Evans C 2014 PHD Thesis
Evans C 2014 PHD Thesis
Evans C 2014 PHD Thesis
Christabel Evans
in the
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Materials
January 2014
Declaration of Authorship
I, Christabel Evans, declare that this thesis titled, ‘Micromechanisms and Micromechanics
of Zircaloy-4’ and the work presented in it are my own. I confirm that:
This work was done wholly or mainly while in candidature for a research degree at Imperial
College London.
Where any part of this thesis has previously been submitted for a degree or any other
qualification at this University or any other institution, this has been clearly stated.
Where I have consulted the published work of others, this is always clearly attributed.
Where I have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given. With the
exception of such quotations, this thesis is entirely my own work.
Where the thesis is based on work done by myself jointly with others, I have made clear
exactly what was done by others and what I have contributed myself.
The copyright of this thesis rests with the author and is made available under a Creative
Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives licence. Researchers are free to copy,
distribute or transmit the thesis on the condition that they attribute it, that they do not use it
for commercial purposes and that they do not alter, transform or build upon it. For any reuse
or redistribution, researchers must make clear to others the licence terms of this work.
“There is a curse. They say: May You Live in Interesting Times”
Terry Pratchett
The effect of strain rate on the texture evolution of Zircaloy-4 was investigated to understand
how different processing methods would effect the final texture. Texture evolution during high
temperature (550◦ C) compression and tension tests were investigated using synchrotron X-
ray diffraction in the transverse and rolling directions (TD and RD) at strain rates ranging
from 10−4 s−1 to 10−1 s−1 . The post deformation microstructures showed the presence of twins
at the higher strain rates (10−1 s−1 to 10−2 s−1 ), with minimal twinning seen at the slower
rates. The pole figures obtained throughout testing showed no texture evolution during tensile
testing, regardless of strain rate and the basal poles remained orientated ±30◦ between the
normal direction (ND) and the transverse direction (TD), which is the original texture for
the as received material. During the compression tests specimens tested in the RD showed
an evolution in the pole figures as strain rate was increased. At a strain rate of 10−1 s−1 a
reorientation of the basal poles to lie almost solely in the RD was seen, indicative of twinning.
As the strain rate was reduced, this effect diminished and at a strain rate of 10−4 s−1 only a slight
rotation of the basal poles was observed. The Kearns’ factor evolution with strain confirmed
this result. These results were then used in an elasto-plastic self-consistent model to simulate
the slip and twin levels during deformation. The computational results were consistent with the
notion that increasing the strain rate increased twin density, as shown in the post deformation
To understand the micromechanical effects hydride precipitates have on the alloy, a section of
the alloy was charged with hydrogen in a vacuum furnace to 375 ppm ± 50 ppm. Microstructural
characterisation of the material indicated that high levels of hydrides forming predominantly at
grain boundaries. Nanoindentation tests were carried out at room temperature on individual
hydride packets, the surrounding matrix and the as received material to characterise the me-
chanical properties. The results obtained from these tests were used in computational modelling
scenarios to determine more accurate mechanical properties. The nano-hardness of the matrix
was found to be highest (4.64 GPa), followed by the matrix and the as received material (3.62
GPa and 2.74 GPa respectively). As part of the initial scope of this thesis it was the author’s
original intention to understand how the presence of hydrides affects dislocation propagation
and micro-deformation mechanisms. However, since carrying out the experimental procedures
and results analysis, a number of papers have come to the author’s attention which outline the
importance of the final processing steps prior to testing. It has been found that mechanical
polishing as a method for material preparation induces work hardening into the surface of the
material. Although this does not have an affect in macro and indeed micro scale hardness test-
ing, where the tested layer is in the scale of a few microns, this work hardened layer does have
a major effect in nano-hardness tests, where the testing layer is in the region of nanometers. As
a result of this no dislocation analysis was carried out as it would be impossible to distinguish
between dislocations present from mechanical polishing and those induced by the presence of
hydrides. In spite of the work hardened layer rendering the absolute hardness values invalid, the
relative values in relation to the matrix, hydride and as received material are still of interest.
High cycle fatigue tests were carried out on samples taken from the rolling and the transverse
direction of the material. Fractographic examination of the samples showed facets in the area
immediately surrounding the initiation site. There were only found to be between 10-20 faceted
grains, which were confined to this region. These features showed feather-like characteristics,
indicative of plastic deformation. Site specific transmission
electron microscopy
carried out on the initiation facets, showing mostly c+a dislocations, although a and im-
perfect dislocations segments were also found to be present. The low dislocation density in
these features compared to that of titanium suggests that these features may be quite brittle
in nature. Crack propagation was found to occur via striated crack growth. The direction of
the striations appear to be affected by grain orientation. TEM analysis of the underlying grain
did not show the presence of any dislocations. It is thought that this may be a result of image
stresses causing the dislocation to evaporate out the TEM specimen once it is removed from the
fracture surface, although further work needs to be done to confirm this.
I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. David Dye for giving me the opportunity to do a
Ph.D. at Imperial College. To both him and Professor Trevor Lindley, I would like to express
my gratitude for all your help over the past few years. You have always pushed me to achieve
what I never thought possible, and answered all my questions along the way, no matter how
trivial. Thank you also for giving me the opportunity to travel to China, San Diego and Boston,
putting me in contact with the right people to help me along the way. The past few years have
been some of the most challenging and enjoyable I have experienced; thank you both.
Thanks to Dr. David Rugg at Rolls-Royce plc. for all the helpful discussions and encouraging
words along the way.
Dr. Ming Dao and Dr. Alan Schwartzman for helping to further my academic career, and
everyone else at MIT who made my stay possible and made Boston unforgettable.
I would like to thank Dr. Mahmoud Ardakani, Ecaterina Ware and Richard Sweeny for all
their help with electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Their patience with my constant
bombardment of emails over the years is greatly appreciated. And to Dr. Geoff West at
Loughborough University for helping me to prepare the FIB samples that have made a lot of
my work possible.
To the friends I have made in 101: Olly, James, Moo, Foss, Vas, Matt, Hannah, Tamara and
Sophia, thank you for making the past three years enjoyable, and for not complaining about my
many rants along the way. And of course Mezan, thank you for changing my samples, helping
me with the microscope and generally not losing your temper with me. And thanks to Dave and
Nick, who have always been there to listen and help. Thanks to Danny and Burg for helping
me through some really hard times; I will never forget your kindness.
Edward, thank you for keeping me calm, cheering me up and keeping your temper with me.
Above all, than you for bringing me back to reality... You have made the toughest part of the
past four years possible, thank you.
To the numerous friends I have made inside and outside of college, thank you for listening and
keeping a smile on my face.
And Alex, I will never forget your constant support, kindness and belief in me. I do not have
the words to thank you enough.
Lastly, I would like to thank my family for their support and understanding, and knowing that
I would always get there in the end.
Abstract v
Acknowledgements vii
List of Figures xi
List of Tables xv
1 Introduction 1
2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Evolution of the nuclear industry and nuclear materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Physical metallurgy of zirconium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 Deformation Behaviour of Zirconium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.4 Texture evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.5 Self-consistent modeling and the prediction of texture evolution . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.6 The influence of hydrogen on the mechanical properties of zirconium alloys . . . 40
2.7 Nanoindentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.8 Fatigue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.9 Quantitative tilt fractography (QTF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.10 Dislocation analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Contents x
Bibliography 143
Appendices 157
A.1 popLA Analysis and Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
A.1.1 Spherical harmonics analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
A.1.2 WIMV Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
A.2 Materials Analysis Using Diffraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
A.3 The use of elasto-plastic self-consistent modelling to model twinning . . . . . . . 163
List of Figures
List of Figures xii
2.26 Examples of a) facets b) striations and c) voids in Zircaloy-4 (see Chapter 6). . . 58
2.27 Schematic of axis orientation of sample and SEM where S, T and U refer to the
sample axis and x,y and z refer to the SEM axis, adapted from [117]. . . . . . . . 60
2.28 Schematic of fully indexed, distortion free Kikuchi map of hcp crystal. The poles
are indexed as directional indices, and are therefore independent of c/a, allowing
this map to serve for any structure [118]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.29 Schematic of the double tetrahedral method used to determine dislocations in
hcp structures. (b) shows the region of interest from (a) [118]. . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.1 Example of surface scan taken using the indent tip to locate hydrides for indentation. 84
4.2 Example of indents taken (a) within the hydride, (b) at the hydride matrix in-
terface and (c) within the matrix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.3 Microstructure of hydrided specimens taken using polarised light, increasing in
magnification from left to right. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.4 Typical load-depth curves taken from the alloy, showing typical results for the
hydride, matrix and as received material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.5 Micrograph of electropolished hydrided specimen taken in backscattered. . . . . . 90
5.1 In situ experimental set up for compression and tensile tests carried out in the
RD and TD at 550◦ C at strain rates from 10−1 s−1 to 10−4 s−1 , adapted from [124]. 96
5.2 (a) Texture of the as received material as characterised by lab XRD (b)Texture
of the as received material as characterised by SXRD (c) Optical micrograph of
initial microstructure taken using polarised light. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.3 Schematic of plate showing directions and crystal orientation. . . . . . . . . . . . 99
List of Figures xiii
6.1 (a) Optical micrograph of initial material taken using polarised light, (b) texture
of as received material characterised by lab XRD, (c) Euler angle coloured electron
back-scattered diffraction map of the as-received material; φ1 is red, φ2 is blue
and Φ is green. (a-b are repeated from Chapter 3 for convenience for the reader). 127
List of Figures xiv
6.2 Secondary electron image of HCF fracture surface tested in the transverse direc-
tion (a) overview of fracture surface (b) facets in the region of the initiation site
b (c) striations in crack growth region c and (d) microviods as material fails. (i)
and (ii) on Figure (a) indicate the striated regions shown in Figure 6.7 (a) and
(b) respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
6.3 (a) Secondary electron image of facet within the initiation region indicating the
orientation of the TEM foil and (b) side view of the electron transparent, thinned
TEM foil after mounting on the Omniprobe grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6.4 Bright field TEM image from faceted grain in the initiation region showing (a)
and (b) the presence of 3 sets of perfect dislocations, (c) the presence of 1 set of
imperfect dislocations and (d) out of contrast imperfect dislocations. . . . . . . . 132
6.5 (a) Secondary electron image of striated grain indicating the average spacing
between striations and the direction of TEM foil lift out, (b) TEM bright field
image taken from the striated grain, indicating the fracture surface tilted to the
[0001] zone axis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.6 Illustration of a slip band model to describe basal faceting in titanium alloys
[148], based on the Stroh pile-up model [149]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
6.7 Secondary electron images of facets taken from different regions of the fracture
surface, showing striation spacing is independent of crack length. . . . . . . . . . 136
6.8 Examples of bright field TEM images taken from striated regions of α-titanium
alloys, indicating typical “zig-zag ladders” of dislocations which are not present
in zirconium alloys. Images taken from [117]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
A.1 Initial raw diffraction pattern taken from the compression RD specimen. . . . . . 160
A.2 Typical MAUD window upon loading data. Example given is the starting data
from the compression RD specimen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
A.3 End refinement achieved for the compression specimen tested in the rolling di-
rection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
A.4 Pole figure coverage for the compression specimen tested in the rolling direction. 163
A.5 (a) Reconstructed pole figure for starting texture of compression specimen tested
in the rolling direction (b) Texture of as received material as characterised by lab
XRD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
List of Tables
2.1 Summary of most common twin elements in zirconium base alloys in tension
and compression at room temperature. The table provides the twinning plane
K1, shear direction η2, second undistorted plane K2, the direction of line of
intersection between K2 and shear plane η2, the shear plane normal to K1 and
K2, the magnitude of shear, S, and the lattice rotation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2 Cumulative cycle ratio results for Hi-Lo and Lo-Hi testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.3 Reflections and d-spacings for 3 hcp materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.4 Reflections and d-spacings for 3 hcp materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.5 Values of g.b for perfect dislocations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.1 Nano-hardness and Young’s modulus (E) for the as received alloy, individual
hydrides and matrix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.1 Parameters used in the EPSC model. Each slip system was characterised by its
critical resolved shear stress, τ0 (MPa) and the hardening parameters τ1 (MPa), θ0
(-) and θ1 (-), listed in the
τ0 /τ1 /θ0 /θ1 . For the twinning modes, in tension
the tensile
{1012} 1011 was used and in compression the compressive twin
{1212} 1123 was used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
6.1 Summary of the high cycle fatigue tests performed to a stress of 400MPa. For
the step testing, the endurance given is in the final cyclic loading step. . . . . . . 128
6.2 Values of g.b for perfect dislocations [118]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.3 Values of g.b for perfect dislocations [118]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Abbreviations xvii
List of Abbreviations
Acronym Meaning
AFM Atomic Force Microscopy
bcc body centered cubic
BWR Boiling Water Reactor
CANDU CANadian Deuterium Uranium
CRSS Critical Resolved Shear Stress
DFM Diffusion First Model
DHC Delayed Hydride Cracking
EBSD Electron Back Scatter Diffraction
EPSC Elasto-Plastic Self-Consistent
fcc f ace ccentered cubic
FIB Focused Ion Beam
HCF High Cycle Fatigue
hcp hexagonal close packed
IPS Invariant Plane Strain
ISCC Iodine-induced Stress Corrosion Cracking
LCF Low Cycle Fatigue
LOCA Loss Of Coolant Accident
MAUD Materials Analysis Using Diffraction
ND Normal Direction
PCI Pellet Cladding Interaction
PFM Precipitate First Model
PHW Pressurised Heavy Water reactors
popLA preferred orientation package Los Alamos
PWR Pressurised Water Reactor
QTF Quantitative Tilt Fractography
RD Rolling Direction
SCC Stress Corrosion Cracking
SEM Scannning Electron Microscope
Abbreviations xviii
Chapter 1
Zirconium alloys are commonly used throughout the nuclear industry, primarily as fuel cladding
within the reactor core. Although β and α+β alloys do exist, the principal group of alloys used
are the α-alloys and near-α alloys. These alloys show high levels of neutron transparency, which
is essential for nuclear fuel cladding components, and can also exhibit good corrosion resistance
and mechanical properties at typical operating temperatures of approximately 300◦ C. There are
a number of α-alloys currently used within the nuclear industry, such as Zr-Nb alloys and the
Zircaloys, with the addition of alloying elements giving rise to different advantageous mechanical
and corrosion properties. The increased use of α zirconium alloys within the nuclear industry
has furthered the need to understand the stresses that cladding components are subjected to
during operation, whether mechanical or environmental.
Cladding is used to to surround the fuel, protecting it from corrosion and preventing leakage
of fission products. It also acts to transfer heat between the fuel and the surrounding water.
It is the interaction between these three media and the typical operational stresses that are of
largest concern to nuclear materials engineers.
The initial processing steps of the alloy will dictate the resulting texture of the component.
This texture determines the mechanical properties of the alloy during service and it is therefore
desirable to be able to engineer the texture so as to attain the optimum properties.
Chapter 1. Introduction 2
At the cladding/water interface, the zirconium based cladding corrodes and absorbs hydrogen.
At standard operating temperatures the hydrogen remains in solid solution, however upon
cooling, for example in the case of a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) or during storage, especially
of high burnup, the hydrogen precipitates out as brittle hydrides. This embrittlement of the
cladding is of particular concern to nuclear engineers. The effect of hydride embrittlement
is significantly affected by the texture of the alloy (which is a direct result of the processing
routes), and these components are fabricated in such a manner that in the case of hydride
precipitation, hydrides are orientated in the least detrimental manner. Although the effect of
texture on the orientation of hydrides is relatively well understood [1–4], little is known about
the mechanical properties of the individual hydrides and the deformation mechanisms involved
when the material is put under mechanical stress, despite the clear industrial relevance and the
impact these precipitates have on the longevity of these components.
As previously mentioned, the effect texture has on the precipitation orientation of these hydrides
is relatively well understood. The fabrication of fuel cladding normally takes place through a
number of steps, namely extrusion, annealing and pilgering. The rate and temperature at which
these processes take place will not only affect the final texture of the component, but also the
texture evolution during the preceeding step. For example, extrusion at a high strain rate may
result in twins within the microstructure, which will act as defects during the next processing
step, altering the microstructure further. It is reported that deformation via first order prismatic
slip is the easiest at all temperatures [5–7], followed by basal and pyramidal a and c+a slip.
However, there are multiple combinations of slip and twinning modes that may lead to plastic
deformation in zirconium alloys that will strongly effect the resulting texture and mechanical
properties of the component [8].
When considering the effects of low cycle fatigue (LCF) conditions on the mechanical properties
of α-zirconium, it is important to understand how power fluctuations within the reactor core
cause swelling of the fuel pellets, straining the surrounding cladding. The effect is then reversed
as the power decreases and the fuel pellets return to their original size, causing the cladding to
collapse onto the pellet [9]. Although this is of clear industrial relevance, the increased levels
of plasticity that occur during LCF make the understanding the underlying deformation and
Chapter 1. Introduction 3
The work in this thesis aims to use novel techniques to understand these issues; examining the
mechanical properties of hydrides in order to appreciate their effect on the surrounding material;
investigating how high temperature deformation affects the texture evolution and deformation
mechanisms over a range of strain rates; the effect of HCF on the grain orientations favouring
crack initiation and propagation, and the underlying dislocations mechanisms that occur.
Chapter 2
Literature Review
There has been a growing interest in zirconium since the late 1940s when development of the
nuclear industry gained momentum. Although Zr does not occur in nature as a native metal, its
main ore comes from zircon (ZrSiO4 ). Zirconium was originally separated from its ore using the
crystal bar process, which was discovered in 1925 by Anton Eduard van Arkel and Jan Hendrik
de Boer [11]. Zirconium and iodine are heated together in an evacuated chamber at 50-250◦ C
producing zirconium iodide (ZrI4 ), which is then volatilized leaving the remaining impurities as
solids. The gaseous ZrI4 is deposited on a hot tungsten filament to produce pure zirconium and
iodine. The Kroll process, which is also used for the production of titanium, superseded this as
a cheaper alternative in 1945. This process involves reducing zircon and treating with chlorine
gas, producing zirconium tetrachloride (ZrCl4 ). This is then reduced using magnesium to give
M gCl2 and metallic zirconium. The nuclear industry became interested in zirconium alloys as
a result of their low thermal neutron absorption cross-section and high corrosion resistance in
aqueous environments, such as those experienced in water cooled fission reactors [12].
Research into nuclear power began over 60 years ago, however, incidents such as the Three Mile
Island accident in Pennsylvania in 1979 and the disaster at Chernobyl in 1986 halted a major
nuclear revolution. However, the increasing concern about global climate and the necessity
Chapter 2. Literature Review 6
to reduce emissions from fossil fuels has meant that nuclear energy, as a mature industry, is
well positioned to compete [13]. Nuclear power currently contributes around 15% to global
electricity, although the actual contribution varies significantly from country to country, with
approximately 80% of countries making no use of nuclear power for electricity generation [13].
Nuclear fission works by splitting the atomic nucleus of a heavy atom (such as uranium) using a
neutron, producing two lighter atoms (barium and krypton for example). Energy is released as
a result of the binding energy in the heavier atom being larger than the total binding energy of
the two lighter atoms. Therefore when the nucleus is split, the difference between the binding
energies is released. Figure 2.1 shows a basic schematic of a fission reaction.
Fission product
Target nucleus
Fission product
If the neutrons are moderated (slowed) the kinetic energy is comparable to the kinetic energy
of particles vibrating with solely thermal energy and therefore the neutron, once moderated,
is referred to as thermal [13]. These neutrons are then able to fission fissile materials (nuclei
from heavy elements with an odd number of protons and neutrons such as uranium-235 and
plutonium-239) causing a chain reaction in a similar manner to that seen in Figure 2.1.
Nuclear reactors were generated to harness fission reactions and supply energy in a consistent
and controlled manner to an electric generator. Currently nuclear reactors do the job of coal, oil
or gas burners by creating steam, which is then used to drive a turbine and produce electricity
[14]. There are numerous ways of achieving this goal, however, for thermal nuclear reactors the
following fundamentals are required [14]:
Chapter 2. Literature Review 7
• Cladding around the fissile material to prevent corrosion and leakage of fission products
• A moderator (composed of light elements) to slow neutrons from the fissile material (this
feature is not present in fast reactors)
• A containment shell to prevent radioactive leakage in the case of extreme internal pressures
There are a number of man-made reactors that have been used throughout the evolution of the
nuclear industry although the majority fall into the thermal category.
PWRs are the most common power reactors and account for approximately 60% of commercial
reactors, although many of the features are common to other reactors [14]. The reactor itself
consists of a compact core in a pressure vessel that contains water at pressures high enough to
prevent boiling at temperatures up to 300◦ C, where water acts to both transfer heat and as a
moderator. Figure 2.2 shows a schematic of a PWR.
Concrete shield
Steel pressure
Control rods Steam
Hot water
Cool water
Figure 2.2: Pressurised water reactor (PWR) adapted from The Nuclear Fuel Cycle; Wilson
Chapter 2. Literature Review 8
Historically (and in a number of modern day reactors), uranium fuel is clad in a tube of Zircaloy
with a small gap at the top to allow for gaseous fission products. Neutron absorbing materials
such as hafnium or boron are used to alter the number of reactions and shut the reactor down
in the event of an emergency.
BWRs are very similar to PWRs except that the lower pressure within the pressure vessel
allows the water to boil, creating steam which is then dried. Although this eliminates the need
for steam generators, it has the disadvantage of exposing the steam turbines to radioactive
material. These must then be contained within a containment shell to prevent radioactive
leakage. Therefore, the reduction in cost from the lack of steam generators is made up by the
increase in the amount of shielding required.
These are the three main reactor types that use zirconium alloys as a fuel cladding materials,
and as this project will focus primarily on Zircaloys, the industrial aspect is in the context of
PWRs, BWRs and CANDU-PHW reactors.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 9
feed tubes
Calandria tube
Figure 2.3: CANDU reactor core with inset of coolant feed tube. Adapted from The Nuclear
Fuel Cycle; Wilson [14].
Properties of zirconium
There has been an increased use of zirconium alloys as fuel cladding within the nuclear indus-
try since the late 1950s owing to a combination of their good corrosion resistance at operating
temperatures and low neutron absorption. The cladding also protects the radioactive fuel from
the surrounding environment whilst providing a good heat transfer surface [12]. Neutron trans-
parency is a crucial component of fuel cladding materials; in order for fission to occur within
the nuclear reactor, neutrons must be able to pass from the fuel through the cladding and into
the moderator.
The nucleus is the densest region of an atom, and if a neutron is emitted towards, for example,
a sheet of metal, it will either pass through the atom un-deviated (provided the separation is
large compared with the nuclear interaction distance), be coherently or incoherently scattered,
or absorbed by the nucleus. In the case of neutron interaction, the event can be described in
terms of a cross-section, which is defined as the rate of occurrence of the event per incident
Chapter 2. Literature Review 10
flux, φ, where flux is the number of neutrons incident on an atom per unit area and unit time
[15]. There are three main types of cross-section that can be considered (where cross-section is
of magnitude 10–24 cm2 and this unit is referred to as a barn):
• Incoherent cross-section (which represents scattering from individual atoms with a delay
in time or decay in energy)
It is the value of the absorption cross-section that is most relevant for materials with nuclear
uses. For example, hafnium has a high neutron absorption cross-section and is therefore used as
a neutron absorber, whereas zirconium has a low neutron absorption cross-section of 0.02 barn
making it an ideal material for nuclear fuel cladding. Although neutron transparency is a major
reason why zirconium is used in the nuclear industry, there are a number of other properties
that have made it a more desirable material than either aluminium or magnesium, which also
have low absorption cross-sections. For use in high temperature, water-cooled systems, good
corrosion resistance against the effects of water and steam are necessary in order to maintain
the long-term integrity of nuclear fuel cladding. Initial studies on the corrosion resistance of
zirconium showed that attacks from chemicals such as HCl have little effect, however when
in contact with water and steam, corrosion resistance is reduced. In order to counteract this
effect it has been proven that the addition of alloying elements increases corrosion resistance
[11]. Beneficial elements include iron, nickel and chromium. As this study focuses primarily on
Zircaloy-4, which has an approximate composition of Zr with 1.5Sn, 0.15Cr and 0.15Fe (where
Cr + Fe do not exceed 0.3wt%), only the effects of these alloying elements will be discussed in
Chapter 2. Literature Review 11
For uses in a nuclear environment it is necessary to increase the corrosion resistance of pure
zirconium with the addition of other alloying elements. However, zirconium is generally con-
sidered a difficult element to alloy compared to titanium, which is crystallographically similar.
It is thought that this may be a result of the relatively large size of the Zr atom [16]. The
levels of alloying elements which can be added to zirconium are limited by a low melting point
eutectic at high solute volumes, however the increase in corrosion resistance as a result of small
additions is still considerable [17].
The addition of alloying elements can lead to the precipitation of intermetallic phases during
cooling, affecting the mechanical properties of the final alloy. Figure 2.4 shows how the addition
of certain elements affects the room temperature tensile strength.
620 620
Mo Nb
550 550
Tensile Strength (MPa)
O Sn W
480 Fe 480
Tensile Strength (MPa )
140 140
0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Added Element (At. %) Added Element (At. %)
Figure 2.4: The effect of alloying elements on the room temperature tensile strength [18].
The alloying elements found in Zircaloy-4 (namely Cr, Fe and Sn) tend to produce intermetallic
phases which are not only brittle, but are also capable of absorbing high levels of hydrogen
[19]. Zircaloy-4 is normally considered a nickel free alloy [16], nevertheless, the addition of small
amounts of nickel increases corrosion resistance significantly, particularly in high temperature
aqueous environments such as those experienced in the reactor core. However, in such corrosive
environments, nickel has a tendency to absorb large amounts of hydrogen. If the maximum
solubility of hydrogen in solid solution of the alloy is exceeded, the hydrogen precipitates out as
brittle zirconium hydrides. These hydrides cause hydrogen embrittlement and in turn leads to a
reduction in ductility and fracture toughness [19] This topic is discussed further in Section 2.6.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 12
Figure 2.5: Billet forged at 900◦ C and quenched. Anodised, polarised light. Arrows show
quenched beta phase. x750 [20].
Heating to 800◦ C prior to forging produces a microstructure where the α plates are no longer
separated by the β-phase. Upon forging, the new α grains are free to spread more easily into
the adjacent plates than in the sample forged at 900◦ C. It is thought that this is a result of
variations in the degree of deformation between phases [20]. In the sample forged at 800◦ C,
α plates remain adjacent to each other and therefore undergo similar amounts of deformation,
Chapter 2. Literature Review 13
allowing the α grains to grow readily. In the sample forged at 900◦ C the β layer surrounding
the α grains experiences a different level of deformation, restricting the growth of the newly
formed α plates. In order to obtain large equiaxed grains, which is commonly the desired final
microstructure, it is necessary to recrystallise the sample after working. The growth of α grains
at this stage depends on surface energy restrictions and the relative orientation of neighbouring
grains; secondary particles have little affect on grain size at this stage [17].
Corrosion of Zircaloy-4
Unalloyed zirconium undergoes an initial period of slow corrosion prior to a break away re-
gion and the onset of accelerated corrosion [11]. Zircaloy-4 underoges accelerated corrosion in
high temperature, high pressure steam environments, which involves the nucleation of a non-
protective oxide layer which grows at much faster rates under these conditions than in standard
conditions. This type of corrosion is known as ‘nodular’ as a result of the morphology of the ox-
ide layer during the initial stages of formation [17]. Bangaru claims that heat treating Zircaloy-4
in the β phase followed by a rapid cooling to room temperature can improve resistance to ac-
celerated corrosion [17]. This increases corrosion resistance in steam environments, facilitating
the use of Zircaloy-4 in BWRs.
Historically, tin was one of the major alloying elements used in Zircaloy-4, despite it decreasing
corrosion resistance with increasing content. Figure 2.6 illustrates this effect at a temperature of
approximately 343◦ C. Exceeding this temperature causes the corrosion rate to increase rapidly.
However, the major advantage of using tin as an alloying element is to offset the detrimental
effects of nitrogen and carbon; nitrogen in particular, as its content is more difficult to control.
Modern alloys show lower levels of nitrogen, and so tin levels have decreased, in turn increasing
the overall corrosion resistance of the alloy.
The addition of either chromium or iron as alloying elements delay the onset of accelerated
corrosion in both hot water and steam, provided an addition of 0.5% is not exceeded. However,
unlike tin, neither of these elements counteracts the detrimental effects of either carbon or
nitrogen [18].
Chapter 2. Literature Review 14
248 days
650 F
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Tin content %
Figure 2.6: The effect of tin on the corrosion resistance of Zircaloy-4 [11].
One of the major corrosion concerns for zirconium alloys used as cladding components is stress-
corrosion cracking (SCC). SCC is defined as a failure which occurs from a slow, environmentally
caused crack propagation, and is a result of a combination of the surrounding corrosive envi-
ronment and the mechanical stresses the material undergoes during service [21]. In the case
of zirconium alloys the mechanical stress occurs as a result of pellet clad interaction (PCI),
where the fuel expands inside the fuel rod and exerts a tensile stress on the cladding. Fission
gases produced in the fuel (mainly iodine) escape through cracks in the fuel corroding the inner
surface of the cladding. The combination of this corrosive environment and mechanical stress
on the alloy can potentially lead to to crack initiation and propagation, causing the fuel rod
to fail. As this form of SCC is iodine induced, it is termed iodine-induced stress-corrosion
cracking (ISCC). Park et al. [22] investigated how ISCC was affected by microstructure, fo-
cussing primarily on recrystallised and stress-relieved specimens of Zircaloy-4. In both cases
it was found that under high temperatures and pressures and in iodine environments, pitting
occurred around grain boundaries. Subsequent formation of these pits causes pit-coalesence
and microcracks form, acting as possible sites for crack initiation. This effect was found to
be more prominent in stress-relieved specimens, and as a result of this the resistance to ISCC
was increased and the crack propagation rate was 10 times less in recrystallised specimens [22].
Although this study gives a small insight into how microstructure effects the features of ISCC,
there is little agreement as to what the atomistic scale mechanisms are that give rise to SCC
Chapter 2. Literature Review 15
Aside from corrosion occurring as a result of PCI, corrosion also occurs at the water/cladding
interface, producing an oxide layer on the surface of the cladding and hydrogen, Equation 2.1.
As the oxide layer becomes unstable, cracks and pores start to form and lead to hydrogen ingress
into the bulk of the alloy [26]. The effect of hydrogen uptake on the bulk of the alloy is discussed
in detail in Section 2.6.
{0001}α ||{100}β 112 α || 111 β (2.2)
Figure 2.7 shows a unit cell of the α and β phase respectively, with the most densely packed
planes shaded. However, it should be noted that the alpha phase does not have an ideal close
packed structure [18].
(0002) a
On cooling from the β phase, the resulting structure depends upon the cooling rate. Quenching
from the β phase produces an α’ structure, whereas slow cooling produces a Widmanstätten
α. The temperature at which the transformation from β to α occurs is the point at which
the α phase first forms when cooling or the point at which no α remains when heating and
is referred to as the β transus (Tβ ). For pure zirconium this occurs at 862◦ C [18], however,
the addition of alloying elements will not only vary this temperature significantly, but will also
determine whether the resulting microstructure is basketweave or parallel plate. As in titanium,
a hexagonal ω phase also exists and is induced upon applying a pressure of approximately 2GPa
at room temperature [16]. The application of pressure can also induce transformation to either
α or β phase. Figure 2.8 shows the experimentally determined temperature-pressure phase
diagram for Ti, however, pressure induced transformations will not be discussed in any further
detail throughout this study.
T(x10 K)
Zirconium undergoes a martensitic transformation from the β phase to the α phase upon quench-
ing, provided the cooling rate exceeds a critical value [16]. Martensitic transformations are
defined by thermodynamic, crystallographic, mechanistic and kinetic features, although the
defining crystallographic features are sometimes considered most important. The crystal geom-
etry during martensitic transformations is primarily governed by invariant plane strain (IPS)
considerations [16]. This is where the parent phase meets the product phase in a coherent
manner and the resultant plane is undistorted and unrotated [27]. The importance of the IPS
Chapter 2. Literature Review 17
criterion as a method for predicting transformation geometry is so great that it has been possible
to identify a martensitic transformation purely on this basis[16].
Metastable β-alloys
It is relatively easy to add elements to the high temperature β-phase. These are known as
β-stabilisers and include chromium, molybdenum and vanadium, all of which depress the β
transus. The main difficulty with these alloys is retaining the β-phase at room temperature
as they tend to produce non-equilibrium phases post quenching [16]. However, Douglas (1971)
found that it was possible to retain the β phase during quenching in the following systems:
• Zr-Mo
• Zr-Cr
• Zr-Nb
• Zr-U
• Zr-V
The first four systems require a minimum concentration of 5wt.%, 7.2wt.%, 15wt.% and 20wt.%
of the respective alloying elements to fully retain β on quenching [16]. In the case of the Zr-V
system, it is not possible to fully retain a pure β-phase after quenching without forming the
ω-phase in addition. There are currently limited commercial uses for β-alloys as it is difficult to
retain the beta phase at room temperature for a significant length of time. However, zirconium
is sometimes used to alloy steel, enhancing corrosion resistance in surgical applications.
The low temperature α-phase is a poor solvent and only a few elements, such as oxygen, titanium
and hafnium, are soluble. The addition of these elements raises the β transus giving a stable
α phase at higher temperatures; these elements are known as α-stabilisers and prevent the
Chapter 2. Literature Review 18
Although niobium is a β stabiliser, the low levels found in Zr-Nb alloys means these alloys
are still classified as α or near α-alloys. There is limited demand for zirconium-niobium alloys
outside the nuclear industry, however, they are used to make superconducting magnets for low
temperature usage. Within the nuclear industry, Zr- 1Nb and Zr- 2.5Nb are the most common
zirconium-niobium alloys, both of which are used for fuel cladding, although Zr- 2.5Nb is used
particularly in CANDU-PHW reactors [28]. When comparing these alloys, Zr-1Nb is shown to
have better irradiation stability, corrosion resistance and ductility whilst remaining less prone
to hydrogen embrittlement [28]. This difference in properties is attributed to the variation in
volume fraction of the β-phase within each alloy. Zr-2.5Nb contains both α and β phase, where
as Zr-1Nb is either solely α-phase, or the volume fraction of the β-phase is minimal.
α-alloys (or near α-alloys, as is normally the case) remain the preferred choice of alloy for
use throughout the nuclear industry as they not only have low neutron absorbency, but also
excellent corrosion resistance and structural properties, crucial for use in nuclear reactors. The
Zircaloys are a group of high zirconium based alloys containing small volume fractions of tin,
iron, chromium and possibly a number of other corrosion resistant alloying elements. This
group of alloys includes both Zircaloy-2 (Zr-1.5Sn-0.1Cr-0.1Fe-0.1Ni, where Cr + Fe + Ni do
not exceed 0.38 wt%) and Zircaloy-4 (Zr-1.5Sn-0.15Cr-0.15Fe, where Cr + Fe do not exceed
0.3wt%) and are commonly found in older reactors. Although these alloys do contain small
amounts of β-stabilizing elements, α remains the principal phase and therefore these alloys are
still referred to as α-alloys.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 19
Zirconium alloys used within the nuclear reactor are normally considered structural components,
and their performance during operation is dependent on the deformation mechanisms that occur
during operation and those that give rise to the final microstructure of the alloy as a result of the
processing route. Deformation during operation normally involves elastic deformation, during
which the material will return to its original shape, unless the material undergoes a stress which
will lead to failure, as might occur during a loss of coolant accident (LOCA). During processing,
the alloy normally undergoes a significant amount of plastic deformation which gives rise to
the alloy’s final microstructure and the mechanical properties it will exhibit during service.
The deformation behaviour of zirconium alloys during processing and failure scenarios will be
discussed in this section.
Processing zirconium cladding components for nuclear applications normally involves the fol-
lowing steps [29]:
1. Casting
4. First annealing
6. Second annealing
8. Third annealing
As plastic deformation gives rise to the final condition of the material, it is important to un-
derstand the deformation mechanisms that may occur. The two primary mechanisms which
occur during plastic deformation are slip and twinning, with their nucleation and multiplica-
tion under different conditions influencing the material’s mechanical behaviour [30]. Unlike in
fcc materials where multiple active slip systems suppress deformation twinning at all tempera-
tures, slip systems in hexagonal metals are limited and therefore twinning competes with slip
during deformation, becoming more favourable as the temperature is reduced. The orientation
of the crystals relative to the load direction affects not only which deformation mechanism is
preferential, but also which mode within either slip or twinning is active [31].
The classic idea of slip can be described as blocks of a crystal sliding over one another along
specific crystallographic planes, which are known as slip planes [32]. A slip system (or slip
mode) consists of both a slip plane and a direction in which slip occurs. Slip by dislocation
movement was introduced as a way of explaining the difference in theoretical and experimental
shear stresses found in metals [33]. When a dislocation is present in a lattice, the atoms furthest
away are in a lower energy state than those in close proximity to the dislocation, and therefore
only a small movement in these atoms is required for slip to occur, Figure 2.9.
As previously mentioned, for temperatures below approximately 860◦ C pure zirconium is in the
hcp phase. In this crystallographic configuration the two most likely Burgers vectors are a
and c+a , where the possible slip planes and slip directions are outlined in Figure 2.10 [34].
Von Mises’ criterion for slip states that in order for a material to undergo deformation without
cracking, there must be at least five independent slip systems present [35, 36]. Work done by
Groves and Kelly found the two most common slip systems in Zr and Zr based alloys to be
basal and prismatic [37], however, they only offer four individual slip systems between them
and therefore do not fulfil von Mises criterion for plastic deformation. The same is true for
pyramidal slip systems with a Burger’s vector. When considering slip systems with c+a
Chapter 2. Literature Review 21
(1100) (2111)
1/3[1120] (0002)
<a> Slip <c+a> Slip
Burger’s vector, five independent slip systems are present and von Mises criterion is fulfilled [34].
There has however been evidence that hcp metals may not require five independent slip systems
to enable polycrystalline ductility as twinning compensates for the limited active slip systems
available. Work done by Kocks and Westlake [38] suggests that internal stresses built up at
grain boundaries may be relieved by localised deformation in the form of twinning. Hutchinson
built on this idea using a self consistent theory taking into consideration grain boundaries and
variable strain in each grain and concluded that only four independent slip systems are necessary
(i.e. slip without c+a pyramidal slip) for plastic deformation to occur [39].
Deforming a metal in a particular axis will also alter the slip systems which are operative.
Akhtar showed that slip in the 1120 is suppressed during compression in the c-axis, giving
{1011} 1123 as the operative slip system [6]. Although the study primarily focused on the
Chapter 2. Literature Review 22
onset of twinning during the compression of Zr single crystals parallel to the c-axis, it was also
found that in order for pyramidal slip to occur (which involves c+a Burgers vector) up to 20
times more stress was required than to induce prismatic slip [6].
Although first order prismatic slip remains the easiest slip mode during deformation at all
temperatures, it should be noted that the ease with which basal slip occurs increases with tem-
perature [5]. Akhtar investigated the increase in levels of basal slip over prismatic slip with
differing temperatures, strain rate and orientations for single crystals of Zr in a tensile envi-
ronment. It was found that above 850K, where slip precedes twinning, there was a substantial
amount of basal slip in orientations which are unfavourable for prismatic slip [5], although below
this temperature both twinning and prismatic slip were found to be more favourable.
Work done by Akhtar and Teghtsoonian [40] investigated the deformation modes operative for
various crystallographic orientations and how these, along with a number of other conditions,
effect the work hardening parameters. During this study, single crystal specimens were found
to be most suitable when investigating deformation mechanisms under stress as the complex
effects of grain boundaries do not have to be taken into consideration. It was shown that for
prismatic slip three stages of work hardening occur, as in fcc crystals, where stage I and II are
associated with single and conjugate slip, and the dynamic recovery in stage III is a result of
cross-slip from the prismatic to the basal plane [40]. Concerning crystal orientation, Akhtar
and Teghtsoonian found that if the angle between the tensile axis and the basal plane was less
than a critical value (35◦ at 78K and 45◦ at 295K for Zr containing 120ppm oxygen), plastic
deformation occurs as a result of prismatic slip. Exceeding this critical angle results in plastic
deformation due to twinning at these relatively low temperatures. Rapperport [41] obtained
results for deformation during both compression and tension, however it was assumed that the
results attained during compression are more accurate as there is less possibility of stresses
forming in the sample as a result of bending moments. He hypothesised that as a result of high
purity levels and the orientation of the (0002) planes during deformation being unfavourable
towards basal slip, no basal slip occured, despite the resolved shear on the basal slip system
(0002) 1120 exceeding the shear stress resolved on the prismatic slip systems [41].
Chapter 2. Literature Review 23
It has been suggested that d/b (the ratio of the distance between slip planes and the Burger’s
vector) must be at a maximum for slip to occur. Taking this into consideration, it can be
seen that the distance between basal planes decreases as c/a decreases, making prismatic slip
increasingly favourable with decreasing c/a [40]. This theory was concurred by the Peieris-
Nabarro model which suggests that prismatic slip will replace basal slip as the primary slip
system when the c/a ratio drops below 3, as the atomic packing density of the prismatic
planes becoming larger than those of the basal plane [31]. As the c/a ratio for zirconium is
1.593, falling into this category, the deformation behaviour becomes considerably more complex
than the simpler cubic metals. For zirconium alloys in the alpha phase, such as the Zircaloys,
slip occurs primarily on the first order prismatic planes {1010} in the 1210 direction.
Slip in the c has also been observed, however only when the material is constrained and at
high deformation temperatures [31]. The resulting slip occurs on the pyramidal planes {1011} or
{1211} in the c+a directions 1123 [31]. Other than slip in the pyramidal planes, deformation
in the c axis occurs as a result of twinning.
Deformation Twinning
Deformation by twinning is the other primary mechanism for plastic deformation in metals.
Twinning occurs when atoms in a region of the parent lattice are displaced and re-orientated
in a way which is equivalent to a simple shear of the parent lattice [42]. The invariant plane of
this shear is known as K1 and the direction is known as η1 . The second undistorted plane, also
known as the conjugate plane, is referred to as K2 . The shear plane P contains both η1 and the
normals to K1 and K2 ; the intersection of K2 and P is the conjugate shear direction η2 [42].
These twinning elements are clearly illustrated in Figure 2.11.
Twinning modes are defined when K1 and η2 are fixed (alternatively fixed K2 and η1 also define
twinning modes). Twin types fall into one of three categories: Type I twins, where K1 and η2
represent a rational plane and direction of the parent lattice, Type II twins, where K2 and η1
are rational, or Type III, also known as compound twins, where all four twinning elements are
rational [42]. These classifications rely on the assumption that in order to produce the twinned
lattice, which is the same as the parent lattice but in an alternative orientation, a unit cell of
Chapter 2. Literature Review 24
the parent lattice must be sheared into an equivalent unit cell of the twinned lattice. For Type
I twins the orientation of the twinned lattice represents a reflection of the parent lattice in K1 ,
where as Type II twins are rotations of the parent lattice of 180◦ about η1 [42]. Bilby and
Crocker [43] noted that one of the defining features of deformation by twinning which must be
taken into consideration is the shape change of the new lattice produced as a result of a simple
shear, and it is therefore possible to consider any re-orientated region of the lattice produced
by simple shear as a twin.
Twinning differs from slip in a number of ways, for example, in twinning the twin plane separates
the parent lattice from the re-orientated twinned lattice. In deformation by slip in a single
crystal, the atoms above and below the slip plane have the same orientation. Another example
is given in the distance the atoms move during deformation. During slip, the atoms tend to
move in multiples of the atomic spacing, where as in twinning the displacement of the atoms is
a lot less than the atomic spacing throughout the lattice.
Although it is possible for twins to form either as a result of mechanical deformation or during
annealing after plastic deformation, mechanical twins will be the main focus throughout this
project. Twinning tends to occur at lower temperatures and normally as a result of a rapid
loading rate in both bcc and hcp metals [33], however, it should be noted that mechanical
twins are not normally associated with fcc metals as a result of the high number of slip systems
available which allow these metals to deform via slip even at low temperatures. There is of
course an exception to this rule; gold-silver alloys twin readily at reduced temperatures, despite
being fcc in nature [33]. Given the limited number of slip systems available in hcp materials,
twinning plays a significant role in their plastic deformation.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 25
Twins on the {1121} plane were found to occur most readily, before twins occurring on the
{1012}. Twinning on the remaining plane was found to occur at the same frequency and only
when the material had undergone large amounts of plastic strains, and in regions of high stress
concentration near grain boundaries [41]. As in slip, the differences in twin types can be at-
tributed to differing c/a ratios, packing densities and stacking fault energies [44]. In Tenckhoff’s
review of deformation mechanisms in zirconium and zircaloy he describes the twinning elements
with the aid of a reference sphere. When twinning occurs the northern hemisphere deforms
into an ellipsoid. This deformation is accompanied by a shear of the crystal lattice which lies
parallel to the equatorial plane so that the atomic layers form a mirror image with respect to
this plane. The associated shear with this transformation results in all distances and angles in
these planes remaining the same, and the two lattice planes are undistorted. The magnitude of
the shear required to produce this transformation can be determined from the crystallographic
relationship between the two undistorted planes, allowing the twinning mode to be determined
if either K1 and η2 are known, or K2 and η1 [44]. Equation 2.3 and Equation 2.4 can be used
(with the aid of the reference sphere shown in Figure 2.12) to calculate the exact magnitude of
the shear and the rotation respectively [44].
S = 2cot2Φ (2.3)
Where S is the magnitude of the shear and 2Φ is the angle which K1 makes with K20 . There
are two main differences between deformation by slip and deformation by twinning; (a) the
planes on which twinning occurs are not necessarily the planes on which slip occurs, and (b)
the spontaneous transformation which occurs as a result of twinning causes a transformation in
the crystallographic orientation about an angle ζ, which is given by Equation 2.4 [44].
Table 2.1: Summary of most common twin elements in zirconium base alloys in tension and compression at room temperature. The table
provides the twinning plane K1, shear direction η2, second undistorted plane K2, the direction of line of intersection between K2 and shear
plane η2, the shear plane normal to K1 and K2, the magnitude of shear, S, and the lattice rotation.
η2 K2 Direction of intersection between K2 and η2 Shear plane normal to K1 and K2 S Lattice rotation
1011 {1012}
1011 {1210} 0.167
1126 {0001}
1120 {1100} 0.63 34.84◦
1123 {1124}
2243 {1100} 0.225 64.22◦
{1011} 1012 {1013} 3032 {1210} 0.1044 57.05◦
Chapter 2. Literature Review
Chapter 2. Literature Review 27
Figure 2.12: Relationship between reference sphere and twinning ellipsoid [45].
Work done by Westlake investigated the use of dislocation models to explain twinning in zirco-
nium, ensuring that the following three conditions were satisfied:
• The model agreed with Thompson & Millard and Cottrell & Bilby’s theory that twinning
could be produced by the motion of partial dislocations [46]
• Cahn’s rule, which states that the average thickness of a family of twins decreases with
increasing shear strain, is also satisfied [46]
Dislocation models for twinning on the {1012} and {1122} were found to be relatively simple,
however, the model for twinning on the {1121} proved complex enough to be generate a level of
uncertainty [46]. Westlake concluded that twins occurring as a result of a dislocation mechanism
would nucleate at stress concentrations, however, the critical resolved shear stress could not be
obtained for twinning as the applied stress was not a measure of the nucleation stress [46].
Chapter 2. Literature Review 28
The twins which occur during deformation depend on whether a compressive or tensile stress
was applied to deform the material, and on which crystallographic axis the material was loaded
along. During tension along the c-axis, {1121} 1011 twins are most commonly activated,
followed by {1121} 1126 (for the reasons discussed in the second to last paragraph of Sec-
tion 2.3). Compression along the c-axis results in {1122} 1123 twins at room temperature and
{1011} 1012 at raised temperatures. These different twinning types are illustrated schemati-
cally in Figure 2.13.
It should also be noted that given the nature of twinning, a certain twinning mode can lead to
an elongation or a shortening of the c-axis during deformation. Which of these occurs is not
only dependant on the cyrstallographic orientation relationship, but also the c/a ratio. (It is
now clear that the relationship between the c and a-axis plays a major role in the deformation
mechanisms and modes which occur). An example of how the c/a ratio affects the twin type
Chapter 2. Literature Review 29
for {1012} twinning is highlighted in Figure 2.14. Upon application of stresses parallel to the
√ √
c-axis, a shortening is favoured for c/a> 3 and an elongation for c/a< 3.
a) Compression b) Tension
] ]
η2=[1011] 0 11 η'2=[1011] 01
1 1
=[ =1 [
η'2 η‘ 1 η2 3.42o η
2s=7.56o 2s=7.24
43.01o 46.51o
K 2=
K’2 86.18o
c c
86.02 o
Twin Twin
Compression Tension
The texture of a material can be determined using x-ray analysis, which is described in detail in
the methodology section of this thesis. The simplest deformation texture results from rolling/-
drawing [33] and after a deformation (reduction) of approximately 20% a noticeable preferred
orientation can start to be detected in the form of a fibre texture. It should be noted that
the resulting texture after plastic deformation is dependant upon the slip and twinning systems
available, with the most influential mechanical variable being the the amount of deformation
and not the die shape or angle. Therefore, the final texture of rod will be the same whether it
was produced by drawing or rolling. A strong texture will yield a high level of anisotropy in the
mechanical properties of the material and should therefore be taken into consideration during
fabrication in order to optimise the material’s performance during operation.
It is clear that textural evolution during each thermomechanical processing step is vital to
the final material texture. The texture and microstructure at the end of each processing step
determines the crystallographic orientation developed during the next, and therefore the ease
or difficulty with which the material will deform [29].
Sheet Textures
Sheet is produced by rolling, which compresses the material normal to the rolling direction.
This leads to an increase in length in the rolling direction while the dimensions in the transverse
direction are only altered minimally. This form of processing causes large compressive forces
in the normal direction compared to those in the transverse direction. The basal poles have
a tendency to align themselves parallel to the compressive deformation force producing a pole
Chapter 2. Literature Review 31
figure with basal pole maxima at 20-40◦ toward the transverse direction [31]. This re-alignement
is due to slip leading to rotation in such a way that the slip direction aligns parallel to the tensile
axis. Therefore 1120 slip will lead to rotation so that 1120 is parallel to the tensile axis.
This results in {0002} being perpendicular to the tensile axis. In compression, the situation is
reversed, and the {0002} will lie parallel to the compression axis [47].
Tubing Textures
Processing for the production of tubing requires a reduction in the cross-section. This can be
achieved by either a reduction in the wall thickness, the diameter, or a combination of the
two [31], where each of these deformation process requires a compressive force to produce an
extension in the axial direction. There are three different processing routes which can be be
taken to achieve the same final tube dimensions, these are illustrated in Figure 2.15.
Figure 2.15: Same final tube dimensions achieved by different reductions in wall thickness
(RW) and diameter (RD). Reduction in area (RA) remains the same.
Tenckhoff found that the wall thickness/wall diameter ratio (RW/RD is the determining factor
in the resulting crystallographic structure of Zircaloy tubing [31]. Tenckhoff investigated three
different deformation scenarios, assuming initial random crystallographic orientation prior to
deformation. In the first instance a high deformation of the wall thickness in comparison to
diameter reduction is investigated (RW/RD>1). The compressive forces on the radial direction
are found to be considerably larger than those in the tangential direction [31]. As basal planes
have a tendency to align themselves parallel to the direction of the compressive force, the
Chapter 2. Literature Review 32
resulting pole figure shows basal poles with maxima 20-40◦ away from the radial direction, which
is equivalent to the texture produced from sheet. The second deformation mode keeps the wall
thickness reduction approximately equal to the diameter reduction (RW/RD=1) giving equal
compressive forces in both the radial and tangential direction producing a fibre type texture with
random orientation of the basal poles in the tangential plane [31]. In the final instance there is
a high level of diameter reduction relative to the reduction in wall thickness (RW/RD<1) which
produces higher levels of compressive forces in the tangential direction. In this case the basal
poles align in the tangential direction, as opposed to the radial direction, however, as in the
first case the maxima are found to be at 20-40◦ . A schematic of the deformation elements and
textures is shown in Figure 2.16. These differences in the resulting texture can be exploited to
maximise the mechanical properties of the material depending on the industrial requirements.
It should be noted that when relating tube to sheet material, the axial direction is equivalent
to the rolling direction, the tangential direction equivalent to the transverse direction, and the
radial direction equivalent to the normal direction [48].
c RD
Figure 2.16: Typical textures for tube a) RW/RD>1 b) RW/RD=1 c) RW/RD<1 [31].
Chapter 2. Literature Review 33
Zr-2.5 wt.% Nb
Work done by Kapoor et al. shows that the hot working of two phase Zr-2.5 wt.% Nb produces
a strong fibre orientation, similar to that seen in Figure 2.16b. Upon cold working the texture
becomes stronger; it is thought that this is a result of the β phase (which is normally considered
softer) being present at the α phase grain boundaries [49]. During cold working the thickness of
the α phase is reduced during cold working and the β phase, which is normally present as a thin
film between the α phase, breaks into small fragments. If the material is deformed further (in
other words it goes through a second pass), the thickness of the α phase will decrease further
[49]. This soft layer between the α grains reduces the constraint between adjacent grains and
therefore the initial texture produced during hot working is strengthened, as opposed to any
new texture being formed. In order to reduce this increase in intensity it is often necessary to
anneal Zr-2.5 wt.% Nb alloys prior to use, resulting in a texture where the 1010 direction lies
parallel to the rolling direction [49].
In the case of a single phase alloy, such as Zircaloy-4, there is no soft β phase present between
the grains and the interaction between the α grains during cold working causes new texture
components to occur.
In both single phase and two phase alloys deformation during cold working also takes place
via twinning; however, as the temperature is increased, the deformation mechanisms start to
differ. In the case of hot working of Zr-2.5 wt.% Nb, the primary deformation mechanism is
phase boundary sliding between the α and β phase and stress induced transformation [49],
however, in single phase Zircaloy-4, deformation occurs through twinning and slip (deformation
by twinning decreases with increasing temperature as discussed previously in the Section 2.3).
An investigation conducted by Salinas-Rodriguez looks into the effects of grain size on texture
evolution at room temperature in Zr-2.5 wt.% Nb round bars [50]. Samples with average grain
size of 5µm and 10µm were produced by annealing at 1073K and 1123K respectively, referred
to as fine and coarse grained. These samples were compressed at 5x 10−4 s−1 to a strain of -0.8.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 34
It should be noted that the β phase within this alloy, with composition Zr-20 wt.% Nb was
found primarily at α grain boundaries and triple points. At strains below -0.2 it was found that
fine grained material showed a rapid rotation of the grains about the c axis to form a 1120
fibre texture. It was also found that with increased amounts of deformation the c axis rotates
towards the compression axis [50]. The final microstructure of these samples indicated low
levels of mechanical twinning despite being tested at room temperature, suggesting that there
is a progressive rotation of the c axis towards the compression axis increasing favourability of
slip at room temperature [50]. However, as deformation progresses further, the reorientation of
the grains becomes no longer favoruable for slip to occur, resulting in the low levels of mechanical
twinning observed by Salinas-Rodriguez. This observation goes against what is commonly seen
in tests of these kind, and therefore should not be taken as the norm.
In the case of the coarse grained sample, the 1120 remained fixed throughout deformation,
implying that grains rotated about this direction during compression as illustrated in Figure 2.17
Figure 2.17: Schematic of grain rotation about 1120 .
A rapid rotation of the grains has also been observed in the coarse grained samples, however
unlike the fine grained materials, this resulted in the [0001] direction becoming aligned parallel
to the compressive axis. The resulting microstructure showed a considerably higher level of
mechanical twins than in the fine grained material, which is thought to be responsible for the
resulting [0001] texture. Salinas-Rodriguez has attributed this increase in twinning to a higher
oxygen content in the sample (a result of a higher annealing temperature) causing locking of
c+a dislocations, which then require higher activation stresses to mobilise [50].
Chapter 2. Literature Review 35
When compared to the theories involved in the texture evolution of cubic materials, under-
standing of the evolution of texture in hexagonal materials through deformation is neither as
extensive nor as complete [45]. Hobson made investigative attempts into the development of
deformation textures in zirconium [51] by deforming single crystals of zirconium with different
starting crystallographic orientations using drawing and rolling. Upon deformation, he traced
the lattice rotations caused by the deformation systems, and concluded that twinning has a
greater effect in the primary stages of deformation and that slip is more important towards the
end of the texture evolution. The complexity involved in the deformation of hexagonal materi-
als caused Hobson to make certain simplified assumptions, such as equivalent CRSS’s for each
system, and the activation of five independent slip systems was not considered. In addition to
this, the experimental work was carried out for degrees of deformation above 20%. As a result,
the mechanisms of texture evolution of zirconium below this degree of deformation were not
followed. The major disadvantage with this theory is that the CRSS’s values are needed, but
they are not fully known for hexagonal materials [45].
Tenchkoff’s review on deformation mechanisms in zirconium and zirconium alloys describes how
the use of a polycrystalline materials with randomly orientated grains can be used to track the
texture evolution during deformation. By deforming the material through rolling and following
the activated twinning and slip mechanisms after each pass, it is possible to gain an overview as
to how the overall texture evolution during deformation is related to the activated slip/twinning
systems and the associated lattice rotations.
Further work by Hobson [51] went on to find that twinning can be activated at degrees of defor-
mation as low as 5%. He found that in polycrystalline materials this takes place independantly
of the initial basal pole orientation, and even in orientations favourable for prismatic slip and
which single crystal deformations did not show any signs of twinning.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 36
J.J. Kearns’ developed a parameter initially known as the f texture factor in the mid 1960s [52]
as a method to describe basal pole orientation with respect to the three main specimen axes
within fabricated zirconium and hcp materials; the rolling direction (RD), transverse direction
(TD) and the normal direction (ND). These values are denoted by fractions, with f = 1.0 in a
particular direction corresponding to perfect alignment of the basal poles in that direction. In
the case of a sample having a random texture, f = 3 for all directions. This factor later became
known as the Kearns’ factor and is defined in Equation 2.5.
f0 Iφ sin φ cos2 φdφ
f= π/2
f0 Iφ sin φdφ
where Iφ is the average intensity at a tilt angle φ [53]. Here sin φdφ is the surface element in
polar co-ordinates, so the Kearns factor is simply a cos2 -weighted polar average. A number of
studies have utilised this factor to investigate properties such as, thermal expansion, hydride
orientation with relation to crack growth, and general hydride orientation [3, 52, 54], as well
as investigations in how the Kearns’ factor is affected by elastic properties in both zirconium
and titanium alloys. [55]. Further work was done on analysing the Kearns’ factor by Kelly
and Watson [56], showing the relationship between the basal plane f and the prismatic plane,
{1010}, f could be described by Equation 2.6, within a deviation of 10%.
Bowen also investigated the relationship between the values of f for the basal plane and the
prismatic plane, this time in titanium alloys, finding that in choosing an orthogonal axis com-
posed of the principal crystallographic directions, the relationship described in Equation 2.7
was found, which only yielded a deviation of 5%.
Kearns’ then went on to show that despite the differences in deviations of these equations,
they are in fact equivalent owing to f1010 being analytically equivalent to f1112 , as outlined in
Equation 2.8 [53].
1 − f0002
f1010 = f1112 = (2.8)
Kumar et al. [54] used the Kearns’ factor to draw a quantitative correlation between hydride
orientation (Fn ) within zirconium alloys and texture in the radial and transverse directions of
typical tube cladding (fr and ft ). The study concluded that Fn decreased with increasing fr
and increased with increasing ft , whilst also developing a relationship which allows the hydride
orientation factor to be calculated directly from the Kearns’ factor. Utilising this parameter, it
is possible to evaluate the how basal pole orientation develops with increasing strain, and the
effect of strain rate on this evolution.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 38
A number of simple models have been used in an attempt to model the resulting texture and
its evolution during processing. These range from very simple models, which assume an equal
stress or strain in all grains (Reuss, 1929, Voigt, 1887 [57]) to more complex models which
include the evolution from elastic to plastic deformation, requiring all grains to undergo the
same strain (Taylor, 1938 [57]).
The use of self-consistent models was introduced to predict the properties and evolution of
the material when the deformation behaviour of the individual single crystal is known. Es-
helby’s inclusion model [58] considers the problem of a region within a material being subject
to a stress or strain, or that region having differing elastic constants than its surroundings.
The presence of the surrounding material results in stress reorientations. Eshelby approaches
this problem by considering a single crystal ellipsoid surrounded by a homogeneous medium,
illustrated schematically in Figure 2.18.
ε, σ Crystal- Lc,εc,a1,a2,a3 ε, σ
Medium- L
The strain rate within the crystal remains constant and is given in Equation 2.9.
Where ˙ is the strain rate in the medium, Ac is the concentration tensor and L, Lc and L∗
are the stiffness of the medium, crystal and overall respectively. The self consistent model is
constructed by finding the strain in every grain within the material and then assigning the
average strain to the medium to obtain an estimate for L.
Two common self-consistent models that are used for the prediction of texture evolution in
polycrystalline metals and alloys are visco-plastic self-consistent (VPSC) and elasto-plastic self-
consistent (EPSC) models. The VPSC model accounts for twinning and hardening evolution and
has been used to model textures and deformation mechanisms in a number of hcp materials,
including zirconium and magnesium [59–62]. Historically it was necessary to use the VPSC
model to predict texture evolution over large strains, however, development of the EPSC model
has meant this is no longer the case. The EPSC model now accounts for twin activation, twin
reorientation, stress relaxation associated with twinning and grain reorientation due to slip [63],
whilst also including the evolution of internal stresses and elastic deformation of the material.
It is for this reason that this is the primary self-consistent model used within this study. Further
detail on the model formation is provided in the ??.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 40
zirconium alloys
Hydrogen formation during the corrosion/oxidation of zirconium greatly influences the mechan-
ical properties of zirconium alloys used as fuel cladding and the limited solubility of hydrogen at
room temperature is of greatest concern. Hydrogen is readily absorbed into the alloy at a typical
operating temperature of 330◦ C. Upon cooling, when the spent fuel undergoes transportation
and dry storage, the hydrogen which was soluble at the operating temperature precipitates out
and forms brittle zirconium hydrides [64]. These can lead to hydrogen embrittlement, which ef-
fect the load bearing capacity of the alloy, and can also lead to delayed hydride cracking (DHC).
The formation of these precipitates and the effect they have on zirconium alloys is discussed in
this section.
One of the major factors affecting zirconium alloys during service is the aqueous environment
in which they are surrounded. These alloys are used commonly in PWRs, LWRs and CANDU
reactors, and as a consequence are continuously in contact with the surrounding water or water
vapour particles. Despite the normally relatively good corrosion properties of these alloys at
typical operating temperatures, the cladding surface in contact with the water oxidises and
cathodically produces hydrogen, as outlined in Equation 2.1.
As this oxide layer continues to grow, the rate at which the alloy corrodes decreases until a
critical thickness is reached. Upon reaching this critical thickness the oxide layer becomes
unstable and pores form throughout [26]. The oxide layer has also been found to be prone to
cracking at the grain boundaries [26], and the hydrogen produced during the corrosion reaction
is able to readily diffuse into the bulk of the alloy. As the integrity of the oxide layer decreases
further throughout service, the hydrogen ingress levels increase.
Un-oxidised secondary phase particles (SPPs) have also been shown to provide an easy diffusion
route for hydrogen into the bulk material, the levels of which are dependant on particle size
Chapter 2. Literature Review 41
and distribution. Hatano et al. investigated the effects of coarse and fine Zr(Fe,Cr)2 SPPs
on hydrogen absorption through an oxide layer [65]. It was found that hydrogen absorption
was higher in alloys that contained coarser precipitates. This was attributed to the un-oxidsed
particles providing a ‘short circuit’ for hydrogen to diffuse into the alloy, although there is little
understanding as to why coarser particles would increase this effect given that the same volume
of smaller precipitates would lead to a larger un-oxidised surface area.
During service the hydrogen which has been absorbed into the cladding remains in solution.
Upon cooling, during shutdown, in the case of a LOCA or when the material is taken out of
service, hydrogen precipitates out of solution, which may result in embrittlement of the alloy.
In practice many of the samples investigated experimentally have undergone hydrogenation via
hydrogen gas uptake, as opposed to in an aqueous environment as is the case within the reactor
core; although the distribution of the hydrides throughout the material is similar for both uptake
techniques. Both gas and aqueous hydrogen uptake give rise to localised hydrogen absorption,
allowing samples produced by both techniques to be readily compared [68].
Understanding the properties of zirconium hydrides and how they affect the bulk alloy provides
an understanding as to how these alloys can be improved to reduce the detrimental effects of
Chapter 2. Literature Review 42
TSSD (heating)
Temperature (K)
α-Zr + hydride
Figure 2.19: Terminal solid solubility of hydrogen in Zircaloy-2 during heating and cooling,
adapted from [16].
hydrogen embrittlement. Work done by Bertolino et al. [69] investigated how the toughness
of Zircaloy-4 was affected by varying levels of hydrogen. The majority of tests showed ductile
failure, with the exception of those with hydrogen levels above 1900ppm where cleavage was
exhibited. Given the brittle nature of the hydrides, the overall ductility and toughness was
found to decrease with increasing levels of hydrogen. However, increasing hydrogen content was
found to have no effect on either the anisotropy or the sensitivity to strain rate of zirconium
samples [70] suggesting that the main affect of zirconium hydrides is reducing the ductility and
resistance to crack growth.
Although hydrogen uptake during service is the main concern when considering the effects of
hydrides on zirconium alloys, there have also been reports of in situ hydride formation during
ion beam milling for TEM preparation [71]. This proves problematic when investigating failure
mechanisms in pre-hydrided samples, as distinguishing between initial hydrides, which may
have undergone reorientation during deformation, and those produced in the ion beam milling
process becomes complex. Carpenter et al. investigated how ion beam milling as a method
for TEM preparation affected the microstructure of both zirconium and titanium [71], with the
conclusion that hydride formation during low energy ion beam milling is possible as a result of
moisture and oil vapour within the specimen chamber. Zirconium was found to be more prone
Chapter 2. Literature Review 43
to this phenomenon than titanium, although the reasons for this are not yet clear. Cryogenically
cooling the sample during the milling process was a method proposed to reduce this effect. This
issue is one which has been taken in to consideration for TEM preparation throughout this
From an industrial perspective it is the effect these hydrides have on the overall mechanical
properties of the material that is of most interest. Ideally the formation of hydrides within
zirconium alloys should be minimised; at the least precipitation orientation of the hydrides
should occur in a manner that is least detrimental to the cladding. For example in tubes hydrides
orientated radially are least mechanically favourable during hoop stress loading, whereas those
in the tangential direction are least damaging.
There has also been research into methods of reducing hydride formation within zirconium
cladding. It has been found that hydrides form preferentially at grain boundaries, and fur-
thermore, at those with either low coincident site lattice boundaries or those surrounded by
elastically harder grains [4]. Therefore, it may be possible to produce alloys with preferential
textures and grain orientations so as to reduce the possible formation of hydrides, reducing the
risks associated with hydride precipitation.
The zirconium-hydrogen phase diagram, Figure 2.20, identifies three hydride phases:
• δ -hydride; this phase has a face centred cubic structure and has a ZrH1.5 to ZrH1.7
composition range
• -hydride; this phase has a body centred tetragonal structure and has a ZrH1.7 to ZrH2
composition range
• γ -hydride; this phase is face centred tetragonal and has a ZrH1.1 to ZrH1.5 composition
Chapter 2. Literature Review 44
1000 βZr
α+β β+δ
Temperature ( C)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Mole fraction of H
δ-hydrides are the most common hydrides to form in zirconium alloys used in nuclear reactors.
Within the hydride, the metal atoms form a face centred cubic structure, within which the
hydrogen atoms occupy the interstitial tetrahedral sites.
Hydrides within the alloy tend to form as packages of platelets [72, 73]. Figure 2.21 shows a
typical example of hydrides within a zirconium based matrix.
DHC is a major concern for nuclear materials engineers. As a fracture mechanism, it limits
the life of the of the zirconium alloy cladding in both nuclear reactors and chemical plants [74].
McRae et al. currently propose two models for crack initiation and crack propagation produced
by DHC: the precipitate first model (PFM) and the diffusion first model (DFM) [74]. The PFM
suggests that given an initial crack, once loaded the stress gives rise to hydride precipitation at
the crack tip, creating a hydrogen concentration gradient where the concentration of hydrogen
in the bulk is higher than that at the crack tip. This is the driving force for diffusion of hydrogen
Chapter 2. Literature Review 45
towards the crack tip, leading to further hydride precipitation. The DFM on the other hand,
argues that the tensile stress at the crack tip gives rise to a chemical potential within the alloy
that causes diffusion of hydrogen to the crack tip. As the levels of hydrogen in the area of the
crack tip increase beyond the solubility limit, hydride precipitation occurs, which in turn causes
a concentration gradient where the levels of hydrogen in the bulk are greater than that at the
crack tip resulting in an increase in the diffusion of hydrogen towards this area. In this case the
main driving force for precipitation is the chemical potential resulting from an induced tensile
Numerous studies have investigated how hydrogen levels and hydride orientation effect the
mechanical properties of the overall alloy [69, 70, 75–77], with the conclusion that hydrides have
a tendency to grow in the 1120 direction for both inter and intragranular cases [78]. Growth
of the hydrides has also been found to induce the multiplication of partial dislocations on the
basal plane, however further work is yet to be done confirming the reasoning for the formation
of these dislocations [78]. Crack propagation properties and hydride orientation within cladding
tubes are known to be affected by both the initial texture of the material during production
and the loading direction [1, 3, 79, 80], with hydrides forming in the radial direction being most
Chapter 2. Literature Review 46
2.7 Nanoindentation
The hardness of a material has long been an indication of material characteristics. Advances
in technology have led to instrumented indentation on micro and nano scales, allowing the
mechanical properties of secondary phases and particles to be accurately determined. Depth
sensing indentation techniques are used to evaluate how the depth of penetration varies with
load in order to determine the elastic modulus, E, and the hardness, H.
Throughout the test cycle, the applied force and corresponding penetration depth is constantly
monitored, and a load-depth curve produced. Depending on the material properties, there are
three types of curves and indentation prints which may occur, outlined in Figure 2.23.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 47
h h h
Although all three of these curves are possible, materials typically exhibit an elastic-plastic
Figure 2.24 shows a schematic illustration of a typical load (P ) vs. depth (h) curve produced
from an elasto-plastic material indicating typical loading and unloading parameters.
P = Ch2 (2.10)
Where P is the load, h is the depth and C is the loading curvature. Upon unloading, the initial
slope is given by dh , where Pu is the unloading force. A maximum load of Pm produces a
maximum depth, hm , and a maximum projected area, Am is exhibited. The average contact
pressure, pave , or hardness, at this projected area is then calculated from Equation 2.11.
pave = (2.11)
The area underneath the P-h curve is used to calculate work done during plastic and elastic
deformation; the area under the unloading section of the curve is defined as the recovered elastic
work, We , the area under the loading section is the recovered plastic work, Wp and the total
work, Wt is defined as Wt =Wp + We .
Chapter 2. Literature Review 48
dh h
Wt = Wp + We
P (Load)
P = Ch2
Wp We
h (depth) hr hm
Figure 2.24: Schematic illustration of elasto-plastic P-h curve, indicating loading and unload-
ing curve parameters.
Numerous studies have been carried out to further the understanding of the P-h curve and its
physical implications [83–89]. The shape of the loading curve is not only dependent on the
properties of the material which was being indented, but also the shape of the indenter, the
indenter material properties and load frame compliance. Some of these effects can be accounted
for by defining a reduced modulus, Er , Equation 2.12 [84].
1 1 − υ 2 1 − υi2
= + (2.12)
Er E Ei
E and υ are the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio for the indented material, Ei and υ i are the
Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio for the indenter. Using this, the hardness of the indented
material can then be calculated using Equation 2.13,
dPu 2 √
S= = √ Er A (2.13)
dh π
where dh is previously defined. Pharr, Oliver and Brotzen showed that this equation holds
true for an indenter geometry that is described by a body of revolution of a smooth function
[90], for example spherical and conical indenters. Finite element analysis by King showed that
Equation 2.13 is also generally true for indenters with a non-smooth body of revolution, such
as 3- and 4-sided pyramids and flat punch indenters [91].
Chapter 2. Literature Review 49
It was originally suspected that the unloading curve remained linear regardless of the material
properties [83], although Oliver and Pharr later went on to show that this was a misinterpretation
of data, and enlarging the scale on the unloading section of the curve, or using a logarithmic
scale, highlighted that the majority of all materials have a non-linear unloading curve [84],
making the analysis of indentation results more complex than first realised. They also went on
to discuss the effects of frame compliance and indenter shape functions must also be taken in
to consideration when analysing P-h curves.
If the mechanical properties of a material are independent of the scale at which they are tested,
then it follows that the hardness of a material should not be affected by the indentation depth,
for example, testing with a sharp indenter at 500µN should yield the same hardness when tested
with the same indenter at 5000µN. This is not necessarily the case.
Typical hardness tests are performed in load control, where the load P on the indenter is defined
and the depth and size of the indent are a result of the material properties, neglecting the shape
and curvature of the indenter. For example, indentation of a material with a ball will yield
Chapter 2. Literature Review 50
different results depending on the final depth, and the law of similarity no longer holds true,
as is the case when measuring Brinell Hardness [92]. To reduce the dependence of hardness on
load, the use of pyramidal indenters was introduced yielding similar results under different loads
provided the elastic strain of the indenter–specimen is neglected [93]. Despite this advantage,
the indentation size effect (ISE) is still present in hardness testing and has been the topic of
investigation for a number of studies [94–98], concluding that increasing the load on the indenter
increases the size of the indent and gives rise to a lower hardness, particularly in nanohardness
tests [93]. Milman et al. give a simple example of how the ISE can alter the apparent mechanical
properties of a material. Given the case of a coarse grained material and the same material
which has been strengthened and then tested in tension, it is clear that corresponding flow
curves will yield different results. The increase in strength can be achieved by either a dramatic
reduction in grain size, an increase in dislocation density achieved through plastic deformation
prior to testing, or a reduction in specimen size to the nanoscale resulting in a decrease in the
overall deformation and plasticity to failure [93]. The later case is a prime example of how the
ISE must be taken in to consideration during mechanical testing on the micro and nanoscale.
It has been found that the hardness of a material depends on either the applied load, the
geometry of the tip, or both [99]. Elmustafa and Stone proposed that the indentation size effect
is a result of the presence of geometrically necessary dislocations [100, 101]. Geometrically
necessary dislocations are therefore said to be dependent on the strain gradient. The gradient
in plastic deformation increases with decreasing indentation size, and therefore the presence of
these geometrically necessary dislocations increase as indentation size decreases, increasing the
perceived hardness of the material. The relationship between indentation depth and hardness
is highlighted in Equation 2.14 [96].
H h∗
= 1+ (2.14)
H0 h
Where H is the hardness at a given indentation depth, h, H0 is the hardness at infinite depth
and h∗ is a length dependent on the shape of the indenter, H0 and the shear modulus.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 51
Limited work has been done on the nanoindentation of zirconium hydrides and the accurate
interpretation of the mechanical properties. Kuroda et al. investigated how the properties of
zirconium hydrides were affected by test method [102]. Vickers hardness tests were carried out
and compared to the results obtained from nanoindentation tests. For those results obtained
from nanoindentation, it was found that the hardness increased as penetration depth decreased,
a result attributed to the indentation size effect. The differences in values between nanoinden-
tation and Vickers hardness was attributed to the differences in indenter geometry and testing
method. The study also suggests that work hardening in the surface of the material, a result of
sample preparation, affects the hardness obtained through nanoindentation considerably more
than the Vickers hardness, Figure 2.25. It is possible to reduce this affect by annealing the
sample post sample preparation, prior to testing. It should be noted that zirconium hydrides
are often sub-micron in scale and therefore basic mechanical properties cannot accurately be
identified using traditional Vickers hardness methods. It is likely that the Vickers hardness
method incorporates the properties of both the hydride and the matrix.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.25: Schematic illustration showing the effect of work hardened layers on (a) Vickers
hardness tests and (b) Nanoindentation tests, adapted from [102].
A study on the mechanical properties of -hydrides determined using micro and nanoindentation
found the modulus and hardness for the zirconium matrix to be higher than that of the individual
Chapter 2. Literature Review 52
hydride [103]. This results contradicts the popular belief that the hydrides are harder than the
matrix; a result which leads to hydrogen embrittlement and delayed hydride cracking.
The effects of hydrogen on oxidised Zircaloy-4 has also been investigated in samples with a
basketweave structure [104]. The study found it was possible to determine the properties of
the α-phase and α’-phase individually. It was found that the properties of the α-phase were
similar to that of the Zircaloy-4 matrix, indicating that the oxygen content was fairly low.
When compared with the properties of the α’-phase, these exhibited considerably higher elastic
modulus and hardness, attributed to an increase in oxygen content. It was found that the
introduction of hydrogen did not alter these values significantly, although no individual hydrides
were either reported or examined.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 53
2.8 Fatigue
Fatigue is one of the most common failure modes in industrial materials, and is caused by
defect growth. The production of large, industrial components is unlikely to produce a defect
free result, and therefore the nucleation and propagation characteristics of cracks at such defects
become more important than the stresses required to initiate them. Crack propagation can be
observed either visually, electronically or ultrasonically in order to relate the stress intensity at
the crack tip to crack growth [105].
It is well known that a material which undergoes a fluctuating or repetitive stress will fail at
a lower stress than failure caused by the application of a single load. Fatigue performance is
normally presented using an S-N curve, where the stress S is plotted against the number of
cycles to failure, N. This curve can then be split into two different regions; high cycle fatigue
(HCF) and low cycle fatigue (LCF). In high cycle fatigue tests, the number of cycles to failure
is seen as the dominating factor and is usually above 105 [106], whereas low cycle fatigue is
dominated by high stresses and a low number of cycles to failure, which cause crack initiation
and growth to be the major focus of interest. This study initially focuses on the effects of HCF
in Zircaloy-4 with the view to investigate the effects of LCF in the future.
Although the overall industrial goal is to prevent catastrophic failure of a component, which in
fatigue terms involves examination of the crack propagation data over traditional fatigue data,
this provides no information as to the deformation mechanisms responsible for fatigue crack
initiation at the microstructurally weakest point, in the absence of defects. HCF fatigue tests
carried out in this study were carried out to failure in order to investigate the deformation
mechanisms and crystallographic orientation of the initiating features.
In nuclear reactors, the fluctuations in power cause low cycle fatigue of the fuel tubes [9], which
may eventually result in failure. A power increase will cause the fuel pellets to swell and strain
the surrounding fuel tube, however, the magnitude of the strain is dependant on the following
four factors [9]:
Chapter 2. Literature Review 54
When the power decreases the fuel pellets return to their original size and the external pressure
causes the fuel tube to collapse on to the pellet. The magnitude of the strain in the zirconium
fuel tube will depend on the strength of the alloy and the initial distance between the inner
diameter of the fuel tube and the pellet. An increase in power will complete one cycle. It should
be noted that a cycle caused by a reduction in power is defined as a drop from 100% full power
to 70% full power or lower, as defined by Rajasthan Atomic Power Station (RAPS). This is
based on the fact that at 100% full power the pellet/fuel tube gap is zero and as the power is
decreased a definite gap only exists at 70% full power or less [9].
The readiness of zirconium alloys to uptake hydrogen in a nuclear environment, and the detri-
mental effect this has on the mechanical properties, has already been discussed in some detail in
Section 2.6. With reference to fatigue, it has been found that in unhydrided samples, secondary
cracks tend to form at a number of specific regions within the material [107], namely:
4. Twin planes
5. Intergranular sites
These secondary cracks are always found to be smaller than the average grain size, with the
exception of intergranular sites [107].
Chapter 2. Literature Review 55
In the case of hydrided samples, initial cracks have been found to be associated with the hydride
platelets present within the material. Upon propagation, these cracks were found to grow to
grain size, before propagating further along grain boundaries [107].
It is noteworthy that in samples containing hydrides the critical crack length is significantly
reduced, as is the fracture toughness [108], however, the hydrides seem to have little affect on
the growth rate [105].
Pandarinathan and Vasudevan carried out an investigation into low cycle fatigue of Zircaloy-2
at room temperature, 300 and 350◦ C before looking at the cumulative damage of fatigue tests
at room temperature and 300◦ C. During initial low cycle fatigue tests the fatigue equations at
room temperature, 300 and 350◦ C were found to be Equations 2.16, 2.17 and 2.18 respectively,
all of which are in the general Coffin-Manson form outlined in Equation 2.15.
N f β ∆p = C (2.15)
The C values in these equations, which Coffin predicted as being approximately half the fracture
ductility of the material, have been calculated from tensile tests where the strain at fracture was
calculated using the initial and final area of the fracture surface [9]. These equations show that
during normal fatigue testing, that is to say testing at a constant amplitude, the samples follow
Chapter 2. Literature Review 56
the Coffin-Manson hypothesis at all temperatures. When investigating how cumulative fatigue
tests affected the life of the material, Miner hypothesised that the cumulative cycle ratio (which
is the sum of the ratio of the cycles applied to the cycles to failure Σn/N ) should equal the cycle
ratio at failure, i.e. Equation 2.15. However, Pandarinathan and Vasudevan show that this is
not the case for either Hi-Lo or Lo-Hi tests. Prior to testing the effects of cumulative damage, a
fatigue life of 7718 and 7542 cycles was obtained at room temperature and 300◦ C respectively.
During Hi-Lo testing 50% of the cycles to failure were carried out at a strain amplitude of 1.0%
before testing at a strain amplitude of 0.5% for 75% of the cycles. Lo-Hi testing involved an
initial strain amplitude of 0.5% for 50% of the cycles to failure and then an increase in strain
amplitude to 1.0% for 75% of the cycles. It was found that at both room temperature and
300◦ C Hi-Lo type testing gave significantly lower cumulative cycle ratios than for Lo-Hi testing,
as outlined in Table 2.2 [9].
Table 2.2: Cumulative cycle ratio results for Hi-Lo and Lo-Hi testing.
From this investigation it is clear that the cumulative cycle ratio at fracture depends not only
on the number of cycles and the test temperature, but also the sequence of loading and the
stress history of the sample.
Most metals will exhibit either cyclic hardening or cyclic softening during fatigue testing de-
pending on the microstructure of the alloy. Annealed alloys tend to display hardening owing
to an increase in dislocation density and dislocation pile up during testing; on the other hand
materials which have been previously hardened tend to show a softening behaviour as obstacles
to dislocations are weakened or eliminated [109]. There remains some contradiction in the liter-
ature surrounding the cyclic fatigue behaviour of Zircaloy-4 alloys, despite its clear importance
for use throughout the nuclear industry. Choi et al. report that the alloy softens during cycling
[110]. The cause of cyclic softening at room temperature remains unclear; some researchers
believe that it is a result of thermal activation during deformation which overcomes interstitial
Chapter 2. Literature Review 57
solute atoms, whilst others suggest it is a result of a breakdown of long screw dislocations,
increasing the density of mobile dislocations throughout the sample [109]. In more recent years
the theory has moved to a reorientation of crystals to a more favourable orientation for pris-
matic slip to occur. The study by Armas et al. [109] disagrees with the latter, showing no
major change in texture between pre and post cycled specimens. There is also little evidence
to suggest that softening occurs as a result of a reduction in precipitate size during cycling;
precipitate size was found to remain the same in the test region of the specimen (the gauge)
as in the non-tested region (screw). The study suggests that cycling softening in Zircaloy-4 is
caused by the unlocking of dislocations surrounding interstitial solute atoms, such as oxygen,
increasing the density of mobile dislocations.
Lin et al. [111] carried out a low cycle fatigue study on a commercially pure grade of zirconium
at room temperature and 400◦ C, showing an initial hardening stage, followed by a hardening
saturation at room temperature and progressive softening stage at elevated temperature. They
attribute this contradiction in hardening vs. softening mechanisms at room temperature (com-
pared with that of the aforementioned studies) to the differences in dislocation types present in
the samples tested at room temperature, where the predominant dislocations were found to be
loops and tangles [111].
Limited work has been carried out on the high cycle fatigue behaviour of hcp materials, partic-
ularly zirconium alloys, compared to fcc and bcc materials; the active deformation mechanisms
and crystallographic properties of hcp materials are considerably more complex. Warren and
Beevers analysed fatigue damage and the subsequent deformation modes in α-zirconium [10].
They found that room temperature HCF gave rise to {1010} slip and {1012}, {1121} and {1122}
twins. The study showed that during fatigue, cracks tend to form at twins and twin fragments
which have broken off under stress. Although the presence of these twins may initially cause an
increase in dislocation pile up, hardening the material, the coalescence of twins leads to fatigue
crack initiation. In decreasing the grain size, the formation of {1121} twins can be impeded,
preventing the permanent fatigue damage associated with these twin types during deformation
Chapter 2. Literature Review 58
[10]. In the comparison of fatigue properties of zirconium and Zircaloy-4 (Lin and Haicheng
[112]) it was found that the alloying elements in Zircaloy-4 had little effect on the overall fatigue
lifetime. Deformation modes from the study concur with the Warren and Beevers results indi-
cating that {1010} slip was the primary deformation mode for both materials, with twinning
remaining an important deformation mechanism.
The crystallographic similarities between zirconium and titanium allow literature from fatigue
studies in titanium alloys to give useful insight into the effects of fatigue on the fracture surface
morphology and crystallography of hcp metals. In general, fatigue fracture surfaces consist of
three main features; facets, striations and voids, examples of which can be seen in Figure 2.26.
a) b) c)
2µm 2µm
Figure 2.26: Examples of a) facets b) striations and c) voids in Zircaloy-4 (see Chapter 6).
Facets primarily form close to the crack initiation site, and as the crack propagates striations
form across the crack surface, with each striation representing a position of the advancing crack
front [33]. The distance between these striations depends on the speed at which the crack
propagates, with a fast moving crack producing striations which are close together. Voids tend
to be found towards the edge of the fracture surface, in the tertiary region.
It has been shown that in titanium alloys facets at the initiation site can be parallel or near
parallel to the basal plane, with plasticity features similar to river marks on the surface of
the fracture[106]. In order to fully understand the crack initiation site and the role it plays
in the total life of the sample during high cycle fatigue, it is first necessary to determine the
spatial orientation of the facets as well as the crystallographic orientation [113]. Dwell facets
are normally orientated perpendicular or near perpendicular to the applied loading direction in
an orientation that has a low resolved shear stress on the basal plane [106] as opposed to facets
Chapter 2. Literature Review 59
which are formed during continuous cycling, which tend to form in grains where the basal plane
is inclined to the loading direction [106].
Chapter 2. Literature Review 60
There are two proposed methods which may be used to analyse the crystallographic orientation
of fatigue fracture facets: the direct method and the indirect method. The direct method
requires minimal plastic deformation of the facet under examination and an alignment of the
the facet so it lies normal to the electron/x-ray beam. EBSD patterns are then obtained directly
from the cracked surface. This technique proves difficult in materials where plastic deformation
occurs readily during fatigue, and upon failure the fracture surface is highly topographical.
The indirect method strives to overcome these difficulties by using a combination of fracture
facet orientation and crystal orientation information in order to determine the cracking plane
[113]. Quantitative tilt fractography (QTF) is performed in a scanning electron microscope
(SEM) and is used to determine the spatial orientation of a fracture facet in the region of the
initiation site [113–117]. Site specific TEM foils can then be lifted out of the facet of interest
and the crystallographic orientation determined.
Sample orientation
To accurately determine the orientation of a facet on a fracture surface, two separate axes must
be defined; the SEM axis and the sample axis, a schematic of which can be seen in Figure 2.27.
T Stage
z x
Fractured Sample
Figure 2.27: Schematic of axis orientation of sample and SEM where S, T and U refer to the
sample axis and x,y and z refer to the SEM axis, adapted from [117].
S, T and U refer to the sample axis, where S and T lie parallel to the x and y axis of the SEM
respectively, U is in the negative z direction.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 61
The sample is placed in the SEM and the corresponding axis aligned; S-axis aligned with the
x-axis in the SEM, T-axis aligned with the y-axis, U-axis aligned with the z-axis. A facet of
interest is located and the distance along the y-axis, d, between two distinct features on the
facet measured. This measurement is carried out at a tilt of 0◦ , and so the distance is designated
d0 . The sample is then tilted to some angle θ and the distance between the same two features,
dθ , measured. These two distances provide the means to calculate the value of φ, the angle the
facet makes with the T-axis.
The sample is then rotated about the z-axis by 90◦ , aligning the S-axis with the y-axis of the
SEM. The same facet and features are found and the above process repeated. These two new
distances will determine α, the angle the facet makes with the S-axis.
Tilting the specimen by an angle θ will cause either φ or α to change to either (φ/α + θ) or
(φ/α - θ), depending on the initial orientation of the facet. By monitoring how d changes as the
sample is tilted, the appropriate situation can be determined. For example, in the case where
tilting about the specimen axis causes a decrease in d (i.e. dθ /d0 <1) the angle between the
facet and the the specimen axis will increase and the corresponding facet angle can be calculated
using Equation 2.19.
(cosθ − dθ /d0 )
tan φ = (2.19)
In the case where dθ /d0 >1, i.e. d decreases with θ, the corresponding facet angle can be
calculated using Equation 2.20.
(cosθ − dθ /d0 )
tan φ = − (2.20)
In both Equation 2.19 and 2.20 φ should be substituted for α to calculate the other facet angle.
Chapter 2. Literature Review 62
To analyse the crystallographic orientation of a particular fracture facet, the spatial orientation
of the facet needs to be related to the crystallographic orientation of the underlying grain. This
can be done by converting the spatial orientation angles φ and α into Euler space angles (φ1 ,
Φ, φ2 ). These Euler space angles rotate the sample reference frame into one which defines the
crystallographic orientation of the grain such that the facet plane normal is coincident with z.
A detailed description of this method is described in [117].
Chapter 2. Literature Review 63
Throughout this study, dislocation analysis has been carried out by examining site specific
specimens in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Dislocation characterisation in hcp
materials is considered considerably more difficult than in more symmetrical crystal structures
such as fcc and bcc; differentiating between diffraction patterns from different planes in hcp
materials is often difficult owing to a similarity in d-spacings for certain planes, and so ob-
taining orientations and indexing uniquely becomes difficult. Table 2.3 shows reflections and
corresponding d-spacings for titanium, magnesium and zirconium.
To overcome this difficulty Okamoto et al. [118] developed a method to utilise Kikuchi maps to
navigate sample orientation. The method involves a sample which is thin enough to be examined
in the TEM yet thick enough to produce Kikuchi bands; as crystal symmetry decreases the
functionality of these maps increases and it is possible to navigate the crystal orientation of the
sample by tilting the foil until the desired zone axis is reached. Okamoto et al. then go on to
show that in order to determine the Burgers vector of a specific dislocation a tilt range of ≈20◦
from [0001] is needed.
Okamoto’s study found that the {2111} reflections could be used for Burgers vector determina-
tions. The invisibility criterion for dislocation contrast is g.b=0, where g is the reciprocal lattice
vector of the operating reflection and b is the Burgers vector of the dislocation. Although
Chapter 2. Literature Review 64
this criterion may not entirely hold true due to dynamical scattering effects, that is to say the
dislocations may be somewhat visible, contrast is considerably weaker when this law holds true.
There are a large number of dislocations available in hcp structures, as outlined in Table 2.4
and therefore a number of reflections are required to uniquely identify the Burgers vector of any
given dislocation.
Okamoto reports that the [0001] Kikuchi map contains all the reflections necessary to uniquely
determine a particular Burgers vector whilst also providing the shortest tilt path to reach these
reflections, Figure 2.28. The study goes on to state that only three reflections are needed to
determine a unique Burgers vector.
The study utilises a double tetrahedron approach to describe dislocation interaction and the
reflection planes necessary to find a unique Burgers vector, shown schematically in Figure 2.29.
The double tetrahedron consists of half a unit hcp cell where the planes of interest are the basal
(denoted ABC), first order prismatic {1010} (denoted ABB’A, BCC’B and ACC’A), second
order prismatic {1120} (denoted ASA’, BSB’ and CSC’), first order pyramidal {1011} (denoted
AB’C, BC’A, A’BC, B’CA and C’BA) and second order pyramidal {1122} (denoted ASB’, BSC’,
A’SB, B’SC and C’SA).
Okamoto states that from Figure 2.29 it can be seen that all perfect dislocations have Burgers
vectors which lie in the {1010} family of planes and all imperfect dislocations will lie in the
{1120} family [118]. Therefore the reflections of these planes can be used to determine between
the two types of dislocations. These planes produce the first two lowest order reflections in
Chapter 2. Literature Review 65
[1103] [1213]
[0001] [1126]
Figure 2.28: Schematic of fully indexed, distortion free Kikuchi map of hcp crystal. The poles
are indexed as directional indices, and are therefore independent of c/a, allowing this map to
serve for any structure [118].
the [0001] orientation and therefore the sample should initially be orientated near this pole and
then subsequently tilted to the {1010} and {1120} Kikuchi bands. According to the invisibility
criterion the dislocation in question must vanish (or at least reduce in contrast considerably)
for one of these reflections.
Table 2.5: Values of g.b for perfect dislocations.
1 1 1
g 3 [1120] 3 [1123] 3 [1123]
2200 0 0 0
2311 -1 0 2
3211 1 2 0
Chapter 2. Literature Review 66
(a) (b)
B’ A’
Figure 2.29: Schematic of the double tetrahedral method used to determine dislocations in
hcp structures. (b) shows the region of interest from (a) [118].
In the case of perfect dislocations, they will vanish for one of the [2020] bands (these bands
show higher contrast than the [1010] bands and so are used in preference). In the case that
the reflection is, for example, the [2200], then b must be either ± 13 [1120], ± 13 [1123] or ± 13 [1123]
[118]. As the dislocations will vanish on any of the Kikuchi bands that converge to the pole
of the Burgers vector, any two bands converging to the [1123] and [1123] poles can be used to
distinguish between the three possibilities. As can be seen from the Kikuchi map, the nearest
of these bands are [2311] and [3211] which intersect at the [1105] poles. In conclusion, Okamoto
shows that only three reflections are necessary to determine the Burgers vector of a given
dislocation in an hcp material, Table 2.5, and this is the technique used in this study.
Chapter 3
3.1 Overview
The effect of temperature on deformation mechanisms was investigated using in situ compression
and tension tests, and ex situ compression tests. Samples were taken from the rolling direction
and transverse direction and tested at varying strain rates and temperatures. In situ diffraction
data was analysed using MAUD to investigate the texture evolution during straining. Post
deformation textures for ex situ compression tests were obtained using a Philips X’Pert MRD
machine in the texture configuration.
Uni-axial high cycle fatigue (HCF) tests were carried out at a stress ratio, R, of 0.1 until
failure. The fracture surfaces were examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and
the initiation site, crack propagation direction and crack surface morphology were identified.
Quantitative tilt fractography (QTF) was used to determine the spatial orientation of the surface
facet grains relative to the sample axis. Samples were then taken from regions of interest
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 68
and analysed in the transmission electron microscope (TEM) to determine the crystallographic
orientation of the crack surface grains.
Nanoindentation was carried out on Zircaloy-4 specimens charged with hydrogen to 375±50
ppm to investigate the effect of hydrogen on the hardness and deformation mechanisms of
the alloy. Indents were performed within individual packets of hydrides, at hydride/matrix
interfaces and within the matrix to access how hydrides affect dislocation propagation through
the material. Site specific TEM foils were taken across the indents and the corresponding
dislocations identified.
The Zircaloy-4 alloy used throughout this project was supplied by Rolls-Royce plc. and is
known to be a recrystallised section of a uni-directional rolled sheet, a schematic of which with
the corresponding material axes is given in Figure 3.1.
Normal direction plane
Transverse direction
The exact composition of the alloy was determined by IncoTest using Inductively Coupled
Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP OES), outlined in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1: Chemical composition of Zircaloy-4; weight % except where stated ppmw.
Element Cr Fe H ppmw N Nb Ni O Sn
Weight % 0.12 0.22 15 0.003 0.01 <0.01 0.13 1.78
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 69
3.2.1 Microstructure
Throughout this study, samples were prepared for optical microscropy by polishing with a
0.05µm colloidal silica/hydrogen peroxide solution (ratio 5:1), followed by etching in a solution
of 5% HF, 45% HNO3 and 50% H2 O and a final polish with colloidal silica/hydrogen peroxide
solution. The as-received material exhibited equiaxed alpha grains, approximately 10µm in size,
in all directions. Figure 3.2 (a) and (b) show micrographs obtained from the rolling and normal
a) b)
50μm 50μm
Figure 3.2: Micrographs of as received material taken using polarised light (a) rolling direction
and (b) normal direction.
Both microstructures show evidence of unknown features within the grains, outlined more clearly
in Figure 3.3.
Figure 3.3: Micrograph indicating a number of unknown features. It should be noted that
indicated features are an example of those present throughout all grains.
Chemelle [119] carried out work on the presence of secondary phase particles (SPPs) in Zircaloy-
2 plate. The study showed the presence of four compositions of SPPs, the crystallographic data
of which is given in Table 3.2.
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 70
Table 3.2: Table showing crystallographic information of SPPs in Zircaloy-2 plate [119].
In order to determine whether the composition and crystallographic nature of the unknown
features in the as received material are comparable to those seen in Chemelle’s study, an X-ray
diffraction spectrum was obtained using a Philips X’Pert MRD machine which uses a 1.54Å
wavelength for the material in the rolling direction (RD), normal direction (ND) and the trans-
verse direction (TD). These spectra are shown in Figure 3.4 and the peaks corresponding to
zirconium labelled.
The peak positions for zirconium were calculated using Equation 3.1.
1 1
= (3.1)
d2hkl 4
(h2 + k 2 + hk) + l2
3a2 c2
From the X-ray spectra it can be seen that peak intensities vary with sample orientation,
indicating a preferred crystallographic orientation. As the lattice parameters for the SPPs
in Zircaloy-2 are known, it is possible to calculate the peak positions of these structures to
ascertain if the unaccounted for peaks in the as received material correspond to the SPPs given
in Table 3.2. The peak positions for ZrCr2 , which has a hexagonal structure, were calculated
in the same manner as that for Zr. For the tetragonal and cubic structures the Equation 3.2
was used.
1 h2 k 2 l2
= + 2 + 2 (3.2)
d2hkl a2 b c
Where a=b=c for cubic structures and a=b6=c for tetragonal structures. It was found that none
of the peak positions for the SPPs found in Zircaloy-2 match the unlabelled peaks found in the
as received spectra. As a colloidal silica/H2 O2 mix was used for the final polish it is possible
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 71
30 40 50 60
2 Theta (degrees)
Figure 3.4: X-ray diffraction peaks from a) normal direction, b) rolling direction and c)
transverse direction. The peaks corresponding to Zr are labelled, those unaccounted for are
highlighted with a dashed line.
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 72
that hydrogen from the H2 O2 diffused into the surface of the sample, producing the features
seen in Figure 3.3. δ-hydrides have a cubic structure where a=4.781Å. Inputting these values
into Equation 3.2 where a=b=c, it was found that the unknown peaks in the as received spectra
correspond to the (111), (200) and (220) planes respectively, although in order to confirm this it
would be necessary to obtain an X-ray spectra from an unprepared sample to determine whether
or not the presence of these hydrides is due to the preparation technique or they are in fact an
underlying feature in the initial material.
Initial texture measurements (ex-situ) were taken using a Philips X’Pert MRD machine in
texture configuration with copper Kα radiation and a wavelength of 1.54Å. Data for the planes
given in Table 3.3 (calculated using Equation 3.1)were acquired from 20mm diameter specimens
taken from the rolling direction (RD), normal direction (ND) and transverse direction (TD).
hkil d 2θ
1010 2.797 31.956
0002 2.570 34.868
1011 2.457 36.528
1012 1.893 48.016
1120 1.615 56.951
The samples were tilted between 0-80◦ (machine limit) and rotated between 0-360◦ with mea-
surements taken at 5◦ intervals for each rotation and tilt. The data obtained was represented
onto equal area projection pole figures using preferred orientation package- Los Alamos (popLA)
[120]. As the machine limits the angle of tilt to 80◦ , popLA computes the remaining 10◦ using
a spherical harmonics analysis.
The popLA software used throughout this study assesses pole figures which have been generated
from four-circle goniometer X-ray diffraction equipment. It uses both a spherical harmonics
and a Williams-Imho-Matthies-Vinel (WIMV) analysis to reconstruct pole figures. It does this
by performing a set of algorithms on the experimental pole figures (EPFs) which includes a
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 73
harmonic analysis followed by a WIMV; these processes are described in more detail in the ??.
Pod2K is used to smooth, defocus and correct the background of the output textures, Figure 3.5.
The initial texture shows a strong basal pole intensity of approximately 5 times random at ±30◦
between the ND and the TD.
(1010) (0002) (1011)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Multiples random
In-situ compression and tensile tests were carried out at I12 at Diamond Light Source, using a
monochromatic incident beam. Samples were loaded as shown in Figure 3.6. A more in-depth
discussion of the post processing of these results, and the specific testing parameters, can be
found in the Experimental Methods section of Chapter 5.
An elasto-plastic self-consistent (EPSC) model was used to simulate the in situ experimental
tests, which provided details of the active slip and twinning systems at all strain rates. A brief
review of the methodology is described here; an in depth description of the EPSC code can be
found in [121].
The EPSC model was developed by Turner and Tomé [122] to simulate deformation to relatively
low strains, predicting the internal stresses within the polycrystalline system as it deforms in
the elastic-plastic transition. The current model accounts for grain rotation during deformation
and the compatibility of the twin/parent interface, along with grain shape evolution and stress
relaxation due to twinning [63].
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 74
The model employs the Vocé hardening law to describe deformation, which is characterised by
the evolution of a threshold stress, τ s , with the strain in each grain, as described in Equation 3.3
where τ 0 s and τ 0 s +τ 1 s are the initial and saturated critical resolved shear stresses (CRSSs), Γ is
the the plastic shear strain on a slip system, and θ0 s and θ1 s are initial and asymptotic hardening
rates. By defining coupling coefficients, hss , the model also allows for latent hardening which
accounts for the production of new dislocations forming during deformation. This allows the
overall threshold stress of a system which results from the cumulative shear activity in the grains
to be calculated using Equation 3.4
dτ s s/s0 s0
∆τ s = Σh ∆γ (3.4)
where ∆γ s is the incremental increase in shear strain with new dislocations of type s0 .
The model also considers the contribution of twinning to the overall resulting texture of the alloy.
As the material deforms and twins form within individual grains, it is clear that the orientation
of the parent and the child will differ, and contribute to the overall resulting texture. It is also
important to consider the effect that twins have on the propagation of dislocations through the
system, causing hardening of the alloy.
Implementation of the model requires an initial texture of the Zircaloy-4 plate, which was
obtained using lab X-ray technique. This texture describes a polycrystal with spherical grains.
Ex situ compression tests were carried out on cylindrical compression specimens (10mm x 8mm
) taken from the plate normal direction on a Zwick Roell 100kN load frame.
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 75
For the in situ experiments, dog-bone tensile specimens (guage length 19mm, thickness 1.5mm)
and cylindrical compression specimens (5mm x 4mm ) were removed from the as received
Zircaloy-4 plate in both the rolling and transverse direction (RD and TD). In situ testing was
performed on I12 at Diamond Light Source, using a monochromatic incident beam (400 µm x
300 µm) with an energy of ∼78 keV, Figure 3.6. Compression and tensile tests were carried out
using a Zwick 5kN actuator.
Area Detector
Diffraction rings
Diffracted X-ray
Incident X-ray
Figure 3.6: In situ experimental set up for compression and tensile tests, adapted from [124].
Fatigue specimens were machined with a 2.5 mm gauge and a 5 mm gauge length. Prior
to testing, the length of the gauge was finished using 4000 SiC grit paper to minimise surface
defects produced from machining. Samples were tested such that the loading axis was parallel
to the rolling direction of the plate. High cycle fatigue (HCF) tests were carried out on an
Amsler Vibrophore HFP20 at a frequency of 60-65 Hz in displacement control at a stress ratio,
R, of 0.1 until failure.
To investigate the effect of hydrogen on the hardness and deformation mechanisms, Zircaloy-4
specimens were charged with hydrogen in a stream of flowing hydrogen gas at 800◦ C to 375 ±
50 ppm (carried out by Birmingham University). Microstructural characterisation was carried
out using the same procedure as the as-received material and clearly shows the presence of
packets of hydrides throughout the material, Figure 3.7. Nanoindentation was performed at
room temperature using a Hysitron Triboindenter. A three sided Berkovich diamond indenter
and a conical tip with half angle θ=60◦ were used for the indentation. Testing was carried out
to a maximum load of 2000 µN at 200 µNs−1 . Indentations were carried out within individual
hydride packets, at the hydride/matrix interface and within the matrix.
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 76
50 μm 10 μm
Site specific TEM foils were lifted out from both fatigue and nanoindentation specimens. TEM
foils from fatigue specimens were lifted out from facets in the region of the initiation site and
striations, which were found to occur as the crack propagated through the sample. TEM foils
from the nanoindentation specimens were lifted out across the indentat. In order to lift out
samples within the desired regions, TEM preparation was carried out using focused ion beam
(FIB) milling and an in situ lift out technique on an FEI Dual Beam Helios. The dual beam
function allows the sample to be imaged using the SEM whilst milling with the FIB.
This process involved initially depositing platinum at 0◦ using the electron beam. The platinum
was deposited over the region of interest in order to protect the underlying material. The strut
was approximately 10µm(x) x 2µm(y) x 10µm(z) and is applied using a voltage of 2kV and a
beam current of 1.4nA.
The stage was then tilted to 52◦ . The sample was adjusted in the z-direction if tilting caused
the eucentric height to change. At this point, a coincident point between the SEM and FIB
images was obtained. This ensured that the images taken in either SEM or FIB mode were of
the same region. A coincident platinum strut was then deposited over the initial strut using the
FIB. A voltage of 30kV was used with a beam current of 93pA, Figure 3.8.
Two rectangular trenches were milled either side of the platinum strut to allow the sample to
be partially freed from the bulk of the material. As these were only rough trenches, the largest
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 77
Figure 3.8: FIB image showing electron deposited platinum. Dotted lines refer to the position
for the FIB platinum deposition.
Figure 3.9: FIB image showing positioning of regular trenches relative to the platinum strut.
FIB current available was used, 21nA. The milling of these beams was carried out in parallel to
reduce milling time, Figure 3.9.
The sample was then tilted to ±3◦ in order to produce a lamella with a more uniform thickness.
This was carried out at a voltage of 30kV and a beam current of 6.5nA. The x and y dimensions
of these ‘cleaning cross sections’ were determined by the width of the platinum strut and the
trench. The x length was slightly less than that of the trench, Figure 3.10.
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 78
Figure 3.10: FIB image showing positioning cleaning cross section at -3◦ .
It was then necessary to partially free the lamella from the bulk of the sample. This was done
at an angle of 7◦ , a voltage of 30kV and a beam current of 2.8nA, Figure 3.11.
As the specimen was then partially freed, the OmniProbe needle was attached and the remaining
edge attaching the lamella to the bulk was cut. It is imperative that this is done at 0◦ tilt and
the lowest magnification used when the OmniProbe needle is inserted into the chamber. Once
the needle was inserted into the chamber, it was gradually lowered to the specimen surface and
the magnification increased. The needle was then used to touch the corner of the lamella, and
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 79
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3.12: FIB image of (a) needle touching lamella, (b) platinum weld onto point of
contact, (c) milling box for 3rd cut and (d) lamella removal from trench.
a platinum weld used to attach it. The platinum was deposited using the FIB at a voltage of
30kV and a beam current of 93pA. A third cut was then used to free the lamella from the bulk
(2.8nA) Figure 3.12.
The needle was then slowly raised away from the surface of the material, and then retracted
fully and the bulk material removed from the chamber.
A copper grid was then inserted into the chamber to which the lamella was attached. This
is done by inserting the OmniProbe needle back in to the chamber (with sample attached).
The needle was slowly lowered until contact was made with the copper grid. The edge of the
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 80
(a) (b)
Figure 3.13: FIB image of (a) lamella touching grid and (b) platinum weld at point of contact.
specimen was welded to the grid using platinum, deposited with the electron beam (93 pA),
and the needle cut away (2.8nA), Figure 3.13.
In order to be able to view the sample effectively in the TEM, it is necessary to thin the sample
to approximately 500nm; this allows for electron transparency. The grid and lamella were tilted
to 52◦ . The sample was thinned on each side (± 1.2◦ to 52◦ ) using a voltage of 30kV and a
beam current of 0.46nA until a thickness of approximately 1.4µm was achieved . The beam
current was then reduced to 93pA and the specimen thinned further until the lamella wass
approximately 700nm in thickness, Figure 3.14.
Chapter 3. Characterisation of Initial Material and Exp. Prep. 81
The specimen was then tilted to ± 2.5◦ to 52◦ and the current reduced further to 47pA. The
specimen was then milled until the platinum strut started to reduce in thickness. A final
‘cleaning’ stage was performed on the lamella at a tilt of ± 7◦ to 52◦ and a beam current of
28pA. It is imperative that once this stage is reached, the sample is not imaged again using the
FIB, as this will induce unwanted damage in to the TEM foil. A fully prepared TEM foil is
shown in Figure 3.15.
It should be noted that TEM foils were also taken from an undeformed sample, which was used
as a reference when assessing damage which might have occurred as a result of FIBbing.
Chapter 4
Within the reactor core, zirconium alloys are subject to corrosion at the cladding/water interface.
This reaction leads to the production of hydrogen, which is absorbed into the zirconium alloy
through cracks in the oxide layer [26] and in the regions surrounding unoxidised SPPs [65].
The solubility of hydrogen at room temperature is significantly lower than that at typical op-
erating temperatures [66], and when the cladding is taken out of service and transported for
dry storage, on coolings excess hydrogen within the system precipitates out as brittle hydrides.
Under load bearing conditions, this can lead to delaued hydride cracking (DHC), a phenomenon
that has long been a study for investigation [75–77].
As DHC is a life determining factor for zirconium alloys, work has been carried out to investigate
how levels of hydrogen and hydride orientation affect the mechanical properties of the overall
alloy [69, 70], showing that embrittlement is increased with hydrogen content. There has also
been work on how loading affects the crack propagation properties and hydride reorientation [1,
3, 79, 80], however limited work has been carried out on the mechanical properties of individual
zirconium hydrides and their effect on the surrounding matrix [102–104].
Chapter 4. Mechanical properties of zirconium hydrides 84
In this chapter, the mechanical properties of individual hydrides and the surrounding matrix
are characterised using nanoindentation and traditional Vickers hardness tests. Interpretation
of the nanoindentation results has been carried out using computational modelling. Site specific
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) foils were lifted from indented regions to analyse dislo-
cation propagation and micro-deformation mechanisms resulting from the presence of hydrides.
4.1 Experimental
Zircaloy-4 specimens were charged with hydrogen in a vacuum furnace to 375 ppm ± 50 ppm
and microstructural characterisation was carried out using polarised optical microscopy prior
to testing.
Vickers hardness tests were carried out on both hydrided and as received, unhydrided, specimens
using a Zwick//Roell Indentec microindenter with 1kg load held for 10 seconds. The average
hardness was calculated from 15 tests.
Figure 4.1: Example of surface scan taken using the indent tip to locate hydrides for inden-
Testing using the Berkovich tip was carried out to a maximum load of 2000 µN at 200 µNs−1 .
The maximum loading force was held for 3 s to allow for creep before unloading at a rate of
Chapter 4. Mechanical properties of zirconium hydrides 85
200 µNs−1 . Indentations were carried out within hydrides, at the hydride/matrix interface and
within the matrix, as outlined in Figure 4.2.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4.2: Example of indents taken (a) within the hydride, (b) at the hydride matrix
interface and (c) within the matrix.
The hardness and Young’s modulus of both hydride and matrix was obtained using a computa-
tional model developed by Dao et al.[87]. The average nanohardness value for the matrix and
individual hydrides was calculated from 15 tests. Indentation was also carried out on an unhy-
drided Zircaloy-4 specimen to ascertain the effect of hydrides on the matrix when compared to
the as received material.
Indentations within the matrix, and separate indentations within hydrides, were identified and
samples prepared for analysis in the TEM. Site specific TEM preparation was performed using
focused ion beam (FIB) milling and an in-situ liftout technique. TEM analysis of such regions
allowed characterisation of the dislocation progression through the material, and how this is
affected by the presence of hydrides. A more detailed description of sample preparation and the
FIB lift-out is described in Chapter 3.
The extraction of material properties from the loading and unloading curves was obtained using
a set of reverse algorithms developed by Dao et al.[87]. The algorithms utilise the values for the
loading curvature, C, the final indentation depth,hr , the maximum indentation depth, hm and
the unloading slope, dh |hm , which are taken from the experimental curve. These are used to
solve for the reduced modulus, E*, hardness, pave and the stress at 33% strain, σ 0.33 .
Chapter 4. Mechanical properties of zirconium hydrides 86
4.3 Results
Examination of the initial microstructure under polarised and non polarised light shows the
formation of hydrides predominantly at grain boundaries, Figure 4.3. The average width of a
hydride was approximately 2 µm with the length varying throughout the microstructure. The
average α grain size was approximately 15 µm.
50 μm 10 μm 5 μm
Figure 4.3: Microstructure of hydrided specimens taken using polarised light, increasing in
magnification from left to right.
Vickers hardness
The Vickers hardness can be calculated using Equation 4.1, and converted to GPa by multiplying
by the gravitational constant, g.
2PH sin φ2
Hv (GP a) = (4.1)
where φ is the apex angle of the indenter (136◦ ), d is the average length of the diagonals across
the indent and Ph is the applied load. The Vickers hardness values in GPa for the hydrided and
Chapter 4. Mechanical properties of zirconium hydrides 87
as received specimens were 1.875 and 1.546 respectively. This indicates that samples containing
hydrides have an overall higher hardness than samples without.
The tip of the Vickers indenter was too large to permit testing of the individual hydride and
matrix phases and therefore only an overall hardness value of the material was determined.
Comparison of the results obtained from the as received material with those from the hydrided
material show that the presence of hydrides within a Zircaloy-4 matrix increases the hardness.
Typical P-h curves obtained using a Berkovich indenter are shown in Figure 4.4. The average
maximum depth values for the as received material, matrix and hydride were 140, 120 and 110
nm respectively. Initial observation of these curves suggests the hydrides have a higher hardness
values than the matrix, given the shallower indentations. This is inline with the results from
the Vickers hardness tests.
Load (μm)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Depth (nm)
Figure 4.4: Typical load-depth curves taken from the alloy, showing typical results for the
hydride, matrix and as received material.
The loading and unloading sections of the P-h curves obtained from the Berkovich indenter
were used to calculated the Young’s modulus, E, the reduced modulus, E*, and the stress at
33% strain, σ 0.33 , as outlined in the computational modelling theory [87]. In order to calculate
accurate values for the yield stress, σ y , and hardening exponent, n, the loading section of P-h
curves obtained from a conical indenter were analysed. It is possible to fit the curves in Igor Pro
(an interactive software environment which is used for data analysis and manipulation) using
Equation 4.2 [125]:
Chapter 4. Mechanical properties of zirconium hydrides 88
Table 4.1: Nano-hardness and Young’s modulus (E) for the as received alloy, individual
hydrides and matrix.
P h
= ( )A exp(−B) (4.2)
E ∗ R2 R
where P is the load in Newtons, E* is the reduced modulus (calculated from the Berkovich
unloading curve), R is the radius of curvature of the indenter (1 µm), h is the depth and A and
B are constants. The values of A and B can then be calculated in MatLab and used to calculate
σ y and n from Equations 4.3 and 4.4 [125],
where σ y ∗ = E∗ . Given the work hardening issues described in Section 4.4, these final analysis
steps were excluded from the current results. However, in the event that these issues are
overcome, these steps should be used to determine more accurate hardness values.
The hardness and Young’s modulus values for the hydride, matrix and as received Zircaloy-4
are outlined in Table 4.1. These values are calculated averages taken over 15 tests.
4.4 Discussion
The results from the Vickers hardness test give a good indication of the effect of hydrogen on the
mechanical properties of the overall alloy; despite the indenter tip being too large to accurately
Chapter 4. Mechanical properties of zirconium hydrides 89
measure the hardness of individual hydrides, it does give a good measure of the overall hardness
of the material. Comparison of the Vickers hardness from the as received material with the
hydrided material shows that the presence of hydrides increases the hardness of the sample.
The nanohardness results obtained for the hydrided material show the hardness of the hydride to
be larger than that of the matrix. The lower linear expansion associated with hydrides causes an
increase in internal stresses and dislocations surrounding the hydride, augmenting the hardness
of the overall alloy. The reduced ductility of the alloy can be attributed to the elastic/plastic
interaction between the hydrides and the matrix.
The hydrided specimens show a higher Young’s modulus than the unhydrided specimens, again
attributed to the presence of hydrides within the material. It has been found in a study by
Strasser et al. [126] that varying the content of hydrogen within individual hydrides will affect
the ductility of the individual hydrides, and hence the overall alloy. Increasing the percentage of
hydrogen within the individual hydrides increases ductility, and it follows to say that if it were
possible, hydrides with high levels of hydrogen would reduce the detrimental effect of hydride
The overall Young’s modulus of the as received material and the bulk hydrided material remains
relatively similar, despite the presence of hydrides in the latter (115 GPa and 120 GPa respec-
tively). This has been found in a number of previous studies [70, 127, 128] and is attributed
to the yield strength (0.2% offset) remaining practically independent of the hydrogen content.
These previous studies all show the Young’s modulus of hydrided and non-hydrided Zircaloy-4
alloys to be in the range of 94-100GPa, which, given differences in processing methods that may
have taken place, is in line with the results obtained in this study.
The initial scope of this work was to investigate the mechanical properties of individual hydrides
and the surrounding matrix, using site specific TEM foils to analyse the effect of hydrides on
dislocation mechanisms and propagation through the alloy. Since carrying out the experimental
procedures required, a number of papers have been found which invalidate the results obtained
[102, 129]. Given the depths to which nanoindentation occurs (a maximum of approximately
140 nm in the current study) it is important to consider the methods used to prepare the sample
surface prior to indentation. The hydrided specimens used in this investigation were polished
Chapter 4. Mechanical properties of zirconium hydrides 90
to 5µm with colloidal silica/hydrogen peroxide solution in a 5:1 ratio, followed by etching in a
solution of 5% HF, 45% HNO3 and 50% H2 O2 and a final polish with the colloidal silica/hydrogen
peroxide solution. The mechanical preparation used in the final processing steps cause work
hardening of the sample surface, and therefore any hardness measurements taken from this top
layer are not a true representation of the bulk material. The increase in dislocations as a result
of this work hardening make analysing the dislocation mechanisms as a direct result of hydrides
impossible. Comparison of the Vickers hardness and nanoindentation results show the effect of
the work hardened layer, with the hardness from nanoindentation being approximately a factor
of 2 larger.
In light of this, attempts have since been made by the Materials Departments in Imperial College
London and the University of Oxford to eliminate the effects of work hardening, however these
have also been unsuccessful.
Electropolishing of the sample induces the formation of more hydrides and causes large degrees of
relief at grain boundaries and hydride/matrix interfaces, Figure 4.5. The deformation associated
with the formation of new hydrides and the introduction of new dislocations in to the material
would render any results obtained from nanoindentation invalid.
Annealing is also a common process used to eliminate work hardening. In this study the sample
was encapsulated, held at 800◦ C for 5 minutes and allowed to air cool. Despite encapsulation
to avoid oxidation, a fine black oxide layer was still seen to form on the surface.
Chapter 4. Mechanical properties of zirconium hydrides 91
4.5 Conclusion
The effect of hydrides on the hardness and deformation mechanisms of Zircaloy-4 was investi-
gated using a combination of Vickers hardness tests, nanoindentation and computational mod-
elling. Both Vickers hardness and nanoindentation tests were carried out at room temperature
on hydrided and unhydrided specimens. Due to the size of the indenter used during the Vickers
hardness tests, it was not possible to test individual hydrides and only the bulk of the hydrided
sample could be tested. The results showed that the presence of hydrides cause an increase in
the overall hardness of the alloy when compared to the as received material.
Nanoindentation was used to determine the mechanical properties of the hydride, matrix, inter-
face and as received material. Results obtained from these tests were used in the computational
modelling to obtain more accurate values for the hardness and Young’s modulus than those
obtained experimentally. These indicate that the hydrides have a higher hardness and lower
ductility than the surrounding matrix, as suggested by the Vickers hardness results. The results
from the interface show an intermediate hardness and Young’s modulus between the matrix and
the hydride. Although nanoindentation was carried out using both a Berkovich indenter and
a conical indenter, only the Berkovich results were used in the modelling as it was deemed
unnecessary to carry out further analysis on the conical indenter results given inaccuracies as a
result of surface work hardening.
No analysis on the deformation mechanisms was carried out as sample preparation prior to
indentation induced work hardening of the sample surface, rendering any dislocation analysis
Chapter 5
In situ compression and tension tests were performed over a range of temperatures on annealed
Zircaloy-4 plate in both the rolling and transverse directions (RD and TD) at strain rates
ranging from 10−4 s−1 to 10−1 s−1 . Post deformation microstructures were indicative of twinning
at higher strain rates ( 10−1 s−1 and 10−2 s−1 ) with little or no twinning occurring at slower rates.
Analysis of post deformation pole figures showed no texture evolution during tensile tests and
basal poles remained orientated ± 30◦ between the normal direction (ND) and the transverse
direction (TD), as in the as received material. In compression, specimens tested in the RD
showed a variation in post deformation pole figures as strain rate increased. At slow strain
rates a slight rotation of basal poles around the ND was noted, indicative of slip. Increasing
the strain rate decreased this effect, and at strain rates of 10−1 s−1 a nearly total reorientation
of the basal poles to lie solely in the RD was seen, which is indicative of twinning. Evolution
of Kearns’ factors with strain agree with these results. An elasto-plastic self-consistant model
was used to analyse the experimental results. The model results indicated that increasing strain
rate caused an increase in twinning density, as suggested by the experimental microstructures
and pole figures.
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 94
5.1 Introduction
Zircaloy-4, which is commonly used in pressurised water reactors, is prone to both iodine induced
stress corrosion cracking and delayed hydride cracking (DHC) when used as fuel cladding in
nuclear reactor cores. Iodine induced stress corrosion cracking occurs as a result of pellet clad
interaction (PCI), where the fuel expands and exerts a tensile stress on the cladding [130].
Fission gases, mainly iodine, escape through cracks in the fuel, corroding the inner surface of
the cladding and potentially leading to crack initiation and propagation, particularly where the
{0002} plane edges in α-Zr are presented to the incident iodine flux.
Corrosion occurring at the water/cladding interface causes hydrogen to diffuse into the zirconium
alloy. As corrosion progresses, hydrogen uptake increases. At room temperature the solubility
of hydrogen in zirconium can be as low as 10 wt. ppm [66], and on cooling from a typical
operating temperature of 330◦ C, the insoluble hydrogen precipitates as brittle hydrides. As
shown by Kumar et al.[54] the initial orientation and distribution of these hydrides is highly
dependent on the texture of the zirconium alloy. In order to ensure that the resulting texture
of the zirconium alloy promotes the precipitation of hydrides which are least detrimental to the
material, it is necessary to understand the texture evolution during deformation. Furthermore,
if a crack is present within the cladding, say as a result of iodine induced stress corrosion
cracking, hydrogen will migrate to the crack tip promoting crack propagation. This effect is a
major concern for the storage of irradiated fuel.
Unlike in fcc materials, where multiple active slip systems suppress deformation twinning at all
temperatures, plasticity of hcp materials can occur by both slip and twinning simultaneously.
The interaction of these two mechanisms during deformation strongly affects the resulting me-
chanical properties and texture characteristics [8]. In zirconium alloys, first order prismatic slip
is thought to be the easiest deformation mode at all temperatures [5–7], followed by basal and
pyramidal a and c+a slip. The ease at which prismatic slip occurs over basal slip is at-
tributed to the c/a ratio; as the c/a ratio decreases, the atomic packing density becomes larger
for prismatic planes than that for basal planes, making prismatic slip more favourable [31]. Two
major twin types have been reported in these alloys, {1012} 1011 tensile twins and {1212}
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 95
1123 compressive twins [31, 40, 41, 46, 131]. Although the presence of twinning in zirconium
alloys is undisputed, there is some disagreement as to the levels of twinning that occur at given
temperatures. Some research has reported limited levels of twinning during the later stages of
deformation (deformation was a result of cold rolling) [54, 132, 133]; here a significant increase
in twinning levels with increasing strain rate is noted.
Orientation imaging microscopy (OIM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) have been
used to show that varying temperature and strain during compression influences which slip and
twinning systems are active [134]. Given a strong initial c-axis texture, deformation at room and
sub-zero temperatures takes place via both slip and twinning [61]. Kumar et al. [54] were able
to draw a quantitative correlation between hydride orientation and texture using the Kearns’
factor parameter (used in zirconium alloys as a measure of basal pole orientation with respect
to specimen axis) in the radial and transverse directions of typical tube cladding (fr and ft )
and a hydride orientation factor Fn . The study concluded that Fn decreased with increasing fr
and increased with increasing ft , whilst also developing a relationship which allows the hydride
orientation factor to be calculated directly from the Kearns’ factor [54].
This chapter examines how high temperature deformation affects texture evolution and defor-
mation mechanisms. In situ isothermal tensile and compression tests were performed over a
range of strain rates to evaluate the levels of slip and/or twinning during deformation. By
utilising the Kearns’ factors, it is possible to evaluate how basal pole orientation develops with
increasing strain, and the effect of strain rate on this evolution.
The experimental data obtained is interpreted using Tomé et al.’s elasto-plastic self-consistent
(EPSC) model [63, 121, 122]. The EPSC model accounts for twin activation and twin reori-
entation, a plausible effect of high rate deformation, giving rise to a texture evolution during
deformation. The model uses an Eshelby inclusion approach [58] to simulate the interaction in
each grain within the polycrystal. Modelling the in situ results in this way provides a mathe-
matical description of the deformation mechanisms at each strain rate.
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 96
A brief description of the experimental method is described below. Further details can be found
in Chapter 3.
The initial material was received in 12 mm plate form; characterisation of the initial texture
by X-ray diffraction was carried out using a Philips X’Pert diffractometer with a wavelength
of 1.54Å. The data was reconstructed onto equal area projection pole figures using preferred
orientation package Los Alamos (popLA) [120]. As the machine tilt is limited to 80◦ , the re-
maining 10◦ was calculated using a theoretical defocusing function within popLA. The resulting
textures where plotted in pod2K.
Ex situ compression tests were carried out on cylindrical compression specimens (10mm x
8mm) taken from the plate normal direction. Testing was carried out at a strain rate of
10−3 s−1 to a final strain of 0.8 at 400◦ C, 450◦ C, 500◦ C, 550◦ C and 600◦ C (loading axis was nor-
mal to the rolling direction of the sample). Post deformation microstructures at 550◦ C showed
no evidence of recrystallisation or twinning and therefore this regime was selected for in situ
For the in situ experiments, dog-bone tensile specimens (gauge length 19mm, thickness 1.5mm)
and cylindrical compression specimens (5mm x 4mm) were removed from the as received
Zircaloy-4 plate in both the rolling and transverse direction (RD and TD). Initial in situ testing
was carried out using an ETMT at the ID15B beamline at ESRF, however given the fluctuations
Area Detector
Diffraction rings
Diffracted X-ray
Incident X-ray
Figure 5.1: In situ experimental set up for compression and tensile tests carried out in the
RD and TD at 550◦ C at strain rates from 10−1 s−1 to 10−4 s−1 , adapted from [124].
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 97
and inaccuracy of the heating method, the tests were then repeated on I12 at Diamond Light
Source, using a monochromatic incident beam (400µm x 300µm) with an energy of ∼78keV,
Figure 5.1. The samples were heated to a temperature of 550◦ C using Hereus Noblelight infra-
red bulbs. Temperature was controlled by a K-type thermocouple attached to either the sample
or the lower platen for tensile and compression tests respectively. Therefore the testing arrange-
ment is a hot grip, isothermal design, so as to minimise the opportunity for flow localisation due
to temperature heterogeneities. All tests were carried out using a Zwick 5kN load frame and
compression and tensile tests were carried out to a strain of 0.4 and to failure respectively, at
strain rates of, 10−4 s−1 , 10−3 s−1 , 10−2 s−1 and 10−1 s−1 . Visual inspection of the tensile speci-
mens after deformation suggested that deformation occurred homogeneously along the specimen
length up to the point of necking (max. true stress). The micrographs that follow were taken
from the non-necked region. The ductilities obtained also suggest quite strongly that the test
fixtures were well aligned and that a valid tensile test was obtained. Debye-Scherrer diffraction
rings were obtained approximately every 2 seconds by a Pixium 4700 2D area detector. A SiO2
standard was used as a calibrant prior to each test. The diffraction data was analysed using
Fit2D [135] and Materials Analysis Using Diffraction (MAUD) [136].
Samples were prepared for optical microscopy by polishing with a 0.05µm colloidal silica/hy-
drogen peroxide solution (ratio 5:1), followed by etching in a solution of 5% HF, 45% HNO3
and 50% H2 O and a final polish with colloidal silica/hydrogen peroxide solution.
(a) (1010) (0002) (1011) (c)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 50μm
Figure 5.2: (a) Texture of the as received material as characterised by lab XRD (b)Texture of
the as received material as characterised by SXRD (c) Optical micrograph of initial microstruc-
ture taken using polarised light.
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 98
The diffraction data acquired from the diffractometer provided variations in intensity around
each diffraction ring corresponding to each {hkil} peak in the diffraction spectrum for each phase.
Therefore, for a sample compressed in the vertical direction along its rolling direction (RD), with
the sheet normal direction (ND) perpendicular to the beam and in the horizontal plane, then the
first diffraction ring (the {1010}) has an intensity variation that corresponds to the edge of the
{1010} pole figure, when the sheet Transverse Direction (TD) is at the centre of the pole figure.
In the data, 9 diffraction rings can be observed, giving partial pole figures for each of the first
nine peaks. Ferrari’s program, Materials Analysis Using Diffraction (MAUD) [136], operates by
predicting the intensity-2theta distributions in the manner of a Reitveld analysis, simultaneously
for each of a group of diffraction patterns derived from azimuthal binning of the diffraction rings.
This binning is performed by the 2D image analysis software Fit2D, Hammersly [135], which
corrects for the detector tilt, centre and sample-detector distance that have previously been
derived from a powder standard, in this case silicon. Here, 10◦ bins were used, producing 36
patterns in all for each texture measurement. MAUD uses a WIMV-derived sample orientation
distribution as the texture model for the Reitveld analysis (the WIMV algorithm is discussed
further in the Appendix). In the MAUD analysis, no symmetry was applied, but this was then
imposed when the pole figures were plotted using Pod2K [137], in order to fairly compare with
the textures taken from the lab measurements. Such symmetrisation relfects the symmetry of
the sample (plate - orthotropic) and the loading (uniaxial).
An elasto-plastic self-consistent (EPSC) model was used to simulate the in situ experimental
tests, which provided details of the active slip and twinning systems at all strain rates. An
explanation of the EPSC model used can be found in Section 2.5 and an in depth description
of the code can be found in [121].
Implementation of the model requires an initial texture of the Zircaloy-4 plate, which was
obtained using lab X-ray technique. This texture describes a polycrystal with spherical grains.
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 99
5.5 Results
Examination of the initial microstructure showed equiaxed grains with an average size of 10 µm,
Figure 5.2 (c). The initial texture presented a strong basal texture, Figure 5.2 (a), which shows
ghosting towards the edge of the pole figure, a result of the defocusing calculations. This texture
is in good agreement with the initial texture obtained using synchrotron X-ray diffraction,
Figure 5.2 (b), providing confidence in both techniques. A schematic of how the crystallites lie
within the plate can be seen in Figure 5.3.
Flow curves for the ex situ compression tests, Figure 5.4, show a decrease in yield strength with
increasing temperature, very little hardening was observed.
True Stress (MPa)
200 550˚C
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
True Strain
Figure 5.4: Ex situ experimental flow curves obtained during compression at temperatures
from 400◦ C to 600◦ C at a strain rate of 10−3 s−1 .
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 100
It has been shown that compression of zirconium single crystals below 800K results in twinning
[6]. Multiple load drops in the load curves at the early stages of deformation can be indicative
of twinning, as observed in Figure 5.5, however, none of the flow curves obtained from the
present ex situ compression tests show this characteristic. Akhtar’s study shows twinning is
present at temperatures below 800K; these flow curves show multiple load drops at the beginning
of deformation along with an increasing yield strength as temperature increases to 673K [6].
Increasing the temperature above 673K reduces the level of twinning and load fluctuations whilst
also reducing the yield strength.
40 295 K
500 K
True stress Kg/mm
32 673 K
16 873 K
1073 K
True compressive strain %
Figure 5.5: Flow curves for single crystal Zr compression tests [6].
In the current study the resulting microstructures show twinning is the primary mode of defor-
mation at 400◦ C, although there are no load drops comparable to those seen in Akhtar’s study
to indicate evidence for this in the flow curve. Likewise the level of twinning decreases as tem-
perature increases, and towards 600◦ C it is possible that slip is the only mode of deformation. It
is therefore necessary to analyse the microstructures of each sample further to determine under
what conditions twinning, recrystallisation or both are present.
Figure 5.6 shows the microstructures for samples compressed at 400◦ C, 450◦ C, 500◦ C, 550◦ C
and 600◦ C respectively. A texture analysis was carried out on each of the compressed samples
using the same method as for the as received material. Figure 5.7 shows the resulting pole fig-
ures for samples compressed at 400◦ C, 450◦ C, 500◦ C, 550◦ C and 600◦ C respectively. Analysing
these textures in line with the resulting microstructures provides a good base for understand-
ing the active deformation mechanisms present at different temperatures in thermo-mechanical
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 101
20μm 20μm
(b) (e)
0.0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4.8 5.4 6.0
Figure 5.7: Textures of compressed specimens a)400◦ C, b)450◦ C, c)500◦ C, d)550◦ C and
e)600◦ C.
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 102
400◦ C
The microstructure obtained from the sample compressed at 400◦ C clearly shows significant
levels of twinning, indicating that at this temperature it is a major operating mechanism during
deformation and there is little evidence of slip. The corresponding pole figure shows a reorien-
tation of the basal poles to lie parallel with the ND, with a small proportion left between the
ND and the TD.
450◦ C
The sample compressed at 450◦ C shows a similar microstructure and texture to that seen at
400◦ C. This suggests that the deformation temperature is not high enough to increase slip
activity, and twinning is likely to remain a significant deformation mechanism.
500◦ C
Increasing the deformation temperature to 500◦ C gives rise to slight differences in the mi-
crostructure and the texture. The microstructure shows reduced levels of twinning, and the
grains are more regular in shape. The corresponding pole figure shows a significant proportion
of the basal poles have still been reoriented to lie parallel with the ND, however a greater pro-
portion remain between the ND and TD. This gradual reorientation of basal poles coupled with
a sharp reorientation of basal poles to the ND suggests both slip and twinning are active at this
temperature, as is also supported by the microstructure.
550◦ C
Increasing the temperature further to 550◦ C increases slip levels and so the microstructure from
the sample tested at this temperature shows little if any twinning. The resulting texture still
has a high concentration of (0002) poles parallel with the normal direction, however, there is a
clear increase in the concentration.
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 103
600◦ C
The resulting microstructure obtained from the sample compressed at 600◦ C shows no signs of
twinning, and it can therefore be assumed that slip is the primary deformation mechanism at
this temperature. The pole figure shows a concentration of (0002) poles parallel with the normal
direction, although the concentration has reduced to approximately x4. There is also an increase
in the poles lying at approximately ± 30◦ to the normal direction and the texture resembles
that of the starting texture. These results show a change in final texture from those results
obtained at lower compression temperature, indicating a change in deformation mechanism from
twinning at lower temperatures, to slip at higher temperatures. Although the resulting sample
has deformed to 0.8, the resulting texture remains relatively similar to the starting texture.
The original plate was formed by rolling, giving rise to the initial texture seen in Figure 5.2(a).
Compressing the specimen further in the normal direction mimics the process of rolling in the
original direction, and therefore the resulting texture remains relatively unchanged.
For both compression and tension, the resulting stress-strain curves were comparable for samples
taken from the RD and TD. The flow curves for compression and tensile tests at 550◦ C in RD
are shown in Figure 5.8 (a) and (b) respectively.
True Stress (MPa)
10 s-2 -1 120
150 10-3s-1
80 10-2s-1
100 10-4s-1
40 10-4s-1
50 10-3s-1
0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
True Strain True Strain
Figure 5.8: In situ experimental flow curves for samples tested at 550◦ C in the rolling direction
in (a) compression and (b) tension at strain rates from 10−1 s−1 to 10−4 s−1 .
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 104
Figure 5.9: Post deformation optical micrographs of microstructures from samples tested in
situ at 550◦ C in (a)-(d) TD tension (e)-(h) RD tension (i)-(l) RD compression (m)-(p) TD
compression at strain rates from 10−1 s−1 to 10−4 s−1 , taken using polarised light.
In both cases, flow stress increased with strain rate; from 50MPa to 110MPa in tension and
60MPa to 125MPa in compression. The effect of strain rate on the post-deformation microstruc-
ture for all samples is shown in Figure 5.9; the overall microstructure of the post-failure tensile
specimens is shown in Figures 5.10–5.13. The micrographs from tensile specimens were taken
from a region which showed no signs of necking. For samples tested in compression, micro-
graphs were taken from the center of the specimen. At the slowest strain rate of 10−4 s−1 , the
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 105
Rolling Direction
Transverse Direction
Figure 5.10: Optical micrographs of samples post failure at a strain rate of 10−4 s−1 taken
from a) rolling direction and b) transverse direction. Image c) shows the recrystallisation region
in the rolling direction sample.
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 106
Rolling Direction
200μm c)
Transverse Direction
Figure 5.11: Optical micrographs of samples post failure at a strain rate of 10−3 s−1 taken
from a) rolling direction and b) transverse direction. Image c) shows grain elongation and
recrystallisation in the transverse direction.
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 107
Rolling Direction
Transverse Direction
Figure 5.12: Optical micrographs of samples post failure at a strain rate of 10−2 s−1 taken
from a) rolling direction and b) transverse direction
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 108
Rolling Direction
Transverse Direction
Figure 5.13: Optical micrographs of samples post failure at a strain rate of 10−1 s−1 taken
from a) rolling direction and b) transverse direction. Image c) shows twinning in the rolling
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 109
microstructures showed little or no sign of twinning, indicating that slip is the primary deforma-
tion mode at this rate and temperature. As the strain rate increased from 10−3 s−1 to 10−1 s−1 ,
the microstructures show a clear increase in the amount of twinning; at 10−1 s−1 twins occur
commonly throughout the microstructure. These microstructures give a good indication as to
whether slip or twinning is active during deformation, but the details of which slip systems were
active and the twin types cannot conclusively be determined solely from these microstructures.
Tension Compression
(1010) TD (0001) (1011) (1010) (0001) (1011)
(a) (e)
(b) (f )
(c) (g)
(d) (h)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0
RD - Loading Direction
Figure 5.14: Post deformation pole figures calculated using MAUD from the in situ experi-
ments tested at 550◦ C for samples in the RD tested at strain rates from 10−1 s−1 to 10−4 s−1 in
(a)-(d) tension post failure and (e)-(h) compression at a true strain of 0.4.
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 110
Texture evolution
The ‘spottiness’ of the diffraction rings was found to reduce with increasing strain; as defor-
mation progressed, the number of dislocations within individual grains increased, causing the
diffraction peaks to broaden.
It should be noted that the the initial ‘spottiness’ of the diffraction rings makes the analysis
using MAUD less accurate at the start of deformation than at the end, especially at lower strain
rates when deformation occurs at a slower rate.
Figure 5.14 shows the post-deformation pole figures for the RD samples tested in tension and
compression. The pole figures from the tensile tests (Figure 5.14 (a)-(d)) show that at all strain
rates, the textures obtained at the end of testing have a slight decrease in intensity of the basal
poles when compared with the starting texture seen in Figure 5.2, but there is no sign of gross
reorientation of the basal poles. If a large reorientation of the basal poles to the rolling direction
had been seen this would be indicative of twinning, although the resulting texture evolution gives
little indication as to which deformation mechanisms are active at different strain rates. Despite
the microstructural evidence that twinning occurs at faster strain rates, the textures produced
throughout testing show no strong evidence of twinning. The TD tensile textures evolved in a
similar fashion and therefore are not plotted.
Figure 5.15: EBSD post deformation pole figure taken from sample compressed ex-situ at a
strain rate of 10−1 ; no symmetry imposed.
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 111
At slow strain rates, the compression tests in the RD samples resulted in significant softening of
the basal texture compared to the initial state in Figure 5.2 (a), but relatively little change in
the pattern, which is indicative of the gradual grain rotation associated with slip. In contrast,
at a strain rate of 10−1 s−1 , the texture completely reorients with the basal poles being found
near the RD, which is indicative of twinning (the raw data for this test can be seen in the
appendix, and clearly indicates a change in texture as the test progresses). This was confirmed
by testing ex-situ with the same experimental parameters; the resulting texture for which is
shown in Figure 5.15.
The much larger texture change in the compression tests than in tension in the slow rate,
dislocation glide regime is felt to be due to the difference in the true strain at which the
measurements correspond; around 12–17% in the tension measurements as compared to 40% in
the compression tests.
The TD compression tests showed relatively little change in texture, as with all of the tensile
tests. Therefore one can conclude that, for this starting texture, twinning in both tensile
directions examined and in TD compression does not change the texture, whilst twinning for
RD compression does result in large scale changes.
As the strain rate decreased from 10−1 s−1 to 10−4 s−1 , reorientation of the basal poles reduced.
At a strain rate of 10−4 s−1 the overall intensity of the basal poles decreased significantly, but
the maximum intensity remained between the ND and the TD, as with the starting texture.
This is indicative of slip being the primary deformation mechanism at the slower strain rates.
This effect is highlighted in Figure 5.16, which shows the Kearns factor evolution with strain
for TD compression samples tested at strain rates of 10−3 s−1 and 10−1 s−1 respectively. The
Kearns factor is used to describe the effective number of crystals with basal poles lying along a
particular sample axis [55], calculated from Equation 5.1,
f0 Iφ sin φ cos2 φdφ
f= π/2
f0 Iφ sin φdφ
where Iφ is the average intensity at a tilt angle φ [53]. Here sin φdφ is the surface element in
polar co-ordinates, so the Kearns factor is simply a cos2 -weighted polar average. Measuring
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 112
how the Kearns factor evolves with strain allows the rate of change in basal pole reorientation,
and how this is affected by strain rate, to be investigated quantitatively.
(a) 0.3
Kearns Factor
0.6 10-1s-1
(b) 0.3
0.1 fND
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
True Strain
Figure 5.16: Kearns factor evolution with strain from in situ tests carried out at 550◦ C for
(a) compression 10−3 s−1 (b) compression 10−1 s−1 .
When comparing the texture evolution during compression with the microstructural evolution,
there is a clear correlation between the two. For the RD compression tests, at a low strain rate
of 10−4 s−1 , slip is the operative deformation mode and the Kearns’ factors evolve quite slowly
over the course of the test. In contrast, at a strain rate of 10−1 s−1 twinning results in significant
change in the Kearns’ factors, which in fact evolve to a more random level, of close to 0.33 in all
directions. This illustrates that the Kearns’ factors are a relatively coarse way to depict texture,
albeit a quantitative one; however, they do allow the evolution to be depicted and allow points
of inflection to be detected.
Modelling results
The CRSS and Vocé hardening parameters for each slip system and strain rate were adjusted
until a best fit flow curve and texture was achieved for each strain rate, Table 5.1. The same
parameters were used for both compression and tension; ideally a model fit for the strain rate
dependency would be implemented, but beyond softening each mode monotonically this has not
Table 5.1: Parameters used in the EPSC model. Each slip system was characterised by its critical resolved shear stress, τ0 (MPa) and
the hardening parameters τ1 (MPa),
θ0 (-) and θ1 (-), listed in the order τ0 /τ1 /θ0 /θ1 . For the twinning
modes, in tension the tensile twin
{1012} 1011 was used and in compression the compressive twin {1212} 1123 was used.
Strain rate 1010 1120 slip bas hai pyr hai pyr hc + ai twinning
10−1 44 / 20 / 0.3 / 0.01 44/ 20 / 0.3 / 0.01 44 / 20 / 0.3 / 0.01 10 / 35 / 0.2 / 0.02
10−2 38 / 10 / 0.3 / 0.01 38 / 10 / 0.3 / 0.01 38 / 10 / 0.3 / 0.01 22 / 40 / 0.2 / 0.02
10−3 32 / 4 / 0.3 / 0.01 36 / 4 / 0.3 / 0.01 27 / 4 / 0.3 / 0.01 33 / 4 / 0.3 / 0.01
10−4 27 / 4 / 0.3 / 0.01 30 / 5 / 0.3 / 0.01 27 / 4 / 0.3 / 0.01 18 / 4 / 0.3 / 0.01
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 114
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
True Strain True Strain
Figure 5.17: Comparison of the model flow curves with those obtained experimentally for both
compression and tension at strain rates from 10−1 s−1 to 10−4 s−1 at 550◦ C, for RD straining in
all cases.
been performed. In addition, the inclusion of the possibility, or prohibition of, basal hai slip and
twinning has been forced. In the present case, the advantage of modelling is not in determining
the fitting parameters for subsequent activities, but in determining whether deformation modes
consistent with the flow curves, microstructural observations and texture evolution can be found
and what these imply for the evolution in the active deformation modes during straining. The
fitting process is described further in the Appendix. Figure 5.17 shows a comparison of the flow
curves calculated from the EPSC model with those obtained experimentally. The Cij values
used for all scenarios were C11 =143.5, C12 =72.5, C13 = 65.4, C33 = 164.9, C44 = 32.1 and
C66 = 35.3 GPa, consistent with [121].
The model allows the effects of prismatic, basal, pyramidal a , pyramidal c+a slip, tensile
and compressive twinning to be considered. Initially the CRSS values were kept constant and
the calculated stress-strain curves compared with those obtained experimentally. It was found
that altering the CRSS values for each strain rate and incorporating twinning at higher strain
rates, allowed a best fit stress-strain curve and texture to be obtained. Table 5.1 provides the
fitted CRSS’s and Vocé hardening parameters.
Figures 5.18 and 5.19 show the textures produced by the EPSC model for tension and compres-
sion respectively. In general, the model tends to predict textures with a higher intensity than
those produced experimentally. Generally, all self-consistant crystal models overpredict texture
when compared to experimental results. The main concern for this study is to where the texture
actually lies within the material and where the key texture components appear/disappear. And
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 115
so it is the overall distribution of the pole figure that, in this case, is of more use, rather than
the actual intensity values that are being predicted.
For the tensile straining, the inclusion of twinning does not affect the overall pattern of the
textures produced. However, in compression including twinning resulted in the appearance of
the TD (0001) component in the high strain rates simulation that was absent in the slower rate
models that did not include twinning. Thus the calculations support the observations made
The deformation activity level for both compression and tensile tests in the RD are shown in
Figure 5.20. These describe how activity levels of the primary deformation mechanisms vary
with strain for all strain rates, showing that twinning levels decrease with decreasing strain rate,
and pyramidal c+a slip increases.
5.6 Discussion
The post deformation microstructures from the ex situ compression tests show that twinning
activity is temperature dependent, in agreement with [6, 41, 61] .
As the temperature increases above 500◦ C, little or no twinning was seen in the microstructures
of samples tested at 10−3 s−1 , and it was on this basis that a temperature of 550◦ C was chosen
to carry out the in situ deformation tests.
The in situ experimental results and modelling both suggest that deformation twinning is strain
rate dependent. The microstructures from these tests clearly showed that as strain rate in-
creased, the number of twins throughout the microstructure increased. Although this illustrates
how altering the strain rate affects the overall microstructure of the alloy, not enough informa-
tion is available to determine at which point twinning (of any mode) occurs, and the overall slip
and twinning activity levels throughout the deformation process.
From the in situ experimental textures obtained, those from the RD compression samples best
describe how the final texture of the material is affected by strain rate. At a strain rate of
10−1 s−1 there is a clear reorientation of the basal poles from ± 30◦ between the ND and the
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 116
(1010) (0001) (1011)
10-1s-1 RD
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figure 5.18: Calculated pole figures for RD tensile specimens at strain rates from 10−1 s−1 to
10−4 s−1 and a true strain of 0.05 (calculated from EPSC model).
TD to lying predominantly in the RD. For compression samples tested in the TD and tensile
samples tested in both the RD and the TD no such effect is seen. This can be explained by
considering how the initial position of the basal poles is affected by compression/tension and
loading axis. Figure 5.3 shows how the hexagonal crystallites lie within the plate, with the
majority of basal poles ± 30◦ between the TD and the ND. When tested in tension, the basal
poles remain unaffected whether tested in the RD or the TD at all strain rates. In comparison
the resulting textures of the samples tested in compression are sensitive to both test direction
and strain rate.
The samples tested in the TD showed no texture evolution during deformation, where as those
tested in the RD show an evolution of texture at both low and high strain rates. It has been found
that during compression, the basal poles tend to align themselves parallel to the compressive
deformation force [44], and therefore when compressing in the rolling direction, basal poles
which where originally distributed between the ND and the TD in the pole figure re-orientate
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 117
(1010) (0001) (1011)
10-1s-1 RD
0.0 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 3.5 4.2 4.9 5.6 6.3 7.0
Figure 5.19: Calculated pole figures for RD compression specimens at strain rates from
10−1 s−1 to 10−4 s−1 and a true strain of 0.1 (calculated from EPSC model).
so as to lie parallel with the compressive force in the RD. It was found that compression at lower
strain rates allowed slip to occur and the basal poles to rotate about the ND, giving a wider
distribution of basal poles lying between the ND and the TD. As the strain rate increased, less
time was available for this rotation to take place and twinning occurred to accommodate the
deformation, giving rise to a high concentration of basal poles in the rolling direction.
Further evidence of this is seen in the evolution of Kearns’ factors with strain for the RD
compression samples tested at 10−3 s−1 and 10−1 s−1 (Figure 5.16), which shows that at a strain
rate of 10−1 s−1 the effective number of basal poles in the RD began to increase significantly at a
strain of 0.2 and those lying in the TD and ND decrease. When compared to the Kearns factors
calculated for a strain rate of 10−3 s−1 , the change in the effective number of basal poles in all
sample orientations is more gradual, with no obvious point of inflection. This is suggestive of
a change in the active deformation mechanisms at this strain level; presumably the beginning
of twinning. It has been suggested previously for the case of room temperature compression
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 118
Tension Compression
10-1s-1 10-1s-1
0.8 Prismatic Basal Pyramidal <a> Pyramidal <c+a> Comp. Tw
10-2s-1 10-2s-1
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
Figure 5.20: Deformation activity level for both compression and tension at strain rates from
10−1 s−1 to 10−4 s−1 .
in hexagonal Mg that twinning can require the presence of accommodation stresses and/or a
population of twinning dislocations [42, 63].
The results obtained from the EPSC model mostly corroborate the experimental results. The
deformation activity levels are considered a good measure of how deformation mechanisms are
affected by test type, strain and strain rate. Deformation activity levels are used to indicate the
deformation mechanisms that are active, and to what level. Figure 5.20 describes the activity
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 119
of slip and twin modes, with twinning being prominent during both compression and tension at
faster strain rates. At 10−1 s−1 , during compression and tension, we see {1212} 1123 twinning
activity levels decreasing rapidly as deformation progresses. This is in line with the experimental
results. The microstructures for both compression and tension at this strain rate show twins are
common throughout the microstructure, although pole figures from tensile specimens at 10−1 s−1
show no indication that twinning is active. This model result suggests that although twinning
does occur, levels are relatively low in tension and so do not have an effect on the texture
evolution. The pole figures for the compression sample at 10−1 s−1 shows a large reorientation,
indicating that the levels of twinning are significantly larger than those for the tensile test, as
suggested by the model. However, examination of the evolution of the Kearns’ factors in the
compression samples indicates that the reorientation of the basal poles does not begin to occur
until a strain of 0.2 is reached, which is inconsistent with the model predictions. Although
twinning normally occurs at the start of deformation (which tends to be highly sensitive to
strain rate and temperature) [42], as predicted by the EPSC model, in this case we see slip
occurring prior to twinning. This may be because nucleation of twins at this strain rate is more
difficult than slip. Upon nucleation, it is likely that the twins are able to grow rapidly giving rise
to the large changes in texture and Kearns factor, Figures 5.14 (e) and 5.16. In this context, it
should be noted that the constitutive behaviour considered in the present modelling approach
cannot account for a requirement for twinning dislocations to combine to produce twins, and so
this discrepancy is unsurprising.
When considering the CRSS values used throughout the EPSC model, it is surprising mecha-
nistically that such a great amount of c + a slip was required to reproduce the flow curves
obtained, as a slip is commonly held to be the easiest slip system to operate at room temper-
ature. However, it should be noted that slip generally becomes more homogeneous, meaning it
operates on more systems, as temperature increases. This is believed to be because cross slip
becomes easier. It is also generally difficult for models using Voce-type hardening to reproduce
the almost total absence of hardening observed in the present case. In a hexagonal material with
only moderate texture, such as the recrystallsied α-Zr studied here, this cannot be overcome
by making the slip systems not harden, although this is has been attempted in the parameters
used. This is because hard-orientated grains with near-zero Schmid factor for a slip must see
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 120
significant load transfer to make, e.g. c + a slip and then rotation begin. In practice this
seems to imply the prediction of work hardening in the flow curve. The only way to overcome
this in the parameter fitting strategy is to make even hard orientated grains relatively soft, that
is, to provide them with additional slip systems such as c + a slip. Therefore in the fitting
parameters obtained here c + a slip has very similar values to those for a slip.
This is an interesting observation in the modelling, because it is generic and not confined
to this particular material or problem, but instead is rather generic to the modelling of the
behaviour of plastically anisotropic metals that have low work hardening. In real material
microstructures, deformation in hard-orientated grains can be initiated both by the build-up
of shear at the interface and even dislocation punching from an already deforming grain. In
contrast, the homogenous equivalent medium approach to grain-to-grain interactions explicitly
abolishes such local interactions within and at the boundaries of neighbouring grains. Hence the
modelling test applied here is a particularly severe test of whether or not local microstructural
grain boundary interactions are important, and in this case it appears that they are, as rather
unrealisitic CRSS values have to be used to reproduce the behaviour observed. Nevertheless,
the model here provides an improvement over a purely empricial metal forming approach using
constitutive flow rules that are ‘texture-blind’.
5.7 Conclusions
The effect of strain rate on texture evolution during the high temperature deformation of
Zircaloy-4 was investigated using synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Tension and compression tests
carried out at 550◦ C showed an increase in yield strength with strain rate. Post deformation
microstructures from these specimens showed high levels of twinning at a strain rate of 10−1 s−1 .
As strain rate decreased, twins became less prevalent until little or no twinning was seen in the
specimens tested at 10−4 s−1 .
Examination of the post deformation pole figures for samples tested in the rolling direction was
carried out. It was found that for samples tested in tension, the resulting pole figures showed
little deviation from the starting texture, with the basal poles remaining predominantly ± 30◦
Chapter 5. The effect of deformation mechanisms on the high temperature plasticity of
Zircaloy-4 121
between the ND and TD, regardless of strain rate. In comparison, the pole figures from the
compression samples showed a variation in final texture dependent on strain rate. Samples
tested at 10−4 s−1 showed a slight rotation of the basal poles about the ND, indicative of slip.
In contrast, at a strain rate of 10−1 s−1 a complete reorientation of the basal poles to the RD
was noted, indicative of twinning. In order to confirm a rapid reorientation of basal poles to
the RD and determine at which stage during deformation this was occurring, the Kearns’ factor
evolution with strain was determined. Results at 10−1 s−1 showed a sharp reorientation of the
basal poles that began at a strain of ∼ 0.2, whereas the results from the 10−3 s−1 showed a
gradual change in basal pole orientation.
An elasto-plastic self-consistant model was employed to further verify the increase in twinning
levels with increasing strain rate. Flow curves and pole figures were found to be in good
agreement with those produced experimentally. The activity of the deformation modes at each
strain rate was calculated, confirming that twinning activity does indeed increase with increasing
strain rate. The form of the texture changes could be reproduced, although as is usual in such
models, the magnitude of the texture changes was over-predicted.
Chapter 6
Zircaloy-4, regularly used in pressurised water reactors, is subject to two main mechanisms
which may lead to the failure of the component; delayed hydride cracking (DHC) and iodine
induced stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Both of these failure scenarios may be exacerbated
by thermal and mechanical cyclic behaviour during service. Pellet cladding interaction (PCI)
occurs as the fuel expands within the fuel rod, which can place localised regions of the cladding
into tension [130]. Iodine gas escapes through cracks in the fuel, corroding the inner surface of
the cladding, potentially leading to crack initiation and propagation. DHC is a major concern
for nuclear engineers. As a fracture mechanism, it limits the life of the cladding both in nuclear
reactors and storage facilities [74]. Fluctuations in operating temperature, coupled with pin
pressure and vibrational loading in service, subject these alloys to high cycle fatigue (HCF)
which may worsen the effects of PCI and iodine induced SCC. Larger scale load cycling (i.e.
LCF) may also occur in storage or in fuel ponds, where DHC would also be an aggravating
Most studies to date concentrate on the the role played by low cycle fatigue (LCF) on crack
initiation and propagation mechanisms in α-zirconium alloys. Within the reactor core, fluctu-
ations in power result in LCF of the fuel tubes; the increase in power causes the fuel pellets
to swell and strain the surrounding cladding. As the power decreases the fuel pellets return to
their original size and the external pressure causes the cladding to collapse onto the pellet [9].
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 124
Pandarinathan and Vasudevan investigated the effects of LCF in Zircaloy-2 at room temper-
ature, 300◦ C and 350◦ C, concluding that when a constant amplitude was applied, Zircaloy-2
follows the Coffin-Manson hypothesis at all temperatures [9].
During fatigue testing, it has been found that most metals will exhibit either cyclic hardening or
cyclic softening, depending on the microstructure of the alloy. Annealed alloys tend to display
hardening owing to an increase in dislocation density and dislocation pile up during testing;
on the other hand materials which have been previously hardened tend to show a softening
behaviour as obstacles to dislocations are weakened or eliminated [109]. There remains some
contradiction in the literature surrounding the cyclic fatigue behaviour of Zircaloy-4 alloys,
despite its clear importance for use throughout the nuclear industry. Choi et al. report that the
alloy softens during cycling [110]. The cause of cyclic softening at room temperature remains
unclear; some researches believe that it is a result of thermal activation during deformation which
overcomes interstitial solute atoms, whilst others suggest it is a result of a break down of long
screw dislocations, increasing the density of mobile dislocations throughout the sample [109].
In more recent years, the theory has moved to a reorientation of crystals to a more favourable
orientation for prismatic slip to occur. The study by Armas et al. [109] disagrees with the latter,
showing no major change in texture between pre and post cycled specimens. There is also little
evidence to suggest that softening occurs as a result of a reduction in precipitate size during
cycling; precipitate size was found to remain the same in the test region of the specimen (the
gauge) as in the non-tested region (threaded end). The study suggests that cyclic softening in
Zircaloy-4 alloys is caused by the unlocking of dislocations surrounding interstitial solute atoms,
such as oxygen, increasing the density of mobile dislocations.
Lin et al. [111] carried out a low cycle fatigue study on a commercially pure grade of zirconium
at room temperature and 400◦ C, showing an initial hardening stage, followed by a hardening
saturation at room temperature and a progressive softening stage at the elevated temperature.
They attribute this contradiction in hardening vs. softening mechanisms at room temperature
(compared with that of the aforementioned studies) to the differences in dislocation types present
in the samples tested at room temperature, where the predominant dislocations were found to
be loops and tangles [111].
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 125
It is clearly of industrial importance to understand the mechanisms involved during LCF, how-
ever the increased plasticity levels in post failure LCF specimens make understanding the un-
derlying initiation failure mechanisms considerably more difficult. Aside from the industrial
significance of investigating HCF micro-mechanisms, the low stress regime provides a baseline
for examining crack initiation and propagation mechanisms prior to the examination of LCF
and DHC. HCF test specimens exhibit significantly lower plastic deformation post-failure rel-
ative to LCF test specimens, and so allow the true failure mechanisms of the material to be
investigated, avoiding macro-plasticity induced defects.
Limited work has been carried out on the high cycle fatigue behaviour of HCP metals, partic-
ularly zirconium alloys; the active deformation mechanisms and crystallographic properties of
HCP materials are considerably more complex. Warren and Beevers analysed fatigue damage
and the subsequent deformation modes in α-zirconium [10]. They found that room tempera-
ture HCF gave rise to {1010} slip and {1012}, {1121} and {1122} twins. The study showed
that during fatigue, cracks tend to form at twins and twin fragments which have broken off
under stress. Although the presence of these twins may initially cause an increase in disloca-
tion pile up resulting in a hardening of the material, the coalescence of twins leads to fatigue
crack initiation. On decreasing the grain size, the formation of {1121} twins can be impeded,
preventing the permanent fatigue damage associated with these twin types during deformation
[10]. Comparing fatigue properties of zirconium and Zircaloy-4 (Lin and Haicheng [112]), it was
found that the alloying elements in Zircaloy-4 had little effect on the overall fatigue lifetime.
Deformation modes from the study concur with Warren and Beevers’ results indicating that
{1010} slip was the primary deformation mode for both materials, with twinning remaining an
important deformation mechanism.
Given the limited literature available on HCF mechanisms in zirconium alloys, it is also instruc-
tive to draw comparisons to HCF studies in α and α+β-titanium alloys, which are crystallo-
graphically similar in that they also predominantly deform by a and then c + a slip.
Microstructural characteristics such as grain size, grain morphology and texture have all been
shown to influence fatigue properties [138–140]. In titanium alloys, crack initiation is normally
related to facets that form perpendicular to the loading axis [141–144]. These facets are thought
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 126
to form as a result of dislocation pile-up between grains orientated favourably for slip and those
orientated unfavourably. Facet formation is then promoted parallel or near parallel to the basal
plane [106, 143].
In order to fully understand the crack initiation site and the role it plays in the total life of
the sample during high cycle fatigue it is first necessary to determine the spatial orientation
of the facets as well as the crystallographic orientation [113]. In titanium, dwell fatigue facets
are normally orientated perpendicular or near perpendicular to the applied loading direction in
orientations that have a low resolved shear stress on the basal plane [106]. This contrasts with the
facets formed during continuous cycling, which tend to occur in grains where the basal plane is
parallel or near parallel to the loading direction [106]. There are currently two proposed methods
which may be used to analyse the crystallographic orientation of fatigue fracture facets: the
direct method and the indirect method. The direct method requires minimal plastic deformation
of the facet under examination and an alignment of the facet so it lies normal to the electron /
X-ray beam. EBSD patterns are then obtained directly from the cracked surface. This technique
proves difficult in materials where plastic deformation occurs readily during fatigue, and upon
failure the fracture surface is highly topographical.
The indirect method strives to overcome these difficulties by using a combination of fracture
facet orientation and crystal orientation information in order to determine the cracking plane
[113]. Quantitative tilt fractography (QTF) is performed in a scanning electron microscope
(SEM) and is used to determine the spatial orientation of a fracture facet in the region of the
initiation site [113–117]. Site specific transmission electron microscopy (TEM) foils can then be
lifted out of the facet of interest and the crystallographic orientation determined. The latter
method is employed in the current investigation.
This study investigates the affect of HCF on fracture surface morphology, the grain orientations
favouring crack initiation and the dislocation mechanisms leading to crack initiation. Fracture
surfaces have been examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and TEM. Samples
have been obtained from both crack initiation and crack propagation sites, and the dislocation
mechanisms elucidated.
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 127
(b) (1010) (0002) (1011)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figure 6.1: (a) Optical micrograph of initial material taken using polarised light, (b) texture of
as received material characterised by lab XRD, (c) Euler angle coloured electron back-scattered
diffraction map of the as-received material; φ1 is red, φ2 is blue and Φ is green. (a-b are repeated
from Chapter 3 for convenience for the reader).
6.1 Experimental
The initial scope of this study was to use material taken form a recrystallised, unidirectional
rolled sheet, provided by Rolls-Royce plc, Derby. Pre-fatigued samples were prepared for optical
microscopy by polishing to 5µm with colloidal silica/hydrogen peroxide solution in a 5:1 ratio,
followed by etching in a solution of 5% HF, 45% HNO3 and 50% H2 O2 and a final polish with
the colloidal silica/hydrogen peroxide solution. Characterisation of the initial texture by X-ray
diffraction was carried out using a Philips X’Pert diffractometer with a wavelength of 1.54Å.
The data was reconstructed onto equal area projection pole figures using preferred orientation
package Los Alamos [120] and the resulting textures plotted in pod2K.
Fatigue specimens taken from the rolling and transverse directions of the plate were machined
with a 2.5 mm gauge and a 5 mm gauge length. Prior to testing, the length of the gauge was
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 128
Table 6.1: Summary of the high cycle fatigue tests performed to a stress of 400MPa. For the
step testing, the endurance given is in the final cyclic loading step.
finished using 4000 grit SiC paper to minimise surface defects produced from machining. High
cycle fatigue tests were carried out on an Amsler Vibrophore HFP20 at a frequency of 60-65 Hz
in displacement control at a stress ratio, R, of 0.1 until failure. Samples were tested using either
a step test method or a maximum load method, where the maximum load used was 400MPa.
Step testing was used to determine a more accurate value of the maximum stress, σ max . The
sample was tested at a stress known to be lower than the endurance limited and tested for 107
cycles. The stress was then increased by 25MPa and tested again for 107 . This process was
repeated until the sample failed.
Fracture surfaces were examined using a JSM6400 SEM and features of interest identified. QTF
was performed on initiating facets to determine the spatial orientation.
Site specific TEM foils were lifted out using focused ion beam (FIB) milling from facets in the
region of the initiation site and striations, which were found to occur as the crack propagated
through the sample. As the specimens required were site specific, TEM preparation was carried
out using focused ion beam (FIB) milling and an in situ lift out technique [145].
An electron back-scattered diffraction map of the as-received material was obtained in order to
determine if a microtexture was present in the as-received material. The map was obtained at
a magnification of x500 and a step size of 0.5 µm.
6.2 Results
Figure 6.1(a) shows the microstructure obtained from the as received material, which displays
equiaxed grains with an average size of 10 µm. The initial texture, Figure 6.1(b), shows a strong
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 129
basal texture, consistent with typical textures obtained from rolled zirconium plate, with basal
poles lying approximately ± 30◦ between the normal direction and the transverse direction; i.e.
the basal poles are arranged approximately 60◦ to the loading axis. It should be noted that the
ghosting around the edge of the pole figures is a result of a defocusing calculation carried out
in popLA. Electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) examination of the as-received material,
Figure 6.1(c) shows no indication of microtexture, such as the macrozones frequently observed
in titanium alloys. This is because the material is subjected to extensive deformation processing
in the α phase field, with intermediate and final recrystallisation annealing also in the α.
Table 6.1 shows the number of cycles to failure for step tests and maximum load tests from both
the rolling and transverse direction specimens. The number of cycles to failure appears to be
independent of test direction or test type. Upon examination of the fracture surfaces of these
samples, all show similar initiation and propagation features. The step tests indicated that the
HCF endurance limit (107 cycles) was > 375 MPa. This is around 65% of the flow stress of
550 MPa for Zircaloy-4, which is approximately the same fraction as that found in Ti-6Al-4V.
Fracture surfaces obtained from HCF tests typically presented two distinct regions of interest;
around 10-20 faceted grains in the intitiation region and striations as the crack propagates
throughout the samples. An overview of the fracture surface and an example of facets and
striations are shown in Figure 6.2. A final fracture region exists at the edge of the fracture
surface as crack velocity increases, forming voids as the sample tears and fails.
A comparison of the fractography between titanium and zirconium alloys shows similar features,
with a faceted region in the initiation zone. However, HCF of titanium alloys has been known
to show more than one faceted region, although these are thought to have been produced as a
result of tensile overload, and tend to remain quiescent throughout testing [146].
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 130
Figure 6.2: Secondary electron image of HCF fracture surface tested in the transverse direction
(a) overview of fracture surface (b) facets in the region of the initiation site b (c) striations in
crack growth region c and (d) microviods as material fails. (i) and (ii) on Figure (a) indicate
the striated regions shown in Figure 6.7 (a) and (b) respectively.
Determination of grain orientations within the faceted initiation region provides the necessary
information required to understand which grains are favourable for crack initiation. Investiga-
tion of the spatial orientation of these grains and the underlying dislocations provide a basis for
the determination of the micromechanisms involved in HCF. The grain shown in Figure 6.3 has
a c-axis misorientation of 64◦ to the principal loading direction, suggesting that crack initiation
is due to near basal plane faceting.
In titanium alloys the planar like features of facets and their formation along basal planes can
falsely suggest that crack initiation may be a result of brittle cleavage fracture, however more
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 131
recent studies show that these facets form as a result of multiple load cycles [146, 147]. Therefore
the term “low ∆K fatigue facets” is becoming preferred [147]. In the current investigation,
EBSD was attempted on a number of different facets within the initiation region, all of which
presented overly high levels of plasticity making analysis impossible. When viewed under high
magnification a few facets were seen to be relatively planar, however the majority appeared
to be relatively rough. These results suggest that the formation of facets is indeed a result of
multiple load cycles, with plasticity occurring on the facets , as classic brittle cleavage fracture
would render the facets relatively deformation free.
The micrographs in Figure 6.4 show bright field diffraction contrast images of the dislocations
present within the faceted grain; (a) and (b) show the perfect dislocations and (c) and (d) the
1 1 1
g 3 [1120] 3 [1123] 3 [1123]
2200 0 0 0
2311 -1 0 2
3211 1 2 0
In the case where perfect dislocations are visible, when imaging with g = [2311] two sets of
perfect dislocations are visible, labelled (i) and (ii) in Figure 6.4(a). Dislocations labelled (i) are
seen to have heavy contrast and those labelled (ii) have relatively faint contrast. When imaging
with g = [3211], Figure 6.4(b), dislocations (i) go out of contrast and dislocations (iii) come
in to heavy contrast, with those labelled (ii) remaining faintly visible. This diffraction analysis
shows that dislocations (i), (ii) and (iii) have Burgers vector b = ± 13 [1123], b = ± 31 [1120] and
b = ± 13 [1123] respectively.
Tilting to B = [1103] brings imperfect dislocations into contrast. Dislocations labelled (iv)
in Figure 6.4(c) are visible when imaging with g = [3302] and go out of contrast when g =
[2110]. These dislocations therefore have Burgers vector b = ± 16 [0223]. Tables 6.2 and 6.3
give summaries of the perfect and imperfect disocations respectively and the corresponding g.b
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 132
a) b)
on of T
EM foil
30µm 10µm
Figure 6.3: (a) Secondary electron image of facet within the initiation region indicating the
orientation of the TEM foil and (b) side view of the electron transparent, thinned TEM foil
after mounting on the Omniprobe grid.
a) b)
B = [1105]
B = [1105]
g = [3211]
g = [2311]
2µm 2µm
c) d)
(iv) (iv)
B = [1103] B = [1103]
g = [3302] 0.4µm
g = [2110] 0.4µm
Figure 6.4: Bright field TEM image from faceted grain in the initiation region showing (a)
and (b) the presence of 3 sets of perfect dislocations, (c) the presence of 1 set of imperfect
dislocations and (d) out of contrast imperfect dislocations.
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 133
1 1 1
g 3 [0110] 6 [0223] 6 [0223]
2110 0 0 0
3032 1 2 0
3302 -1 0 2
a) b) B = [0001]
Pt layer g = [0110]
TE ecti
M on
foi of
10µm 0.2µm
Figure 6.5: (a) Secondary electron image of striated grain indicating the average spacing
between striations and the direction of TEM foil lift out, (b) TEM bright field image taken
from the striated grain, indicating the fracture surface tilted to the [0001] zone axis.
Figure 6.5 (a) shows a secondary electron image of a striated grain with an average distance
between striations of approximately 300 nm. The TEM foil was lifted from the direction indi-
cated is shown in Figure 6.5 (b). In contrast to the TEM foil lifted from the faceted grain, there
was no indication of dislocations present in the striated grain, Figure 6.5(b). The TEM sections
suggest that the microcracks that form each striation have very little depth, as has previously
been observed in α-Ti.
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 134
6.3 Discussion
Initiation region
Upon examination of the fracture surface, faceting was only seen to occur within the initiation
region, with 10-20 faceted grains present. This was found to be the case regardless of test
specimen orientation or whether a step or maximum load test was used. This is a much more
confined area when compared to the initiation region in titanium alloys, which are often over
400µm in length, and can occasionally exhibit more than one faceted region across the fracture
surface [146]. This suggests that the formation of facets in zirconium alloys is a direct result
of crack initiation; by comparison, in Ti alloys HCF faceting often occurs at low ∆K on near
{0002} orientated grains [139].
For titanium alloys, recent research shows that the facets are not planar when viewed at high
magnification, but instead show signs of roughness. This is also the case in the facets observed
in this study, which show a feathery type surface indicative of plasticity. This is additional proof
that the formation of facets is a result of multiple load cycles, as opposed to brittle cleavage
fracture [147].
TEM analysis of the facets show that both a and c+a dislocations are present, as in titanium
alloys. However these foils have a relatively low dislocation density in comparison, suggesting
that although the formation of these features is primarily a plastic deformation mechanism,
facets present in zirconium alloys can be considered more brittle structures than those found in
titanium alloys.
The Stroh model is often used to describe fatigue behaviour of materials which fail along grains
not typically orientated favourably for slip i.e. those which show faceting at low or high angles
to the loading axis (<15◦ , >65◦ ). The model suggests that if a “weak” grain is adjacent to a
“strong” grain, fatigue testing will cause dislocations pile-up at the grain boundary, increasing
stress levels in the hard grain. This would lead to the hard grain eventually failing along a plane
not orientated favourably for slip. Figure 6.6 shows a schematic illustration of this model.
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 135
QTF carried out on 6 further faceted grains show the facets to lie between 20-60◦ from the
loading axis. Although this does not rule out the Stroh model as a mechanism for failure, it is
more likely that faceting is occurring on or near the basal plane, orientated favourably for slip.
High magnification images from 4 fracture surfaces also show no sigh of defects, which rules out
initiation and facet formation from defects.
θ r
τf failure
slip band
slip band
Figure 6.6: Illustration of a slip band model to describe basal faceting in titanium alloys [148],
based on the Stroh pile-up model [149].
Assessment of the physical features of striations present throughout the crack growth region
indicate that striation spacing is independent of crack length. Figure 6.7 (a) and (b) shows
SEM images of striations taken at approximately 1.8mm and 1.3mm from the initiation site
respectively (the region from which these images are taken is shown in Figure 6.2. These
features of interest show three main points: firstly both the images shown in Figure 6.2 have
an approximate striation spacing of 100 nm, indicating that striation spacing is independent of
crack length. Secondly, given the average number of cycles to failure is in the range of 105 , and an
approximate striation spacing of 100 nm, if the striation spacing was directly related to distance
from the initiation site the crack length should be approximately 10mm, which is considerably
more than the fatigue crack growth region of several millimetres. Finally, it is important to
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 136
a) b)
direction of
crack growth
direction of
crack growth
10µm 10µm
Figure 6.7: Secondary electron images of facets taken from different regions of the fracture
surface, showing striation spacing is independent of crack length.
consider the crack propagation direction. The striations appear to be crystallographic in nature,
in that they form independently of crack growth directionality and therefore must be related to
grain orientation.
Given that there is no direct correlation between crack length and the striation spacing across
the crack growth region, it is not possible to say that one striation corresponds to one cycle, as
can be the case in titanium alloys.
Upon carrying out the dislocation analysis of the striated regions, no dislocations were found
to be present in these grains. In contrast to this, the striated regions of titanium alloys usually
show a “zig-zag ladder” of dislocations [117, 150–152]. The TEM images in Figure 6.8 show
an overview of titanium grains taken under bright field conditions. Titanium alloys have been
found to form dislocations in striated grains which form along slip bands. The spacing between
these slip bands corresponds to the striation spacing on the surface of the grain.
As yet it is not fully understood why striated grains in zirconium alloys may remain dislocation
free during high cycle fatigue, although it is possible that they were initially present within the
fracture surface and the removal of a TEM specimen for examination causes dislocations within
the foil to escape. This free surface effect on dislocations is relatively well understood. In the
case of thin films, such as those needed for TEM analysis, dislocations inevitably are close to
the foil surface. The dislocation energy is lower towards this free surface as the material is
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 137
a) b)
Figure 6.8: Examples of bright field TEM images taken from striated regions of α-titanium
alloys, indicating typical “zig-zag ladders” of dislocations which are not present in zirconium
alloys. Images taken from [117].
effectively less compliant, attracting the dislocation towards the surface. This force is referred
to as the image force [47] and decreases as the distance from the free surface increases. However
in TEM samples which are nanometers in thickness it is possible that dislocations which may
have been present in the bulk sample eescape as a thin film is removed. This is more likely to
be the case when slip planes orientated at large angles to the surface are present. Although it
is not understood whether the lack of dislocations in striated regions of the fracture surface is a
result of imaging stresses related to the TEM foils lifted out, it is clearly a very real possibility
and further investigation needs to be carried out to either prove or disprove this hypothesis.
6.4 Conclusions
Fatigue samples from unidirectionally hot rolled rolled plate were tested in the rolling and
transverse direction using a stress ration of 0.1 to a maximum load of 400 MPa. Samples were
tested using either a step or maximum load test method, and all resulted in failure of the
specimen. There was no considerable variation in the number of cycles to failure regardless of
test type or load direction with respect to the as received plate
Chapter 6. Fatigue mechanisms in Zircaloy-4 138
Fractographic investigation of the failed specimen showed facets in the region of the crack
initiation site. Striated crack growth followed by void formation as the sample fails was then
Grain faceting appears to be confined to the initiation site spanning approximately 10-20 grains.
Although visual inspection of these grains shows feather like features which are a common indi-
cation of plastic of deformation, dislocation analysis shows a relatively low dislocation density
immediately below the facet surface when compared to α-titanium alloys, suggesting that these
features are still relatively brittle. Further analysis of these samples shows the presence of both
a and c + a dislocations, although c + a appear to occur more frequently. Imperfect
dislocation segments were also observed.
Striated crack growth occurs as the crack propagates away from the initiation site. These
striations appear to be crystallographic in nature, with striation crack growth direction being
affected by grain orientation. Further analysis of these striations shows that the number of
striations in the crack propagation region is not equivalent to the number of cycles to failure.
For the TEM foil examined, no dislocations or “ladder” features were observed in the immediate
region below the striation, unlike those typically observed in α-titanium alloys.
Chapter 7
This thesis has examined the micromechanisms and micromechanics of deformation in Zircaloy-
4. Three areas have been examined; texture evolution during processing, the micromechanics
of hydrides and high cycle fatigue cracking. In the nuclear industry, especially in the UK,
relatively little work on the experimental micromechanics of zirconium alloys occurred during
the period from 1990-2005 and so the opportunity exists to bring nearly two decades worth
of improvements in experimental techniques and metallurgical understanding to bear on these
issues, although it is accompanied by the challenge of a lack of experience with these alloys.
It should be noted that the material used throughout this study was recrystallised Zircaloy-4
plate, rather than a cold worked zirconium alloy that may have been more industrial relevant
to irradiation hardened, thin tube material, which is more commonly used PWR fuel cladding.
The first challenge was to examine how high temperature deformation affects texture evolution
and deformation mechanisms. Ex situ compression tests were carried out over a range of tem-
peratures in order to determine how this may effect the resulting microstructure and textures.
Upon examination of these microstructures, there was no evidence of recrystallisation found
in the samples tested at 550◦ C, and so this regime was chosen to carry out further, in situ
testing. These tests were carried out across three decades of strain rate and in both tension
and compression to examine, in situ, the texture evolution using synchrotron X-ray diffraction.
Initial measurements were made using an ETMT at the ID15B beamline at ESRF, followed by
Chapter 7. Conclusions and further work 140
compression in an IR-heated conventional loading rig at the new I12 beamline at Diamond. An
elasto-plastic self-consistent model incorporating grain rotation and twinning (from Tomé and
Clausen) was used to model the flow behaviour and texture evolution.
Post deformation pole figures showed that testing in tension, regardless of strain rate or sample
orientation relative to the initial plate material, produced no evolution of texture, and the basal
poles remained predominantly ± 30◦ between the normal and transverse direction, as in the as
received material. This was also the case for compression specimens taken from the transverse
direction. In comparison, compression specimens taken from the rolling direction showed a
variation in final texture. Samples tested at slower strain rates (10−4 s−1 /10−3 s−1 ) showed a
softening of the basal pole intensity about the normal direction, indicative of slip. Increasing
the strain rage (10−2 s−1 /10−1 s−1 ) resulted in a complete reorientation of the basal poles to lie
in the rolling direction, indicative of twinning. Analysis of the Kearns’ factor evolution with
strain confirmed a sharp and sudden reorientation of the basal poles. The elasto-plastic self-
consistent model confirmed twinning at the higher strain rates, and it was possible to use this
model to reproduce the form of the textures achieved experimentally, although the intensity was
over-predicted. It should also be noted that the CRSS values used throughout the model are
considered unrealistic; it predicts that c + a slip is easier than a slip, when in reality the
opposite is found to be true. This is due to the model, which used a Voce hardening approach,
struggling to reproduce the almost total absence of hardening which is observed in this study.
Therefore it is necessary to impose additional ( c + a ) slip systems, with similar parameters
for a slip. Despite these clear pitfalls, the model used throughout this study does provide an
improvement over a purely empirical metal forming approach using constitutive flow rules that
can be considered ’texture-blind’.
The second area of work was to examine the micromechanics of hydrides. The initial aim was
to examine how deformation propagated through hydride interfaces by nanoindentation around
and inside macro-hydride packets, followed by in situ lift-out of TEM foils and examination of
the dislocations and deformation features observed.
Both Vickers hardness and nanoindentation tests were carried out. It was found that the pres-
ence of hydrides caused an overall increase in hardness. The results from the nanoindentation
Chapter 7. Conclusions and further work 141
tests were then used in a computational model designed to increase the accuracy of the results
by eliminating the indentation size effect which can occur when testing on a nanoscale. This
indicated that the hydrides had a higher hardness and lower ductility than the surrounding
material. This is expected given the embrittling effect these features are known to have on
Zircaloy-4. After obtaining these results, a number of papers come to the author’s attention
which highlighted the issues sample preparation may have on nanohardness testing. It was
found that mechanical polishing of the sample surface prior to testing caused work hardening of
the surface layer, increasing the dislocation density and the apparent hardness. As a result of
this, the dislocation analysis was ceased until such a time where surface damage can be reduced
without the formation of an oxide layer.
The third area of work was the examination of the micromechanisms of high cycle fatigue
(HCF). The examination of fatigue in the nominally elastic case is felt to be a pre-requisite for
the examination of cracking mechanisms in higher plasticity scenarios and those involve delayed
hydride cracking or iodine-induced stress corrosion cracking.
Testing was carried out in both the rolling and transverse directions using both a step test
and a maximum load technique, showing no real difference in the number of cycles to failure
regardless of specimen orientation. Fractographic examination of the fracture surfaces showed
all specimens exhibited facets in the region of the initiation site, with striated grain growth as the
crack propagated. Upon high magnification examination of the facets, the surface appeared to
show feather like features; a common indication of plastic deformation. Dislocation analysis was
carried out using transmission electron microscopy, and showed the presence of a dislocations,
with c + a and imperfect dislocations occurring less frequently.
Observation of the striated crack growth region indicated that striating spacing was independent
of crack length, as the spacing remained relatively constant at approximately 100 nm across the
specimen surface. Dislocation analysis of these grains showed no indication of dislocations or
the “ladder” features which are commonly observed in the region directly below the striation in
α-titanium alloys.
The work discussed here represents only the beginning of topics that could be examined in the
micromechanics of alpha-zirconium reactor materials; programmatically, this PhD project aimed
Chapter 7. Conclusions and further work 142
to initiate an area of work rather than to solve an immediate industrial problem. Therefore the
following suggestions for further work are listed in order from those that are most immediate
through to those that are most experimentally challenging, of most industrial relevance or most
scientific interest.
Firstly, the final Chapter could be improved if the dislocations expected to mediate striated
fatigue crack growth could be identified. If the reason for their non-observation is that they
escaped from the foil, then removing a foil perpendicular to the striation cracking direction
would capture the dislocations responsible, allowing this aspect of that work to be improved
and concluded.
Following on from this, the deformation mechanisms leading to cracking in the cases of low cycle
fatigue (LCF) and then fatigue of a hydrided sample can then be analysed. This would then
complete the survey of cracking mechanisms due to load cycling in zirconium alloys.
A third area of work is the micromehcanics of hydride cracking. This concerns both reorienta-
tion and the effect of doping elements and the effect of reorientation on the fatigue behaviour
(the effect on toughness is well understood). The hydride interface, as a highly strained and
semicoherent interface, is felt to be likely to be worth investigating by high resolution electron
microscopy in order to extend Campbell’s work on dislocation emission from (nanoscale) hy-
drides. This would then be complemented by an examination of how deformation propagates
across the hydride interfaces, as was the intent of Chapter 4. Another method for examin-
ing hydride-matrix interactions could be to fabricate hydride-containing micro cantilevers or
micropillars, the strain state of which could also be examined by Laue microbeam X-ray syn-
chrotron diffraciton.
An obvious objection to all of this work would be that the defect states in active materials
are very different, and therefore it would be useful to address this concern, were such leading
edge microscopy facilities to be available at an active lab. Such facilities may become available
in future to UK-based researchers, although experience to date has been that this is difficult,
slow and inordinately expensive. Therefore it is only usually justified where there is a strong
customer pull.
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The harmonic analysis carried out in popLA is computed in Fourier space. Calculations assume
that the pole figure is based on a spherical coordinate system, which implies the use of spherical
harmonics functions over the range 0≤ α ≤ π and 0≤ β ≤ 2π; equivalent to the surface of a
Considering the pole figure (hkl) PF, p(α,β), this can be expanded in a series of spherical
harmonic functions, Equation A.1:
∞ X
X l
p(α, β) = Qlm Plm (cosα)eimβ (A.1)
l=1 m=−1
The coefficient Qlm can be determined from the experimental data p(α, β), by integration,
Equation A.2:
Appendices 158
Zπ Z2π
Qlm = p(α, β)Plm (cosα)e−imβ sinαdβdα (A.2)
0 0
∞ X
X l l
f (Ψ, Θ, Φ) = Wlmn Zlmn (cosΘ)eimΨ einΦ (A.3)
l=0 m=−1 n=−1
Where Wlmn are coefficients and Zlmn are Jacobi polynomials. It then now possible to determine
the relationship between the Wlmn coefficient and the coefficient Qlm .
The intensity of diffracted X-rays at a measured point (α,β) on the (hkl) pole figure comes from
combining all the crystals in the sample that satisfies Bragg’s Law, where the crystals have
Euler angles Θ=α, Ψ=β (Φ can have any value). The pole density can then be calculated from
crystals which satisfy this condition using Equation A.4:
P(hkl) (α, β) = f (Ψ, Θ, Φ)dΓ (A.4)
Where γ corresponds to the rotation about the (hkl) pole through the orientation distribution.
The relationship between the two coefficients, Wlmn and Wlmn , can then be determined through
substitution of Equation A.1 and Equation A.3 into Equation A.4, integrating and using the
Legendre addition theorem to give Equation A.5:
Qlmn = Wlmn Pln (cosξ)e−inη (A.5)
The main disadvantage of using the harmonic method is that it assumes a smooth function for
the orientation distribution function. In crystals with low levels of symmetry this is often not
the case and the number of pole figures required to obtain a solution increases.
Appendices 159
The algorithm used in this section of the analysis takes an initial estimate (f0 ) of the orientation
distribution by taking the geometric mean of the values that are associated with the experimental
pole figure cells and placing them in the associated orientation distribution cell, Equation A.6
f0 (g) = N0 i
(ymi ) IMi (A.6)
j=1 mi =1
I is the number of pole figure which have been measured, N0 is the normalisation and Mi is the
multiplicity of the ith pole.
Once the first iteration is complete, a second iteration is carried out. Consider pn to be the
recalculated pole figure from the nth estimated of the orientation distribution. The correction
factor for each orientation distribution is determined from the ratio of the geometric mean from
the experimental pole figure cells to the mean of the corresponding recalculated pole figure cells.
The (n + 1)st value can be estimated from the nth by a multiplication with the correction factor
in Equation A.7:
f0 (g)
fn+1 (g) = Nn fn (g) M
I Qi 1
(ymi ) IMi
j=1 mi =1
The WIMV calculations are normally completed in around 10-12 iterations and an outer itera-
tion is used to remove any ghost values which may occur at the edge of the pole figure.
MAUD is a general reflection/diffraction analysis program based on the Rietveld model, and
allows the user to analyse synchrotron diffraction data to determine texture. This method
uses the whole diffraction spectrum by combining ODF calculations with the crystallographic
Rietveld model, proving advantageous for low symmetry materials [153].
Appendices 160
Prior to loading any data in to MAUD, it is necessary to convert the synchrotron data in to a
compatible format. This is done using a macro created for Fit2D. The raw diffraction rings for a
compression sample tested in the rolling direction are shown in Figure A.1. Almost no scattering
is observed in the{0002} ring except in the 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock positions. In addition, in
this visualisation, the intensity scale has been adjusted so that the very slight shadowing of
the background by the compression platens can be seen clearly. Given that the samples were
cylinders removed from the plate by wire EDM, fiducial markers showing where the wire entered
and left the cylindrical path provide information as to the cylinder orientation. This was used
to align the specimens when the experiment was performed. The only confusion possible was
over which cylinders came from which orientation of the plate i.e. was the cylinder axis the RD
or the TD. Examination of the EBSD and lab XRD results, as well as to the literature (e.g.
Tenckhoff), indicates that the {0002 texture has almost no intensity except in a ring between
the TD and ND of the plate. Therefore the present sample in one with its RD in the loading
(compression) direction.
Figure A.1: Initial raw diffraction pattern taken from the compression RD specimen.
After loading the file, an intensity/2-theta plot is shown, displaying the 2D diffraction data for
Appendices 161
the specific frame loaded. An example of this for the starting texture of a compression specimen
tested in the rolling direction is shown in Figure A.2.
Figure A.2: Typical MAUD window upon loading data. Example given is the starting data
from the compression RD specimen.
Once this initial data is loaded, it is necessary to input the individual phases and the crystallo-
graphic parameters of these phases, such as the a and c cell parameters and other microstructural
and characteristics. It is also necessary to load the initial experimental parameter into MAUD,
such as the wavelength used and the approximate sample to detector distance. It is then possible
to check the starting parameters of the model in order to guide it towards a solution. In gen-
eral, this is done by checking the phases are correct and that the peaks of the phase correspond
(approximately) to the peaks in the peaks in the spectrum. The first step of the computation
is based on the actual parameters. This will compute a spectrum with the actual values phases
and parameters that have been input into the model. This tends to give a relatively poor initial
fit. It is possible to manually refine these inputs in order to provide better starting param-
eters for a quantitative analysis. This is carried out in MAUD using a ‘Refinement Wizard’,
which considers a large range of parameters including (but not limited to) sample displacement
Appendices 162
(x,y,z), background coefficients and the Caglioti coefficients. The final refinement achieved for
the compression specimen tested in the rolling direction is shown in Figure A.3.
Figure A.3: End refinement achieved for the compression specimen tested in the rolling
Having carried out the refinement to obtain the best fit, it is now possible to plot the texture.
It is necessary to ensure that no tilt or rotation is applied to the texture at this point, as in
order to compare these pole figures with those obtained ex situ, further processing is required.
As such, ω, χ and φ are all set to 0. It is for this reason that there is also no symmetry applied
to the texture. MAUD provides the option to view the pole figure coverage, this highlights
where the experimental data points lie in comparison to the loading direction. In the case of the
compression example in the RD, the data falls on the equatorial great circle. The experimental
points corresponding to the compression directions are at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions (azmuthal
90◦ and 270◦ ), Figure A.4.
Once satisfied with the pole figure coverage plot, the desired pole figures can be selected and
plotted to give a reconstructed pole figure, Figure A.5 (a). The reconstructed pole figure is then
compared with the initial pole figure obtained using lab XRD to provide confidence in the fitted
results Figure A.5 (b). It is then possible to manipulate these pole figures further in pod2K.
Appendices 163
Figure A.4: Pole figure coverage for the compression specimen tested in the rolling direction.
The polycrystalline elasto-plastic self-consistant (EPSC) model initially considered the elastic
effects in materials with mechanical twins. These initial models were not able to account for
twin activation, twin reorientation and stress relaxation.This section discusses Clausen et.al [63]
development of this model further to incorporate these features (initially to determine the stress
relaxation and reorientation in magnesium).
The model was developed by representing the polycrystal as a collection of crystal orientations
with a volume fraction that will reproduce the original texture of the material. As per the
Eshelby model, each grain is treated as ellipsoidal elastoplastic inclusion with a homogenous
equivalent medium (HEM). The properties and macroscopic response of the HEM are then
deduced through weighted averages across all the grains. The incremental constitutive response
of the grains is then given by Equation A.8:
Appendices 164
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figure A.5: (a) Reconstructed pole figure for starting texture of compression specimen tested
in the rolling direction (b) Texture of as received material as characterised by lab XRD.
δσij = Cijkl (δkl − msij δγ s ) (A.8)
where δσ g is the stress increment, C g is the fourth rank elastic stiffness tensor, δg,total is the
total strain increment (elastic + plastic) and mg,s is the Schmid tensor, which determines the
shear strain increment δγ s contributed by the twinning or slip system, s. Both the initial EPSC
model and the model further developed by Clausen uses a Schmid condition for both twin and
slip activation. This requires a resolved shear stress acting on the twin or slip plane in the slip
or twin direction to surpass a critical value, τ s :
It is necessary for this resolved shear stress to remain at this critical value through an entire
straining cycle while the material strain hardens, Equation A.10:
Although the model does not account for the nucleation of twins, if does include a Voce hardening
law for the development of τ s .
Clausen went on to develop the model further to allow for twin activation; a new ‘child’ grain is
produced when a twin system is activated within the initial ’parent’ grain, and so the orientation
of the new grains can be determined from the crystallographic relationship between the parent
and and twin. The model also allows for parent grains to have multiple twin ’children’ for each
twin system activated. Some of these twins are allowed to broaden and so the volume fraction
is moved from the parent to the child (the overall volume fraction remains the same). The rise
in the volume fraction of twins (δwt ) for each twin (t) is given by Equation A.11:
δγ t
δwt = (A.11)
where δγ t is the shear increment provided by the twin system and S t is the typical twin shear.
The change in volume fraction of the parent (δwparent ) can be obtained from the overall active
twin systems, Equation A.12:
δwparent = − δwt (A.12)
The initial elastic strain and stress stated within the twin is estimated by applying assumptions
for tractions and displacements across the twin boundary (it should be noted that although the
stress and strain within the grain are assumed uniform in the EPSC model, in reality there will
be gradients within the grain). At its inception, the grain is a thin lamella and the the stresses
are expected to be uniform and continuous and uniform throughout the twin. By defining a
local co-ordinate system, with axis 1 along the shear direction of the twin system, axis 2 at right
Appendices 166
angles to this (still within the twin plane) and axis 3 normal to the twin plane, the continuity
conditions shown in Equation A.13 can be applied for the elastic strain conditions across the
twin plane:
11 = el,twin
11 , el,parent
22 = el,twin
22 , el,parent
12 = el,twin
12 (A.13)
And so it is assumed that the elastic strain and stress within newly formed twin are equal to
the matrix on the other side of the twin boundary. Given that the elastic stiffness tensor of the
twin is valid, it is possible to compute the remaining six elastic strain and stress components
within the twin grain.
Although the conditions for twin nucleation are not well understood, initial twin propagation
can be considered similar to that of crack propagation [63]. Within the EPSC twinning scheme,
an initial twin size at nucleation is assumed, and so the method is known as the finite initial
fraction method (FIF). As it assumed that the twin will nucleate and propagate to a fixed
volume fraction (f 0 ) of its parent grain, this effectively fixes the initial plastic shear for the twin
system. This plastic shear can be related to the f 0 by Equation A.15:
γ0 = f 0St (A.15)
Due to the constraints surrounding the polycrystal, excess plastic shear will generate back-
stresses between the parent and the twin. This can be estimated by assuming the imposed
plastic shear strain produces an equal and opposite elastic shear strain, Equation A.16:
0,t t 0
ij = −mkl γ (A.16)
Appendices 167
where 0,t t
ij is the elastic back-strain and mkl is he Schmid tensor for the twin system. This as-
sumes that the parent grain is infinitely stiff when compared to the twin, and so does not sustain
any plastic shear, ensuring that the twin has equal and opposite plastic strain. The grain within
which the twin occurs can accommodate the strain both elastically and elasto-plastically, and
therefore the stress relaxation computed by this relationship is an upper boundary approxima-
tion. Accepting this disadvantage, the back-stress is given by Equation A.17:
The stress relaxation of the parent grain is introduced by correcting the current stress using the
calculated back-stress weighted by the primary relative size of the twin (f 0 ), Equation A.18:
σ parent + t σ 0,t f 0
σ parent = P 0 (A.18)
1 − tf
The summation is carried out across all twin system, t, which are active in the current incre-