Minimising Dilution in Narrow-Vein Mines Pennystewart

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Penelope Clair Stewart

B.Eng (Mining), Grad.Cert.Eng

Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the

Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre

University of Queensland

October 2005

I declare that the work presented in this thesis is, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
original except as acknowledged in the text. No material has been submitted, either whole or in
part, for a degree at this or any other university. This dissertation presents original
contributions in the following areas:

A comprehensive review of parameters likely to influence narrow-vein dilution. Dilution

parameters not explicitly considered by existing stope stability prediction methods were
shown to have a higher potential to influence narrow-vein stope stability than large open
stope stability.

Quantify database requirements for a site-specific stability chart. Evidence was presented
to indicate that site-specific effects are not truly site-specific, but are instead operatingcondition specific. This conclusion forms the rationale for developing a dilution prediction
method addressing narrow-vein operating conditions to improve dilution prediction for
narrow-vein stoping.

Defining and quantifying the effect of three different types of relaxation (partial, full and
tangential relaxation) has provided an explanation for the apparent discrepancies in the
literature pertaining to the effect of stress relaxation on excavation stability.

Evidence has been presented to demonstrate that while stability graphs are reliable methods
for predicting the probability of geotechnical instability, they are poor predictors of linear
dilution because neither stability number (N) nor hydraulic radius (HR) were continuously
related to linear overbreak or slough for narrow-vein case studies.

The effect of stress history on narrow-vein dilution has been quantified and methods for
assessing stress damage related dilution potential have been proposed.

Benchmark stoping and expected stoping widths have been defined for three common
narrow-vein longhole blast patterns.

Development of an empirical narrow-vein design method (NVD method) to improve

narrow-vein dilution prediction for greenfield sites and reduce dilution at operating mines.

Penny Stewart

I wish to thank the following people and organisations for their contributions to the preparation
of this thesis:

Dr. Robert Trueman, my principal supervisor, for his generous, dedicated and valued
supervision. His dedication to his students is to be valued by all whom have had the fortune
to be one of his students.

Dr. Gideon Chitombo, my associate supervisor, for his optimism, bright ideas and

Professor Bill Whiten, for his guidance in statistics and the pragmatic application of
mathematical tools to mining research.

Professor Geoff Lyman for his review of mathematical elements as well as his valuable
contribution to the probabilistic methods applied in this thesis and the only person I know
who quite literally called a mathematical relationship, and I quote here, attractive!

The sponsor companies and their representatives that supported the 2nd AMIRA Blasting
and Reinforcement Technology Project.

Particular thanks are extended to Mr John Slade (formerly of Placer Dome Kundana
Operations) whose assistance in collating data was greatly appreciated.

The JKMRC for sponsorship of my thesis upon completion of the 2nd Blasting and

I wish to express my appreciation for Ians unwavering support, especially since our son
Jamess arrival in August 2003. Throughout my thesis studies Ian has provided a receptive
and interested sounding board for unconventional thoughts and ideas. His generous
assistance in reviewing and formatting this thesis went well beyond what I would ever have
asked for.

The JKMRC students and staff for making my time at the JKMRC both memorable and
highly enjoyable.

I would also like to thank my family for the times they looked after James thereby
providing me with time to finish this thesis.

Mr Jim Stewart, my father who took the time to review various chapters of this thesis.


This thesis project was an initiative of the JKMRC and formed part of the project deliverables
for the 2nd AMIRA Blasting and Reinforcement Technology Project. An improved ability to
predict dilution in narrow-vein longhole stoping compared to conventional stoping facilitates
more accurate economic comparisons between mechanised longhole stoping and other narrowvein mining methods. Furthermore, understanding the underlying causes of dilution in narrowvein mining is an essential element in dilution minimisation.
Sponsors of the 2nd AMIRA Blasting and Reinforcement Technology Project expressed
concern about the applicability of empirical stability charts to narrow-vein stope design and
dilution prediction. To address these concerns, a number of parameters identified as having a
high potential to contribute to narrow-vein instability and not generally incorporated into
stability charts were reviewed. Of these, several were considered rockmass dependent and
therefore, to some extent implicitly taken into account by Q. The possibility of developing
site-specific stability charts to capture the potential sensitivity of narrow-vein stopes to Q was
investigated. Monte Carlo simulations analysing trends in the variance of the Extended
Mathews logit model indicated that a reliable stable-failure boundary requires at least 150 case
histories, of which a minimum of 10 percent should be unstable stope surfaces. The time
required to collate sufficient case studies for a site-specific chart is considered a significant
limitation of this approach to improved narrow-veins stope design. Furthermore, dilution
estimates are required for the feasibility stage of a greenfield project, prior to the availability of
site data.
Only marginal site-specific effects were observed for the operating conditions captured within
the Extended Mathews database (485 case studies). It has been concluded that the apparent
site-specific effects referred to in previous literature are attributable to operating conditions
inadequately represented in the database. Such operating conditions could induce erroneous
stability predictions at any site, and therefore, are not truly site-specific. Following from these
conclusions, a methodology for taking into account narrow-vein operating conditions has been

Stress relaxation is one of the narrow-vein operating conditions hypothesised to adversely

affect narrow-vein stope stability prediction using existing stability chart methods. While many
authors refer to the adverse effect of stress relaxation on excavation stability, some authors
present compelling empirical evidence indicating that stress relaxation does not have a
significant effect. Establishing clear definitions of stress relaxation was critical to
understanding and quantifying stress relaxation effects. Three types of stress relaxation have
been defined; partial relaxation, full relaxation and tangential relaxation. Once clear definitions
were determined, it became clear that the theoretical arguments and empirical evidence
presented by various authors to support their respective cases are not contradictory; rather the
different conclusions can be attributed to different types of stress relaxation. In particular,
when the minor principal stress is negative the intermediate principal stress has been identified
as significantly affecting jointed rock mass behaviour. A new set of guidelines to account for
the effect of stress relaxation within the stability chart approach has been proposed.
115 narrow-vein case studies from the Barkers mine in Western Australia showed a poor
correlation to both the stability number (N) and hydraulic radius (HR). Given that both N and
HR correlate well with stability in the vast majority of stability chart case studies, this suggests
there is an overriding influence on stability at Barkers not accounted by stability charts. Blast
pattern was found to have a statistically significant effect on overbreak. There was no evidence
that tight backfill abutments (not continuous moving) behave differently from solid rock
abutments in terms of determination of stable stope dimensions. These findings provided
justification for further explicit consideration of narrow-vein operating conditions.
The effect of stress damage associated with the incremental extraction of long-hole rings
resulting in a retreating high stressed zone at the stope brow was analysed. The study involved
analysis of overbreak from 412 case studies from Barker mine. Numerical modelling of a 32
month extraction sequence for each case study demonstrated that stress damaged stope walls at
this mine had an average 0.27 metres more overbreak than stope walls where stresses had not
exceeded the site calibrated damage criterion.
Narrow-vein case studies from Barkers, Callinan and Trout Lake mine suggest that overbreak
is not continuously related to N and HR well inside the stable zone. Based on this result it was
concluded if a stope plots well inside the stable zone the cause of dilution is unlikely to be
related to geotechnical instability. This interpretation implies that the causes of narrow-vein
dilution can be separated into two independent causes:


Geotechnical instability (stope size dependent).

Blast overbreak (unrelated to stope size).

A probabilistic benchmarking method has been used to estimate a benchmark stoping widths
for three commonly used narrow-vein longhole blast patterns. The benchmark stability stoping
width for each pattern defines realistic planned dilution limits. These limits provide the basis
from which true unplanned dilution can be assessed. The probabilistic overbreak model has
also been used to predict expected (average) stope widths for each of the patterns. Benchmark
average stoping width, in conjunction with vein or ore width, can be used to estimate total
Benchmark stoping widths are primarily a function of the longhole stoping method (operatingcondition specific). On this basis, the benchmark stoping widths determined for Barkers mine
are applicable to narrow-vein longhole stoping with similar operating conditions. However, it
was recognised that complex geology (e.g. cross-cutting structures) would require adjustments
be made to both the benchmark stability stoping width and the benchmark average stoping
The narrow-vein dilution methodology (NVD method) proposed in this thesis is a tool for
predicting narrow-vein dilution based on the benchmark average stoping widths. In addition to
dilution prediction, the NVD method also includes recommendation and strategies for narrowvein dilution minimisation generally, including; filling, cablebolting, stress relaxation, stress
damage and blast overbreak. It is envisaged that improved dilution prediction will lead to more
accurate comparisons of the expected cost of dilution in longhole stopes compared to other
mining methods. In this sense, the title of this thesis could more accurately be described as
optimising dilution in narrow-vein mines. This recognises that optimal mining method
selection will, in some instances, accept a higher level of dilution as part of a higher overall
NPV for an operation. Conversely, in other instances the higher mining unit costs may be
acceptable to increase overall NPV.


Stewart, P.C. and Trueman, R. 2001. The Extended Mathews Stability Graph: Quantifying
case history requirements and site-specific effects, in International Symposium on Mining
Techniques of Narrow-Vein Deposits. Val d'Or, pp 85-92 (CIM).
Stewart. P.C. and Trueman, R (2003). Applying the Extended Mathews Stability graph to
stress relaxation, site-specific effects and narrow-vein stoping. 1st AGCM Conference, Ground
Control in Mining Technology and Practise, p 55-61.
Stewart, P.C. and Trueman, R. (2004) Quantifying the effect of stress relaxation on excavation
stability. Mining Technology (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall.) June 2004. Vol 113. p A107.
Stewart, P.C. and Trueman, R. (2005) The effect of stress damage on dilution in narrow-vein
mines. 9th Underground Operators Conference, Perth, Western Australia, p 211-222.
Full publication copies can be referred to in Appendix F.



STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ......................................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..................................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................v

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS..................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................... xix

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................xxv


Background ................................................................................................................. 1


Hypothesis................................................................................................................... 3


Aim of Study............................................................................................................... 3


Methodology ............................................................................................................... 3


Thesis Outline ............................................................................................................. 4



Introduction................................................................................................................. 7


Dilution Economics .................................................................................................... 8

2.2.1 Summary.............................................................................................................. 8



Defining Dilution ........................................................................................................ 9


Narrow-vein Mining Methods .................................................................................. 11

2.4.1 Conventional Narrow-vein Mining Methods..................................................... 11
2.4.2 Alimak Stoping.................................................................................................. 15
2.4.3 Longhole Stoping............................................................................................... 15
2.4.4 Resue Mining..................................................................................................... 18
2.4.5 Summary............................................................................................................ 19


Quantifying Dilution ................................................................................................. 19

2.5.1 Categorical Approach ........................................................................................ 19
2.5.2 Equivalent Linear Overbreak (ELOS) ............................................................... 20
2.5.3 Summary............................................................................................................ 22


Conclusions............................................................................................................... 22



Introduction............................................................................................................... 25


Empirical Stope design ............................................................................................. 26

3.2.1 Mathews Stability Graph ................................................................................... 27
3.2.2 Modifications and Adjustments to the Mathews Stability Graph Method ........ 30
3.2.3 Shape Factor ...................................................................................................... 39
3.2.4 Laubscher Design Graph ................................................................................... 41
3.2.5 Extended Mathews Stability Graph ................................................................... 42
3.2.6 ELOS Stability Chart......................................................................................... 43
3.2.7 Empirical Mathematical Dilution Model........................................................... 44
3.2.8 Site-specific Methods ........................................................................................ 45
3.2.9 Summary............................................................................................................ 46


Analytical stope design ............................................................................................. 47

3.3.1 Beam and Plate Theory...................................................................................... 47
3.3.2 Voissoir Beam Theory....................................................................................... 47
3.3.3 Kinematic........................................................................................................... 48
3.3.4 Summary............................................................................................................ 49


Numerical methods ................................................................................................... 49

3.4.1 UDEC and 3DEC Distinct Element Codes........................................................ 49


3.4.2 FLAC and FLAC3D Finite Difference Modelling ............................................ 50

3.4.3 Boundary Element Modelling............................................................................ 51
3.4.4 Determination of Induced Stresses .................................................................... 52
3.4.5 Summary............................................................................................................ 53

Conclusions............................................................................................................... 53



Introduction............................................................................................................... 57


Drilling and Blasting Effects .................................................................................... 58

4.2.1 Overbreak and Blast Damage ............................................................................ 59
4.2.2 Blast Design....................................................................................................... 60
4.2.3 Millisecond Blasting (Electronic Detonator Blasting) ...................................... 61
4.2.4 Resue Mining using Millisecond Blasting......................................................... 63
4.2.5 Drill-split Tool System ...................................................................................... 64
4.2.6 Summary............................................................................................................ 64


Backfill Abutments ................................................................................................... 65

4.3.1 Summary............................................................................................................ 66


Effect of Time ........................................................................................................... 66

4.4.1 Summary............................................................................................................ 67


Effect of Stress Relaxation........................................................................................ 67

4.5.1 Summary............................................................................................................ 69


Effect of Stress Damage............................................................................................ 70

4.6.1 Stress Damage ................................................................................................... 70
4.6.2 Predicting Stress Damage .................................................................................. 71
4.6.3 Effect of Stress Damage on Stope Stability....................................................... 71
4.6.4 Summary............................................................................................................ 72


Complex Geometry and In-stope Pillars................................................................... 72

4.7.1 Summary............................................................................................................ 76


Undercutting of Stope Walls..................................................................................... 76

4.8.1 Summary............................................................................................................ 77


Conclusions............................................................................................................... 77




Introduction............................................................................................................... 79


Site-specific effects ................................................................................................... 81


The Extended Mathews Stability chart ..................................................................... 82


Analytical Technique ................................................................................................ 83

5.4.1 Previous Limitations.......................................................................................... 83
5.4.2 Quantifying Logit Model Reliability ................................................................. 84
5.4.3 Assumptions ...................................................................................................... 85


Results....................................................................................................................... 85
5.5.1 Parametric Study of Database Requirements .................................................... 85


Mt Charlotte Case study......................................................................................... 88


Cannington mine Case study ................................................................................. 90


Narrow-vein operating conditions ............................................................................ 91


Conclusions............................................................................................................... 92



Introduction............................................................................................................... 95


Stress relaxation ........................................................................................................ 97

6.2.1 Theoretical Basis ............................................................................................... 97
6.2.2 Types of Stress Relaxation ................................................................................ 98


Methods of analysing the effects of stress relaxation on excavation

stability...................................................................................................................... 99
6.3.1 Distinct Element Model..................................................................................... 99
6.3.2 Equivalent Continuum ..................................................................................... 100
6.3.3 Voussoir Beam Analogy.................................................................................. 101
6.3.4 Empirical Stability Charts................................................................................ 101
6.3.5 Modifications to the Stress Factor to Account for Stress Relaxation.............. 102


Case studies of relaxed stope surfaces .................................................................... 104


Stress Modelling ..................................................................................................... 105


Analysis of Results ................................................................................................. 108

6.6.1 Partial Stress Relaxation .................................................................................. 108
Misclassification Statistics .................................................................................. 108


Logistic Regression ............................................................................................. 110

6.6.2 Full and Tangential Stress Relaxation ............................................................. 111

Evaluation of existing methods to quantify the effect of stress

relaxation................................................................................................................. 113


New empirical adjustment for full and tangential relaxation.................................. 114

6.8.1 Normalised Tensile Stress ............................................................................... 114
6.8.2 Hoek-Brown Tensile Failure Criterion............................................................ 116
6.8.3 Adjustment to Factor A ................................................................................... 117


Applications ............................................................................................................ 120


Conclusions............................................................................................................. 121



Introduction............................................................................................................. 126


Barkers mine, Kundana Gold operations ............................................................... 126

7.2.1 Location ........................................................................................................... 126
7.2.2 Stratigraphy...................................................................................................... 127
7.2.3 Rockmass Characterisation.............................................................................. 129
7.2.4 In situ Stresses ................................................................................................. 131
7.2.5 Mining Method ................................................................................................ 132


Barkers Stability Database ...................................................................................... 133

7.3.1 Estimation of Induced Stresses........................................................................ 133
7.3.2 Stope Geometry ............................................................................................... 134


Stope stability analysis............................................................................................ 134

7.4.1 Barkers Stope Stability and the Extended Mathews Stability Chart ............... 135


Trout Lake and Callinan case studies ..................................................................... 137


Statistical analysis of causes of Barkers dilution .................................................... 138

7.6.1 Effect of Tight Backfilling............................................................................... 138
7.6.2 Effect of Stope Height ..................................................................................... 141
7.6.3 Effect of Drill and Blast Parameters................................................................ 142


Effect of undercutting footwalls ............................................................................. 144


Conclusions............................................................................................................. 146




Introduction............................................................................................................. 149


Stress damage.......................................................................................................... 151

8.2.1 Empirical Failure Criterion.............................................................................. 152
8.2.2 Deviatoric Stress Based Damage Criteria........................................................ 153
8.2.3 Empirical Pillar Yield Charts........................................................................... 154
8.2.4 Barkers Damage Criterion ............................................................................... 154


Stress path modelling .............................................................................................. 156

8.3.1 In Situ Stresses................................................................................................. 156
8.3.2 Extraction Sequence ........................................................................................ 156
8.3.3 Displacement Discontinuity Model ................................................................. 157


Analysis of results................................................................................................... 161

8.4.1 Effect of Normal Stress ................................................................................... 161
8.4.2 Other Factors Affecting Overbreak at Barkers................................................ 162
Effect of Northern Domain.................................................................................. 162
Effect of Pillars on Overbreak............................................................................. 163
Effect of Blasting Pattern on Overbreak ............................................................. 163
Factors that did not Affect Overbreak at Barkers................................................ 163
8.4.3 Potential Impact of Other Factors on Stress Damage Conclusion................... 164
8.4.4 Effect of Deviatoric Stress............................................................................... 165


Strategies to minimise stress damage potential ...................................................... 165


Conclusions............................................................................................................. 168



Introduction............................................................................................................. 171


Implications of Narrow-vein Operating Conditions on Stability Chart

Accuracy ................................................................................................................. 174
9.2.1 Blast Pattern, Leaving Pillars and Stress Damage........................................... 175
9.2.2 Full and Tangential Relaxation........................................................................ 177


Logistical Nature of Stope Stability........................................................................ 179

9.3.1 Effect of Hydraulic Radius on Dilution in the Stable Zone............................. 181
9.3.2 Effect of the Stability Number N on Dilution in the Stable Zone ................... 185



Implications for Stability Chart Stable Zones......................................................... 188


Geotechnical Stability Versus Blast Overbreak...................................................... 188


Minimum Practical Stoping Width ......................................................................... 188


Conclusions............................................................................................................. 190



Introduction............................................................................................................. 194


Benchmark Stability Stoping Width ....................................................................... 195


Benchmark average Stoping Width ........................................................................ 196

10.3.1 Stopes Plotting in the Stable Zone................................................................... 196
10.3.2 Stopes Plotting in the Unstable or Failure Zone.............................................. 196


Estimation of Benchmark Stability Stoping Widths ............................................... 197

10.4.1 Barkers Longhole Blasting Practices............................................................... 197
10.4.2 Ore Loss Potential............................................................................................ 199


Fitting a Distribution to Barkers Overbreak Data................................................... 199

10.5.1 Selecting Appropriate Distribution Functions ................................................. 199
10.5.2 Maximum Likelihood Method for Hangingwall Distribution ......................... 204
10.5.3 Goodness of Fit Analysis................................................................................. 206


Derivation of Benchmark Stability Stoping Widths Using Distribution

Functions................................................................................................................. 215


Benchmark Average Stoping Width for Longhole Narrow-vein Stoping .............. 218


Uncertanties in the Results...................................................................................... 220


Application of Benchmark Stoping Widths to Barkers 1 Case Studies.................. 221

10.10 Conclusions............................................................................................................. 223



Introduction............................................................................................................. 225


Narrow-vein dilution method (NVD method) ........................................................ 226


Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 227



Conlusions............................................................................................................... 237

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................245

APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................261


Figure 1.1 Hypothesised relative influence of stope dilution variables ....................................2
Figure 2.1 Planned and unplanned dilution...............................................................................9
Figure 2.2 Shrinkage stoping, after Gemell (1989).................................................................12
Figure 2.3 - Cut and fill stoping, after Brady and Brown (1993)...............................................12
Figure 2.4 Overhand open (stull) stoping, after Gemell (1989)..............................................13
Figure 2.5 Underhand open (stull) stoping, after Gemell (1989)............................................13
Figure 2.6 Gallery stoping, after Gemell (1989).....................................................................13
Figure 2.7 Alimak stoping method, after Brewis (1995) ........................................................15
Figure 2.8 Continuous bench backfilling techniques, after Villaescusa and Kaganathan
(1998) .........................................................................................................................................16
Figure 2.9 Non-recoverable permanent pillars and backfill, after Villaescusa and Kaganathan
(1998) .........................................................................................................................................16
Figure 2.10 Hydraulic fill and pillar recovery, after Villaescusa and Kaganathan (1998) .....17
Figure 2.11 Full Avoca, after Villaescusa and Kaganathan (1998) ........................................17
Figure 2.12 Resue mining at Dome mine, after Gemell (1989)..............................................18
Figure 2.13 Equivalent Linear Overbreak/Slough, after Clark and Pakalnis (1997) ..............21
Figure 3.1 Mathews Stability Graph, after Mathews et al. (1981)..........................................27
Figure 3.2 Formulation of stress factor A, after Mathews et al. (1981)..................................28
Figure 3.3 Formulation of factor B, after Mathews et al. (1981)............................................29
Figure 3.4 Modified Stability Chart, after Potvin (1988)........................................................30
Figure 3.5 Determination of the modified joint orientation factor B, after Potvin (1988)......31
Figure 3.6 Fault factor curves for different geometries, ground conditions and fault
properties, after Suorineni et al. 1999 ........................................................................................33
Figure 3.7 Normal vector to plane showing direction cosines (left) and dip and dip direction
of a plane (right), after Suorineni (1998) ...................................................................................35
Figure 3.8 Modified stability chart showing Potvins original supportable and Nicksons
modified stability zone, after Nickson (1992)...........................................................................37
Figure 3.9 Hangingwall cablebolt support, after Fuller (1983)...............................................39


Figure 3.10 Comparison of radius factor and hydraulic radius for rectangular excavations
with constant span and varying width, after (Milne et al. 1996a) ..............................................40
Figure 3.11 - Laubschers caving chart with 29 case histories from the 1994 and 1998 caving
charts, after Laubscher (1994) and Bartlett (1998a). .................................................................41
Figure 3.12 The Extended Mathews Stability Graph, after Trueman and Mawdesley (2003)43
Figure 3.13 - Empirical dilution design graph after (Clark 1998) .............................................44
Figure 3.14 - Mt Isa Lead mine bench stability chart, after Villaescusa (1996) ........................46
Figure 3.15 UDEC simulation of failure induced by softening of lower abutment, after
Kaiser and Maloney (1992b)......................................................................................................50
Figure 4.1 Graph relating RMR and minimum span to stand-up time, after Bienawski (1989)
Figure 4.2 Stress-strain curve for hard rock............................................................................70
Figure 4.3 Stress damage graph, with calibration case studies shown after Sprott et al. (1999)
Figure 4.4 Sub-level retreat stope at Detour Lake mine showing effect on ERF on stability,
after Milne et al. (1996b)............................................................................................................74
Figure 4.5 Deformation detected by hangingwall extensometer at Brunswick mine 18 N
stope, after Milne et al. (1996b) .................................................................................................75
Figure 5.1 Effect of sample size on normalised standard deviation of B1 ..............................86
Figure 5.2 Effect of sample size on normalised standard deviation of B2 ..............................87
Figure 5.3 Effect of sample size on normalised standard deviation of B3 ..............................87
Figure 5.4 Effect of proportion of unstable points on normalised standard deviation............88
Figure 5.5 - Mt Charlotte site-specific stable-failure boundary compared to the generic stablefailure boundaries.......................................................................................................................89
Figure 5.6 Cannington mine stable-failure boundary compared to generic boundary............91
Figure 6.1 Mohr-Coulomb shear strength criterion .................................................................99
Figure 6.2 - Elastic stress relaxation a) adverse stress ratio b) stress shadow c) adverse stress
ratio d) intersection e) concave geometry, after Deiderichs and Kaiser (1999).......................100
Figure 6.3 Inelastic stress relaxation scenarios .....................................................................101
Figure 6.4 - Distinct element model and low lateral stress enabling blocks to be free to fall,
after Voegele et al. (1978)........................................................................................................102


Figure 6.5 - Correlation of relaxation adjustment for upper no-support limit, after Diederichs et
al. (1999) ..................................................................................................................................105
Figure 6.6 Example of Phases2 modelling results, Ruttan mine Stope 320 15H (in this case
3 is parallel to the stope wall).................................................................................................109
Figure 6.7 Map3d modelling South Crofty mine, illustrates 3 stress distribution for typical
narrow-vein geometry prone to stress relaxation (grey areas 3<-2).......................................109
Figure 6.8 - Effect of minimum principal stress on sensitivity and specificity .......................111
Figure 6.9 - Extended Mathews stable-failure boundary showing case studies with minimum
principal stress < -0.5 MPa.......................................................................................................111
Figure 6.10 - Roman stone wall at Tarsus................................................................................114
Figure 6.11 Effect of normalised tensile stress and hydraulic radius on the stability of fully
relaxed case studies ..................................................................................................................117
Figure 6.12 - Effect of normalised tensile stress and hydraulic radius on the stability of
tangentially relaxed case studies ..............................................................................................118
Figure 6.13 Misclassification of fully relaxed case studies (A = 1)......................................120
Figure 6.14 - Misclassification of tangentially relaxed case studies (A = 1) ...........................120
Figure 6.15 Misclassification of fully relaxed case studies (A = 0.7)...................................121
Figure 6.16 Misclassification of tangentially relaxed case studies (A = 0.7) .......................122
Figure 7.1 Location of Kundana Gold Operations within the Archean Greenstone belt of the
Yilgarn Crato, Western Australia, after Slade (2004) ..............................................................129
Figure 7.2 Location of hangingwall structural domains on the 6070 m level, after Brunton
and Trueman (2001) .................................................................................................................131
Figure 7.3 Two footwall zones located along strike of the orebody, after Brunton and
Trueman (2001)........................................................................................................................132
Figure 7.4 Schematic representation of the Barkers mining method (long-section)..............134
Figure 7.5 Map3d block model for determining induced stresses. Colours correspond to
different stages in the extraction sequence. Mining direction and the mining front indicated by
black lines and arrows. Numbers in white boxes indicate panel number. ...............................136
Figure 7.6 Barkers stability data with stable corrected overbreak cutoff < 0.50 metres......138
Figure 7.7 Barkers stability data with stable overbreak cutoff <0.65m ................................138
Figure 7.8 Barkers stability data with stable corrected overbreak cutoff < 1.0 m ................139
Figure 7.9 Trout Lake and Callinan narrow-vein case studies showing difference between
actual and predicted dilution, after Wang et al. (2002b) ..........................................................140
Figure 7.10 Corrected overbreak versus stope height ...........................................................143


Figure 7.11 Cumulative height chart for stable and failed stopes .........................................144
Figure 7.12 - Drill-hole patterns (plan view) ...........................................................................145
Figure 7.13 Stope orientation factor for footwalls: C = 8 .....................................................146
Figure 7.14 Stope orientation factor for footwalls: C=1.0 ....................................................147
Figure 7.15 Stope orientation factor for footwalls as for hangingwalls: C=4.9....................147
Figure 8.1 Longsection: Incremental extraction exposes large areas of hangingwall and
footwall to brow stress levels ...................................................................................................152
Figure 8.2 Stress-strain curve for hard rock..........................................................................154
Figure 8.3 Progressive deformation of the rockmass surrounding a sill drive in Strzelecki,
after Luke (1999)......................................................................................................................157
Figure 8.4 Rock failure, reinforcement loading and failure indicators about an excavation
under high stress conditions, after Beck and Sandy (2003) .....................................................157
Figure 8.5 Map3d model of stress normal to strike: Barkers mine (January 2002)..............160
Figure 8.6 Stress path history for the 131-132 stope (5975 to 5990 level) illustrating typical
stress path for Barkers case studies ..........................................................................................161
Figure 8.7 Stress path history for the 163-164 stope (6020 to 6040 level) illustrating
moderately increasing stress associated with adjacent mining ................................................162
Figure 8.8 Stress path history for the 203-206 stopes (6005 to 6020 level) illustrating
sustained high stress .................................................................................................................162
Figure 8.9 Histogram of 400 case studies with peak normal stress less than 100 MPa........163
Figure 8.10 Histogram of case studies with peak normal stress greater than 100 MPa........164
Figure 8.11 Second Barkers database 412 stope case studies plotted on the Extended
Mathews Stability chart............................................................................................................166
Figure 8.12 Map3d contour plot of n showing uneven retreat between 6040 level and 6055
level (July 2001).......................................................................................................................169
Figure 8.13 Map3d contour plot of n showing even retreat 6040 level and 6055 level
(August 2001)...........................................................................................................................169
Figure 9.1 Stope dilution parameters not explicitly considered by existing stability chart
methods (those highlighted in bold are parameters evaluated in this thesis) ...........................174
Figure 9.2 Comparison of linear and logistic regression models..........................................182
Figure 9.3 Overbreak versus hydraulic radius for the Barkers 1 database............................184
Figure 9.4 Corrected overbreak versus hydraulic radius for Barkers 2 case studies ............184


Figure 9.5 Corrected overbreak versus hydraulic radius for Barkers 2 case studies with
hydraulic radius less than 10. ...................................................................................................185
Figure 9.6 - Effect of HR on overbreak for the Barkers 1 database.........................................186
Figure 9.7 Effect of HR on overbreak for the Barkers 2 database ........................................186
Figure 9.8 Overbreak versus N for the Barkers 1 database...................................................187
Figure 9.9 - Corrected overbreak versus N for Barkers 2 case studies. ...................................188
Figure 9.10 - Effect of N on overbreak for the Barkers 1 database .........................................189
Figure 9.11 Effect of N on overbreak for the Barkers 2 database.........................................189
Figure 9.12 Histrogram of Barkers 1 database overbreak from vein ....................................192
Figure 9.13 Histogram of Barkers 2 database overbreak from vein .....................................192
Figure 10.1 Blast pattern and stope design outline without consideration of practical stoping
width considerations.................................................................................................................200
Figure 10.2 Overbreak from vein for Barkers 1 hangingwall case studies with Dice 5 pattern
Figure 10.3 Overbreak from vein for Barkers 1 hangingwall case studies with Staggered
Figure 10.4 Overbreak from vein for Barkers 1 hangingwall case studies with an In-line
Figure 10.5 Overbreak from vein for Barkers 1 footwall case studies with Dice 5 pattern..204
Figure 10.6 Overbreak from vein for Barkers 1 footwall case studies with Staggered pattern
Figure 10.7 Overbreak from vein for Barkers 1 footwall case studies with In-line pattern..204
Figure 10.8 Exponential probability density and cumulative distribution functions ............206
Figure 10.9 Logistic probability density and cumulative distribution functions ..................206
Figure 10.10 Comparison of the observed data with the fitted exponential density for the inline blasting pattern for hangingwall overbreak. The fitted vale is = 0.338 ........................210
Figure 10.11 The distribution function for the log-likelihood and the distribution of the
parameter estimate as a normal score plot ...............................................................................211
Figure 10.12 Comparison of the observed data with the fitted exponential density for the
staggered blasting pattern for hangingwall overbreak ( = 0.456 ) ..........................................212
Figure 10.13 Comparison of the observed data with the fitted exponential density for the
'dice five' blasting pattern for hangingwall overbreak ( = 0.380 ) ..........................................213
Figure 10.14 Illustration of the goodness-of-fit of the logistic density to the footwall data and
a scatter diagram of the x0 estimate versus the estimate .....................................................214

Figure 10.15 Comparison of histograms of raw data and fits to the distributions for in-line
Figure 10.16 Comparison of histograms of raw data and fits to the distributions for staggered
Figure 10.17 Comparison of histograms of raw data and fits to the distributions for dice five
patterns .....................................................................................................................................215
Figure 10.18 Comparison of distribution functions of raw data and fits to the distributions for
in-line pattern ...........................................................................................................................216
Figure 10.19 Comparison of distribution functions of raw data and fits to the distributions for
staggered pattern ......................................................................................................................216
Figure 10.20 Comparison of distribution functions of raw data and fits to the distributions for
'dice five' pattern ......................................................................................................................216
Figure 10.21 Probability densities and distribution functions for the total overbreak on dice 5
Figure 10.22 Probability densities and distribution functions for the total overbreak on
staggered pattern ......................................................................................................................219
Figure 10.23 Probability densities and distribution functions for the total overbreak on in-line
Figure 10.24 Graphical representation of the 95 percent confidence intervals for the fitted
parameters ................................................................................................................................223


Table 5.1 Effect of site specific boundary on specificity and sensitivity................................89
Table 5.2 Comparative statistics .............................................................................................90
Table 6.1 Relaxation case studies .........................................................................................105
Table 6.2 - Comparison of Extended Mathews and relaxation logit model coefficient variances
Table 6.3- Misclassification statistics for different types of stress relaxation .........................111
Table 6.4 Misclassification statistics for existing methods of quantifying the effect of stress
Table 6.5 Factor A and misclassification statistics ...............................................................119
Table 6.6 Stress relaxation adjustments to A ........................................................................121
Table 7.1 Laboratory geomechanical properties of Barkers ore and host rocks, after Slade
(2004) .......................................................................................................................................128
Table 7.2 Summary of structural domains in the hangingwall (6055 m and 6070 m Levels),
after Brunton and Trueman (2001)...........................................................................................130
Table 7.3 Q System rock mass classification for Barkers geotechnical domains .................131
Table 7.4 Barkers in situ stress measurement at 319 metres depth.......................................131
Table 7.5 Effect of number of backfill abutments on overbreak ..........................................140
Table 7.6 Stability statistics for blast patterns.......................................................................143
Table 7.7 Effect of blast pattern on overbreak ......................................................................144
Table 8.1 Barkers in situ stress measurement at 319 metres depth.......................................156
Table 9.1 Narrow-vein vein dilution parameters ..................................................................173
Table 9.2 Effect of adjusting for stress damage and leaving rib pillars on the specificity of the
second set of Barkers case studies............................................................................................176
Table 9.3 Effect of stress relaxation adjustments on specificity, sensitivity and accuracy...177
Table 9.4 Average overbreak for different types of stress relaxation: Barkers 2 case studies


Table 9.5 Comparison of misclassification statistics for weak and competent relaxation case
Table 10.1 - Overbreak measurements for the Barkers 1 Case Study......................................200
Table 10.2 ML parameter fits, calculated critical widths and predicted benchmark stability
stoping width for a 0.3 metres wide vein. ................................................................................218
Table 10.3 Estimated mean and standard deviation of the total overbreak...........................219
Table 10.4 Benchmark average stoping width for each blast pattern ...................................220
Table 10.5 95 percent confidence intervals for the fitted parameters (table entries are the
lower and upper bounds of the interval)...................................................................................220
Table 10.6 Barkers 1 case studies Stope Widths (assuming vein width = 0.3m)..................222
Table A NVD method: pre-feasibility/feasibility stage ........................................................228
Table B NVD Method: minimising dilution at an operating mine .......................................230
Table C NVD limitations and assumptions...........................................................................232





Narrow-vein mining methods are used to extract thin tabular orebodies. Dilution, in the context
of mining underground orebodies, refers to the entrainment of waste material within the ore
delivered to the mill. In this thesis dilution refers to the unplanned dilution associated with
stope instability or blasting overbreak. An improved ability to predict dilution enables the
economic risks associated with unplanned dilution to be reduced.
Dilution is associated with indirect and direct costs (Pakalnis, 1986; Elbrond, 1994; Pakalnis et
al., 1995; Villaescusa, 1995; Bock, 1996; Bock et al., 1998; Revey, 1998; Scoble and Moss,
1994). Dilution can be defined as the contamination of ore by non-ore material during the
mining process (Wright, 1983). Dilution is commonly expressed as the percentage of
overbreak in metres or tonnes or cubic metres divided by the planned stope extraction width or
tonnes or volume. For example, one metre of overbreak constitutes 25 percent dilution in a
four metre wide stope, whilst in a 20 metre wide stope one metre of overbreak constitutes only
5 percent dilution. Therefore, narrow-vein stope dilution is more sensitive to overbreak than
large open stopes.
The Mathews Stability Graph (Mathews et al. 1981), the Modified Stability Chart (Potvin,
1988) and the Extended Mathews Stability Chart (Trueman et al., 2000; Mawdesley, 2001)
databases contain fewer than nine narrow-vein stopes. For this reason, there is some concern
about the applicability of these charts to narrow-vein underground stopes. Based upon a
comprehensive literature survey and the anecdotal evidence therein, Figure 1.1 illustrates the
hypothesised relative importance of stope dilution variables for narrow vein stopes and large
open stopes. The stope dilution variables contained in Figure 1.1 are not explicitly taken into
account by commonly used empirical stope models (Mathews et al. 1981; Potvin, 1988; Clark
and Pakalnis, 1997; Trueman et al. 2000). The stability graph approach includes some
averaging effect of blasting, undercutting, time corresponding to the database. When these

Chapter 1 Introduction

factors differ from the average assessments, the observed stability of a stope may be more or
less than the predicted stability.
However, over the past ten years authors have proposed methodologies to account for the
following parameters; in-stope pillars and moving backfill abutments (Milne, 1996),
undercutting of stope walls (Wang, 2002b), stress relaxation (Diederichs, 1999; Wang, 2002a),
blast damage (Villaescusa, 1998) and stress damage (Sprott et al., 1999). One of the aims of
this thesis was to review and evaluate these methodologies with respect to narrow-vein dilution

Hypothesised Relative Influence on Dilution

Increasing importance
to large open stopes

Increasing importance


Large Open

Narrow Vein



Effect of

Stope Dilution Parameters

Undercutting of
stope walls



Damage to
cemented fill

Figure 1.1 Hypothesised relative influence of stope dilution variables

Despite the exclusion of the additional variables contained in Figure 1.1, stability charts are
approximately 80 percent reliable for large open stopes (Stewart and Trueman, 2001).
Reliability has been measured in terms of specificity and sensitivity (Parker and Davis, 1999),
where 80 percent of stable points are correctly predicted as stable and 80 percent of unstable
points are correctly predicted as unstable. As an empirical model, there is a trade off between
model complexity and the practicality and cost of data collection. In the case of large open
stopes, the broad usage of stability charts in both Canada and Australia, suggests the level of

Chapter 1 Introduction

complexity is well balanced by practicality of data collection. However, narrow-vein mine

operators report less confidence in existing stability charts (Ascott, 2000; Li, 2000). In
addition, the subjectivity of the stability category is an important limitation of the method
when applied to narrow vein mines. For this reason an objective measurement of overbreak is
considered an important aspect of risk management in narrow vein mines. In the past five years
wider application of laser cavity monitoring technology (Miller et al. 1992) has seen the
incorporation of equivalent linear overbreak/slough (ELOS) as an objective measure of
instability (Clark and Pakalnis, 1997; Suorineni, 1998; Suorineni et al., 2001b; Wang, 2002a
and 2002b).



The hypothesis of this thesis is that existing stope stability prediction methodologies are
inadequate for narrow-vein stope stability prediction. The premise for this hypothesis is that
many of the factors believed to significantly affect narrow-vein dilution are inadequately
accounted for by existing methods.


Aim of Study

The aim of the study was to empirically quantify the effect of each parameter hypothesised to
have a significant effect on narrow-vein dilution, as well as review and evaluate methodologies
proposed in the literature to take into account a number of these parameters. It was envisaged
that an improved methodology for narrow-vein dilution prediction would be an outcome of this



Due to the complexity of the problem of stope stability and the uncertainty associated with the
engineering properties and behaviour of rock masses generally, empirical and semi-empirical
approaches have been adopted for this study. Numerical, analytical and theoretical techniques
have been employed as part of the iterative process of determining the most suitable
parameters for empirical analysis.
The methods of analysis varied according to the type of data available. In the case of the
categorical variables such as stable and failure, logistical and misclassification methods were
employed. When continuous variables such as linear overbreak (metres of overbreak) were
available comparative statistical analyses were performed. Whenever possible alternative

Chapter 1 Introduction

analytical methods have been employed to the same hypothesis as part of a critical review of
conclusions reached.
Neural networking techniques were considered. However, because of the mismatches between
fields it was decided that the inaccuracy associated with converting between systems of
categorising stability, for example, would reduce accuracy and thus affect the power of
statistical tests to detect small differences between groups. In addition, controlling variability
of the other parameters in a database reduces the amount of data required to detect a small
difference in dilution.
As a largely empirical study of narrow-vein dilution, the collection of site case studies forms
an important component of this thesis. During the course of research study for this thesis the
following Western Australian sites were visited: Kundana Gold operations (Barker mine),
Kanowna Belle gold mine, Mt Charlotte mine and Kambalda Nickel operations (Junction
mine). Case studies were collected from all four operations. In addition, stope records from the
Mt Isa lead mine stopes were evaluated for suitability to the study of narrow-vein dilution
parameters. However, due to missing fields in the database and or dependencies between
parameters under consideration only the Barker mine case studies are presented in this thesis.
While the case studies collected from Kanowna Belle, Mt Charlotte and Junction mines are not
included in this thesis, the observations and anecdotal experiences related by site personnel
while on site were invaluable in formulating the direction and priorities of research study for
this thesis. Literature sources of case studies have been utilised in two out of the five studies
presented in this thesis.


Thesis Outline

This thesis is comprised of four separate empirical studies. The studies were conducted
separately according to the parameters available for study in each of the four databases
collated. Due to excessive mismatches in fields between databases the various databases were
not merged.
Chapter 2 examines the effect of dilution on economic performance, as well as defining and
discussing the various methods to quantify dilution. This chapter also considers how the
increasing prevalence of longhole stoping methods in narrow vein mines is affecting dilution.
Three approaches to dilution minimisation were identified. This chapter provides direction and

Chapter 1 Introduction

focus for this thesis by defining evaluation of stope design with respect to dilution potential as
the primary dilution minimisation strategy to be examined.
In Chapter 3 empirical, analytical and numerical stope design methods are reviewed with
respect to their potential to predict dilution in narrow-vein mines. Chapter 4 reviews literature
regarding each of the parameters hypothesised to have a significant effect on narrow-vein
dilution with the aim of establishing thesis priorities. The objectives of this thesis were updated
during the course of study to reflect both new literature and progress study.
Chapter 5 contains the results of the first study evaluating the potential for site-specific charts
to improve dilution prediction in narrow-vein mines. The aims of this study were two-fold.
The first aim was to quantify, using a database of 485 case studies sourced from the literature,
the amount and type of data that would be required to predict a reliable stability chart. Once
the data requirements for a site-specific chart had been determined, the second aim was to
investigate whether site-specific effects are significant. This was achieved by comparing a sitespecific stability chart to the generic stability chart.
In Chapter 6 methods for quantifying the effect of stress relaxation on stability have been
reviewed and evaluated. 55 relaxed case studies were collated from the literature. Two and
three dimensional linear elastic modelling was undertaken for each case study. Three types of
relaxation have been defined. Recommendations regarding the treatment of each type of stress
relaxation within the stability chart framework have been proposed.
In Chapter 7 back-analysis of 115 case studies collated from Kundana Gold operations Barkers
mine in Western Australia demonstrated the limitations of applying existing stability charts to
predict narrow-vein stope stability. Drill and blast issues were isolated as the most likely cause
of the poor correlation of overbreak to stability chart parameters. Statistical analyses of linear
overbreak indicated that blast pattern had a statistically significant affect on overbreak. The
effect of undercutting footwalls, stationary backfill abutments and drillhole accuracy on
overbreak were analysed using indirect semi-quantifiable techniques.
Chapter 8 evaluates the potential for stress damage to affect narrow-vein stability. In
particular, the effect of brow stresses to affect large areas of hangingwall and footwall has been
investigated. A linear elastic model of a 32 step extraction sequence was developed from stope
record sheets and enabled the stress history at a point corresponding to the mid stope span to

Chapter 1 Introduction

be logged and analysed. Each step represents one month in the life of the Barkers mine. Peak
stresses were analysed with respect to the site calibrated damage criterion and observed linear
Chapter 9 evaluates the applicability of stability charts to narrow-vein stability prediction. This
was achieved by applying the adjustments determined in earlier chapter to evaluate the
accuracy of stability graphs for narrow-vein. In addition the logistical nature of the stability
graph is demonstrated by illustrating the lack of continuity in the relationship between stability
graph parameters and dilution. Arguments are presented to justify separating the causes of
narrow-vein dilution into two independent groups: blast overbreak related and geotechnical
Chapter 10 uses probabilistic analysis of overbreak distributions from the Barkers mine to
develop benchmark practical stoping widths and expected stoping widths for three common
longhole narrow-vein blast patterns. Because the parameters affecting benchmark stoping
width and expected stoping width are specific to longhole narrow-vein stoping they have not
been considered site-specific.
In Chapter 11 benchmark stoping width and expected stoping width are applied as part of the
narrow-vein dilution method (NVD Method). The NVD Method summarises the results and
conclusions of this thesis with a view to improved narrow-vein dilution prediction.
Chapter 12 summarises conclusions and provided recommendation for future work.


This chapter considers the economic effects of dilution and reviews mining methods with
respect to dilution potential. The application of longhole stoping in narrow-vein mines has
increased dramatically over the past 20 years. This increase in longhole stoping has been
associated with increased dilution at narrow-vein mines. In terms of analysing the economic
consequences of dilution, a percentage of tonnes or volume approach is well suited. However,
when the primary aim is empirical analysis aimed at determining the causes of dilution,
equivalent linear overbreak/slough (ELOS) is the preferred measure. This measure enables
mines with different mining widths to be readily compared. This is a particularly important
consideration when comparing narrow-vein stoping to large open stoping. The development
and wide use of cavity monitoring surveys (CMS) has facilitated accurate measurement of



Brewis (1995) defines narrow mining to be the working of mineral deposits typically no more
than two to three metres wide, with a dip exceeding 50 to 55 degrees (an angle at which broken
ore can be expected to flow). Historically, conventional narrow-vein mining has been
associated with high operating costs and low capital costs (Brewis 1995; Paraszczak 1992;
Robertson, 1990).
Over the past 20 years there has been a general trend away from conventional small-scale
narrow-vein mining methods towards mechanized mining methods. Longhole stoping is the
dominant narrow-vein mining method in both Australia and Canada. While longhole stoping
has lower mining costs per tonne and higher production rates than conventional mining
methods, longhole stoping has been associated with increased dilution. Therefore, mining
method selection is relevant to minimising narrow-vein dilution.

Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution



Dilution is one of the most commonly quoted reasons for mine failure (Scoble and Moss,
1994; Miller et al. 1992). The level of dilution budgeted for a particular method of extraction is
critical to the overall economics of a project (Pakalnis et al., 1995). Numerous authors have
referred to the adverse effect of dilution on an operations economic performance (Manunen
and Lahtela, 1984; Scoble and Moss, 1994; Pakalnis et al., 1995, Dunne and Pakalnis, 1996;
Revey, 1998). Elbrond (1994) concludes from his economic modelling of the effect dilution
has on the net present value of a hypothetical deposit, that dilution constitutes a severe
constraint on a project by increasing costs as well as resulting in metal loss. Lane (1988)
showed that operations with mill capacity limitations are most affected by dilution. Mining of
waste dilution results in an opportunity cost, where waste is replaced by ore in the mill circuit.
Lane (1988) showed that mill capacity limited operations experience opportunity costs due to
grade bearing material being displaced by the waste or subgrade material. Due to small
tonnages, it is relatively uncommon for small narrow-vein operations to be mill limited.
Pakalnis et al. (1995) identify dilution as a source of additional cost associated with mucking,
trucking, crushing, grinding and processing.
Reliable estimates of unplanned dilution are essential for prudent economic feasibility studies.
However, predicting dilution is complex and requires considerable judgement. Site-specific
factors are thought to contribute to dilution. In the early 1990s it was demonstrated that
dilution can be reduced at an operating mine by process improvement and quality control
strategies. Since the mid 1990s there have been extensive attempts to improve dilution
prediction through empirical study and modelling of the parameters believed to affect dilution.
The parameters with significant potential to cause dilution in narrow-vein are discussed in
Chapter 3 and Chapter 4.



Dilution greatly impacts on the economic viability of an operation and is a significant

economic risk. Despite the importance of dilution prediction to the economic performance of
an operation, dilution prediction is complex often requiring considerable engineering judgment
with limited information.
There are no general rules about what is an acceptable level of dilution. What may be
reasonable at one mine may be economically untenable at another. An acceptable level of
dilution will depend upon economic factors such as waste rock grade, mucking, trucking and

Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

milling costs, as well as the cost benefit of decreasing dilution by decreasing sublevel spacings
or using fill or pillars.



Dilution can be defined as the contamination of ore by non-ore material during the mining
process (Wright, 1983). Lappalainen and Pitkajarvi (1996) identified the following four types
of dilution:

Uncertainty in the exact location of the ore boundary.


Technical dilution unavoidable with existing mining methods.


Waste material outside of the designed stope limit.


Possible internal waste (not included in the resource estimate).

Waste material outside of the stope design limit has been referred to as unplanned dilution
(Pakalnis et al., 1995; Scoble and Moss, 1994; Villaescusa, 1998). Unplanned dilution has also
been referred to as outer dilution as opposed to inner dilution which is inside the planned
stope limits (Manunen and Lahtela, 1984). It is unplanned dilution that is addressed in this
thesis. Figure 2.1 illustrates the concept of unplanned dilution. Planned dilution refers to
material below the cut-off grade that lies within the designed stope boundaries. Unplanned
dilution is derived from three possible sources; blast overbreak, sloughage or backfill (Scoble
and Moss, 1994).

Sill Drive
Unplanned Dilution
(Unbudgeted cost $$)

Design Stope Outline

Actual Stope Outline

Sill Drive
Stope Fill
Figure 2.1 Planned and unplanned dilution

Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

Based on a survey of 22 mine operations, (Pakalnis, 1986) identified ten different definitions
of dilution during his survey of open stoping in Canada. Definitions ranged from comparisons
of diamond drillhole grade to draw point assay grade, through to definitions which focus on a
linear measurement of overbreak.
According to Scoble and Moss (1994) the two most common methods for calculating dilution
are based on tonnages according to Equation 2.1 and Equation 2.2:

Dilution =


Equation 2.1

Dilution =

(Ore + Waste)

Equation 2.2

However, Pakalnis et al. (1995) studied the sensitivity of these two definitions to mining width
and demonstrated that Equation 2.2 is relatively insensitive to mining width. For this reason
Pakalnis et al. (1995) recommend Equation 2.1 as a standard measure of dilution. Martin et al.
(1999) suggests that unplanned dilution in a narrow-vein operation can be defined as per
Equation 2.3. In the case of narrow-vein mining where almost all unplanned dilution is from
the hangingwall and footwall and stope geometries are consistent along strike, Equation 2.2
and Equation 2.3 are approximately equivalent. Therefore, in the case of narrow-vein mining
either Equation 2.2 or Equation 2.3 could be selected depending on the information available.

Dilution =

MetresOfF / WWaste + MetresOfH / WWaste


Equation 2.3

Lappalainen and Pitkajarvi (1996) define waste rock dilution (WRD) as a relative decrease in
grade from in situ resource grade (Gis) to mill feed grade (Gmf) as per Equation 2.4. This
method of dilution estimation was adopted at Lupin operations at a time when it was not
possible to survey stope limits (Bullis et al., 1994).

WRD% =

(Gis Gmf ) 100



Equation 2.4

Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

While dilution calculated as a percentage of planned tonnes or planned mining width is well
suited to economic analysis and evaluation, it is not suited to objective empirical analysis of
the parameters affecting dilution. For the purposes of empirical analysis of the factors
contributing to dilution, Wang et al. (2002a) and Wang et al. (2002b) chose to use average
metres of unplanned material that had sloughed or failed off the stope wall. The advantage of
analysing average linear overbreak as the dependent variable in empirical analyses is that is not
dependent on mining width. Therefore, different mining widths can be analysed together
without introducing bias due to mining width. Methods to determine average linear overbreak
are discussed later in this chapter.



In the Third edition of Peeles Mining Engineers Handbook well over 50 pages of the section
on underground mining are devoted to the working of narrow-vein mines (Brewis, 1995).
Gemell (1989) provides a comprehensive summary of conventional narrow-vein mining
methods employed in Australia. Recent developments in mechanised narrow-vein mining have
increased the economic viability of narrow-vein mining (Brewis, 1995). Based upon a
thorough review of narrow-vein mining, longhole stoping methods appears to be the most
common type of narrow-vein mining method encountered in Australia. Therefore, for the
purposes of this study, dilution minimisation strategies are directed towards mechanised
stoping methods. However, conventional narrow-vein mining methods have been reviewed
with a view to determining if conventional mining practices may offer dilution minimisation
strategies that could be applied in mechanised narrow-vein mining.


Conventional Narrow-vein Mining Methods

Conventional narrow-vein mining methods refer to mining methods using conventional mining
equipment such as handheld airleg drills, scrapers and air-powered mucking units. These
methods are man-entry methods meaning that the miner enters the stope. The following mining
methods are associated with conventional mining equipment and man-entry stoping:
Shrinkage stoping as illustrated in Figure 2.2.
Cut and fill stoping (also uses Jumbo drill rigs) as illustrated in Figure 2.3.
Overhand open (stull) stoping as illustrated in Figure 2.4.
Underhand open (stull) stoping as illustrated in Figure 2.5.
Gallery stoping as illustrated in Figure 2.6.


Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

Gemell (1989) provides a comprehensive description of each of these methods as well as

summarising the advantages and disadvantages of each method. In terms of dilution
minimisation shrinkage and cut and fill stoping minimise dilution by providing passive support
to the stope hangingwall and footwall. When the rockmass can be described as competent the
open stoping methods can be employed (Gemell, 1989).

Figure 2.2 Shrinkage stoping, after Gemell (1989)

Figure 2.3 - Cut and fill stoping, after Brady and Brown (1993)


Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

Figure 2.4 Overhand open (stull) stoping, after Gemell (1989)

Figure 2.5 Underhand open (stull) stoping, after Gemell (1989)

Figure 2.6 Gallery stoping, after Gemell (1989)


Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

From the perspective of dilution minimisation conventional mining methods are associated
with well controlled dilution. The ability to support hangingwall and footwall using timber
stulls, fill or broken ore means that effective spans can be reduced according to the ground
conditions encountered. In addition, due to the relatively small size of mining equipment
mining widths can be kept below one metre and this reduces the amount of dilution inherent in
these methods. In contrast, minimum longhole stoping mining widths are rarely less than one
metre and are often more than 1.5 metres.
Conventional mining methods have been associated with increased safety risks. In Canada,
Lizotte (1991) found that the difficulty of hiring skilled miners for conventional narrow-vein
mining and the inherent improved safety of longhole stoping, has made longhole narrow-vein
stoping an attractive alternative to conventional methods.
Conventional mining methods are employed at some mines due to advantages associated with
ore dip, dilution control and selectivity. Although statistics are not available, the trend away
from conventional mining methods continues in Australia with relatively small numbers of
mines employing conventional narrow-vein mining methods. Geological irregularity, high
stresses, flat dipping orebodies and availability of cheap labour are some of the reasons why
conventional mining methods have historically dominated narrow-vein mining in South Africa
(Wills et al., 2001). However, conventional stoping in South Africa has been advanced with
developments in drilling technology (Wills et al., 2001) and potential application of nonblasting rock breakage (Willis, 2001). In addition, competitive pressures and labour
availability are forcing South African narrow-vein mines to adopt more mechanized mining
methods (Wills et al. 2001).
Godin et al. (2001) found that in certain parts of the Mouska mine in Canada, shrinkage
stoping produced better economic results than longhole stoping. When comparing the same
tonnage at Mouska mine, Godin et al. (2001) determined that longhole stopes needed to be
1.85 wide or more to economically compete with shrinkage stoping. At the time Mouska mine
was using air-powered drill rigs and mucking units, rather than the more productive hydraulic
production drills and LHDs commonly used in longhole stoping. Between 1999 and 2001
CANMET undertook a survey of narrow-vein Canadian mines. Of the 17 mines surveyed, 11
mines were employing conventional mining techniques in some areas of the mine. Shrinkage
stoping was particularly common, with six of the mines surveyed obtaining over half of their
production from shrinkage stopes.


Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution


Alimak Stoping

Alimak narrow vein mining has been successfully employed at Placer Domes Dome mine in
Canada (Robertson et al., 1990). Alimak stoping has also been successfully employed at the
David Bell mine (Patton, 2001) and the Kiena mine (Emond, 2001) in Canada. Figure 2.7
illustrates the Alimak mining method in which stoping is conducted from a platform that is
raised into the stope on a rail system (Robertson et al., 1990). In the mid 1990s the Kundana
Gold mine, Western Australia conducted the only known trial of Alimak stoping in Australia
(Chadwick, 1995). Elsewhere in Australia, Alimaks have been used for developing rises, as
opposed to stoping. Alimak stoping ceased at the mine following a fatal accident at the
Kundana mine involving the Alimak stoping. In Australia, this experience has resulted in the
belief that the method is associated with increased safety risks.

Figure 2.7 Alimak stoping method, after Brewis (1995)


Longhole Stoping

Lizotte (1991) defines longhole vein mining as longhole stoping applied to ore widths less than
two metres, with drilling of parallel holes from sublevels, with no more than three holes per
row and drill holes diameters not exceeding 80 mm. Longhole and blasthole stoping refer to
the same general mining method. The term longhole stoping is more commonly used in
Australia, while blasthole stoping is more commonly used in Canada. Brewiss (1995)
description of narrow-vein blasthole stoping includes a general description of narrow-vein
stoping and includes mechanised stoping where load-haul-dump (LHD) bucket widths range
from 1.6 metres to 2.5 metres wide. Allowing for clearance on either side, mechanised mining
methods require between 2.5 metres to 3.5 metres minimum drive width.


Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

Generally, the term bench stoping is used in eastern Australia to refer to longhole stopes where
the full width of the orebody can be extracted in a single blast fired along the strike of the
orebody. However, in terms of conventional stoping methods, benching traditionally refers to
underhand benching of the stope floor as shown in Figure 2.5. Bench stoping usually refers to
non-gold mines where the mining widths tends to be between two and six metres. Figure 2.8
through to Figure 2.11 illustrate four variations in longhole bench stoping (Villaescusa and
Kaganathan, 1998). These variations are applicable to both narrow-vein and bench longhole

Figure 2.8 Continuous bench backfilling techniques, after Villaescusa and Kaganathan (1998)

Figure 2.9 Non-recoverable permanent pillars and backfill, after Villaescusa and Kaganathan


Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

Figure 2.10 Hydraulic fill and pillar recovery, after Villaescusa and Kaganathan (1998)

Figure 2.11 Full Avoca, after Villaescusa and Kaganathan (1998)

The move to longhole stoping of narrow-vein deposits has been associated with increased
dilution. Decreased selectivity, increased drillhole diameters, drillhole deviation potential and
increased minimum mining widths are some of the reasons cited for increased dilution from
longhole stopes. LHD units are often wider than the vein. When ore is extracted via sill drives
(as shown in Figure 2.8 to Figure 2.11), as opposed to crosscuts and drawpoints, the sill drive
width needs to be sufficient for LHDs to operate. As a consequence, either stope width is
designed to include significant dilution or stope walls are undercut by the sill drive. Lizotte
(1991) notes in relation to longhole stopes that wall slough is the only source of dilution that


Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

the ongoing mining operation can attempt to reduce. This appears to be a reference to the
inherent selectivity issues associated with extracting narrow-vein deposits with the relatively
large equipment associated with lower cost mechanised mining.


Resue Mining

Resue mining is an alternative to ordinary longhole open stoping where ore and waste are
blasted in two separate blasts. Figure 2.12 illustrates the geometry of the resue mining trial at
the Dome mine in Ontario (Robertson, 1986). Robertson (1986) reported that this trial was
largely unsuccessful due to premature sloughage of the footwall resulting in production delays
and ore dilution. The footwall sloughage is likely to have been attributable to temporary
footwall overhang. No other documented cases of resue mining of mechanised narrow-vein
mines were found in the literature. Gemell (1989) found that resue mining is distinctly
unpopular in Australia, primarily because it is difficult to mechanise.

Figure 2.12 Resue mining at Dome mine, after Gemell (1989)


Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution



Longhole stoping is the dominant narrow-vein mining method in Australia. Longhole stoping
facilitates mechanisation of narrow-vein mining. While longhole mining costs are generally
lower than conventional stoping methods, some operations have found a combination of
mechanised and conventional methods can be beneficial even in the same stope.
Practical minimum widths required for LHD mucking and the associated potential for
undercutting of either the hangingwall or footwall are technical limitations of mechanised
narrow-vein longhole stoping methods. Both rib pillars and backfill are used to minimise
dilution associated with longhole stoping. The effect of larger diameter drillholes and drillhole
deviation may also contribute to increased dilution from longhole stopes. The potential effects
of drill and blast parameters on dilution are discussed in Chapter 4.
While both resue mining and Alimak stoping eliminate the need for undercutting of stope
walls, these methods have not proved popular. There appears to be significant scope to either
develop new mining methods or equipment to minimise dilution.



Due to their narrow width narrow-vein stopes are particularly prone to high levels of dilution.
For example, one metre of dilution in a 1 metre wide orebody represents 100 percent dilution,
while 1 metre of dilution in a 20m wide orebody only represents 5 percent dilution. It is clear
from this comparison that the method used to quantify dilution levels is very important.

Categorical Approach

Prior to the development of cavity monitoring survey (CMS) technology (Miller et al., 1992),
unplanned dilution was quantified by reconciling planned stope tonnes to actual tonnes
mucked, or in some cases planned grade to actual grade. One of the limitations of this
approach is it assumes that there is no ore loss. Furthermore, it was uncommon to use these
estimates of unplanned dilution in geotechnical studies of the factors affecting stope stability.
Instead, geotechnical studies of stope stability and dilution were based on stope stability
ratings or categories. The formulation of empirical stability charts is detailed in the following
chapter. The stability zones or categories defined in the various charts are relevant to dilution
measurement or quantification. The following stability zones or categories have been used to
quantify stability:


Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

Potentially stable, potential unstable, potentially caving (Mathews et al., 1981).

Stable, transitional, caved (Potvin, 1988).
Potentially stable, potentially unstable, potential major collapse and potential caving
(Stewart and Forsyth, 1995).
Stable, failure, caving (Trueman et al., 2000, Mawdesley et al., 2001; Mawdesley, 2002).
Due to the subjectivity of categorical stability variables, there has been different interpretations
and usage of these categories. Stewart and Forsyth (1995) highlight use of the term caved as an
example of a term defined differently by several authors. Mathews et al. (1981) and Stewart
and Forsyth (1995) define caved as an excavation that will not stabilise until the void is full,
while Potvin (1988) and Nickson (1992) define caved as well beyond the designed excavation
limits. Using logistical analysis Mawdesley (2002) determined that the difference between
failed and major failure case studies was not sufficient to justify separate stability zones. For
this reason the Extended Mathews Stability Chart does not separate failures and major failures
into different zones. However, Mawdesley (2002) determined that that the differences between
stable and failure were significant and likewise the difference between failure and continuous
caving case studies warranted a separate stability zone.


Equivalent Linear Overbreak (ELOS)

Miller et al. (1992) detail the development and evolution of the first cavity monitoring survey
(CMS) system. The system is comprised of a commercial laser, a set of lightweight rods, an
automatic scanning device, a hand held data logger and Autocad-based software (Miller et al.,
1992). The Noranda Technology Centre conducted the first trials of CMS at the Gaspe mine,
Canada. The three dimensional survey was detailed enough to identify a skin of ore, blasthole
craters and broken ore at the bottom of the stope. Miller et al. (1992) present a further four case
studies in this paper. In addition, Pakalnis et al. (1995), Germain et al. (1996), Milne et al.
(1996a), Milne et al. (1996b), Germain and Hadjigeorgiou (1997), Henning and Mitri (1999),
Dunne and Pakalnis (1996) and Suorineni et al. (2001) present Canadian examples of different
mines where cavity monitoring surveys have been successfully used to evaluate stope
overbreak. CMS equipment has been widely adopted in Australia, especially in the past five
years. Most open stoping operations have their own CMS equipment (Buchanan, 2001).
Jarasz and Shepherd (2002) compared a CMS survey of a room with a classical survey of the
same room. By comparing the classical survey with the CMS survey they were able to
determine the instrumental error associated with survey. They found that the CMS equipment

Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

used had an azimuth error of 0.506o, a inclination error of 1.335o and a rotation error of
0.724o. Depending upon the distance involved, these instrument errors would have a
significant effect of the precision of CMS survey results. For this reason Jarasz and Shepherd
(2002) proposed that by determining an instruments error, it is possible to calibrate the
instrument and greatly improve CMS precision.
The wide use of CMS surveys facilitates, with a certain level of precision, the difference
between design surface and final excavation surface (Germain and Hadjigeorgiou, 1997). This
enables dilution to be calculated based on Equation 2.1 and Equation 2.2. Clark and Pakalnis
(1997) propose the use of equivalent linear overbreak/slough (ELOS) to estimate dilution as
shown in Figure 2.13. ELOS is calculated according to Equation 2.5 (Clark and Pakalnis,
1997). Alternatively, ELOS could be calculated by dividing the difference between the
designed stope volume and the final extracted stope volume by the stope surface area
(excluding the floor surface area). ELOS is useful measure of dilution because it is
independent of stope width. When dilution is quoted as a percentage of the designed stope
width or design tonnes, it is less independent because it depends upon on the stope width and

Figure 2.13 Equivalent Linear Overbreak/Slough, after Clark and Pakalnis (1997)


( StopeHeight *WallStrikeLength)


Equation 2.5

Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

Stewart and Forsyth (1995) define stable stopes as those with dilution less than 10 percent,
unstable stopes are associated with dilution between 10 and 30 percent while major
collapse/failure are associated with more than 30 percent dilution. Implicit in this approach to
stability categories is that stability categories are based on percentage dilution and associated
economic consequence. This contrasts with the ELOS approach where stability at one site can
be directly compared to stability at another site without subjectivity associated with mining
scale. Therefore, for the purpose of empirical modelling of the factors affecting dilution the
ELOS approach is more objective. This is particularly important in the case of narrow-vein
mining where percentage dilution is very sensitive to mining width.
Clark and Pakalnis (1997) used ELOS to define design zones in their ELOS design chart. The
design zones indicate that ELOS less than 0.5 metres is considered blast damage only, ELOS
between 0.5 and 1.0 metres is minor sloughing, 1.0 to 2.0 metres is moderate sloughing and
greater than 2.0 metres is severe sloughing or possible wall collapse. Suorineni et al. (2001)
quantitatively defined the stability zones associated with the Modified Stability Chart (Potvin,
1988). According to this definition, a stope is stable if the ELOS is less than or equal to 0.5
metres, unstable when ELOS is between 0.5 metres and 5 metres and caved when ELOS is
greater than 5 metres.



ELOS is a measure of dilution independent of mining width. Because narrow-vein dilution is

particularly sensitive to mining width the ELOS approach to quantifying dilution is well suited
to narrow-vein stope stability analysis. Percentage based dilution is dependent on stope width.
Therefore, it is not as amenable to geotechnical empirical analysis as ELOS, especially in the
case of narrow-vein. There has been an increasing move away from dilution expressed as a
percentage of stope width and towards ELOS (Clark and Pakalnis, 1997; Suorineni et al.,
2001). The advantage of the ELOS based stability categories as defined by Clark and Pakalnis
(1997) is that they are more objective than the subjective assessment required to discriminate
between stability zones.



Stope instability and associated dilution have an adverse economic impact upon a mining
operation. Unplanned dilution is the main source of dilution considered within the scope of this
thesis. Other sources of dilution such as planned dilution associated with mining method


Chapter 2 Narrow-vein Dilution

selection, geological control and backfill contamination are largely beyond the scope of this
There are many methods employed to calculate dilution. Equivalent linear overbreak is an
index of dilution that is independent of mining width, and is therefore well suited to comparing
case studies with varying mining widths. Therefore, equivalent linear overbreak or slough
(ELOS) is the most objective index of dilution levels and will be adopted whenever possible.
Mining method selection involves a trade off between the unit cost and production rate benefits
of mechanised mining against the costs of dilution associated with mechanised mining.
Longhole stoping has emerged as the dominant narrow-vein mining method over the past 20
years. Longhole stoping mines use some combination of backfill, cablebolts and or pillars to
control effective span in attempt to minimise dilution. Undercutting and blast related overbreak
appear to be two causes of dilution associated with the longhole stoping. Dilution parameters
are discussed in Chapter 4.
Dilution minimisation strategies can broadly be divided into three main approaches:
1. Stope design evaluation.
2. Quality control.
3. Process improvement.
Stope designs should be evaluated in terms of dilution potential, as well as, production rate and
mining costs. This requires adequate methods for dilution prediction. This thesis aims to
develop improved methodologies for narrow-vein dilution prediction. Quality control and
process improvement are dilution control measures that can be implemented as part of
feedback loop between production and engineering personnel. Drillhole survey is an example
of quality control, while explosive and drill pattern trials would be considered process
improvement methods of dilution control. This thesis addresses quality control and process
improvement issues when relevant. However, the primary aim is to focus on dilution
prediction methodology as a means of minimising dilution through stope design evaluation.
The next chapter considers the potential of existing stope design methods to minimise narrowvein dilution as part of the stope design evaluation process.



Broadly speaking there are four main approaches to the design of stable stopes; mining
methods selection, empirical stope design, analytical methods and numerical modelling.
Mining method selection has been discussed in the previous chapter. Acknowledging that for
various reasons conventional narrow-vein mining methods are generally on the demise, this
chapter reviews and evaluates the applicability of empirical, analytical and numerical stope
design methodologies with respect to narrow-vein longhole stoping. The ability of the
empirical stability graph approach to capture both stress and kinematic stability mechanisms
is significant advantage of this approach. The stability graph approach has demonstrated
general applicability to large-open stoping and can be used at the feasibility stage to predict
stable stope dimensions. Analytical and numerical methods have the potential to compliment
the stability graph approach in cases where mechanisms causing stope instability have been
clearly identified and input parameters can be calibrated.



There are two main approaches to dilution minimisation in the literature. The first approach
focuses on stope design with and without cablebolt support. This approach considers
geotechnical factors affecting stope stability and is the main approach to determining stable
stope dimensions. The second approach focuses upon drilling and blasting strategies and
technology, and is evaluated with respect to narrow-vein dilution in the next chapter. In this
chapter the various stope design methods have been reviewed and evaluated with respect to
applicability to narrow-vein stoping.
The design of stable stopes is a complex process taking into account mining method selection,
stable dimensions, level spacing, support requirements and fill requirements. The aim of this
thesis is to develop improved methods for predicting narrow-vein dilution so that optimal
mining method, stope size, geometry and even mining equipment can be selected. When
comparing stope design options it is important to be able to evaluate options not just in terms

Chapter 3 Stope Design

of mining costs and production rates, but also with respect to stope stability and dilution
potential. Poor stope stability is associated with dilution costs as well as risks to remote
equipment, production rate and secondary breakage requirements.
Stope design in the context of geotechnical stability encompasses geometry, stable spans,
support and fill requirements, pillar size and location, as well as extraction sequence. There are
three main approaches to determining stable stope design.

Empirical stope design.


Analytical methods.


Numerical modelling.

Empirical stope design is based on the principle that stoping experience at other mines
provides valuable information upon which to base future design. Empirical design methods
incorporate analytical and numerical methods in the formulation of their parameters.
Numerous authors advocate calibrating these empirical techniques to site conditions or
developing site-specific stability charts. While both numerical and analytical techniques have
been developed for stope design, they have not been used as widely as empirical stope design



The engineering properties of rock are difficult to quantify. In mechanical and construction
engineering the engineering properties of materials used in designs are well defined and
therefore, evaluation of the loading and strength characteristics of a particular design lends
itself to analytical and numerical design methods. However, in the case of stope design the
engineering properties of the rock are commonly affected by discontinuities (eg. faults,
jointing and shear zones), isotropy (eg. bedding planes) and inhomogeneous properties (eg
stiffness of intrusions relative to host rock). For this reason the most widely adopted stope
design methods are based on empirical rock mass classification systems. The rock mass
classification systems employed in the most common empirical stope design methods include:
Rock quality designation (RQD) (Deere, 1964).
NGI Q System Classification (Q) (Barton et al. 1974).
Rock Mass Rating classification (RMR) (Bienawski, 1974).


Chapter 3 Stope Design


Mathews Stability Graph

Mathews et al. (1981) developed the first empirical stope stability graph Figure 3.1. The
Mathews Stability Graph method has gained wide acceptance and is used worldwide as a
design tool (Potvin and Hadjigeorgiou, 2001). The method has been used in Australia, Canada,
Africa, Europe and the United States (Potvin and Hadjigeorgiou, 2001). The scope of the
original CANMET study was to determine the information required to predict stable spans for
open stopes at mining depths below 1000 metres. The original stability chart (Mathews et al.,
1981) was developed for open stope case histories at depths exceeding 1000 metres. However,
the majority of case studies actually come from mines less than 1000 metres depth (Trueman et
al., 2000). The original database was comprised of 50 case histories (Mathews et al., 1981).
However, thousands of stability chart case studies would have been produced over the past 20

Figure 3.1 Mathews Stability Graph, after Mathews et al. (1981)

Mathews et al. (1981) reviewed the applicability of rock mass classification systems to open
stope design. In addition, an empirical relationship between rock mass properties, joint
orientation, induced stress and stope surface dimensions was determined. Mathews et al.
(1981) adopted hydraulic radius as measure of stope surface geometry. Hydraulic radius is
defined as the ratio of the surface area to the surface perimeter (Laubscher and Taylor, 1976).
Mathews et al. (1981) notes that as the aspect ratio increased to four, the hydraulic radius
remains relatively constant and reflects one-way spanning situations.

Chapter 3 Stope Design

Under Mathews et al. (1981) stope stability graph, selected geotechnical factors are combined
to produce an index called the stability number (N). The stability number is calculated
according to Equation 3.1, where A, B and C are factors taking into account induced stress
acting parallel to the middle of the stope surface, joint orientation and gravity, respectively. Q
is the NGI Q classification index value (Barton et al. 1974), with the SRF and joint water
reduction factors set to 1.
N = Q'A B C

Equation 3.1

Stress factor A replaces SRF in the Q system and is based upon the ratio of the uniaxial
compressive strength of intact rock to the induced compressive stress parallel to the surface
under consideration (Mathews et al. 1981). Stress factor A is calculated from the ratio of the
unconfined compressive strength of the intact rock (c), to the induced compressive stress (I),
parallel to the stope face. Mathews et al. (1981) suggest that induced stress can best be
determined using numerical analysis techniques. The rock stress factor is linearly related to
c/I and ranges from 0.1 to 1.0. The value of the rock stress factor can be determined from the
graph in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 Formulation of stress factor A, after Mathews et al. (1981)

Factor B considers the orientation of the most critical structure relative to the stope surface.
The critical structure could be a joint set, bedding plane or foliation (Potvin and Hadjigeorgiou,
2001). Figure 3.3 provides a guide for determining factor B.

Chapter 3 Stope Design

Figure 3.3 Formulation of factor B, after Mathews et al. (1981)

The gravity adjustment factor C is based upon the underlying assumption that the effect on
stability of gravity on a horizontal surface is eight times that of a vertical surface. The gravity
adjustment factor considers the effect of gravity on the stability of the stope surfaces from
falling, slabbing and sliding (Mathews et al., 1981). The relationship between the gravity
adjustment factor C and the dip of the surface is defined as:
FactorC = 8 7Cos ( AngleOfDip )

Equation 3.2

Mathews et al. (1981) devised the following three stability categories:

Stable; the excavation will stand unsupported with occasional localised ground support.
Unstable; the excavation will experience some localised caving but will tend to form a
stable arch.
Caving; the excavation will cave and will not stabilise until the void is full.


Chapter 3 Stope Design


Modifications and Adjustments to the Mathews Stability Graph Method

Modified Stability Chart

The Modified Stability Chart is a modification of the original Mathews Stability Graph and is
based upon 176 new case histories collected between 1986 and 1987 (Potvin, 1988). Figure 3.4
is the Modified Stability Chart (Potvin, 1988). The larger database improved confidence in the
boundaries and broadened the applicability of the chart. Nevertheless, as noted by Trueman
and Mawdesley (2003) about 100 of these case studies had acknowledged uncertainties with
respect to parameters necessary to determine the stability number. (Potvin, 1988) proposed the
use of slightly different A, B and C factors as well as new categories of stability. Figure 3.5 is
the chart used to determine the modified joint orientation factor B as proposed by Potvin

Figure 3.4 Modified Stability Chart, after Potvin (1988)


Chapter 3 Stope Design

Figure 3.5 Determination of the modified joint orientation factor B, after Potvin (1988)

Based upon an additional 13 unsupported case histories and using Mahalanobis distance
statistical analysis (Seber, 1984), Nickson (1992) found good agreement between the modified
stability chart transition zone proposed by Potvin (1988) and his statistically derived
relationship between HR and N. Equation 3.3 is the unsupported stable-caved (unstable)
boundary derived by using Mahalanobis distance statistical analysis (Nickson, 1992).
HR = 10 ( 0.573+ 0.338 log( N '))

Equation 3.3

Stewart and Forsyth (1995) recommend that the original factors and stability number, N be
adhered to, as opposed to the modified stability number N. Trueman et al. (2000) suggest that
the new factors imply a level of engineering rigour that is not necessarily justifiable.
Furthermore, based upon a large data base from the Mt Charlotte mine, they found no evidence
that Potvin (1988) modifications improved the predictive ability of method (Trueman et al.,
2000). For this reason, Trueman et al. (2000) recommend that the easier to calculate original
stability number N as described by Stewart and Forsyth (1995) be used in preference to N. In
their update of the stability graph method, Hadjigeorgiou et al. (1995) adhere to the modified

Chapter 3 Stope Design

stability number and agree with Potvin's (1988) recommendation that when the ratio of the
uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) to the induced stress is lower than two, factor A should
be 0.1, as opposed to the zero value suggested by original Mathews factor A chart shown in
Figure 3.2.
The Modified Stability Chart and modified stability number (N) have been included in a
number of textbooks (Hoek et al., 1995; Hutchinson and Diederichs, 1996) and for this reason
N has gained broad acceptance as the industry and research standard (Potvin and
Hadjigeorgiou, 2001). Following review of the input methodology, Hadjigeorgiou et al. (1995)
propose an additional modification to determination of the gravity adjustment factor C.
Hadjigeorgiou et al. (1995) found that the nomogram for sliding failure proposed by Potvin
(1988), was inappropriate for the specific case when the critical joint is parallel to the footwall
and when the dip of the critical joint is greater than the dip of the footwall. Based upon the
results of kinematic tests Hadjigeorgiou et al. (1995) proposed a second curve suited to the
aforementioned conditions.

Fault Factor
Suorineni et al. (2001a) propose a detailed procedure to evaluate a fault factor to take into
account the following parameters; included angle between fault and stope surface, stress ratio
(K), stope aspect ratio, fault shear strength, distance of fault from stope and stope dip. The
fault factor was developed based on the premise that faults affect tensile stress distributions
near stope wall thereby increasing ELOS. Using two-dimensional linear elastic modelling
Suorineni et al. (1999) undertook a comprehensive parametric study of the aforementioned
parameters effect on the extent of tensile stress development (Suorineni et al., 1999). Based
upon the Coulomb criterion for slip along a fault and limit equilibrium analysis, Suorineni
(1998) determined that the critical range for clamping stresses is about 0.01 MPa to 0.2 MPa
for wedges from 0.5 metres to 3 metres. Based upon this criterion for failure, the ELOS
attributed to the fault, ELOSf was calculated as the increase in area inside the 0.1 MPa contour
associated with introducing the fault to the two-dimensional model, divided by the stope
By relating ELOSf to the ELOS contours plotted by Clark and Pakalnis (1997) a set of seven
generic fault factor curves were produced (Suorineni et al., 1999). Suorineni et al. (1999)
recommend that when stope conditions are significantly different from those indicated in


Chapter 3 Stope Design

Figure 3.6 individual mines should develop their own fault factors according to the
methodology proposed in Suorineni et al. (2001b).

Figure 3.6 Fault factor curves for different geometries, ground conditions and fault properties,
after Suorineni et al. 1999

To validate this methodology, Suorineni (1998) used faults factor curves to improve the
separability of 112 case studies from the Kidd mine in Canada, and slightly improve

Chapter 3 Stope Design

differentiation between 130 case studies collected from the Ashanti mine in Ghana (Suorineni,
1998). In terms of reviewing the general applicability of the fault factor approach it is
important to consider the underlying assumptions.
Firstly, Suorineni (1998) states that the methodology is applicable to excavations in
discontinuous (jointed or blocky) rock masses. It can be assumed that this is because it is under
these conditions that low or tensile stress may have the potential to affect stability. However,
the specific conditions in which low stress affects stability is in itself the subject of uncertainty.
Furthermore, two-dimensional plane strain modelling overestimates the potential for the
development of low or tensile stress when the stope length is less than four times the stope
height (Pakalnis, 1991). In the case when the stope length equals the stope height the zone of
relaxation as predicted by two-dimensional plane strain is as much as four times as large as the
three-dimensional case (Pakalnis, 1991). Provided these limitations are considered, the fault
factor methodology proposed by Suorineni et al. (2001a) could be a good index for the effect
of faulting under rock mass conditions when low or tensile stress has potential to affect
While the applicability of the fault factor may be limited to said conditions, the method used
by Suorineni (1998) to determine the included angle between the stope surface and the fault ()
could be considered an excellent alternative method for assessing factor B using the original
factor B chart shown in Figure 3.3. takes into account the dip and strike of both critical joint
and stope surface. Figure 3.7 illustrates the normal vector to the fault, stope wall or critical
joint. Direction cosines are defined in Equation 3.4 to Equation 3.6 and are based on a right
hand coordinate system.

cos =

cos =

cos =

a + b2 + c2

a +b +c

a2 + b2 + c2

= a'

Equation 3.4

= b'

Equation 3.5

= c'

Equation 3.6


Chapter 3 Stope Design



Unit normal
vector to fault





Fault dip
Fault dip direction

Figure 3.7 Normal vector to plane showing direction cosines (left) and dip and dip direction of
a plane (right), after Suorineni (1998)

The direction cosines (a, b and c) define the plane in question, whether it be the fault, af, bf
and cf or stope wall, as, bs or cs. The direction cosines can be calculated from the dip () and
dip direction () of the plane as per Equations 3.7 to Equation 3.9. The direction cosine for the
fault (or critical joint) and the stope wall are then used to calculate the angle between the two
planes () according to Equation 3.10.

sin sin = a'

Equation 3.7

cos sin = b'

Equation 3.8

cos = c'

Equation 3.9

= cos 1 (a' s a' s +b' s b' f +c' s c' f )

Equation 3.10

Deiderichs and Hutchison (1996) also suggest that the included angle be used to calculate
Factor B.
Stress Damage Factor
The stress damage factor proposed by Sprott et al. (1999) and adjustment to factor A proposed
by Kaiser et al. (1997) and Diederichs et al. (1999) for cases of stress relaxation are discussed
in the following chapter as they relate directly to parameters believed to affect narrow-vein
stability. However, Potvin and Hadjigeorgiou (2001) recommends that stope sequencing be
used to minimise the risk of both stress damage and stress relaxation.

Chapter 3 Stope Design

Cablebolt Support
Potvin (1988) was the first to empirically incorporate cablebolt support recommendations into
stope design charts. The modified stability chart (Potvin, 1988) established a zone, between the
stable zone and the caving zone that would be stable if supported with cablebolts. Assuming a
stope surface can be stabilised with cablebolt support, Potvin (1988) developed the first
empirical cablebolt support recommendations. It should be noted that these recommendations
were developed for stope backs. The cablebolt support recommendations are based upon the
ratio of RQD to the product of the joint set number, Jn and hydraulic radius, HR. Misra (1998)
found that while the modified stability chart is frequently consulted to identify whether a stope
surface could be stabilised using cablebolts, the cablebolt support density recommendations are
rarely used to prepare the final design. Furthermore, Misra (1998) suggests that this chart is
only intended for evenly distributed stope back support, and not for the design of hangingwall
support of point anchor back support.
Nickson (1992) extended this work by adding 46 case histories including hangingwall data and
conducted a statistical analysis to determine if modifications should be made to the modified
stability chart supportable zone. Mahalanobis distance analysis was used to determine
Equation 3.11. Equation 3.11 defines the relationship between hydraulic radius and modified
stability number, N, that best delineates the supportable zone. Figure 3.8 shows the original
supportable zone and the modified supportable zone as determined in Equation 3.11. Using the
combined databases of Potvin (1988) and Nickson (1992) cablebolt support density
recommendations were also revised. Instead of predicting support density based upon the ratio
of the joint set number (Jn) to the hydraulic radius (HR), Nickson (1992) statistically
determined that the ratio of the modified stability number N to hydraulic radius, HR, was a
better predictor of cablebolt support density requirements.
HR = 10 ( 0.872 + 0.17 log N ')

Equation 3.11

Diederichs et al. (1999) have identified the following weaknesses in the approach to cablebolt
limits proposed by Potvin (1988) and Nickson (1992):
The proposed cablebolting limits represent the average performance of all the cablebolted
stopes, and
Do not take into account cablebolt density, length, orientation or quality of installation.


Chapter 3 Stope Design

Figure 3.8 Modified stability chart showing Potvins original supportable and Nicksons
modified stability zone, after Nickson (1992).

Diederichs and Kaiser (1996) use Potvin's and Nickson's databases to develop a different
approach to cablebolt support recommendations. Diederichs and Kaiser qualify their
recommendations by stating that they are only applicable to a rock mass that is well
represented by the pseudo-continuous rock mass that may contain persistent and ubiquitous
joints, but may not contain discrete faults, shears or localised delamination planes.
Diederichs and Kaiser (1999) cablebolt support recommendations are based upon ensuring a
minimum selfsupporting beam or slab as determined from Voussoir beam analysis Brady and
Brown (1993). The minimum self-supporting beam is determined using the Voissoir beam and
plate stability charts (Diederichs and Kaiser, 1996). These charts require an estimate of rock
mass modulus. Diederichs and Kaiser (1996) suggest that the rock mass modulus is determined
from Q according to the relationship proposed by Serafim and Pereira (1983) Equation 3.12.

Erm = 25log10Q

Equation 3.12

Support density recommendations are based upon a 20 tonne per strand yield capacity and the
minimum self-supporting beam determined from Voussoir beam analysis (Diederichs et al.,
1999). Cablebolt lengths are taken as twice the beam thickness plus two to three metres for
anchorage (Diederichs et al., 1999).

Chapter 3 Stope Design

There are two main approaches to cablebolt support recommendations. The approach of Potvin
(1988) and Nickson (1992) is largely empirical, while the approach of Diederichs and Kaiser
(1996) is primarily based upon analytical theory. A serious limitation of the analytical theory
based recommendation is that it assumes a pseudo-continuous rock mass and may not be suited
to large-scale structures commonly exposed by stoping. The voussoir beam analog assumes
that the rock mass can be reinforced to create a self-supporting beam or plate. Therefore, the
approach is somewhat limited in general applicability.
The empirical support density recommendations of Potvin (1988) and Nickson (1992) have
been determined based upon a relatively small amount of data considering they are attempting
to distinguish multiple levels of support. Nickson (1992) combined database contained only 59
case histories. It is also important to note that these empirical guidelines are based on plane
strand cables and with modified strand cables and increases in grout thickness, cablebolt
effectiveness is likely to be higher than indicated by the historical data collated by
Potvin(1988) and Nickson (1992).
Cablebolts have been used to improve narrow stope stability (Kaiser et al., 2001; de Vries et
al., 2003). However, both these mines had stope widths between 4 and 7 metres and therefore,
would not be considered narrow-vein. There did not seem to be any cases of narrow-vein
mines (less than two to three metres) using cablebolts for stope wall support. However, some
narrow-vein mines use cablebolts for sill drive stability and these cables may have improved
stope stability. The principle behind stope wall support is that by preventing unravelling and
maintaining stope wall integrity the rock is reinforced and therefore, better able to be form a
self-supporting beam (Diederichs et al., 1999). Alternatively, if a self supporting beam can not
be formed, then the cablebolts need to be capable of holding the weight of the rock (Diederichs
et al., 1999). The point anchor approach illustrated in Figure 3.9 is the pattern most widely
adopted in narrow stoping. The point anchor cablebolt method is a reinforcement approach. In
the case of tabular narrow-vein deposits it is uncommon to have development in the
hangingwall, and therefore the hangingwall patterns shown in Figure 3.9 are usually
uneconomic for most narrow-vein deposits.
The author installed hangingwall point anchor cablebolts at the Renison Tin mine (3-8 metre
wide stopes) and designed cablebolts at the Mariners Nickel mine (2-4 metres wide stopes).
Cablebolts were associated with decreased dilution at the Renison Nickel mine. Mariners
cablebolt patterns were designed using the methodology proposed by Diederichs and Kaiser


Chapter 3 Stope Design

(1999). Cablebolting of stope walls in the upper areas of the Mariners Nickel mine proved
effective in controlling dilution. However, in the deeper number 7 orebody at the Mariners
mine the hangingwall was a low strength highly deformable ultramafic. The deformability of
the rockmass appeared to affect cablebolt effectiveness by reducing cablebolt bond strength as
observed by cablebolts failing at the bond between the rock and the grout (cables hanging from
stope walls). In addition, mining induced stress changes may have affected radial stiffness.
Reichert et al. (1992) provides a detailed discussion of the effect of radial stiffness on cablebolt
effectiveness. Because narrow-vein stoping is usually associated with decreases in stress and
cablebolts are installed prior to stoping, the propensity of cablebolts to decreases in capacity
due to reduced radial stiffness warrants particular consideration in the case of narrow-vein
stoping. Reichert et al. (1992) discusses the relationship between rockmass modulus and
borehole stiffness, as well as, noting that mine induced stress reductions will decrease radial
stiffness thereby reducing cablebolt bond strength. The problems associated with decreases in
stress and stress relaxation can largely be avoided by using bulbed cables and plating cables
(Deiderichs and Hutchison, 1996).

Figure 3.9 Hangingwall cablebolt support, after Fuller (1983)


Shape Factor

Both the original and modified versions of the stability graph approach determine shape factor
(S) using hydraulic radius. While hydraulic radius has proved a useful parameter to take into
account size and to some extent shape of an excavation, it does have important limitations
when applied to irregular geometry (Milne et al. 1996a; Milne et al. 1996b; Potvin, 2001).
Milne et al. (1996a) suggests that radius factor provides a more accurate assessment of the

Chapter 3 Stope Design

distance to abutments and is therefore better suited to irregular shape geometry. Radius factor
is half the harmonic radius which is calculated using Equation 3.13, where r is the distance to
the abutments measured from the surface centre.

RF =

1 n 1

n =1 r

Equation 3.13

Milne et al.'s (1996a) comparison of hydraulic radius to radius factor for a 100 metre wide
rectangle with increasing length is shown in Figure 3.10. It is clear from Figure 3.10 that
radius factor is less sensitive to length than hydraulic radius once the length exceeds
approximately four times the width. Based on Hoek et al. (1995) observations that support
from a tunnel face is insignificant at 1.5 times the tunnel width, Milne et al. (1996a) suggests
that radius factor assesses the effect of two way spanning more realistically than HR. Milne et
al. (1996a) presents three case studies where back-analyses of the stability predictions using
radius factor improved the reliability of stability assessments compared to the original
incorrect stability assessment based on hydraulic radius.

Figure 3.10 Comparison of radius factor and hydraulic radius for rectangular excavations with
constant span and varying width, after (Milne et al. 1996a)


Chapter 3 Stope Design

In-stope or rib pillars are commonly used in narrow-vein mines either to improve stability or to
avoid waste. Furthermore, in sublevel retreat narrow-vein stoping irregular geometries are
often associated with the uneven retreat profile and rib pillars. Radius factor would be a useful
alternative to hydraulic radius in these circumstances. The applicability of radius factor to
account for irregular narrow-vein geometry is discussed further in Chapter 4.


Laubscher Design Graph

The Laubscher Design Graph is based on the Mining Rock Mass Rating Classification
(MRMR) (Laubscher, 1977) and hydraulic radius - Figure 3.11. MRMR is based on RQD,
joint spacing, intact rock strength, joint spacing, condition of joint and ground water. The
MRMR value is then adjusted for weathering, field and induced stresses, changes in stress,
joint orientation and blasting (Laubscher, 1977).

Figure 3.11 - Laubschers caving chart with 29 case histories from the 1994 and 1998 caving
charts, after Laubscher (1994) and Bartlett (1998a).


Chapter 3 Stope Design

The primary limitation of Laubscher Design Graph is the engineering judgement and practical
experience necessary to decide upon the adjustments. For this reason application of
Laubschers design graph to stope design has been primarily limited to use amongst
geotechnical and mining engineers who have practical understanding of how to apply the
adjustments factors. However, the Laubscher Design Graph has been used extensively
worldwide in the fields of cavability prediction (Mawdesley, 2002).


Extended Mathews Stability Graph

Trueman et al. (2000), Mawdesley et al. (2001) and Mawdesley (2002) extended the original
Mathews Stability Graph by increasing the number of case histories from 176 to 485. The 100
case studies appearing in Potvins (1988) modified stability graph that had acknowledged
uncertainties were removed from the extended data base and significantly larger stopes were
included. The Extended Mathews Stability chart only has two boundaries and is based on the
original formulation of the N and HR. This is because Mawdesley (2002) determined using
logistical analysis that failures were not significantly different from major failures and
therefore, a failure major failure boundary could not be justified. However, Trueman (2000)
and Mawdesley et al. (2001) have also adopted the modifications to stress factor A suggested
by Potvin (1988) where A is assumed to equal 0.1 when the ratio of uniaxial compressive
strength (c) to the induced stress (I) is less than two. In addition, Mawdesley et al. (2001)
and Mawdesley (2002) used logistic regression to statistically delineate the boundary between
stable and failed stope surfaces. Figure 3.12 is the Extended Mathews Stability Graph
(Trueman and Mawdesley, 2003).
Trueman et al. (2000) and Mawdesley (2002) increased the range of data used to determine the
stability graph boundaries and conducted rigorous delineation and testing of the significance of
the Extended Mathews Stability chart boundaries. A considerable advantage of the Extended
Mathews Stability chart over other stability charts is that it covers the largest range of
conditions and stope sizes.
Existing empirical stope stability models do not take into account a number of the parameters
believed to affect stope stability (Clark and Pakalnis, 1997). For example the stability chart
method does not explicitly take into account any of the parameters shown in Figure 1.1.
Despite this, stability charts are approximately 80 percent accurate in terms of predicting
instability. This implies that for 80 percent of case studies in the Extended Mathews database


Chapter 3 Stope Design

these parameters do not significantly affect stability. The aim of this thesis is to determine
whether this is true in the case of narrow-vein stoping.

Figure 3.12 The Extended Mathews Stability Graph, after Trueman and Mawdesley (2003)


ELOS Stability Chart

The ability of cavity monitoring survey (CMS) equipment to produce a three dimensional
surveys of a stope enabled Clark and Pakalnis (1997) and Clark (1998) to develop a new
stability chart based upon ELOS. ELOS dilution chart design zones are based solely on the
ELOS values and were determined using logistic regression as well as engineering judgement
(Clark and Pakalnis, 1997; Clark, 1998). The ELOS stability chart is shown in Figure 3.13.
Clark and Pakalnis (1997) acknowledge that the ELOS stability chart, with only 85 case
histories, requires more data to give confidence to the design zones. At this stage the database
is limited to hangingwalls and footwalls in a low or relaxed stress state with parallel structure
being critical to stability (Clark and Pakalnis, 1997; Clark, 1998). In addition, Clark and
Pakalnis (1997) also list as a limitation the bias in the existing database towards stopes with
relatively small blasthole diameters less than 65 millimetres. Clark and Pakalnis (1997)
recognised that although they were able to demonstrate statistically that both undercutting of


Chapter 3 Stope Design

stope wall and stope life influences stope stability, the amount of data prevented them from
quantifying these effects.

Figure 3.13 - Empirical dilution design graph after (Clark 1998)


Empirical Mathematical Dilution Model

Based upon 133 case histories from the Ruttan mine, Canada, Pakalnis (1986) developed an
empirical relationship to predict stability in terms of dilution. Three equations were developed;
one for isolated stopes, one for echelon stopes and one for rib stopes. Equations 3.14, Equation
3.15 and Equation 3.16 were used to empirically predict dilution for isolated, echelon and rib
stopes, respectively, at the Ruttan mine, Canada (Pakalnis, 1986). These equations were
derived using multivariate analysis. Pakalnis (1986) evaluated strength, RQD, spacing, joint
condition, RMR, area, hydraulic radius, span, height, width, volume, span/width, depth, fill,
exposure rate, mining rate, ITH versus conventional drill holes, mining sequence and blasting.
Isolated stopes;
Dilution = 8.6 0.09( RMR ) 13.2( ExposureRa te) + 0.0038( AreaExpose )

R2 = 0.79



Equation 3.14

Chapter 3 Stope Design

Echelon stopes;
Dilution = 10.3 0.13( RMR ) 14.8( ExposureRa te) + 0.003( AreaExpose d )


Equation 3.15


Rib stopes;
Dilution = 15.8 0.18( RMR ) 7.7( ExposureRa te) + 0.0026 ( AreaExpose d )


Equation 3.16


Pakalnis (1986) considered the dilution predicting equations to be unique to Ruttan mine and
therefore, not generally applicable. However, this does not preclude the use of mathematical
dilution modelling on a site-specific basis.


Site-specific Methods

Some authors have expressed concern about the general applicability of the Mathews method.
Both Mathews et al. (1981) and Potvin (1988) noted that the method was originally developed
for open stope mining methods in geological conditions similar to those encountered in the
Canadian shield. Stewart and Forsyth (1995), whilst acknowledging there are some indications
that the method may be generally applied, emphasised the potential bias in their more limited
database and recommended users concentrate on collecting sufficient examples to define their
own stability zones. Bawden (1993) also suggested that the analysis of stable versus failed
stopes could be used to derive a stability boundary for a particular operation. From their
experience of back-analysing a large database from the Mount Charlotte gold mine in Western
Australia, Trueman et al. (2000) concluded that the model gave reasonable predictions of stope
surface stability, at least for steeply dipping deposits in moderately good to good rock.
Nevertheless, Trueman et al. (2000) followed the guidelines of Stewart and Forsyth (1995) and
developed a site-specific graph for Mount Charlotte mine, Western Australia.
In the late 1990s there was significant interest in the development of site-specific stability
graphs within the Australian metalliferous mining industry. However, Potvin and
Hadjigeorgiou (2001) suggest that while site-specific calibration procedures are attractive, they
are limited in that the calibrations would only be validated towards the end of mine life. This
would be particularly true in the case of the relatively short mine life commonly associated
with small narrow-vein gold mines.


Chapter 3 Stope Design

Villaescusa (1996) developed a site-specific stability chart for bench stopes at the Mt Isa Lead
mine. This was made possible because of large numbers of historical stope records that had
been collected over years of stoping in the Mt Isa Lead mine. Figure 3.14 illustrates the bench
stability chart developed by Villaescusa (1996). This chart has been developed to capture the
parameters believed to affect stope stability in the Mt Isa Lead mine bench stopes. The
rockmass is classified based on the number of bedding planes per metre. Stresses normal to the
orebody are used as an index of stress and blasting practice is rated. This method continued to
be used in the Mt Isa Lead mine until mining ceased in 2003.

Figure 3.14 - Mt Isa Lead mine bench stability chart, after Villaescusa (1996)



Stability graphs have demonstrated predictive ability in large open stoping and are used widely
at both the feasibility and production stage of stope design (Potvin and Hadjigeorgiou 2001).
The overall merit of developing site-specific stability charts seems to depend on the amount of
time available to develop a chart before a mine ceases operations. In addition, there is
uncertainty surrounding the amount of case studies required to develop a reliable site-specific
There has been concern about the applicability and reliability of existing stability graphs and
associated modifications and adjustments to narrow-vein stoping. These concerns relate to
narrow-vein operating conditions such as; undercutting of stope walls, propensity to stress


Chapter 3 Stope Design

relaxation and stress damage, irregular stope geometry, drill and blast blasting related damage
and overbreak, as well as moving backfill abutments. The applicability of the stability graph
approach to narrow-vein stoping is evaluated with respect to each of these parameters in the
following chapter.




Beam and Plate Theory

Beam and plate theory is based on civil engineering principles of static analysis. Obert and
Duval (1967) describe how plate and beam theory can be applied to the stability of rock
excavations. Forces and moments are resolved based on the assumptions of beam properties
that would frequently be invalid in a stoping environment. In particular, both beam theory and
plate theory are based on the assumption that the rock beam or plate is continuos, homogenous,
isotropic and linear elastic. In practice the rockmass surrounding a stope is commonly
discontinuous with dominant joint sets generating isotropic behaviour. Both plate and beam
theory assumes that the load is applied normal to beam or plate. However, narrow-vein
hangingwalls and footwalls in Australia, Canada and the UK are commonly sub-vertical and
therefore, the direction of loading would not be normal to the beam or plate being used to
analyse the excavation. Narrow-vein stopes have small widths, and therefore back stability is
not usually a significant source of dilution in narrow-vein mines. Backs refer to the roof of the
stope. Therefore, it can be concluded that in general plate and beam analysis would have
limited applicability in narrow-vein stope design.


Voissoir Beam Theory

Brady and Brown (1993) provide a detailed procedure for evaluating stability using voissoir
beam theory. The voissoir beam forms in laminated or blocky ground when the tensile strength
is reduced to zero in the radial or normal direction (Diederichs and Kaiser 1999). The voissoir
beam forms a compressive arch which can fail by compressive crushing on the upper side of
the beam or snap-through. The basis for the solution is to balance the moment generated at the
abutment by weight of the half beam with the opposing moment generated by the reaction
force at the middle of the beam (Diederichs and Kaiser, 1999). The voissoir beam solution is
based on the assumption that the reaction forces and distributions acting parallel to the beam at
the abutments are identical.


Chapter 3 Stope Design

In the case of sub-vertical narrow-vein geometry the reaction forces and distributions
associated with the weight of the beam would not be equal. For example, in the case of a
vertical stope walls the reaction force at the top of the beam wall due to half the beams weight
would be zero. Therefore, even from a purely analytical approach voissoir beam theory is not
appropriate for stope walls which are not approximately horizontal and the assumption of
equal reaction forces at the abutments is not reasonable. To summarise, voussoir beam theory
does not take into account the effect of excavation dip and is essentially a horizontal surface
analytical technique.
In practice, narrow-vein longhole stoping can only be used when the stope dip exceeds the
angle of repose of the broken ore. When stope dip is less than the angle of repose of broken ore
alternative mining methods are required. The alternative methods commonly use pillars.
Voissoir beam theory does not allow for the effect of pillars. Therefore, voissoir theory is not
applicable to flat-dipping or sub-vertical narrow-vein stoping.



Those involved in the development of empirical stope design note that in general, the number
of variables to be considered in stope design is too high to permit other than empirical
approaches to design (Mathews et al, 1981). However, they also note that analytical methods
are often used to identify excessive stress conditions or excessive deformations. Grenon and
Hadjigeorgiou (2003) propose that while the stability graph approach is the method of choice
at the pre-feasibility and feasibility stages, once it is possible to collect data from underground
more detailed kinematic analyses should be undertaken. They argue that while empirical
rockmass classification systems are useful when information is limited, these classification
indices can fail to capture the structural complexity. Once structural data becomes available
from underground scanline mapping, Grenon and Hadjigeorgiou (2003) propose stope stability
be assessed using a three-dimensional joint network. Germain et al. (1996) developed
Stereoblock where joints are represented as disks and it is based on the work of Baecher et al.
(1977), Villaescusa (1991), Lessard (1996), Grenon (2000) and others.
Once a three-dimensional network has been simulated, an excavation can be introduced into
the model and all blocks formed at the surface of the excavation can be quantified. The factor
of safety of every block is evaluated by applying the limit equilibrium approach proposed by
Hoek and Brown (1980). In the case discussed, Coulomb failure criterion was applied where
angle of friction and cohesion values are sampled from the normal distributions determined

Chapter 3 Stope Design

from direct shear test mean and variance for each parameter. However, the supporting effect of
compressive stress is not taken into account.



Analytical techniques on their own do not take into account all factors influencing narrow-vein
stope stability. Beam, plate and voissoir beam theories are based on the assumption that the
rockmass will behave as a homogenous, isotropic and linear elastic material. In addition, these
theories are based on analysis of a horizontal surface without pillars. For these reasons the
applicability of beam, plate and voissoir beam theories to narrow-vein stoping is very limited.
Kinematic analysis of stope stability using a three-dimensional joint model could be
considered complimentary to the stability graph approach, and has the potential to improve
stability predictions at an operating mine where stability is known to be structurally controlled.
A serious limitation of the Stereoblock approach is that it does not take account the effect of
confining stress on seemingly unstable blocks. The simple distinct element model discussed in
the following section highlights how block stability is dependent on confining stress. However,
that being said if wedge and block failures are a persistent cause of instability at an operating
mine then it could be assumed that the confining stress state is such that kinematic analysis
maybe warranted. Under these circumstances kinematic analysis could be valuable in locating
areas with high potential for instability.




UDEC and 3DEC Distinct Element Codes

UDEC and 3DEC are distinct element codes that simulate the stability of an excavation by
dividing the modelled rockmass into discrete polyhedra (Itasca, 2004). UDEC is twodimensional and 3DEC is three-dimensional. Relative motion along discontinuities is governed
by linear and non-linear force-displacement relations for movement in both the normal and
shear directions (Itasca, 2004). Therefore, the behaviour of the modelled rockmass is
dependent upon the assigned shear strength properties needed to evaluate force-displacement
relations for each block loaded under both gravity and in situ stress.
UDEC has been used by Kaiser and Maloney (1992a) to simulate failure due to abutment
relaxation in tabular stopes with blocky or laminated rock mass. This simulation is illustrated


Chapter 3 Stope Design

in Figure 3.15 and was the mechanism believed to drive instability in Winston Lake

Figure 3.15 UDEC simulation of failure induced by softening of lower abutment, after Kaiser
and Maloney (1992b)

In practice, it would be difficult to represent the structural complexity a stope wall rockmass in
3DEC or UDEC. Unlike the simple structural geometry depicted in Figure 3.15, the structural
complexity and scale of many stope walls would make modelling cumbersome. Therefore, as
shown in Figure 3.15 simplifications are necessary. In addition, discrete element modelling of
block stability requires assumptions about the shear properties at the boundary between blocks.
These assumptions would require calibration to underground observations. This is not possible
at the feasibility stage of development.


FLAC and FLAC3D Finite Difference Modelling

FLAC and FLAC3D are two and three dimensional finite difference modelling software (Itasca
2004). FLAC and FLAC3D model the rockmass an equivalent continuum where the modelled
rockmass behaviour can be assigned various properties. Rockmass behaviour is often modelled
on empirical rock failure criteria.


Chapter 3 Stope Design

Henning and Mitri (1999) used a non-linear FLAC modelling program to examine the
influence of stope geometry, stress environment and rock material properties on hangingwall
stability at the Bousquet 2 mine, Canada. Numerical modelling predictions were consistent
with observations in stope stability. However, while low stress appeared to be a major
influence on stability at this particular mine, the modelling results were not able to take into
account structural failures due to wedges in the second stope.
Aydan (1997) suggests that the most serious limitation of the continuum numerical modelling
approaches is the tendency to assume an equivalent continuum to represent the complex array
of geological discontinuities of rock masses.
Wattimena (2003) and Mawdesley (2002) have undertaken a comprehensive review of the
application of equivalent continuum models. Both Wattimena (2003) and Mawdesley (2002)
have demonstrated significant problems with respect to mesh dependency, material properties
and post-peak properties when attempting to predict the response of a rock mass. Some
methods have been proposed to overcome mesh dependency. However, these methods are
based on simplified geometry and loading conditions, and are themselves dependent on input
parameters which are difficult to determine for rock masses (Wattimena, 2002). The accuracy
of input parameters that significantly influence model results is of paramount importance to a
model that attempts to predict stability from first principles (Mawdesley, 2002). At the
feasibility stage in a mine life it is very difficult to determine accurate estimates of the model
input parameters. Model input parameters such as friction angle, cohesion and tensile strength
are often estimated from correlations between these parameters and the assigned rockmass


Boundary Element Modelling

Boundary element modelling can also be used for equivalent continuum analysis. Like the
finite difference approach to stability assessment, excavation stability can be assessed by
evaluating stability with respect to an appropriate failure criterion. In terms of linear elastic
modelling, finite difference and boundary element models should give the same induced stress
levels. The main difference between boundary element and finite difference is that boundary
element is a static analysis where forces are resolved on the boundary of elements, while a
finite difference formulation is based on a dynamic solution to equations of motion. Therefore,
finite difference can be used to model a failure process dynamically, while boundary element
determines a steady state solution.

Chapter 3 Stope Design

Pakalnis et al. (1991) presents three case histories where PCBEM two-dimensional boundary
element models were used to predict stope stability by comparing linear elastic stresses to the
Hoek-Brown failure criterion. This approach is essentially an equivalent continuum approach.
In all three cases numerical modelling results were augmented with empirical assessment.
Pakalnis et al. (1991) found that the numerical modelling results when complimented with
adverse jointing information enabled identification of zones of instability. Pakalnis et al.
(1991) emphasised the importance of calibrating failure criterion parameters to underground


Determination of Induced Stresses

Potvin (1988) used the BITEM boundary element program to undertake a parametric study of
induced stresses for different stope geometries. The results of this study were used to produce
estimates of induced stress as required in the determination of factor A. Since the early to mid
1990s three-dimensional modelling software has become widely available and consideration of
induced stresses is part of a standard stope stability assessment. It should be noted that Kaiser
and Maloney (1992b) found that elastic models, such as Map3d tend to over estimate stress
relaxation but changes in stress can be observed. Kaiser and Maloney (1992b) suggests that
non-linearity of the rock mass during unloading explains the unreasonably large modelled
stresses. In the case of mid-stope stress determination required to evaluate factor A, linear
elastic stress are used as an index of stress. As an empirical technique, the actual stress
magnitudes are not as important as consistency in the method of estimating induced stresses.
Pakalnis (1991) undertook a parametric study of hangingwall stresses considering the effect of
two-dimensional versus three-dimensional linear elastic modelling. Based on this study
Pakalnis (1991) concluded that when the ratio of the stope length to stope height is less than
four, two-dimensional plane-strain modelling was greater than 10 percent different from the
three-dimensional result. Potvin et al. (1988) came to similar conclusions in their comparison
of two and three dimensional boundary element modelling.
The original Mathews Stability Graph, the Modified Stability Graph and the Extended
Mathews stability chart case studies were almost exclusively based on mid-stope stresses
estimated by two-dimensional linear elastic modelling. In contrast to large open stopes,
narrow-vein stopes often have stope height to length ratios exceeding four. In Potvins (1988)
two-dimensional analyses of 89 relaxed case studies (large open stopes) he found no evidence
that stress relaxation impacts on stability. However, two-dimensional plane strain modelling of

Chapter 3 Stope Design

large open stopes may indicate low or tensile stresses in cases where three-dimensional
modelling would not. Therefore, three-dimensional modelling may indicate that these case
studies were not actually relaxed.



While numerical models can be used as part of a back analysis of stope stability, the input
parameters required to predict instability are difficult to quantify without calibration against
underground observations. In an operating mine where simulation input parameters can be
calibrated to underground observations, this type of modelling may be useful when comparing
the relative stability of alternative stope designs.
Two-dimensional plane-strain linear elastic stress estimates are significantly (10 percent)
different from three-dimensional linear elastic modelling when the stope length to height ratio
is less than four. This may have implications for the narrow-vein stoping where length to width
ratios are often more than four, especially in relation to the impact of stress relaxation. The
potential for stress relaxation to impact on narrow-vein stability is discussed further in the
following chapter.



The stability graph approach is largely successful because it captures the two main stope
failure mechanisms. Local failures due to structure are taken into account by block kinematics
which is accounted for by factor B and factor C. However, when detailed scanline mapping is
available, kinematic analysis carried out using three-dimensional joint networks may have the
potential to improve stability prediction in some mining induced stress states. While failure
mechanisms associated with the stress state and overall rock mass properties are taken into
account by Q and stress factor, there is potential for narrow-vein geometries to be particularly
susceptible to stress relaxation and discrepancies between two and three dimensional
There appears to be uncertainty surrounding the applicability and usefulness of site-specific or
site-calibrated stability charts. While some authors continue to advocate site calibration of the
stability graph method, two of the primary authors and developers of the stability graph
approach see the value of site-specific stability charts as limited.


Chapter 3 Stope Design

The advantage of the original Mathews stability chart over the modified stability chart is that it
is easier to calculate. There do not appear to be any significant improvements in the predictive
ability of the modified stability chart over the original Mathews method. However, the
modified stability number is in wider use than the original method and has been published in
several textbooks. The considerable advantage of the Extended Mathews Stability Chart, over
the original Mathews Stability Graph and the Modified Stability Chart is increased range of
case studies; both in terms of hydraulic radius and stability number. In addition, the Extended
Mathews Stability Graph stable-failure boundary has been determined statistically using
logistic regression.
The objectivity possible with the ELOS stability chart is a significant advancement in
empirical stability charts, especially in relation to narrow-vein stoping. Due to the subjectivity
of what could be termed stable, the same level of ELOS associated with a stable large open
stope could result in uneconomic dilution levels at a narrow-vein mine. However, more data is
required to validate the ELOS stability chart zones and increase the general applicability of the
model. It is worth noting that the increasing availability of the objective continuous stability
variable, ELOS is amenable to other empirical modelling techniques. The same data used to
develop the ELOS stability chart could be used to develop mathematical models to predict
Numerical modelling and analytical methods general applicability is limited because both
approaches only account for one failure mechanism. However, when employed in combination
with empirical approaches which capture a broader range of stability parameters, both
numerical and kinematic analyses have the potential to improve stability prediction in some
circumstances. This is particularly true in the case of sites where scanline mapping has been
undertaken and it is possible to evaluate stability using a three-dimensional joint network and
limit equilibrium analysis. Provided input parameters are calibrated to reality, the equivalent
continuum approach using a failure criterion has the potential to improve stability prediction at
an operating mine. Neither analytical nor numerical methods in isolation are likely to provide
reliable stope stability predictions at the feasibility stage of a project.
Existing empirical stope stability models do not take into account a number of the parameters
believed to affect stope stability. Despite this, stability charts are approximately 80 percent
accurate in terms of predicting instability. This implies that those factors taken into account are
able to predict instability in 80 percent of cases. One of the objectives of this thesis is to assess


Chapter 3 Stope Design

whether this level of accuracy applies to narrow-vein stability prediction. It has been
hypothesised that some parameters excluded from the formulation of existing stability charts
may have a greater influence on narrow-vein stability than on large open stope stability. For
this reason there is some uncertainty associated with the accuracy of existing stability charts to
narrow-vein stability prediction. In the following chapter, parameters believed to affect
narrow-vein stope stability have been reviewed with the purpose of prioritising research



Seven parameters believed to have a high potential to affect narrow-vein stability and not
generally incorporated into stability charts have been reviewed. The effect of one or more of
these parameters has the potential to dominate stability at a narrow-vein mine and in this case
explicit consideration of the dominant factor or factors would be warranted. Factors and
methods to take into account moving backfill abutments, stress relaxation, stress damage,
complex geometry and undercutting have been qualitatively reviewed. In most cases further
validation is required to determine the applicability of these factors to narrow-vein dilution
prediction. The effect of time, blast damage, stress relaxation, undercutting and stress damage
are rock mass dependent and therefore, to some extent are taken into account by Q. For this
reason narrow-vein mines may be more sensitive to Q than large open stopes. If this is the
case then the stability chart approach could be calibrated to narrow-vein conditions. The
possibility of developing site-specific stability charts for narrow-vein mines is considered in
the following chapter. Improved dilution prediction facilitates a more accurate comparison of
total costs per tonne for longhole versus conventional mining methods.



For various reasons including improved safety and economies of scale, longhole stoping is
increasingly the mining method of choice for narrow-vein orebodies with dip exceeding the
angle of repose of the ore. Incentives to increase the size of stopes, equipment and blasts relate
to the economies of scale which have the potential to increase productivity and decrease costs
(Scoble and Moss, 1994). However, as discussed in Chapter 2, the increasing employment of
longhole stoping in narrow-vein mines has been associated with increased dilution. The
following parameters are considered for their potential effect on narrow-vein dilution:

Drilling and blasting effects.


Backfill abutments.


Effect of time.

Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters


Stress relaxation.


Stress damage.


Complex geometry and in-stope pillars.


Effect of undercutting of stope walls.

The stability graph approach to stope design has been widely adopted for open stope design.
The literature relating to stability graphs does not preclude its application to narrow-vein
stoping. However, applicability to narrow-vein operating conditions could be adversely
affected by a number of parameters not generally included in the stability graph approach. In
this chapter, factors or methods proposed to take into account some of these parameters have
been qualitatively reviewed. Based on the review of the potential effect of each of these
parameters to narrow-vein dilution research priorities and strategies can be determined.



Based on experience Scoble and Moss (1994) suggest that dilution due to blasting overbreak in
longhole stopes is typically one metre, with more in narrow-vein orebodies. Clark and
Pakalnis's (1997) ELOS dilution chart categorises ELOS less than 0.5 metres as blast damage
only. Clark and Pakalnis (1997) note that the quantity of ELOS associated with blasting will
depend on the quality of drilling and blasting. Potvin (1988) suggests that in most cases, blast
induced dilution could not be isolated by the stability graph because blasting was not a
dominant cause of instability. Within the context of large open stopes 0.5 to 1.0 metres blast
related overbreak would probably not represent a failure. This explains why within Potvin
(1988) database of relatively large stopes he could not isolate blast induced dilution as a
stability issue. However, as discussed in Chapter 2, 0.5 to 1.0 metres ELOS would have a
significant economic effect on narrow-vein mines.
The relationship between overbreak and damage appears to be rockmass dependent. Therefore,
it could be argued that because damage is rockmass dependent (low Q stopes would have
higher levels of blast damage than high Q stopes), blast damage is indirectly taken into
account by the inclusion of Q in existing stability charts (Mathews et al., 1981; Potvin, 1988;
Mawdesley et al., 2001). This could account for the reason why, even though blasting
parameters are not included in the most commonly used empirical stability charts, the stability
charts generally provide predictive accuracy of approximately 80 percent.


Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters


Overbreak and Blast Damage

Singh (1998) defines overbreak as the breakage of rock beyond the designed profile of an
excavation. This definition distinguishes overbreak from other sources of dilution such as
slough, wedge failures, slabbing and unravelling. Blast damage is defined as the creation,
extension and/or opening of pre-existing geological discontinuities in the rock mass
(Villaescusa et al., 2003). Blast induced damage weakens a rockmass, potentially leading to
stability problems when the excavation size is increased (Villaescusa et al., 2003).
Clark (1995) summary of previous work on blast induced damage indicates that strain or shock
energy is one of two blast damage mechanisms. In good quality rocks, strain or shock energy
has the greatest effect on damage, while in the case of highly fractured poor rockmasses the
gas energy dominates blast damage mechanisms (Clark, 1995). The most common method of
identifying blast damage potential is the peak particle velocity (PPV) (Singh, 1998). The strain
produced in the rock mass is proportional to PPV, which is a measure of the damage causing
potential of a blast (Singh, 1998). However, Germain and Hadjigeorgiou (1997) refer to
personal communications with Clark and Pakalnis (1997) indicating that attempts to link PPV
with overbreak at two mine sites had produced conflicting and inconclusive results. Germain
and Hadjigeorgiou (1997) suggests the reason for these inconclusive results may be that
uncertainty in drilling and blasting parameters results in poor charge distribution.
Villaescusa et al. (2003) determined a site-specific Holmsberg-Persson critical PPV or damage
threshold model for the Mt Isa lead mine bench stopes. Using the site-specific critical PPV
their analysis predicted that the extent of blast damage of hangingwalls was of the order of 3.6
metres depending on hole location. Observed damage (down-hole video survey) ranged from 5
metres to 8 metres. The only discussion of the relationship between overbreak and damage was
to note that the extent of blast damage generally extends beyond overbreak boundaries. In a
similar study conducted at the Bousquet mine by Henning et al. (1997) and reported by Diakite
(1998), higher blast vibrations in primary stopes were associated with higher maximum linear
overbreak than the secondary stopes with lower vibrations levels.
It seems that because the relationship between blast damage and overbreak is rockmass
dependent there is no generic model for predicting overbreak using blast damage modelling.
However, individual mines could compare overbreak stability to damage modelling and use
this information in blast design. The value of blast damage modelling is in the ability to
compare the blast damage potential of alternative drill and blast designs.


Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters


Blast Design

Wang et al. (2002a) found that stopes drilled with parallel holes had more dilution than fanned
holes. These conclusions were based on comparing the average difference between the actual
and predicted ELOS for the two groups. The average difference between the actual and
predicted ELOS for the fanned hole stopes was 0.19 metres, whilst the average difference
between actual and predicted ELOS for the parallel hole stopes was 0.67 metres. Wang et al.
(2002a) suggest that although parallel patterns give better explosive distribution and allow for
wall control blasting, parallel holes are very sensitive to borehole deviation. In contrast, Clark
and Pakalnis (1997) found a tendency for overbreak to increase when holes are fanned as
opposed to drilled parallel to stope surfaces. The difference between Clark and Pakalnis (1997)
and Wang et al. (2002a) findings is an example of the complexity of the issue of the effect of
drilling and blast pattern on dilution and points to the difficulty of attempting to predict
dilution based on blast design.
Pakalnis (1986) introduced a blast correction factor to his dilution prediction model. However,
he noted that this value is difficult to estimate and recorded blast-related dilution as the
damage observable after the slot was extracted (Pakalnis, 1986). Potvin (1988) hypothesised
that the blast induced dilution observed by Pakalnis (1986) could be attributed to the unusually
high charge weights per delay.
Germain and Hadjigeorgiou (1997) used CMS surveys of overbreak and underbreak from the
Louvicourt mine, Canada to determine statistical correlations between stope performance and
powder factor. Stope performance is defined in Equation 4.1.

StopePerformance = 1

Overbreak + Underbreak

Equation 4.1

The correlation coefficient for the relationship between stope performance and powder factor
was 0.083, with a standard deviation of +/-0.185. This indicates that at the Louvicourt mine,
powder factor was not related to stope performance.
Scoble and Moss (1994) discuss the potential for blast damage at the slot to unravel from the
hangingwall as the stope is mined out. The confinement related slot dilution would be
analogous to the high confinement longhole rises which are often used to start a narrow-vein


Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

Clark and Pakalnis (1997) found, using scatter plots and neural network analysis that
overbreak increases with blasthole diameter and blasthole length. This contrasts with the
Ruttan data which indicated dilution was not sensitive to changes in blasthole diameter (151
mm ITH holes compared to 51 mm conventional holes) (Pakalnis, 1986). However, personal
experience with drilling and surveying of ITH and conventional drill holes at the now closed
Renison Tin mine in Tasmania leads the author to believe that the increased accuracy possible
with ITH compared to standard longhole drilling may have countered the negative effect of
higher blast damage potential.
Pageau et al. (1992) found that by implementing smooth wall blasting, including a pre-split,
they were able to reduce dilution at the Richmont mines, Francouer mine Quebec from 10-15
percent to 5 percent. They were particularly critical of attempts to relate overbreak to powder
factor and believed that pre-shearing is effective in controlling hangingwall damage due to
shock energy and placed emphasis on provision of adequate free face (reduced burden) to
prevent damage due to gas energy. As a consequence of drillhole placement design, more
drillhole metres were required per cubic metre (Pageau et al., 1992). In terms of dilution
minimisation, the resultant elevated powder factor was deemed less important than ensuring
reduced burden. Similarly, Williams (2002) benchmarking study of 80 case studies from the
Campbell mine, Canada found no trends between the average explosive energy density
(pounds per ton) and stope stability.
At Incos Thompson mine in Manitoba, Canada a process improvement team was formed to
reduce dilution (Revey, 1998). After analysing all the parameters influencing dilution, the
process improvement team concluded that drilling accuracy was critical to dilution reduction
(Revey, 1998). Aplin (1997) identified inaccurate longhole drilling as one of the causes of
dilution at the Selebi North mine in Botswana. Both Cambell mine and Thompson mine are
large open stoping mines.


Millisecond Blasting (Electronic Detonator Blasting)

According to the elastic theory developed by Ito and Sasa (1968) simultaneous detonation of
adjacent holes results in greater maximum stress, which then results in larger tensile cracks
between holes. By firing perimeter holes at the same time elastic theory indicates that there is a
increased probability that the cracks generated between holes will join and this results in
preferential splitting of the rock along the perimeter. For this reason it is a common practice in
underground development or tunnelling to fire perimeter holes on the same delay number. This

Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

is different form pre-split where the holes are fired as a separate blast before the main blast.
Following from this theory, Ichijo et al. (1994) hypothesise that the large tensile cracks
resulting from the improved simultaneity possible with millisecond blasting, will result in less
damage to the rock mass and therefore, a smoother blast profile.
In order to validate this theory, Ichijo et al. (1994) and Yamamoto et al. (1999) conducted a
well-controlled study of the effect of electronic delay detonators on tunnel overbreak and rock
mass damage at the Kamaishi mine, Japan. Of the five rounds fired, three were deemed
suitable for further analysis (Yamamoto et al., 1999). During each round, half of the tunnel
was fired using electronic delays, while the other half was fired using pyrotechnic delays. The
rock mass at the experimental site is described as very hard granodiorite with high UCS and a
high Youngs modulus. Yamamoto et al.'s (1999) analysis of these results indicates that the use
of millisecond delays resulted in a six percent difference in the ratio of actual to design crosssectional area compared to pyrotechnic delays. A ratio of one indicates no overbreak, while
greater than one indicates overbreak and less than one indicates underbreak. The difference of
six percent, was obtained by setting all underbreak excavations ratios to one. This was done to
account for underbreak removal in a tunnelling scenario (Yamamoto et al., 1999). However,
because the pyrotechnic delays have a larger standard deviation than the electronic delay
detonators, setting of underbreak excavation ratios to one has biased the statistical analysis. In
addition, Yamamoto et al. (1999) calculated the standard deviation of the difference between
the two data sets incorrectly. The standard deviations were subtracted, when the standard
deviation should have been calculated according to Equation 4.2 (Devore 1991), where m and
n are the respective sample sizes of the two data sets.

X Y =



Equation 4.2

Statistical revaluation using Equation 4.2 and including the undercut values indicates no
significant difference at the 95 percent confidence level, with a p value of 0.35. When the
undercut values are set to zero, as suggested by Yamamoto et al. (1999), there was still no
significant difference, with a slightly improved p value of 0.19. A p value of 0.19 means that
there is a 19 percent probability that there was no difference between the two data sets, or in
other words that data sets were not significantly different. It is usual to reject a hypothesis if
the p value at either the 95 percent level (p value > 0.05) or the 90 percent level (p value >

Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

While direct evidence of overbreak has been shown to be inconclusive, Yamamoto et al.
(1999) and Ichijo et al. (1994) have strong evidence to indicate millisecond blasting results in
reduced damage to the rock mass. Both borehole trace analysis and seismic tomography results
indicate that the region of damage was smaller when using millisecond delays compared to
pyrotechnic delays (Yamamoto et al., 1999).
Yamamoto et al. (1999) extended these ideas to produce a finite element numerical simulation
based upon fracture mechanics. These simulations appear to indicate that in cases where time
errors are in the order of tens of s or less, the stress waves arising result in a fracture surface
on the line connecting holes. However, it should be noted that cracks between holes also
occurred for holes initiation separated by 350 s. The reported results (Yamamoto et al., 1999)
do not cover the same time period so it is difficult to compare the results. Olsson and Bergqvist
(1996) investigated the influence of scatter in delays timing through a series of trials carried
out in a quarry in southern Sweden. Based upon these trials Olsson and Bergqvist (1996)
concluded that instantaneous initiation by electronic detonators is the best way to achieve short
cracks. Unfortunately, crack lengths results for simultaneous initiation were not reported so it
is difficult to ascertain how these conclusions were reached.
Solomon and MacNulty (1999) cite the Chamber of Mines Research Organisation (Brinkman
et al., 1987) as including blast damage control as an advantage of millisecond delay blasting.
However, two summary papers reporting on the findings of this project by Brinkman et al.
(1987) and Giltner and Brinkman (1990) do not make any conclusions in relation to blast
damage control. It should be noted that all four references presenting evidence of the
advantages of millisecond blasting have a commercial interest in the wider application of
millisecond blasting (Yamamoto et al., 1999; Ichijo et al., 1994; Solomon and MacNulty,
1999; Olsson and Bergqvist, 1996). On the other hand, Brinkman et al. (1987) and Giltner and
Brinkman (1990) with no vested commercial interest in the application of millisecond delays,
make no mention of their effect on overbreak or rock mass damage.


Resue Mining using Millisecond Blasting

One application of millisecond blasting technology has been commercialised under the name
of Selective Blast Mining, SBM, (Bock et al., 1998). It is a variation of resue stoping, and uses
electronic or millisecond blasting to separate ore and waste during a single blast. SBM
contrasts with the Dome resue mining experience where the waste was blasted in a separate
blast after the ore had been bogged by LHDs (Robertson, 1986). Millisecond blasting may

Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

present an opportunity to minimise dilution using a modern version of resue mining.

Application of millisecond technology at West Rand Shaft appeared to result in the successful
separation of ore and waste in a single blast. Bock et al., (1998) claims that Selective Blast
Mining results in an increase in mine call factor from 80 percent to 90 percent. Mine call factor
is another name for mine recovery. However, this claim is not backed up by data, and appears
to be a theoretical claim based on the assumption that lower powder factor involved in the ore
fragmenting second stage results in reduced losses of fine gold liberated during blasting. It is
conceivable that this technology could be applied in steeply dipping longhole stopes. At this
stage the technology lacks independent evaluation.


Drill-split Tool System

A second important technological development in the fields of narrow vein mining is a

conceptual design presented by Lombardi (1994) and Brewis (1995) of a drill-split narrow vein
mining system. The system employs the US Bureau of Mines developed drill-split tool where a
mechanical wedge and expanding feather mechanism breaks the rock in tension. An important
feature of such technology is that the drill split system results in minimal wall rock overbreak
(Brewis, 1995). Cessation of U.S. Bureau of Mines Research in 1996 has left further
development of this technology to others.



Causes of blast related dilution are complex and difficult to quantify. Because the impact on
dilution of blast related overbreak in large open stopes is generally considered relatively minor,
the stability graph approach has not taken into account blasting factors. In contrast, narrowvein mine blast related overbreak has the potential to significantly affect the economic viability
of a mine. The parameters affecting blast overbreak are complex with variability associated
with rock mass properties, quality control issues and equipment characteristics complicating
empirical analysis of design parameters. Empirical studies of the effect of blasting parameters
on overbreak have produced conflicting conclusions, with uncertainty surrounding the effect of
fan drilling versus parallel drilling, charge weight per delay, powder factor and PPV.
The literature indicates that smaller drillhole diameters, millisecond detonation, decreased
burden and/or confinement have the potential to reduce blast damage. Whether reduced blast
damage translates into less overbreak or not, will depend on the original rockmass quality and
degree of degradation associated with blast damage. For this reason Q may to some extent take
into account blast overbreak potential.

Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

Several authors have identified drill and blast quality control issues as critical to overbreak
minimisation. Smooth wall blasting techniques including pre-split have proved successful in
reducing stope dilution.
To date there is insufficient evidence to conclude that simultaneous millisecond blasting results
in significantly less overbreak than the less accurate simultaneous pyrotechnic delay
detonation. However, the results of borehole trace length analysis and seismic tomography at
the Kamaishi mine trial do indicate reduced damage of the rock mass when millisecond delays
are used. There has been no work done in relation to translating the effects of millisecond
instantaneous initiation in a stoping environment.



Existing empirical stability charts treat backfill abutments the same as solid rock abutments
(Potvin, 1988; Hutchinson and Diederichs, 1996; Milne, 1996). Potvin (1988) back analysed
59 case histories from a single transverse stoping mine to examine the effect of backfill to
determine how best to treat backfill abutments in terms of calculating hydraulic radius from
stope span. He found that when the length was taken as the summation of adjacent stope spans
along strike, the modified stability chart incorrectly predicts failure. Therefore, Potvin (1988)
argues that the stope span should be taken as the unfilled span as these stopes plot correctly
when the span is taken as the unfilled span. Potvin (1988) acknowledges that while the
hypothesis was verified for this particular mine, monitoring instrumentation and more case
histories are required to prove this hypothesis generally.
Pakalnis (1986) statistical examination of the effect of adjacent filled stopes on dilution found
no correlation or sensitivity, at the 99 percent level of confidence for the five stopes affected
by adjacent backfill. However, Pakalnis (1986) was of the opinion that the data was
insufficient to be a reliable estimator. Hutchinson and Diederichs (1996) recommend that
backfill abutments be taken into account by considering a range of HR values. This results in a
range of HR values and gives some indication as to the risk associated with backfill abutments.
Milne (1996) distinguishes between the role of backfill in large open stopes and the role of
backfill in continuous backfilling scenarios. Milne (1996) suggests that the mechanisms of
support are invoked differently under the two mining scenarios. In large open stoping, a stope
is only extracted when the adjacent stope has been completely backfilled. Milne (1996)
explains that the hangingwall deformation profile is effectively frozen in place and this limits

Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

deformation in the adjacent stope. However, in the case of a continuous mining and backfilling
scenarios, such as modified Avoca, the hangingwall adjacent to the open stope surface would
facilitate greater deformation than would be possible otherwise (Milne, 1996). Milne (1996)
proposes that the effective final span converges to the sum of the opening after blasting plus
the opening span after backfilling. However, due to insufficient data, Milne (1996) was unable
to confirm this hypothesis. However, the results of extensive hangingwall monitoring
(extensometers) at the Winston lake mine did suggest that the common practice of treating a
moving backfill abutment like a rock abutment is overly optimistic (Milne, 1996).



The batch type filling sequence associated with transverse longhole stoping has not been
associated with increased stope instability. Therefore, the original recommendation that a
backfill abutment can be treated the same as a solid abutment appears reasonable. However,
there is compelling evidence that continuous backfilling sequences such as those used in
narrow-vein stoping result in what has been termed a moving backfill abutment, and that a
moving backfill abutment can not be treated the same as the batch type fill. The proposal to use
the average of the maximum and minimum open span is a logical method for taking into
account the effect of moving backfill abutments. However further validation is required.



Numerous authors report evidence of the time dependent properties of underground excavation
stability (Bienawski, 1989; Bawden, 1993b; Carter and Miller, 1996; Tharp, 1997; Villaescusa
et al., 2003). Potvin (1988) found that openings plotting within the transition zone were
sensitive to the effects of blasting and time. In addition, time dependent properties have also
been measured in the laboratory (Atkinson and Meredith, 1987; Martin et al., 1997; Shao et al.,
1997; Linkov, 2000).
Figure 4.1 is a graph developed by Bienawski (1989) to empirically relate excavation stand-up
times, minimum span and rock mass rating, RMR. However, Franklin and Palasi (1993) argue
that Bieniawskis upper and lower bounds are due to limitations of the data rather than real
stability boundaries. Franklin and Palasi (1993) developed a slightly different chart to
represent the same parameters and data. Clark and Pakalnis (1997) scatter plot analysis showed
a correlation between equivalent linear overbreak (ELOS) and the number of stope blasts, and
neural network analysis showed a correlation between ELOS and stope life. Pakalnis (1986)


Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

empirical model to predict dilution at Ruttan mine incorporates excavation rate that is an
indirect incorporation of the effect of time.
The effect of time on narrow-vein stope stability may not be a severe as in most large open
stopes where stope wall failure can contribute to dilution for several months while the stope is
extracted. However, in the case of sublevel retreat (without fill) narrow-vein stoping an uneven
retreat profile has the potential to allow dilution from levels above to become entrained in ore
mucked on lower levels.

Figure 4.1 Graph relating RMR and minimum span to stand-up time, after Bienawski (1989)



There appears to be significant evidence in the literature of the effect of time on stope stability,
especially in the case of stopes that plot adjacent to the stable-failure boundary. Empirical
relationships between rockmass quality and stand-up time indicate that the effect of time on
stope stability is rockmass dependent and therefore, may be implicitly taken into account by



The literature refers in numerous cases to the negative effect of stress relaxation, low stress and
or tensile stress (Hutchinson et al., 1992; Clark and Pakalnis, 1997; Paraszczak, 1992;
Diederichs and Kaiser, 1999; Wang et al., 2002b). However, few authors have attempted to

Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

quantify the magnitude of its effect or whether it should be taken into account in empirical
stope stability charts.
Potvin (1988) postulates that the effect of relaxation is indirectly taken into account by the
factor C and that this is the reason he found no difference between the relaxed data subset and
the rest of his database. Clark and Pakalnis (1997) took issue with factor A being set to one in
cases where the induced stress is low or tensile, citing the potential destabilising effect of low
stress or tensile stress on stability. Clark and Pakalnis (1997) conclude that more work is
required to fully understand the effect of stress on hangingwall and footwall stability.
Diederichs and Kaiser (1999) used a UDEC numerical modelling simulation to show that
relaxation reduces the self-supporting capacity of the excavation. Diederichs and Kaiser (1999)
propose an adjustment for relaxation that links voussoir analogues to the modified stability
graph. The method uses an iterative procedure to locate logical upper and lower parametric
limits and assumes; A equal one (low stress), B equals 0.3 (surface parallel jointing) and C
equals two (horizontal roof). Youngs modulus and UCS are then estimated based upon the
empirical relations stated in Equation 4.3 and Equation 4.4.

E rockmass = 5 Q'

Equation 4.3

UCS = 20 Q'

Equation 4.4

Diederichs and Kaiser (1999) qualify the use of these formulae for a moderately relaxed setting
by stating that these formulae are not used as engineering recommendations, but rather as
reasonable baseline assumptions in order to create a generalised model to assess the effects of
relaxation. Based upon these assumptions N is derived using the relation 150 times the cube
of the thickness.
The Voussoir simulation was run using the relationships above to relate N to UCS, E, Q and
thickness; the simulation was run using different hydraulic radius (Diederichs and Kaiser,
1999). The partition between stable and unstable has been calibrated using Potvin (1988) upper
no-support limit (Diederichs and Kaiser, 1999). The hydraulic radii for critical square openings
are uniformly 0.77 times that of critical tunnel spans for equivalent N values. The voissoir
simulation predicts a square span is equivalent to a long tunnel with a span equal to 0.65 times


Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

the square span (Diederichs and Kaiser, 1999). Therefore, square spans are 0.77 times the HR
of critical tunnel spans (Diederichs and Kaiser, 1999). This corresponds well with the 0.72
correction proposed by Milne (1996) using a radius factor based upon the harmonic average
distance of the centre of the span to the perimeter.
Based upon the results of these simulations and calibrated against the Thompson mine data
(Greer, 1989; Bawden 1993a), Diederichs and Kaiser (1999) developed an adjustment to A for
states of relaxation based on tensile stress (T) Equation 4.5.


A = 0.9e


Equation 4.5

However, this calibration is based upon a data set affected by other operational conditions
described by Greer (1989). Greer (1989) back analysed Thompson mine case histories to
determine how well Potvins modified stability chart predicted stability at this particular site.
Greers analysis found unstable hangingwall case histories were largely misclassified as stable
(Bawden, 1993b). Although this particular case uses Potvins modified stability graph, the
Extended Mathews stability chart would have predicted similarly erroneous stability
predictions. Greer (1989) identified operational conditions such as blast damage, the effect of
adjacent sand fill and delays to filling as likely causes for the misclassification. Early versions
of the vertical crater retreat method were used during this period of the Thompson mine life.
This method can result in significant blast damage due to inherently more blasting confinement
and higher powder factors than long-hole stoping.



From a theoretical perspective stress relaxation has significant potential to decrease stope
stability. However, there are limited stope stability case studies to support the theory that stress
relaxation adversely affects stope stability. This may be because stress relaxation is more likely
to be affected by fair or poor quality rock masses and that because rock quality is taken into
account in Q, the effect of stress damage is implicitly taken into account. In addition, plain
strain two-dimensional modelling may have indicated a relaxed state when in fact the stopes
would not have appeared relaxed if three-dimensional modelling had been used.
Due to their tabular geometry and usually continuous extraction sequences, narrow-vein stopes
are particularly susceptible to the development of low or tensile stress in stope hangingwalls


Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

and footwalls. This is especially true when the maximum principal stress is perpendicular to
strike. Therefore, if stress relaxation does significantly affect stope stability, narrow-vein
mines are more likely to be affected than wide large open stopes where there is less of a
propensity for stress relaxation.




Stress Damage

In generic terms, rock is considered damaged when the strength of the rock is reduced. In
fracture mechanics, damage or crack damage threshold refers to the onset of irreversible
volumetric strain (Bawden, 2002). Volumetric strain is simply a measure of rock deformation.
Wiles (2002) uses a post peak-strength damage definition. This approach is well suited to an
empirical failure criterion based damage model. Irrespective of the damage definition, the most
important consideration is that the damage model parameters are calibrated to underground
observations. As shown in the stress-strain curve shown in Figure 4.2, the onset of stress
damage (or yield) marks a change from linear elastic deformation to non-linear plastic
deformation (Bawden, 2002). Up until the onset of stress damage, removal of the unloading
stress-strain path follows the same linear path as loading. Prior to the onset of crack damage
deformations are recoverable.

Micro-cracking < 0.5 %

Axial Stress

crack damage threshold

< 1%
Sliding on
cracks < 10 %

crack initiation threshold

Figure 4.2 Stress-strain curve for hard rock


Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters


Predicting Stress Damage

Deviatoric stress has been calibrated to underground stress damage observations. A deviatoric
stress based damage criterion is expressed in Equation 4.6 where 1 and 3 are the maximum
and minimum principal stresses, respectively and ci is the in situ crack initiation stress
(Kaiser, 1994; Castro et al., 1996; Martin and Read, 1996).

1 3 ci

Equation 4.6

The input parameter, ci can be estimated from the short-term UCS, which is usually available.
The AECL Mine-by experiment indicates that the in situ crack initiation stress occurs at about
0.3 times the UCS (Martin and Read, 1996). While the deviatoric stress approach has been
calibrated to rock masses (Castro et al., 1996; Martin and Read, 1996), the calibration process
was limited to the massive or moderately jointed rock mass observations at the AECLs
Underground Research Laboratory experimental mine (Martin and Read, 1996) and the
Sudbury neutrino observatory cavern (Castro et al., 1996). This calibration also indicated that
damage in massive and moderately jointed rock can be directly linked to the lab tested crack
initiation threshold. Laboratory testing of rock specimens predicts crack initiation occurs when
the deviatoric stress is between 0.25 and 0.5 times the UCS (Bawden, 2003a).


Effect of Stress Damage on Stope Stability

While post-stoping stresses are taken into account in all variants of the Stability Graph
approach (Mathews et al., 1981; Potvin, 1988; Clark and Pakalnis, 1997; Mawdesley et al.,
2001), the stability graph approach does not take into account the stresses experienced by stope
walls prior to stoping. However, Sprott et al. (1999) propose an adjustment to the stability
graph approach to account for pre-mining stresses. Formulation of Sprott et al. (1999) stress
damage factor D is based on changes in deviatoric stress. The stress factor D formulation is
based on the extra stress deviator. The extra stress deviator is the difference between the prestoping deviatoric stress, (1-3) and the in situ deviatoric stress (P1-P3), as calculated in
Equation 4.7. The stress damage factor is then determined using Figure 4.3.
ExtraStressDeviator = ( 1 3 ) ( P1 P3 )

Equation 4.7

Sprott et al. (1999) stress damage adjustments were successfully applied at the three large
open-stoping Hemlo operations in Canada to predict stope stability and evaluate alternative

Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

extraction sequences. However, this approach does not consider the full stress history
experienced by the stope wall, only the pre-stoping stress.

Figure 4.3 Stress damage graph, with calibration case studies shown after Sprott et al. (1999)



Stress damage has been demonstrated to affect stope stability. Deviatoric stress can be used to
predict the onset of stress damage. However, the deviatoric stress damage criterion was
calibrated in massive or moderately jointed rock masses and its applicability to fair and poor
rock masses remains to be validated. Stress factor D is based on case studies from three Hemlo
operations in Canada and therefore its applicability may be limited to similar rock mass
conditions as those encountered at these mines.
Both large and narrow-vein stopes are extracted in multiple blasts, which could result in shortterm stress concentration above pre-mining stress levels. Retreat longhole narrow-vein stoping
produces high stress concentration at the brow. Because the brow is extracted in small
increments along strike there is potential for stress damage associated with the brow to affect
large areas of hangingwall and footwall. Therefore, stress damage has the potential to affect
narrow-vein stability especially as narrow-vein mining depths increase.



The literature contains three main approaches to taking into account the size of an underground
excavation. The first approach was minimum span. Minimum span was developed in the
context of civil engineering tunnels where the second dimension, the ends of the tunnel, are far
enough apart to not provide significant support to the tunnel. Recognising that in the case of

Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

stope surfaces, the second dimension is such that two-way spanning can be expected,
Laubscher (1977) introduced the concept of hydraulic radius to underground excavation
empirical design. Hydraulic radius is defined as the area divided by the perimeter. As a
mathematical function it is characterised by convergence to half the minimum span, such that
at nine times the minimum span, the hydraulic radius is within 90 percent of its maximum
value (Milne, 1996). Milne (1996) notes that this property implies the far ends of the
excavation provide significant support even when length is nine times the minimum span.
Milne (1996) draws upon Brady and Brown (1993) analytical conclusion that the restraint
offered by the proximity of the face in an advancing tunnel is negligible at a distance of 1.5
times the tunnel span to suggest that hydraulic radius should approach its maximum value at
approximately three times the span as opposed to nine times. To illustrate this point he uses an
example of 10 metre by 100 metre surface having the same hydraulic radius as an 18.2 metre
by 18.2 metres surface, suggesting that the two surfaces are unlikely to have the same stability.
Based upon analysis of logistic regression statistics Mawdesley et al. (2001) found that
hydraulic radius is a very good predictor of stope stability and slightly better than minimum
span. These conclusions are based upon the 485 case histories contained in the Extended
Mathews Stability Chart (Mawdesley et al., 2001). However, it should be noted that this
database is largely comprised of large open stoping data which are usually associated with
aspect ratios less than three.
In the case of narrow-vein mining irregular geometry is encountered relatively frequently. The
presence of in-stope pillars presents geometry for which it is particularly difficult to estimate a
hydraulic radius (Li, 2000). Milne (1996) discusses the difficulty in estimating hydraulic
radius for stopes with irregular geometries due to post pillars, raises and irregular wall
geometries. Often there is more than one way of calculating hydraulic radius (Milne, 1996). As
discussed in Chapter 3 Milne et al. (1996a), Milne et al. (1996b) and McHaughty (1994)
developed the concept of harmonic radius to take into account irregular stope geometry. The
term harmonic radius was suggested to Milne et al. (1996b) through personal communications
as a means of estimating the average distance to abutments. A harmonic average is used to
ensure that the large distances do not overly influence the calculated average (Milne et al.,
Milne et al. (1996b) proposed radius factor, which is half the maximum harmonic radius, as it
closely approximates the hydraulic radius of a surface (Milne et al., 1996b). The effective


Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

radius factor (ERF) is the harmonic radius at any point on the surface (Milne et al., 1996b).
The maximum harmonic radius occurs at the centre of a surface (Milne et al., 1996b). Milne et
al. (1996b) applied the radius factor concept to the following two mines; Detour Lake mine,
Ontario, Canada and Brunswick mine, New Brunswick, Canada.
The Detour lake mine is a longhole sub-level retreat mine and the extraction sequence is
illustrated in Figure 4.4. Operators of this mine were most interested in overbreak with
potential for entrainment in the ore on the mucking/extraction levels (Milne et al., 1996b).
Milne et al. (1996b) found that the effective radius factor, ERF was useful for evaluating the
stability of the zone of hangingwall near the retreating mining front. Figure 4.4 shows the area
with an ERF greater than 12 and greater than one metre of predicted overbreak. The overbreak
associated with the area shown as crosshatched in Figure 4.4 could be expected to contribute to
dilution. Milne et al. (1996b) found that understanding which areas of the hanging-wall
produce overbreak greater than 1 metre, enabled mine design engineers to adjust the mining
retreat front and relocate pillars to minimise mucking overbreak with ore. Noranda Technology
Centre, Montreal developed a program that automatically calculates effective radius for any
point on a surface or grid pattern (Milne et al., 1996b).

Figure 4.4 Sub-level retreat stope at Detour Lake mine showing effect on ERF on stability, after
Milne et al. (1996b)


Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

Milne et al. (1996b) demonstrated a clear trend linking effective radius factor and both strain
and movement detected an extensometer installed in the hangingwall of Brunswick mine 16 N
stope. The trend in the detection of increased movement and strain was demonstrated as
subsequent stope blasts resulted in an effective radius factor of 2.6, 8.5 and 12.4, respectively.
Figure 4.5 demonstrates the relationship between effective radius factor and strain and
movement. Increases in strain and movement can both be taken as indicators of decreased
hangingwall stability.
The concept of harmonic radius and effective radius were used by Trueman and Doktan (1999)
to calculate effective radius factor for the sublevel retreat stopes at Kundana Gold mine,
Western Australia. In-stope or rib pillars were left every 15 to 17 metres along strike and made
determination of a hydraulic radius ambiguous and difficult. For this reason, Trueman and
Doktan (1999) proposed that empirical stope stability analysis be undertaken using effective
radius factor in place of hydraulic radius.

Figure 4.5 Deformation detected by hangingwall extensometer at Brunswick mine 18 N stope,

after Milne et al. (1996b)


Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters



Hydraulic radius has been shown to be a good predictor of stability for stope surfaces with
regular geometry and aspect ratios less than three. Effective radius factor has been validated as
a useful predictor of stability, especially for complex stope geometry. It has been demonstrated
that for simple geometry with aspect ratios less than three, hydraulic radius and radius factor
are approximately equal. Radius factor can be used in place of hydraulic radius for complex
stope geometries with respect to empirical stope stability prediction.



Mining of ore widths less than the minimum sublevel or sill drive width of 2.5 metres results
in undercutting of either the hangingwall or footwall (Brewis, 1995). Clark and Pakalnis
(1997) found that stopes walls with a modified stablity number less than five, are very
sensitive to undercutting. Clark and Pakalnis (1997) found that overbreak equal to or greater
than the undercut should be anticipated for stopes with stability numbers less than five.
Germain and Hadjigeorgiou (1997) note that a hangingwall will be less stable and more
sensitive to blast vibrations if it is undercut by too much development work.
Based on the premise that reduced clamping stresses associated with a relaxed hangingwall
results in instability in large hangingwalls, Wang et al. (2002b) developed the following
undercutting factor (UF) to take into account the effect of undercutting (and overcutting on the
level above) on hangingwall stability Equation 4.8.

UF =

lo + lu
d + du
2 (L + H )

Equation 4.8

lo = Drift length where undercutting occurs on the overcut sill drive
lu = Drift length where undercutting occurs on the undercut sill drive
L = stope strike length
H = Stope height (up dip)
do= Average depth of undercutting along the overcut driftb length lo
d1 = Average depth of undercutting along the undercut drift length lu
The effect of UF on dilution was studied empirically using 146 case studies from Trout Lake
mine, Canada and 45 case studies from Callinan mine, Canada. The difference between

Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

dilution predicted using Clark and Pakalnis (1997) Dilution Graph and measured ELOS was
compared to UF. This study confirmed that undercutting was a contributing factor in measured
ELOS being 0.5 metres greater than predicted.
While Wang et al. (2002b) have demonstrated the adverse effect of undercutting and
developed a parameter to quantify the extent of undercutting, they have not proposed how UF
could be incorporated into Dilution Graph ELOS predictions. While undercutting has been
demonstrated as a cause of dilution, the stress relaxation associated with undercutting is not the
only mechanism which could have resulted in UF being associated with increased dilution. The
kinematic effect of exposing the hangingwall to increased gravity effects is an alternative
underlying mechanism for why undercutting affects dilution. If there were case studies which
were primarily only affected by overcutting then these case studies could be compared to
undercut case studies primarily affected by undercutting. This comparison would test whether
stress relaxation or the increased effect of gravity is the underlying cause of increased
instability associated with UF. If the primarily undercut case studies had significantly more
dilution compared to predicted values than the overcut case studies then this would indicate
that stress relaxation is not the underlying mechanism. If stress relaxation were the underlying
mechanism then it could be expected that the two groups average dilution above predicted
values would be similar.



Mechanisation of narrow-vein stoping has increased the number of stope walls that are
undercut. Undercutting of stope walls has been demonstrated to increase dilution. If stress
relaxation can be demonstrated to be the underlying mechanism for increased instability
associated with undercutting then dilution predictions need to take into account both the effect
of undercutting and overcutting in the sill drive above the stope wall in question. The
undercutting factor UF appears to be a good index for the extent of stope wall undercutting.
However, UF has not been directly related to dilution prediction.



Drill and blast parameters have potential to result in significant narrow-vein dilution. Blasting
related dilution has been associated with both the design stage and the production stage. In
terms of drill and blast design peak particle velocity has been shown to be a good index of
blast damage potential. However, the extent to which blast damage affects overbreak remains


Chapter 4 Narrow-vein Dilution Parameters

to be quantified. At the production stage, tighter control on quality control issues such as
drillhole deviation has been shown to reduce blast related overbreak
While tight backfilled abutments have not been associated with increased instability, moving
backfill abutments associated with continuous mining sequences have been linked to increased
dilution. It has been proposed that the sum of the opening after blasting plus the opening span
after backfilling be used when calculating hydraulic radius to take into account the effect of
moving backfill abutments. However, further validation of this approach is required.
Due to the small incremental extraction of narrow-vein mines the potential for stress damage to
affect adjacent hangingwall and footwalls is high, especially as mining depths increase. For
this reason this thesis examines the effect of stress damage on narrow-vein stability. The stress
damage factor D is not applicable when the extra stress deviator is negative.
Six out of the seven parameters considered are rock mass dependent and therefore, to some
extent are taken into account by Q. For this reason narrow-vein mines may be more sensitive
to Q than large open stopes. If this is the case then the stability chart approach could be
calibrated to narrow-vein conditions. The possibility of developing site-specific stability charts
for narrow-vein mines is considered in the following chapter.
Alternatively, one or more of these parameters may have the potential to dominate stability at a
narrow-vein mine and in this case explicit consideration of the dominant factor or factors is
required. In this chapter, factors and methods to take into account moving backfill abutments,
stress relaxation, stress damage and undercutting have been qualitatively reviewed. In all cases
further validation is required to determine the applicability of these factors to narrow-vein
dilution prediction. Review and evaluation of these factors and methods is undertaken
throughout this thesis depending upon data availability.



Narrow-vein underground stope design engineers in Australia have expressed significant

interest in the requirements and methodology for developing site-specific stability charts. This
is largely due to concern that existing stope stability charts inadequately take into account
factors influencing narrow vein stope stability. This chapter presents conclusions from a
comprehensive statistical examination of case history requirements for a site specific stability
chart and critiques literature arguments for site-specific charts. A new statistical analysis
technique enabled the quantification of case history requirements. In addition, any site-specific
effects the model exhibits have been analysed. The analysis indicates that a reliable stablefailure boundary requires at least 150 case histories, of which a minimum of 10 percent should
be unstable stope surfaces. Marginal site-specific effects were observed for the operating
conditions captured within the database. It has been concluded that the apparent site-specific
effects contained in previous literature are attributable to operating conditions inadequately
represented in the database. Such operating conditions could induce erroneous stability
predictions at any site, and therefore, are not truly site-specific. The operating conditions
relate directly to the parameters identified in Chapter 4 as having a high potential to affect
narrow-vein stope stability. Chapter 5, Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 empirically investigate,
evaluate and quantify the effect of these operating conditions on narrow-vein dilution.
Following from these conclusions, a methodology for taking into account operating conditions
particularly relevant to narrow vein mining has been proposed.



Some concern has been expressed by a number of authors about the general applicability of the
Mathews method. Mathews et al. (1981) and Potvin (1988) noted that the method was
originally developed for open stope mining methods in geological conditions similar to those
encountered in the Canadian shield. Stewart and Forsyth (1995) whilst acknowledging that
there are some indications that the method may be generally applied, emphasised the potential
bias in their much more limited database and recommended users concentrate on collecting

Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

sufficient examples to define their own stability zones. Bawden (1993) also suggested that the
analysis of stable versus failed stopes can be used to derive a stability boundary for a particular
operation. From their experience of back-analysing a large data base from the Mount Charlotte
gold mine in Western Australia, Trueman et al. (2000) concluded that the model gave
reasonable predictions of stope surface stability, at least for steeply dipping deposits in
moderately good to good rock. Nevertheless, Trueman et al. (2000) followed the guidelines of
Stewart and Forsyth (1995) and developed a site-specific graph for Mount Charlotte. In late
1990s, 2000 and 2001 there was significant interest in the development of site-specific
Mathews Stability Graphs within the Australian metalliferous mining industry.
The original Mathews Stability Graph for open stope design (Mathews et al, 1981) had only 50
case histories. The collection of more data by Potvin et al. (1989), Stewart and Forsyth (1995)
and Trueman et al. (2000) increased the case history data which resulted in changes to the
stability boundaries. Trueman et al. (2000) from their experience at the Mount Charlotte mine
estimated that at least 100 case histories would be needed to determine a reliable site specific
Stability Graph. However, this estimate was not arrived at from a rigorous analysis. An
indication of how many case histories would be required to determine reliable stability
boundaries is a pre-requisite for the development of a site-specific variant.
The qualitative nature of the stability category has meant that, until now, the relative reliability
of a site-specific line to the generic line, involved comparing the number of misclassified
points until the design engineer was confident the site-specific line was more reliable than the
generic stability line. In cases where site-specific effects appear to be affecting the reliability
of the generic stable-failure boundary, this approach seems reasonable. However, inherent in
this approach is the assumption that the site-specific database is sufficiently large to justify
changing the stable-failure boundary. If the database is inadequate, the design engineer may
make changes to the stable-failure boundary attributable to short-term operational conditions
rather than any real site-specific factor. Furthermore, the site-specific chart may not be
applicable in a new area of mine with different operating conditions. Operating conditions
refers to equipment and mining method parameters, and does not include rock mass conditions.
This chapter sets out to answer the question of how many case histories are required to set a
reliable stability boundary, what proportion must be of a different stability classification and
how site-specific is the stability graph approach. Use is made of a logistical regression
technique to quantify these. Until now, there has been no way of rigorously determining


Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

database requirements for a stable-failure boundary. This question has been answered by
analysing variance in logit model parameters.
Once the database requirements were quantified in terms of number and type of points, the
author could statistically examine whether site-specific model parameters are significantly
different from the generic database. In this chapter, a site-specific stability chart has been
analysed with respect to the statistical significance of site-specific effects. The sites to be
analysed include the Mt Charlotte mine in the eastern goldfields of Western Australia and the
Cannington mine in Queensland. Site visits to Mt Charlotte present no obvious site-specific
parameters (Trueman et al., 2000). Logit model parameters and comparative statistics have
been used to determine whether there is a significant difference between a stable-failure
boundary developed specifically for Mt Charlotte and a generic stable-failure boundary. There
are no apparent operational conditions to explain why the site-specific line would be
significantly different to the generic stable-failure line. Therefore, if there were a significant
difference, it would be evidence of the existence of site-specific effects. Ideally it would have
been preferable to have investigated the same hypothesis with respect to other sites. However,
Mt Charlotte is the only site that meets database requirements.



There is substantial anecdotal evidence that site-specific effects may result in erroneous
stability predictions. Greer (1989) back analysed Thompson mine data to determine how well
Potvins modified stability chart predicted stability at this particular site. Greers analysis
(Bawden, 1993) found unstable hangingwall points were largely misclassified as stable.
Although this particular case uses Potvins modified stability graph, the extended Mathews
stability chart would have predicted similarly erroneous stability predictions. Greer identified
operational conditions such as blast damage, the effect of adjacent sand fill and delays to
filling as likely causes for the misclassification. As noted previously, early versions of the
vertical crater retreat method were used during this period of the Thompson mine life. This
method can result in significant blast damage due to inherently more blasting confinement and
higher powder factors than long-hole stoping. Additional examples of inaccurate stability
prediction are the Winston Lake hangingwalls (Milne, 1997). The assumption moving backfill
abutments provides the same abutment characteristics as solid rock could be a source of
erroneous stability prediction for the Winston Lake mine. Milne concluded, from
comprehensive hangingwall monitoring at the Winston Lake mine, that treating moving
backfill limits the same as rock abutments is overly optimistic. The Thompson and Winston


Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

Lake mines are both examples of sites where apparent site-specific effects may have impacted
adversely upon the ability of a generic stability graph to predict stability. However, it could be
argued that these effects are not truly site-specific. Similar operational conditions would have
resulted in erroneous predictions at any mine site and are therefore not truly site-specific.



The Mathews Stability graph method was originally developed in 1980 as part of a CANMET
report into stope stability in deep Canadian mines (Mathews 1981). As discussed in Chapter 2,
a number of authors have added data (Potvin 1988; Trueman et al. 2000) and proposed
modifications to the way the stability number is calculated (Potvin 1988; Sprott et al. 1999;
Diederichs and Kaiser 1999; Kaiser et al, 2001). As discussed in Chapter 3 several authors
suggest retaining the original formulation of the stability number proposed by Mathews
(Stewart and Forsyth, 1995; Trueman et al., 2000). However, the modified stability number is
the version most widely used both in industry and by researchers (Potvin and Hadjigeorgiou,
2001). Due to the absence of information required to determine the modified factor B, it has
not been possible to apply nor test the validity of these modifications with respect to the
Extended Mathews stability database of 485 case studies. For this reason, the original Mathews
Stability graph formulation of N has been retained.
As discussed in Chapter 2, the Extended Mathews Stability chart stable-failure boundaries
were determined using logistic regression. The advantages of delineating the stable failure
boundary mathematically, as opposed to by eye, include; increased objectivity and the ability
to quantify variance in the stable-failure boundary. Analysis of variance in the stable-failure
boundary model parameters has facilitated a study to determine the database requirements for a
reliable site-specific stability chart.
The logistic regression line defining the stable-failure boundary is defined by Equation 5.1 and
Equation 5.2 (DeMaris, 1992; Mawdesley et al., 2001), where P(z) is the logit value. The logit
value is analogous to the response variable in a linear regression model and is determined for
each data point based upon the stability number N, the hydraulic radius S and the stability.
Stability is the categorical response variable and is assigned a value. In ordinary binomial logit
models, the categorical response variable would be assigned a value of 1 or 0. However, in the
case of the stability graph, there are four categorical response variables; stable, failure, major
failure and caving (Mawdesley, 2002). In order to incorporate these four response levels, the
following values were assigned; stable points were set to 1, failures were set to 0.6 while major


Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

failures and caving points were set to 0.3 and 0, respectively as noted by Mawdesley. The logit
values are calculated using a MATLAB routine developed by Holtsberg (1998).
z = B1 ln( N ) + B2 ln(S ) + B3

P( z) =

1 + e z

Equation 5.1

Equation 5.2

To evaluate the stable-failure logistic regression line; P(z) is set to the logit value at the
intersection of the cumulative probability function for stable points and the inverse cumulative
probability function for failures. This represents the logit value that separates stable points and
failures with the least amount of error. Using Equation 5.2, it is then possible to evaluate the
prediction, z and substitute this value into Equation 5.1 to determine the stable-failure logistic
regression line. The logit model parameters B1, B2 and B3 are determined using the maximum
likelihood function contained within the Matlab procedure logitfit (Holtsberg 1998).
In the case of the generic stable-failure logistic regression line 81 percent of stable points
correctly reported to the stable zone, while 84 percent of the unstable points correctly report
below the stable-failure boundary. The extended Mathews Stability Graph is best thought of as
a three-dimensional probability surface, where the probability of a case history being stable, or
unstable, is defined by its position in the two-dimensional graph space. It is possible to
evaluate the probability of stability or failure at any point on the graph.



The logit model framework used to determine the Extended Mathews stability boundaries has
been used to determine the database requirement for a site-specific stability chart. By analysing
variance in logit model parameters it has been possible to examine the effect that the number
of case studies and type of case studies has on the stable failure boundary reliability. Appendix
A contains the Extended Mathews Stability Graph database used for this study.


Previous Limitations

The logit model predicts a three dimensional surface of probabilities, not a two-dimensional
boundary. In the case of logistic regression there is no agreed upon technique to quantify the
quality of the logistic regression line (Whiten, 2001). Logistic regression does not have a

Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

technique equivalent to the analysis of variance approach that would be used for a least squares
regression model (Devore, 1991). A new statistical technique has therefore been developed to
analyse the effect of changing database parameters on model reliability.
The MATLAB procedure logitfit (Holtsberg, 1998) evaluates confidence intervals for model
parameters B1, B2 and B3. However, logitfit does not provide confidence intervals for the logit
models defined by Equation 5.2. The author attempted to produce confidence intervals for the
stable-failure logit boundary using the Monte Carlo simulation function in the @Risk computer
program (Palisade, 1996). The Monte Carlo simulation uses random combinations from the
probability distributions of each model parameter to produce a stochastic model. The results of
the Monte Carlo simulation produced impossibly large stability numbers. The impossibly large
stability numbers produced by the model indicates the existence of mathematical dependencies
between B1, B2 and B3. Extensive plotting of model parameters indicates model parameters are
mutually dependent. It was therefore concluded that due to dependencies between the model
parameters, B1, B2 and B3, a Monte Carlo simulation could not be used to determine
confidence limits for the stable-failure boundary.


Quantifying Logit Model Reliability

Defining the relationships between the model parameters was beyond the scope of the research
project. Therefore, an alternative analytical technique was required. For this reason, an analysis
technique to facilitate a parametric study of the effect of database parameters on logit model
reliability was developed. Model parameter variance has been analysed for the purpose of
quantifying logit model reliability. The technique analyses the variance of logit model
parameters, B1, B2 and B3 for different database scenarios.
Ten random samples were taken from the generic database to represent each database scenario.
The mean and standard deviation was calculated for each set of ten random samples. Trends in
the variance were analysed using normalised standard deviation. Standard deviation has the
same units as the mean, and is therefore normalised by division by the mean. By definition,
minimising the variance in model parameters means further increases to the size of the
database will not improve the reliability of the stable-failure boundary. When the gradient of
normalised standard deviations of B1, B2 and B3 level out, there are no further gains to be made
by increasing the size of the database. This analytical technique provides a method for
comparing the reliability of various database scenarios.


Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects



The technique assumes the generic database, from which random samples were taken, is
sufficiently large to not invoke trends in the variance. For example, if the database had been
comprised of only 250 points and ten sets of 200 samples were taken, one would expect the
variance to be smaller than if ten sets of 100 random samples were taken. This assumption was
tested. The results obtained were consistent with the hypothesis that the variability in B1, B2
and B3 will decrease at a greatly reduced rate once the database size reached a critical size.
The much smaller ongoing decreases in variability with increasing sample size can be
attributed to sample size approaching that of the database. This indicates the generic database
was sufficiently large to observe the hypothesised relationships between model parameter
variance and database sample scenario. If the database had been too small, the levelling out of
the normalised standard deviation would not have been apparent and the technique would not
have enabled any clear results to be obtained. A second assumption of the technique is that the
generic 485 case history database is a representative sample of the population of all stope
surfaces from which data could, theoretically, have been collected. The generic database
comprises of data from 35 mines, including the broad range of open stoping variations used in
Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom and from a broad range of geotechnical
environments and stope dimensions. However, it is not possible to quantify, in absolute terms,
whether the generic database represents the total stope surface population. Nevertheless, the
range of data and variety of sources of data contained in the generic database ensures that it is
a reasonable representation.
The logistic regression line variance is also affected by the value of p, as defined in Equation
5.1 and Equation 5.2. As the value of p is not independent of B1, B2 and B3, it was necessary to
check the magnitude of p value variance. The variance of p was found to be less than 5 percent
over all database scenarios. Therefore, it was possible to analyse the variance in B with respect
to database size independently of p. The variance in p would be very small provided there is an
even distribution of data. In particular, that there are sufficient points close to the stable-failure




Parametric Study of Database Requirements

Two database requirements were examined, the number of case histories in the database and
the proportion of unstable points in the database. Figure 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 illustrate trends in the

Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

normalised standard deviation for B1, B2 and B3, respectively. There is a clear change in
gradient as random sample size levels out rapidly when random sample size is approximately
150 case histories. Thus, analysis of variance in logit model parameters indicates
approximately 150 case histories are required to minimise variance in model parameters. The
ongoing small decrease in parameter variance beyond 150 case histories can be attributed to
the sample size approaching the size of the database, such that the normalised standard
deviation reaches zero when the sample is the database.
A similar analysis examined the effect of the proportion of unstable points, as a percentage of
the total number of points, on model parameter variance. Each point in Figure 5.4 represents
statistics for the logistic regression results of ten random samples of 200 case histories. Trends
in the normalised standard deviation indicate that between 10 and 12 percent unstable points
are required to minimise variance in model parameters. Minimised normalised standard
deviations range between 7 percent and 10 percent for each of the model parameters. In this
case, the normalised standard deviation approaches a semi-asymptote. Parameter normalised
standard deviations fluctuate about this semi-asymptote due the interdependence of model

Normalised Standard Deviation B1


Max. Norm. St. Dev.

Min. Norm. St. Dev.

Steep Gradient

Shallow Gradient







Sample Size (Number of case histories)

Figure 5.1 Effect of sample size on normalised standard deviation of B1



Normalised Standard Deviation of B2

Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

Min Norm. St.Dev


Max. Norm. St. Dev


Steep Gradient

Shallow Gradient






Sample Size (Number of case histories)

Figure 5.2 Effect of sample size on normalised standard deviation of B2

Normalised Standard Deviation of B3

Min Norm. St.Dev
Max. Norm. St. Dev

Steep Gradient

Shallow Gradient









Sample Size (Number of case histories)

Figure 5.3 Effect of sample size on normalised standard deviation of B3


Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

Normalised standard deviation of coefficients




Decreasing gradient








Proportion of case histories unstable

Figure 5.4 Effect of proportion of unstable points on normalised standard deviation

An important observation was made when plotting variously sized random database logistic
regression lines. It was found that the variance in the model parameters B1, B2 and B3 has
greatest effect for regions of the chart beyond the range of the data. Based upon this
observation, it is recommended that stable-failure boundaries should not be extended beyond
the range of the data. In addition, as shown in Figure 3.12 the Extended Mathews stable-failure
boundary is characterised by excellent data coverage. It is therefore believed that an additional
database requirement is data coverage.



The generic Extended Mathews Stability Graph (Trueman et al, 2000; Mawdesley et al, 2001;
Trueman and Mawdesley, 2003) gives reasonable predictiveness for site-specific data,
although not quite as reliable as a site-specific logistic regression line. Table 5.1 compares the
reliability of the site-specific stable-failure boundary to the reliability of two variations of the
generic stable-failure boundary. The generic boundary including Mt Charlotte is the logistic
regression boundary for the entire 485 case history database, while the generic boundary
excluding Mt Charlotte is the result of logistic regression of the remaining 272 case histories.
Mt Charlotte was excluded from the database to remove potential bias in the generic database.
Sensitivity is defined as the percentage of stable points that report correctly to the stable zone,
while specificity is defined as the number of case histories that report correctly to the unstable
zone (Parker and Davis, 1999). The site-specific boundary resulted in a 3.7 percent increase in


Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

the sensitivity and a 3.9 percent increase in the specificity compared to the generic boundary
including Mt Charlotte. In the case of the generic boundary excluding Mt Charlotte data, the
increase in sensitivity was 8.0 percent and the increase in specificity was 8.6 percent.
Figure 5.5 illustrates that there is a small difference between the two generic regression lines.
Comparative statistics analysis was utilised to determine if this difference is statistically
significant. In the case of the Mt Charlotte model, comparative statistics indicated, with 95%
confidence, that no significant difference between Mt Charlotte, B1 and B3 values and the
generic case, B1 and B2 values. However, there is a 98 percent probability Mt Charlotte model
parameter B2 is significantly different from the generic logit model parameter B2.

Table 5.1 Effect of site specific boundary on specificity and sensitivity


Mt Charlotte

Generic Boundary

Generic Boundary-


-Including Mt

Excluding Mt

Charlotte data

Charlotte data







(Percentage of Mount Charlotte stable case

histories correctly reporting to stable zone)
(Percentage of Mount Charlotte unstable case
histories correctly reporting to unstable zone)


Stability Number, N




Generic database
Mt Charlotte database


Generic -excl. Mt Charlotte




Shape Factor, S


Figure 5.5 - Mt Charlotte site-specific stable-failure boundary compared to the generic stablefailure boundaries


Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

Table 5.2 summarises the results of the comparative statistical analysis. Due to the significant
difference detected for parameter B2, it was decided to investigate further. An investigation
was made as to whether this level of significant difference could be obtained between a sample
and the source database. If so, then this would be evidence that the B2 98 percent significance
test result could have been a type I error. A type I error occurs when the difference appears to
be significant when it is not (Walpole and Myers, 1990). Table 5.2 contains the results of three
comparative statistical analyses for three random samples of 150 case studies from the generic
database excluding Mt Charlotte data. These results show that at the 90 percent level of
confidence, there are three type I errors out of the nine comparisons conducted. We know they
are type I errors because the samples come from the database and there should be no
significant difference.

Table 5.2 Comparative statistics


Probability Mt

Probability sample of 150 cases from generic


Charlotte database is

database excluding Mt Charlotte is

significantly different

significantly different to generic database

to Generic excluding

excluding Mt Charlotte

Mt Charlotte
Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3
















Based upon these results it can be concluded that the 98 percent result for B2 was a type I error
and therefore does not indicate a significant difference between Mt Charlotte and the generic
database. It is concluded that the apparent site-specific effects contained in previous literature
are attributable to operating conditions inadequately represented in the database and are
therefore not truly site-specific.



The aim of this case study is to illustrate the effect of an inadequate database on the stablefailure boundary. At the time of this study the Cannington mine stoping database contained 85
case histories, of which only 8 percent were unstable. Therefore, Cannington mine had
insufficient data to meet the database requirements. The total number of case histories is
insufficient, as is the proportion of unstable case histories. The site-specific logistic regression


Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

model for the Cannington mine data did not improve the misclassification compared to the
generic stable-failure boundary. In fact, the site-specific boundary produced one more
misclassification than the generic stable failure boundary. Figure 5.6 compares the Cannington
mine site-specific stability boundary to the generic boundary. If the database requirements had
been met, there may have been an improvement in the reliability of the site-specific stablefailure boundary. However, with an inadequate database it is impossible to make any
conclusions about the site-specific effects at this site. However, the site-specific stability
boundary does appear to predict that unrealistically high rock mass strengths are required for
larger stope dimensions.


Stability Number, N


Generic Boundary
Mine B Boundary



Major Failure




Shape Factor, S

Figure 5.6 Cannington mine stable-failure boundary compared to generic boundary



As discussed in Chapter 4 there are a number of parameters or narrow-vein operating

conditions with the potential to make the use of existing empirical models problematic for
narrow-vein stope design. A number of parameters have been hypothesised to have a
significantly larger influence upon narrow stope stability than on large open stope stability. For
the purpose of clarity these parameters have been termed narrow-vein operating conditions.
The following narrow-vein operating conditions have the potential to significantly affect the
reliability of stability graphs in predicting narrow-vein dilution:
Drilling and blasting.
Moving backfill abutments.

Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

Stress relaxation.
Stress damage.
Complex geometry and in-stope pillars.
Undercutting of stope walls.
In an effort to address the issue of narrow-vein operating conditions affecting stability chart
reliability, some sites have attempted or considered developing their own stability graphs.
However, the time required to collate 150 case studies for a reliable site-specific stability graph
would result in a substantial delay. Furthermore, at the feasibility stage, estimates of dilution
are frequently required prior to the possibility of developing a site-specific stability graph.
Based on the results of this study apparent site-specific effects can be attributed to operating
conditions inadequately represented in stability chart databases, and are therefore not truly sitespecific. Based upon these findings and the practical difficulty of collecting 150 case histories
for a site-specific chart, development of site-specific stability charts are unlikely to be a
practical solution to the issue. This is true even if the six parameters identified in Chapter 4 as
being to some extent implicitly taken into account by Q could be calibrated to narrow-vein
conditions by developing a site-specific stability chart. In Chapter 7 the validity of the implicit
inclusion theory is discussed with respect to 115 narrow-vein case studies from the Barkers
To overcome these issues, it has been proposed that rather than attempt to develop site-specific
stability charts a more practical solution is to develop a chart or methodology to take into
account narrow-vein operating conditions. The underlying premise for this strategy is that
existing stability charts are in fact problematic for narrow-vein stability prediction. In Chapters
6, 7 and 8 the narrow-vein operating conditions hypothesised to affect the reliability of
stability charts for narrow-vein are investigated empirically.



A new technique that analyses trends in the variances of three logit model parameters has
enabled the author to define database requirements that minimise the variance in the Mathews
Stability Graph method stable-failure boundary.
The parametric study into the database requirements indicates 150 case histories, of which at
least 10 percent must be unstable, are required to minimise the variance in a stable-failure

Chapter 5 Site-specific Effects

boundary. These requirements can be used as a guide for developing site-specific stable-failure
boundaries and as a check that sufficient case histories have been collected for a generic
model. These requirements apply only within the range of the current database. In terms of
validation of these conclusions, the Cannington mine case study illustrated the importance of
meeting the database requirements (minimum number of case histories and stope failures)
before a reliable site-specific boundary can be delineated.
The Mt Charlotte mine case study suggests that the Extended Mathew Stability Graph method
predictive capability may be slightly improved by using a site-specific graph that meets the
database requirements. However, despite the small improvement in predictive capability noted
for a Mount Charlotte site-specific variant, comparative statistics indicated no significant
difference between the Mt Charlotte and generic logit models. Therefore, the Mt Charlotte case
study indicates that site-specific effects may be insignificant. Further case studies are required
to confirm this conclusion.
When operating conditions are significantly different from those captured in the current
generic database (as appears to be the case for longhole narrow-vein operating conditions), an
operating condition specific stability chart or alternative methodology may provide a method
for capturing these effects. In Chapters 6 though to 8, the possibility of developing an
operating condition specific stability chart for longhole narrow-vein stoping has been



Stress relaxation is one of the narrow-vein operating conditions hypothesised to adversely

effect narrow-vein stope stability prediction using existing stability chart methods. While many
authors refer to the adverse effect of stress relaxation on excavation stability, some authors
present compelling empirical evidence indicating that stress relaxation does not have a
significant effect. Establishing clear definitions of stress relaxation was critical to
understanding and quantifying stress relaxation effects. Three types of stress relaxation have
been defined; partial relaxation, full relaxation and tangential relaxation. Once clear
definitions were determined, it became clear that the theoretical arguments and empirical
evidence presented by various authors to support their respective cases are not contradictory;
rather the different conclusions can be attributed to different types of stress relaxation. In
particular, when the minor principal stress is negative the intermediate principal stress has
been identified as significantly affecting jointed rock mass behaviour.
The aim of the study was to review and evaluate existing methods of quantifying the effect of
stress relaxation around underground excavations and, if necessary, propose a new set of
recommendations. A new set of guidelines to account for the effect of stress relaxation within
the stability chart approach has been proposed based on back-analysis of 55 case histories of
stress relaxation.



Due to high length to width aspect ratios, narrow-vein stopes have a propensity to low or
tensile induced stresses, especially when the principal stress is perpendicular to strike. For this
reason stress relaxation is one of the narrow-vein operating conditions with significant
potential to reduce the reliability of the stability chart for narrow-vein stopes. While it can be
argued that stress relaxation may to some limited extent be taken into account implicitly by Q,
the high proportion of narrow-vein stopes with relaxed hangingwalls and footwalls justifies the
separate consideration of stress relaxation for narrow-vein stopes. In this chapter stress

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

relaxation has been investigated with the view to establishing a methodology for explicit
consideration of stress relaxation effects.
Several authors refer to the adverse effect of stress relaxation on excavation stability (Bawden,
1993; Kaiser et al., 1997; Diederichs et al., 1999; Kaiser et al., 2001; Suorineni et al., 2001).
While stress relaxation is commonly recognised as having the potential to affect excavation
stability, the conditions under which stress relaxation impacts stability appear to be less well
understood. Furthermore, some empirical evidence suggests stress relaxation may not have a
significant effect on excavation stability (Potvin, 1988; Tyler et al., 1993; Wang et al., 2002).
This study of relaxation investigates the hypothesis that the discrepancies between empirical
evidence and existing two-dimensional analyses can be attributed to the influence of the
intermediate principal stress, and or, minimum principal stress direction. Therefore, a threedimensional method of analysis was required that could consider the effect of different types of
stress relaxation.
For the first time three types of stress relaxation have been analysed; partial relaxation, full
relaxation and tangential relaxation. Partial relaxation has been defined as excavation surfaces
where linear elastic three-dimensional modelling of 3 is less than 0.2 MPa, while 2 and 1
both exceed 0.2 MPa. Full relaxation has been defined as excavation surfaces where linear
elastic three-dimensional model estimates of 3 and 2 are both less than 0.2 MPa. Tangential
relaxation has been defined as excavation surfaces where at least one of the modelled principal
stresses is less than 0.2 MPa and the associated stress direction diverges less than 20 degrees
from parallel to the excavation wall in a three-dimensional analysis. It is important to note that
in the case of three-dimensional analysis, the angle between the associated stress direction and
the stope surface must be determined both with respect to the stope surface dip and the stope
surface strike. If the angle subtended by the stress direction and the stope surface dip or strike
is less than 20 degrees, then this stress direction has been considered tangential.
Mathews et al. (1981) distinguished between partial relaxation, when 3 is less than zero, and
full relaxation, when both 3 and 2 are less than zero. Prior to the wide availability of the
computer capacity required to run three-dimensional elastic models, Potvin (1988) and
Pakalnis (1986) refer to relaxation generally, without distinguishing between partial and full
relaxation. This was also the case with Suorineni (1998). On the other hand, Kaiser et al.
(2001) use the three-dimensional linear elastic boundary element computer program Map3d to


Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

analyse stress relaxation. The impact of switching between two-dimensional and threedimensional stress modelling on the definition of relaxation has been considered in this paper.




Theoretical Basis

Coulombs (1776) shear strength criterion provides a strong theoretical basis for the adverse
effect of stress relaxation on excavation stability. As illustrated in Figure 6.1, Coulombs shear
strength criteria is a two-dimensional analysis in which the shear strength is determined from
the normal stress, n (obtained by transforming 1 and 2), cohesion (c) and friction angle ():

= c + n tan

Equation 6.1


Figure 6.1 Mohr-Coulomb shear strength criterion

Suorineni (1998) undertook a parametric study to examine the critical clamping stresses for a
range of wedge types and friction angles using the Mohr-Coulomb slip failure criterion. The
parametric study examined rhombohedral, rectangular and symmetrical prism block shapes,
with varying joint dip and joint spacing. Suorineni (1998) determined that the critical range of
clamping stresses is approximately 0.01 to 0.2 MPa for wedges ranging from 0.5 metres to 3
metres. Based upon this analysis, stress relaxation has been taken to have potentially
destabilising effects when the induced stress is less than 0.2 MPa.

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation


Types of Stress Relaxation

Diederichs and Kaiser (1999) illustrate eight different causes of relaxation. It is possible to
separate the causes of relaxation illustrated by Diederichs and Kaiser, (1999) into those prone
to elastic relaxation, and those with a high potential for inelastic relaxation. Figure 6.2
illustrates scenarios with a high potential for elastic relaxation.

step 2

step 1

Figure 6.2 - Elastic stress relaxation a) adverse stress ratio b) stress shadow c) adverse stress
ratio d) intersection e) concave geometry, after Deiderichs and Kaiser (1999)

Figure 6.3 illustrates scenarios with high potential for inelastic stress relaxation. In each of the
scenarios represented in Figure 6.3, there is high potential for the large strains associated with
the inelastic displacement mechanisms such as; unravelling, delamination, crushing and
splitting. Due to the absence of sufficient case studies where actual displacements and stresses
were measured, relaxation attributable to inelastic displacement has not been considered in this


Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation


Abutment yield
Undercut stope wall
Mining step 2

Mining step 1
Figure 6.3 Inelastic stress relaxation scenarios




Numerical, analytical and empirical approaches have in the past been used to examine the
effect of stress relaxation on excavation stability.


Distinct Element Model

There are two numerical approaches that can be used to estimate the effect of stress relaxation
on an excavation. The first approach is based upon a distinct element type model where the
stability of discrete blocks is a function of resolved stresses and discontinuity frictional
properties (Voegele et al., 1978; Kaiser et al., 2001; Brown, 2002; Jing, 2003). For example,
Voegele et al., (1978) used the two-dimensional distinct element approach illustrated in Figure
6.4 to show how low lateral stresses enable blocks to fall under the influence of gravity
(Brown, 2002). Three-dimensional distinct element modelling appears well suited to an
analysis of the effect of the different forms of relaxation on excavation stability. However,
validation of such a model against real case studies requires assumptions about the shear
strength of discontinuities (Brown, 2002), boundary conditions (Kaiser et al., 2001), and joint
persistence. As discussed in Chapter 3 the impact of those assumptions on model results can be

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

Figure 6.4 - Distinct element model and low lateral stress enabling blocks to be free to fall, after
Voegele et al. (1978)


Equivalent Continuum

The second numerical approach is based upon an empirical failure criterion and assumptions of
an equivalent continuum. In this approach, empirical failure criteria are used within a
numerical modelling package to predict the onset of rockmass failure.
In order to investigate the effect of full relaxation, using this approach, a three-dimensional
empirical failure criterion would be required. However, three-dimensional rock failure criteria
do not exist in the tensile quadrant (Sheory, 1997). Therefore, it is not possible to analyse the
effect of full relaxation, where 2 is considered independently of 3, using an empirical failure
criterion within an equivalent continuum type numerical model.


Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

Brady and Brown (1993) highlight that because available data (intact rock testing) indicates
that 2 has less influence on peak strength than the minor principal stress, 3, all of the criteria
used in practice do not take into account 2. The back-analyses in this paper suggest that in
jointed rock masses, 2 may have an impact on rockmass behaviour when 3 is tensile.


Voussoir Beam Analogy

Deiderichs and Kaiser (1999) used the voussoir beam analogy to develop a theoretical
mechanistic model to examine the effect of stress relaxation on excavation stability. The theory
is based upon the premise that rock bridges provide residual tensile strength that facilitates
arching to the abutments. Diederichs and Kaiser (1999) propose that discrepancies between
failure criterion predicted failure and actual failure is due to the tensile load carrying capacity
of the rock mass. The voissoir beam analogy is also a two-dimensional analysis and therefore,
can not be used to investigate the effect of full relaxation. As discussed in Chapter 3 the
voissoir beam theory assumes that reaction moment at the abutments due to the half weight of
the beam is equal at either end. However, this would not be true when the beam is vertical or
sub-vertical. Therefore, from a mechanistic point of view it is inappropriate to use this voissoir
beam theory as the underlying mechanism for stress relaxation related instability in longhole
narrow-vein stopes. However, mechanistically the voissoir beam may be appropriate for
relatively flat dipping stopes where the assumption of even reactions at the abutments is


Empirical Stability Charts

The stability chart approach was chosen as the method of analysis due to the availability of
case studies, and also due to the fact that the calculation of stability number, N effectively
quantifies other parameters that may influence stability such as stope size, orientation and the
orientation of major discontinuities. If these parameters are not taken into account, it is
difficult to ascertain the true cause of instability. Therefore, if a stope plots incorrectly
according to the stability graph a possible reason could be stress relaxation. It follows that if
the number of failed stopes plotting above the stable-failure boundary is significantly higher
than the rest of the case studies for a certain type of stress relaxation there must be some
explanation. The analysis conducted in this paper investigates whether misclassification of
failed stopes could be due to a particular type of stress relaxation.
Figure 3.2 is used to determine the stress factor A for a given strength to stress ratio (Mathews
et al., 1981). In the original Mathews Stability Graph method, Mathews et al. (1981)

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

recommend that where the ratio of the induced stress, I to the vertical stress, V is negative, I
be set to zero. Furthermore, Mathews et al. (1981) recommend that, as the ratio of C to I is
greater than 10 for these cases, the stress factor A should be set to one. Despite this
recommendation, Mathews et al. (1981) note that horizontal joints intersecting the hangingwall
will open as the induced stress at the centre of the hangingwall span is tensile. However,
Mathews et al. (1981) suggest that when the ratio of C to I is greater than 10 any failure is
related to movement on defined structures only, and for these cases A is set to 1. Despite
noting that hangingwall and footwall overbreak was found to occur predominantly within the
de-stressed zone, Mathews et al. (1981) suggest that rock mass quality is probably the main
control and rock stress only a minor factor.


Modifications to the Stress Factor to Account for Stress Relaxation

Deiderichs and Kaiser (1999) related their version of the two-dimensional voissoir beam model
to the Modified Stability number, N by assuming;
Q ' = N ' / 0 .6

Equation 6.2

when A equals one in cases of low stress and C equals two in the case of back or roof of
excavation, Youngs modulus,

Erockmass = 5 Q' 6.5 N '

Equation 6.3

N ' = 150 ( BeamThickness) 3

Equation 6.4


Diederichs and Kaiser (1999) acknowledge that their calibration procedure is somewhat
subjective. Diederichs and Kaisers calibration procedure uses the apparent shift in the
Modified Stability number, N associated with the undocumented tensile stresses shown in
Figure 6.5 to derive the following adjustment for A in cases of stress relaxation;

A = 0.9e11( T / UCS ) .......... T < 0


Equation 6.5

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

where T is the induced stress at the centreline of the excavation. Although not specified in the
paper, the induced stress referred to in Equation 6.5 appears to relate to a two-dimensional
stress analysis.

Figure 6.5 - Correlation of relaxation adjustment for upper no-support limit, after Diederichs et
al. (1999)

Diederichs and Kaiser (1999) calibrated their modification to the stress factor A using data
from the Thompson vertical crater retreat mine (Greer, 1989; Bawden, 1993) where stope
surfaces would be predicted to be relaxed using a two-dimensional stress analysis. Diederichs
and Kaiser (1999) highlighted that stope surface stability was poorly predicted for this mine
using the Mathews stability graph approach and concluded that this was due to stress
relaxation which was not accounted for in the original formulation of the stress factor A. They
demonstrated that by using Equation 6.5 to account for stress relaxation the prediction of stope
stability was significantly improved for this mine using the Mathews stability graph method.
Diederichs and Kaiser (1999) used the analysis to both justify their modifications to the
Mathews stability graph formulation and to illustrate that stress relaxation was damaging to
excavation stability. However, Greer (1989) stated that the over prediction of hangingwall
stability for the Thompson mine using the Mathews stability graph approach was due to
factors such as blast damage of stope walls, the supporting effect of sand fill in an adjacent
block, or possibly the stopes remained open for too long. This mine utilised an early version of
the vertical crater retreat mining method that was characterised by high confinement and high

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

powder factors. This suggests that there are alternate explanations, aside from stress relaxation,
for the poor correlation between Thompson mine hangingwall case studies and the Modified
Stability graph. Therefore, the apparent shift in N used by Diederichs and Kaiser (1999) to
calibrate their adjustment for stress relaxation may be attributable to the operating conditions
at the Thompson mine, rather than stress relaxation. Stewart and Trueman (2001) have noted
the impact of differing operating conditions on the predictive capability of stability graphs.
The conclusions of Diederichs and Kaiser (1999) concerning the effect of stress relaxation on
stope stability were in direct contrast to the analyses carried out by Potvin (1988) using the
Mathews stability graph approach. Potvin (1988) concluded from back-analyses of stopes
predicted to be relaxed using a two-dimensional stress analysis, that stress relaxation does not
affect stope stability and therefore, the stress reduction factor A should be set at 1.
From the above discussion it can be concluded that there remains controversy relative to the
effect of relaxation upon open stope stability. A database of relaxed stope surfaces was backanalysed using the framework of the Extended Mathews stability chart as will be discussed in
subsequent sections.
The stability chart approach was used as the framework for analysis because this framework
takes into account other factors affecting stability and this enables the effect of stress
relaxation to be detected with less case studies than may have been required if stress relaxation
had been considered in isolation. The Extended Mathews Stability chart was selected over
other stability charts for the following reasons:
1. More than double the number of case studies of any of the other stability charts
2. The boundaries between stability categories were determined using and objective logistical
3. Furthermore, the information to determine the modified factor B (Potvin, 1988a) was



The relaxation case studies analysed in this paper were collated from the literature (Mathews et
al., 1981; Pakalnis, 1986; Potvin, 1988; Pakalnis et al., 1991; Pine et al., 1992; Dunne et al.,
1996). The database includes stope walls where the minimum principal stress was less than 0.2
MPa when modelled using the three-dimensional linear elastic boundary element package

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

Map3d. Table 6.1 contains a summary of the relaxation case studies analysed. Appendix A
contains the relaxed case studies database. Some case histories cited in the literature as relaxed
were omitted from the database either because the stope surface was supported with cablebolts,
or because three-dimensional modelling suggested that the stope was not relaxed.

Table 6.1 Relaxation case studies


Number of Case

Ruttan mine -isolated stopes (Pakalnis, 1986; Potvin,


Ruttan mine 800-26J stope (Pakalnis et al., 1991)

Detour Lake mine (Pakalnis et al., 1991)

South Crofty mine(Pine et al., 1992)

Cobar mine (Mathews et al., 1981)

When modelled in three dimensions, only 25 out of the 55 case studies are tangentially
relaxed; i.e. the minimum principal stress is parallel to the stope surface and less than 0.2 MPa
in magnitude. However, it is important to note that all 55 case studies are tangentially relaxed
when modelled in two dimensions. Similarly, when modelled in three dimensions only 20 of
the 55 case studies are fully relaxed; ie. at least two of the principal stresses are less than 0.2
MPa. When evaluating the potential for stress relaxation, the choice of three-dimensional
modelling will impact upon the modelled state of relaxation.
The model framework in the Mathews method was developed using two-dimensional stress
analysis. However, this may not be adequate when dealing with stress relaxation. For some
stope geometries a two-dimensional stress analysis will predict that the rock mass in the
vicinity of an excavation is relaxed, but it may not be when a three-dimensional stress analysis
is performed. In such a case, the stope surface will not be truly relaxed. Therefore, the
recommendations put forward in this paper to predict the effect of stress relaxation are relevant
only to cases of stress relaxation identified using three-dimensional linear elastic modelling.



The author undertook both two-dimensional (Phase 2) and three-dimensional numerical

modelling (Map3d) software were used to estimate linear elastic stresses in the centre of each
of the 55 case studies stope walls (Appendix B). Stopes were modelled as isolated stopes.
The two-dimensional finite element package Phase 2 was used to evaluate 3 in both vertical

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

and horizontal planes for all 55 case studies. Figure 6.6 is an example of Phase 2 model for
the 320 15H stope at Ruttan mine, and illustrates 3 is tensile stress in both the hangingwall
and footwall. The three-dimensional boundary element program Map3D was used to estimate
linear elastic stresses at the mid-point of stope walls. Figure 6.7 is an example of a Map3d
model of South Crofty mine, and illustrates how 3 is tensile stress in the hangingwall. The
two-dimensional finite element package was used to estimate linear elastic stresses in both the
vertical and horizontal planes. Linear elastic stresses were evaluated for all 55 case studies
using both Map3D and Phase2. Comparison of Map3D and Phase2 results demonstrated the
previously observed (Potvin et al., 1988; Pakalnis, 1991) large differences between twodimensional and three-dimensional modelling for aspect ratios less than five.
While the stress normal to an excavation is equal to zero, this does not mean that the 3 is
always normal to an opening. While closed form analytical linear elastic stress solutions
always show 3 being equal to 0 and normal to an opening surface, numerical solutions shows
that 3 is not always perpendicular to a excavation boundary. Linear elastic stresses are used as
an index of stress levels in the wall of the stope. In reality stress levels are likely to be have
lower absolute values than indicated by linear elastic modelling. Actual stress levels in stope
walls would be lower because movements within the rockmass facilitates dissipation of stress
so that the magnitude of both tensile and compressive stress is less than indicated by linear
elastic modelling.
A limitation of linear elastic modelling is that it assumes that the Youngs modulus is constant
even after the rock mass would has failed. Non-linear modelling means that stresses can be
redistributed once a rock mass have failed. While non-linear modelling packages are available,
these packages require some type of model for defining the stress levels under which the rock
mass will fail. The input parameters for the various rock mass failure criteria such as HoekBrown require estimates of rock mass parameters e.g. mb and s. Due to the uncertainty
associated with estimating rock mass failure criterion parameters, it has become common
practice in mining rock mechanics empirical models to use linear elastic stresses as index of
stress (e.g. Q System and Stability Graph Methods databases). An important exception is the
case of an operating mine where failure criterion input parameters are calibrated to
underground observations of rock mass damage.
All modelling undertaken for this thesis assumes the rock mass is homogenous and behaves
isoptropically. This can affect the accuracy of stress estimates on a case-by-case basis.


Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

However, it can be expected that across each of the databases analysed the errors are unbiased
and random, and are therefore unlikely to affect the results and conclusions even if the stress
magnitudes for individual stopes are not accurate.

-3.2 MPa

Figure 6.6 Example of Phases2 modelling results, Ruttan mine Stope 320 15H (in this case 3
is parallel to the stope wall)

Span 250 m

60 m Height
Width 3 m

Figure 6.7 Map3d modelling South Crofty mine, illustrates 3 stress distribution for typical
narrow-vein geometry prone to stress relaxation (grey areas 3<-2)


Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation



The framework of the Extended Mathews stability chart was used to investigate the effect of
three different types of stress relaxation on stability. The following three types of stress
relaxation were investigated; partial relaxation, full relaxation and tangential relaxation. The
misclassification statistics, sensitivity and specificity were used to examine the effect of each
type of stress relaxation. Sensitivity is defined as the probability that a true case will be
correctly classified (Parker et al., 1999). Therefore, with respect to the Extended Mathews
stable-failure boundary, sensitivity refers to the proportion of stable case studies that correctly
plot above the stable-failure boundary. Conversely, specificity is the probability that an
unstable case study will correctly plot below the stable-failure boundary. Parker and Davis
(1999) define the sum of sensitivity and specificity as the accuracy of the test classification.


Partial Stress Relaxation

The effect of partial relaxation has been analysed using both misclassification statistics and
statistical analysis of logit model parameters.

Misclassification Statistics
Figure 6.8 illustrates trends in misclassification statistics for the partially relaxed case studies
plotted on the Extended Mathews stability chart. The analysis suggests partial stress relaxation,
when quantified in terms of minimum principal stress, is a poor predictor of stability. The
significant number of stable partially relaxed case studies provide evidences of this. In total, 25
out 55 partially relaxed case studies are stable. Therefore, partial relaxation, when considered
in isolation from other parameters, does not appear to be a good predictor of instability. In
terms of a two-dimensional analysis, arching to the abutments facilitated by the residual tensile
strength of the rock mass as proposed by Diederichs and Kaiser (1999) is a compelling
explanation as to why a loss of confinement in one direction does not necessarily result in
excavation failure.
However, Figure 6.8 illustrates that when the minimum principal stress drops below 0.5 MPa,
the specificity of the Extended Mathews stable-failure boundary appears to decrease markedly.
In practical terms, this suggests that significant numbers of partially relaxed failures are
incorrectly plotting in the stable zone. At first appearance this seems to indicate that partial
relaxation below 0.5 MPa has the potential to cause instability in stopes that would otherwise
have been stable.


Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

% Case Studies


-1 to -0.5

-0.5 to 0.25

Sensitivity (% Stables
plotting correctly)






Specificity(% Failures
plotting correctly)









Number of case

-0.25 to 0 0 to 0.20

Minimum principal stress (MPa)

Figure 6.8 - Effect of minimum principal stress on sensitivity and specificity

Figure 6.9 plots relaxed case studies with a minimum principal stress less than 0.5 MPa with
respect to the Extended Mathews stable-failure boundary. While only one out of the five
failures plots correctly below the stable-failure boundary, two case studies are very close to
correctly plotting as failures.


Accuracy 1.075 (13 Case studies)

Sensitivity (Stable points to stable zone) 87.5%
Specificity (Failure to failure zone) 20%

Stability Number, N





Extended Mathews
S-F Boundary




Shape Factor, S

Figure 6.9 - Extended Mathews stable-failure boundary showing case studies with minimum
principal stress < -0.5 MPa


Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

Due to the small number of case studies with minimum principal stress less than 0.5 MPa,
specificity is very sensitive to these two case studies. If these two case studies had plotted
slightly lower in the failure zone, then the specificity would have been 60 percent which is
considerably better than 20 percent specificity obtained when these points plot above the line.
Therefore, although the initial analysis of misclassification statistics shown in Figure 6.8
appears to indicate a decrease in specificity with decreasing minimum principal stress, the
observed trend is very sensitive to the two case studies plotting just above the stable-failure
boundary as shown in Figure 6.9. These two case studies plot in the same position and
therefore, appear as a single point in Figure 6.9.

Logistic Regression
The Extended Mathews logit model framework has been used to test the significance of
normalised tensile stress to stope stability using a new model termed the relaxation logit
model. Tensile stress was normalised by dividing the minimum principal stress by the uniaxial
compressive stress and incorporated into the relaxation logit model as follows:

+ B' 4
z = B'1 ln( N ) + B' 2 ln(S ) + B'3 ln

Equation 6.6

Only those case studies where the minimum principal stress is less than zero have been
analysed. To avoid the non-real numbers produced by taking the log of a negative number,
minimum principal stress is multiplied by negative one. The logit model fitting procedure
requires real numbers. The model was run using the MATLAB procedure logitfit (Holtsberg,
1998). The output from the logit procedure includes 95 percent confidence intervals for each of
the coefficients, B1, B2, B3 and B4. If the 95 percent confidence interval for the coefficient
B3 passes through zero, then this is an indication the ratio of 3 to c is not significant to the
stability outcome. Conversely, if the 95 percent confidence interval for B3 does not pass
through zero, this is an indication the ratio of 3 to c is significant to the stability outcome.
The 95 percent confidence interval for the coefficient B3 ranged from 0.8001 to 0.5536. As
the 95 percent confidence interval for the coefficient, B3 passes through zero, the coefficient is
non-significant in terms of stability prediction. However, this could in part be due to an
insufficient number of case studies. The relatively high variance suggests there may have been
insufficient case studies to gain a result that is statistically reliable. The 55 case studies
analysed is considerably less than the 150 case studies required to determine a reliable stablefailure boundary as determined in Chapter 5. Table 6.2 contains a comparison of the

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

variances of the Extended Mathews logit model and the relaxation logit model. It is clear the
variances of the relaxation logit model coefficients are significantly larger than those
determined for the 485 case history based Extended Mathews logit model. This is strong
evidence there was insufficient data to make conclusions about the significance of normalised
tensile stress to excavation stability using the logit model framework.

Table 6.2 - Comparison of Extended Mathews and relaxation logit model coefficient variances





Logit Model



Logit Model




















Full and Tangential Stress Relaxation

Full relaxation requires that at least two principal stress directions are less than 0.2 MPa.
Tangential relaxation is defined as a stress state where the minimum principal stress magnitude
is less than 0.2 MPa and the direction is less than 20 degrees from parallel to the excavation
surface. The relaxation database contains a subset of 20 cases of full relaxation and subset of
25 cases of tangential relaxation. It is important to note that 18 of the fully relaxed case studies
are also tangentially relaxed. Table 6.3 contains the sensitivity and specificity obtained for
each type of relaxation.

Table 6.3- Misclassification statistics for different types of stress relaxation

Type of Relaxation




Not relaxed (Extended Mathews database)

81.3 %

83.6 %


Partial stress relaxation

83.3 %

79.1 %


Full stress relaxation

90.9 %

44.4 %


Tangential stress relaxation

85.7 %

45.5 %


As shown in Table 6.3, partial relaxation has misclassification statistics very similar to those
obtained for the non-relaxed Extended Mathews case studies. The misclassification statistics
contained in Table 6.3 were obtained with stress factor A equal to one. This suggests partial

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

relaxation does not affect nor cause excavation instability. By contrast, the low specificity
obtained for cases of full relaxation indicates full relaxation has an adverse impact upon
excavation stability. The practical consequence of this result is that in cases of full relaxation,
where at least two principal stresses are less than 0.2 MPa, existing stability charts will
frequently incorrectly predict a stable condition. In fact, the specificity obtained for cases of
full relaxation suggests that the stability graph approach will be correct in less than half of
cases. Similarly poor specificity was obtained for cases of tangential relaxation. In this case the
specificity was 45.5 percent. This means that less than half the tangential relaxation failures
correctly plotted in the failure zone.
There are 14 stable tangentially relaxed case studies. Therefore, while relaxation tangential to
the stope wall increases the probability of failure, it does not necessary result in failure. As
noted previously, arching to abutments provides a mechanistic explanation of why relaxation
in one direction parallel to the excavation need not result in instability as might be suggested
by an equivalent continuum type tensile failure criterion approach. As illustrated in Figure
6.10, arching facilitates stability even when there is minimal confinement perpendicular to the

Figure 6.10 - Roman stone wall at Tarsus

18 out of the 20 fully relaxed case studies had either 2 or 3 sub-parallel to the stope wall.
Therefore, 18 case studies belonging to the fully relaxed subset also belong to the tangentially
relaxed subset. There were only six case studies of tangential relaxation that were not fully

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

relaxed. The sensitivity and specificity for these six case studies were both 67 percent. Due to
the vast majority of case studies being both tangentially and fully relaxed, it is not possible to
make conclusions regarding the underlying mechanism for increased instability associated with
both tangential and fully relaxed case studies. More case studies would be required to consider
the differences between full and tangential relaxation.
The effect of stress directions on the 20 fully relaxed case studies was also investigated. The
sensitivity and specificity for the five fully relaxed stopes with both 2 and 3 sub-parallel to
the stope wall were 100 percent and 33 percent, respectively. This compares to a sensitivity of
89 and specificity of 50 percent for the 15 cases of full relaxation with only one relaxed
principal stress sub-parallel to the stope wall. While the specificity for full relaxation with both
2 and 3 sub-parallel to the stope wall was 17 percent lower than for cases where only one of
the relaxed stresses is parallel to the stope wall, the small number of case studies makes it
difficult to assess whether this is a significant difference.




Back-analysis has been used to evaluate the two existing approaches to quantifying the effect
of stress relaxation using the Mathews stability graph framework. The first approach is to set
A equal to one (Mathews et al., 1981; Potvin, 1988) Secondly, Diederichs and Kaisers (1999)
adjustment to A defined by Equation 6.4 has also been applied to the relaxation case studies.
Both two-dimensional (Phase2) and three-dimensional (Map3D) stress estimation packages
were used to estimate the induced stress values required to calculate Diederichs and Kaisers
adjustments to A for all 55 case studies.
Misclassification statistics were used to evaluate each method for the three types of relaxation.
The results of the evaluation are contained in Table 6.4. In the case of partial relaxation, using
stress factor A equal to one has a slightly better accuracy than Diederichs and Kaisers
adjustment to A when using three-dimensional modelling (Map3D) to estimate induced
stresses. However, in the case of full and tangential relaxation, Diederichs and Kaisers
adjustment to A provide similar levels of accuracy to stress factor A equal to one. The stress
factors determined using three-dimensional modelling results ranged from 0.80 to 0.93.
However, when two-dimensional induced stresses are used to calculate Diederichs and
Kaisers adjustment to A, as implied by these authors original work, the accuracy is very poor
due to a sensitivity of zero percent. Two-dimensional modelling (Phase2) produced minimum


Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

induced stresses ranging from -17 MPa to 9 MPa, with a mean of 12.6 MPa. Using these
induced stresses and uniaxial compressive strengths for each case study, stress factor A ranged
from 0.02 to 0.30. In practical terms, this means that if Diederichs and Kaisers adjustment had
been used in accordance with the implicitly suggested two-dimensional modelling none of the
stable stopes would have correctly plotted above the stable-failure boundary.

Table 6.4 Misclassification statistics for existing methods of quantifying the effect of stress
Method to quantify

Partial relaxation

Full relaxation

effect of stress


A=1 (Mathews et al.,


90.0 %

90.9 %

85.7 %

1981, Potvin, 1988)


92.3 %

44.4 %

45.5 %





11 x ( T / UCS )

A = 0.9 exp

(Diederichs et al., 1999)







88.9 %

0 %

90.0 %

90.0 %


85.7 %

94.1 %

45.5 %

44.4 %








The poor specificity obtained for cases of full and tangential relaxation necessitates the
development of new adjustments for these types of stress relaxation. Three separate
approaches were examined. The first approach was to empirically develop an adjustment based
upon the hypothesis that the adjustment magnitude would be related to the normalised tensile
stress. The second approach was to evaluate the Hoek-Brown tensile failure criterion as a
predictor of instability. The final approach was to empirically determine an adjustment to
factor A by optimising the accuracy of the stable-failure boundary for cases of tangential and
full relaxation.
In the case of partial relaxation, no adjustment was required as the accuracy obtained with
either A set to one or A calculated using Diederichs et al. (1999) adjustment produced
accuracy comparable with that obtained with the generic Extended Mathews stability chart.


Normalised Tensile Stress

An attempt to relate stability to normalised tensile stress proved unsuccessful. Figure 6.11 and
Figure 6.12 illustrate the relationship between normalised tensile stress and the stability of

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

fully relaxed and tangentially relaxed case studies. Tensile stress was normalised with respect
to uniaxial compressive strength. The log of the absolute value of normalised tensile stress has
been plotted to facilitate the large range in values obtained when UCS is divided by tensile
stress values approaching zero. Figure 6.11 and Figure 6.12 indicate that when normalised
tensile stress is considered in isolation from other factors affecting excavation stability, it is
difficult to use empirical back-analysis to determine an adjustment for stress relaxation. It
should be noted that the seven case studies with slightly compressive 3 were excluded from
this analysis.
An alternate reason for the lack of trend between normalised tensile stress and stability is that
the effect of relaxation on stability occurs at some threshold stress state, and that further
decreases in the stress state do not affect stability. This threshold stress state would be specific
to a particular rockmass. Triaxial rock testing of 14 commonly occurring rock types showed
that the rock is weak in tension, with none of the rock types withstanding more than 0.2 MPa
tensile load (Hoek and Brown, 1981). Therefore, rockmasses are incapable of withstanding the
magnitude of tension indicated by linear elastic modelling. It could be interpreted that once the
threshold stress state is reached, further reductions in the modelled stress state would not affect
stability. In other words, Figure 6.11 and Figure 6.12 provide evidence that relaxation occurs at
some threshold value, and once this value is exceeded further reducing stress levels does not
affect stability.

H ydraulic R adius






log U C S /Induced S tress



Figure 6.11 Effect of normalised tensile stress and hydraulic radius on the stability of fully
relaxed case studies


Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation


H ydraulic R adius









log U C S /Induced S tress

S table


Figure 6.12 - Effect of normalised tensile stress and hydraulic radius on the stability of
tangentially relaxed case studies


Hoek-Brown Tensile Failure Criterion

An attempt to use the Hoek-Brown tensile failure criterion as predictor of excavation stability
for 20 cases of full relaxation produced an accuracy of only 1.1, or 55 percent. The low
accuracy obtained could be attributable to the inaccuracy of the assumed Hoek-Brown rock
property constants, mi and s. In the absence of measured values for the rock property constants,
Hoek-Brown rock property constants were estimated based on the values provided by Hoek et
al. (1997) for various rock types. Rock mass strength parameters, mb and s were then estimated
from Geological Strength Index, GSI as follows (Hoek et al., 1997):
GSI 100
mb = mi exp


Equation 6.7

GSI 100
s = exp

Equation 6.8

If laboratory test values for mi had been available, the predictive ability of the Hoek-Brown
failure criterion may have been significantly higher. However, in the case of the South Crofty

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

mine Hoek-Brown stability back-analysis (Pine et al., 1992) the stability was incorrectly
predicted despite using a laboratory value for mi.


Adjustment to Factor A

An adjustment to factor A based upon empirical back-analysis has been proposed. Backanalysis within the stability chart framework removed variability due to other parameters
affecting excavation stability. By accounting for the variability associated with rock mass
characteristics, stope size, stope orientation and joint orientation, it is possible to quantify the
effect of stress relaxation on stability with fewer case studies. The high number of fully and
tangentially relaxed failures plotting in the stable zone (low specificity) is shown in Figure
6.13 and Figure 6.14.
A threshold value based relaxation effect (threshold value = 0.2MPa) makes sense given that
the adverse effect of relaxation appears to occur at some threshold value, and once this value is
reached further reducing stress levels would not affect stability.
In the case of both full relaxation and tangential relaxation, experimentation (iterative
procedure) with a series of adjustments resulted in an optimal stability prediction (highest
accuracy) being achieved when A is assigned a value of 0.7. Factor A was set to a range of
values between 0.4 and 0.8. As shown in Table 6.5, setting A equal to 0.7 gave the best result
in terms of accuracy of stability predictions (lowest misclassification rate,). In the case of 63
partially relaxed case studies setting A equal to one has a slightly higher level of accuracy than
setting A equal to 0.7. However, in the case of full and tangential stress relaxation the accuracy
improved by 0.36 (26 percent) and 0.29 (22 percent) respectively (Figure 6.15 and Figure 6.16
respectively). Therefore, it is recommended that in cases of full and tangential relaxation, as
defined in this chapter, Factor A should be set to 0.7 to account for the destabilising effect of
these types of stress relaxation.


Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation


Stability Number, N







Accuracy 1.35 (20 Case studies)

Sensitivity (Stable points to stable zone) 90.9%
Specificity (Failure to failure zone) 44.4%

Extended Mathews
S-F Boundary




Shape Factor, S
Figure 6.13 Misclassification of fully relaxed case studies (A = 1)


Stability Number, N







Accuracy 1.31 (25 Case studies)

Sensitivity (Stable points to stable zone) 85.7%
Specificity (Failure to failure zone) 45.5%

Extended Mathews
S-F Boundary



Shape Factor, S
Figure 6.14 - Misclassification of tangentially relaxed case studies (A = 1)



Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

Table 6.5 Factor A and misclassification statistics
Misclassification Statistics







83.3 %

90.9 %

85.7 %


76.9 %

44.4 %

45.5 %






























75.0 %

81.8 %

78.6 %


84.2 %

88.9 %

81.8 %





























Factor A







Stability Number, N







Accuracy 1.60 (25 Case studies)

Sensitivity (Stable points to stable zone) 78.6%
Specificity (Failure to failure zone) 81.8%

Extended Mathews
S-F Boundary



Shape Factor, S

Figure 6.15 Misclassification of fully relaxed case studies (A = 0.7)



Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation


Stability Number, N







Accuracy 1.71 (20 Case studies)

Sensitivity (Stable points to stable zone) 81.8%
Specificity (Failure to failure zone) 88.9%

Extended Mathews
S-F Boundary




Shape Factor, S
Figure 6.16 Misclassification of tangentially relaxed case studies (A = 0.7)



Based upon the empirical examination of stress relaxation presented in this chapter it is
recommended that in cases of full and tangential stress relaxation stress factor A should be set
to 0.7. These recommendations are based upon three-dimensional linear elastic modelling of
induced stresses where the induced stress was taken at the mid-point of the excavation wall.
The reason for using three-dimensional stress modelling is that under some circumstances a
two-dimensional stress model will predict that the stope surface is relaxed, but in actuality it is
not. However, two-dimensional stress analysis can be used provided the aspect ratio of the
stope surface exceeds five. Table 6.6 summarises these recommendations. While these
adjustments were developed within the Extended Mathews Stability Graph framework, there is
no apparent reason why these adjustments would not be applicable to the Modified Stability
Chart (Potvin, 1988) and the ELOS Dilution Graph (Clark et al., 1997).
The Extended Mathews stability chart approach to predicting cavability uses stress factor A,
as shown in Figure 3.2, to take into account the effect of moderate and high tangential stress
(Mawdesley, 2002; Trueman et al., 2003). However, potential increased cavability due to low
stress is not currently factored into the Extended Mathews stability chart approach for
predicting caving (Mawdesley, 2002; Trueman et al., 2003). In the model framework to assess

Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

cavability outlined by Trueman and Mawdesley (2003) stress relaxation may have an adverse
effect upon cavability because the lower stresses induced in the vicinity of the cave back
would increase the stress adjustment factor A and thereby, the stability number. However, in
this paper, evidence has been presented to demonstrate the potential destabilising effect of both
tangential and full relaxation. Therefore, in cases where three-dimensional linear elastic
modelling indicates a state of full or tangential relaxation in the block cave crown, the
empirical evidence presented in this paper suggests that the stress factor A should be set to 0.7.

Table 6.6 Stress relaxation adjustments to A

Type of Stress Relaxation

Factor A

Partial relaxation: One principal stress < 0.2 MPa

Full relaxation:


At least two principal stress < 0.2 MPa

Tangential relaxation:


At least one principal stress < 0.2 MPa and < 20 degrees from
parallel to stope wall2.
1. Induced principal stress estimated at mid-stope span using three-dimensional linear elastic modelling.
Two-dimensional analysis can be used provided the aspect ratio exceeds five.
2. Consider both the angle between the stress direction and the stope surface strike, and the stress
direction and stope surface dip.



Two dimensional stress analyses are insufficient to determine if an excavation surface is

relaxed unless the aspect ratio of the excavation surface is 5 or greater. If the aspect ratio is
less than 5, a three-dimensional stress analysis is required to confirm that the excavation
surface is in actuality relaxed. Because narrow-vein stope length to width ratios are almost
always greater than five, two-dimensional plain strain modelling can usually be used to
confirm stress relaxation in the case of narrow-vein mining.
Three forms of stress relaxation have been defined; partial, full and tangential. Partial
relaxation refers to stope surfaces where one of the induced principal stresses has a value less
than 0.2 MPa, but that stress is greater than 20 degrees from being parallel to the excavation
surface. Full relaxation refers to the situation where more than one of the induced principal
stresses has a value of less than 0.2 MPa. Tangential relaxation refers to the situation where at
least one of the induced principal stresses is less than 0.2 MPa and is within 20 degrees of


Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

being parallel to the excavation surface. The back-analysis in this paper indicates that in
jointed rock masses, a compressive 2 can have a stabilising effect even when the minimum
principal stress is tensile.
Analysis of misclassification statistics using the Extended Mathews stability graph indicates
that partial stress relaxation is a poor predictor of stability. However, tangential relaxation and
full relaxation were found to have an adverse effect on excavation stability. Back-analysis of
partial relaxation case studies, modelled in three-dimensions, found that Diederichs and
Kaisers adjustment for cases of stress relaxation achieved slightly lower levels of accuracy to
the original approach of setting the stress adjustment factor A equal to one in the Mathews
stability graph. In the case of full and tangential stress relaxation there was little difference
between the two methods. Using a stress factor equal to one and the adjustment factor
proposed by Diederichs and Kaiser resulted in accuracy significantly less than for non-relaxed
stope surfaces. However, if two-dimensional induced stresses are used, the predictive
capability of the Mathews method was significantly reduced by using Diederichs and Kaisers
recommended stress adjustment.
There were insufficient case studies to investigate full and tangential stress relaxation
separately. Similarly, there were insufficient case studies to compare full relaxation with two
relaxed stresses parallel to the excavation, to those with only one relaxed stress parallel to the
excavation. However, it can be inferred from the back-analyse reported in this chapter that
when the minor principal stress is tensile, the intermediate principal stress has an impact on
rock mass behaviour in jointed rock masses. Further work is required to quantify the impact of
the intermediate principal stress on the behaviour of jointed rock masses.
A new adjustment for the stress factor A that significantly improves the accuracy of stability
prediction for cases of full and tangential stress relaxation has been proposed. This adjustment
is an explicit method for taking into account the destabilising effect of full and tangential stress
relaxation. For cases of partial stress relaxation, a stress adjustment factor A equal to one, as
would be the case in the original Mathews method gives the best predictive capability to the
model. Because narrow-vein geometries are prone to stress relaxation effects, the adjustment
for stress relaxation presented in this chapter is an important contribution towards improved
narrow-vein dilution prediction and will form part of the methodology for improved dilution
prediction. A threshold value based relaxation effect (threshold value has been determined to
be 0.2MPa) makes sense given that the adverse effect of relaxation appears to occur at some


Chapter 6 Stress Relaxation

threshold value, and once this stress limit is reached further reducing stress levels would not
affect stability.



In this chapter the predictive ability of the stability graph is reviewed with respect to 115
narrow-vein stope case studies from the Barkers mine in Western Australia. The following
narrow-vein operating conditions have been analysed:

Tight backfill abutments.


Drilling accuracy (indirect analysis of stope height).


Drill and blast pattern.


Undercutting of footwall.

A poor correlation was found between stope stability and both the Mathews stability number,
N, and hydraulic radius, HR. Given that both N and HR correlate well with stability in the vast
majority of stability chart case studies, this suggests there is an overriding influence on
stability at Barkers not accounted for in the Mathews method. Using comparative statistics,
drill and blast issues were isolated as the most likely cause of this poor correlation. Blast
pattern was found to have a statistically significant affect on overbreak. In terms of the drill
and blast patterns used at the mine, the in-line 3 pattern performed significantly better than
both the staggered and dice 5 patterns for the vein width at the time. Undercut footwalls were
found to behave in a similar manner to non-undercut hangingwalls. There was no evidence
that tight backfill abutments (not continuous moving) behave differently from solid rock
abutments in terms of determination of stable stope dimensions. Drillhole accuracy was
indirectly examined by considering the effect of stope heights within the limits of 13 metres to
20 metres. Within these limits, stope height did not affect the magnitude of overbreak.
The findings from this chapter support the thesis hypothesis that narrow-vein stope stability is
poorly predicted by existing stability graph methods and justifies further explicit consideration
of narrow-vein operating conditions.


Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine



As discussed in Chapter 4 a number of narrow-vein operating conditions have been

hypothesised to have a significantly larger influence upon narrow-vein stope stability than they
do on large open stope stability. In Chapter 5 the limited potential of site-specific charts to
calibrate to narrow-vein operating conditions was demonstrated, and pointed to the need for
explicit consideration of narrow-vein operating conditions. In this chapter the hypothesis that
existing stability charts poorly predict narrow-vein stope stability is investigated by backanalysing the predictive ability of stability charts at the Barkers narrow-vein mine. Analysis of
the Barkers narrow-vein case studies have been undertaken in two stages. In the first stage the
predictive ability of the stability chart approach has been examined. In the second stage
comparative statistics have been used to back-analyse the parameters affecting dilution in the
115 Barkers case studies. The following narrow-vein operating conditions have been analysed:

Tight backfill abutments.


Drilling accuracy (indirect analysis of stope height).


Drill and blast pattern.


Undercutting of footwall.

This chapter contains the results of the first set of Barkers case studies collated between in
August 2001 and October 2001. In the following chapter (Chapter 8) a second set of 410 case
studies from the Barkers mine has been analysed with the express purpose of considering the
effect of stress damage on dilution at the mine. Both datasets are new datasets collected as part
of this thesis project. Because the second set of data was collected with the primary purpose of
conducting analysis of the effect of stress damage due to stress concentration at the brow, the
second database does not contain the same fields as the first database. In addition some fields
were determined in a different manner. Therefore, the two databases have not been merged and
the analysis contained in this chapter has been undertaken separately from the second set of
410 case studies presented in Chapter 8.





Kundana Gold Operations is located 25 kilometres west-northwest of Coolgardie, which is

approximately 595 km east of Perth in Western Australia as shown in Figure 7.1.
Placerdomes Kundana Gold Operations ceased underground production in May 2004. Mining

Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

of the Barkers and Strzelecki ore bodies formed one underground mining operation. All case
studies referred to in this chapter come from the Barkers orebody.
Zuleika Shear



Big Bell
Mt Magnet



St Ives

Gold Mine




Yilgarn Craton





Figure 7.1 Location of Kundana Gold Operations within the Archean Greenstone belt of the
Yilgarn Crato, Western Australia, after Slade (2004)



The Kundana Mining lease contains a sequence of rocks generally striking AMG 300o to 330o
and dipping steeply west. Mineralisation is constrained within a deep crustal shear zone known
as the Zuleika Shear (Slade, 2004). The general stratigraphy is comprised of a sequence of
mafic to intermediate volcanics and derived sediments. The Kundana sequence is interpreted to
form part of an upright isoclinal anticline between the east and west synclines (Hadlow, 1990).
The dominant sub-vertical foliation associated with the Zuleika Shear Zone trends from 320
to 350. The bulk of the mineralisation is in the form of thin planar laminated quartz veins
which dip moderately to steeply to the west with strike lengths up to 600 metres (Hadlow,
The Barkers orebody mineralisation occurs within a laminated quartz vein at the sheared
contact between the footwall western facies of the Gabbro intrusion and a hangingwall felsic
volcanic sediment (Reid et al., 2001). The average vein dip is 70 degrees with width ranging


Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

from 0.2 metres to 0.7 metres. Shearing extends up to 2.5 metres either side of the vein. The
hangingwall zone consists of two major rock units consisting of dolerite in the northern section
of the orebody, and volcanic/sediment units in the southern section of the orebody.
The orebody is relatively tabular with only gradual changes in orientation along strike and
along dip. For this reason the sill drives are relatively straight and designed stope walls
relatively planar along both strike and dip. However, there is a four to six metre fault induced
offset in the orebody, approximately 110 metres from the end of the northern extent of the
orebody. This fault zone is clearly seen as a lateral kink in the orebody in the northern section
of the ore drives. The fault zone has resulted in localised degradation in rock mass properties
and has been allocated a separate geotechnical domain (Brunton and Trueman, 2001). This
fault zone affects approximately 12 metres along strike. The footwall consists of gabbro, which
can be divided into two distinct zones; one immediately adjacent to the orebody and the other
further into the footwall (Brunton and Trueman, 2001).


Rockmass Characterisation

Table 7.1 contains a summary of laboratory geomechanical properties of the Barkers ore and
host rocks. The values shown are global estimates of each rock type based on sampling from
limited exploration drill holes and data obtained from hollow inclusion cell stress

Table 7.1 Laboratory geomechanical properties of Barkers ore and host rocks, after Slade


Static Youngs

Static Youngs

Static Poissons



Modulus Av.

Modulus Av.

Ratio Av.




Barkers FW












Barkers HW











Quartz vein











Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

The stopes analysed for this study were limited to the panels for which detailed rockmass
characterisation had been undertaken and where geotechnical domains showed high vertical
consistency. Brunton and Trueman (2001) undertook detailed rockmass characterisation and
scanline mapping in the 5990, 6055 and 6070 sill drives. Scanline mapping data was analysed
using JointStats stereographic software and joint sets identified (Brunton and Trueman, 2001).
JointStats was developed by the JKMRC to analyse discontinuity data collected from scanline
and window mapping. RQD was estimated using Palmstroms (1982) volumetric joint count.
The locations of the hangingwall and footwall structural domains are shown in Figure 7.2 and
Figure 7.3, respectively. Stereographic interpretation of the hangingwall joint sets resulted in
identification of the five structural domains shown in Table 7.2.

Hangingwall North

Hangingwall Fault

19167 N

Hangingwall Central

19153 N

19089 N

Hangingwall South

6070 Level Hangingwall

Figure 7.2 Location of hangingwall structural domains on the 6070 m level, after Brunton and
Trueman (2001)


Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

Table 7.2 Summary of structural domains in the hangingwall (6055 m and 6070 m Levels), after
Brunton and Trueman (2001)




Northern section of

The rock mass consists of three joint sets (two sub-vertical



dipping to the SE and SW, and one sub-horizontal).

Hangingwall Fault

Fault zone northern

A number of faults in this zone cut and displace the orebody


section of orebody.

in this area.


Central section of orebody

The rock mass consists of sub-vertical jointing which is


south of fault zone.

common to both the HWN and HWS domains.


Southern section of

The rock mass consists of three joint sets (two sub-vertical



dipping to the SE and SW, and one sub-horizontal). The dip





direction of the sub-horizontal joint set differs to that

encountered in HWN and HWS domains.

Figure 7.3 illustrates the location of the footwall structural domains. Footwall Zone 1 (FZ1) is
characterized by strong foliation similar to that seen in the hangingwall. From the limited
exposures mapped, this zone appears to widen as the orebody widens, and has a general width
of 0.5 to 2.0 metres (Brunton and Trueman, 2001). For the purpose of Barkers stope stability
analysis, the FW1 structural domain has been used for all footwall case studies.



1 (F





ll Z

Footwall Zone 1 width 0.5 m to 2.0m

(zone width related to orebody thickness)

Figure 7.3 Two footwall zones located along strike of the orebody, after Brunton and Trueman


Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

Table 7.3 contains the Q rockmass classification (Mathews et al., 1981). Domain boundaries
between the 6055 m and 6070 m levels were found to be sub-vertical in nature (Brunton and
Trueman, 2001). Therefore, it has been possible to extrapolate rock mass characterisation
results from the 6055 m and 6070 m levels to 6120 m, 6105 m, 6090 m and 6040 m levels. The
Barkers stope stability database contains case studies from levels 6040 m through to 6120 m
and therefore, some of the rock mass characterisation contained in the Barkers stope stability
database has been extrapolated from vertically adjacent levels. The high vertical consistency of
geotechnical domains meant that it was reasonable to assume domain consistency up to two
levels away (30 metres) when necessary.

Table 7.3 Q System rock mass classification for Barkers geotechnical domains


















































In situ Stresses

Pascoe, (2001) undertook hollow inclusion cell stress measurements on the 6025 level (319
metres depth). The case studies discussed in this chapter come from the 6040 metre level to the
6120 metre level. The Barkers 6025 stress measurement was located 80 metres from the
orebody. Stress measurements undertaken by Australian Mining Consultants (2001) are
summarised in Table 7.4. The Barker 6025 stress measurement was rated as a good site
(Pascoe, 2001).

Table 7.4 Barkers in situ stress measurement at 319 metres depth

Magnitude (MPa)

Bearing ()

Plunge ()










Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine


Mining Method

The mining method was a combination of the bottom-up modified Avoca method using
development waste as fill and longhole open stoping with small rib pillars. Figure 7.4 is a
schematic representation of the Barkers mining method. Longhole open stoping with small rib
pillars were always used on the top levels of the panels because there is no access for filling.
Backfill was tight filled against the brow with 10 to 30 metre spans opened prior to the next
backfill cycle. The orebody was accessed via horizontally offset crosscuts that access the
orebody approximately half way along strike. Stoping proceeded from both ends of the
orebody on multiple levels retreating to a central access. Typically, levels were spaced at 15
metre intervals. Rib pillars were two metres along strike and the sill pillars separating panels
were between one and four metres high.

Panel Length ~300m








Panel Height
~ 48m



Figure 7.4 Schematic representation of the Barkers mining method (long-section)

The Barkers orebody employs the modified Avoca mining method with tight backfilling to the
brow. Therefore, the Barkers extraction and filling sequence is different from that employed at
Winston Lake mine, in that there is no backfill lag and therefore the adjacent stope is
completely filled prior to the next stage of stoping. Therefore, the Barkers stopes are not


Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

subject to the effect of moving backfill abutments. In this paper the effect of backfill abutments
has been evaluated in terms of the number of backfill abutments.



The 115 case studies analysed in this chapter come from panels located between the 6120
metre sill drive and the 6040 metre sill drive. Appendix C contains the database of Barkers
case studies. The Kundana mine geology staff recorded stope stability data including stope
geometry and visual estimation of overbreak from the vein to the final stope walls in Stope
Records Sheets. Collation of this raw data in conjunction with extensive rock mass
characterisation work and the development of a linear elastic stress model to estimate induced
stresses have facilitated the stope stability analysis contained in this report.


Estimation of Induced Stresses

Induced stresses are required for the estimation of stress factor, A. Induced stresses were
estimated using the linear elastic boundary element program Map3d. Three panels have been
incorporated in the model. The AMC (2001) stress measurements in Table 7.4 were used in the
model. Figure 7.5 is an image depicting the elastic stresses at stage 5 of panel mining. The
model was simplified by treating the entire top panel as a single block. None of the case
studies considered in this thesis are located in the top panel, so this simplification does not
affect the stopes analysed. All the stope surfaces contained in the Barkers stability database
come from the second and third panel. Figure 7.5 shows two stress resolution grids at stage 5
of orebody extraction: one shows stress contours parallel to the footwall and the other shows
stress contours perpendicular to the footwall.
Stress modelling was undertaken for 15 different stages of extraction. The sequence shown is
an approximate sequence based on knowledge of the bottom-up shrinking central pillar
sequence. The various stages of extraction shown in Figure 7.5 correspond to the various
colours shown. Induced stresses tangential to the centre of stope walls ranged from 10 MPa to
50 MPa, with an estimated accuracy of +/-10 MPa. Depending on the proximity of the nearest
grid, induced stresses were extrapolated up to 10 metres along strike. There was very little
variation in stresses along strike so this extrapolation is likely to be associated with error in the
order of 2 to 5 MPa.


Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine


Figure 7.5 Map3d block model for determining induced stresses. Colours correspond to
different stages in the extraction sequence. Mining direction and the mining front indicated by
black lines and arrows. Numbers in white boxes indicate panel number.


Stope Geometry

For the purpose of stope stability analysis, backfill abutments are treated as though they are
solid rock. Therefore, the stope span is taken to be the distance from the stope brow to the
backfill, pillar or endwall as the case may be. As there is no access to the top of each panel,
pillars are used in place of backfill to achieve reduced stope spans. A two to four metre high
sill/crown pillar is left between panels. The 6120 m and 6070 m levels are top level stopes.
Stope record sheets recorded ring numbers and sill drive name. The location of the stopes was
determined from a long-section showing ring location.



The Barkers stability database overbreak records are based upon an estimate of overbreak from
the vein. Because the vein width is less than a practical minimum mining width, it was
necessary to adjust these values to take into account overbreak with respect to some optimum
design width. For the purposes of this stope stability analysis footwall overbreak has been
corrected to take into account a minimum practical stope design width of 1.2 metres (or
planned dilution on the footwall side). Therefore, corrected overbreak refers to overbreak
outside of the designed stope limits. The correction is not applicable to hangingwalls because

Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

there is no planned dilution on the hangingwall side. Throughout this chapter and chapter 8
footwall overbreak refers to corrected footwall overbreak.
Two approaches to stope stability analysis have been undertaken. Firstly, stope stability has
been examined within the framework of the Extended Mathews Stability Chart (Trueman and
Mawdesley, 2003; Mawdesley et al., 2001; Trueman et al., 2000). Secondly, stability has been
statistically evaluated with respect to a number of parameters not taken into account by
existing stability chart methods. The effect of undercutting of the stope wall has been taken
into account by experimenting with the gravity adjustment factor, C until stable and unstable
misclassifications are minimised.


Barkers Stope Stability and the Extended Mathews Stability Chart

In Figure 7.6, Figure 7.7 and Figure 7.8 the Barkers case studies have been plotted with respect
to the Extended Mathews Stability Graph. Each of the plots categorises stable and failed stope
surfaces according to a different corrected overbreak cut-off. Clark and Pakalnis (1997) define
a failure as an equivalent linear overbreak greater than 0.5 metres. Figure 7.6 uses the 0.5
metre cut-off for categorising stopes as stable, whilst Figure 7.7 and Figure 7.8 contain cut offs
of 0.65 metres and 1.0 metres, respectively. Almost all Barkers stope data falls above the
Extended Mathews stable-failure boundary, in the stable zone. Therefore, according to the
Extended Mathews stability chart, all but one point should have been stable.
The possibility that inaccuracies or inconsistencies in measuring overbreak are the reason for
the poor separation of stable and unstable points is unlikely. The type of error introduced by
this source would most likely produce random classification errors through which some
separation of stable and failures should still be evident. Based upon Figure 7.6, Figure 7.7, and
Figure 7.8 there is no evidence of a separation of stable and unstable points with respect to the
stability number, N. As discussed in Chapter 3 the 485 generic Extended Mathews stability
case studies were found to have a good correlation to stability, with an accuracy greater than
80 percent. This suggests that a dominant effect on stope stability at Barkers is not taken into
account by parameters captured by the stability number, N, or stope size.
As shown in Figure 7.7 and Figure 7.8 there are no failures (corrected overbreak <0.65 metres)
below a hydraulic radius of 3.2 metres. This suggests that within the range of N values
captured in the database, overbreak of less than 0.65 metres can be expected for stopes with a
hydraulic radius below 3.2 metres.

Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine



Stability Number, N


Extended Mathews Stable - Failure

No Abut Fill - Stable


No Abut. Fill - Failure

1 Fill Abut - Stable
1 Fill abutment - Failure
2 Fill Abut - Stable
2 Fill Abut - Failure



Shape Factor, S

Figure 7.6 Barkers stability data with stable corrected overbreak cutoff < 0.50 metres


Stability Number, N


No Failures

Extended Mathews Stable-Failure

No fill abut. - stable

No fill abut. - failure

1 fill abut - Stable
1 fill abut - failure
2 fill abut - Stable
2 fill abut - Unstable


Shape Factor, S

Figure 7.7 Barkers stability data with stable overbreak cutoff <0.65m



Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

Stability Number, N




Extended Mathews Stable - Failure

No backfill abut. - stable


No backfill abut. - failure

1 Fill Abut. - Stable
1 Fill Abut. - Failure
2 Fill Abut. - Stable
2 Fill Abut - Failure


Shape Factor, S

Figure 7.8 Barkers stability data with stable corrected overbreak cutoff < 1.0 m

In summary, the Barkers case studies provide evidence indicating that the hypothesis that
narrow-vein stability is poorly predicted by stability charts is true. In the following section
additional narrow-vein case studies providing additional evidence supporting the hypothesis of
this thesis are discussed.



Wang et al. (2002b) present 146 case studies from Trout Lake and Callinan narrow-vein mines.
85 percent of stope widths ranged from 4 to 12 metres (Wang, 2005), and could be considered
relatively narrow. These case studies provide further evidence of poor correlation of narrow
stope stability to existing stability charts. Figure 7.9 plots the difference between actual and
predicted metres of hangingwall slough.
Over 50 percent of the case studies had more than 0.5 metres more slough than predicted.
Wang et al. (2002b) refer to Clark and Pakalaniss (1997) original list of factors either ignored
or poorly accounted for as possible explanations for the poor predictive ability. These factors
include; irregular wall geometry, undercutting of stope walls, blast design and stope life. In
this thesis irregular wall geometry, undercutting of stope walls and blast design have been

Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

identified as narrow-vein operating conditions that predispose narrow-vein stope stability

prediction to inaccuracy.

Figure 7.9 Trout Lake and Callinan narrow-vein case studies showing difference between
actual and predicted dilution, after Wang et al. (2002b)



Because overbreak has been recorded as a continuous variable it is possible to undertake

statistical analysis of the possible causes of dilution at Barkers mine. When appropriate
(normal distributions and equal variances) the simple two-sample t-test has been applied.
There is a general consensus amongst statisticians that the two-sample t test should be used
when the assumptions of normality and equal variances are satisfied (Devore, 1991). However,
in cases where assumptions of normality were not reasonable alternative non-parametric tests
were performed. However, it should be noted that these tests are more likely to incorrectly
accept the null hypothesis (Type II error). In cases where an assumption of non-equal variance
was not reasonable a heteroscedastic t-test was performed.


Effect of Tight Backfilling

The effect of tight backfilling abutments has been studied as one of the possible causes of
dilution at Barkers mine. In this thesis tight filling refers to filling sequences where the
adjacent stope is completely filled prior to stoping. Because backfill is tight filled at Barkers

Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

the abutments are not moving backfill abutments. Potvins (1988) analysis of the effect of
backfill abutments on stope stability indicated that tight backfilling does not affect stope
stability and a backfill abutment can be treated as a solid rock abutment.
The effect of backfill abutments on Barkers overbreak has been examined by investigating the
effect of the number of backfill abutments on stope stability. For example, a stope is said to
have one backfill abutment if one out of the four stope wall abutments is fill. Depending on the
position of a stope wall within a panel and whether a pillar or backfill was used to shorten
stope spans, a stope may have between zero and two backfill abutments.
Comparative statistics were conducted to compare overbreak for each of the three backfill
scenarios. Table 7.5 contains the results of statistical comparisons between one and two
backfill abutments, zero and one backfill abutments and zero and two backfill abutments. A
standard t-test could not be used because the F-statistic was significant in each case indicating
that the requirement for equal variances does not hold true. Therefore, heteroscedastic t tests
were conducted to accommodate the non-equal variances of each comparison. Heteroscedastic
tests provided no evidence the mean overbreaks were different. However, it is possible to draw
statistically significant conclusions about the probability of obtaining a difference in means
greater than some value by conducting an analysis of statistical power. Power is defined as 1-,
where is the probability of accepting a false hypothesis (type II error) (Walpole et al., 1990).
In this case an acceptable level of power was set at 0.90. Power analysis was conducted using
the computer program Statistica using a pooled variance. The difference between means was
adjusted by trial and error until the probability of a type II error was less than 10 percent
(power > 0.90). Using power analysis, it was possible to make the following conclusions
regarding the effect of backfill abutments:

There is a 90 percent probability that the difference in mean overbreaks between one
and two backfill abutments is less than 0.47 metres.


There is a 90 percent probability that the difference in mean overbreaks between zero
and two backfill abutments is less than 0.37 metres.


There is a 90 percent probability that the difference in mean overbreaks between one
and two backfill abutments is less than 0.20 metres.

Although histograms of each backfill configuration appeared normal, it was decided that a
non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was required to confirm the findings of the
heteroscedastic t-test. The results of these comparisons are contained in Table 7.5 and confirm


Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

that the number of backfill abutments does not significantly affect overbreak. These results
confirm Potvins (1988) recommendation for treating backfill abutments the same as solid rock
in the case where the adjacent stope is completely filled prior to recommencing stoping.

Table 7.5 Effect of number of backfill abutments on overbreak

1 Fill Abut.
compared to
2 Fill Abut.

0 Fill Abut.
compared to
1 Fill Abut.
0 Fill Abut.
to 2 Fill

1 Fill

2 Fill

0 Fill
0 Fill

1 Fill
2 Fill


t-test Power

t test (normal
but unequal
U test (nonnormal)
t test (normal
but unequal


t test (normal
but unequal
variances test)
U test (nonnormal test)







90% confident the
difference between 1 and
2 fill abutments is
< 0.47m
95% confident 1 and 2
fill abutments are not
significantly different
90% confident difference
between 0 and 1 fill
abutments is
< 0.37m
90% confident difference
between 0 and 2 fill
abutments is
< 0.20m
95% confident that 0 and
2 fill abutments are not
significantly different

The effect of unconsolidated backfill on excavation stability has been analysed using strainstiffening curves for goaf waste rock and Q system support requirements. According to the Q
system support requirements by Hoek and Brown (1980), the Barkers hangingwalls require
approximately 100 kPa support pressure, while the Barkers footwalls require approximately 50
kPa. According to Thin (1994), the relationship describing the goaf strain-stiffening response,
2.5 percent compaction corresponds to 100 kPa support pressure. Stope closure of 3.8
centimetres corresponds to 2.5 percent compaction of the backfill. Assuming the
unconsolidated backfill used at Barkers has similar strain-stiffening properties to the goaf
waste tested by Thin (1994), this analysis suggests the support pressure associated with 2.5
percent closure of the unconsolidated waste backfill can be expected to provide similar support
to a solid rock abutment. In this scenario the stope closure reaches equilibrium with the
backfill reaction pressure. The ability of unconsolidated backfill to provide adequate support
pressure is consistent with the empirical evidence presented in Table 7.5 and the observations
of Potvin (1988).
As noted previously, the Barkers case studies are different from Milnes (1997) Winston Lake
case studies where the backfilling was not tight filled and there was a lag in the backfill front

Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

(moving backfill abutment). In this case, Milne (1997) presented evidence that treating the
moving backfill abutment the same as fill was overly optimistic, and proposed that the
effective span could be calculated as the sum of the maximum and minimum open span.


Effect of Stope Height

There are two reasons why the effect of stope height on corrected overbreak was investigated.
Firstly, site mining and geotechnical personnel had been considering the implications of
increasing stope heights in order to reduce both production development and capital
development costs. Secondly, drillhole deviation could be expected to increase with stope
height and comparing stopes of difference heights may indirectly indicate whether drillhole
deviation could be a cause of dilution at Barkers mine. Figure 7.10 is a scatter plot of
overbreak versus stope height. The correlation coefficient for overbreak versus stope height
was 0.105. This suggests that within the range of stope heights collated, stope height does not
impact upon stability.

Overbreak (m)
with - 0.5m correction for footwall







Stope Height (m)

Modified Avoca
Top-level (Rib Pillars)
Figure 7.10 Corrected overbreak versus stope height

Figure 7.11 is a comparison of cumulative frequency distributions for stable and unstable
stopes. A comparison of these distributions indicates that stope stability is not improved by
reducing the stope height to less than 19 metres. Furthermore, within the range of stope heights

Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

analysed there is no evidence that that the increased drillhole length associated with increased
stope height is associated with increased overbreak.

Cum ulative Frequency



S table Cum ulative %








Stope Height (m )

Failure Cum ulative %

Figure 7.11 Cumulative height chart for stable and failed stopes


Effect of Drill and Blast Parameters

The Barkers database includes information on the drill and blast pattern used for each stope.
Three different drill and blast patterns are contained in the database; Dice 5, Staggered and Inline 3. Figure 7.12 illustrates the layout of each of the three blast patterns with respect to stope
design width and the vein.
Summary statistics for the effect of blast pattern on stope stability are shown in Table 7.6. The
comparison of the three blast patterns contained in the Barkers database indicates that in-line 3
results in less overbreak than both the dice 5 and staggered. This difference becomes even
more pronounced for overbreak greater than 0.65 metres. In the case of 0.65 metres overbreak,
only 4.5 percent of in-line 3 stopes have failed at the 0.65 metres corrected overbreak cutoff.
At the 0.50 metres corrected overbreak cutoff for failures 18.2 percent of in-line 3 stopes had
failed compared to 42.5 percent and 37.1 percent, respectively for dice 5 and staggered.


Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine











0.5 m

In-line 3




Figure 7.12 - Drill-hole patterns (plan view)

Table 7.6 Stability statistics for blast patterns


Number of

Mean Corrected


Proportion of

Proportion of



Overbreak (m)


Case Studies

Case Studies





> 0.50 m

> 0.65 m


Dice 5




42.5 %

25.8 %





37.1 %

19.4 %

In-line 3




18.2 %

4.5 %

A t-test was conducted to test the significance of the difference between overbreak for each of
the blast patterns. A t-test enables the difference between the means of two independent data
sets to be compared provided the two data sets are normally distributed and the variances are
equal. Comparisons of staggered to dice 5 and dice 5 to in-line 3 were shown to meet these
assumptions. However, in the case of the comparison of Staggered to in-line 3, the variances
were found to be considerably different as evidenced by the F-test of variance equality (p value
of 0.0112). Therefore, a heteroscedastic t-test was used for this comparison. Table 7.7 contains
results of a statistical comparison of overbreak for each of the blast patterns illustrated in
Figure 7.12. Stopes blasted using in-line 3 had significantly less (at the 90 percent confidence
level) overbreak than both staggered and dice 5 blast patterns. Overbreak for Staggered and
Dice 5 were not significantly different. While there was no record of in-line 3 causing
problems with bridging it could be considered a higher risk drill pattern. It is clear that blast
pattern has the potential to significantly impact upon overbreak in narrow vein stopes.


Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

Table 7.7 Effect of blast pattern on overbreak



in means
Staggered to



In-line 3





P value



Mean overbreak




significantly different

t test

@ 90 percent
confidence level

Dice 5 to



In-line 3







Mean overbreak
significantly different
@ 90 percent
confidence level

Dice 5 to











No evidence mean


overbreaks are

t test



Under the original Mathews stability graph method a footwall is assigned a stope orientation
factor, C of 8. However, due to the undercutting of footwalls associated with equipment
minimum width requirements, it was deemed that a C factor of 8 is likely to be too high. For
this reason, a number of trials were carried out experimenting with the stope orientation factor.
Figure 7.13, Figure 7.14 and Figure 7.15 show the C values trialed.


Stability Number, N



Extended Mathews S-F Boundary


HW - Stable
HW - Failure Overbreak > 0.5 m
FW - Stable
FW - Failure Overbreak > 0.5 m

Shape Factor, S

Figure 7.13 Stope orientation factor for footwalls: C = 8


Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine


Stability Number, N



Extended Mathews S-F Boundary
HW - Stable
HW - Failure Overbreak > 0.5 m
FW - Stable
FW - Failure Overbreak > 0.5 m


Shape Factor, S

Figure 7.14 Stope orientation factor for footwalls: C=1.0


Stability Number, N



Extended Mathews S-F Boundary
HW - Stable
HW - Failure Overbreak > 0.5 m
FW - Stable
FW - Failure Overbreak > 0.5 m


Shape Factor, S

Figure 7.15 Stope orientation factor for footwalls as for hangingwalls: C=4.9

Figure 7.13 demonstrates that when a stope orientation of 8 is applied to the footwall data, N
values are high in comparison to their stability classification. Considering that the footwall is
just as likely as the hangingwall to experience overbreak greater than 0.5 metres, engineering
judgement suggests that this data is plotting unrealistically high compared to the hangingwall

Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

data. Figure 7.14 shows the data with a stope orientation factor of 1.0. A low value was
adopted to reflect the perceived decrease in stability associated with two kinematic degrees of
freedom (two free faces). However, a stope orientation factor of 1.0 was found to be too low.
In Figure 7.15, a stope orientation factor the same as the hangingwall was applied. On the basis
of engineering judgement, this result was deemed to be the most realistic and was applied to all
other representation of the data in terms of N.
As discussed in Chapter 4, Wang et al. (2002b) propose an undercutting factor (UF). UF is
defined in Equation 4.8 and is based on the premise that undercutting and overcutting of stope
walls results in increased dilution due to increased stress relaxation. Based on the empirical
study of stress relaxation presented in Chapter 5, the underlying premise for UF could be
limited in that it does not take into account different types of stress relaxation. Like the fault
factor proposed by Suorineni (1998), the undercutting factor assumes that the destabilising
effects of stress relaxation are dependent on stress relaxation as defined by the minimum
principal stress. As determined in Chapter 5 partial relaxation does not affect stope stability.
However, both full and tangential stress relaxation were demonstrated to affect stope stability.
Therefore, both the fault factor and the undercutting factor may better correlate to stability if
they were based on full and tangential stress relaxation. It has not been possible to evaluate UF
with respect to the Barkers case studies because the parameters required to determine UF were
not recorded.



Barkers stope stability case studies indicated that the stability number, N is a poor predictor of
dilution at Barkers. In the case of stope shape and size as quantified by the term hydraulic
radius there was not as strong a correlation to stability with the Barkers data than with the
Mathews type generic stability database. However, stopes with a hydraulic radius less than 3.4
were found to perform better than larger stopes with respect to overbreak for the operating
conditions encountered.
An additional 146 narrow-vein case studies from the Callinan and Trout Lake mine were also
poorly predicted by existing stability charts. The Barkers, Callinan and Trout Lake narrowvein case studies support the hypothesis that existing stability charts provide poor predictive
ability in the case of narrow-vein stoping.


Chapter 7 A Narrow-vein Case Study Barkers Mine

Statistical analysis of narrow-vein operating conditions not captured by the stability number N
were examined as possible causes of dilution at the mine. Issues pertaining to drill and blast
were isolated as a most likely source of this overriding dominant influence on stability. There
was no evidence that the number of backfilled abutments influenced stope stability. This
implies that for the tight backfilling conditions at Barkers it is reasonable to treat the backfill
abutment as a solid rock. An analysis of the backfill support pressure associated with 2.5
percent compaction indicated that the backfill could develop sufficient support pressure for the
rock mass conditions encountered. Therefore, provided backfill stiffening due to compaction
occurs at reasonably low stope closure and the support pressure available is adequate for the
rock mass in question, a tight backfill abutment can be treated as a solid rock abutment.
Within the range of the Barkers database, stope height did not appear to affect stope stability.
For the vein widths captured in the Barkers stability database, the In-line 3 blast pattern
performed significantly better than both the Staggered and Dice 5 in terms of overbreak. In the
case of the undercut footwalls it was found that adopting a stope surface orientation factor C
equal to that of the hangingwall provided a realistic stability number outcome. If a C factor of
8 is used as recommended under the original Mathews recommendations, the footwall data sits
unrealistically high above the hangingwall data. In engineering terms an undercut footwall
appears to behave in a similar manner to a non-undercut hangingwall.
Overall, the Barkers stope stability back-analysis provides validation of the need to address
narrow-vein operating conditions such as drill and blast design explicitly. While adopting an
in-line drill and blast pattern instead of a dice five pattern has the potential to reduce dilution
by an average of 0.19 metres, the large number of narrow-vein case studies with dilution in
excess of stability chart predictions suggests that additional causes of dilution are probable. In
the following chapter the effect of stress damage on dilution on narrow-vein dilution has been
investigated as an additional possible cause of dilution at the Barkers mine.



In this chapter, the effect of stress damage associated with a stope walls stress history is
examined. In the case of narrow-vein mining, the incremental extraction of long-hole rings has
the potential to result in a moving high stressed zone at the stope brow. This results in the
hangingwall and footwall experiencing a spike in the stress to strength ratios as the brow
passes. In some cases, the stress to strength ratio may be high enough to result in fracturing
or damage to the rock mass.
The aim of the study described in this chapter was to investigate whether stress damage in
advance of the excavation results in a significant increase in dilution. The study involved
analysis of overbreak from 412 case studies from the Kundana Gold mine in Western
Australia. Site personnel had already undertaken a calibration of the stress levels that result
in rock mass damage. This calibration, in conjunction with numerical modelling of a 32 month
extraction sequence demonstrated, with 94 percent confidence, that stress damaged stope
walls at this mine had an average 0.27 metres more overbreak than stope walls where stresses
had not exceeded the damage criterion. Assuming a designed mining width of approximately
1.5 metres, and both hangingwall and footwall were affected by stress damage, this represents
36 percent dilution. The potential for stress damage related overbreak should therefore be
considered as part of any assessment of narrow-vein dilution.



The effect of a stope walls stress history is one of the narrow-vein operating conditions
hypothesised to contribute to narrow-vein dilution. Stress history considers the full stress
history of a stope wall while Stress Factor A considers the mid-stope induced stress poststoping. Stope walls adjacent to the brow experience a spike in stress as the brow passes,
which in the case of a shrinking central pillar extraction sequence potentially results in stress
damage to the adjacent hangingwall and footwall. Narrow-vein stope extraction involves
relatively small mining increments along strike and therefore brow stresses have the potential

Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

to affect large sections of hangingwall and footwall. Narrow-vein small incremental extraction
contrasts with large open stoping blasting which is blasted in much larger increments.
Therefore, in the case of large open stoping the area of stope wall surface exposed to a stress
spike will usually be much less than in narrow-vein stoping. Figure 8.1 illustrates how brow
stresses can affect large sections of hangingwall and footwall.

Figure 8.1 Longsection: Incremental extraction exposes large areas of hangingwall and
footwall to brow stress levels

Cooper (2002) noted the potential for stope failure to be increased by poor stope sequencing.
Understanding the circumstances in which this form of stress damage affects dilution enables
operators to minimise dilution within the limits of economically practicable mining. Many of
the causes of unplanned dilution involve significant cost to reduce their impact. In contrast, the
potential to avoid stress damage related dilution through combined geotechnical and mining
engineering teamwork is high. In addition, the strategies employed to reduce stress
concentration may also improve mineability and reduce ore losses as discussed by Beck and
Sandy (2002), and Beck and Sandy (2003).


Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

Post-stoping stresses are taken into account in all variants of the Stability Graph approach
(Mathews et al., 1981; Potvin, 1988; Clark et al., 1997; Mawdesley et al., 2001) but the
stability graph approach does not take into account the stresses experienced by stope walls
prior to stoping. As discussed in Chapter 4, Sprott et al. (1999) propose an adjustment to the
stability graph approach to account for pre-mining or virgin stresses. Sprott et al. (1999) stress
damage adjustments were successfully applied at the three large open-stoping Hemlo
operations in Canada to predict stope stability and evaluate alternative extraction sequences.
However, this approach does not consider the full stress history experienced by the stope wall,
only the pre-mining stress. Therefore, this method does not take into account spikes in the
stress history which may exceed the pre-mining stress.
The aim of this chapter is to examine the effect of stress damage on dilution, as well as
investigate how extraction sequence impacts on brow stresses in narrow-vein mines. This has
been achieved by back-analysing the stress path (32 months) of 412 stope walls from the
Barkers orebody. All modelling results presented in this thesis were done by the author as part
of this thesis project. Appendix D contains the second Barkers database of 412 case studies.
Chapter 7 contains details of the Barkers geology and mining method. The stress path was
obtained from linear elastic modelling of a 32-step extraction sequence using Map3D boundary
element software. Each stage in the sequence corresponds to one month. Appendix E contains
contour plots of n for each stage in the extraction sequence.



In generic terms, rock is considered damaged when the strength of the rock is reduced. In
fracture mechanics, damage or crack damage threshold refers to the onset of irreversible
volumetric strain (Bawden, 2002b). Volumetric strain is simply a measure of rock
deformation. However, Wiles (2002) uses a post peak-strength damage definition. This
approach is well suited to an empirical failure criterion based damage model. In practice it
doesnt really matter, provided the damage model parameters are calibrated to underground
observations. As shown in the stress-strain curve shown in Figure 8.2, the onset of stress
damage (or yield) marks a change from linear elastic deformation to non-linear plastic
deformation (Bawden, 2002b). Up until the onset of stress damage, removal of the unloading
stress-strain path follows the same linear path as loading. Prior to the onset of crack damage
deformations are recoverable.


Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

Axial Stress

crack damage threshold

Micro-cracking < 0.5 %

< 1%
Sliding on
cracks < 10 %

crack initiation threshold

Figure 8.2 Stress-strain curve for hard rock

Following are four methods that could be used to estimate the potential for stress damage to
occur in the brow region shown in Figure 8.1. All four methods use linear elastic numerical
modelling to estimate stress levels.
1. Empirical failure criterion for rock (shear based) (eg Hoek et al., 1980).
2. Deviatoric stresses (empirical fracture mechanics based criterion) (eg Kaiser, 1994; Castro
et al., 1996; Martin et al., 1996).
3. Empirical pillar yield charts (factor of safety based on strength to stress ratio) (Hedley et
al., 1972; Martin et al., 2000; Lunde, 1994).
4. Site calibrated damage criterion.
A site calibrated damage criterion based upon the stress normal to strike has been used as a
basis for the Barkers damage study reported in this chapter. The alternative methods for
predicting stress damage have been discussed for completeness and in recognition that prior to
mining it is not possible to calibrate to underground observations. Therefore, predicting stress
damage related dilution requires a method for assessing stress damage potential prior to the
possibility of calibrating to underground observations.


Empirical Failure Criterion

Ideally, empirical failure criterion should only be used when the opportunity to calibrate model
parameters to underground observations exists. Wiles (2002) quantifies stress damage in terms

Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

of excess stress and discusses how determining an appropriate stress path to failure is an
important consideration when attempting to quantify the extent of stress damage. In the case of
pillar failure, Wiles (2002) suggests an increasing load type stress path. While the brow can be
considered a pillar, at the early stages in the extraction sequence the edge of the very elongated
pillar could be considered an abutment. Wiles (2002) suggests that in the case of an abutment,
changes in shear stress would be an appropriate stress path.


Deviatoric Stress Based Damage Criteria

A deviatoric stress based damage criterion is expressed in Equation 8.1 where 1 and 3 are the
maximum and minimum principal stresses respectively and ci is the in situ crack initiation
stress (Kaiser, 1994; Castro et al., 1996, Martin et al., 1996).

1 3 ci

Equation 8.1

The advantage of the deviatoric stress approach to damage estimation is its simplicity and
availability of input parameters. The input parameter, ci can be estimated from the short-term
UCS, which is usually available. The AECL Mine-by experiment indicates that the in situ
crack initiation stress occurs at about 0.3 times the laboratory determined UCS (Martin et al.,
1996). While the deviatoric stress approach has been calibrated to rock masses (Castro et al.,
1996; Martin et al., 1996). The calibration process was limited to the massive or moderately
jointed rock mass observations at the AECLs Underground Research Laboratory experimental
mine (Martin et al., 1996) and the Sudbury neutrino observatory cavern (Castro et al., 1996).
This calibration also indicated that damage in massive and moderately jointed rock can be
directly linked to the lab tested crack initiation threshold. Laboratory testing of rock specimens
predicts crack initiation occurs when the deviatoric stress is between 0.25 and 0.5 times the
UCS (Martin, 1994). The crack initiation threshold may not correspond to the onset of damage
in all rock masses, especially those that are not massive or moderately jointed.
As discussed in Chapter 4, Sprott et al.'s (1999) adjustment for stress damage factor D, is based
upon the difference between the in situ deviatoric stress and the pre-stoping deviatoric stress.
It is important to note that the deviatoric stress damage criterion was calibrated in massive or
moderately jointed rock masses and its applicability to fair and poor rock masses remains to be
validated. Stress factor D is based on case studies from three Hemlo operations in Canada and
therefore its applicability may be limited to similar rock mass conditions as those encountered
at these mines.

Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

The stress factor D formulation is based on the extra stress deviator. The extra stress deviator
is the difference between the pre-stoping deviatoric stress, (1-3) and the in situ mining
deviatoric stress (P1-P3), as calculated in Equation 4.7. The stress damage factor is then
determined using Figure 4.3. Stress factor D does not consider the full stress history
experienced by the stope wall, only the pre-stoping stress. Therefore, this method does not take
into account spikes in the stress history that may exceed the pre-stoping stress.


relationship between pre-stoping deviatoric stress and overbreak is discussed further in Section


Empirical Pillar Yield Charts

The brow region is effectively at the edge of an elongated pillar. Therefore, empirical pillar
yield charts based on the ratio of pillar strength to the pillar stress could be applied to predict
the onset of brow stress damage. Martin et al. (2000) provide a comprehensive review and
comparison of empirical pillar strength formula and charts. Brow stress damage would
correspond to category three for pillar yield (fracturing in pillar walls) and the unstable region
of the Confinement Formula Stability Graph (Lunde, 1994). The main advantage of this
approach over the deviatoric stress approach is the very large database of rockmass conditions
allowing better prediction of stress damage when there is no opportunity to calibrate to
underground observations. The confinement formula stability graph is widely used in Canada
and has been shown to work quite well for pillar design (Bawden, 2002a). It should be noted
that the case studies plotted on the graph are limited to pillar width to height ratios less than 3.
Due to the horizontal rather than vertical loading direction of vertical narrow-vein stope pillars,
the width corresponds to the bench height and the height corresponds to the stope width.
Therefore, a two metre wide stope with a 12 metre high bench has a width to height ratio of


Barkers Damage Criterion

The best method for predicting the location of areas likely to be affected by stress damage is a
site calibrated stress damage model. This could be based on an empirical failure criterion,
deviatoric stress, pillar stress or some other stress or strain parameter that correlates well with
observed damage. At the Barkers mine, geotechnical engineers in consultation with
underground operators and shift supervisors calibrated the observations of stress and strain
(Figure 8.3 and Figure 8.4) with linear elastic stress modelling (Slade, 2004). This calibration
process indicated that when the stress normal to strike exceeded 125 MPa rockmass damage
was observed. This damage criterion corresponds to the uniaxial compressive strength of 142

Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

MPa. Using stress normal to strike, site geotechnical engineers utilised numerical models to
predict regions of high stress damage potential (Slade, 2004). Wiles (2002) suggests that rock
mass damage is observable at approximately 10 percent strain. However, as shown in Figure
8.2 degradation of the rock mass through macro-cracking occurs when strain is only 1 percent
(Wiles, 2002).



Chlorite schist



Strzelecki development drive

Northern Domain 1-4 days

Strzelecki development drive

Northern Domain 1-4 days
shotcreted - after stoping

Figure 8.3 Progressive deformation of the rockmass surrounding a sill drive in Strzelecki, after
Luke (1999)

Fracturing caused by elevated

stresses above backs
Shearing parallel to foliation to
accomodation dilation/bulking.

Blastholes offset on


Bolts can become

trapped and guillotined
in shear.

Split sets may become

'clamped' by shear on
the foliation. Further
movement will cause
the rings and plates to
be torn off.


Shearing of footwall
on foliation
Bolting pattern should
cover this area to.
control loose slabs

Uplift/floor heave due to

below the drive.

Figure 8.4 Rock failure, reinforcement loading and failure indicators about an excavation
under high stress conditions, after Beck and Sandy (2003)


Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution




In Situ Stresses

AMC (2001) originally undertook hollow inclusion cell stress measurements at 319 metres
depth. Since this time there have been two additional series of stress measurements undertaken
at Barkers, one at 505 metres and one at 602 metres depth. Using linear regression the three
measurements were incorporated into a linear regression model of in situ stresses. However for
this study, it was decided that the first measurement (319 metres depth) would give a better
indication of in situ stresses because the measurement was effectively in the middle of the
panels considered in this study. Table 8.1 contains the in situ stress measurements at 319
metres. The stopes analysed in this study range in depth from 205 metres to 380 metres below
surface. While these depths seem quite moderate by international standards, the high horizontal
to vertical stress ratio means that the maximum principal stress is over three times the weight
of overburden. In addition, the shrinking central pillar extraction sequence results in even
higher induced stresses.

Table 8.1 Barkers in situ stress measurement at 319 metres depth

Magnitude (MPa)

Bearing ()

Plunge ()









As a general indicator of stress damage potential Martin et al. (1996) suggests, based on the
AECL Mine-by experiment and Hoek et al. (1980) underground practical experience in
massive brittle rocks, that when the ratio of the far field maximum principal stress (1) to the
short-term uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) exceeds approximately 0.2, crack induced
damage weakens the rock. The ratio of far field in situ stress 1 to the UCS on the top level of
the panels analysed for this study is 0.14, while on the bottom level the ratio is 0.25. This
implies that the case studies considered for this study are in the range at which stress damage
could be expected.


Extraction Sequence

As detailed in Chapter 7 the Barkers mining method is a combination of the bottom-up

modified Avoca method using development waste as fill and longhole open stoping with small
rib pillars. Figure 7.4 provides a schematic representation of the Barkers mining method. The

Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

stopes considered in this chapter come from the four panels located between the 5960 metre
sill drive and the 6135 metre sill drive in the Barkers mine. All bar one of the panels has three
sill drives.
A central pillar extraction sequence has the advantage of a single access being sufficient to
produce ore from two stopes. From a mining point of view it makes sense to reduce the
number of accesses not just to reduce capital costs but also for logistical reasons such as
reduced tramming time for drilling equipment, less services to run and maintain etc. However,
a possible limitation of this extraction sequence is that a shrinking central pillar is created and
that as mining retreats and the pillar becomes smaller, stress related problems increase. Figure
8.1 illustrates how with each successive stope blast the brow retreats a small amount and a new
section of stope wall experiences a spike in stress levels. This chapter evaluates the potential
for this stress spike to cause stress damage related overbreak.
The 32 months of stoping have been modelled as a 32 step extraction sequence. The sequence
was reconstituted from the dates recorded in the 206 Stope Report Sheets that were also the
source of overbreak estimates for this study. Appendix E contains 30 Map3d long sections.
Each long section depicts one month in the extraction sequence between December 2000 and
February 2003. Stope Report Sheets were used by site geologists to record linear overbreak as
well as ground conditions, generally. In most cases the geologist used a handheld laser
electronic distance measuring device to measure the stope width. The geologist would stand on
the ledge at the top of the stope in the top sill drive and take a measurement across the width of
the stope. Because the stope walls tended to break to a plane this method of stope width has
been estimated to have an accuracy of approximately, +/-0.25 metres over the length of the
stope. However, in some cases it was not possible(safe) to make a measurement, and in these
cases a estimate was made by eye standing on the lower sill drive at a safe distance from the
brow. Stope Report Sheets covered approximately 80 percent of the stopes in the four panels
examined in this study. It was necessary to estimate the extraction sequence for the remaining
20 percent where dates were unknown.


Displacement Discontinuity Model

Linear elastic estimates of normal and deviatoric stresses have been estimated by creating a
Map3d model of Barkers stoping. The estimates were then analysed with respect to the stress
damage criterion and observed overbreak. The Barkers mine was modelled as a displacement


Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

discontinuity plane as shown in Figure 8.5. Appendix E contains Map3d long sections showing
n contours for each of the 32 months modelled.
The aim of the stress modelling was to capture the entire stress history for each of the 206
stopes in the database. Stresses were logged at a point corresponding to the brow for each
month in the sequence. The point selected corresponded approximately (+/-10 metres) with the
mid-stope span post stoping and was located half an element width from the brow. Due to this
limitation in accuracy, some stopes have the same stress history. For example within the
accuracy of the monthly increments modelled, the 203-204 and 205-206 stopes have
effectively the same stress path history. The stope numbers correspond to the number assigned
when collating the database. Odd numbers correspond to hangingwalls and even numbers
correspond to footwalls. It is also worth noting that a stope was considered to be a different
stope each time the stope was retreated more than five metres. Approximately, 40 percent of
the stopes have walls that partially overlap with other stopes. Selecting an element size of
approximately three to four metres meant that the point selected was approximately 1.5 metres
to 2 metres from the edge of the brow at approximately the mid-stope height. The advantage of
using a relatively large grid size meant that the stress was averaged over and along strike
distance similar to a single blast. This had an averaging effect over the area of interest rather
than selecting a small highly localised area of very high stress.

Figure 8.5 Map3d model of stress normal to strike: Barkers mine (January 2002)


Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

The reason for examining the full stress history was to consider whether extended periods of
high stress or multiple stress spikes impacted on observed overbreak. Stress path histories were
plotted for all stopes. Figure 8.6 is a typical stress path history. The peak normal stress shown
in Figure 8.6 occurs at the brow. The typical stress path shown in Figure 8.6 produced a
relatively slow increase in stress then spikes as the brow passes before dropping off to zero
following mining. Over 80 percent of the 206 stopes analysed had stress paths similar to the
typical stress path shown in Figure 8.6. Modelled normal stresses at the brow were up to five
times the in situ stress levels. As shown in Figure 8.7, modelling suggests some stopes
experienced moderate increases in stress up to six months prior to the brow reaching that point.
These increases can be attributed to the effect of adjacent mining. Figure 8.8 illustrates a stope
that experienced sustained high stress when production from this level was delayed for several
months. Appendix E contains the full database of stress histories modelled for this study.



Stress (MPa)

















Normal Stress

Maximum Shear Stress

Figure 8.6 Stress path history for the 131-132 stope (5975 to 5990 level) illustrating typical
stress path for Barkers case studies



Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution



Stress (MPa)













Normal Stress






Maximum Shear Stress

Figure 8.7 Stress path history for the 163-164 stope (6020 to 6040 level) illustrating moderately
increasing stress associated with adjacent mining


Stress (MPa)







Normal Stress






Maximum Shear Stress

Figure 8.8 Stress path history for the 203-206 stopes (6005 to 6020 level) illustrating sustained
high stress


Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution




Effect of Normal Stress

As discussed earlier, stress and strain damage was observed in sill drives at sites where the
modelled normal stress exceeds 125 MPa stress. In the panels studied none of the 206 stopes
modelled had peak normal stresses greater than 125 MPa. However, back-analysis of case
studies with peak normal stresses greater than 100 MPa were found to have on average 0.27
metres more overbreak than the 400 stope surfaces with peak normal stresses less than 100
MPa. Peak normal stress below 100 MPa did not affect overbreak. As discussed earlier, it is
probable damage (decrease in rock mass strength) would have occurred at peak normal stress
less than 125 MPa. With reference to the stage at which stress and strain damage is observable
(Figure 8.2), it could be expected that stress damage effects on overbreak could occur at stress
levels below the observable stress damage limit. This explains why the 100 MPa cut off for
stress damage related overbreak is less than the 125 MPa criterion for observable damage.
The average overbreak for the ten case studies with normal stresses greater than 100 MPa was
0.77 metres, compared to 0.50 metres average overbreak for the 400 case studies with peak
normal stresses less than 100 MPa. The t-test result indicated 94 percent confidence in this
result. The validity of the t-test depends on equal variances and a normal distribution for both
data sets. Figure 8.9 and Figure 8.10 are histograms of the two data sets. The distribution of the
ten case studies with peak normal stresses greater than 100MPa appears to be skewed slightly
to the left. This may be a function of the small number of case studies with a peak stress
greater than 100 MPa.













Linear overbreak from vein (m)

Figure 8.9 Histogram of 400 case studies with peak normal stress less than 100 MPa


Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution











Linear overbreak from vein (metres)

Figure 8.10 Histogram of case studies with peak normal stress greater than 100 MPa

Due to these concerns about the normality assumption, a Monte Carlo simulation was
conducted to manually evaluate the probability that the difference between the samples was a
random event. Using the random number generator function in Excel, 100 samples of ten were
selected from the 412 case studies and the average overbreak evaluated for each of the 100
samples. Six of the samples had average overbreak equal to or greater than 0.77 metres. This
result indicates that there is a six percent chance that the difference in overbreak was a random
event and therefore confirms the t-test result of 94 percent confidence.


Other Factors Affecting Overbreak at Barkers

An important consideration when reviewing a statistical result is to ensure that there is not
another explanation for the result, especially as there are only ten case studies in the group
with peak normal stress greater than 100 MPa. In other words, is there some underlying effect
that could have biased the result? This is especially important when there are only ten case
studies upon which the result is based. To answer this question, comprehensive back-analyses
of other stability factors was conducted.

Effect of Northern Domain

On average, the 83 northern domain case studies had 0.24 metres more overbreak than the
database average of 0.5 metres even though Q values were similar. Slade (2004) notes that
kinematic instability associated with the relief planes that formed due to the mobilisation/slip
of healed quartz/carbonate veins following stoping was probably the cause of this. Most of
these veins were not included in scanline mapping or Q classification that occurred prior to

Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

Effect of Pillars on Overbreak

Leaving pillars resulted in 0.16 metres more overbreak than stopes with filling along strike.
One hypothesis for this result is that the longhole rising required to restart the stope after each
pillar could be responsible for the increased overbreak. Scoble et al. (1994) suggests based on
their experience that damage initiated at the slot (or in this case rise) is likely to be greater due
the higher powder factors and higher confinement. However, stopes at the ends of the orebody
are also started by longhole rises and they had lower dilution than either the filled or pillar

Effect of Blasting Pattern on Overbreak

Previous back-analysis of Barkers stope stability discussed in the previous chapter
demonstrated that blasting pattern significantly affected stability. The In-line pattern had 0.19
metres less overbreak on average than the Dice 5 pattern and 0.15 metres less overbreak than
the Staggered pattern.

Factors that did not Affect Overbreak at Barkers

Within the range of spans and rockmass conditions collated at Barkers, overbreak was not
correlated to either the stability number N, nor the hydraulic radius, S. Mid-stope stresses, as
quantified by the mid-stope maximum induced stress and used in the formulation of Factor A,
did not affect overbreak. Neither stress relaxation (full, partial and tangential) nor stope height
(ranging from 10 to 20 metres) significantly affected overbreak at Barkers. As shown in Figure
8.11, the Extended Mathews Stability chart predicts that all 412 case studies should be stable
(less than 0.5 metres overbreak). However, 144 out the 412 stope surfaces had overbreak
exceeding 0.5 metres. The effect of stress damage and leaving pillars accounts for 83 of the
144 case studies with overbreak exceeding 0.5 metres. Appendix D contains the stability chart
parameters for the second Barkers database.


Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution


Stability Number, N


Extended Mathews
S-F Boundary


Shape Factor, S

Figure 8.11 Second Barkers database 412 stope case studies plotted on the Extended
Mathews Stability chart


Potential Impact of Other Factors on Stress Damage Conclusion

Eight out of ten of the case studies (80 percent) with peak normal stress greater than 100 MPa
had a rib pillar abutment along strike, compared to 42 percent of the 400 case studies with peak
normal stress less than 100 MPa. Therefore, the higher proportion of rib pillar case studies
could be a source of bias and may account for some of the 0.27 metre difference between the
two groups. Recalling that the average effect of a rib pillar abutment on overbreak is 0.16
metres, the effect of rib pillars can be calculated by subtracting 0.16 from four of the case
studies and recalculating the average for the group. Using this averaging method, the effect of
rib pillar abutments accounted for 0.06 metres of the 0.27 metres difference between the two
groups. Taking into account the effect of rib pillars, the ten case studies with peak normal
stresses greater than 100 MPa have an average 0.21 metres more overbreak than case studies
below 100 MPa.
Similarly, 50 percent of the 10 case studies with peak normal stress great than 100 MPa are in
the northern domain compared to 21 percent of the remaining 400 case studies. Therefore, the
higher proportion of northern domain stopes is a possible source of bias. Taking into account
that the northern domain has on average 0.24 metres more overbreak than the database average
reduces the difference between the two groups by 0.07 metres.


Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

Unfortunately, it was not possible to check whether the ten case studies with peak normal
stresses exceeding 100 MPa were mined with the dice-five or the staggered patterns as blasting
records were not available for the panels considered in this study.
After adjusting for the effect of rib pillars and northern domain faults the effect of stress
damage on overbreak reducing from an average 0.23 metres to an average 0.10 metres.
However, while 0.10 metres seems quite small it is important to recall that in a two metre wide
stope 0.1 metres of overbreak from both the hangingwall and the footwall represents 10
percent dilution.
In summary, the small number of cases of high stress coupled with several factors acting
simultaneously reduces confidence in the stress damage effect. Assuming that there are no
other parameters which could have biased the stress damage conclusion, it is reasonable to
conclude that stress damage was a significant cause of overbreak at Barkers.


Effect of Deviatoric Stress

Deviatoric stress is considered to be a good predictor of stress damage and has been used by
consultants to evaluate stress damage potential at the feasibility stage when there is no
possibility of stress damage calibration (Beck et al., 2003). This approach is based on the
AECLs Mine-by experiment (Martin et al., 1996) and observations in the Sudbury neutrino
observatory cavern (Castro et al., 1996) which indicate that rock mass damage occurs when 13 exceeds 0.3 times the uniaxial compressive strength. Only four of the 206 Barkers stopes
experienced deviatoric stresses exceeding 0.3 times the UCS (37.5 MPa). The average
overbreak for these four stopes was actually less than the average overbreak for the rest of the
database. However, with only four stopes exceeding the damage criterion this result was not



In addition to the potential for stress damage related dilution quantified in this chapter and by
Sprott et al. (1999), a shrinking central pillar sequence has also been associated with ore loss
related to impracticable mining conditions (Beck et al., 2002; Beck et al., 2003). Therefore,
when there is a significant risk of either stress damage or seismicity, the consequences of
selecting a shrinking central pillar sequence need to be evaluated carefully. Avoiding a
shrinking central pillar sequence is likely to reduce stress concentration. However, in terms of
maximising the NPV of an operation or project, the possible production difficulties and

Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

increased capital costs associated with alternative extraction sequences may outweigh the
benefits of reduced ore loss and dilution. In such cases where a shrinking central pillar
extraction is chosen to maximise overall NPV, the potential exists for production, planning and
geotechnical personnel to work together to reduce stress concentration as far as practical by
evaluating extraction sequences as part of the short-term mine planning process. Modelling a
detailed extraction sequence facilitates attempts to analyse the effect of alternative extraction
sequence on stress concentration.
Extraction strategies which exacerbate stress concentration associated with a shrinking central
pillar sequence were highlighted by stepping through the 32 month model extraction
sequence. At this point it is important to note that the principal stress at Barkers is parallel to
strike and that the effect of a central pillar extraction sequence on stress concentration would
be more severe if the maximum principal stress had been perpendicular to strike.
The following is a summary of the observations made when stepping through the stress history
for Barkers between September 2000 and August 2002:

The brow stress can be up to five times the in situ maximum principal stress. The typical
Barkers stress path at the brow starts with an in situ stress around 20 MPa which then
ramps up to an average peak normal stress of 54 MPa.

Maintaining a relatively even retreat between levels reduces brow stresses.

Figure 8.12 and Figure 8.13 illustrates how the uneven profile created when the bottom level is
retreated 28 metres ahead of the middle level increases stress concentration at the brow on the
middle level.
Typically, rib pillars reduce modelled brow stress by 10 MPa provided they are within 15
metres of the brow. Underground observations indicate that within 15 metres of the brow
pillars had not failed. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that pillars were in reality bearing
loads close to that predicted by linear elastic modelling. This may be a useful strategy if peak
brow stresses are predicted to be close to the damage threshold. However, leaving a two metre
pillar would result in 12 percent ore loss over a 17 metre strike length.


Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

Figure 8.12 Map3d contour plot of n showing uneven retreat between 6040 level and 6055
level (July 2001)

Figure 8.13 Map3d contour plot of n showing even retreat 6040 level and 6055 level (August


Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

Beck et al. (2002) refer to the potential of sequencing layered orebodies to manage stress
concentration. While some operations extract the uppermost orebodies first to shadow lower
orebodies, there is the risk that shadowing of weak ground could result in increased dilution
due to stress relaxation (Beck et al., 2002). The empirical analysis of stress relaxation
presented in Chapter 6 indicated that for cases of full and tangential relaxation stress factor A
should be set to 0.7 when applying the various stability graphs. Therefore, alternative
extraction sequences can be evaluated for both stress damage and stress relaxation potential.
By increasing the length of strike extracted in each production blast the amount of hangingwall
and footwall exposed to high stresses would decrease, thereby decreasing stress damage
potential. The extent to which production blasts can be lengthened along strike will depend on
vein geometry, rockmass conditions and drill and blast conditions. In particular, whether
longer strike length blasts result in more blast damage.



Narrow-vein retreat stoping is conducted in relatively small increments and depending on the
extraction sequence this may result in extensive areas of the stope walls adjacent to the brow
experiencing very high stress prior to stoping. Linear elastic modelling of 32 months of stope
extraction at the Barker mine between 205 metres and 380 metres depth indicated that stresses
normal to the brow can be up to five times the in situ stress. On average stresses normal to the
brow were 54 MPa or approximately twice the in situ maximum principal stress. The stress
concentration effect could be expected to be significantly higher if the maximum principal
stress had been perpendicular to strike.
Stopes with peak normal stress exceeding 100 MPa had on average 0.27 metres more
overbreak per stope wall than stopes with peak normal stress less than 100 MPa. The effect of
stress damage on overbreak was significant at a normal stress 25 MPa less than the
underground observable stress and strain damage criterion of 125 MPa. After taking into
account possible bias due to the effect of rib pillars and kinematic instability in the northern
domain, the average difference in overbreak reduced to 0.10 metres per stope wall. In a 1.5
metre wide stope, 0.1 metres overbreak from both the hangingwall and footwall corresponds to
13 percent dilution.
Peak stress normal to the brow has been demonstrated to be a useful parameter for assessing
the potential for stress damage related overbreak. At Barkers, peak stress normal to brow

Chapter 8 Effect of Stress History on Dilution

greater than 100 MPa was associated with overbreak and corresponds to a magnitude equal to
0.7 times the UCS. It remains to be seen whether a criterion of peak normal stress greater than
0.7 times the UCS for stress damage related overbreak would be applicable at other narrowvein sites.
Four methods for evaluating stress damage potential at the brow have been proposed. The
selection of a method for evaluating stress damage potential will depend on rock mass
conditions as well as knowledge of the rock mass at that stage in the projects life.
In situations where a shrinking central pillar sequence is unavoidable, the possibility of
mitigating stress concentration through collaboration between production, planning and
geotechnical personnel exists. Maintaining a relatively even retreat profile has the potential to
reduce stress concentration. In addition, a linear elastic model of the mine would enable
alternative sequences to be routinely evaluated as part of the mine planning process.



Adjustments have been proposed based on the effects of narrow-vein parameters quantified in
this thesis. By examining the effect these adjustments have on the sensitivity and specificity of
the stability graph predictions it possible to assess the magnitude of any increase in predictive
accuracy. Adjusting for blast pattern improved stability graph accuracy from 64.0 percent to
78.9 percent, while adjusting for stress damage and leaving pillars improved accuracy from
64.9 percent to 67.3 percent. Theoretically, the combined effect of these adjustments would
improve stability graph accuracy from 65 percent to 82 percent. Using a stress factor equal to
0.7 did not improve the accuracy of stability graph predictions for the Barkers case studies. A
possible explanation for this result is that well inside the stable zone overbreak is not
continuously related to N and HR.
Barkers, Callinan and Trout Lake mine case studies suggest that overbreak is not continuously
related to N and HR, and that the relationship between HR and overbreak, and N and stability
is best described by a logistical relationship. Based on this result it was concluded that the
caused overbreak is unlikely to be related to geotechnical parameters if a stope plots well
inside the stable zone. And therefore, in this scenario reducing stope size would not reduce
dilution. This interpretation implies that the causes of narrow-vein dilution can be separated
into two unrelated causes:

Geotechnical instability (stope size dependent).


Blast overbreak (unrelated to stope size).



The premise for this thesis is that narrow-vein dilution can be minimised by improved narrowvein stope design. The hypothesis that existing stope design techniques inadequately take into
account the operating conditions affecting dilution in narrow-vein mines was supported by the

Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

case studies presented in Chapter 7. In Chapter 7 the stability of 261 narrow-vein case studies
from Barkers mine, Trout Lake mine and Callinan mine were shown to be poorly predicted by
existing stability charts providing evidence supporting the thesis hypothesis and justifying
further quantification of the causes of narrow-vein dilution.
In Chapters 6 through to 8, six out of the seven parameters hypothesised to affect narrow-vein
dilution more than large open stoping were investigated. Figure 9.1 highlights the parameters
evaluated as part of this thesis. As shown in Figure 9.1 there are additional parameters that
could affect narrow-vein dilution. However, there was no reason or basis to believe that these
parameters would affect narrow-vein more than large open stopes. As discussed in Chapter 3
existing stability charts are approximately 80 percent accurate. This level of accuracy is
considered reasonable given the uncertainty in input parameters and possible affect of the
remaining parameters in Figure 9.1. Therefore, this thesis did not attempt to address the
remaining 20 percent and focused instead on the narrow-vein operating conditions shown in
Figure 9.1 with the potential to greatly affect the reliability of stability charts for narrow-vein

Hypothesised Relative Influence on Dilution

Increasing importance
to large open stopes

Increasing importance


Narrow Vein



Large Open
Effect of

Stope Dilution Parameters

of stope walls



Damage to
cemented fill

Figure 9.1 Stope dilution parameters not explicitly considered by existing stability chart
methods (those highlighted in bold are parameters evaluated in this thesis)


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

Table 9.1 lists parameters not explicitly considered by existing stability charts and
hypothesised to have a significantly more effect on narrow-vein stability than on large open
stoping stability as depicted in Figure 9.1.

Table 9.1 Narrow-vein vein dilution parameters


Implicitly taken


into account by

Effects empirically quantified in this thesis

Undercutting of


Undercut footwalls similar stability to hangingwalls.


The number of backfilled abutments does not affect narrow-vein

stope walls

Tight filled abutments have no effect on stability.

Blast damage


and overbreak

In-line 3 pattern had on average 0.19 metres less overbreak than a dice 5
In-line 3 had on average 0.13 metres less overbreak than a staggered

Stress relaxation


Partial relaxation does not affect stope stability.

Full relaxation (2 and 3 both less than 0.2 MPa) affects stability to the
extent that case studies best fit the stability chart when A=0.7.
Tangential stress relaxation (3 less than 0.2 MPa with a stress direction
not more than 20 degrees from parallel), also affects stability to the
extent that case studies best fit the stability chart when A=0.7.

Stress damage


Stress damage caused by the retreating brow was associated with an

average increase in overbreak of at least 0.10 metres, possibly as much
as 0.22 metres.

In-stope pillars


Leaving pillars resulted in 0.16 metres more overbreak than stopes with
filling along strike. Pillar stopes did not have lower stability numbers
nor are they larger or more stressed than filled stopes (statistical checks
were done).



Only very marginal site-specific effects were observed for a large open
stope mine. It has been proposed that apparent site-specific effects are
not truly site-specific, but are actually operating condition specific eg.
narrow-vein operating conditions such as those listed in this table.
It was not possible to develop a site-specific stability chart for the
Barkers mine even though the minimum requirements determined in this
thesis were met (>150 case studies with at least 10 % unstable). The poor
separation of stable and unstable case studies was attributed to narrowvein operating conditions, in particular the effect of blast pattern, rib
pillars and stress damage.


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

As discussed in Chapter 4 a number of authors suggested that because some of these

parameters are rockmass dependent, they may be implicitly taken into account by Q.
Therefore, in Chapter 5, the possibility of site-specific charts being capable of accounting for
these parameters by calibration to site rockmass conditions was evaluated. The analysis
indicated that at least 150 case studies of which at least 10 percent are unstable are required to
establish a reliable site-specific stability chart. This data requirement was a significant
practical limitation of the site-specific stability chart option.
The possibility of developing a site-specific stability chart for the Barkers case studies was
ruled out because of poor separation of stable and unstable case studies. It was not possible to
separate stable and unstable case studies even when the overbreak cut off for failure was
varied. This was despite the fact that there were sufficient numbers of case studies and a
sufficient number of them were unstable. The Barkers case studies present compelling
evidence that the development of a site-specific chart to calibrate the rockmass dependent
parameters to site conditions was inadequate. This was further evidence of the need to quantify
explicitly the effect the parameters contained in Table 9.1 have on narrow-vein dilution.
The effects of some of the parameters listed in Table 9.1 were quantified in Chapter 6, Chapter
7 and Chapter 8. These parameters have been termed narrow-vein operating conditions. The
effect of these narrow-vein operating conditions are summarised in the last column of Table




As shown in Table 9.1 empirical analysis of the two Barkers databases and the relaxation
database has enabled the effect of blast pattern, leaving rib pillars, stress damage, full and
tangential relaxation to be quantified. A series of narrow-vein operating condition adjustments
have been proposed based on these findings. In the case of blast pattern, leaving rib pillars and
stress damage the mean differences shown in Table 9.1 are applied as adjustments. In the case
of full and tangential stress relaxation factor A is set to 0.7. As discussed in Chapter 6, setting
factor A to 0.7 for cases of full and tangential stress relaxation resulted in the highest level of
accuracy for the case studies considered. By examining the effect these adjustments have on
the sensitivity and specificity of the stability predictions of these case studies it possible to
assess the magnitude of any increase in predictive accuracy.


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction


Blast Pattern, Leaving Pillars and Stress Damage

All Barkers case studies except one, plotted in the stable region of the Extended Mathews
stability chart. According to Clark and Pakalnis (1997), 0.5 metres of ELOS corresponds to
blast damage only, while between 0.5 metres and 1.0 metre ELOS is considered minor
sloughing. As discussed in Chapter 2, 0.5 metres of ELOS from the hangingwall and footwall
of a stope has a significant economic consequence for a narrow-vein mine. Therefore, case
studies with overbreak exceeding 0.5 metres have been classified as failures.
In the case of the Barkers 1 database, 41 case studies that plotted in the stable zone had
overbreak greater than 0.5 metres. This corresponds to a sensitivity of 64.0 percent (recalling
that sensitivity is the percentage of case studies that correctly plot in the stable zone).
Similarly, in the case of the Barkers 2 database 144 case studies with overbreak in excess of
0.5 metres plotted in the stable zone corresponding to a sensitivity of 64.9 percent. Only
sensitivity has been considered because all except one case study plot in the stable zone, and
specificity is the proportion of case studies that correctly plot as failures in the failure zone.
Table 9.2 shows the effects of applying adjustments for blast pattern, stress damage and rib
pillars on sensitivity. The sensitivity of the 114 case studies plotting in the stable zone
increased from 64.0 percent to 78.9 percent after adjusting for the effect of either a dice 5
pattern or a staggered pattern. There was no adjustment for the in-line 3 blast pattern as this
pattern was considered the base case with only four of the 22 case studies with overbreak
greater than 0.5 metres.
The sensitivity of the 410 Barkers 2 case studies improved from 64.9 percent to 67.3 percent
after applying adjustments for the effect of leaving pillars and stress damage. The 0.16 metres
adjustment was based on comparing rib pillar case studies to continuous filling case studies.
This represents a 2.4 percent improvement in accuracy. The reason why the adjustments
resulted in only a small improvement in accuracy can be attributed to the fact that only 10 of
the 77 rib pillar case studies with overbreak greater than 0.5 metres changed from failure to
stable after the 0.16 metre adjustment was applied. Three of these case studies had also been
adjusted for stress damage. Therefore, the three stress damage case studies that changed from
failure to stable had also been adjusted for leaving a rib pillar.


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

Table 9.2 Effect of adjusting for stress damage and leaving rib pillars on the specificity of the
second set of Barkers case studies.




No.# of case

No.# of case

Improvement to

effect on


studies with

studies with






sensitivity due to

> 0.5 m before

> 0.5 m after







Sensitivity 62.9 %

Sensitivity 80.6 %

=9.6 %



Sensitivity 54.8 %

Sensitivity 74.2 %

= 5.3 %




Sensitivity 64.0 %

Sensitivity 78.9 %



0.13 m

Barkers 1


Dice five

0.19 m

Barkers 1


Barkers 1

Barkers 1


Leaving rib

0.10 m to

Barkers 2


0.27 m
0.16 m

Barkers 2

Barkers 2

Barkers 2


Sensitivity 40.0 %

Sensitivity 70 %






Sensitivity 55.7 %

Sensitivity 61.5 %




Sensitivity 64.9 %

Sensitivity 67.3 %

= 0.7 %
= 2.4 %
67.3%-64.9 %
=2.4 %


0.27 m adjustment was applied.


Three of the 10 rib pillar case studies were also adjusted for stress.


The adjustment for leaving a rib pillar is based on the difference between leaving a pillar and continuous

Should additional data from the mine been available, it would have been very worthwhile to
validate these adjustments for case studies from the last panels mined at Barkers.
Theoretically, the combined effect of applying the adjustments for blast pattern, leaving rib
pillars and stress damage could improve stope stability accuracy from approximately, 65
percent to 82 percent.
This improvement assumes that the mine continued to use blast patterns and rib pillars in the
same proportions that they did in the Barkers 1 and Barkers 2 database, respectively. The
number of case studies affected by stress damage may have been higher in the deeper panels.
Furthermore, the findings presented in Chapter 7 and reported to the mine (Stewart and
Trueman, 2001) may have affected the number of stopes blasted using either a dice 5 or
staggered pattern. A letter summarising the findings of Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 and requesting
access to blasting records was sent to Placerdome regional management in July 2004.

Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

Unfortunately, the blasting records were not available. However, Tombs (2004) made the
following comments in his email reply to the letter:
I also believe that blasting is affecting overbreak . The drill patterns at Barkers are
normally holes drilled in line at 0.5 metre centres, this was arrived at through undocumented
trial and error by the engineers and operators at Kundana over the years.
These comments confirm the findings from the study of blast patterns reported by Stewart and
Trueman (2001) and suggest the Barkers 2 case studies may have been largely blasted using an
in-line pattern. However, without access to the actual records it was not possible to undertake
more detailed analyses.


Full and Tangential Relaxation

In Chapter 6 the effect of full, tangential and partial stress relaxation on stope stability was
examined. Based on this study it was recommended that the stability prediction for case studies
with full or tangential stress relaxation is improved by setting stress factor A to 0.7. Table 9.3
illustrates how applying a stress factor of 0.7 to the relaxed database (Appendix B) improves
the specificity by 44.5 percent in the case of full relaxation and by 36.3 percent in the case of
tangential stress relaxation.

Table 9.3 Effect of stress relaxation adjustments on specificity, sensitivity and accuracy
Type of Relaxation



Change in

Change in


of Case




Full stress relaxation



81.8 % - 90.9 %

88.9%-44.4 %


= -9.1 %

= 44.5 %

= 0.36

Tangential stress




78.6 %- 85.7 %

81.8% -45.5 %


= - 7.1 %

= 36.3 %


Partial stress relaxation


In attempt to validate the stress relaxation adjustments proposed in Chapter 6, the effect of
applying the full and tangential stress relaxation adjustments on the accuracy of the Barkers 2
case studies was examined. Appendix C indicates which of the Barkers 2 case studies were
fully or tangentially relaxed. Stress factor A was set to 0.7 for the 126 case studies that were
either fully or tangentially relaxed. All 126 case studies continued to plot in the stable zone.

Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

This means that setting stress factor A equal to 0.7 had no effect on the accuracy of stability
Table 9.4 contains the average overbreak for each type of stress relaxation in the Barkers 2
database. t-tests indicated that the differences between overbreak for each type of stress
relaxation were not significant. As shown in Table 9.4 partially relaxed case studies had on
average 0.09 metres more overbreak than the six tangentially relaxed case studies and had on
average 0.04 metres more overbreak than the fully relaxed case studies. However, t-test
revealed that these results were not significant and therefore, do not contradict the stress
relaxation conclusions reached in Chapter 6.

Table 9.4 Average overbreak for different types of stress relaxation: Barkers 2 case studies
Not Relaxed




Fully &





Number of case studies





Average corrected






overbreak (m)

As discussed in Chapter 4 some authors suggest stress relaxation primarily affects weak
rockmasses. The Q values for the Barkers 2 case studies ranged from 7.9 to 10.8, and
indicates that rockmass would be classified as fair to good. One possible explanation for full
and tangential stress relaxation not affecting stability at Barkers could be that relaxation does
not affect the stability of relatively competent rockmasses. This possibility has been
investigated by re-evaluating the full and tangential relaxation case studies presented in
Chapter 6 with respect to Q. According to the Q system (Loset, 1997) a Q value less than four
represents a poor rock mass and a Q value greater than four represents a fair rockmass. Only
five of the 20 fully relaxed case studies had Q values less than 4, and only seven of the 25
tangentially relaxed case studies had Q values less than 4. Table 9.5 compares the
misclassification statistics for weak (Q<4) and competent (Q>4) full and tangential relaxation
case studies.


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

Table 9.5 Comparison of misclassification statistics for weak and competent relaxation case
Type of



Misclassification statistics



of case

Factor A





80 %

80 %



90 %




100 %

100 %



100 %

100 %



83.3 %

71.4 %



91.7 %

14.3 %



50 %

100 %



50 %

100 %














As shown in Table 9.5 the accuracy of weak rockmass relaxation case studies was not
improved by adjusting the stress factor from 1.0 to 0.7. Furthermore, the accuracy of the
competent rockmass case studies appeared to improve by using the lower stress factor of 0.7. If
relaxation did not affect competent rockmasses, then one would not expect the improvements
in accuracy shown in Table 9.5. Using a lower stress factor for weak rockmasses does not
appear to improve the accuracy of either the five fully or the seven tangentially relaxed case
studies. In both cases the sensitivity and specificity remained constant irrespective of the A
value assigned. However, this result is likely to be a function of the lack of data. Overall, this
analysis appears to indicate that relaxation is not rockmass dependent.



An alternative explanation for why full and tangential relaxation stresses did not affect
overbreak at Barkers could be that within the range of spans captured in the database
overbreak was not significantly affected by geotechnical parameters. In other words, if case
studies had plotted closer to the stable-failure boundary then overbreak (or sloughage in the
case of stress relaxation) may have been affected by full or tangential stress relaxation. In
practical terms, if the spans had been large enough for geotechnical stability to be an issue,
then perhaps full and tangential relaxation would have been correlated to overbreak. This
indicates that from a mathematical perspective geotechnical stability is more accurately
modelled as a logistical relationship rather than a continuous problem as implied by the ELOS
Dilution Graph with different levels of overbreak corresponding to empirically determined
contours (Figure 3.13). Further evidence of the truly logistical nature of geotechnical stope

Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

stability is suggested by the poor correlation of N and HR to overbreak within the stable zone
of the stability chart. Within the stable zone of the stability chart, overbreak was not
continuously related to HR or N. This contrasts with the ELOS dilution chart approach to
dilution prediction that implies that overbreak is continuously related to N and HR.
Figure 9.2 compares a logistic regression model to a linear regression model. The S shaped
logistical distribution reflects that the dependent variable is relatively insensitive (flat section
of S curve) to model parameters for a range of values before becoming highly sensitive to
model parameters (steep section of S curve) over a small range of model parameters, and then
reverting to being relatively insensitive again (flat section of S curve). Figure 9.2 depicts a
single independent variable X.

Figure 9.2 Comparison of linear and logistic regression models.

As detailed in Chapter 5 and shown in Equation 5.1 the Extended Mathews stability chart has
two independent variables, N and HR. Therefore, if the probabilities of the Extended Mathews
stability chart were similarly plotted, the graph would be three dimensional, with the
probability plotted as a surface. The insensitivity of overbreak to N and HR in the stable zone
can be related to the flat section at the top of the S shaped curve shown in Figure 9.2.
Similarly, the fact that within the stable zone Barkers overbreak was unaffected by full or


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

tangential stress relaxation suggests that stress relaxation is not continuously related to
If stope stability is logistically related to N and HR as analysis of Barkers case studies
suggests, then decreasing HR for stope wall plotting inside the geotechnically stable zone of
the stability chart is unlikely to result in significant reductions in overbreak or slough. In the
following sections this hypothesis is investigated further.


Effect of Hydraulic Radius on Dilution in the Stable Zone

In Chapter 8 the effect of independent variables HR and N on the dependent variable

overbreak was examined by using the linear model measure of the extent of the relationship
between two variables referred to as the correlation coefficient. Walpole and Myers (1990)
define correlation coefficient as the linear association between two variables. Therefore, if
overbreak is not linearly related to neither N, nor HR then the poor correlation coefficients
obtained (0.08 and -0.13, respectively) could be a function of non-linearity rather than being a
true indication that hydraulic radius does not affect dilution at Barkers.
Figure 9.3 is a plot of overbreak versus HR for the Barkers 1 database. As discussed in Chapter
7, this database suggests that case studies with hydraulic radii less than 3.5 metres incur less
overbreak than the database average.
In contrast, Figure 9.4 is a plot of overbreak versus HR for all of the Barkers 2 case studies. In
this case there is no indication that overbreak is related to hydraulic radius. In order to examine
the data at the same resolution of Figure 9.3, the Barkers 2 case studies were plotted at the
same scale as Figure 9.3. This resulted in all case studies with hydraulic radii greater than 10
metres being excluded from Figure 9.5. However, even after improving resolution, the Barkers
2 case studies did not demonstrate any relationship between hydraulic radius and overbreak.
In summary, while the Barkers 1 case studies seemed to suggest some relationship between
hydraulic radius and overbreak, the Barkers 2 case studies did not. Therefore, further analysis
was required to understand the difference in result between the two databases.


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction


Corrected Overbreak (m)





Figure 9.3 Overbreak versus hydraulic radius for the Barkers 1 database

Corrected Overbreak (m)











Figure 9.4 Corrected overbreak versus hydraulic radius for Barkers 2 case studies


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

Corrected Overbreak (m)





Figure 9.5 Corrected overbreak versus hydraulic radius for Barkers 2 case studies with
hydraulic radius less than 10.

A simple sub-setting analysis has been undertaken to investigate the nature of any relationship
between HR and corrected overbreak for both the Barkers 1 database and the Barkers 2
database. Figure 9.6 and Figure 9.7 examines the effect of HR on corrected overbreak at
Barkers by breaking the data into the subsets shown. The aim of the analysis was to establish
whether HR can be related to overbreak inside the stable zone of a stability chart.
The 20 case studies with hydraulic radii less than three had average overbreak of 0.24 metres.
This represents 0.16 metres less overbreak than the 0.41 metres mean overbreak for the case
studies with hydraulic radii greater than 3. A non-equal variance heteroscedastic t-test
determined that this difference is significant (p value 0.0056 on one-tail basis). Because the
Barkers 2 case studies did not demonstrate the same effect of HR (Figure 9.7), the possibility
that this result could be a result of bias due to another parameter was investigated.
Of the 20 case studies with hydraulic radii less than 3, eight were blasted using a dice 5 pattern
(40 percent) and the remaining 12 were blasted with a staggered pattern (60 percent). None
were blasted with the in-line pattern which was associated with the least overbreak. In
comparison, the 95 case studies with a hydraulic radius greater than three had 23 dice five, 50

Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

staggered and 22 in-line case studies. The average effect of blast pattern for the case studies
with hydraulic radii less than three was 0.154 metres. In contrast, the average effect of blast
pattern for the case studies with hydraulic radii greater than three was 0.114. An adjustment for
possible bias was made by subtracting the difference between these two averages (0.04
metres). After adjusting for possible bias due to blast pattern the difference is 0.12 metres.
Therefore, the difference while not large remains significant.



Corrected overbreak (m)










Corrected OB



OB HR > 5







Average Corrected Overbreak

*Number of case studies in each group

Figure 9.6 - Effect of HR on overbreak for the Barkers 1 database




Corrected overbreak (m)











Average Corrected Overbreak


OB HR > 3




OB HR>10

OB HR<10

OB HR>15

OB HR<15










Figure 9.7 Effect of HR on overbreak for the Barkers 2 database


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

In summary, while the Barkers 1 case studies indicate that HR has a small effect (0.12 metres)
on dilution the much larger Barkers 2 database shows no relationship between HR and
dilution. Therefore, it could be said that there is some evidence that maintaining a HR less than
three could reduce dilution by 0.12 metres on average. This effect was not observed for the 410
Barkers 2 case studies. It has not been possible to isolate a reason for the difference in results.
These conflicting results have been interpreted as follows: Decreasing HR to less than three
metres may have the potential to decrease dilution by 0.12 metres. However, there is no
evidence to suggest that HR is continuously related to dilution within the stable zone of
stability charts as suggested by the ELOS Dilution Chart.


Effect of the Stability Number N on Dilution in the Stable Zone

The effect of the stability number (N) on corrected overbreak has also been analysed. Figure
9.8 and Figure 9.9 are plots of corrected overbreak versus N for the Barkers 1 database and
Barkers 2 databases, respectively. Neither plot suggests that corrected overbreak decreases as
N increases.


Corrected OB (m)



Figure 9.8 Overbreak versus N for the Barkers 1 database


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction


Corrected Overbreak (m)










Figure 9.9 - Corrected overbreak versus N for Barkers 2 case studies.

Figure 9.10 and Figure 9.11 represent the results of a sub-setting analysis that was conducted
to determine if the Barkers case studies demonstrated any relationship between N and dilution.
The case studies were grouped as shown in Figure 9.10 and Figure 9.11. The sub-setting
analysis did not show any evidence to suggest that overbreak decreases as N increases.
Therefore, the Barkers case studies suggest that within the stable zone dilution is not related to
N. All bar one of the Barkers case studies plot in the stable zone. The 525 Barkers case studies
provide compelling evidence to suggest that within the stable zone of the stability graph N is
not related to dilution. Furthermore, the poor correlation of the Callinan mine and Trout Lake
mine case studies to the ELOS dilution chart provides further evidence that dilution is not
continuously related to N and HR within the stable zone of a stability chart. Therefore the
analyses suggest that the logistical representation of the relationship between stope stability
and the stability graph parameters N and HR is more realistic within the stable zone. Under
this interpretation the top flat sections of the S shaped logit model shown in Figure 9.2
represents the insensitivity of overbreak to N and HR in the stable zone. Due to absence of data
below the stable failure boundary it has not been possible to test the sensitivity of N and HR
closer to the stable failure boundary, not below the stable-failure boundary.


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

In practical terms this means that a mine where stopes continue to plot well inside the stable
zone and yet incur significant dilution (and no undercutting and adjustments for relaxation
have been made) then the cause of unplanned dilution is unlikely to be related to geotechnical
parameters captured by the stability chart approach. This means that reducing the span is
unlikely to reduce dilution.


Corrected overbreak (m)









Average Corrected Overbreak


OB N>10

OB N< 10

OB N>15

OB N< 15

OB N>20

OB N<20

OB N>25

OB N<25










*Number of case studies in each group

Figure 9.10 - Effect of N on overbreak for the Barkers 1 database


Corrected overbreak (m)
















Average Corrected Overbreak


OB N>10

OB N<10

OB N> 15

OB N< 15

OB N>20

OB N<20

OB N>25

OB N<25










Figure 9.11 Effect of N on overbreak for the Barkers 2 database


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction



In terms of predicting narrow-vein dilution the analysis conducted in the previous section
indicates that dilution in the stable zone is not significantly dependent on either HR or N. For
example, in the case of the second Barkers case studies reducing the HR did not generally
affect dilution levels. If this is true, then which initiatives are likely to reduce dilution for
stopes plotting in the stable zone? Essentially the stability number captures geotechnical
parameters whether they are stress related or kinematic stability related. The stability chart
relationship between N and HR empirically demonstrates that these geotechnical parameters as
quantified by N are stope size dependent. In contrast dilution associated with drill and blast
parameters such as drill pattern, drill-hole deviation, explosive type and confinement would
not be stope size dependent.



In the case of large open stoping it has been argued that blast damage is implicitly taken into
account by Q because less competent rockmasses are more sensitive to blast damage
mechanisms. While this is most probably true of the blast damage mechanisms discussed in
Chapter 3, implicit consideration of blasting parameters does not seem to be sufficient for the
case of narrow-vein stoping. As statistically demonstrated for the Barkers case studies, blast
pattern directly affects dilution.
Blast pattern needs to be distinguished from the blast damage mechanisms discussed in
Chapter 3. From this point forward dilution related to blasting parameters such as blast design,
drill-hole deviation and quality control has been termed blast overbreak. Under this definition
blast overbreak is quite literally breakage of the rock over the limits of the design. Dilution
caused by blast overbreak is not necessarily a damage mechanism but a direct effect of the
inherent difficulty of mechanised mining of narrow-vein orebodies as discussed in Chapter 2.



In Chapter 2 the effect of mechanised mining on narrow-vein dilution was discussed and found
to be an important parameter for narrow-vein dilution prediction. Throughout this thesis the
emphasis has been on minimising unplanned dilution (outside the minimum practical mining
width) whether related to geotechnical parameters or blast overbreak. While this is very
important and is within the realms of control for an operating mine, it is also important to
address the issue of mining method selection so that comparisons between mining methods can


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

be made with a more accurate understanding of the effect mechanised mining methods may
have on dilution.
Figure 9.12 and Figure 9.13 are plots of overbreak from the vein at Barkers mine. Overbreak
from the vein includes material inside the minimum practical blast design width (planned
dilution). At Barkers the minimum practical mining width was estimated to be 0.5 metres
wider than the vein (on the footwall side). Therefore, subtracting 0.5 meters from the footwall
overbreak from the vein gave the corrected overbreak referred to elsewhere in this thesis. All
planned dilution was on the footwall side.
In Figure 9.12 and Figure 9.13 the uncorrected overbreak from vein was plotted with the aim
of examining the distribution of overbreak from the vein. A very simple but important
observation can be made upon examining Figure 9.12 and Figure 9.13. There are fewer case
studies with overbreak of less than 0.2 metres than there are case studies with overbreak
between 0.2 metres and 0.4 metres or overbreak between 0.4 metres and 0.6 metres. This is
compelling evidence that using a minimum practical mining width is valid and reflects the
inherent level of dilution associated with common mechanised narrow-vein longhole stoping
methods. If minimum practical stoping width were only theoretical then it would be expected
that the group with the highest frequency would be the group closest to the vein. While this
may seem obvious it is important to demonstrate the inherent level of planned dilution
associated with mechanised mining as part of any attempt to predict narrow-vein dilution.
Minimum practical mining width is the baseline from which best-practice and substandard
practice can be measured. This is the case whether the cause be geotechnical or blasting
related. Therefore, determining minimum practical mining width is an essential element of
predicting narrow-vein dilution and will be discussed further in the following chapter.


Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction











Overbreak from vein (m)

Figure 9.12 Histrogram of Barkers 1 database overbreak from vein









Overbreak from vein (m)

Figure 9.13 Histogram of Barkers 2 database overbreak from vein



In this chapter it has been demonstrated that after taking into account blasting pattern, stress
relaxation and stress damage the accuracy of stability predictions for narrow-vein case studies

Chapter 9 Applicability of Stability Graphs to Narrow-Vein Dilution Prediction

were similar to the generic stope stability databases i.e. 80 percent sensitivity. The high levels
of accuracy achievable after making adjustments for stress relaxation, blast pattern and stress
damage suggests that the stability graph approach can be used to predict the geotechnical
causes of narrow-vein dilution provided consideration of the aforementioned effects is made.
In all literature to date dealing with the subject of dilution and stope stability, the terms
overbreak and stope stability are represented as being intrinsically related with the same set of
causes. However, the evidence presented in this chapter suggests an alternate interpretation of
the causes of narrow-vein dilution. This interpretation suggests that the parameters causing
narrow-vein dilution can be separated into two independent groups:
1. Geotechnical instability.
2. Blast overbreak.
Geotechnical stope stability parameters include the stope size dependent geotechnical
parameters that are well quantified by N. In practice, blast overbreak can be distinguished from
geotechnical causes of dilution by analysing whether dilution occurs independently of stope
size. For example, for the range of hydraulic radii captured in the two Barkers databases
dilution was generally (apart from the Barkers 1 case studies with hydraulic radii less than
three) unrelated to stope size. In practical terms this means that generally speaking for
hydraulic radii plotting well inside the stable zone, dilution occurred independently of the
distance between backfilling cycles.
As discussed in Chapter 2, prudent narrow-vein economic modelling requires accurate dilution
estimates. Estimates of both planned and unplanned dilution are required. In the following
chapter, Barkers 1 case studies have been used to estimate practical benchmark stoping widths.
These benchmark practical stoping widths can be used as follows:
1. Estimate total dilution.
2. Provide benchmark stoping width from which unplanned dilution due to geotechnical
and/or blasting causes can be assessed.



In this chapter a probabilistic benchmarking method is used to estimate benchmark stoping

widths for three commonly used narrow-vein longhole blast patterns. The benchmark stability
stoping width for each pattern define realistic planned dilution limits. These limits provide the
basis from which true unplanned dilution can be assessed. In addition, the probabilistic
overbreak model has been used to predict average stope widths for each of the patterns.
Benchmark average stoping width, in conjunction with vein or ore width, can be used to
estimate total dilution (planned and unplanned).
Maximum likelihood methods were used to develop the probabilistic overbreak model for the
Barkers 1 case studies. This model was used to estimate a benchmark stoping widths for each
blast pattern. The Extended Mathews Stability chart accuracy is approximately 80 percent.
This accuracy has been used as the basis for selecting a probability of 80 percent for the limits
of the narrow-vein benchmark stability stoping width. In other words, the maximum likelihood
model has been used to estimate the stoping width incorporating 80 percent of case studies.
It has been assumed that benchmark stoping widths are not site-specific and can be considered
operating condition specific. In this case, operating condition specific refers to standard
narrow-vein longhole mining methods and equipment such as those used at the Barker mine.
In other words, benchmark stoping widths are primarily a function of the longhole stoping
method, and not the geotechnical parameters that are responsible for unplanned dilution.
Based on this assumption, the benchmark stoping widths determined for the Barkers mine are
applicable to similar narrow-vein longhole stoping mines. The benchmark average stoping
width and benchmark stability stoping width form the basis of the narrow-vein stope design
and dilution prediction method proposed in the following chapter.


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths



The previous chapter demonstrated that narrow-vein dilution is a function of geotechnical

stability, blast overbreak and mining method. In this thesis adjustments to the stability chart
approach have been proposed to improve geotechnical stability prediction for narrow-vein
stopes. Adjustments have been proposed for taking into account the effect of stress damage,
stress relaxation and undercutting of footwalls. In addition, the effects of blast pattern and
leaving rib pillars on blast overbreak have been quantified. Evidence has been presented
suggesting a practical stoping width is an important parameter when attempting to predict or
analyse narrow-vein dilution. For this reason, this chapter considers the effect of blast pattern
on practical stoping width for mechanised longhole narrow-vein stoping. The practical stoping
width determined for the Barkers mine has been considered a benchmark from which other
narrow-vein mines can predict and analyse dilution. For these reason, the practical stoping
widths determined for Barkers have been termed benchmark stoping widths.
Barkers mine is considered an excellent benchmark mine because as shown in Chapter 9,
dilution (linear overbreak) at the mine is unaffected by rockmass conditions and dilution is
independent of stope span (within the limits of the database). While stress damage had a
significant affect on 10 cases studies in the deeper Barkers 2 database, the shallower Barkers 1
database is highly unlikely to be affected by stress damage and is the database that has been
used to determine benchmark stoping widths. Rockmass classification based on scanline
mapping of sill drives indicates that the rockmass for the Barkers 1 database ranges from fair
to good. It is reasonable to expect that mines with poor rockmass conditions would experience
higher levels of blast overbreak than that incurred at Barkers. Further case studies would be
required to establish the effect of a poor rockmass on blast overbreak.
Later in this chapter benchmark stability stoping width for various vein widths have been used
as the benchmark from which true unplanned dilution can be estimated. For the reasons
discussed in Chapter 2, this thesis has focused on minimising dilution in narrow-vein longhole
stoping mines. Therefore, the benchmark stoping width referred to in this chapter refers to
narrow-vein longhole stoping.
Two types of benchmark stoping width have been defined:
1. Benchmark stability stoping width is for geotechnical assessments of unplanned


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

2. Benchmark average stoping width is for predicting average dilution and provides a
baseline for analysing the causes of dilution (independent of stope design outline).
While benchmark stability stoping width can be used as the basis for analysing geotechnical
stability with respect to practical stoping widths, benchmark stability stoping width does not
indicate average stoping widths. An estimate of an average stoping width enables total dilution
to be predicted for stopes plotting in the stable zone of a stability graph. Furthermore,
benchmark average dilution also provides a measure of dilution that is independent on biases
associated with trends in setting the stope design outline. An average value is equivalent to the
mean or expected value of a normal distribution. However, hangingwall and footwall
overbreak is not normally distributed. Therefore, expected total dilution for each blast pattern
has been evaluated using the parameters which best define the overbreak distributions for each
of the three blast patterns.
Benchmark average stoping width facilitates realistic dilution estimates for mechanised
narrow-vein stoping. This enables realistic cost comparisons between mechanised and
conventional mining methods and integral part of mine method selection.



As defined in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, this thesis is primarily concerned with minimising
dilution by improved prediction and quantification of the causes of narrow-vein dilution. More
accurate dilution prediction facilitates improved mining method selection. True unplanned
dilution measures dilution from a practical stoping width. For example, there is no point
measuring unplanned dilution from the vein when it is not possible in practice to only mine the
vein without dilution. Minimising unplanned dilution at an operating mine requires a
reasonable baseline or benchmark from which assessments and reconciliations can be
conducted. Setting a reasonable benchmark is particularly important if the experience at one
mine is to be related to another mine, as is the case when applying empirical methods.
Because the outcomes and applications proposed as a result of this thesis project are empirical
it is very important that a standardised approach to estimating the boundary between planned
and unplanned dilution be determined. For example, if one mine measures their unplanned
dilution from a vein that is on average 0.8 metres wide and another mine measures their
unplanned dilution from a standard 1.3 metre wide stoping width then the possibility of


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

relating the experience obtained at one mine to another mine is limited unless a common
baseline is adopted.
In the following sections, Barkers case studies have been used to estimate a set of benchmark
stability stoping widths for various vein widths and blast patterns.



Predicting dilution at the feasibility stage requires an estimate of expected(average) stoping

width from which dilution can be predicted.


Stopes Plotting in the Stable Zone

For stopes plotting in the stable zone, an estimate of average stoping width for each blast
pattern can be used as the basis for predicting narrow-vein dilution. If stopes are designed in
the unstable zone of a stability chart, then stoping widths will on average exceed the expected
stoping for a particular blast pattern. Dilution for stopes plotting in the stable zone can be
estimated from vein width and benchmark average stoping width as follows:

TotalDilution =

( ExpectedStopeWidth VeinWidth)

Equation 10.1

Deposits with more complex geometry and structural influences are likely to incur more
unplanned dilution than a simple tabular vein with gradual changes in strike and dip. The
Barkers average stoping width is a benchmark from which planned dilution in more complex
geological formations can be adjusted.


Stopes Plotting in the Unstable or Failure Zone

For stopes plotting in the unstable zone of a stability chart it can be expected that unplanned
dilution due to geotechnical factors will be higher. As demonstrated by the Extended Mathews
isoprobability contours (Mawdesely et al., 2001) shown in Figure 3.12, the probability of
instability increases the further below the stable-failure boundary the case study plots.
Therefore, the percentage of stopes exceeding the benchmark stability stoping width is likely
to exceed 20 percent.


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

In Chapter 9 evidence was presented suggesting that the volume of dilution or ELOS is not
continuously related to the stability number and hydraulic radius as suggested by the ELOS
Dilution Chart. Based on the evidence presented in Chapter 9 two stope case studies could plot
in the same position on the stability graph and yet incur different volumes of unplanned
dilution. Trout Lake mine and Callinan mine case studies shown in Figure 7.9 showed poor
correlation to the ELOS Dilution Chart. Therefore, it is suggested that considering failure
mechanisms on a case-by-case basis best assesses unplanned dilution for stopes plotting in the
failure zone. For example, a small block size rock mass with full relaxation could be expected
to unravel less dramatically over time. However, if large pervasive structures are likely to
dominate stability then large failures could result in large volumes of dilution.



The benchmark stability stoping widths determined for various vein widths in this thesis are
only applicable to narrow-vein longhole open stoping. It has been assumed that benchmark
stoping widths are operating condition specific and not site-specific. For this reason, the
benchmark stoping widths determined in this chapter are generally applicable to sites with
similar operating conditions and geological formation.
The vein width ranged from approximately 200mm to 400mm for the levels contained in the
Barkers 1 database. It is important to note that staggered and in-line patterns were generally
used for the narrower veins widths while dice-5 was generally used for the wider veins.
However, because vein width was not recorded an average of 0.3 metres has been applied for
all three blast patterns.
The probabilistic approach used to determine benchmark stoping widths also facilitate
consideration of the effect of blast pattern on ore loss potential.
The Barkers blasting practices are described in the following section. The Barkers drill and
blast patterns are typical of narrow-vein longhole stoping practices.


Barkers Longhole Blasting Practices

The Barkers 1 database has been used as the basis for estimating benchmark practical stoping
widths for a range of vein widths captured in the Barkers database (0.2 metres to 0.4 metres).
The benchmark narrow-vein stoping widths proposed in this chapter are based on the blast
patterns shown in Figure 10.1. All holes were drilled at 64 mm diameter using an Atlas Copco

Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

H157 longhole rig and were less than 15m long. Hangingwall holes were blow-loaded with a
low impact ANFO product (polystyrene balls added to a product called Sanfold 50). However,
when blasting against fill the first two holes were loaded with 100 percent ANFO. Holes were
double primed with one booster 2.5 metres from the toe and one booster halfway between the
collar and the first booster. Blow-loading refers to the use of high pressure air to blow and
compact ANFO or low impact ANFO into the hole. Blow-loading increases the density of the
explosive in the hole compared to pour-loading (larger diameter down-holes). Blow-loading is
used to load ANFO into up-holes. Footwall and in-line drillholes were blow-loaded with
ANFO. All holes were initiated with long delay non-electric detonators. The UCS of the quartz
vein (ore) was 130 MPa (standard deviation of six from three tests). The UCS of the stope
walls was 142 MPa.










0.9 m

n-line 3

Figure 10.1 Blast pattern and stope design outline without consideration of practical stoping
width considerations

The conditions and blast practices described would be considered standard practice for
Australian subvertical tabular narrow-vein gold mines. Therefore, the results of the
benchmarking study would be applicable in mines with similar conditions employing similar
blasting practices and with similarly narrow veins. In this study only vein width has been
considered. However, discontinuities in the orebody such as offsetting caused by faulting,
pinching and swelling of the orebody as well as sudden changes in strike and dip of the
orebody will affect the practical stoping width for a particular orebody.


Ore Loss Potential

By analysing the overbreak distributions for different blast patterns it is possible to evaluate
ore loss potential as well as dilution. Although an in-line pattern may have a smaller practical
stoping width than staggered and dice-5 patterns (refer to Chapter 7 for a description of these

Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

patterns), in some cases the vein width may be such that adopting an in-line pattern could
result in ore-loss. Depending on the grade, ore loss can have a worse economic implication
than dilution. Therefore, determining a benchmark practical stoping width needs to take into
account ore loss, as well as unplanned dilution. By analysing the overbreak distribution with
respect to vein width it is possible to examine the effect of blast pattern on both the probability
of dilution and probability of ore loss.




Selecting Appropriate Distribution Functions

Table 10.1 contains the overbreak values for each of the three blast patterns. Figure 10.2,
Figure 10.3, and Figure 10.4 are histograms of overbreak for hangingwall case studies. It is
clear from the histograms that the hangingwall overbreak follows a distribution that is centred
on small distances, while the footwall overbreak follows a distribution that is centred at some
finite distance. The small numbers of observations make the precise definition of the
distributions difficult. Figure 10.5, Figure 10.6, and Figure 10.7 are histograms of footwall
overbreak for the Barkers 1.


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

Table 10.1 - Overbreak measurements for the Barkers 1 Case Study


'Dice five'


















































































































































Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths













Overbreak from vein (metres)

Figure 10.2 Overbreak from vein for Barkers 1 hangingwall case studies with Dice 5 pattern













Overbreak from vein (metres)

Figure 10.3 Overbreak from vein for Barkers 1 hangingwall case studies with Staggered













Overbreak from vein (metres)

Figure 10.4 Overbreak from vein for Barkers 1 hangingwall case studies with an In-line pattern


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths












Overbreak from vein (metres)

Figure 10.5 Overbreak from vein for Barkers 1 footwall case studies with Dice 5 pattern













Overbreak from vein (metres)

Figure 10.6 Overbreak from vein for Barkers 1 footwall case studies with Staggered pattern













Overbreak from vein (metres)

Figure 10.7 Overbreak from vein for Barkers 1 footwall case studies with In-line pattern


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

Because the data sets are small, the simplest possible distributions have been chosen. For the
hangingwall distribution, the exponential density provides a single parameter distribution that
is heavy near the origin and also reflects that drillholes were offset from the hangingwall
contact. In contrast, as shown in Figure 10.1 dice 5 and staggered patterns both result in
drillholes being positioned beyond the footwall contact in the footwall. Therefore, planned
dilution for staggered and dice 5 patterns was largely taken on the footwall side of the stope
and this explains the difference between hangingwall and the footwall distributions. Therefore,
the most probable distance of overbreak in the footwall will be finite and the overbreak will be
distributed around the most probable distance. The logistic distribution provides a simple
symmetric probability density of this type. The exponential probability density is given by:

p ( x) =


x > 0; > 0

Equation 10.2

and has the shape given in Figure 10.8. The exponential distribution has an average or
expected value of and a standard deviation of . This is a property the exponential
distribution. The logistic probability density is given by:

p ( x) =

x x0

x x0
1 + exp

< x, x0 < ; > 0

Equation 10.3

provides the distance scaling value and is a uniform measure of the distribution spread. The

logistic density is illustrated in Figure 10.9. The mean or expected value of the logistic
distribution is x0 . The corresponding cumulative distribution functions are:

P ( x ) = 1 exp

P ( x) =

Equation 10.4

Equation 10.5

x x0
1 + exp


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths


Maximum Likelihood Method for Hangingwall Distribution

Maximum likelihood is a probabilistic analysis method that uses the probability density
function to provide a method of estimating the parameters of the distribution. While the
probability density indicates the probability of observing a particular value of the random
variable, given the form of the probability density and the parameter values, the likelihood
function provides likelihood that the parameters of the distribution have particular values,
given the form of the distribution and the observed data.


p(x) or P(x)




Figure 10.8 Exponential probability density and cumulative distribution functions


p(x) or P(x)


Figure 10.9 Logistic probability density and cumulative distribution functions


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

For the exponential density, when the N observations, xi , are independent, the likelihood is
written as:

N x
L ( | x ) = exp i

i =1

Equation 10.6

where x is a narrow interval containing each of the observed values xi . To find the best
value of the parameter , the likelihood is maximised with respect to the value of the
parameter. To determine whether the exponential density really provides an adequate
description of the data, a goodness-of-fit test is necessary.
Mathematically it is more convenient to deal with the natural logarithm of the likelihood, the
log-likelihood (LL). For the exponential, the LL is given by;

= N ln ( x ) N ln ( )

1 N


Equation 10.7

i =1

Maximising the value of the likelihood is equally well achieved by maximising the value of the
LL, as the logarithm is a monotonic function. In relation to maximising the LL with respect to
the value of , the value of x is not material. Maximisation can be carried out by
differentiating and setting the derivative to zero and solving the resulting equation. The result

1 N
N i =1

Equation 10.8

The value of the LL at the maximum is then:

( ))

ML = N 1 + ln

Equation 10.9

where the arbitrary term in the interval width has been omitted.


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

For the logistic density, the LL is given by:

f ( xi )

= N ln ( x ) N ln ( ) + ln

i =1 1 + f ( xi )

Equation 10.10

x x0
f ( xi ) = exp i

Equation 10.11

The most effective means of estimation of x0 and is direct maximisation of the LL with
respect to the two parameters using an appropriate numerical algorithm. The Monte Carlo
method has been used to estimate the confidence interval for the two parameters.


Goodness of Fit Analysis

To determine the extent to which it is possible to state that the exponential density is a
reasonable 'fit' to the data, it is necessary to know the statistical distribution of ML over many
sets of data with N data points, all of which are drawn from an exponential distribution having
parameter . The most effective means of finding this distribution is by direct simulation
(Monte Carlo method). The determination of the goodness-of-fit is then a simple matter of
comparing the value of ML for the data at hand with the distribution of the simulated values.
If ML is too negative in relation to the simulated values, then the fit is deemed poor and it is
necessary to investigate the use of a different density function to describe the data.
It is also important to find a confidence interval for the parameter estimate. There are three
related means of finding a confidence interval. First, when the data set is large enough, the ML
method indicates that the log-likelihood ratio follows a chi-squared distribution with the
number of degrees of freedom equal to the number of parameters that have been estimated.
This ratio can also be used to find a confidence interval for a single parameter of the
distribution by holding all but the parameter of interest constant at the ML estimate. The
convergence of the log-likelihood ratio to a chi-squared distribution further implies that the
parameter distribution will be normal.


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

When the data set does not have a sufficient number of observations in it, the likelihood ratio
will not be chi-squared and Monte Carlo methods will need to be used. Using Monte Carlo
methods, the most effective means of determination of confidence intervals for the parameter
estimates is to generate them from the Monte Carlo process itself. This method is limited in
practical applicability to problems having less than three parameters.
The third method finding a confidence interval can be applied when the data set is large and
the LL function not too complex in form. In such a case, the Cramer-Rao theorem can be used
to calculate an analytical expression for the minimum variance of the parameter estimate and
the fact that the LL ratio follows a chi-squared distribution can be used to show that the
parameter estimate follows a normal distribution. In the case of the exponential density, the
result for the variance of the estimator is:

2 =

Equation 10.12

In the analysis of each data set, the smallest set will be the most critical in terms of validation
of the method of confidence interval determination. The hangingwall data with an in-line blast
pattern is the smallest with 12 observations of overbreak.
The visual assessment of the fit for the hangingwall distribution, illustrated in Figure 10.10,
appears to be satisfactory. To quantify the goodness-of-fit, a Monte Carlo analysis of the
problem was made and the distribution of the log-likelihood function was determined for a
data set of 12 observation drawn from an exponential density having the fitted parameter
value. The LL distribution is given in Figure 10.11 which also shows the distribution of the
parameter estimates derived from the Monte Carlo calculations.
The LL value from the fitting is 1.03. The distribution function indicates that given that the
data are drawn from an exponential distribution, the probability of observing a LL value lower
than 1.03 is approximately 0.47. Such a result indicates that the exponential density provides a
good description of the observed data. The normal score plot of the parameter values from the
Monte Carlo study indicates that the distribution of the parameter estimate is almost normal for
this size of problem. On a normal score plot, data forming a straight line are normally
distributed. The slight departure from the straight line in Figure 10.11 indicates that the
distribution of the parameter values has some slight skewness to the right compared to a


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

normal distribution. Use of a normal distribution to calculate a confidence interval will be

acceptable as long as intervals beyond 95 percent are not considered. The results of the Monte
Carlo calculation indicates that for data sets larger than 12 values, the assumption of normality
of the parameter estimate is reasonable given that the fit passes the goodness of fit test. The
variance of the parameter estimate can be taken to be provided by Equation 10.12.











Overbreak [m]

Distribution Function





Overbreak [m]

Figure 10.10 Comparison of the observed data with the fitted exponential density for the inline blasting pattern for hangingwall overbreak. The fitted vale is = 0.338


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

Distrbution Function


LLHD = 1.03


good fit







Likelihood Value


Normal Score







Parameter Value [m]

Figure 10.11 The distribution function for the log-likelihood and the distribution of the
parameter estimate as a normal score plot

The goodness-of-fit determinations for the other two hangingwall data sets show almost
identical levels of goodness-of-fit of the exponential density to the observations. The results of
the goodness-of-fit are provided in Table 10.2. Figure 10.12 and Figure 10.13 provide a visual
indication of the fit to the data.


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths











Overbreak [m]

Distribution Function





Overbreak [m]

Figure 10.12 Comparison of the observed data with the fitted exponential density for the
staggered blasting pattern for hangingwall overbreak ( = 0.456 )


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths











Overbreak [m]

Distribution Function





Overbreak [m]

Figure 10.13 Comparison of the observed data with the fitted exponential density for the 'dice
five' blasting pattern for hangingwall overbreak ( = 0.380 )

For the footwall data, the smallest data set has only 10 observations. The goodness-of-fit of the
logistic density to the data is very acceptable. Figure 10.14 shows the distribution of the LL for
the data set structure and a scatter diagram of the two estimates over the 1000 Monte Carlo
calculations. While there is no reason to expect that the two parameter estimates will be
uncorrelated, the scatter diagram shows this to be true.


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

Distrbution Function


LLHD = -0.96


good fit





Likelihood Value


Parameter [m]






Parameter x 0 [m]

Figure 10.14 Illustration of the goodness-of-fit of the logistic density to the footwall data and a
scatter diagram of the x0 estimate versus the estimate

The correlation coefficient between these two estimates using the Monte Carlo results is -0.038
which is effectively zero. Similar results are found for the two other footwall data sets. The
estimate of the intercept, x0 is found to be normally distributed, but the estimate of is again
slightly skewed to higher values. Figure 10.15, Figure 10.16, Figure 10.17, Figure 10.18,
Figure 10.19, and Figure 10.20 illustrate the fit of the distribution to the data. The results for
the analysis of the footwall data are also provided in Table 10.2.


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths










Overbreak [m]

Figure 10.15 Comparison of histograms of raw data and fits to the distributions for in-line



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

Overbreak [m]

Figure 10.16 Comparison of histograms of raw data and fits to the distributions for staggered


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

Overbreak [m]

Figure 10.17 Comparison of histograms of raw data and fits to the distributions for dice five


Distribution Function

Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths





Overbreak [m]

Figure 10.18 Comparison of distribution functions of raw data and fits to the distributions for

Distribution Function

in-line pattern





Overbreak [m]

Figure 10.19 Comparison of distribution functions of raw data and fits to the distributions for

Distribution Function

staggered pattern





Overbreak [m]

Figure 10.20 Comparison of distribution functions of raw data and fits to the distributions for
'dice five' pattern


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

The final statistical calculation to be made is to determine whether the footwall overbreak
models can be applied to the hangingwall data and vice versa. A goodness of fit test were
carried out using the parameters of the opposite model to each data set. In no case was there
more than a 1 percent probability that the opposite model could explain the data. One may
conclude from this result that the distributions of overbreak for the hanging wall and the
footwall are different and distinct.




It is clear from the analysis conducted in the previous section that overbreak distributions for
the hangingwall and footwall differ in that for the footwall, the most probable overbreak
distance is finite and is represented by the parameter x0 while for the hangingwall, the most
probable overbreak is zero. The expected value of the overbreak for the hanging wall is hw
and that for the footwall is again x0 . The standard deviation of the hangingwall overbreak
around the mean is hw and that for the footwall is 1.64 fw .

The practical objective of the data analysis is to define a practical stoping width for common
narrow-vein blasting patterns. Conceptually, the benchmark stability stoping width is the width
of the vein to be recovered plus regions of planned dilution that must be reasonably expected
for a given blasting pattern. The difficulty lies in making a definition of the planned dilution
widths. To be reasonable, the definition of the width of the region of damage must be one that
will not be exceeded with an excessive probability. The definition of 'excessive' is necessarily
subjective. The stability graph accuracy of 80 percent is considered reasonable. This implies
that stopes are generally designed assuming a 20 percent probability of overbreak or failure
significantly exceeding design. On this basis, it has been assumed that a practical narrow-vein
benchmark stability stoping width should include 80 percent of case studies.
It is proposed that the benchmark stability stoping width be based on a overbreak distance x80 ,
the stope width that will not be exceeded in 80 percent of blasts. The benchmark stability
stoping width (BSW) is then defined as:

BSW0.3 = vein width + x fw + xhw


with all distances measured in meters.


Equation 10.13

Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

The quantity ( x fw + xhw )


is the 80 percent point on the distribution function of the sum of the

footwall and hangingwall overbreaks. To determine this point, it is necessary to determine the
distribution function for the sum of the footwall overbreak, which follows the logistic density
and the hangingwall overbreak, which follows an exponential density. Mathematical statistics
indicates that the density function for the sum of the overbreaks is:

p ( xt ) =


f (u )
xt u

(1 + f ( u ) )

12 0

xt > 0

Equation 10.14

u x0
f ( u ) = exp

k 1 =

Equation 10.15

f (u )

2 (1 + f ( u ) )2
1 0

Equation 10.16

The density cannot be expressed in closed form and must be calculated by numerical
techniques. Note that 1 is the value associated with the hangingwall overbreak density and x0
and 2 are the parameters for the footwall overbreak density. The densities and distribution
functions for the three blasting patterns are provided in Figure 10.21, Figure 10.22, and Figure
10.23. The similarity between the dice five and staggered patterns is evident; the in-line
distribution is narrower. The 80% points of the distributions are provided in Table 10.2.
While the staggered and dice five patterns can be adjusted to accommodate veins of increasing
width, the in-line pattern is drilled into the centre of the vein. There is potential for loss of ore
if the in-line pattern is used in a vein of substantial width. To retain symmetrical definitions
relating to practical stoping width and ore loss, it is reasonable to define the critical vein width
as that which ore loss will become significant when the vein width is wide enough to lead to
ore loss in 20 percent of the blasts. The cumulative distribution curve for in-line blasting in
Figure 10.23 indicates that total overbreak is less than 0.66 metres 20 percent of the time.
Taking account 0.3 metres nominal vein width, this result indicates that when vein width
exceeds 0.96 metres, there will be a 20 percent chance of underbreak with an in-line pattern.
The curve can be used to estimate ore loss probability as a function of vein width. Using

Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

Figure 10.23 there is a 10 percent probability of oreloss if the vein width exceeds 0.8 metres
and there is a 5 percent probability of oreloss if the vein width exceeds 0.7 metres.




Total Overbreak [m]

Figure 10.21 Probability densities and distribution functions for the total overbreak on dice 5




Total Overbreak [m]

Figure 10.22 Probability densities and distribution functions for the total overbreak on
staggered pattern


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths




Total Overbreak [m]

Figure 10.23 Probability densities and distribution functions for the total overbreak on in-line

Table 10.2 ML parameter fits, calculated critical widths and predicted benchmark stability
stoping width for a 0.3 metres wide vein.



Benchmark Stability Stoping

Width (m)


hw (m)

fw (m)

x0 (m)

( x fw + xhw )80













Dice five







0.3 m vein



The benchmark stability stoping width determined in the previous section provides a realistic
benchmark width for longhole narrow-vein mines. Realistic has been taken to mean that 80
percent of narrow-vein case studies will be less than 1.6 metres, 2.0 metres and 2.1 metres for
the cases of in-line, staggered and dice 5 patterns, respectively. Benchmark stability stoping
width can therefore be used to assess unplanned dilution. However, benchmark stability
stoping width cannot be used to estimate total dilution. Total dilution can be estimated from
expected total overbreak. Expected total dilution can be estimated from benchmark average
stoping width using probabilistic techniques.
Because the footwall and hangingwall overbreaks are considered to be independent, random
variables in this analysis, the expected total overbreak is simply the sum of the two expected

Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

E xhw + x fw = hw + x0

Equation 10.17

and the standard deviation of the total overbreak is determined from the sum of the variances
of the overbreak:

SD x fw + xhw = 1.64 2fw + hw

Equation 10.18

The estimated means and standard deviations of the total overbreak are given in Table 10.3.
Note that confidence intervals on the total overbreak should be determined from the
distribution functions of total overbreak plotted in Figure 10.21, Figure 10.22, and Figure

Table 10.3 Estimated mean and standard deviation of the total overbreak

Mean (m)

SD (m)







Dice five



As noted previously, while the staggered and dice five patterns can be adjusted to
accommodate veins of increasing width, the in-line pattern is drilled into the centre of the vein.
There is potential for loss of ore if the in-line pattern is used in a vein of substantial width.
Furthermore, in some rockmasses the competence may be such that an in-line pattern presents
a significant risk of freezing or bridging of the stope. In such a situation a staggered or dice-5
pattern may be necessary. Table 10.4 contains the benchmark average stoping width for each
blasting pattern. These average (expected) stoping widths for each blast pattern were
calculated using Equation 10.17. In the following chapter a method for estimating total dilution
using benchmark average stoping width for each blast pattern has been proposed. Benchmark
average stoping width can be used in conjunction with vein width to predict total dilution for
stopes plotting in the stable zone.


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

Table 10.4 Benchmark average stoping width for each blast pattern


Average(expected) total overbreak

Benchmark Average

from vein (m)

stoping width (m)







Dice 5




The analysis up to this point has not considered the uncertainties in the data; only one test has
been made to ensure that the hangingwall overbreak distribution shape is distinct from the
logistic density used for the footwall. Given the size of the data sets, one can anticipate that the
confidence intervals for the fitted parameters will be wide. Table 10.5 indicates the 95 percent
confidence intervals for the fitted parameters and Figure 10.24 illustrates the intervals
graphically. Significant overlap of the intervals indicates a lack of statistical significance in the
difference between the parameter values. The greatest overlap is present in the data for the
hangingwall parameters. The overbreak distributions for all three patterns are quite similar.
However, the x0 values for the in-line and dice five patterns are almost certainly significantly

Table 10.5 95 percent confidence intervals for the fitted parameters (table entries are the lower
and upper bounds of the interval)

Dice five




x0 (m)




















Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths



Dice five






Hangingwall Parameter Value [m]







Dice five

Dice five








Footwall x 0 Parameter Value [m]






Footwall Parameter Value [m]

Figure 10.24 Graphical representation of the 95 percent confidence intervals for the fitted




Ideally, an independent data set would have been used to validate the benchmark stoping
widths determined in this chapter. In the absence of a validation set of data to check the
general validity of the benchmark stoping widths, the validity of the methodology has been
checked using the original data set to check the modelling methodology. As defined in
Equation 10.13 the benchmark stability stoping width is given by the quantity ( x fw + xhw ) ,

which is the 80 percent point on the distribution function. Therefore, it follows that percentage
of stopes with widths greater than the benchmark stability stoping width should be
approximately, 20 percent. Table 10.6 contains the stoping width assuming a 0.3 metre vein


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

Table 10.6 Barkers 1 case studies Stope Widths (assuming vein width = 0.3m)
Dice 5 Stope Widths (m)

Staggered Stope Widths (m)

In-line Stope Widths (m)











































2/15 = 13% failures

5/29 = 17% failures

2/10 = 20% failures

87% accuracy

83% accuracy

80% accuracy

The stoping width was calculated as the sum of the hangingwall overbreak from the vein, the
footwall overbreak from the vein and an assumed 0.3 metre average vein width. The number of
case studies falling inside the benchmark stability stoping widths for in-line, staggered and
dice patterns were, 87 percent, 83 percent and 80 percent, respectively. Given the limited
number of case studies in each group these values agree reasonably well with the 80 percent


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

probability assigned to the benchmark stability stoping width. These results indicate that the
distribution fitting and probabilistic modelling methods used are reasonable.



Barkers mine is a typical mechanised narrow-vein mine employing typical blasting practices.
According the stability graph approach all bar one of the 115 Barkers 1 case studies should
plot in the stable zone. By assuming the 80 percent accuracy of the stability graph approach is
applicable to the Barkers 1 case studies, it is possible to estimate benchmark stoping widths for
each of the three blast patterns used at Barkers. These benchmark widths could be applied at
narrow-vein mines with similar operating conditions and drill and blast practices.


benchmark stability stoping width will facilitate improved empirical analysis of narrow-vein
stope case studies. Unfortunately, despite concerted efforts over a number of years to source
data from additional narrow-vein mines it has not been possible to validate these findings at
another mine.
The in-line blast pattern benchmark stability stoping width was 1.6 metres. In the case of the
staggered blast pattern the overbreak distribution analysis indicated a benchmark stability
stoping width of 2.0 metres. The dice-five pattern benchmark stability stoping width was 2.1
metres. These benchmark stability stoping widths are used as a basis for the narrow-vein
design method proposed in the following chapter.
Narrow-vein dilution for stopes plotting in the unstable zone can be assessed using the
benchmark average stoping widths estimated for each blast pattern. Benchmark average
stoping width is effectively an average stoping width from which expected average dilution
can be estimated. The expected stoping width estimated from probabilistic modelling of
overbreak for in-line, staggered and dice-5 patterns are 1.3 metres, 1.5 metres and 1.7 metres,
respectively. The expected or average stoping widths are used in the following chapter to
predict dilution in narrow-vein longhole stopes.
Application of the benchmark stoping widths to the Barkers 1 case studies suggests the
modelling methodology is valid. However, the validity of the benchmark stoping widths at
mines with similar operating conditions to Barkers remains to be validated. That being said,
given that benchmark stoping widths are largely a function of operating conditions such as
equipment and blast pattern, it has been proposed that benchmark stoping widths can be
considered operating condition specific and not site-specific. On this basis it is reasonable to


Chapter 10 Predicting Dilution and Benchmark Narrow-Vein Stoping Widths

apply both benchmark stability stoping width and benchmark average stoping widths to similar
narrow-vein operations where stopes plot on or above the stable-failure boundary of a stability
graph. Irregular geology will impact on expected dilution and adjustments to expected dilution
should be made accordingly.



This chapter applies the research findings presented in this thesis. A new narrow-vein dilution
minimisation methodology for both greenfield sites at the feasibility stage and brownfield
operating mines has been proposed. The narrow-vein dilution methodology (NVD method) is a
tool for predicting narrow-vein dilution based on benchmark average stoping width. In
addition to dilution prediction, the NVD method also includes recommendation and strategies
for narrow-vein dilution minimisation generally, including; filling, cablebolting, stress
relaxation, stress damage and blast overbreak. The premise for the dilution minimisation
strategies is that narrow-vein mines record stope dilution and use the stoping history to
analyse the underlying causes of dilution at a particular mine. However, in the absence of
sufficient stoping history it is still possible to assess the likelihood of some causes of dilution.
Once the underlying causes of dilution at a particular mine have been identified, it is then
possible to focus dilution management strategies accordingly.



This thesis has demonstrated the limitations of applying existing stability chart methods to
narrow-vein stope design and dilution prediction. In particular, evidence and analysis has been
undertaken which demonstrates that the following limitations and conditions should be
considered in narrow-vein stope design:
1. Development of a site-specific stability charts to capture narrow-vein operating conditions
require at least 150 case studies, of which at least 10 to 15 percent must be unstable case
2. Full and tangential stress relaxation affects stope stability. Due to their tabular geometry
narrow-vein stopes have a propensity to stress relaxation. In cases of full and tangential
stress relaxation stress factor A should be set to 0.7.
3. Blast pattern and associated benchmark average stoping width are essential elements in
predicting planned dilution. The benchmark stability stoping width provides a practical

Chapter 11 Narrow-Vein Dilution Method

stope width (design outline) from which unplanned dilution due to geotechnical or
overbreak can be assessed. This is a fundamental component of narrow-vein dilution
4. Stress damage and leaving pillars (re-slotting) were shown to significantly affect narrowvein dilution. Therefore, narrow-vein dilution assessment should consider the potential for
these factors to contribute to unplanned dilution.
5. 261 narrow-vein case studies showed no evidence that dilution is continuously related to N
and HR. This is an important result because it means that for stopes plotting well inside a
stability chart stable zone, reducing the stope size will not decrease dilution.
6. Dilution for case studies plotting well above the stable-failure boundary zone could largely
be attributed to blast pattern. In fact, after adjusting for blast pattern related dilution, the
narrow-vein case studies plotted with almost the same level of accuracy as the generic
Extended Mathews case studies.
7. Blast overbreak related dilution was unrelated to N or HR. Therefore, the causes of narrowvein dilution can be separated into two groups: Geotechnical stability (stope size
dependent) and blasting overbreak (not stope size dependent).
The narrow-vein dilution method (NVD method) proposed in this chapter draws upon these
finding to develop a tool which can be used to assess both assess dilution potential and reduce
dilution at an operating mine. The NVD method also incorporates improvements to the
stability graph method reviewed in Chapter 3. In particular, radius factor for complex
geometry (Milne, 1996a) and updated cablebolt recommendations (Diederichs et al. 1999).
These improvements are particularly relevant to narrow-vein stoping. Multiple lift retreat
stoping and the leaving of rib pillars often results in complex geometry. The cablebolting
recommendations of Diederichs et al., (1999) are particularly relevant to narrow-vein stoping
because they include separate recommendations for cases of stress relaxation.



The NVD method addresses geotechnical and blasting overbreak related stability separately. In
addition, the method attempts to address issues associated with different types and levels of
data available at different stages in a mine life. This has been achieved by defining two
processes for stope design:
1. Prefeasibility/Feasibility stage
2. Operating mine


Chapter 11 Narrow-Vein Dilution Method

The proposed NVD method is comprised of three tables. Table A contains the assumptions and
limitation of the NVD method. Table B contains the prefeasibility/ feasibility NVD method.
Table C contains the operating mine dilution minimisation method.
While many of the recommendations and strategies relate directly to findings of research
presented in this thesis, there are a significant number of recommendations and strategies listed
that are based on findings from the review of literature relating to narrow-vein dilution
presented in Chapters 1 through to 4.



A new method has been proposed to improve narrow-vein stope design and dilution prediction.
This method draws upon the findings of this thesis in addition to the results of literature
pertaining to narrow-vein dilution reviewed in Chapter 1 through to 4 of this thesis.
The dilution prediction method for mines at the feasibility stage can be used to assess the
appropriateness of the mining method and determine the likely filling and/or cablebolting
requirements if narrow-vein longhole stoping is the preferred mining method. The dilution
prediction tools proposed in this chapter have been developed primarily for mechanised
narrow-vein longhole stoping. However, elements of the NVD method will be applicable to
narrow-vein mining not using this method. The NVD method is based upon a list of
assumptions and limitations. It is important that the recommendations and strategies proposed
in this method are at all times quoted in context of these assumption and limitations.
In the case of an operating mine a method of back analysis of existing stope data has been
proposed that enables a mine to first identify whether dilution is most likely caused by
geotechnical or blast overbreak related. Once it can be established whether the primary cause
of dilution is geotechnical or blasting overbreak related a number of strategies have been
suggested to minimise dilution at a narrow-vein mine. These recommendations draw upon the
research findings presented in Chapters 5 through to 10 of this thesis, as well as literature
reviewed in Chapters 2 through to 4 of this thesis.


Table A NVD method: pre-feasibility/feasibility stage

A1. Geotechnical Stability
A1.1Stability graph assessment1.
A1.2 Stress relaxation potential assessed for tabular stope geometries; especially if principal stress is perpendicular to strike. In cases of full and tangential stress relaxation set
stress factor A = 0.7.
A1.3 If geometry is irregular or complex (e.g. pillars or multiple lift retreat) then hydraulic radius can be estimated from radius factor2.
A2. Fill Requirements
A2.1 Tight filling3. Treat fill as solid rock
A2.2 Continuous filling with lag between stoping and fill4.
HR = HRafter blasting + HR after backfilling.
A3. Cablebolting
A3.1 Assess if stope is supportable using Modified Stability chart.1
A3.2 Stable HR can be increased by pattern cablebolting. Modified stability chart can be used to assess possible increase HR achievable with pattern cablebolting5.
A3.3 Consider effect of backfilling on production cycle. Cablebolts have potential to improve productivity by decreasing delays associated with regular filling requirements6.
A3.4 Cablebolts can be used for areas with localised instability potential.


Chapter 11 Narrow-Vein Dilution Method

Table A (cont.) NVD method: pre-feasibility/feasibility stage

A4. Dilution Prediction
A4.1 Total dilution for stopes plotting in the stable zone
Benchmark total dilution for stable stopes can be estimated as follows.
Total dilution = (Benchmark average stoping width10 Vein width)/Vein width
The benchmark average stoping widths for common narrow-vein blast patterns10:
In-line = 1.3 m
Staggered = 1.5 m
Dice-5 = 1.7 m
For vein widths >1.2m, an allowance of approximately 0.6m of dilution is required to ensure the probability of ore loss is less than 5% (from cumulative overbreak probability
distributions). This estimate is based on the average dilution allowance required for a 0.7m vein using an in-line pattern i.e. 1.3m-0.7m requires a 0.6m dilution allowance to
ensure ore loss probability is less than 5%. It is reasonable to expect that a similar allowance would be required for wider veins.
A4.2 Dilution assessment for stopes plotting in the unstable or failure zone of a stability chart.
Isoprobability contours can be used to estimate the percentage of stopes expected to exceed the benchmark stability stoping width. 7 8
e.g. The probability of unplanned dilution for a stope plotting on the stable-failure boundary is approximately, 20%.12
Benchmark stability stoping widths11
Vein width < 0.7m12 using an in-line pattern

Vein width > 0.7 m using either staggered or dice-5 pattern

1.6 m
2.1 m

A4.3 Undercutting of stope walls

For stope walls with N or N < 5 empirical evidence suggests that undercutting will lead to stope wall failure (Potvin, 1988).
For stope walls with N or N > 5 the HR of undercut stope walls can be estimated by assuming that the stope height is infinite.13
A4.4 Extraction sequence
Evaluate potential for pre-stoping stress history to cause dilution. Possible methods include: pillar stability chart7, n > 0.8 x UCS8 and 1-3 > 0.39
If stress damage potential is high then increase dilution by between 0.1 to 0.3 m.14
Layered orebodies should be assessed for stress relaxation potential.

Notes: Table C Assumptions and limitations contains notes as per superscript numbers.


Chapter 11 Narrow-Vein Dilution Method

Table B NVD Method: minimising dilution at an operating mine
B1 Geotechnical Stability
B1.1 Determine stable HR for geotechnical domains as per A.1 to A.3.
Stable HR predictions should be based on revaluation of Q based on underground mapping and observations of rock mass behaviour. Observe any time dependent rockmass
B1.2 Site-specific chart (if necessary)
If necessary, develop site-specific stability chart using at least 150 case studies, of which at least 10% are unstable. A site-specific chart would be considered necessary if the
geotechnical stability is consistently poorly predicted by stability graphs. For example the Mt Isa bench stability chart takes into account bedding spacing and blasting
parameters (Villaescusa, 1996).
B1.3 Kinematic analysis
If wedge and block failure appears to be dominating stability, a more detailed kinematic stability assessment is warranted. Kinematic stability can be assessed using scan-line
mapping results in conjunction with some type of 3D joint network model e.g. Stereoblock (Grenon and Hadjigeorgiou, 2003).
B2 Minimising Dilution
There is significant evidence that dilution can be minimised by ensuring that all personnel involved in stoping and ore development are aware of its importance to a mines
economic performance. For example, mine productivity can be measured in terms of weight of metal mined.
B2.1 Stope database
Maintain stope dilution database15 and plot dilution versus stope span. This will provide a good indication of whether dilution is caused by geotechnical causes or drill and blast
causes. Empirical evidence suggests that reducing stope span will only reduce dilution if the causes of dilution are geotechnical.
If dilution is independent of stope span, then dilution is unlikely to be caused by geotechnical factors. Stress damage is the only geotechnical cause of dilution that would not be
span dependent.
If dilution is span dependent, then dilution is likely to be related to geotechnical factors.


Chapter 11 Narrow-Vein Dilution Method

Table B (cont.) NVD Method: minimising dilution at an operating mine

B2.3 Minimising geotechnical causes of dilution
More detailed structural analysis using scanline mapping and stereonets.
Assess relaxation potential.
Cost benefit analysis for cablebolting and/or stope span reduction including fill cycle times.
Ore drive development under good geological control including appropriate drive profile.
Stress damage related dilution can be minimised by evaluation of extraction sequence against damage criterion, increasing number of rings fired per blast and where practical
avoiding shrinking central pillar extraction sequence.
B2.4 Minimising drill and blasting related dilution
Select appropriate blast pattern. An in-line pattern for veins < 0.7 m. For vein widths greater than 0.7 m there is a 5 % risk of oreloss so in this case a staggered or dice 5 pattern
should be selected. However, in some ground conditions an in-line pattern may encounter issues associated with bridging.
Survey drillholes and analyse results in a systematic manner16.
Drill and blast trials should be randomised trials17.
Blast damage minimisation18.
Smoothwall blasting19.

Notes: Table C Assumptions and limitations contains notes as per superscript numbers.


Chapter 11 Narrow-Vein Dilution Method

Table C NVD limitations and assumptions.


Use either the Extended Mathews Stability graph (Mawdesley et al., 2000) approach or the Modified Stability chart (Potvin, 1988). The Extended Mathews has most
data coverage and N is simpler to evaluate. The Modified Stability chart is in widest use and has a supportable zone delineated.


Radius factor provides a more accurate assessment of the distance to abutments and is therefore better suited to irregular shape geometry (Milne et al., 1996a). Radius
factor (RF) is half the harmonic radius (Rh) that is calculated using equation 3.11, where r is the distance to the abutments measured from the surface centre.

RF =

1 n 1

n =1 r


Tight filling means that there is no volume between the fill and the next rings/slot to be fired.


Continuous filling (as opposed to tight fill) means there is a gap between the fill and the next rings to be fired. Milne (1996) proposes that the effective final span
converges to the sum of the opening after blasting plus the opening span after backfilling. However, due to insufficient data, Milne (1996) was unable to confirm this
hypothesis. However, the results of extensive hangingwall monitoring (extensometers) at the Winston lake mine did suggest that the common practice of treating a
moving backfill abutment like a rock abutment is overly optimistic (Milne 1996).


Pattern cablebolting recommendations: Diederichs and Hutchison (1996) covers various design methods. Diederichs et al., (1999) includes charts for cases of stress


However, cablebolt effectiveness can be reduced by low rock mass stiffness and stress relaxation (Diederichs et al. 1999).


Brow stress damage would correspond to category three for pillar yield (fracturing in pillar walls) and the unstable region of the Confinement Formula Stability Graph
(Lunde, 1994). The main advantage of this approach over the deviatoric stress approach is the very large database of rockmass conditions incorporated into the database
means better prediction of stress damage when there is no opportunity to calibrate to underground observations.


Further validation required.


May have effect on dilution below this criterion damage limit e.g. Barkers case studies.


Chapter 11 Narrow-Vein Dilution Method

Table C (cont.) NVD limitations, assumptions and notes

10. It has been assumed that benchmark average stoping width is not site-specific, and can be considered operating condition specific. In this case operating condition
specific refers to standard narrow-vein longhole mining methods and equipment. In other words, benchmark stability stoping width is primarily a function of mining
method and equipment, and not the geotechnical parameters that are responsible for unplanned dilution. Based on this assumption, the benchmark stability stoping
widths determined for Barkers mine are applicable to similar narrow-vein longhole stoping mines. It should be noted that rockmass classification based on scanline
mapping of sill drives indicates that the rockmass for the Barkers 1 database ranges from fair to good. It is reasonable to expect that mines with poor rockmass
conditions would experience higher levels of blast overbreak than that incurred at Barkers.
For stopes plotting on the stable-failure boundary the probability of a stope width exceeding the benchmark stability stoping width is approximately, 20%12. This
estimate assumes parallel holes and standard longhole drill and blast practices.
Standard practice;
i. Low impact explosives used on the hangingwall
ii. Blast pattern suited to the vein width
iii. 51mm to 64mm diameter holes <15m long.
iv. Hangingwall hole stand-off distance appropriate to the rockmass.
v. Some drill-hole surveys.
vi. Irregular reporting of dilution and or stope reconciliation.
vii. Some blast trials
viii. Ore drive development under geological control
Implementation of best practices and improved quality control has the potential to achieve narrower stoping widths. In these cases the probability of a stope width
exceeding the stable stoping width would be significantly less than 20 percent.


Chapter 11 Narrow-Vein Dilution Method

Table C (cont.) NVD limitations, assumptions and notes

Each of the practices listed has been proven to be effective in dilution minimisation at least one mine:
i. Regular and systematic drill-hole survey and analysis.
ii. Stope survey and stope reconciliation.
iii. Reporting dilution as a key performance indicator (KPI)
iv. Drill and blast continuous improvement projects based on properly design randomised drill and blast trials. Design modifications based on statistically
significant results obtained from stope reconciliations.
v. Blast damage modelling based on analysis of PPV
vi. Tight geological and mining control on ore-drive development to minimise undercutting.
vii. Cablebolting of localised instability
viii. Smooth wall blasting e.g. pre-split
ix. Revaluation/calibration of feasibility study stable stope dimensions
Sub-standard practice;
i. No drill-hole surveys
ii. In appropriate blast pattern selected for vein width
iii. Only reporting tonnes as KPI
iv. No evaluation or reporting of dilution
v. No geotechnical mapping to reassess feasibility study design
11. Like benchmark average stoping width, it has been assumed that benchmark stability stoping width is not site-specific and is a function of mining method and
equipment. An in-line pattern can be used for vein widths less than 0.7 m. If an in-line pattern is used for a vein width of 0.7 m then the probability of ore loss is
approximately 5%. However, depending on geological and rockmass conditions an in-line pattern can result in bridging.


Chapter 11 Narrow-Vein Dilution Method

Table C (cont.) NVD limitations, assumptions and notes

12. Inside the stable zone the probability of unplanned dilution decreases from 20% the further a stope plots inside the stable zone and conversely, inside the failure
zone the probability of unplanned dilution increase from 20% the further below the stable-failure boundary. The Extended Mathews Isoprobability contours
(Mawdesley et al, 2000) can be used to estimate the probability of unplanned dilution at a particular position on the Extended Mathews Stability graph. While the
probability of failure is affected by distance from the stability graph stable-failure boundary, the amount of unplanned dilution in narrow-vein stopes does not
appear to be related to position on the stability graph.
13. This recommendation is based on the assumption that an undercut stope wall cannot obtain support from arching to the abutments and therefore, assuming the
stope height is infinite is a good approximation of the effect of removing lower abutment support. This recommendation is based on engineering assessment of the
destabilising effect of undercutting and has not been validated with case studies. However, in the absence of alternatives this approach seems to be reasonable, and
is likely to be more realistic than assuming that undercutting has no effect at all. Comment: in one of your chapters undercut footwalls were related to non undercut
14. Stress damage related unplanned dilution ranged from 0.1 m to 0.3 m and is based on data from one mine (Barkers mine) and therefore requires further validation.
However, the upper limit of 0.3 m could be a function of mineability of ore drives. Barkers mine ore drives had high levels of support including shotcrete and
cablebolting. Based on these levels of support it is reasonable to infer that mineability was moderately difficult. If stress related conditions in the ore drives were
more difficult than Barkers, then stress damage related dilution could exceed 0.3m. However, more case studies are required from other mines to validate this
15. Ideally, a narrow-vein stope dilution database should record the following information;

Stope dimensions




Failure mechanism


Drill and blasting patterns including explosive types and initiation sequence.


Support of stope walls

16. Drillhole inaccuracy is a significant cause of dilution (Aplin, 1997; Revey, 1998).


Chapter 11 Narrow-Vein Dilution Method

Table C (cont.) NVD limitations, assumptions and notes

17. Randomised trials mean that changes to drill and blast parameters are undertaken randomly without consideration for any other parameters. The data collated from
randomised drill and blast trials is less likely to be affected by systematic bias. This is the basis of experimental design.
18. It seems that because the relationship between blast damage and overbreak is rockmass dependent there is no generic model for predicting overbreak using blast
damage modelling. However, individual mines could compare overbreak stability to damage modelling and use this information in blast design. The value of blast
damage modelling is in the ability to compare the blast damage potential of alternative blast designs. Peak particle velocity (PPV) is a good predictor of blast
damage (Singh, 1998; Villaescusa et al., 2003). Blast damage contributes to dilution (Henning et al., 1997). Blast damage modelling involves monitoring blast
vibration to determine site-specific constants k and . Once k and have been determined PPV can be estimated as follows:
PPV = k (Holmsberg Peterson equation..?) ???
Once the PPV limit for blast damage has been determined it is possible to design blast that do not exceed the PPV limit. However, scatter in delay timings and
inconsistencies in rockmass attenuation properties can significantly affect the reliability of actual PPV versus design PPV.
19. Pageau et al. (1992) found that by implementing smooth wall blasting, including a pre-split, they were able to reduce dilution at the Richmont mines, Francouer
mine Quebec from 10-15 percent to 5 percent.



Dilution has an adverse economic impact upon mining operations. Both unplanned dilution
and planned dilution have been studied in this thesis. Other sources of dilution such as the
geological form of the deposit and backfill contamination were largely beyond the scope of
this thesis. Mining method selection involves a trade off between the unit cost and production
rate benefits of mechanised mining against the costs of dilution associated with mechanised
mining. Longhole stoping has emerged as the dominant narrow-vein mining method over the
past 20 years. Longhole stoping mines use some combination of backfill, cablebolts and or
pillars to control effective span in attempt to minimise dilution. Stope designs should be
evaluated in terms of dilution potential, as well as, production rate and mining costs. This
requires adequate methods for dilution prediction. This thesis has developed improved
methodologies for narrow-vein dilution prediction.
Quality control and process improvement are dilution control measures that can be
implemented as part of a feedback loop between production and engineering personnel.
Drillhole survey is an example of quality control, while explosive and drill pattern trials would
be considered process improvement methods of dilution control.
Broadly speaking, there are four main approaches to the design of stable stopes; mining
methods selection, empirical stope design, analytical methods and numerical modelling.
Mining method selection has been discussed in Chapter 2. Acknowledging that for various
reasons conventional narrow-vein mining methods are generally on the demise, a review was
carried out to evaluate the applicability of empirical, analytical and numerical stope design
methodologies with respect to narrow-vein longhole stoping. The ability of the empirical
stability graph approach to capture both stress and kinematic stability mechanisms was
concluded to be a significant advantage of this approach. The stability graph approach has
demonstrated general applicability to large-open stoping and can be used at the feasibility
stage to predict stable stope dimensions. Analytical (kinematic analysis) and numerical
methods have the potential to compliment the stability graph approach in cases where


Chapter 12 Conclusions

mechanisms causing stope instability have been clearly identified and the opportunity to
calibrate input parameters exists. This is particularly true in the case of sites where scanline
mapping has been undertaken and it is possible to evaluate stability using a three-dimensional
joint network and limit equilibrium analysis. Numerical modelling and analytical methods
general applicability is limited because both approaches only account for one failure
mechanism. However, when employed in combination with empirical approaches that capture
a broader range of stability parameters, both numerical and kinematic analyses have the
potential to improve stability prediction.
Existing stability charts do not take into account a number of the parameters believed to affect
stope stability. Despite this, stability charts are approximately 80 percent accurate in terms of
predicting open stope stability generally. This implies that those factors taken into account are
able to predict instability in 80 percent of cases. It was hypothesised that some parameters
excluded from the formulation of existing stability charts may have a greater influence on
narrow-vein stability than on large open stope stability. Factors and methods to take into
account moving backfill abutments, drill and blast parameters, stress relaxation, stress damage,
complex geometry and undercutting were qualitatively reviewed. It was concluded from this
review that there was considerable uncertainty associated with the accuracy of existing
stability charts when applied to narrow-vein stability prediction.
A review of the applicability and usefulness of site-specific or site-calibrated stability charts
indicated that while some authors advocate site calibration of the stability graph method, two
of the primary authors and developers of the stability graph approach see the value of sitespecific stability charts as limited. Narrow-vein stability parameters including blast damage,
stress relaxation, undercutting and stress damage are rock mass dependent and therefore, to
some extent are taken into account by Q. For this reason it was hypothesised that narrow-vein
mines may be more sensitive to Q than large open stopes. A new technique that analyses
trends in the variances of three logit model parameters (Extended Mathews Logistical model)
has enabled the author to define database requirements. The analysis indicates that a reliable
stable-failure boundary requires at least 150 case histories, of which a minimum of 10 percent
should be unstable stope surfaces.
Marginal site-specific effects were observed. It was concluded that the apparent site-specific
effects contained in previous literature are attributable to operating conditions inadequately
represented in the database. Such operating conditions could induce erroneous stability


Chapter 12 Conclusions

predictions at any site, and therefore, are not truly site-specific. It was concluded that by
developing methods to take into account narrow-vein operating conditions it would be possible
to improve the predictive ability of stability charts for narrow-vein operating conditions.
Stress relaxation was one of the narrow-vein operating conditions hypothesised to adversely
effect narrow-vein stope stability prediction using existing stability chart methods.
Establishing clear definitions of stress relaxation was critical to understanding and quantifying
stress relaxation effects. Once clear definitions were determined, it was concluded that the
theoretical arguments and empirical evidence presented by various authors to support their
respective cases are not contradictory; rather the different conclusions can be attributed to
different types of stress relaxation. Three types of stress relaxation have been defined; partial
relaxation, full relaxation and tangential relaxation. A new set of guidelines to account for the
effect of stress relaxation within the stability chart approach has been proposed based on backanalysis of 55 case histories of stress relaxation. It was also concluded that two-dimensional
stress analyses are insufficient to determine if an excavation surface is relaxed unless the
aspect ratio of the excavation surface is 5 or greater. If the aspect ratio is less than 5, a threedimensional stress analysis is required to confirm that the excavation surface is in actuality
relaxed. Because narrow-vein stope lengths to width ratios are almost always greater than five,
two-dimensional plain strain modelling can usually be used to confirm stress relaxation in the
case of narrow-vein mining.
Analysis of misclassification statistics using the Extended Mathews stability graph indicates
that partial stress relaxation is a poor predictor of stability. However, tangential relaxation and
full relaxation were found to have an adverse effect on excavation stability. In the case of full
and tangential stress relaxation there was little difference between the two methods.
However, it can be inferred from the back-analyses that when the minor principal stress is
tensile, the intermediate principal stress has an impact on rockmass behaviour in jointed rock
masses. Further work is required to quantify the impact of the intermediate principal stress on
the behaviour of jointed rock masses.
Setting Stress Factor A equal to 0.7 significantly improves the accuracy of stability prediction
for cases of full and tangential stress relaxation. This adjustment is an explicit method for
taking into account the destabilising effect of full and tangential stress relaxation. For cases of
partial stress relaxation, a stress adjustment factor A equal to one, as would be the case in the


Chapter 12 Conclusions

original Mathews method gives the best predictive capability to the model. Because narrowvein geometries are prone to stress relaxation effects, the adjustment for stress relaxation
presented is an important contribution towards improved narrow-vein dilution prediction and
forms part of the methodology for improved narrow-vein dilution prediction (NVD method).
Back analysis of 115 narrow-vein case studies from the Barkers mine in Western Australia
indicated a poor correlation between stope stability and both the Mathews stability number, N,
and hydraulic radius, HR. Given that both N and HR correlate well with stability in the vast
majority of stability chart case studies, this suggests there is an overriding influence on
stability at Barkers not accounted for in the Mathews method. Drill and blast issues were
isolated as the most likely cause of this poor correlation. Blast pattern was found to have a
statistically significant affect on overbreak. In terms of the drill and blast patterns used at the
mine, the in-line 3 pattern performed significantly better than both the staggered and dice 5
patterns for the vein geometries at the time. There was no evidence that tight backfill
abutments (not continuous moving) behave differently from solid rock abutments in terms of
determination of stable stope dimensions. Therefore, it was concluded that for tight backfill
abutments the fill can be treated as solid rock.
The stability of 146 narrow-vein case studies from the Callinan and Trout Lake mine were also
poorly predicted by existing stability charts. It was concluded from the Barkers, Callinan and
Trout Lake narrow-vein case studies that existing stability charts provide poor predictive
ability in the case of narrow-vein stoping.
For the vein widths captured in the Barkers stability database, the in-line 3 blast pattern
performed significantly better than both the staggered and dice 5 in terms of overbreak. The
Barkers stope stability back-analysis provided validation of the need to address narrow-vein
operating conditions such as drill and blast design explicitly. While adopting an in-line drill
and blast pattern instead of a dice five pattern has the potential to reduce dilution by an average
of 0.19 metres, the large number of narrow-vein case studies with dilution in excess of stability
chart predictions suggests that additional causes of dilution are probable.
In the case of narrow-vein mining, the relatively small incremental extraction of long-hole
rings has the potential to result in a moving high stressed zone at the stope brow. This results
in the hangingwall and footwall experiencing a spike in the stress to strength ratios as the brow
passes. In some cases, the stress to strength ratio may be high enough to result in fracturing or


Chapter 12 Conclusions

damage to the rock mass prior to excavation. It was concluded from a study involving analysis
of overbreak from 412 case studies from the Barkers mine that stress damage contributes to
dilution in narrow-vein mines. Modelling of a 32 month extraction sequence demonstrated,
with 94 percent confidence, that stress damaged stope walls at this mine had an average 0.27
metres more overbreak than stope walls where stresses had not exceeded the damage criterion.
Assuming a designed mining width of approximately 1.5 metres, and both hangingwall and
footwall affected by stress damage, this represents 36 percent dilution. After adjustment for
possible sources of bias the difference reduced to an average 0.10 metres per stope wall,
representing 13 percent dilution for the mining width under consideration. Therefore, it has
been concluded that the potential for stress damage related overbreak should be considered as
part of any assessment of narrow-vein dilution. Furthermore, extraction sequences can be
modelled as part of the mine planning process to ensure that the risk of stress damage related
dilution has been quantified and alternative strategies considered in view of balancing costs,
production requirements and dilution minimisation. By increasing the length of strike extracted
in each production blast the amount of hangingwall and footwall exposed to high stresses
would decrease, thereby decreasing stress damage potential. The extent to which production
blasts can be lengthened along strike will depend on vein geometry, rockmass conditions,
seismicity considerations and drill and blast parameters. At Barkers, peak stress normal to
brow greater than 100 MPa was associated with overbreak and corresponds to a magnitude
equal to 0.7 times the UCS. Further validation work is required to determine whether a
criterion of peak normal stress greater than 0.7 times the UCS for stress damage related
overbreak would be applicable at other narrow-vein sites.
A number of adjustments have been proposed to explicitly take into account narrow-vein
operating conditions. An adjustment for full and tangential stress relaxation has been proposed.
In addition blast pattern, stress damage and leaving pillars were all found to have a significant
effect on overbreak. The difference in overbreak was used as an adjustment to assess whether
stress damage, blast pattern and leaving pillars on the sensitivity and specificity of the stability
predictions of these case studies. Adjusting for blast pattern improved stability graph accuracy
from 64.0 percent to 78.9 percent, while adjusting for stress damage and leaving pillars
improved accuracy from 64.9 percent to 67.3 percent. Theoretically, the combined effect of
these adjustments could improve stability graph accuracy from 65 percent to 82 percent.
The high levels of accuracy achievable after making adjustments for stress relaxation, blast
pattern and stress damage suggests that the stability graph approach can be used to predict the


Chapter 12 Conclusions

geotechnical causes of narrow-vein dilution provided consideration of the aforementioned

effects is made.
Using a stress factor equal to 0.7 did not improve the accuracy of stability graph predictions
for the Barkers case studies. Further analysis indicated that this result could be explained by a
lack of continuity between stability and N and HR inside the stable zone. Barkers, Callinan and
Trout Lake mine case studies suggest that overbreak is not continuously related to N and HR,
and that the relationship between HR and overbreak and N and overbreak is best described by
a logistical relationship. Based on this result it was concluded that the cause of dilution is
unlikely to be related to geotechnical parameters if a stope plots well inside the stable zone.
Therefore, in this scenario, reducing stope size would not reduce dilution. Based on this
interpretation it can be concluded that the causes of narrow-vein dilution can be separated into
two unrelated causes:
1. Geotechnical instability (stope size dependent).
2. Blast overbreak (unrelated to stope size).
In practice, blast overbreak can be distinguished from geotechnical causes of dilution by
analysing whether dilution occurs independently of stope size. For example, for the range of
hydraulic radii captured in the two Barkers databases dilution was generally (apart from the
Barkers 1 case studies with hydraulic radii less than three) unrelated to stope size. In practical
terms this means that generally speaking for hydraulic radii plotting well inside the stable
zone, dilution occurred independently of the distance between backfilling cycles.
A probabilistic benchmarking method has been used to estimate a benchmark stoping width for
three commonly used narrow-vein longhole blast patterns. The benchmark stoping width for
each pattern define realistic planned dilution limits. These limits provide the basis from which
true unplanned dilution can be assessed. In addition, the probabilistic overbreak model has
been used to predict expected stope widths for each of the patterns. Expected stoping width, in
conjunction with vein or ore width, can be used to estimate total dilution (planned and
It has been assumed that benchmark stoping width and expected stoping width are not sitespecific and can be considered operating condition specific. In this case, operating condition
specific refers to standard narrow-vein longhole mining methods and equipment such as those


Chapter 12 Conclusions

used at Barkers mine. In other words, benchmark stoping width and expected stoping width are
primarily a function of the longhole stoping method, and not the geotechnical parameters that
are responsible for unplanned dilution. Based on this assumption, the benchmark stoping
widths determined for Barkers mine are applicable to similar narrow-vein longhole stoping
mines. The benchmark stoping width will facilitate improved empirical analysis of narrowvein stope case studies as it provides a benchmark from which unplanned dilution can be
assessed. Irregular geology will require adjustment to both benchmark stoping width and
expected stoping width.
Application of the benchmark stoping widths to the Barkers 1 case studies suggests the
modelling methodology is valid. However, the validity of the benchmark stoping widths at
mines with similar operating conditions to Barkers remains to be validated. That being said,
given that benchmark stoping width and expected stoping width are largely a function of
operating conditions such as equipment and blast pattern, it has been concluded that
benchmark stoping widths can be considered operating condition specific and not site-specific.
On this basis it is reasonable to apply both benchmark stoping width and expected stoping
widths to similar narrow-vein operations where the stopes plot on or above the stable failure
boundary. The benchmark stoping widths and expected stoping widths are the basis of the
narrow-vein design method proposed in this thesis.
A benchmark stoping width of 1.6 metres was determined for the in-line blasting pattern and
2.1 metres for staggered and dice 5 patterns. The in-line blasting pattern was found to lead to a
5 percent probability of ore loss for vein width of greater than 0.7 metres. Expected stoping
widths can be used to estimate narrow-vein dilution for stopes plotting in the stable zone of a
stability chart. The expected stoping widths for in-line, staggered and dice 5 blast patterns are
1.2 metres, 1.5 metres and 1.7 metres, respectively. Improved dilution prediction will facilitate
a more realistic comparison of the total costs per tonne for longhole versus conventional
mining methods.
The research findings presented in this thesis in conjunction with literature reviewed
throughout the course of this research project have been applied to develop a new narrow-vein
dilution minimisation methodology for both greenfield sites at the feasibility stage and
operating mines. The narrow-vein dilution methodology (NVD method) is a tool for predicting
narrow-vein dilution based on the benchmark stoping width and expected stoping width
determined for mechanised narrow-vein stoping generally. In addition to dilution prediction,


Chapter 12 Conclusions

the NVD method also includes recommendation and strategies for narrow-vein dilution
minimisation generally, including; filling, cablebolting, stress relaxation, stress damage and
blast overbreak. The premise for the dilution minimisation strategies is that narrow-vein mines
record stope dilution and use the stoping history to analyse the underlying causes of dilution at
a particular mine. However, in the absence of sufficient stoping history it is still possible to
assess the likelihood of some causes of dilution without reference to stoping history. Once the
underlying causes of dilution at a particular mine have been identified, it is then possible to
focus dilution management strategies accordingly. The narrow-vein dilution method in
conjunction with dilution minimisation strategies presented in this thesis represent a significant
improvement in the tools available for narrow-vein dilution minimisation.


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Appendix A Extended Mathews Database

Appendix B Relaxed Database
Appendix C Barkers 1 Database
Appendix D Barkers 2 Database
Appendix E Modelled Stress Histories
Appendix F - Publications

Appendices are contained electronically on the attached CD.


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