gidaspow (1990) and obtained an expression for slip in the form slip = 3 d p . 24 cs g0
In equation (4.91), Cmax = 0.63 is the maximum volume fraction. The slip parameter developed by Ding and Lyczkowski (1992) was used by Ding et al. (1993) to simulate laminar ow of a liquid-solid mixture using a multi-uid model. 91
The preceding discussions on the treatment of the solids-phase wall boundary condition provide a simplistic approach to its formulation and numerical implementation. However, as noted above, the mechanisms involved in the particle-wall interaction are physically more complex. The heuristic approach proposed by Hui et al. (1984) was used by Johnson and Jackson (1987) and Johnson et al. (1990) to account for particle-wall friction. More rigorous derivations of the solids-phase boundary conditions, which are expected to be physically amendable to particle-wall mechanism, have been attempted in several studies (Benyahia et al., 2005; Jenkins and Louge, 1997; Jenkins and Richman, 1986; Louge, 1994; Richman, 1988). Johnson and Jackson (1987) formulated the following
boundary conditions for granular materials in a plane shear ow: Us + n Ts |Us | for the solids-phase velocity and Ts Ts r 3cs s go Ts 6Cmax
+ sfn tan = 0;
|Us |2
3Ts (1 e2 w) 2
for the granular temperature, where ew is the restitution coefcient at the wall and 0 1 is known as the specularity coefcient; Ts is the coefcient of the granular temperature equation. When the frictional term in equation (4.92) is neglected, = 0 leads to the free-slip (or smooth wall) boundary condition and a value of = 1 denes a rough wall condition (cf. Benyahia et al., 2005). The specularity coefcient is characteristic of the fraction of diffuse particle-wall collisions. 4.6 Summary The transport equations for particulate two-phase ows have been presented in this chapter. A general overview of the closure relations for the terms that require constitutive equations were also discussed. The specic transport equations, closure models, and modelled transport equations for auxiliary quantities used for simulations in this work are discussed in detail in Chapter 5, where vertical ow simulations are reported, and in 6, the horizontal 92
pipe ow calculations are performed. Due to the limitations of the user, the simulations were limited to the models that were simple to implement.
In this chapter, the model predictions of local ow distributions and frictional head losses for liquid-solid vertical ows made using the commercial CFD software ANSYS CFX-4.4 are presented. As noted in the preceding chapter, specic constitutive relations for the solids-phase stress and associated auxiliary transport equations are investigated. Specically, three types of closures for the solids-phase stress are considered. Prediction of solidsphase velocity and concentration proles are compared with measured data for high solids bulk concentration ows. For the frictional head loss, the effects of various solids-phase wall boundary condition models are investigated for liquid-solid vertical ows. 5.1 Two-Fluid Model Equations For isothermal two-phase ows where both phases are considered turbulent with no interphase mass transfer, equations (1.1) to (1.5), which are simplied forms of equations (4.50) and (4.52) are used to describe the mass and momentum transport in each phase. For all the simulations, the uid-phase effective stress is calculated using the kf f model (equations (4.77) and (4.83)) with the wall function formulation. The treatment of the effective stress for the solids-phase for the different models investigated is discussed in Section 5.1.1. Different models are available for the solids-phase stress closure in the literature. The three common two-uid models, often referred to as kf f ks s , kf f ks s Ts , and kf f ks kfs , are investigated in the present study; kfs is the uid-solids covariance (cf. Peirano and Leckner, 1998).
5.1.1 The kf f ks s model The kf f ks s model considered in this study is the baseline model for two-phase turbulent ows in the CFX-4.4 code. The essential assumption in this case is that the turbulence model for the uid can be adopted for the solids-phase. It should be noted that, for this model, the last term in equations (4.82) and (4.83) does not appear and hence, is not considered. The effective solids-phase stress tensor in this case is modelled in terms of collision and kinetic (or turbulent) contributions, i.e., Ts ij = Ps ij + s ij + st ij . (5.1)
The solids-phase stress due to collision is expressed in terms of a normal component Ps and a shear component s ij . The normal component of the collisional stress is given in the form of a simple solids pressure model (Bouillard et al., 1989) Ps cs = Go [exp (CM {cs Cmax })] , xi xi (5.2)
where Go is known as the reference elastic modulus; CM is the compaction modulus; and Cmax is the maximum packing concentration of the particles. The effect of equation (5.2) is to prevent the calculated solids concentration from exceeding the maximum packing in dense regions for a given nominal particle size. Following Bouillard et al. (1989), values of Go = 1 Pa and CM = 600 were used in equation (5.2).
The collisional shear stress s ij is expressed in the same way as for the uid-phase molecular shear stress. However, unlike the uid-phase for which the laminar viscosity is constant, the solids-phase viscosity depends strongly on the transport mechanisms affecting the solids-phase. In the literature, the solids viscosity is typically modelled in one of three ways: constant solids viscosity (Sun and Gidaspow, 1999; G omez and Milioli, 2001), empirical or semi-empirical correlations (Enwald et al., 1996), or from the kinetic theory (Chapman and Cowling, 1970). While kinetic theory leads to a specic constitutive relation for the solids viscosity (see below), the use of negligible solids viscosity is also
quite common. For the present study, the collisional shear stress s ij is expressed in the same way as for the liquid-phase, where the dynamic viscosity was set to a very small value of 108 Pas following the aforementioned studies. The solids-phase turbulent stress st ij is modelled using a k type two-equation model similar to that of the uid-phase. The default model constants of the k turbulence model in ANSYS CFX-4.4, given in Table 4.1, were retained in the simulations. 5.1.2 The kf f ks s Ts model For the kf f ks s Ts model, the solids-phase is assumed to experience small- (Ts equation) and large-scale (ks equation) uctuations. For this model, the kf f ks s part is solved using the approach described in the preceding section. Since the small-scale solids-phase uctuations are attributed to collisions at the particle scale, the effects are accounted for via the kinetic theory of granular ow. Thus, the solids-phase stress due to particle-particle collision is modelled using equation (4.66). In terms of the kinetic theory of granular ows (e.g. Lun et al., 1984), the relations for the solids-phase dynamic and bulk viscosities and pressure depend, among other parameters, on the granular temperature Ts , which must be computed.
Using the constitutive relations of Lun et al. (1984), the solids-phase dynamic viscosity is written as s = s dil (g1 + g2 ) , where s dil is calculated from s dil = and g1 and g2 are given by g1 = 8 1 1 + (3 2) cs g0 (2 ) g0 5 96 (5.5) 5 1/2 dp s Ts1/2 ; 96 (5.4) (5.3)
and g2 = where 1 = (1 + e). 2 The bulk viscosity is 8 s = cs s dp g0 3 and the solids-phase pressure is given by Ps = cs s Ts [1 + 4cs g0 ] . (5.9) Ts
8 768 2 8 cs 1 + (3 2) cs g0 + c g , 5 (2 ) 5 25 s 0
The modelled form of the transport equation for Ts obtained from the granular ow kinetic theory (Bolio et al., 1995; Lun et al., 1984) is (cs s Usj Ts ) = xj xj Ts Ts xj 2Ts ij Usi 2cs s 3Ts u f k u sk + . xj tfs (5.10)
In equation (5.10), the diffusion coefcient is given by Ts = Ts where g3 = and g4 = 96 12 16 1 + 2 (4 3) cs g0 + (41 33 ) cs g0 . 5 (41 33 ) g0 5 15 (5.13) 8 12 1 + 2 (4 3) cs g0 ; (41 33 ) g0 5 (5.12) 25 1/2 dp s Ts1/2 (g3 + g4 ) , 128 (5.11)
For the simulations results presented in this work, models for u f k u s k was not implemented.
The dissipation of the solids kinetic energy via collision in equation (5.10) is expressed as = 12 (1 e2 ) g0 cs s Ts . ds 97 (5.14)
The treatment of the additional transport equations are the same for the kf f ks s model. 5.1.3 The kf f ks kfs model For this model, the uid-phase transport equations for the kf f model as given by equations (4.82) and (4.83) are solved. For the solids-phase, a two-equation type model represented here as the ks kfs model is soled to compute the constitutive relation for the stress tensor. The model investigated here is that proposed by Peirano and Leckner (1998). The solids-phase stress tensor for this case is similar to that given by equation (5.1) but the effective solids-phase viscosity is treated as a sum of collisional and kinetic contributions. It should be noted that in some studies, the kinetic part of the solids-phase viscosity is referred to as either streaming (e.g, van Wachem et al., 2001) or turbulent (e.g, Peirano and Leckner, 1998) viscosity. Thus, we have s = sc + st , where the expressions for the collisional and turbulent viscosity are 8 sc = cs s g0 st + ds 5 and 2 tfs st = s kfs + (1 + cs g0 A) ks 3 tp The parameters A and B are given by A= 2 1 (1 + e) (3e 1) and B = (1 + e) (3 e) . 5 5 (5.18) B 2 + tp tc 2k s 3 (5.15)
and tfs is dened by equation (4.61). The quantity tc is the inter-particle collision time dened as tc =
1/2 dp 24cs go
3 2k s
Note that in the above formulation, the isotropic relation between the granular temperature and the solids-phase turbulence kinetic energy introduced in Chapter 4 is assumed. The 98
bulk viscosity and the solids pressure are given by equations (5.8) and (5.9), respectively.
Clearly, the solids-phase stress depends on the turbulence kinetic energy ks of the solids-phase and kfs . Therefore, transport equations for ks and kfs are required. The modelled equation for ks is ks Usi 2cs s cs (Ksc + Kst ) Ts ij (cs s Usj ks ) = (2ks kfs ) xj xj xj xj tfs 1 e2 cs s ks , 3tc
where Ksc and Kst are the collisional and kinetic diffusivities, respectively. The collisional diffusivity is given by 4 6 Kst + dp 5 3 2k s 3
D 9 + 5tp tc
where C = 3(1 + e)2 (2e 1)/5 and D = (1 + e)(49 33e)/100. The closed form of the transport equation for kfs (Enwald et al., 1996) is (cs s Usj kfs ) = xj xj kfs kfs Usi Uf i cs s u cs s u f i usj fj usi kfs xj xj xj cs s kfs [(1 + Sc ) kfs 2kf 2Scks ] cs s . tp tfs cs
In equation (5.23), kfs = s kfs tfs /3 is known as the uid-solids turbulent viscosity; Sc =
cs s /cf f is referred to here as the phasic-weighted density ratio; and u fj usi is the uid-
solids velocity correlation tensor modelled using the eddy viscosity assumption: 1 s u f i usj = kfs Sfsij Sfsij ij 3 1 kfs ij . 3 (5.24)
In the correlation u f i usj , uf i is dened as the uctuating velocity of the liquid phase seen by
the particles (Peirano and Leckner, 1998). Recall also that usj is the solids-phase velocity uctuation. The uid-solids strain rate tensor is dened by Sfsij = 5.1.4 Boundary Conditions Uniform proles were used at the inlet for the solids-phase velocity and concentration. The level of these quantities was set to the mean values reported in the experimental study of Sumner et al. (1990). Details of the data of Sumner et al. (1990) are summarized in Section There were no measurements for the liquid-phase velocity so its value was set by assuming no slip between the phases at the inlet. The inlet concentration for the liquid was specied using the constraint in equation (1.3). Fully developed ow is assumed at the outlet of the pipe. The ow was treated as axi-symmetric and a symmetric boundary condition was specied at the axis of the pipe. For the kf f ks s model, a no-slip boundary condition using the wall function formulation presented in Section 4.5.1 was imposed at the wall for the liquid-phase, while a free slip condition was specied for the solids-phase. For simulations using the kf f ks s Ts and kf f ks kfs models, the wall function formulation was also applied for the liquid-phase and equations (4.92) and (4.93) were implemented for the solids-phase velocity and granular temperature, respectively. 5.1.5 Numerical Simulations Steady-state simulations for upward ow of water-sand particle mixtures in a 0.04 m diameter vertical pipe were performed using a two dimensional grid in CFX-4.4. A pipe length of 4.0 m was considered. After a series of preliminary simulations, a grid system consisting of 50 40 control volumes distributed uniformly in the axial direction and non-uniformly in the radial direction was found to be sufcient to obtain a grid-independent solution (see Section In addition to the boundary conditions, equations (2.29) and (2.31) and the models discussed in sections 5.1.2 and 5.1.3 were implemented via user-Fortran rou100 Uf i Usj + . xj xi (5.25)
tines. While implementation of user-routines in CFX-4.4 is sometimes straightforward, the case of physical model testing requires a detailed knowledge of how the code works. For example, in some cases, the user-routines have to be bounded to avoid divergence. Often the user, not the developer, is essentially working with a black box. A sample command le is provided in Appendix E. The simulation was considered converged when the normalized residuals were reduced to a value of 104 . Typical CPU time for the calculations on a PC at 2.66 GHz was about 3.3 103 s for the kf f ks s model simulations, 3.2 104 kf f ks kfs model. Experimental data used for comparison The numerical simulations were performed and completed prior to performing the experimental work presented in Chapter 3. Therefore, the numerical results discussed herein were compared with previous experimental results. Sumner et al. (1990), measured solidsphase concentration and velocity distributions in turbulent upward ow of slurries in vertical pipes using an L-shaped conductivity probe. A similar probe built into the wall was used to obtain the concentration and solids-phase velocity at the wall. The experiments were conducted in two vertical loops with pipes of diameters D = 0.025 m and 0.04 m using two types of particles, plastic and sand. Two sizes of plastic particles were used and four sizes were considered for the sand. The mean concentration ranged between 10% and 50% by volume. Axial velocities in the range of 3-7 m/s and 2-4 m/s were attained in the 0.025 m and 0.04 m pipes, respectively. For these measurements, Sumner (1992) reported an error of 1.5%, which increased with increasing particle diameter, when the mean of the solids-phase velocity distribution was compared with the bulk velocity measured by the magnetic ow meter. The error in particle concentration was found to be 2.5% for particle diameters smaller than the sensor electrode spacing. The distance between the pair of sensor electrodes was 10 mm and the measurement domain of each pair was reported to be about 1 mm. For particles larger than the electrode spacing, 5% precision was reported. The experimental conditions chosen for the present simulations are shown in Table 5.1. 101
s for those with the kf f ks s Ts model, and 3.04 104 s for those with the
Table 5.1: Properties of liquid and solids-phase, ow conditions and CFX-4.4 model parameters/constants. Description Constituent properties uid density uid viscosity solids density solids viscosity particle diameter Inlet conditions mean velocity of uid Uf volume fraction of uid (1 Cs ) turbulence intensity TI turbulence kinetic energy of uid kf dissipation rate of uid f mean velocity of solids Us volume fraction of solids Cs turbulence kinetic energy of solids ks dissipation rate of solids s granular temperature Ts 2.6 2.8 ms1 0.722 < (1 Cs ) < 0.915 0.1 3(Uf T I )2 /2 3/2 0.093/4 kf /(0.007dp) 2.6 2.8 ms1 0.085 < Cs < 0.278 3(Us T I )2 /2 3/2 0.093/4 ks /(0.007dp) 3k s /2 Symbol Value
f f s s dp
998 kgm3 103 Pas 2650 kgm3 108 , 0.25 Pas and model 0.47, 1.7 mm
Also shown in Table 5.1 are values of the constant solids viscosity investigated for the case of the kf f ks s model. The value of Cs is the bulk concentration of the solids-phase reported in the experimental studies. The simulation matrix shown in Table 5.2 identies the specic experimental data chosen for the simulations. In the present study, attention is focus on modelling issues, hence only a few select test cases are considered. A detailed parametric investigation of constant solids viscosity using baseline models in CFX-4.4 can be found in Krampa-Morlu et al. (2004). The use of the constant solids viscosity produced mixed results. Extension of the best model to a wider range of ow conditions is deferred to future studies. Table 5.2: Simulation matrix Run 1 2 3 4 Particle diameter dp (m) 470 470 1700 1700 Solids bulk conc. Cs (%) 8.7 27.8 8.5 17.7 Solids mean velocity Usav (m/s) 2.6 2.6 2.8 2.8
5.1.6 Simulation Results and Discussion Single-phase ow Preliminary simulations of single-phase ow for a range of Reynolds numbers between ReD 4.0 104 and 2.0 105 based on the mean velocity and pipe diameter were performed to test implementation of the code and verify the numerical grid. The predicted velocity U , at the end of the pipe, plotted against distance from the wall normalized by the pipe radius R is shown in Figure 5.1a. Using grids of 20, 40, and 60 control volumes (CV) non-uniformly distributed in the wall-normal direction, one can see that the results are similar, particularly for 40 CV and 60 CV. However, compared to the 1/7-power law velocity prole, the calculated velocities are higher in the middle part of the half pipe.
Single phase, ReD = 99 000 20 CV CFX 40 CV CFX 60 CV CFX 1/7 U = Uc(y/R) 0.2 0.4 y/R 0.6 0.8 1.0
(b) 25
10 y
Figure 5.1: Velocity predictions in outer and inner coordinates for single-phase pipe ow: (a) Outer coordinates and (b) Inner coordinates.
The velocity prole in inner coordinates matched the log-law as expected in Figure 5.1b using the 40 CV grid. The rst grid point in Figure 5.1b is located at y + (= yu / ) 30. For smooth wall conditions, the predicted friction factors were within approximately 3% of those given by the Churchill (1977) equation and are in good agreement with Prandtls equation as shown in Figure 5.2. This indicates that the grid is appropriate for the range of Reynolds numbers considered.
0.01 10
f 0.5
Figure 5.2: Friction factor prediction for water in upward vertical smooth pipe ow. Comparison between correlation, experimental data, and predictions
105 Solids-phase velocity and concentration distributions In this section, the predicted results for the solids-phase velocity and solids concentration are discussed for the models presented above. For the case of the kf f ks s model, the two values of constant solids viscosity in Table 5.1 were investigated for the ows with the 470 m particles. Flow with 470 m diameter particles Figure 5.3 shows the numerical results for the 470 m particles at a mean concentration of approximately 8.7%, which corresponds to Run 1 in Table 5.2. Overall, the predicted solids-phase velocity proles shown in Figure 5.3a compare well to the experimental data. As shown in Figure 5.3b, the solids-phase velocity predicted with the lower solids viscosity trends toward the measured data point near the wall, whereas the velocity calculated with the higher solids viscosity remains higher near the wall of the pipe. Similar effects of the solids viscosity were observed for the other conditions in Table 5.2. The solids-phase velocity was slightly under-predicted for the case of the kf f ks s model with s = 0.25 Pas in the core region. The solids-phase velocity predictions by the kf f ks s Ts and the kf f ks kfs models lie between those predicted by the kf f ks s model using two values of the solids-phase viscosity in the core of the pipe. Both of these models also produced a higher value of the solids velocity close to the wall. The solidsphase velocity results shown in Figure 5.3 indicate the importance of the closure for the solids stress tensor. There is a clear, and small distinction between the predictions using a constant particle viscosity and those for which the kinetic theory of granular ow was employed. This is also observed in the other ow conditions presented below.
Figure 5.4 compares the predictions and the experimental data for the concentration distribution for Run 1. Overall, Figure 5.4a shows that the concentration proles compare fairly well with the experimental data for y/R 0.2. The concentration prediction close to the wall is re-plotted in Figure 5.4b. Except for the kf f ks s model using s = 108 Pas, the predicted proles exhibit an overshoot near the wall and then become 106
(a) 3.0
Us (ms )
s (Pa.s)
0.6 y/R
s (Pa.s)
0.2 y/R
Figure 5.3: Comparison of predicted and measured particle velocities for dp = 470 m particles at Cs = 8.7% (Run 1): (a) cross-section prole, and (b) near-wall solids-phase velocity distribution.
0.12 (a)
0.08 cs 0.04
s (Pa.s)
0.6 y/R
0.10 (b)
cs 0.06
s (Pa.s)
0.2 y/R
Figure 5.4: Comparison of predicted and measured solids-phase concentration for dp = 470 m particles at Cs = 8.7% (Run 1): (a) cross-section prole and (b) near-wall solids-phase concentration distribution.
relatively at over most of the pipe cross-section. The kf f ks s model with s = models. However, the concentration predicted at the wall by all models is much less than that measured at the wall.
108 Pas predicted a higher particle concentration very close to the wall than the other
The predicted results for Run 2 (i.e. particles with dp = 470 m and Cs = 27.8%) are compared to the experimental data in Figure 5.5. The shapes of the velocity proles shown in Figure 5.5a are similar to those in Figure 5.3a. The prole obtained using the kf f ks s model with s = 108 Pas nearly matches the experimental data across the entire pipe cross-section. The solids-phase velocity was slightly under-predicted by the kf f ks s model with s = 0.25 Pas and the kf f ks s Ts model in the core region; both of these models actually produced identical velocities for y/R 0.2. At model with s = 108 Pas, was clearly higher than the experimental data. the wall, the velocity predicted by the models, with the exception of the kf f ks s
The concentration proles for Run 2 are given in Figure 5.5b. For the predicted proles, the trends are similar to those observed in Figure 5.4a except that the overshoots close to the wall are more pronounced. In general, the predicted proles are almost uniform for most of the pipe cross-section, whereas the experimental data, apart from the near-wall region, exhibited a steady, albeit slight, decrease in concentration moving from the wall to the pipe centreline. Flow with 1700 m diameter particles The numerical results for the 1700 m particles for Run 3 (i.e. particles with dp = 1700 m and Cs = 8.5%) are shown in Figure 5.6. For this case, only predictions by the kf f ks s model with s = 108 Pas, kf f ks s Ts , and the kf f ks kfs models are discussed. For the larger particles, both the predicted and experimental velocity proles are atter. However, the predicted velocity proles exhibit distinctly more curvature than the experimental prole, with the largest deviation towards the centreline of the pipe. It is interesting to note that the present observation is opposite to that made 109
(a) 3.0
Us (ms )
s (Pa.s)
(b) 0.30
0.20 cs
s (Pa.s)
Figure 5.5: Comparison of predicted and measured results for dp = 470 m particles at Cs = 27.8% (Run 2): (a) solids-phase velocity and (b) particle concentration.
3.5 (a) 3.0 2.5 Us (m/s) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0
s (Pa.s)
0.6 y/R
(b) 0.12
0.08 cs
s (Pa.s)
Figure 5.6: Comparison of predicted and measured results for dp = 1700 m particles at Cs = 8.5% (Run 3): (a) solids-phase velocity and (b) particle concentration.
by Krampa-Morlu et al. (2004) when default software settings were chosen. Close to the wall, the predicted velocity almost matches the measured velocity for the kf f ks kfs model. The solids-phase velocity in the region close the wall is slightly under-predicted by the kf f ks s model and the kf f ks s Ts model produced a higher value. Away from the wall and for y/R 0.2, the kf f ks s Ts produced less deviation compared to the other two models.
In Figure 5.6b, the predicted particle concentration proles are signicantly different than the measured prole. The discrepancy between the measured and predicted concentrations is most pronounced in the core region of the pipe. The predicted proles are at in the core region, and also show a sharper transition to the wall value than the experimental prole. The overshoot in the predicted proles near the wall is less pronounced compared to those observed for the smaller particles in Figure 5.4.
The results for Run 4 (i.e. particles with dp = 1700 m and Cs = 17.7%) are shown in Figure 5.7. For the larger particles, the proles are at for the liquid-solid ow at 17.7% solids bulk concentration as discussed for Figure 5.6a. Except for the kf f ks s Ts and kf f ks s kfs models, which performed well in the region y/R 0.2, the predicted solids-phase velocity proles did not closely follow the experimental data. In Figure 5.7b, the predictions for the concentration proles are similar to those in Figure 5.6b for a mean concentration of 8.5%. Again, there is a signicant discrepancy between the predictions and experimental result. The strong variation in concentration across the pipe observed for the larger particles is simply not captured by the predicted proles. Turbulence kinetic energy and viscosity distributions The predictions for the velocity and concentration proles depend on the closure models used. In the present study, only closure models for the solids-phase stress tensor are investigated. Since experimental data is limited to the mean ow elds of solids velocity and concentration (those for the turbulence eld are not available for the slurry ows), only the model predictions of the turbulence kinetic energy and the eddy viscosity are presented. 112
4.0 (a)
3.0 Us (m/s)
s (Pa.s)
0.15 cs 0.10
s (Pa.s)
0.6 y/R
Figure 5.7: Comparison of predicted and measured results for dp = 1700 m particles at Cs = 17.7% (Run 4): (a) solids-phase velocity and (b) particle concentration.
The predicted results for the turbulence kinetic energy and eddy viscosity are shown in Figures 5.8 through 5.10. Flow with 470 m diameter particles Figure 5.8 shows the predicted radial distributions of the turbulence kinetic energy for single-phase water ow (k ), and for the water-sand ow (kf ), as well as the solids-phase turbulence kinetic energy (ks ) for Run 1. Figures 5.8a, 5.8b, and 5.8c show the predictions for the kf f ks s , kf f ks s Ts , and kf f ks kfs models, respectively. The k prole for the single-phase ow attains a peak value very near the wall, and then drops gradually toward the axis of the pipe which is prototypical of turbulence in a wallbounded ow. In Figure 5.8a, the kf prole calculated using the kf f ks s model is similar to the single-phase prole, except that it drops more sharply near the wall. The value of kf for the slurry is generally lower than k for the single-phase ow, indicating the attenuation of turbulence in the liquid. For the solids-phase, ks shows a relatively smooth prole which increases from almost zero at the wall to a peak value located at y/R 0.1, away from the wall. In Figure 5.8b, the calculated kf prole by the kf f ks s Ts model is much lower compared to Figure 5.8a. The solids-phase turbulence kinetic energy in this case exhibits a more gentle slope close to the wall and peaks at a higher value (about 30% higher than in Figure 5.8a). The peak value is also further away from the wall when compared with the ks prole in Figure 5.8a.
Towards the centre of the pipe, the value of ks is signicantly higher relative to that predicted by the kf f ks s model. Note that, in the present study, no turbulence modulation model was introduced in the kf f ks s and kf f ks s Ts models and, therefore, no additional source or sink terms are present in the phasic turbulent transport equations. Calculations with the kf f ks s model use a constant solids-phase laminar viscosity, whereas in the case of the kf f ks s Ts model, the solids-phase laminar viscosity is modelled from the kinetic theory of granular ows with the constitutive equations given by equations (5.3) to (5.6).
k (m /s )
0.00 0.0
0.6 y/R
k (m /s )
0.00 0.0
k (m /s )
0.00 0.0
0.4 y/R
Figure 5.8: Predictions of turbulence kinetic energy for dp = 470 m particles at Cs = 8.7% (Run 1): (a) kf f ks s model, (b) kf f ks s Ts model, and (c) kf f ks kfs model.
The comparative study of the order of magnitude of constant solids viscosity in liquidsolid ow simulations by Krampa-Morlu et al. (2004) indicated that local variation of the solids viscosity is required for improved prediction of concentration and velocity distributions. The kf prole predicted by the kf f ks kfs model, which provides this feature, is shown in Figure 5.8c. The shape of both proles is similar to those shown in Figures 5.8a and 5.8b; the magnitude is discussed below using Figure 5.9a.
To more clearly compare the kf and ks values predicted by the three models, the results are plotted again in Figures 5.9a and 5.9b. The single-phase results for kf are also included in Figure 5.9a. Figure 5.9a shows that the liquid-phase turbulence as characterised by the magnitude of kf is attenuated. The extent of attenuation is greatest over the entire pipe cross-section in the case of the kf f ks s Ts model. The kf prole predicted by the kf f ks kfs model lies between those predicted by the kf f ks s and kf f ks s Ts models in the region 0.1 y/R 0.6. Outside this region, the kf value predicted by the kf f ks kfs model is identical to that predicted by the kf f ks s Ts model for y/R < 0.1 and to that of the kf f ks s model for y/R > 0.6. The predictions of ks are shown in Figure 5.9b. While the shape of the proles is generally similar, the magnitudes for the three models are very different. Close to the wall of the pipe, the peak value of ks for the kf f ks kfs model is about twice as high as for the baseline kf f ks s model. The peak of ks for the kf f ks s Ts model lies between the peak value of the other two models. In the region closer to the centre of the pipe, the ks value for the kf f ks kfs model decreases more rapidly, giving the lowest prediction at the centre.
Figure 5.10 shows the corresponding distribution of the liquid-phase eddy viscosity predicted for single-phase ow (t ) and liquid-solid ow (ft ), as well as the distribution of the solids-phase eddy viscosity (st ) for Run 1. The liquid-phase eddy viscosity is almost the same as for the single-phase ow, which indicates that the effective viscosity of the liquid-phase is almost unaffected by the presence of the solids at a 8.7% mean concentration. For two phase ow, the behaviour of st is similar to that of ft for the two models 116
kf (m /s )
0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.0 0.2 0.4 y/R 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 5.9: Predictions of phasic turbulence kinetic energy for dp = 470 m particles at Cs = 8.7% (Run 1): (a) liquid-phase turbulence kinetic energy, and (b) solids-phase turbulence kinetic energy.
t (m /s )
2.4 (a) 2.0 Single-phase kf-f-ks-s 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.2
0.6 y/R
t (m /s )
2.4 (b) Single-phase 2.0 kf-f-ks-s-Ts 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.2
0.6 y/R
t (m /s )
0.0 0.0
0.6 y/R
Figure 5.10: Predictions of eddy viscosity for dp = 470 m particles at Cs = 8.7% (Run 1): (a) kf f ks s model, (b) kf f ks s Ts model, and (c) kf f ks kfs model.
shown in Figures 5.10a and 5.10b, but the value of st is signicantly higher for most of the pipe cross-section. For the kf f ks s model (Figure 5.10a), the effective viscosity of the solids-phase is dominated by the solids-phase turbulence and the effect of the laminar solids kinematic viscosity (108 /s m2 s1 ) is insignicant in the core region of the pipe. The observation in the case of the kf f ks s Ts model (Figure 5.10b) is similar, although the laminar viscosity of the solids-phase, i.e. equation (5.3), is derived from the kinetic theory of dry granular ows. The solids-phase laminar viscosity was found to be very small, O (104), compared with the values of st reported in Figure 5.10b. In Figure 5.10c, while the liquid-phase eddy viscosity, ft , calculated using the kf f ks kfs model is similar to those shown in Figures 5.10a and 5.10b, the prediction for st is very different. This peculiar behaviour of the model warrants further investigation.
In Figure 5.11, the turbulence results for a solids mean concentration of 27.8% are shown for each model. From Figures 5.11a and 5.11b, where the results from the kf f ks s and kf f ks s Ts models are presented, the value of kf decreases sharply moving away from the wall for the two-phase ow compared to that for the lower concentration. As well, the kf prole exhibits a local minimum just outside the near-wall region. A local minimum of kf close to the wall is also present in the prole shown in Figure 5.11c (for the kf f ks kfs model). However, towards the pipe centreline, the behaviour of the uid turbulence differs for the three models. In particular, the liquidphase turbulence kinetic energy in Figure 5.11c is higher in the core region of the pipe. An obvious explanation, which requires further investigation, comes from the modelling of the turbulence transport equations in the kf f ks kfs model. In this case, a turbulence modulation model, in accordance with the formulation of Simonin (1996), was introduced. In a related study of gas-solids ow, Krampa-Morlu et al. (2006) predicted a trend similar to that exhibited in Figure 5.11c when a simplied model (Zhang and Reese, 2003b) for the turbulence modulation term was implemented. For the solids-phase turbulence kinetic energy ks , the trend in Figure 5.11 is similar to that in Figure 5.8, however, as expected the level of ks is signicantly lower across the entire pipe cross-section, indicating that ks decreases as the solids concentration is increased. Increased solids concentration reduces 119
0.08 0.06 k (m /s )
2 2
k (m /s )
kf Single-phase kf-f-ks-kfs
Figure 5.11: Predictions of turbulence kinetic energy for dp = 470 m particles at Cs = 27.8% (Run 2): (a) kf f ks s model, (b) kf f ks s Ts model, and (c) kf f ks kfs model.
the inter-particle distance and thus, the length scale of the interacting particles is reduced resulting in lower ks values.
Figures 5.12a and 5.12b compare the kf and ks proles predicted by the three models. Except for the kf f ks kfs model prediction near the centre of the pipe where enhancement of turbulence is observed, the value of kf is lower than that for single-phase ow (Figure 5.12a). At a mean concentration of 27.8%, the extent of turbulence attenuation is greater than observed for ows with a solids mean concentration of 8.7%. As well, unlike the case for Cs = 8.7% ks is similar for all three models near the pipe wall. Recall that in Figure 5.9a, the kf f ks s and kf f ks kfs models produced very similar liquid-phase turbulence kinetic energy towards the centre of the pipe. The predictions of ks for Cs = 27.8% shown in Figure 5.12b are similar in shape to those shown in Figure 5.9b but the levels are generally higher for the lower solids bulk concentration.
Figure 5.13 shows the liquid-phase eddy viscosity predictions for a ow with a solids mean concentration of 27.8% (Run 2). Figure 5.13a shows the predictions using the kf f ks s model, Figure 5.13b shows those for the kf f ks s Ts model, and the phasic eddy viscosities obtained using the kf f ks kfs model are shown in Figure 5.13c. As noted for the case of the 8.7% solids mean concentration, the liquid-phase eddy viscosity is almost the same as for the single-phase ow in Figures 5.13a and Figure 5.13b but the magnitude is slightly lower in this case. In Figure 5.13c, the liquid-phase eddy viscosity for the liquid-solid ow is higher than for the single-phase ow in the core region of the pipe. Overall, the trend of the calculated values of ft and t are similar to those observed in Figure 5.10, i.e. the prole of ft is almost identical to that of t . The st prole for Run 2 is lower than in Run 1 (Figure 5.10), which is consistent with the reduction in the turbulence kinetic energy due to the increased solids concentration. Although the turbulence predicted by the models are signicantly different, this has little effect on the calculated mean transport. One notable effect is the lower solids velocity produced by the high solids-phase eddy viscosity predicted by the kf f ks s Ts model compared to the other models, especially for ows with larger particles. 121
kf (m /s )
0.00 0.0
0.08 (b)
0.6 y/R
kS (m /s )
Figure 5.12: Predictions of phasic turbulence kinetic energy for dp = 470 m particles at Cs = 27.8% (Run 2): (a) liquid-phase turbulence kinetic energy, and (b) solids-phase turbulence kinetic energy.
t (m /s )
(b) 1.6 Single-phase kf-f-ks-s-Ts 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.2
0.6 y/R
t (m /s )
(c) 0.8 Single-phase kf-f-ks-kfs 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2
0.6 y/R
Figure 5.13: Predictions of eddy viscosity for dp = 470 m particles at Cs = 27.8% (Run 2): (a) kf f ks s model, (b) kf f ks s Ts model, and (c) kf f ks kfs model.
Flow with 1700 m diameter particles Figures 5.14 and 5.15 show the turbulence kinetic energy results for Run 3. In Figure 5.14, the phasic turbulence kinetic energies are presented for each model. The near-wall decrease in kf is more gradual, and the value of ks is noticeably higher in the core region of the pipe compared to the results for the smaller particles (see Figure 5.8 for comparison). The peak value of ks is lower and shifted to the right (y/R 0.2) compared to the case of the smaller particles (Figure 5.8), except for the case of the kf f ks s Ts model, where the peak vanishes and ks becomes almost constant for y/R 0.4 (Figure 5.14b). In Figure 5.15a, the kf calculated from each model is compared. It can be seen that the kf f ks s model predicted the highest value of the liquid-phase turbulence kinetic energy, which is still lower than for single-phase ow, and the kf f ks s Ts model predicted the lowest value of kf . The behaviour of the ks predictions shown in Figure 5.15b is similar to those obtained for the smaller particles (Figure 5.9b), except for the magnitude of the predictions, which is higher for the larger particles. Besides the slight difference in magnitude, the turbulence kinetic energy results at a solids mean concentration of 17.8% Run 4 (not shown are similar to those of Run 3. Unlike the case of the smaller particles, an increase in the solids concentration does not signicantly change the turbulence kinetic energy values.
Figures 5.16 and 5.17 show the eddy viscosity results for Run 3 and Run 4, respectively. These results indicate a slightly lower value of ft and a much higher value of st compared to t for single-phase ow. For the kf f ks s and kf f ks s Ts models, the value of st is about four times larger than the corresponding ft value in the core region of the pipe as shown in Figures 5.16a and 5.16b for the 8.5% solids mean concentration. A similar observation is made for Figures 5.17a and 5.17b for 17.7% solids mean concentration. The st prole calculated with the kf f ks kfs model is similar to that obtained for the smaller particles at both solids mean concentrations. Note that, in general, the level of the solids-phase eddy viscosity for the larger particles (Figures 5.16 and Figure 5.17) is enhanced over that for the smaller particles (Figures 5.10 and 5.13) at
k (m /s )
0.00 0.0
0.6 y/R
k (m /s )
0.00 0.0
0.6 y/R
k (m /s )
0.00 0.0
0.6 y/R
Figure 5.14: Predictions of turbulence kinetic energy for dp = 1700 m particles at Cs = 8.5% (Run 3): (a) kf f ks s model, (b) kf f ks s Ts model, and (c) kf f ks kfs model.
kf (m /s )
2 2
0.08 (b)
kS (m /s )
Figure 5.15: Predictions of phasic turbulence kinetic energy for dp = 1700 m particles at Cs = 8.5% (Run 3): (a) liquid-phase turbulence kinetic energy, and (b) solids-phase turbulence kinetic energy.
t (m /s )
2 -1
1.6 Single-phase kf-f-ks-s 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 y/R
t (m /s )
2 -1
0.8 Single-phase kf-f-ks-kfs 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 y/R 0.8 1.0
Figure 5.16: Predictions of eddy viscosity for dp = 1700 m particles at Cs = 8.5% (Run 3): (a) kf f ks s model, (b) kf f ks s Ts model, and (c) kf f ks kfs model.
t (m /s )
2 -1
1.6 Single-phase kf-f-ks-s 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 y/R
t (m /s )
2 -1
1.6 Single-phase kf-f-ks-s-Ts 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 y/R
t (m /s )
2 -1
0.8 Single-phase kf-f-ks-kfs 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 y/R 0.8 1.0
Figure 5.17: Predictions of eddy viscosity for dp = 1700 m particles at Cs = 17.7% (Run 4): (a) kf f ks s model, (b) kf f ks s Ts model, and (c) kf f ks kfs model.
5.2 Effect of Solids Wall Boundary Conditions on Pressure Drop Predictions In this section, the effect of different solids-phase wall boundary conditions is evaluated for liquid-solid ows in a vertical pipe. The wall boundary conditions of Ding and Gidaspow (1990) given by equation (4.87); Ding and Lyczkowski (1992) given by equation (4.87); and Bartosik (1996) i.e., equation (2.10), as well as the no-slip and free-slip conditions were investigated. Predictions of frictional head losses for turbulent ow of coarse particle slurries at high solids concentrations in a vertical pipe were obtained from numerical computations. The computations were performed with the two-uid model using the commercial CFD code ANSYS CFX-4.4, in which the solids-phase wall boundary conditions were implemented via user-Fortran routines. The predicted frictional head losses were compared to the experimental data of Shook and Bartosik (1994). 5.2.1 Solids-phase boundary conditions Apart from the solids-phase boundary condition at the wall, the other boundary conditions were specied as discussed in Section 5.1.4. Partial-slip can occur at the wall due to the complex particle-wall interactions as discussed in Section 4.5.2. To investigate these particle-wall interactions, and particularly evaluate the effect of the particle wall boundary condition on the total frictional head loss (i.e. equation (2.5)), the wall boundary condition for the solids-phase is specied using the following relations: 1. no-slip condition - (NS); 2. free-slip condition - (FS); 3. partial-slip velocity: equation (4.87) with the slip parameter given by equation (4.89) - (DG90) (Ding and Gidaspow, 1990); 4. partial-slip velocity: equation (4.87) with the slip parameter given by equation (4.90) - (DL92) (Ding and Lyczkowski, 1992); and 5. modied wall dispersive shear stress: equation (2.10) - (B96) (Bartosik, 1996). The last three cases were implemented in ANSYS CFX-4.4 using user-Fortran routines. The phasic wall shear-stresses, which were obtained as output from the software were then
used to calculate the frictional head losses. The total frictional losses were determined from equations (2.4) and (2.5): im = 4(fw + sw ) . f gD (5.26)
5.2.2 Experimental cases considered and numerical set-up Simulations of water-PVC plastic mixture ows in a pipe were performed using ANSYS CFX-4.4. The numerical predictions for frictional head losses in fully-developed steady upward vertical pipe ows of the mixture are compared with the experimental data reported by Shook and Bartosik (1994). In the study of Shook and Bartosik (1994), two separate recirculating plastic pipelines of internal diameters 26 mm and 40 mm were used. Particles of different sizes and densities were investigated; the solids concentrations (by volume) ranged between 10% to 45%. Recall that in the experimental work of Shook and Bartosik (1994), the liquid-phase wall stress was determined by estimating the liquid-phase friction factor fL for the pipe using the Reynolds number (Re = DV L /L) and the pipe roughness (k ). The velocity gradient for the solids-phase was assumed to be equal to that of the liquidphase so that the solids wall shear stress could be calculated from the ratio of the estimated liquid-phase wall shear stress to the liquid-velocity. The solids-phase velocity gradient was then applied in equation (2.7). The total frictional head loss was then calculated from equation (5.26). For the present work, the frictional head losses predicted for ows with solids mean concentrations between 10% and 40% of 3.4 mm PVC plastic particles are compared with the measured data. The density of the particles used is 1400 kg m3 (i.e. the density ratio is s /l 1.4). A pipe length of 4.0 m was considered and the ow was treated as axi-symmetric. The numerical simulations were performed using the same approach discussed in Section 5.1.5 and a simulation was considered converged when the normalized residuals were reduced to a value of 108 . Typical calculations - depending on the mean velocity and solids mean concentration - took between 5.7 103 s and 2.7 104 s of CPU time on the 2.66 GHz PC mentioned in Section 5.1.5.
5.2.3 Model predictions for 10% solids mean concentration Figure 5.18 shows the predicted frictional head loss plotted against the mean mixture velocity for different wall boundary conditions for the solids-phase at a solids mean concentration of 10%. The predictions are compared with experimental data from the study of Shook and Bartosik (1994). The computed frictional head loss of single-phase water ow, which matches the measured data, is also shown in the gure. Overall, the numerical results show the expected trend of increasing frictional head loss as the mean mixture velocity increases.
Figure 5.18 shows that the calculated frictional head losses produced by the DL92 slip boundary condition and the B96 wall shear-stress formulation are very similar. The frictional head loss produced by the DG90 partial-slip condition under-predicts the data for the liquid-solid ow and instead matches the single-phase ow data. This is due to the negligible solids wall shear-stress values computed compared to those of the liquid-phase (See Table 5.3).
Compared to the measured data, the total or mixture frictional head losses predicted for the 10% solids mean concentration using the NS, FS, and the DG90 formulations are much lower. The prediction by the DG90 partial-slip condition lies between the predictions made using the NS and FS boundary conditions. The frictional head losses predicted with the DL92 partial-slip condition and the B96 wall shear-stress formulation are higher than those predicted using the NS and FS conditions for the range of mean mixture velocities investigated. Overall, they produce more promising results in this case. The prediction by the DL92 partial-slip condition is lower than the measured data for Um 5.0 ms1 but matches the data reasonably well beyond that velocity. A similar trend is observed for the B96 wall shear-stress formulation.
The above observations suggest that the free-slip boundary condition for the solidsphase is inappropriate and the no-slip condition is also not applicable. The NS and the FS
Figure 5.18: Predicted and measured frictional head losses for the upward vertical ow of 3.4 mm PVC particles in water; Cs = 10%. Experimental measurements published by Shook and Bartosik (1994).
wall boundary conditions are considered to physically dene the two limits of the wall conditions. In this context, the DG90 partial-slip condition falls between these limits, whereas the B96, DL92, and the experimental data do not. The results presented shows that the present models fail in predicting the pressure drop for the ows of interest in the study.
Table 5.3 shows predictions for the phasic wall quantities at various mean mixture velocities for the ows with mean concentration of 10%. The values of the liquid-phase wall shear-stress are similar for all the formulations presented in the table. The magnitudes of the solids-phase wall shear-stress are similar for the NS, DL92 and B96 conditions and both are signicantly higher than that calculated by the DG90 condition. The solids concentration computed at the rst node from the wall are similar for the wall boundary conditions shown in Table 5.3. The computed solids-phase concentration at the wall increases with increase in the mean mixture velocity. From Table 5.3, it is interesting to note that the differences between the slip parameters slip used in the boundary conditions for the DG90 and the DL92 models are marginal. Therefore, the large difference in the corresponding values of the solids wall shear-stress (sw ) for the DG90 and DL92 slip conditions must be related to the solids velocity gradient at the wall. Analysis of the slip parameters (i.e. equations 4.89 and 4.90) indicates that the solids concentration at the wall for these equations does not contribute to an increase in the overall frictional head loss observed in the experiments. 5.2.4 Effect of solids mean concentration In this section, only predictions with the DL92 partial-slip condition and the B96 wall shear-stress formulation are discussed, since they produced reasonable results for the 10% concentration case. Figure 5.19a shows the predicted frictional head loss for 10% and 20% solids mean concentrations compared with the measured data. Predictions made using either wall boundary conditions produced lower frictional head losses, particularly at lower mean mixture velocities, than observed for the experimental data. Typically, the frictional head loss produced using the DL92 partial slip condition was about 2% higher than that produced with the B96 wall shear-stress formulation. The frictional head loss 133
Table 5.3: Computed wall quantities for ow at 10% mean concentration Cs 0.107 0.103 0.102 0.101 0.101 0.107 0.104 0.102 0.102 0.101 0.106 0.103 0.102 0.101 0.101 0.106 0.104 0.102 0.102 0.101 0.106 0.104 0.102 0.102 0.101 csw 0.018 0.028 0.035 0.040 0.043 0.023 0.035 0.045 0.052 0.057 0.022 0.035 0.046 0.054 0.059 0.023 0.036 0.046 0.054 0.060 0.023 0.035 0.045 0.052 0.057 Um (m/s) 2.25 3.36 4.46 5.56 6.67 2.25 3.36 4.47 5.57 6.68 2.13 3.19 4.24 5.29 6.35 2.13 3.19 4.25 5.31 6.36 2.13 3.19 4.25 5.31 6.36 usw (m/s) 1.66 2.52 3.37 4.22 5.08 1.57 2.35 3.13 3.91 4.69 1.71 2.60 3.48 4.34 5.21 1.57 2.36 3.14 3.92 4.70 1.57 2.35 3.13 3.91 4.69 fw (Pa) 9.77 19.81 32.96 49.06 67.96 9.76 19.79 32.92 48.99 67.90 10.05 20.46 34.13 50.90 70.62 10.02 20.35 33.87 50.44 69.93 9.76 19.79 32.92 48.99 67.90 sw (Pa) 2.56 5.40 9.20 13.95 19.36 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 2.58 5.43 9.24 14.00 19.68 2.56 5.40 9.20 13.95 19.63 slip 0.012 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.009 0.019 0.012 0.009 0.008 0.007 -
1.5 (a) Cs (%) Expt. Prediction single phase 0 DL92 B96 10 20 im (mH2O/mPipe) 1.0
0 2 4 Umix (m/s) 6 8
Cs (%) Experiment 30 40
im (m H2O / m pipe)
Figure 5.19: Predicted and measured frictional head losses for the upward vertical ow of 3.4 mm PVC particles in water for (a) Cs = 10% and 20% and (b) Cs = 30% and 40%. Experimental measurements published by Shook and Bartosik (1994).
predictions using the DL92 partial-slip boundary condition and the B96 wall shear-stress formulation at a solids mean concentration of 20% were very similar to the predictions for the case of 10% solids mean concentration. The predictions indicate that the DL92 partial-slip condition and B96 wall shear-stress formulation exhibit almost no effect of solids mean concentration for the range of velocities and concentrations considered in the study. These formulations, which include the effect of concentration via the radial distribution function (Ding and Lyczkowski, 1992) or the linear concentration (Bartosik, 1996), do not reproduce the effect of concentration. The frictional head loss predictions compared with the experimental data for 30% and 40% solids mean concentration are shown in Figure 5.19b. Both models signicantly under-predict the measured data and fail to demonstrate signicant variations with Cs .
In Figure 5.20, the effect of mean concentration on the total frictional head loss predictions are presented using the DG92 slip condition. It is observed from the gure that the total frictional head loss computed from equation (5.26), increases with solids concentration. The behaviour is veried in Table 5.4 using the predicted wall quantities obtained with the slip boundary conditions of Ding and Lyczkowski (1992). It can be seen from the table that, irrespective of the solids mean concentration, both the liquid and the solids wall shear-stresses are similar at lower mean mixture velocities as evidenced in the preceding gures. As the solids mean mixture velocity increases, both the liquid and the solids wall shear-stresses increase non-linearly. As well, the calculated wall solids concentration increases as the mean mixture velocity increased. The resulting slip parameter reduces leading to lower values of the solids wall shear stress than the liquid-phase values. On the other hand, as concentration increase, the solids-phase wall shear stress increase whereas the liquid-phase wall shear stress decrease. Sumner et al. (1990) observed that at higher velocities and concentration, the wall region is depleted of solids.
im (m H2O / m pipe)
0.0 0 2 4 Um (m/s)
Figure 5.20: Effect of solids mean concentration on frictional head loss predictions for upward vertical ow of 3.4 mm PVC particles in water using the wall boundary condition model of (Ding and Lyczkowski, 1992).
Table 5.4: Computed solids wall boundary condition quantities of (Ding and Lyczkowski, 1992) model. Cs 0.106 0.104 0.102 0.102 0.101 0.206 0.203 0.202 0.202 0.202 0.307 0.304 0.303 0.303 0.302 0.407 0.405 0.403 0.403 0.403 csw 0.023 0.036 0.046 0.054 0.060 0.057 0.075 0.089 0.100 0.108 0.131 0.160 0.176 0.187 0.194 0.219 0.250 0.269 0.281 0.289 Um (m/s) 2.13 3.19 4.25 5.31 6.36 2.13 3.19 4.24 5.29 6.35 2.12 3.18 4.23 5.28 6.33 2.12 3.17 4.22 5.27 6.31 usw (m/s) 1.57 2.36 3.14 3.92 4.70 1.58 2.37 3.16 3.95 4.73 1.52 2.29 3.06 3.83 4.55 1.44 2.18 2.93 3.68 4.43 fw (Pa) 10.02 20.35 33.87 50.44 69.93 10.02 20.34 33.87 50.46 70.01 10.27 20.88 34.76 51.75 72.26 10.81 21.99 36.62 54.52 75.54 sw (Pa) 2.58 5.43 9.24 14.00 19.68 2.63 5.56 9.47 14.32 20.12 2.45 5.23 8.97 13.68 18.94 2.25 4.84 8.35 12.77 18.08 slip 0.0187 0.0118 0.0091 0.0078 0.0070 0.0073 0.0055 0.0046 0.0041 0.0037 0.0030 0.0024 0.0022 0.0020 0.0019 0.0017 0.0014 0.0013 0.0013 0.0012
5.3 Summary Simulations of sand slurries in vertical pipes have been performed and presented in this chapter. The performance of three different models for the solids-phase effective stress in turbulent uid-particle ows has been investigated. The kf f ks s , kf f ks s , and kf f ks s models have been used to simulate coarse particle liquid-solid ows in vertical pipes. The numerical results show that the models predict reasonably well the solids-phase mean ow characteristics, i.e., the solids phase velocity and concentration distribution for smaller particles at lower than 10% solids mean concentration. The results at higher solids mean concentration were not reproduced by the models. For the particular case of the concentration distribution, additional modelling effort must be considered for accurate prediction of non-uniform concentration distribution. The computed phasic turbulence kinetic energy and eddy viscosity qualitatively were different for the models investigated. Presently, experimental results are not available to validate such computations. The effect of boundary conditions on the frictional loss prediction was also investigated. Again, the models investigated fail to reproduce the frictional losses observed in experiments at high solids mean concentration. In general, it is obvious that the present physically-based models developed for dilute particulate ows are not suitable for dense ows.
6.1 Introduction In this chapter, a more current version of CFX (ANSYS CFX-10) is employed to compute horizontal ows again in an attempt to investigate its application to coarse-particle liquid-solid slurry ows. It is worth noting that CFX-10 was chosen for the horizontal ow simulations due to its release at the initial stages of the problem set-up and the fact that further development of CFX-4.4 was not supported. The physical models implemented in ANSYS CFX-10 for dense multiphase ows are investigated. The effect of solids bulk concentration, particle diameter, and pipe diameter on computed solids-phase velocity and concentration are examined. The predicted proles are also compared with measured data. 6.2 Mathematical Model A general set of governing equations for mass and momentum conservation in particulate turbulent ows using the two-uid model were given in equations (1.1) to (1.5). The constitutive relation for the solids stress used in CFX-10 is given by equation (4.66), which is recast in the form 1 Ts ij = Ps ij + 2s Ss ij Ssjj ij 3 + s Ssjj ij . (6.1)
In the context of kinetic theory, the solids pressure is given by equation (5.9), where the radial distribution function g0 is calculated using equation (4.91). In CFX-10, to prevent the value of g0 calculated from equation (5.9) from becoming innity as cs Cmax , it
calculated using g0 = C0 + C1 (cs Ccrit ) + C2 (cs Ccrit )2 + C3 (cs Ccrit)3 , cs Ccrit (6.2)
where Ccrit = Cmax 0.001 and C0 = 1079, C1 = 1.08 106 , C2 = 1.08 109 , and
C3 = 1.08 1012 . Similar to the discussion in Chapter 5, the solids shear viscosity is
divided into kinetic and collisional contributions. In ANSYS CFX-10, the kinetic solids viscosity is modelled following Gidaspow (1994) and Lun and Savage (1986). Following the model of Lun and Savage (1986) in the present study, we have 5 1/2 s = dp s 96 8 cs 1 + g0 5
1+ (3 2) cs g0
Ts1/2 ,
which is essentially the same as equations (5.4) to (5.6) without the last term in equation (5.6). The collisional viscosity is not implemented in ANSYS CFX-10 and also omitted in this work. For completeness of the granular ow models in the documentation of the software, collisional viscosity is given by Ts 1/2 4 d g (1 + ) . s = c2 p s 0 5 s (6.4)
The bulk viscosity is modelled by equation (5.8). In CFX-10, the values of the granular temperature can be calculated using one of three approaches: specifying a constant value, a zero-equation model (ZEM), or an algebraic equilibrium model (AEM). In addition, one can choose not to select models for the granular temperature altogether. In this study, the case where not granular temperature is calculated (hereafter referred to as NTM), the ZEM, and the AEM models were investigated.
6.2.1 Zero-equation model for Ts The zero-equation model was derived by Ding and Gidaspow (1990). Considering a simple shear single-phase ow, the granular temperature given by equation (5.10) was reduced to T xy Ux = 0. y (6.5)
Substituting the constitutive equations (6.1) and (5.14) into equation (6.5) and simplifying yields d2 1 s Ts = 5(3 a) (1 e) Ux y
where a can be either 0 or 1. In CFX-10, a is set to 0, and equation (6.6) is implemented as Ts = d2 s 2 Ss . 15(1 e) ij (6.7)
6.2.2 The algebraic equilibrium model for Ts The algebraic equilibrium model is based on the local equilibrium assumption applied to the modelled transport equation of the granular temperature (e.g. equation (5.10)). In its application, the advection and diffusion parts of equation (5.10) are neglected so that the production is equal to the dissipation: Production = Dissipation = Ts ij Usi = xj (6.8)
It is worth noting that the interaction source term in equation (5.10), which can be positive or negative depending on the ow physics (see for example Krampa-Morlu et al., 2006), is not implemented in CFX-10. The production term is calculated from the product of equation (6.1) and the solids-phase velocity gradient. Therefore, the left hand side of equation (6.8) is expanded as Usi Usi = Ps ij + s Ts ij xj xj
P s D
Usi Usj + xj xi
s S2
2 Usi + s s xj 3
s D2
Usk ij xk
The dissipation term is also modelled differently from equation (5.14) as = 3 1 e2 c2 s s g0 Ts 4 ds Ts Usk ij xk
Since the solids pressure, shear, and bulk viscosities depend on Ts , one can write Ps Ts s Ts1/2 s Ts1/2 or Ps = Ps(0) Ts
1/2 (0) 1/2 1/2 s = (0) and s = s Ts s = (0) s Ts s Ts .
should be noted that the treatment of these proportionality constants are not outlined in the documentation of the software. Recall the denition of s from equation (6.9).
Substituting equation (6.12) into equations (6.10) and (6.9), and using equation (6.8) yields a quadratic expression in the form
AD Ts + (BP BD ) Ts2 AP = 0.
In equation (6.13), the subscript P and D denote production and dissipation coefcients, respectively. For the production coefcients,
2 (0) 2 AP = (0) s D + s S
2 s = (0) s Ts = 1 1 2 (0) s (0) Ts2 0 and Ps = Ps(0) Ts s 3
are deduced from their functional relationship with the granular temperature. Similarly for the case of the dissipation, we have in conjunction with equation (6.10), AD = where ED = 3 1 e2 c2 s s g0 0. From equations (6.17) and (6.18), equation (6.13) has a unique solution of the form BD BP + (BD BP )2 + 4AD AP 2AD (6.18) 4 ED and BD = ED D; ds (6.17)
Ts =
1 2
which is always positive. In regions of low solids concentration, un-physical and very large values of Ts are calculated with this model. This problem is overcome by setting, as a reasonable estimate, an upper limit for Ts using the square of the mean velocity scale; the particular velocity scale used was not indicated in the software documentation. 6.2.3 Consideration for solids-phase turbulence The solids-phase turbulence model in CFX-10 is an extension of the single-phase turbulence model. For phasic considerations, the models available are phase-dependent models comprised of algebraic (with options for zero-equation, user-dened eddy viscosity, or dispersed-phase zero-equation), two-equation, and Reynolds stress models. The twoequation and Reynolds stress models are recommended for use with the continuous phase. The developers of the multiphase models in CFX-10 limit the turbulence models for the dispersed phase to zero-equation and dispersed phase zero-equation models. In the present study, the dispersed-phase zero-equation model, which is the default model, is employed and calculated from st = s ft . f (6.20)
The value of the parameter depends on the relative magnitudes of the particle relaxation time and the turbulence dissipation time scale. By default it is set to = 1. 6.3 Summary of Experimental Data used for Comparison The experiments simulated in the present study were taken from Gillies (1993). In the work of Gillies (1993), four pipe ow loops with nominal diameters of 53.2, 158.3, 263, and 495 mm were considered. A wide range of narrow and broad size distributions of sand were tested. Coal-in-water ow experiments were also performed in the 263 mm diameter pipe ow loop. The narrow size distribution sand particles consisted of mean diameters from dp = 0.18 mm to 2.4 mm, while the broad size distribution of sand had dp from 0.29 mm to 0.38mm and coal particle diameters varied from 0.8 to 1.1 mm. In the study of Gillies (1993), a large database of pressure drop versus mixture velocity as well as local distributions of solids-phase velocity and concentration were provided using specialized equipment designed for particle-in-water slurry ows. The solids-phase velocities were measured along the arcs at r/R = 0.4 and 0.8 (see Figure 6.1) with a conductivity probe.
Figure 6.1: Sampling positions for particle velocity measurements. Reproduced with permission from Pipeline Flow of Coarse Particle Slurries, R. Gillies, Copyright (1993), University of Saskatchewan. 145
6.4 Simulation Matrix and Numerical Method 6.4.1 Simulation matrix Two sets of the narrow size distribution sand particles with nominal diameters of dp50 = 0.18 mm and 0.55 mm, and density s = 2650kgm3 were considered. Preliminary investigation with larger sand particles, specically dp = 2.4 mm lead to instabilities and divergence of the solver and, therefore was deferred to future work. Flows with solids bulk concentrations of 15 and 30% by volume in three different pipe ow loops of diameters, Dp = 53.2, 158.3, and 263 mm were simulated. The experimental conditions used for the simulations are shown in Table 6.1. An overview of the specic ow conditions considered in this study are shown in Table 6.2. For the simulations reported here, the predictions by the Table 6.1: Properties of liquid and solids-phase, ow conditions and CFX-10 model parameters and constants. Description uid density uid viscosity solids density solids viscosity particle diameter Inlet conditions mean velocity of uid volume fraction of uid turbulence intensity turbulence kinetic energy of uid dissipation rate of uid mean velocity of solids volume fraction of solids turbulence kinetic energy of solids dissipation rate of solids granular temperature Uf 3.05 4.20 ms1 (1 Cs ) 0.85, 0.70 TI kf f Us Cs ks s Ts 0.1 software default selected software default selected 3.05 4.20 ms1 0.15, 0.30 software default selected software default selected software default selected Symbol f f s s dp Value Constituent properties 998 kgm3 103 Pas 2650 kgm3 108 and from models used 0.18, 0.55 mm
solids-phase stress models are compared with experimental results from Gillies (1993) as noted above while at the same time, some variation in the test conditions was also sought. Thus, only the input parameters of Runs 1 through 8, 15, and 16 in Table 6.2 match the experiments. Table 6.2: Experimental and other ow conditions used in simulations Run # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 dp (m) 180 180 180 180 550 550 550 550 180 180 550 550 180 180 550 550 Cs (%) 15 15 15 30 15 30 30 30 15 30 15 30 15 30 15 30 Umixin (m/s) 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 4.21 4.17 Usin (m/s) 2.94 2.94 2.94 2.72 2.78 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.94 2.72 2.78 2.68 2.94 2.72 4.09 4.00 D (mm) 53.2 53.2 53.2 53.2 53.2 53.2 53.2 53.2 158.3 158.3 158.3 158.3 263.0 263.0 263.0 263.0 Ts model Zero AEM AEM AEM Zero AEM AEM AEM AEM AEM AEM AEM AEM AEM
6.4.2 Simulation approach Initially, geometries were created in ANSYS Workbench (version 10), and a series of grid compositions using the Cad2Mesh suite from ANSYS CFX-10, were tested using unstructured mesh as well as a mesh system consisting of unstructured mesh with structured mesh near the wall of the pipe (hybrid mesh). In addition, structured meshes generated using CFX- Build from CFX-4 were also tested in CFX-10. After extensive preliminary evaluations of the grid systems, the hybrid mesh was found to produce the most realistic results.
For the three pipe diameters investigated, a pipe length of L = 2.0 m was used. An example of cross-sectional meshes for the hybrid grid at z = 0.25L, 0.5L, 0.75L, and L is 147
shown in Figure 6.2a. Initially, a major challenge in the present simulations was obtaining realistic results. This was not easily attainable with default parameters. The application of a black box like CFX requires careful extensive parameter tuning. The use of the grid adaptation option with default setting of the adaptation parameters seemed to produced better qualitative results. The aim of the grid adaptation was to better resolve the characteristic asymmetric form of the eld variables. It is acknowledged that a parametric study of the available grid adaptation parameter settings and variables to adapt would be worthwhile. However, this would be costly given the computational time for each simulation. A set of meshes resulting from the adaptation process as the ow becomes fully developed is shown in Figure 6.2b. The simulation was considered converged when the normalized residuals were reduced to a value < 106 and not reducing, although all the simulations were slightly unstable around the converged value. A typical total CPU time for the calculations on a PC at 2.66 GHz with 1 GB of RAM ranges between approximately 3.3 103 and 1.7 105 seconds. 6.4.3 Boundary conditions The inlet and outlet boundary conditions were specied in the same fashion as mentioned in the preceding chapter; for the wall boundary condition, the no-slip condition was set for both the liquid-phase and the solids-phase. It should be noted that in the two-uid model context, the wall boundary condition for the solids-phase, particularly in horizontal ows such as the kind investigated in this study, is complex. The discussion in the preceding chapter on this topic for vertical ows with high solids bulk concentrations also indicate that existing models are inadequate. Moreover, the current version of CFX-10 does not provide an easily accessible option for setting the solids wall boundary condition. Hence, the present choice of a no-slip condition for the solids-phase is made to at least account for regions of the pipe where the no-slip condition for the solids-phase may be satised. It is assumed that in the near-stationary or moving-bed region, both phases would move at the same rate and, therefore, the liquid conditions can be applied to the solids. This is somewhat similar to the no-slip condition often imposed for the mixture model in the works of Roco and Shook (e.g. Roco, 1990). It should also be noted that the above argument is not 148
y a
Figure 6.2: Cross-sectional grid distributions before and after simulation. (a) Original mesh generated prior to simulation; (b) Mesh due to adaptation after simulation.
completely true since at higher velocities, repulsive forces, in addition to particle-particle interactions, could cause the particles to move away from the wall creating a depleted solids region close to the wall. This phenomena has been observed by Daniel (1965) and linked to the so-called off-the-wall-lift model in the recent theoretical work of Wilson et al. (2000). 6.5 Discussion of Results 6.5.1 Preliminary simulations: Solids stress model comparison Initial studies were conducted to investigate the solids-phase stress for two particle sizes at two solids bulk concentrations. The simulations correspond to Runs 1 to 3, and 6 to 8 in Table 6.2. Three cases in terms of the models for the granular temperature were considered: the NTM, ZEM, and the AEM models. The simulation results at z = L are used for the discussion in the sections below. Flow with medium particles Contour plots for the solids-phase velocity and concentration are shown in Figure 6.3 for the 180 m sand particles with solids bulk concentration of 15% in water in the 53.2 mm pipe (Runs 1 through 3). In Figure 6.3, the expected characteristics of negatively buoyant particles in liquid ows can be seen. All three plots show that the location of the maximum solids-phase velocity, presented on the left hand side, is located above the centre of the pipe. The solids concentration contours are shown on the right hand side of Figure 6.3.
The concentration contours produced by all the models appear similar, especially for Runs 1 and 3, and the distributions are non-symmetric as in the case of the solids-phase velocity distribution. The phasic velocity and concentration distributions plotted along the centreline in the vertical plane of the pipe are shown in Figures 6.4a through 6.4c. It is interesting to note that the velocity and concentration predictions are identical and collapse onto one curve for all three cases. That is the NTM, ZEM, and the AEM models produce similar phasic velocity and concentration distributions. In Figure 6.4a, the liquid-phase velocity increases from the bottom wall of the pipe, attains a maximum value at about 0.75D from the bottom wall and then decreases to a nite value at the top wall. The trend is similar for the 150
Figure 6.3: Contour plots of solids-phase velocity and concentration for 0.18 mm sand-inwater ow in 53.2 mm pipe with Cs = 15%: comparison of solids stress models.
-0.5 -1.0
2 -1 uf (ms )
-0.5 -1.0
2 -1 us (ms )
0.4 cs
Figure 6.4: Comparison between model predictions of phasic velocity and concentration distributions for 0.18 mm sand-in-water ow in 53.2 mm pipe at Cs = 15%. (a) Liquid velocity, (b) solids-phase velocity, and (c) Solids concentration.
solids-phase, for which the velocity (Figure 6.4b) increases as the concentration decreases (Figure 6.4c) from the bottom wall of the pipe toward the top, but then decreases near the top wall. Flow with coarse particles The model predictions were also obtained in the 53.2 mm pipe for larger particles at a higher solids bulk concentration of 30% (see Run 6 through 8 in Table 6.2). The solidsphase velocity predicted using the zero-equation and the algebraic equilibrium models for the granular temperature are again very similar. Figure 6.5 shows the predictions of the solids-phase velocity and concentration contours for the AEM case. Similar observations of asymmetric feature can also be made for the solids concentration contours on the right hand side of Figure 6.5 as for the case of the medium particles. For the larger particles at higher solids bulk concentration, the solids concentration is lower near the top of the pipe. In Figure 6.6, the local distribution of phasic velocity and concentration are presented for Run 6 through 8. The results produced by the case of the NTM model are different from those using the ZEM and AEM models, particularly in the lower part of the pipe. As it can be seen from Figures 6.6a and 6.6b, the values of the velocity predicted with the NTM model for both the liquid and solids-phase are about 0.5 m s1 lower than those calculated with the ZEM and AEM models. For the solids concentration, the NTM model predicted a higher value, which exceeds the maximum packing of 0.63%, than that predicted by the granular theory models. However, the type of granular temperature model did not inuence the results.
From the viewpoint of the ow physics, it can be seen that the additional stress due to the solids-phase is important for medium and coarse particles in liquid-solid ows. In addition, the wall boundary conditions cannot be neglected as was noted for vertical ows in Chapter 5 when dense ows are considered. Even though wall boundary conditions were not specically investigated, their effect cannot be ignored. For the negatively buoyant particles of interest in the present work, higher solids concentration at the bottom wall
Figure 6.5: Contour plots of solids-phase velocity and concentration for 0.55 mm sand-inwater ow in 53.2 mm pipe with Cs = 30% using the AEM model (Run 8). and lower at the top wall is inevitable. The solids concentration distribution are dependent on the volume ow rate, which also controls the interaction between the solids and the wall. The contour plots have shown qualitatively that the solids concentration at the wall inuences the velocity prediction along the wall of the pipe. 6.5.2 Comparison between predictions and experimental data In this section, solids-phase velocity and concentration distributions are compared with measured data. The experimental data was taken from the study of Gillies (1993). The calculations with the AEM model for Ts are used for the comparison. The AEM was chosen for two reasons. First, the NTM model does not consider closure for the solidsphase stress. For larger particles at high solids bulk concentration, the NTM model appears to over-predict the solids concentration at the bottom wall of the pipe. Secondly, the ZEM model was derived on the assumption that the ow is a simple shear single-phase ow with a uniform granular temperature. Hence, the solids concentration has to be zero to derive the ZEM model. Thus, while the AEM does not count for convection and diffusion in the transport of the uctuating energy of the solids-phase, it is less ad hoc compared to the NTM and the ZEM models.
-0.5 -1.0
2 -1 uf (ms )
-0.5 -1.0
2 -1 us (ms )
0.4 cs
Figure 6.6: Comparison between model predictions of phasic velocity and concentration distributions for 0.55 mm sand-in-water ow in 53.2 mm pipe at Cs = 30%. (a) Liquid velocity, (b) solids-phase velocity, and (c) Solids concentration.
Figure 6.7a shows the predicted and measured solids-phase velocity for 0.18 mm particles at a concentration of 15%. The locations plotted correspond to points 1 through 8 in Figure 6.1 (r/R = 0.8). Here the results are plotted against normalized vertical distance (y/R) from the bottom wall. That is the (y/R) points corresponds to the projection of the (r/R) points on the vertical centreline. It should, therefore, be noted that the velocity proles actually represent values not far from the wall of the pipe. The predicted velocity is higher than the corresponding measured values.
The solids concentration is shown in Figure 6.7b where both the experimental and the predicted proles are chord-averaged. It is worth noting that for the experimental data, the locations of the chord-average concentration proles do not correspond to those for the velocity data. For this vertical distribution, the prediction matches the measured data in the core region of the pipe, but not near the wall. The solids concentration is, especially, overpredicted at the lower wall. This is consist for other conditions simulated. While the wall boundary condition for the solids concentration is usually specied by setting the normal gradient to zero, cs = 0, n (6.21)
the form of its implementation in CFX-10 is unknown to the user. An incorrect wall boundary condition for the solids-phase velocity would consequently lead to inaccurate concentration at the wall. The physical importance and implications of wall boundary conditions for these kinds of ows have been noted in the preceding chapters. In the region away from the top and bottom walls, the concentration prediction matched the measured data. Similar observations can be made for the 0.18 mm particles at solids bulk concentration of 30% (Figures 6.8a and b), and the 0.55 mm particles at solids bulk concentrations of 15% and 30% (Figures 6.8c to f), respectively. It is, therefore, noted that whereas the contour plot predictions are qualitatively reasonable, the point values do not match the measured data. A critical observation and conclusion is that the present models in CFX-10 cannot satisfactorily predict dense ow of large particles in liquids. In slurry ow, a paramount objective is to move the mixture without settling the particles. Therefore, from modelling viewpoint,
-1.0 0 1 2 -1 us (ms ) 3 4
-1.0 0.0
0.4 cs
Figure 6.7: Comparison between model predictions and experimental data for 0.18 mm sand-in-water ow in a 53.2 mm horizontal pipe at Cs = 15%; (a) solids-phase velocity prole along r/R = 0.8 plotted against projected vertical distance along the centreline, and (b) chord-averaged solids concentration distributions. Experimental data was taken from Gillies (1993).
Expt. AEM
-0.5 -1.0
2 -1 us (ms )
0.4 cs
Expt. AEM
-0.5 -1.0
2 3 -1 us (ms )
0.4 cs
-0.5 -1.0
2 -1 us (ms )
0.4 cs
Figure 6.8: Comparison between experimental and predicted phasic velocity and concentration distributions of sand-in-water ow in 53.2 mm pipe: (a)-(b) 0.18 mm particles at Cs = 30%; (c)-(d) 0.55 mm particles at Cs = 15%; and (e)-(f) 0.55 mm particles at Cs = 30%. Experimental data was taken from Gillies (1993). 158
the ow dynamics in the wall region is of particular interest. The predictions presented in this study indicate that the models investigated fail to reproduce velocity and concentration behaviour in the bottom wall regions of the pipe. 6.5.3 Discussion of concentration, particle size, and pipe diameter effects In this section, discussion of the model predictions using the algebraic equilibrium model for the granular temperature is presented. The effects of solids bulk concentration, particle diameter, and pipe diameter are discussed. It is worth noting that the results obtained for Runs 13 through to 16 are not discussed in this section. The solids-phase velocity and concentration contours are shown in Figures F.1 and F.2 in Appendix F. The velocity predictions were somewhat similar to other calculations but the concentration distributions calculated were different. For these simulations, the solids concentration distributions along the centreline did not exhibit the expected features. Solids concentration effect in the 53.2 mm pipe The effects of solids bulk concentration on the ow of 0.18 mm and 0.55 mm particles in the 53.2 mm diameter pipe are discussed in this section. The contours of solids-phase velocity and concentration calculated for the 0.18 mm sand particles using the AEM model at solids bulk concentrations of 15% and 30% (i.e. Runs 3 and 4) are shown in Figure 6.9. Both plots show the expected asymmetric feature of the velocity and concentration distributions for the solids-phase. The solids-phase velocity and concentration proles along the vertical through the centre of the pipe are shown in Figure 6.10. Figure 6.10 presents the (a) the solids-phase velocity and (b) the solids concentration proles for the 0.18 mm sand particles for Runs 3 and 4. The vertical location is normalized by the radius of the pipe. In Figure 6.10a, the solids-phase velocity proles have almost the same shape indicating no effect of solids bulk concentration on the 0.18 mm sand slurry ows at 15% and 30% solids bulk concentration. Figure 6.10a shows that in the lower 25% region of the pipe, the effect of concentration on the velocity is negligible and a constant shear layer depicted by the almost linear curve can be seen. In the same region the solids concentrations, shown in Figure 6.10b, decreases as the distance from the bottom wall increases but the solids 159
Figure 6.9: Contour plots of solids-phase velocity and concentration for 0.18 mm sand-inwater ow in 53.2 mm pipe.
2 -1 us (ms )
-1.0 0.0
0.2 cs
Figure 6.10: solids bulk concentration effect on solids-phase velocity and concentration distributions in 53.2 mm pipe for ow with 0.18 mm particles. (a) solids-phase velocity , and (b) concentration of 0.18 mm sand-in-water mixture in 53.2 mm pipe at Cs = 15% and 30%.
concentration for the 15% mean value is much lower than that for the 30% mean value. Physically, the values of the solids concentration is expected to be the same in that region. In the core region, 0.5 < y/R < 0.5, another constant and much lower shear is apparent and the solids-phase velocity at solids bulk concentration of 15% is only slightly larger than that of 30%. In the same region, the difference between the solids concentration proles also increases. The solids-phase velocity peaks around y/R 0.5 (generally observed for the conditions simulated) and beyond that decreases to a minimum at the upper wall. Correspondingly, the solids concentration decreases to a minimum at the upper wall, where the value for the 30% solids bulk concentration is still higher than that for the 15% case.
For the larger particles (dp = 0.55 mm for Runs 5 and 6), shown in Figure 6.11, the respective magnitudes of both the velocity and concentration for the two solids bulk concentrations show that variations exist, particularly, in the solids concentration eld. The solids-phase velocity and concentration proles for Runs 5 and 6 are presented in Figures 6.12a and 6.12b, respectively. It can be seen that the solids-phase velocity proles at solid mean concentrations of 15% and 30% are almost identical. The solids concentrations near the lower and upper walls are also similar, whereas in the core region, the solids concentration values are consistently different. Solids concentration effect in the 158.3 mm pipe Figure 6.13a shows contour plots for the solids-phase velocity and concentration for ow in a 158.3 mm pipe using the 0.18 mm sand particles at solids bulk concentration of 15% (i.e. Run 9). Recall that the inlet velocity and concentration elds for this run are the same as those of Run 3 (see Table 6.2) to enable investigation of any pipe diameter effect. For this pipe diameter, Gillies (1993) reported no ow information for the particles with a narrow size distribution. Figure 6.13b presents contours for the ow at 30% mean concentration. The solids concentration effect on the solids-phase velocity in Figures 6.13a and 6.13b is not signicant. The solids-phase velocity proles along the centreline presented in 6.14a show similar behaviour. On the right-hand side of the contour plots, the solids concentration is constant in the core region of the pipe (this is more clearly shown using 162
Figure 6.11: Contour plots of solids-phase velocity and concentration for 0.55 mm sand-inwater ow in 53.2 mm pipe.
2 -1 us (ms )
-1.0 0.0
0.2 cs
Figure 6.12: Solids bulk concentration effect on solids-phase velocity and concentration distributions in 53.2 mm pipe for ow with 0.55 mm particles. (a) solids-phase velocity, (b) concentration of 0.55 mm sand-in-water mixture in 53.2 mm pipe at Cs = 15% and 30%.
Figure 6.13: Contour plots of solids-phase velocity and concentration for 0.18 mm sand-inwater ow in 158.3 mm pipe.
2 -1 us (ms )
-1.0 0.0
0.2 cs
Figure 6.14: solids bulk concentration effect on solids-phase velocity and concentration distributions in 158.3 mm pipe for ow with 0.18 mm particles. (a) solids-phase velocity , (b) concentration of 0.18 mm sand-in-water mixture in 158.3 mm pipe at Cs = 15% and 30%.
The results for the larger particles (0.55 mm) are shown in Figure 6.15 in which the contour plots for the solids-phase velocity and the concentration are presented. As discussed above for ow in the smaller pipe in Section, the data shows that the magnitudes of the velocity and concentration for the two solids bulk concentrations are similar. In Figure 6.16a, the vertical proles of the solids-phase velocity are similar, whereas the solids concentration in Figure 6.16b exhibits a trend that is similar to that observed for Run 3. However, the solids concentration at the wall is much higher and identical ( 60%) for both solids bulk concentrations. Particle diameter effect Figures 6.17a and 6.17b show the solids-phase velocity and concentration proles, respectively, for ows with 0.18 mm and 0.55 mm sand particles at a solids bulk concentration of 15% for ow in the 53.2 mm diameter ow loop. In Figure 6.17a, the ow with the 0.55 mm particles produced a higher solids-phase velocity than that for the 0.18 mm particles in the lower half of the pipe. However, the solids-phase velocity is slightly higher in the upper half of the pipe for the 0.18 mm particles. A similar trend can be seen for the solids concentration in Figure 6.17b. The solids concentration at the wall is higher for the 0.55 mm particles indicating a strong particle diameter effect. In the wall region, smaller particles can be trapped within the liquid-phase sublayer where the local turbulence is damped. For larger particles, their sizes can be larger than the characteristic size of the sublayer and the local turbulent hydrodynamic force can dislodge them from the sublayer resulting in acceleration. The effect of particle diameter on the solids-phase velocity at a solids bulk concentration of 30% is shown in Figure 6.18a and on the solids concentration in Figure 6.18b. The behaviour is almost identical to those noted for the case of the 15% solids bulk concentration. Moreover, the solids concentration is higher in lower region of the pipe. The effect of particle diameter in the larger pipe was similar to that described above. The main difference was that both the velocity and solids concentration elds are uniform in the core region of the pipe.
Figure 6.15: Contour plots of solids-phase velocity and concentration for 0.55 mm sand-inwater ow in 158.3 mm pipe.
2 us (ms )
-1.0 0.0
0.2 cs
Figure 6.16: solids bulk concentration effect on solids-phase velocity and concentration distributions in 158.3 mm pipe for ow with 0.55 mm particles
2 us (ms )
-1.0 0.0
0.2 cs
Figure 6.17: Particle diameter effect on solids-phase velocity and concentration distributions at Cs = 15% in 53.2 mm diameter pipe. (a) solids-phase velocity for Cs = 15%, and (b) Solids concentration for Cs = 15%.
2 -1 us (ms )
-1.0 0.0
0.2 cs
Figure 6.18: Particle diameter effect on solids-phase velocity and concentration distributions at Cs = 30% in 53.2 mm diameter pipe. (a) solids-phase velocity for Cs = 30%, and (b) Solids concentration for Cs = 30%.
171 Pipe diameter effect The pipe diameter effect can be inferred from the concentration and particle size effects discussed the in the preceding sections. The results for the coarse particles (0.55 mm sand particles) are selected for discussion in this section. The results for the ows in the 53.2 mm and 158.3 mm pipe are compared. It should be noted that the bulk velocities in both pipe are the same (see Table 6.2) at 3.05 ms1 . Therefore, the volume ow rates in both pipes are not the same and so is their characteristic Reynolds numbers. Overall, the solids-phase velocity and concentration distributions in the larger pipe become more uniform especially in the core region of the pipe suggesting a different ow behaviour.
In Figure 6.19 the inuence of pipe diameter on the predicted solids-phase velocity proles (6.19a) and those for the solids concentration (6.19b) for the coarse particle (0.55 mm sand particles) ows at solids bulk concentration of 15% are presented. The characteristic Reynolds number based on the bulk velocity, the diameter of the pipe and the liquid properties is approximately 161000 for the ow in the 53.2 mm pipe and 480000 for the ow in the 158.3 mm pipe. In Figure 6.19a, the solids-phase velocity in both pipes are similar at the wall. In the core region, the solids-phase velocity in the 53.2 mm diameter pipe is higher than that predicted using the larger 158.3 mm pipe. The solids concentration at the bottom wall is higher for ow in the larger pipe, whereas at upper wall the expected minimum values are obtained. However, the solids are more concentrated in the region around the lower 25% of the pipe in the 53.2 mm diameter pipe compared to that in the 158.3 mm diameter pipe. Beyond that region, the opposite can be noticed. At 30% solids bulk concentration, the trends for the solids-phase velocity in Figure 6.19a and the solids concentration in Figure 6.19b are similar to those described above for the 15% concentration ow. A particular difference lies in the physics of the concentration effect. 6.6 Summary The physical models in ANSYS CFX-10 for the calculation of horizontal liquid-solid ows were investigated in this chapter. As a primary objective, the physical models for the solids-
2 us (ms )
-1.0 0.0
0.2 cs
Figure 6.19: Pipe diameter effect on predicted us and cs for 0.55 mm at cs =15%.
2 us (ms )
-1.0 0.0
0.2 cs
Figure 6.20: Pipe diameter effect on predicted us and cs for 0.55 mm at cs =30%.
phase stress implemented in the software were investigated. The ow simulations of 0.18 mm and 0.55 mm sand-water mixtures were performed in 53.2 mm, 158.3 mm, and 263 mm diameter pipes. Predictions using the models were compared to measured data. The simulations studied the effects of solids bulk concentration, particle diameter, and pipe diameter. The results showed that there is no signicant difference between the solids-phase stress closure models available in ANSYS CFX-10. The case where the a solids-phase stress is not set active in the simulation (i.e. no solids stress model) leads to unrealistic solids concentration prediction, especially in the wall region. The mean velocity predictions fail to match the measured distributions. The calculated solids concentration proles showed reasonable comparison with the experimental data in the central part of the pipe but failed to reproduce wall effects. The expected trend was obtained for the solids concentration eld but the solids-phase velocity predictions were not encouraging. An overall conclusion is that the present models available in the software are not adequate for liquid-solid ow predictions and therefore, require further investigation.
In this chapter, the summary, contributions, and conclusions of the study are presented. In addition, recommendations for future work are identied. 7.1 Overall Summary The present study involved experimental and numerical investigations of coarse-particle liquid-solid ows in pipes. The experimental study primarily involved pressure drop measurements in a 53 mm diameter vertical ow loop. Data was collected in both upward and downward ow sections. The liquid-phase was water and the solids-phase was glass beads with two diameters (0.5 mm and 2.0 mm). The solids-phase bulk concentration ranged between 0 and 45% and the mean mixture velocity was between approximately 2 and 5.5 m s1 . In addition, radial solids velocity distributions were measured using the conductivity probe in the upward ow section of the loop for several cases.
On the numerical side, ows of coarse particles at high concentrations in liquids in vertical and horizontal pipes were simulated using the two-uid model. Following an extensive review of the literature, the constitutive relations required for closure of the two-uid model governing equations were discussed in the context of the physical mechanisms present in the different ow regimes. For the vertical ow cases, investigations of the two-uid model focused on the particle-particle interaction and the wall boundary condition. Solids-phase stress relations were used to model particle-particle interactions and investigate their effect on solids velocity, concentration, and turbulence predictions. Solids-phase wall boundary condition models were also investigated by testing their ability to predict frictional head 176
losses. The models were implemented in the commercial CFD package ANSYS-CFX using CFX-4.4 for the vertical ow simulations.
Three different model formulations for the solids-phase stress (the ks s , ks s Ts , and ks kfs models) were investigated. One of the models requires a constant solids-phase viscosity to be specied. In this case, two distinct values were considered. The predictions were compared with available experimental solids velocity and concentration proles taken from the studies of Sumner et al. (1990). Computations were performed for ows of two particle diameters (470 m and 1700 m) of sand with a material density of 2650 kg m3 . The solids-phase bulk concentrations were 10% and 30% for the 470 m particles and 10% and 20% for the 1700 m particles. All the ows simulated were at a mean velocity of approximately 3 m s1 . Solids-phase wall boundary condition formulations were also investigated for the prediction of frictional head loss in vertical liquid-solid pipe ows. Five models for the solids-phase wall boundary condition were tested and the results were compared to the experimental results of Shook and Bartosik (1994). For the simulations, the solids-phase bulk concentration ranged from 0 to 40% in intervals of 10% and the mean mixture velocity was nominally between 2 and 6 m s1 . The particles were PVC (material density 1400 kg m3 ) and had a diameter of 3400 m.
For horizontal ows, the simulations were performed using ANSYS CFX-10. The capability of the existing solids-phase stress models in the software to predict the ow of coarse-particle liquid-solid mixtures were investigated. The simulations were performed for three pipe diameters (53, 158, and 263 mm), two solids-phase bulk concentrations (15% and 30%), and two particle diameters (180 and 550 m). The model results were compared to the experimental results of Gillies (1993). The simulations focussed on prediction of the solids velocity and concentration distributions. 7.2 Contributions The main contributions of this study are summarized as follows:
1. A comprehensive review and analysis of two-uid modelling of liquid-solid ows with application to coarse-particle slurry ows. 2. The rst study to engage in the comparative evaluation of two-uid models to predict coarse-particle ows with special attention on high solids-phase concentration. 3. Evaluation of various physically-based stress models for the two-uid model to predict local distributions of solids velocity and concentration in liquid-solid slurry ows. 4. A study of wall boundary condition formulations in the context of the two-uid model to predict frictional head losses for coarse-particle dense ows of liquid-solid mixtures. 5. An exploratory study of the solids stress closure models available in the commercial CFD software, ANSYS CFX. 6. Application of solids-phase stress models from the kinetic theory of granular ow to coarse-particle liquid-solid ows at solids-phase bulk concentration values higher than 10%. 7.3 Conclusions The specic conclusions from the present study are outlined as follows: 7.3.1 Experimental work 1. The radial solids velocity proles measured in the upward ow section of the loop showed steep velocity gradients near the wall. The proles also indicated increased slip velocity in th upward ow section at lower velocities due to increase in the solids mean concentration. Data for the mean solids concentration in the ow loop sections was not obtained, due to problems with the measurement probe, for detailed analysis. 2. The magnitude of the measured pressure drop in both the upward and downward ow sections increases with increasing bulk velocity. The measured pressure drop 178
also exhibited a dependence on the solids bulk concentration by an upward shift in the value for the upward ow section and a downward shift in the value for the downward ow section. The dependence of the measured pressure drop on the solids bulk concentration is mainly attributed to the gravitational contribution to the total pressure drop. The effect of the gravitational pressure drop is more on the ow with the 0.5 mm glass beads compared to the ow with the 2.0 mm glass beads. 3. The wall shear stress was determined by subtracting the gravitational contribution from the measured pressure drop. For ow with the 0.5 mm glass beads at high bulk velocities in the upward ow section, the values of the wall shear stress were essentially similar for each concentration. At lower bulk velocities, the increase in the wall shear stresses for the ow with the 0.5 mm glass beads is more compared to higher velocities. For the large particle (2.0 mm glass beads), the observations were similar but the effect of concentration was much less in the upward test section. 4. In the downward ow section, the wall shear stress also increased as the bulk concentration was increased for the case of the ow with the 0.5 mm glass beads. The increase in the values of the wall shear stress is more at lower bulk velocities than at higher bulk velocities, and less compare to the upward ow section. The values of the wall shear stress for the ow of the 2.0 mm glass beads increased for all the bulk velocities investigated. 5. The increase is more pronounce in the upward ow section than in the downward ow section, and was attributed to the effect of different mean solids concentration values in the ow section. 6. In both test sections as well as for both particle sizes (i.e. the 0.5 mm and 2.0 mm glass beads), the wall shear stress does not depend on the bulk concentration below 10%.
7.3.2 Numerical work Vertical ows: Comparison of solids-phase stress closures 1. For all three models for the solids stress tested, the solids velocity and concentration predictions were better for the smaller particles (470 m) than the larger particles (1700 m), irrespective of the solids-phase bulk concentrations considered. 2. The models gave poor predictions for the velocity and concentration proles for ows with larger particles for all the concentrations investigated. The kf f ks s Ts model performed better in predicting the solids velocity. The models could not reproduce the experimental results of the solids concentration distributions for the 1700 m particles. 3. The trends of the liquid-phase turbulence kinetic energy were similar to single-phase ow but the magnitudes were typically lower than for single phase ows for all the models investigated. Close to the wall of the pipe in the region where the solids-phase concentration is depleted, all the models predicted similar liquid-phase turbulence kinetic energy. The values of the liquid-phase turbulence kinetic energy for the liquidsolid ows were higher in than that predicted for the single-phase case. 4. The models produce increased peak values at the wall with increased solids-phase bulk concentration. For the smaller particles, the liquid-phase turbulence kinetic energy was attenuated with increase in solids bulk concentration for the kf f ks s and kf f ks s Ts models. The liquid-phase turbulence kinetic energy was enhanced for the kf f ks kfs model in the region towards the centre of the pipe. For the case of the larger particles, the liquid-phase turbulence kinetic energy was attenuated for all three models with no signicant on the effect of concentration. 5. For each model, solids-phase turbulence kinetic energy was lower close to the wall and higher towards the centre of the pipe than that for the liquid phase. Increased in solids bulk concentration produced lower solids turbulence kinetic energy for all the models investigated. The values of solids-phase turbulence kinetic energy were higher for larger particles than for the smaller particles. 180
6. The solids-phase eddy viscosity was much larger than the liquid-phase eddy viscosity, and decreased with concentration and increased with particle size for the kf f ks s and kf f ks s Ts models. The solids-phase eddy viscosity predicted using the kf f ks kfs model was unique and different with a peak value close to the wall and lower values at the wall and at the centre of the pipe. 7. From the simulations results, the kf f ks s Ts model is considered the bestbetter s. The solids-phase eddy viscosity predicted using the kf f ks kfs model was unique and different with a peak value close to the wall and lower values at the wall and at the centre of the pipe. Vertical ows: Pressure drop prediction 1. For the ow conditions investigated, neither the no-slip nor the free-slip is an appropriate boundary condition for the solids-phase. The free-slip wall boundary condition produced values of the frictional head loss that was lower than the measured data, including that for single-phase ow. The no-slip wall boundary condition predictions were between the measured data and that computed for the single-phase ow. 2. The wall boundary conditions of Ding and Lyczkowski (1992) and Bartosik (1996) were found to perform better at higher mean mixture velocities for the 10% solids mean concentration. They, however, did not reproduce the measured pressure drops. 3. From the present work, it is evident that an improved solids wall boundary condition formulation is required for accurate prediction of frictional head loss in liquid-solid two-phase vertical ows. 7.3.3 Horizontal ows 1. The simulation with three model options in ANSYS CFX-10 for the solids phase stress tensor (i.e. no modelling for the granular temperature, zero-equation and algebraic equilibrium models) and the so-called dispersed-phase zero equation model
for the solids-phase turbulence for the 180 m and 550 m sand-water slurries with produce similar results. 2. The characteristic ow features of horizontal ow of medium (180 m particles) and coarse (550 m particles) sand-water slurries can be qualitatively described using ANSYS CFX-10. 3. Comparing the predictions with experimental data, applying the kinetic theory of granular ows using an algebraic equilibrium model for the granular temperature for the solids-phase stress produced a more realistic distribution of solids-phase concentration than the solids velocity. The model fail to reproduce observed local distributions of the solids velocity. 4. The effect of solids-phase bulk concentration on solids velocity and concentration distributions exhibited the expected asymmetric characteristic of negatively buoyant solids ow in liquid. The local solids velocity in the upper part of the pipe at a solidsphase bulk concentration of 30% was slightly higher than that computed at 15% solids-phase bulk concentration. In the lower part of the pipe, they were essentially identical. 5. For ow in the 53 mm diameter pipe, the effect of particle diameter on the solids velocity and concentration distributions was mixed. The local velocity of the larger sand particles was lower than that of the smaller particles in the upper part of the pipe, while the lower part, it was much higher. The solids-phase concentration proles showed a similar effect. In the lower part of the pipe, the values of the predicted concentration are higher than the measured values. 6. For the effect of pipe diameter, the solids velocity in the smaller pipe is higher than that of the larger pipe over almost the entire pipe cross-section. The value of the solids-phase concentration is higher in the lower half of both pipes, and lower in the upper region.
7.3.4 Recommendations Based on the comparisons with experimental data as well as the comparative work on different models, the following recommendations are proposed: 1. The modelling of the unclosed terms in the two-uid model should be explored in more detail. 2. The ow type investigated in this study is associated with complex physics, the understanding of which is far from complete. Microscopically, the ow is unsteady and the individual discrete particles of the solids-phase are in continuous motion. Presently, closure models based upon the kinetic theory of granular ows appear to provide some insight. Simulations in the context of discrete element simulation would provide further insight to understanding the dynamics involved. Such simulations would also aid in the development of better closure laws for the two-uid model for dense ows. 3. Wall boundary conditions for the liquid and solids phases should each account for the other phases effect in the model. For the case of ow in ducts of arbitrary geometry, the effect of solids concentration must be carefully considered in the wall boundary condition model. In addition, modication to existing wall boundary condition models for granular ows should carefully consider wall roughness effects where applicable. 4. As a requirement for two-uid model validation, measurements of phasic variables like velocity and concentration as well as higher-order variables are needed. 5. To effectively implement and have full access to modify the models, an overall recommendation is that the models should be tested and developed using in-house programs where all model parameters and constants can be easily and completely veried. 6. Finally, extensive technical support and training from developers is strongly recommended when applying a commercial code such as CFX for the types of ow investigated in this study. This is because most commercial CFD codes have not been fully 183
tested for coarse particle slurry ows compared to single-phase or gas-liquid ows.
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This appendix describes the calibration procedure for the electromagnetic ow meter used to measure the bulk velocity in the pipeline in this thesis. The calibration was performed and documented by Schergevitch (2006). The description provided in this appendix is an edited version. A.1 Sampling Drum In the electromagnetic ow meter calibration, a drum was needed for sample collection. A calibration of the height versus volume of a drum to be used for sample collection was done. The height of the drum, from the inside of the bottom to the top lip, was measured to be 33.375 inches. A mark was placed on the lip of the drum where the measurement was made to ensure that all future measurements were taken at the same position. The drum was placed on a oor scale. The weight of the empty drum was zeroed on the scale. Water was incrementally added to the drum. For each addition, the weight and temperature of the water were taken. The water temperature was used to determine density, which was used in the conversion of mass to volume. A.2 Volumetric Calibration of Sampling Drum A height versus volume calibration of the drum employed was performed and the results are shown in Figure A.1. The height of the drum was measured to be 84.77 cm from the inside of the bottom to the top lip. A mark was placed on the lip of the drum where the measurement was made to ensure that all future measurements were taken at the same position. The drum was placed on a oor scale and the weight of the empty drum was zeroed on the scale. Water was then incrementally added to the drum and the weight and temperature of the water were recorded. The water temperature was used to determine density, which was subsequently used to determine the volume. A.3 Calibration Setup and Procedure A Linatex 3 2 pump with a Reeves variable-speed drive was used to provide ow for the calibrations. The suction side of the pump was connected to a conical bottomed tank equipped with a mixer. The Foxboro Electromagnetic Flowmeter was installed on the pump discharge line in a horizontal orientation with 54-inches of straight piping before the ow 196
Volume (Litres)
meter. A 2-inch exible hose, of sufcient length to reach the top of the tank, was connected to the discharge side of the ow meter. The output of the ow meter transmitter was connected to the Saskatchewan Research Council data acquisition system. The pump was set to provide the required ow, with the slurry (or water) being re-circulated back into the supply tank. When ready, the ow was diverted to the sampling drum, and the sampling time and the output voltage reading from the ow meter transmitter were then measured. After the level of the sample in the drum was noted, the contents were returned to the supply tank. This measurement was used to calculate the sample volume (see Figure A.1). This procedure was repeated for several ow rates. A.4 Calibration with Slurry and Water 1160 Litres of slurry made up of 403 kg of 30/50 sand (d50 = 500 m) and water was prepared in the supply tank. The mixer was set such that adequate mixing was provided while ensuring minimum air entrainment. The procedure described above was performed for four ow rates and the output values were recorded. For these four sets of data, the solids concentration owing through the ow meter was not accounted for. To consider the effect of solids concentration, additional data for ve ow rate settings were obtained where the level of the solids in the sample drum for each case was measured as well as the level of the total sample collected. This measurement allowed the solids concentration in the slurry owing through the meter to be measured. The settled solids in the drum were assumed to have a concentration of 62% by volume. With this value, which was assumed to be the concentration at maximum packing, and the total volume of the mixture, the solids concentration in the owing mixtures was determined. The calibration data is plotted in terms of the ow rate as a function of the EMFM output voltage (Figure A.2). Solids concentrations of 20% and 40% by volume were used. After the calibration with the slurry, the system was ushed and replaced with an equal volume of water. The mixer was set to run at similar condition as during the calibration with the slurry. The procedure described above was repeated for several ow rates. As in the case of the slurry, the measured ow rate as a function of the output voltage from the MFM transmitter is shown in Figure A.2. As shown in Figure A.2, the calibration lines for both water and the slurry are similar. Since, the ow rate through the EMFM is measured as the amount of the volume of the mixture passing through it for a known period of time interval, the ow rate is interpreted as that of the mixture in this thesis.
12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 EMFM output (volts) No Cs measured Cs ~ 25% Cs ~ 40% water
Figure A.2: Electromagnetic ow meter calibration data for water and water-sand slurry mixtures.
In this appendix, additional solids velocity proles for the upward ow of 0.5 mm and 2.0 mm glass beads at bulk concentrations between 5% and 45% in water are shown. The proles for the 0.5 mm glass bead slurries are presented in Figures B.1 through B.3. The bulk velocity is denoted by V and Uus refers to the means solids velocity in the upward ow section in the gures. Those obtained for the 2.0 mm glass bead slurries are shown in Figure B.4. As noted in Chapter 3, the general trend of the proles resembles those obtained in previous studies using similar probes. The solids velocity proles for the 2.0 mm glass beads were not realistic. This can be seen in Figure B.4 where the velocity prole does not follow the expected trend near the wall.
Us (m s )
0.5 Cs = 5%, dp = 0.5 mm V = 2 m s , Uus = 1.86 m s 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 y/R 0.6 0.8 1.0
-1 -1
3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 y/R 0.6 0.8 1.0 Cs = 5%, dp = 0.5 mm V = 4 m s , Uus = 3.66 m s
-1 -1
Figure B.1: Solids velocity proles for vertical upward ow of 0.5 mm glass beads at bulk solids concentration of 5% in water: (a) bulk velocity = 2 m s1 , and (b) bulk velocity = 4 m s 1 .
Us (ms )
Figure B.2: Solids velocity proles for vertical upward ow of 0.5 mm glass beads at bulk solids concentration of 25% in water: (a) bulk velocity = 2 m s1 , and (b) bulk velocity = 3 m s 1 .
Us (ms )
Figure B.3: Solids velocity proles for vertical upward ow of 0.5 mm glass beads at bulk solids concentration of 45% in water: (a) bulk velocity = 2 m s1 and (b) bulk velocity = 3 m s 1 .
Us (ms )
Figure B.4: Solids velocity proles for vertical upward ow of 2.0 mm glass beads at bulk solids concentration of 40% in water: (a) bulk velocity = 2 m s1 , and (b) bulk velocity = 3 m s 1 .
The measured pressure gradients are provided in this appendix. Tables C.1 through C.7 show the data for the 0.5 mm glass beads, and Tables C.8 through C.10 represents measured data for the 2.0 mm glass beads. In the tables, the total owrate, which is used to calculate the bulk velocity, is measure with the Electromagnetic Flow Meter (EFM). The pressure gradients data in the upward and downward test sections are given by equations (3.6) and (3.7); the average pressure gradient corresponds to equation (3.8). Table C.1: Pressure gradient data for ow 0.5 mm glass beads at 5% bulk solids concentration in water Total Flowrate (L/s) 11.11 10.15 8.96 7.74 6.75 5.52 4.47 4.04 3.49 2.18 Downward Test Section (kPa/m) 3.069 2.492 1.865 1.281 0.866 0.414 0.104 0.000 -0.107 -0.191 Upward Temperature Test Section (kPa/m) (o C) 4.604 22.9 4.038 22.9 3.370 22.9 2.767 22.8 2.327 22.8 1.835 22.8 1.459 22.7 1.306 22.7 1.115 22.7 0.644 22.7 Average Velocity dP/dz (kPa/m) (m/s) 3.8365 5.02 3.265 4.58 2.6175 4.05 2.024 3.50 1.5965 3.05 1.1245 2.49 0.7815 2.02 0.653 1.82 0.504 1.58 0.2265 0.98
Table C.2: Pressure gradient data for ow of 0.5 mm glass beads at 25% bulk solids concentration in water Total Flowrate (L/s) 9.78 9.34 8.89 8.23 7.74 7.15 6.69 6.09 5.62 4.97 4.40 3.47 2.75 Downward Test Section (kPa/m) -0.396 -0.648 -0.890 -1.228 -1.469 -1.741 -1.938 -2.182 -2.364 -2.579 -2.782 -3.057 -3.202 Upward Temperature Test Section (kPa/m) (o C) 7.099 23.2 6.850 22.8 6.594 22.9 6.253 22.9 6.006 22.8 5.731 22.9 5.524 22.9 5.271 22.8 5.0756 22.8 4.8214 22.8 4.6091 22.8 4.3541 22.8 4.1573 22.9 Average Velocity dP/dz (kPa/m) (m/s) 3.351 4.42 3.101 4.22 2.852 4.02 2.513 3.72 2.269 3.50 1.995 3.23 1.793 3.02 1.545 2.75 1.356 2.54 1.121 2.24 0.914 1.99 0.649 1.56 0.478 1.24
Table C.3: Pressure gradient data for ow of 0.5 mm glass beads at 30% bulk solids concentration in water Total Flowrate (L/s) 9.01 8.27 7.71 7.23 6.76 6.05 5.61 4.92 4.41 3.92 3.38 Downward Test Section (kPa/m) -1.292 -1.740 -2.033 -2.273 -2.489 -2.801 -2.985 -3.253 -3.443 -3.615 -3.779 Upward Temperature Test Section (kPa/m) (o C) 7.480 26.5 7.042 26.8 6.739 26.7 6.507 26.7 6.291 26.6 5.979 26.5 5.805 26.3 5.566 26.3 5.434 26.2 5.335 26.2 5.229 26.2 Average Velocity dP/dz (kPa/m) (m/s) 3.094 4.07 2.651 3.73 2.353 3.48 2.117 3.26 1.901 3.05 1.589 2.73 1.410 2.53 1.157 2.22 0.996 1.99 0.860 1.77 0.725 1.53
Table C.4: Pressure gradient data for ow of 0.5 mm glass beads at 35% bulk solids concentration in water Total Flowrate (L/s) 8.36 7.77 7.18 6.68 6.04 5.46 4.96 4.41 3.85 3.38 Downward Test Section (kPa/m) -2.310 -2.633 -2.940 -3.180 -3.456 -3.692 -3.881 -4.071 -4.255 -4.384 Upward Temperature Test Section (kPa/m) (o C) 7.601 27.7 7.322 27.8 7.057 27.8 6.862 27.7 6.663 27.6 6.526 27.5 6.428 27.4 6.334 27.4 6.238 27.3 6.147 27.3 Average Velocity dP/dz (kPa/m) (m/s) 2.646 3.78 2.345 3.51 2.059 3.24 1.841 3.02 1.604 2.73 1.417 2.47 1.274 2.24 1.132 1.99 0.992 1.74 0.882 1.53
Table C.5: Pressure gradient data for ow of 0.5 mm glass beads at 40% bulk solids concentration in water Total Flowrate (L/s) 7.59 7.22 6.68 6.09 5.59 4.97 4.55 3.95 3.41 2.98 Downward Test Section (kPa/m) -3.380 -3.553 -3.779 -4.001 -4.201 -4.446 -4.623 -4.781 -4.894 -4.977 Upward Temperature Test Section (kPa/m) (o C) 7.923 28.6 7.815 28.7 7.708 28.7 7.581 28.6 7.480 28.5 7.363 28.4 7.291 28.3 7.177 28.2 7.095 28.2 7.063 28.2 Average Velocity dP/dz (kPa/m) (m/s) 2.272 3.43 2.131 3.26 1.965 3.02 1.790 2.75 1.640 2.52 1.459 2.24 1.334 2.05 1.198 1.78 1.101 1.54 1.043 1.35
Table C.6: Pressure gradient data for ow of 0.5 mm glass beads at 45% bulk solids concentration in water Total Flowrate (L/s) 7.46 7.20 6.69 6.09 5.51 4.94 4.47 3.87 3.36 2.75 Downward Test Section (kPa/m) -4.135 -4.250 -4.444 -4.664 -4.815 -4.949 -5.118 -5.353 -5.539 -5.745 Upward Temperature Test Section (kPa/m) (o C) 8.843 22.7 8.734 22.6 8.599 22.6 8.456 22.6 8.344 22.5 8.217 22.5 8.137 22.5 8.085 22.5 8.037 22.5 8.045 22.4 Average Velocity dP/dz (kPa/m) (m/s) 2.354 3.37 2.242 3.25 2.078 3.02 1.896 2.75 1.765 2.49 1.634 2.23 1.510 2.02 1.366 1.75 1.249 1.52 1.150 1.24
Table C.7: Pressure gradient data (repeat) for ow of 0.5 mm glass beads at 45% bulk solids concentration in water Total Flowrate (L/s) 7.13 7.18 6.70 6.72 6.11 6.09 5.57 5.58 5.00 5.00 4.47 4.47 Downward Test Section (kPa/m) -4.165 -4.156 -4.381 -4.377 -4.615 -4.616 -4.762 -4.783 -4.958 -4.967 -5.101 -5.106 Upward Temperature Test Section (kPa/m) (o C) 8.652 22.9 8.643 22.9 8.507 22.9 8.512 22.9 8.358 22.8 8.373 22.8 8.250 22.8 8.250 22.8 8.125 22.8 8.120 22.8 8.020 22.8 8.024 22.7 Average Velocity dP/dz (kPa/m) (m/s) 2.244 3.22 2.244 3.24 2.063 3.02 2.068 3.03 1.872 2.76 1.878 2.75 1.744 2.52 1.733 2.52 1.584 2.26 1.577 2.26 1.460 2.02 1.459 2.02
Table C.8: Pressure gradient data for ow of 2.0 mm glass beads at 5% bulk solids concentration in water Total Flowrate (L/s) 7.59 7.22 6.68 6.09 5.59 4.97 4.55 3.95 3.41 2.98 Downward Test Section (kPa/m) -3.380 -3.553 -3.779 -4.001 -4.201 -4.446 -4.623 -4.781 -4.894 -4.977 Upward Temperature Test Section (kPa/m) (o C) 7.923 28.6 7.815 28.7 7.708 28.7 7.581 28.6 7.480 28.5 7.363 28.4 7.291 28.3 7.177 28.2 7.095 28.2 7.063 28.2 Average Velocity dP/dz (kPa/m) (m/s) 2.272 3.43 2.131 3.26 1.965 3.02 1.790 2.75 1.640 2.52 1.459 2.24 1.334 2.05 1.198 1.78 1.101 1.54 1.043 1.35
Table C.9: Pressure gradient data for ow of 2.0 mm glass beads at 10% bulk solids concentration in water Total Flowrate (L/s) 7.46 7.20 6.69 6.09 5.51 4.94 4.47 3.87 3.36 2.75 Downward Test Section (kPa/m) -4.135 -4.250 -4.444 -4.664 -4.815 -4.949 -5.118 -5.353 -5.539 -5.745 Upward Temperature Test Section (kPa/m) (o C) 8.843 22.7 8.734 22.6 8.599 22.6 8.456 22.6 8.344 22.5 8.217 22.5 8.137 22.5 8.085 22.5 8.037 22.5 8.045 22.4 Average Velocity dP/dz (kPa/m) (m/s) 2.354 3.37 2.242 3.25 2.078 3.02 1.896 2.75 1.765 2.49 1.634 2.23 1.510 2.02 1.366 1.75 1.249 1.52 1.150 1.24
Table C.10: Pressure gradient data for ow of 2.0 mm glass beads at 40% bulk solids concentration in water Total Flowrate (L/s) 7.13 7.18 6.70 6.72 6.11 6.09 5.57 5.58 5.00 5.00 4.47 4.47 Downward Test Section (kPa/m) -4.165 -4.156 -4.381 -4.377 -4.615 -4.616 -4.762 -4.783 -4.958 -4.967 -5.101 -5.106 Upward Temperature Test Section (kPa/m) (o C) 8.652 22.9 8.643 22.9 8.507 22.9 8.512 22.9 8.358 22.8 8.373 22.8 8.250 22.8 8.250 22.8 8.125 22.8 8.120 22.8 8.020 22.8 8.024 22.7 Average Velocity dP/dz (kPa/m) (m/s) 2.244 3.22 2.244 3.24 2.063 3.02 2.068 3.03 1.872 2.76 1.878 2.75 1.744 2.52 1.733 2.52 1.584 2.26 1.577 2.26 1.460 2.02 1.459 2.02
The denitions of the averaging techniques applied to develop governing equations of multiphase ows in the Eulerian-Eulerian formulation are given here. Consider a given eld variable, , dened by the function = (r, t), which can be a scalar, vector or tensor of a phase being studied at a xed point in space r at any time, t. The averaging processes are dened below: 1. The time average of (r, t) is dened by t (r, t) = where T is the averaging time scale. 2. The volume average is dened by v (r, t) = where V is the averaging volume. 3. The ensemble average, dened by 1 e (r, t) = N
1 T
t+T /2
(r, t)d( ),
tT /2
1 V
(r, t)dV,
n (r, t)
is generally thought of as the most fundamental averaging process. In equations (D.3), n (r, t) is the realization of (r, t) over all possible realizations N or .
In this appendix a sample of the input le use for CFX-4.4 simulations is provided. After creating a geometry to be used for the simulation, a case need to be generated and the le for that is called the command le in CFX-4.4. In the command le, one typically sets the parameters required for the numerics, species the type of geometry, selects the model(s) of interest, uid properties, denes user-routine names, and sets inlet, outlet and wall boundary conditions. A sample of a command le is given below:
1 >>CFX4 2 #CALC 3 TI = 1 . 0 E 1; 4 U1 = 2 . 5 8 E + 0 0 ; 5 K1 = 3 . 0 * ( U1 * TI ) * * 2 . 0 / 2 . 0 ; 6 E1 = 0 . 0 9 * * ( 3 . 0 / 4 . 0 ) * K1 * * ( 3 . 0 / 2 . 0 ) / ( 0 . 0 0 7 * 0 . 0 4 ) ; 7 T2 = 1 . 0 E 1; 8 U2 = 2 . 5 8 E + 0 0 ; 9 K2 = 3 . 0 * ( U2 * TI ) * * 2 . 0 / 2 . 0 ; 10 GT2 = 3 . 0 * K2 / 2 . 0 ; 11 E2 = 0 . 0 9 * * ( 3 . 0 / 4 . 0 ) * K2 * * ( 3 . 0 / 2 . 0 ) / ( 0 . 0 0 7 * 0 . 0 4 ) ; 12 CS2 = 0 . 0 8 7 ; 13 CS1 = 1.0 CS2 ; 14 #ENDCALC 15 >>SET LIMITS 16 TOTAL INTEGER WORK SPACE 10000000 17 TOTAL CHARACTER WORK SPACE 500000 18 TOTAL REAL WORK SPACE 17000000 19 >>OPTIONS 20 TWO DIMENSIONS 21 CYLINDRICAL COORDINATES 22 AXIS INCLUDED 23 TURBULENT FLOW 24 ISOTHERMAL FLOW 25 INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOW 26 STEADY STATE 27 USER SCALAR EQUATIONS 24
118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
>>SOLVER DATA >>PROGRAM CONTROL MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ITERATIONS 100 MASS SOURCE TOLERANCE 1 . 0 0 0 0 E15 ITERATIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SCALAR EQUATIONS 2 ITERATIONS OF TURBULENCE EQUATIONS 1 ITERATIONS OF VELOCITY AND PRESSURE EQUATIONS 1 ITERATIONS OF HYDRODYNAMIC EQUATIONS 1 >>PRESSURE CORRECTION SIMPLEC >>UNDER RELAXATION FACTORS PHASE NAME WATER U VELOCITY 6 . 0 0 0 0 E01 V VELOCITY 6 . 0 0 0 0 E01 PRESSURE 1 . 0 E+00 VOLUME FRACTION 4 . 5 E02 VISCOSITY 4 . 0 0 0 0 E01 K 5 . 0 0 0 0 E01 EPSILON 5 . 0 0 0 0 E01 >>UNDER RELAXATION FACTORS PHASE NAME SAND U VELOCITY 4 . 0 0 0 0 E01 V VELOCITY 6 . 0 0 0 0 E01 PRESSURE 1 . 0 E+00 VOLUME FRACTION 4 . 5 E02 VISCOSITY 4 . 0 0 0 0 E01 K 5 . 0 0 0 0 E01 EPSILON 5 . 0 0 0 0 E01 >>MODEL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS >>INLET BOUNDARIES PHASE NAME WATER PATCH NAME INLET1 / * Fo r dp = 470 mic ; U = 2 . 5 8 and Cr = 0 . 0 8 7 * / NORMAL VELOCITY #U1 VOLUME FRACTION #CS1 / * Fo r dp = 470 mic ; U = 2 . 6 2 and Cr = 0 . 2 7 8 NORMAL VELOCITY #U1 VOLUME FRACTION #CS1 * / / * Fo r dp = 1700 mic ; U = 2 . 7 7 and Cr = 0 . 0 8 5 NORMAL VELOCITY #U1 VOLUME FRACTION #CS1 * / / * Fo r dp = 1700 mic ; U = 2 . 8 9 and Cr = 0 . 1 7 7 NORMAL VELOCITY #U1 VOLUME FRACTION #CS1 * / / * Fo r D a n i e l 1 9 6 5 : dp = 1700 mic ; U = 1 . 5 and Cr = 0 . 2 2 4 215
163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
NORMAL VELOCITY #U1 VOLUME FRACTION #CS1 * / K #K1 EPSILON #E1 >>INLET BOUNDARIES PHASE NAME SAND PATCH NAME INLET1 / * Fo r dp = 470 mic ; U = 2 . 5 8 and Cr = 0 . 0 8 7 * / NORMAL VELOCITY #U2 VOLUME FRACTION #CS2 / * Fo r dp = 470 mic ; U = 2 . 6 2 and Cr = 0 . 2 7 8 NORMAL VELOCITY #U2 VOLUME FRACTION #CS2 * / / * Fo r dp = 1700 mic ; U = 2 . 7 7 and Cr = 0 . 0 8 5 NORMAL VELOCITY #U2 VOLUME FRACTION #CS2 * / / * Fo r dp = 1700 mic ; U = 2 . 8 9 and Cr = 0 . 1 7 7 NORMAL VELOCITY #U2 VOLUME FRACTION #CS2 * / / * Fo r D a n i e l 1 9 6 5 : dp = 1700 mic ; U = 1 . 5 and Cr = 0 . 2 2 4 NORMAL VELOCITY #U2 VOLUME FRACTION #CS2 * / K #K2 EPSILON #E2 >>WALL BOUNDARIES PHASE NAME WATER PATCH NAME WALL1 >>WALL BOUNDARIES PHASE NAME SAND PATCH NAME WALL1 >>WALL BOUNDARIES PHASE NAME SAND PATCH NAME WALL1 >>STOP
This appendix contains contour plots of the solids-phase velocity and concentration of sand slurry ow in a 263 mm pipe.
Figure F.1: Contour plots of solids velocity and concentration for 0.18 mm sand-in-water ow in 263 mm pipe.
Figure F.2: Contour plots of solids velocity and concentration for 0.55 mm sand-in-water ow in 263 mm pipe.