The Seventh Letter

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by Plato
360 BC
translated by J. Harward
Oxord at T!e Clarendon Press" London #$%&'(
You write to me that I must consier !our "iews the same as those o#
Dion$ an !ou ur%e me to ai !our cause so #ar as I can in wor an
ee. &! answer is that$ i# !ou ha"e the same o'inion an esire as he
ha$ I consent to ai !our cause( )ut i# not$ I sha** thin+ more
than once a)out it. Now what his 'ur'ose an esire was$ I can
in#orm !ou #rom no mere con,ecture )ut #rom 'ositi"e +now*e%e. For
when I mae m! #irst "isit to Sici*!$ )ein% then a)out #ort! !ears
o*$ Dion was o# the same a%e as Hi''arinos is now$ an the o'inion
which he then #orme was that which he a*wa!s retaine$ I mean the
)e*ie# that the S!racusans ou%ht to )e #ree an %o"erne )! the )est
*aws. So it is no matter #or sur'rise i# some -o shou* ma+e
Hi''arinos ao't the same o'inion as Dion a)out #orms o# %o"ernment.
.ut it is we** worth whi*e that !ou shou* a**$ o* as we** as
!oun%$ hear the wa! in which this o'inion was #orme$ an I wi**
attem't to %i"e !ou an account o# it #rom the )e%innin%. For the
'resent is a suita)*e o''ortunit!.
In m! !outh I went throu%h the same e/'erience as man! other men.
I #ancie that i#$ ear*! in *i#e$ I )ecame m! own master$ I shou*
at once em)ar+ on a 'o*itica* career. An I #oun m!se*# con#ronte
with the #o**owin% occurrences in the 'u)*ic a##airs o# m! own cit!.
The e/istin% constitution )ein% %enera**! conemne$ a re"o*ution too+
'*ace$ an #i#t!0one men came to the #ront as ru*ers o# the
re"o*utionar! %o"ernment$ name*! e*e"en in the cit! an ten in the
Peiraeus0each o# these )oies )ein% in char%e o# the mar+et an
munici'a* matters0whi*e thirt! were a''ointe ru*ers with #u**
'owers o"er 'u)*ic a##airs as a who*e. Some o# these were re*ati"es
an ac1uaintances o# mine$ an the! at once in"ite me to share in
their oin%s$ as somethin% to which I ha a c*aim. The e##ect on me
was not sur'risin% in the case o# a !oun% man. I consiere that
the! wou*$ o# course$ so mana%e the State as to )rin% men out o# a
)a wa! o# *i#e into a %oo one. So I watche them "er! c*ose*! to see
what the! wou* o.
An seein%$ as I i$ that in 1uite a short time the! mae the
#ormer %o"ernment seem )! com'arison somethin% 'recious as %o*0#or
amon% other thin%s the! trie to sen a #rien o# mine$ the a%e
Socrates$ whom I shou* scarce*! scru'*e to escri)e as the most
u'ri%ht man o# that a!$ with some other 'ersons to carr! o## one o#
the citi2ens )! #orce to e/ecution$ in orer that$ whether he wishe
it$ or not$ he mi%ht share the %ui*t o# their conuct( )ut he wou*
not o)e! them$ ris+in% a** conse1uences in 're#erence to )ecomin% a
'artner in their ini1uitous ees0seein% a** these thin%s an others
o# the same +in on a consiera)*e sca*e$ I isa''ro"e o# their
'roceein%s$ an withrew #rom an! connection with the a)uses o# the
Not *on% a#ter that a re"o*ution terminate the 'ower o# the
thirt! an the #orm o# %o"ernment as it then was. An once more$
thou%h with more hesitation$ I )e%an to )e mo"e )! the esire to ta+e
'art in 'u)*ic an 'o*itica* a##airs. We**$ e"en in the new
%o"ernment$ unsett*e as it was$ e"ents occurre which one wou*
natura**! "iew with isa''ro"a*( an it was not sur'risin% that in a
'erio o# re"o*ution e/cessi"e 'ena*ties were in#*icte )! some
'ersons on 'o*itica* o''onents$ thou%h those who ha returne #rom
e/i*e at that time showe "er! consiera)*e #or)earance. .ut once more
it ha''ene that some o# those in 'ower )rou%ht m! #rien Socrates$
whom I ha"e mentione$ to tria* )e#ore a court o# *aw$ *a!in% a most
ini1uitous char%e a%ainst him an one most ina''ro'riate in his
case3 #or it was on a char%e o# im'iet! that some o# them 'rosecute
an others conemne an e/ecute the "er! man who wou* not
'artici'ate in the ini1uitous arrest o# one o# the #riens o# the
'art! then in e/i*e$ at the time when the! themse*"es were in e/i*e
an mis#ortune.
As I o)ser"e these incients an the men en%a%e in 'u)*ic a##airs$
the *aws too an the customs$ the more c*ose*! I e/amine them an the
#arther I a"ance in *i#e$ the more i##icu*t it seeme to me to
han*e 'u)*ic a##airs ari%ht. For it was not 'ossi)*e to )e acti"e
in 'o*itics without #riens an trustworth! su''orters( an to #in
these rea! to m! han was not an eas! matter$ since 'u)*ic a##airs at
Athens were not carrie on in accorance with the manners an
'ractices o# our #athers( nor was there an! rea! metho )! which I
cou* ma+e new #riens. The *aws too$ written an unwritten$ were
)ein% a*tere #or the worse$ an the e"i* was %rowin% with start*in%
ra'iit!. The resu*t was that$ thou%h at #irst I ha )een #u** o# a
stron% im'u*se towars 'o*itica* *i#e$ as I *oo+e at the course o#
a##airs an saw them )ein% swe't in a** irections )! contenin%
currents$ m! hea #ina**! )e%an to swim( an$ thou%h I i not sto'
*oo+in% to see i# there was an! *i+e*ihoo o# im'ro"ement in these
s!m'toms an in the %enera* course o# 'u)*ic *i#e$ I 'ost'one
action ti** a suita)*e o''ortunit! shou* arise. Fina**!$ it )ecame
c*ear to me$ with re%ar to a** e/istin% cornmunities$ that the!
were one an a** mis%o"erne. For their *aws ha"e %ot into a state
that is a*most incura)*e$ e/ce't )! some e/traorinar! re#orm with
%oo *uc+ to su''ort it. An I was #orce to sa!$ when 'raisin% true
'hi*oso'h! that it is )! this that men are ena)*e to see what ,ustice
in 'u)*ic an 'ri"ate *i#e rea**! is. There#ore$ I sai$ there wi** )e
no cessation o# e"i*s #or the sons o# men$ ti** either those who are
'ursuin% a ri%ht an true 'hi*oso'h! recei"e so"erei%n 'ower in the
States$ or those in 'ower in the States )! some is'ensation o#
'ro"ience )ecome true 'hi*oso'hers.
With these thou%hts in m! min I came to Ita*! an Sici*! on m!
#irst "isit. &! #irst im'ressions on arri"a* were those o# stron%
isa''ro"a*0isa''ro"a* o# the +in o# *i#e which was there ca**e the
*i#e o# ha''iness$ stu##e #u** as it was with the )an1uets o# the
Ita*ian -ree+s an S!racusans$ who ate to re'*etion twice e"er! a!$
an were ne"er without a 'artner #or the ni%ht( an isa''ro"a* o# the
ha)its which this manner o# *i#e 'rouces. For with these ha)its
#orme ear*! in *i#e$ no man uner hea"en cou* 'ossi)*! attain to
wisom0human nature is not ca'a)*e o# such an e/traorinar!
com)ination. Tem'erance a*so is out o# the 1uestion #or such a man(
an the same a''*ies to "irtue %enera**!. No cit! cou* remain in a
state o# tran1ui**it! uner an! *aws whatsoe"er$ when men thin+ it
ri%ht to s1uaner a** their 'ro'ert! in e/tra"a%ant$ an consier it a
ut! to )e i*e in e"er!thin% e*se e/ce't eatin% an rin+in% an
the *a)orious 'rosecution o# e)aucher!. It #o**ows necessari*! that
the constitutions o# such cities must )e constant*! chan%in%$
t!rannies$ o*i%archies an emocracies succeein% one another$ whi*e
those who ho* the 'ower cannot so much as enure the name o# an! #orm
o# %o"ernment which maintains ,ustice an e1ua*it! o# ri%hts.
With a min #u** o# these thou%hts$ on the to' o# m! 're"ious
con"ictions$ I crosse o"er to S!racuse0*e there 'erha's )!
chance0)ut it rea**! *oo+s as i# some hi%her 'ower was e"en then
'*annin% to *a! a #ounation #or a** that has now come to 'ass with
re%ar to Dion an S!racuse0an #or #urther trou)*es too$ I #ear$
un*ess !ou *isten to the a"ice which is now #or the secon time
o##ere )! me. What o I mean )! sa!in% that m! arri"a* in Sici*! at
that mo"ement 'ro"e to )e the #ounation on which a** the se1ue*
rests4 I was )rou%ht into c*ose intercourse with Dion who was then a
!oun% man$ an e/'*aine to him m! "iews as to the iea*s at which men
shou* aim$ a"isin% him to carr! them out in 'ractice. In oin%
this I seem to ha"e )een unaware that I was$ in a #ashion$ without
+nowin% it$ contri"in% the o"erthrow o# the t!rann! which(
su)se1uent*! too+ '*ace. For Dion$ who ra'i*! assimi*ate m! teachin%
as he i a** #orms o# +now*e%e$ *istene to me with an ea%erness
which I ha ne"er seen e1ua**e in an! !oun% man$ an reso*"e to *i"e
#or the #uture in a )etter wa! than the ma,orit! o# Ita*ian an
Sici*ian -ree+s$ ha"in% set his a##ection on "irtue in 're#erence to
'*easure an se*#0inu*%ence. The resu*t was that unti* the eath o#
Dion!sios he *i"e in a wa! which renere him somewhat un'o'u*ar
amon% those whose manner o# *i#e was that which is usua* in the courts
o# es'ots.
A#ter that e"ent he came to the conc*usion that this con"iction$
which he himse*# ha %aine uner the in#*uence o# %oo teachin%$
was not *i+e*! to )e con#ine to himse*#. Inee$ he saw it )ein%
actua**! im'*ante in other mins0not man! 'erha's$ )ut certain*! in
some( an he thou%ht that with the ai o# the -os$ Dion!sios mi%ht
'erha's )ecome one o# these$ an that$ i# such a thin% i come to
'ass$ the resu*t wou* )e a *i#e o# uns'ea+a)*e ha''iness )oth #or
himse*# an #or the rest o# the S!racusans. Further$ he thou%ht it
essentia* that I shou* come to S!racuse )! a** manner o# means an
with the utmost 'ossi)*e s'ee to )e his 'artner in these '*ans$
remem)erin% in his own case how reai*! intercourse with me ha
'rouce in him a *on%in% #or the no)*est an )est *i#e. An i# it
shou* 'rouce a simi*ar e##ect on Dion!sios$ as his aim was that it
shou*$ he ha %reat ho'e that$ without )*ooshe$ *oss o# *i#e$ an
those isastrous e"ents which ha"e now ta+en '*ace$ he wou* )e a)*e
to introuce the true *i#e o# ha''iness throu%hout the who*e
Ho*in% these soun "iews$ Dion 'ersuae Dion!sios to sen #or
me( he a*so wrote himse*# entreatin% me to come )! a** manner o# means
an with the utmost 'ossi)*e s'ee$ )e#ore certain other 'ersons
comin% in contact with Dion!sios shou* turn him asie into some wa!
o# *i#e other than the )est. What he sai$ thou%h 'erha's it is rather
*on% to re'eat$ was as #o**ows3 5What o''ortunities$5 he sai$
5sha** we wait #or$ %reater than those now o##ere to us )!
Pro"ience45 An he escri)e the S!racusan em'ire in Ita*! an
Sici*!$ his own in#*uentia* 'osition in it$ an the !outh o# Dion!sios
an how stron%*! his esire was irecte towars 'hi*oso'h! an
eucation. His own ne'hews an re*ati"es$ he sai$ wou* )e reai*!
attracte towars the 'rinci'*es an manner o# *i#e escri)e )! me$
an wou* )e most in#*uentia* in attractin% Dion!sios in the same
irection$ so that$ now i# e"er$ we shou* see the accom'*ishment o#
e"er! ho'e that the same 'ersons mi%ht actua**! )ecome )oth
'hi*oso'hers an the ru*ers o# %reat States. These were the a''ea*s
aresse to me an much more to the same e##ect.
&! own o'inion$ so #ar as the !oun% men were concerne$ an the
'ro)a)*e *ine which their conuct wou* ta+e$ was #u** o#
a''rehension0#or !oun% men are 1uic+ in #ormin% esires$ which o#ten
ta+e irections con#*ictin% with one another. .ut I +new that the
character o# Dion6s min was natura**! a sta)*e one an ha a*so the
a"anta%e o# somewhat a"ance !ears.
There#ore$ I 'onere the matter an was in two mins as to
whether I ou%ht to *isten to entreaties an %o$ or how I ou%ht to act(
an #ina**! the sca*e turne in #a"our o# the "iew that$ i# e"er
an!one was to tr! to carr! out in 'ractice m! ieas a)out *aws an
constitutions$ now was the time #or ma+in% the attem't( #or i# on*!
I cou* #u**! con"ince one man$ I shou* ha"e secure there)! the
accom'*ishment o# a** %oo thin%s.
With these "iews an thus ner"e to the tas+$ I sai*e #rom home$ in
the s'irit which some ima%ine$ )ut 'rinci'a**! throu%h a #ee*in% o#
shame with re%ar to m!se*#$ *est I mi%ht some a! a''ear to m!se*#
who**! an so*e*! a mere man o# wors$ one who wou* ne"er o# his
own wi** *a! his han to an! act. A*so there was reason to thin+
that I shou* )e )etra!in% #irst an #oremost m! #rienshi' an
comraeshi' with Dion$ who in "er! truth was in a 'osition o#
consiera)*e an%er. I# there#ore an!thin% shou* ha''en to him$ or i#
he were )anishe )! Dion!sios an his other enemies an comin% to us
as e/i*e aresse this 1uestion to me3 5P*ato$ I ha"e come to !ou
as a #u%iti"e$ not #or want o# ho'*ites$ nor )ecause I ha no
ca"a*r! #or e#ence a%ainst m! enemies$ )ut #or want o# wors an
'ower o# 'ersuasion$ which I +new to )e a s'ecia* %i#t o# !ours$
ena)*in% !ou to *ea !oun% men into the 'ath o# %ooness an
,ustice$ an to esta)*ish in e"er! case re*ations o# #rienshi' an
comraeshi' amon% them. It is #or the want o# this assistance on
!our 'art that I ha"e *e#t S!racuse an am here now. An the
is%race attachin% to !our treatment o# me is a sma** matter. .ut
'hi*oso'h!0whose 'raises !ou are a*wa!s sin%in%$ whi*e !ou sa! she
is he* in ishonour )! the rest o# man+in0must we not sa! that
'hi*oso'h! a*on% with me has now )een )etra!e$ so #ar as !our
action was concerne4 Ha I )een *i"in% at &e%ara$ !ou wou* certain*!
ha"e come to %i"e me !our ai towars the o),ects #or which I as+e
it( or !ou wou* ha"e thou%ht !ourse*# the most contem'ti)*e o#
man+in. .ut as it is$ o !ou thin+ that !ou wi** esca'e the
re'utation o# cowarice )! ma+in% e/cuses a)out the istance o# the
,ourne!$ the *en%th o# the sea "o!a%e$ an the amount o# *a)our
in"o*"e4 Far #rom it.5 To re'roaches o# this +in what creita)*e
re'*! cou* I ha"e mae4 Sure*! none.
I too+ m! e'arture$ there#ore$ actin%$ so #ar as a man can act$
in o)eience to reason an ,ustice$ an #or these reasons *ea"in% m!
own occu'ations$ which were certain*! not iscreita)*e ones$ to 'ut
m!se*# uner a t!rann! which i not seem *i+e*! to harmonise with
m! teachin% or with m!se*#. .! m! e'arture I secure m! own #reeom
#rom the is'*easure o# 7eus 8enios$ an mae m!se*# c*ear o# an!
char%e on the 'art o# 'hi*oso'h!$ which wou* ha"e )een e/'ose to
etraction$ i# an! is%race ha come u'on me #or #aint0hearteness an
On m! arri"a*$ to cut a *on% stor! short$ I #oun the court o#
Dion!sios #u** o# intri%ues an o# attem'ts to create in the so"erei%n
i**0#ee*in% a%ainst Dion. I com)ate these as #ar as I cou*$ )ut with
"er! *itt*e success( an in the #ourth month or therea)outs$
char%in% Dion with cons'irac! to sei2e the throne$ Dion!sios 'ut him
on )oar a sma** )oat an e/'e**e him #rom S!racuse with i%nomin!.
A** o# us who were Dion6s #riens were a#rai that he mi%ht ta+e
"en%eance on one or other o# us as an accom'*ice in Dion6s cons'irac!.
With re%ar to me$ there was e"en a rumour current in S!racuse that
I ha )een 'ut to eath )! Dion!sios as the cause o# a** that ha
occurre. Percei"in% that we were a** in this state o# min an
a''rehenin% that our #ears mi%ht *ea to some serious conse1uence$ he
now trie to win a** o# us o"er )! +inness3 me in 'articu*ar he
encoura%e$ )iin% me )e o# %oo cheer an entreatin% me on a**
%rouns to remain. For m! #*i%ht #rom him was not *i+e*! to reoun to
his creit$ )ut m! sta!in% mi%ht o so. There#ore$ he mae a %reat
'retence o# entreatin% me. An we +now that the entreaties o#
so"erei%ns are mi/e with com'u*sion. So to secure his o),ect he
'roceee to rener m! e'arture im'ossi)*e$ )rin%in% me into the
acro'o*is$ an esta)*ishin% me in 1uarters #rom which not a sin%*e
shi'6s ca'tain wou* ha"e ta+en me awa! a%ainst the wi** o# Dion!sios$
nor inee without a s'ecia* messen%er sent )! him to orer m!
remo"a*. Nor was there a sin%*e merchant$ or a sin%*e o##icia* in
char%e o# 'oints o# e'arture #rom the countr!$ who wou* ha"e a**owe
me to e'art unaccom'anie$ an wou* not ha"e 'rom't*! sei2e me
an ta+en me )ac+ to Dion!sios$ es'ecia**! since a statement ha now
)een circu*ate contraictin% the 're"ious rumours an %i"in% out that
Dion!sios was )ecomin% e/traorinari*! attache to P*ato. What were
the #acts a)out this attachment4 I must te** the truth. As time went
on$ an as intercourse mae him ac1uainte with m! is'osition an
character$ he i )ecome more an more attache to me$ an wishe me
to 'raise him more than I 'raise Dion$ an to *oo+ u'on him as more
s'ecia**! m! #rien than Dion$ an he was e/traorinari*! ea%er
a)out this sort o# thin%. .ut when con#ronte with the one wa! in
which this mi%ht ha"e )een one$ i# it was to )e one at a**$ he
shran+ #rom comin% into c*ose an intimate re*ations with me as a
'u'i* an *istener to m! iscourses on 'hi*oso'h!$ #earin% the
an%er su%%este )! mischie#0ma+ers$ that he mi%ht )e ensnare$ an so
Dion wou* 'ro"e to ha"e accom'*ishe a** his o),ect. I enure a**
this 'atient*!$ retainin% the 'ur'ose with which I ha come an the
ho'e that he mi%ht come to esire the 'hi*oso'hic *i#e. .ut his
resistance 're"ai*e a%ainst me.
The time o# m! #irst "isit to Sici*! an m! sta! there was ta+en
u' with a** these incients. On a *ater occasion I *e#t home an a%ain
came on an ur%ent summons #rom Dion!sios. .ut )e#ore %i"in% the
moti"es an 'articu*ars o# m! conuct then an showin% how suita)*e
an ri%ht it was$ I must #irst$ in orer that I ma! not treat as the
main 'oint what is on*! a sie issue$ %i"e !ou m! a"ice as to what
!our acts shou* )e in the 'resent 'osition o# a##airs( a#terwars$ to
satis#! those who 'ut the 1uestion wh! I came a secon time$ I wi**
ea* #u**! with the #acts a)out m! secon "isit( what I ha"e now to
sa! is this.
He who a"ises a sic+ man$ whose manner o# *i#e is 're,uicia* to
hea*th$ is c*ear*! )oun #irst o# a** to chan%e his 'atient6s manner
o# *i#e$ an i# the 'atient is wi**in% to o)e! him$ he ma! %o on to
%i"e him other a"ice. .ut i# he is not wi**in%$ I sha** consier
one who ec*ines to a"ise such a 'atient to )e a man an a 'h!sician$
an one who %i"es in to him to )e unman*! an un'ro#essiona*. In the
same wa! with re%ar to a State$ whether it )e uner a sin%*e ru*er or
more than one$ i#$ whi*e the %o"ernment is )ein% carrie on
methoica**! an in a ri%ht course$ it as+s a"ice a)out an! etai*s
o# 'o*ic!$ it is the 'art o# a wise man to a"ise such 'eo'*e. .ut
when men are tra"e**in% a*to%ether outsie the 'ath o# ri%ht
%o"ernment an #*at*! re#use to mo"e in the ri%ht 'ath$ an start )!
%i"in% notice to their a"iser that he must *ea"e the %o"ernment a*one
an ma+e no chan%e in it uner 'ena*t! o# eath0i# such men shou*
orer their counse**ors to 'aner to their wishes an esires an to
a"ise them in what wa! their o),ect ma! most reai*! an easi*! )e
once #or a** accom'*ishe$ I shou* consier as unman*! one who
acce'ts the ut! o# %i"in% such #orms o# a"ice$ an one who re#uses
it to )e a true man.
Ho*in% these "iews$ whene"er an!one consu*ts me a)out an! o# the
wei%htiest matters a##ectin% his own *i#e$ as$ #or instance$ the
ac1uisition o# 'ro'ert! or the 'ro'er treatment o# )o! or min$ i# it
seems to me that his ai*! *i#e rests on an! s!stem$ or i# he seems
*i+e*! to *isten to a"ice a)out the thin%s on which he consu*ts me$ I
a"ise him with reainess$ an o not content m!se*# with %i"in% him a
mere*! 'er#unctor! answer. .ut i# a man oes not consu*t me at a**$ or
e"ient*! oes not inten to #o**ow m! a"ice$ I o not ta+e the
initiati"e in a"isin% such a man$ an wi** not use com'u*sion to him$
e"en i# he )e m! own son. I wou* a"ise a s*a"e uner such
circumstances$ an wou* use com'u*sion to him i# he were unwi**in%.
To a #ather or mother I o not thin+ that 'iet! a**ows one to o##er
com'u*sion$ un*ess the! are su##erin% #rom an attac+ o# insanit!(
an i# the! are #o**owin% an! re%u*ar ha)its o# *i#e which '*ease them
)ut o not '*ease me$ I wou* not o##en them )! o##erin% use*ess$
a"ice$ nor wou* I #*atter them or truc+*e to them$ 'ro"iin% them
with the means o# satis#!in% esires which I m!se*# wou* sooner ie
than cherish. The wise man shou* %o throu%h *i#e with the same
attitue o# min towars his countr!. I# she shou* a''ear to him to
)e #o**owin% a 'o*ic! which is not a %oo one$ he shou* sa! so$
'ro"ie that his wors are not *i+e*! either to #a** on ea# ears
or to *ea to the *oss o# his own *i#e. .ut #orce a%ainst his nati"e
*an he shou* not use in orer to )rin% a)out a chan%e o#
constitution$ when it is not 'ossi)*e #or the )est constitution to
)e introuce without ri"in% men into e/i*e or 'uttin% them to eath(
he shou* +ee' 1uiet an o##er u' 'ra!ers #or his own we*#are an
#or that o# his countr!.
These are the 'rinci'*es in accorance with which I shou* a"ise
!ou$ as a*so$ ,oint*! with Dion$ I a"ise Dion!sios$ )iin% him in
the #irst '*ace to *i"e his ai*! *i#e in a wa! that wou* ma+e him as
#ar as 'ossi)*e master o# himse*# an a)*e to %ain #aith#u* #riens
an su''orters$ in orer that he mi%ht not ha"e the same e/'erience as
his #ather. For his #ather$ ha"in% ta+en uner his ru*e man! %reat
cities o# Sici*! which ha )een utter*! estro!e )! the )ar)arians$
was not a)*e to #oun them a#resh an to esta)*ish in them trustworth!
%o"ernments carrie on )! his own su''orters$ either )! men who ha no
ties o# )*oo with him$ or )! his )rothers whom he ha )rou%ht u' when
the! were !oun%er$ an ha raise #rom hum)*e station to hi%h o##ice
an #rom 'o"ert! to immense wea*th. Not one o# these was he a)*e to
wor+ u'on )! 'ersuasion$ instruction$ ser"ices an ties o# +inre$ so
as to ma+e him a 'artner in his ru*e( an he showe himse*# in#erior
to Darius with a se"en#o* in#eriorit!. For Darius i not 'ut his
trust in )rothers or in men whom he ha )rou%ht u'$ )ut on*! in his
con#eerates in the o"erthrow o# the &ee an Eunuch( an to these
he assi%ne 'ortions o# his em'ire$ se"en in num)er$ each o# them
%reater than a** Sici*!( an the! were #aith#u* to him an i not
attac+ either him or one another. Thus he showe a 'attern o# what the
%oo *aw%i"er an +in% ou%ht to )e( #or he rew u' *aws )! which he
has secure the Persian em'ire in sa#et! own to the 'resent time.
A%ain$ to %i"e another instance$ the Athenians too+ uner their ru*e
"er! man! cities not #oune )! themse*"es$ which ha )een har hit )!
the )ar)arians )ut were sti** in e/istence$ an maintaine their
ru*e o"er these #or se"ent! !ears$ )ecause the! ha in each them men
whom the! cou* trust. .ut Dion!sios$ who ha %athere the who*e o#
Sici*! into a sin%*e cit!$ an was so c*e"er that he truste no one$
on*! secure his own sa#et! with %reat i##icu*t!. For he was )a*!
o## #or trustworth! #riens( an there is no surer criterion o# "irtue
an "ice than this$ whether a man is or is not estitute o# such
This$ then$ was the a"ice which Dion an I %a"e to Dion!sios$
since$ owin% to )rin%in% u' which he ha recei"e #rom his #ather$
he ha ha no a"anta%es in the wa! o# eucation or o# suita)*e
*essons$ in the #irst '*ace...( an$ in the secon '*ace$ that$
a#ter startin% in this wa!$ he shou* ma+e #riens o# others amon% his
connections who were o# the same a%e an were in s!m'ath! with his
'ursuit o# "irtue$ )ut a)o"e a** that he shou* )e in harmon! with
himse*#( #or this it was o# which he was remar+a)*! in nee. This we
i not sa! in '*ain wors$ #or that wou* not ha"e )een sa#e( )ut
in co"ert *an%ua%e we maintaine that e"er! man in this wa! wou* sa"e
)oth himse*# an those whom he was *eain%$ an i# he i not #o**ow
this 'ath$ he wou* o ,ust the o''osite o# this. An a#ter 'roceein%
on the course which we escri)e$ an ma+in% himse*# a wise an
tem'erate man$ i# he were then to #oun a%ain the cities o# Sici*!
which ha )een *ai waste$ an )in them to%ether )! *aws an
constitutions$ so as to )e *o!a* to him an to one another in their
resistance to the attac+s o# the )ar)arians$ he wou*$ we to* him$
ma+e his #ather6s em'ire not mere*! ou)*e what it was )ut man!
times %reater. For$ i# these thin%s were one$ his wa! wou* )e
c*ear to a more com'*ete su),u%ation o# the 9artha%inians than that
which )e#e** them in -e*on6s time$ whereas in our own a! his #ather
ha #o**owe the o''osite course o# *e"!in% attri)ute #or the
)ar)arians. This was the *an%ua%e an these the e/hortations %i"en
)! us$ the cons'irators a%ainst Dion!sios accorin% to the char%es
circu*ate #rom "arious sources0char%es which$ 're"ai*in% as the!
i with Dion!sios$ cause the e/'u*sion o# Dion an reuce me to a
state o# a''rehension. .ut when0to summarise %reat e"ents which
ha''ene in no %reat time0Dion returne #rom the Pe*o'onnese an
Athens$ his a"ice to Dion!sios too+ the #orm o# action.
To 'rocee0when Dion ha twice o"er e*i"ere the cit! an
restore it to the citi2ens$ the S!racusans went throu%h the same
chan%es o# #ee*in% towars him as Dion!sios ha %one throu%h$ when
Dion attem'te #irst to eucate him an train him to )e a so"erei%n
worth! o# su'reme 'ower an$ when that was one$ to )e his coa,utor
in a** the etai*s o# his career. Dion!sios *istene to those who
circu*ate s*aners to the e##ect that Dion was aimin% at the
t!rann! in a** the ste's which he too+ at that time his intention
)ein% that Dion!sios$ when his min ha #a**en uner the s'e** o#
cu*ture$ shou* ne%*ect the %o"ernment an *ea"e it in his hans$
an that he shou* then a''ro'riate it #or himse*# an treacherous*!
e'ose Dion!sios. These s*aners were "ictorious on that occasion(
the! were so once more when circu*ate amon% the S!racusans$ winnin% a
"ictor! which too+ an e/traorinar! course an 'ro"e is%race#u* to
its authors. The stor! o# what then too+ '*ace is one which eser"es
care#u* attention on the 'art o# those who are in"itin% me to ea*
with the 'resent situation.
I$ an Athenian an #rien o# Dion$ came as his a**! to the court
o# Dion!sios$ in orer that I mi%ht create %oo wi** in '*ace o# a
state war( in m! con#*ict with the authors o# these s*aners I was
worste. When Dion!sios trie to 'ersuae me )! o##ers o# honours
an wea*th to attach m!se*# to him$ an with a "iew to %i"in% a ecent
co*our to Dion6s e/'u*sion a witness an #rien on his sie$ he #ai*e
com'*ete*! in his attem't. Later on$ when Dion returne #rom e/i*e$ he
too+ with him #rom Athens two )rothers$ who ha )een his #riens$
not #rom communit! in 'hi*oso'hic stu!$ )ut with the orinar!
com'anionshi' common amon% most #riens$ which the! #orm as the resu*t
o# re*ations o# hos'ita*it! an the intercourse which occurs when
one man initiates the other in the m!steries. It was #rom this +in o#
intercourse an #rom ser"ices connecte with his return that these two
he*'ers in his restoration )ecame his com'anions. Ha"in% come to
Sici*!$ when the! 'ercei"e that Dion ha )een misre'resente to the
Sici*ian -ree+s$ whom he ha *i)erate$ as one that '*otte to
)ecome monarch$ the! not on*! )etra!e their com'anion an #rien$ )ut
share 'ersona**! in the %ui*t o# his murer$ stanin% )! his
murerers as su''orters with wea'ons in their hans. The %ui*t an
im'iet! o# their conuct I neither e/cuse nor o I we** u'on it.
For man! others ma+e it their )usiness to har' u'on it$ an wi**
ma+e it their )usiness in the #uture. .ut I o ta+e e/ce'tion to the
statement that$ )ecause the! were Athenians$ the! ha"e )rou%ht shame
u'on this cit!. For I sa! that he too is an Athenian who re#use to
)etra! this same Dion$ when he ha the o##er o# riches an man!
other honours. For his was no common or "u*%ar #rienshi'$ )ut
reste on communit! in *i)era* eucation$ an this is the one thin% in
which a wise man wi** 'ut his trust$ #ar more than in ties o# 'ersona*
an )oi*! +inshi'. So the two murerers o# Dion were not o#
su##icient im'ortance to )e causes o# is%race to this cit!$ as thou%h
the! ha )een men o# an! note.
A** this has )een sai with a "iew to counse**in% the #riens an
#ami*! o# Dion. An in aition to this I %i"e #or the thir time to
!ou the same a"ice an counse* which I ha"e %i"en twice )e#ore to
others0not to ens*a"e Sici*! or an! other State to es'ots0this m!
counse* )ut0to 'ut it uner the ru*e o# *aws0#or the other course is
)etter neither #or the ens*a"ers nor #or the ens*a"e$ #or themse*"es$
their chi*ren6s chi*ren an escenants( the attem't is in e"er! wa!
#rau%ht with isaster. It is on*! sma** an mean natures that are )ent
u'on sei2in% such %ains #or themse*"es$ natures that +now nothin% o#
%ooness an ,ustice$ i"ine as we** as human$ in this *i#e an in the
These are the *essons which I trie to teach$ #irst to Dion$
secon*! to Dion!sios$ an now #or the thir time to !ou. Do !ou
o)e! me thin+in% o# 7eus the Preser"er$ the 'atron o# thir
"entures$ an *oo+in% at the *ot o# Dion!sios an Dion$ o# whom the
one who iso)e!e me is *i"in% in ishonour$ whi*e he who o)e!e me
has ie honoura)*!. For the one thin% which is who**! ri%ht an no)*e
is to stri"e #or that which is most honoura)*e #or a man6s se*# an
#or his countr!$ an to #ace the conse1uences whate"er the! ma! )e.
For none o# us can esca'e eath$ nor$ i# a man cou* o so$ wou*
it$ as the "u*%ar su''ose$ ma+e him ha''!. For nothin% e"i* or %oo$
which is worth mentionin% at a**$ )e*on%s to thin%s sou**ess( )ut %oo
or e"i* wi** )e the 'ortion o# e"er! sou*$ either whi*e attache to
the )o! or when se'arate #rom it.
An we shou* in "er! truth a*wa!s )e*ie"e those ancient an
sacre teachin%s$ which ec*are that the sou* is immorta*$ that it has
,u%es$ an su##ers the %reatest 'ena*ties when it has )een
se'arate #rom the )o!. There#ore a*so we shou* consier it a *esser
e"i* to su##er %reat wron%s an outra%es than to o them. The co"etous
man$ im'o"erishe as he is in the sou*$ turns a ea# ear to this
teachin%( or i# he hears it$ he *au%hs it to scorn with #ancie
su'eriorit!$ an shame*ess*! snatches #or himse*# #rom e"er! source
whate"er his )estia* #anc! su''oses wi** 'ro"ie #or him the means
o# eatin% or rin+in% or %*uttin% himse*# with that s*a"ish an
%ross '*easure which is #a*se*! ca**e a#ter the %oess o# *o"e. He
is )*in an cannot see in those acts o# '*uner which are accom'anie
)! im'iet! what heinous %ui*t is attache to each wron%#u* ee$ an
that the o##ener must ra% with him the )uren o# this im'iet!
whi*e he mo"es a)out on earth$ an when he has tra"e**e )eneath the
earth on a ,ourne! which has e"er! circumstance o# shame an miser!.
It was )! ur%in% these an other *i+e truths that I con"ince
Dion$ an it is I who ha"e the )est ri%ht to )e an%ere with his
murerers in much the same wa! as I ha"e with Dion!sios. For )oth the!
an he ha"e one the %reatest in,ur! to me$ an I mi%ht a*most sa!
to a** man+in$ the! )! s*a!in% the man that was wi**in% to act
ri%hteous*!$ an he )! re#usin% to act ri%hteous*! urin% the who*e o#
his ru*e$ when he he* su'reme 'ower$ in which ru*e i# 'hi*oso'h!
an 'ower ha rea**! met to%ether$ it wou* ha"e sent #orth a *i%ht to
a** men$ -ree+s an )ar)arians$ esta)*ishin% #u**! #or a** the true
)e*ie# that there can )e no ha''iness either #or the communit! or
#or the ini"iua* man$ un*ess he 'asses his *i#e uner the ru*e o#
ri%hteousness with the %uiance o# wisom$ either 'ossessin% these
"irtues in himse*#$ or *i"in% uner the ru*e o# %o*! men an ha"in%
recei"e a ri%ht trainin% an eucation in mora*s. These were the aims
which Dion!sios in,ure$ an #or me e"er!thin% e*se is a tri#*in%
in,ur! com'are with this.
The murerer o# Dion has$ without +nowin% it$ one the same as
Dion!sios. For as re%ars Dion$ I +now ri%ht we**$ so #ar as it is
'ossi)*e #or a man to sa! an!thin% 'ositi"e*! a)out other men$ that$
i# he ha %ot the su'reme 'ower$ he wou* ne"er ha"e turne his min
to an! other #orm o# ru*e$ )ut that$ ea*in% #irst with S!racuse$
his own nati"e *an$ when he ha mae an en o# her s*a"er!$ c*othe
her in )ri%ht a''are*$ an %i"en her the %ar) o# #reeom$ he wou*
then )! e"er! means in his 'ower ha"e orere ari%ht the *i"es o#
his #e**ow0citi2ens )! suita)*e an e/ce**ent *aws( an the thin% ne/t
in orer$ which he wou* ha"e set his heart to accom'*ish$ was to
#oun a%ain a** the States o# Sici*! an ma+e them #ree #rom the
)ar)arians$ ri"in% out some an su)uin% others$ an easier tas+ #or
him than it was #or Hiero. I# these thin%s ha )een accom'*ishe )!
a man who was ,ust an )ra"e an tem'erate an a 'hi*oso'her$ the same
)e*ie# with re%ar to "irtue wou* ha"e )een esta)*ishe amon% the
ma,orit! which$ i# Dion!sios ha )een won o"er$ wou* ha"e )een
esta)*ishe$ I mi%ht a*most sa!$ amon% a** man+in an wou* ha"e
%i"en them sa*"ation. .ut now some hi%her 'ower or a"en%in% #ien
has #a**en u'on them$ ins'irin% them with *aw*essness$ %o*essness an
acts o# rec+*essness issuin% #rom i%norance$ the see #rom which a**
e"i*s #or a** man+in ta+e root an %row an wi** in #uture )ear the
)itterest har"est #or those who )rou%ht them into )ein%. This
i%norance it was which in that secon "enture wrec+e an ruine
An now$ #or %oo *uc+6s sa+e$ *et us on this thir "enture
a)stain #rom wors o# i** omen. .ut$ ne"erthe*ess$ I a"ise !ou$ his
#riens$ to imitate in Dion his *o"e #or his countr! an his tem'erate
ha)its o# ai*! *i#e$ an to tr! with )etter aus'ices to carr! out his
wishes0what these were$ !ou ha"e hear #rom me in '*ain wors. An
whoe"er amon% !ou cannot *i"e the sim'*e Dorian *i#e accorin% to
the customs o# !our #ore#athers$ )ut #o**ows the manner o# *i#e o#
Dion6s murerers an o# the Sici*ians$ o not in"ite this man to
,oin !ou$ or e/'ect him to o an! *o!a* or sa*utar! act( )ut in"ite
a** others to the wor+ o# resett*in% a** the States o# Sici*! an
esta)*ishin% e1ua*it! uner the *aws$ summonin% them #rom Sici*!
itse*# an #rom the who*e Pe*o'onnese0an ha"e no #ear e"en o# Athens(
#or there$ a*so$ are men who e/ce* a** man+in in their e"otion to
"irtue an in hatre o# the rec+*ess acts o# those who she the
)*oo o# #riens.
.ut i#$ a#ter a**$ this is wor+ #or a #uture time$ whereas immeiate
action is ca**e #or )! the isorers o# a** sorts an +ins which
arise e"er! a! #rom !our state o# ci"i* stri#e$ e"er! man to whom
Pro"ience has %i"en e"en a moerate share o# ri%ht inte**i%ence ou%ht
to +now that in times o# ci"i* stri#e there is no res'ite #rom trou)*e
ti** the "ictors ma+e an en o# #eein% their %ru%e )! com)ats an
)anishments an e/ecutions$ an o# wrea+in% their "en%eance on their
enemies. The! shou* master themse*"es an$ enactin% im'artia* *aws$
#rame not to %rati#! themse*"es more than the con1uere 'art!$ shou*
com'e* men to o)e! these )! two restrainin% #orces$ res'ect an
#ear( #ear$ )ecause the! are the masters an can is'*a! su'erior
#orce( res'ect$ )ecause the! rise su'erior to '*easures an are
wi**in% an a)*e to )e ser"ants to the *aws. There is no other wa!
sa"e this #or terminatin% the trou)*es o# a cit! that is in a state o#
ci"i* stri#e( )ut a constant continuance o# interna* isorers$
stru%%*es$ hatre an mutua* istrust is the common *ot o# cities
which are in that '*i%ht.
There#ore$ those who ha"e #or the time )ein% %aine the u''er
han$ when the! esire to secure their 'osition$ must )! their own act
an choice se*ect #rom a** He**as men whom the! ha"e ascertaine to )e
the )est #or the 'ur'ose. These must in the #irst '*ace )e men o#
mature !ears$ who ha"e chi*ren an wi"es at home$ an$ as #ar as
'ossi)*e$ a *on% *ine o# ancestors o# %oo re'ute$ an a** must )e
'ossesse o# su##icient 'ro'ert!. For a cit! o# ten thousan
househo*ers their num)ers shou* )e #i#t!( that is enou%h. These the!
must inuce to come #rom their own homes )! entreaties an the 'romise
o# the hi%hest honours( an ha"in% inuce them to come the! must
entreat an comman them to raw u' *aws a#ter )inin% themse*"es )!
oath to show no 'artia*it! either to con1uerors or to con1uere$ )ut
to %i"e e1ua* an common ri%hts to the who*e State.
When *aws ha"e )een enacte$ what e"er!thin% then hin%es on is this.
I# the con1uerors show more o)eience to the *aws than the
con1uere$ the who*e State wi** )e #u** o# securit! an ha''iness$ an
there wi** )e an esca'e #rom a** !our trou)*es. .ut i# the! o not$
then o not summon me or an! other he*'er to ai !ou a%ainst those who
o not o)e! the counse* I now %i"e !ou. For this course is a+in to
that which Dion an I attem'te to carr! out with our hearts set on
the we*#are o# S!racuse. It is inee a secon )est course. The
#irst an )est was that scheme o# we*#are to a** man+in which we
attem'te to carr! out with the co0o'eration o# Dion!sios( )ut some
chance$ mi%htier than men$ )rou%ht it to nothin%. Do !ou now$ with
%oo #ortune attenin% !ou an with Hea"en6s he*'$ tr! to )rin% !our
e##orts to a ha''ier issue.
Let this )e the en o# m! a"ice an in,unction an o# the narrati"e
o# m! #irst "isit to Dion!sios. Whoe"er wishes ma! ne/t hear o# m!
secon ,ourne! an "o!a%e$ an *earn that it was a reasona)*e an
suita)*e 'roceein%. &! #irst 'erio o# resience in Sici*! was
occu'ie in the wa! which I re*ate )e#ore %i"in% m! a"ice to the
re*ati"es an #riens o# Dion. A#ter those e"ents I 'ersuae
Dion!sios )! such ar%uments as I cou* to *et me %o( an we mae an
a%reement as to what shou* )e one when 'eace was mae( #or at that
time there was a state o# war in Sici*!. Dion!sios sai that$ when
he ha 'ut the a##airs o# his em'ire in a 'osition o# %reater sa#et!
#or himse*#$ he wou* sen #or Dion an me a%ain( an he esire
that Dion shou* re%ar what ha )e#a**en him not as an e/i*e$ )ut
as a chan%e o# resience. I a%ree to come a%ain on these conitions.
When 'eace ha )een mae$ he )e%an senin% #or me( he re1ueste that
Dion shou* wait #or another !ear$ )ut )e%%e that I shou* )! a**
means come. Dion now +e't ur%in% an entreatin% me to %o. For
'ersistent rumours came #rom Sici*! that Dion!sios was now once more
'ossesse )! an e/traorinar! esire #or 'hi*oso'h!. For this reason
Dion 'resse me ur%ent*! not to ec*ine his in"itation. .ut thou%h I
was we** aware that as re%ars 'hi*oso'h! such s!m'toms were not
uncommon in !oun% men$ sti** it seeme to me sa#er at that time to
'art com'an! a*to%ether with Dion an Dion!sios( an I o##ene )oth
o# them )! re'*!in% that I was an o* man$ an that the ste's now
)ein% ta+en were 1uite at "ariance with the 're"ious a%reement.
A#ter this$ it seems$ Arch!tes came to the court o# Dion!sios.
.e#ore m! e'arture I ha )rou%ht him an his Tarentine circ*e into
#rien*! re*ations with Dion!sios. There were some others in
S!racuse who ha recei"e some instruction #rom Dion$ an others ha
*earnt #rom these$ %ettin% their heas #u** o# erroneous teachin% on
'hi*oso'hica* 1uestions. These$ it seems$ were attem'tin% to ho*
iscussions with Dion!sios on 1uestions connecte with such
su),ects$ in the iea that he ha )een #u**! instructe in m! "iews.
Now is not at a** e"oi o# natura* %i#ts #or *earnin%$ an he has a
%reat cra"in% #or honour an %*or!. What was sai 'ro)a)*! '*ease
him$ an he #e*t some shame when it )ecame c*ear that he ha not ta+en
a"anta%e o# m! teachin% urin% m! "isit. For these reasons he
concei"e a esire #or more e#inite instruction$ an his *o"e o#
%*or! was an aitiona* incenti"e to him. The rea* reasons wh! he
ha *earnt nothin% urin% m! 're"ious "isit ha"e ,ust )een set #orth
in the 'recein% narrati"e. Accorin%*!$ now that I was sa#e at home
an ha re#use his secon in"itation$ as I ,ust now re*ate$
Dion!sios seems to ha"e #e*t a** manner o# an/iet! *est certain 'eo'*e
shou* su''ose that I was unwi**in% to "isit him a%ain )ecause I ha
#orme a 'oor o'inion o# his natura* %i#ts an character$ an )ecause$
+nowin% as I i his manner o# *i#e$ I isa''ro"e o# it.
It is ri%ht #or me to s'ea+ the truth$ an ma+e no com'*aint i#
an!one$ a#ter hearin% the #acts$ #orms a 'oor o'inion o# m!
'hi*oso'h!$ an thin+s that the t!rant was in the ri%ht. Dion!sios now
in"ite me #or the thir time$ senin% a trireme to ensure me
com#ort on the "o!a%e( he sent a*so Archeemos0one o# those who ha
s'ent some time with Arch!tes$ an o# whom he su''ose that I ha a
hi%her o'inion than o# an! o# the Sici*ian -ree+s0an$ with him$ other
men o# re'ute in Sici*!. These a** )rou%ht the same re'ort$ that
Dion!sios ha mae 'ro%ress in 'hi*oso'h!. He a*so sent a "er! *on%
*etter$ +nowin% as he i m! re*ations with Dion an Dion6s
ea%erness a*so that I shou* ta+e shi' an %o to S!racuse. The
*etter was #rame in its o'enin% sentences to meet a** these
conitions$ an the tenor o# it was as #o**ows3 5Dion!sios to
P*ato$5 here #o**owe the customar! %reetin% an immeiate*! a#ter
it he sai$ 5I# in com'*iance with our re1uest !ou come now$ in the
#irst '*ace$ Dion6s a##airs wi** )e ea*t with in whate"er wa! !ou
!ourse*# esire( I +now that !ou wi** esire what is reasona)*e$ an I
sha** consent to it. .ut i# not$ none o# Dion6s a##airs wi** ha"e
resu*ts in accorance with !our wishes$ with re%ar either to Dion
himse*# or to other matters.5 This he sai in these wors( the rest it
wou* )e teious an ino''ortune to 1uote. Other *etters arri"e
#rom Arch!tes an the Tarentines$ 'raisin% the 'hi*oso'hica* stuies
o# Dion!sios an sa!in% that$ i# I i not now come$ I shou* cause
a com'*ete ru'ture in their #rienshi' with Dion!sios$ which ha
)een )rou%ht a)out )! me an was o# no sma** im'ortance to their
'o*itica* interests.
When this in"itation came to me at that time in such terms$ an
those who ha come #rom Sici*! an Ita*! were tr!in% to ra% me
thither$ whi*e m! #riens at Athens were *itera**! 'ushin% me out with
their ur%ent entreaties$ it was the same o* ta*e0that I must not
)etra! Dion an m! Tarentine #riens an su''orters. A*so I m!se*# ha
a *ur+in% #ee*in% that there was nothin% sur'risin% in the #act that a
!oun% man$ 1uic+ to *earn$ hearin% ta*+ o# the %reat truths o#
'hi*oso'h!$ shou* #ee* a cra"in% #or the hi%her *i#e. I thou%ht
there#ore that I must 'ut the matter e#inite*! to the test to see
whether his esire was %enuine or the re"erse$ an on no account *ea"e
such an im'u*se unaie nor ma+e m!se*# res'onsi)*e #or such a ee'
an rea* is%race$ i# the re'orts )rou%ht )! an!one were rea**!
true. So )*in#o*in% m!se*# with this re#*ection$ I set out$ with
man! #ears an with no "er! #a"oura)*e antici'ations$ as was natura*
enou%h. Howe"er$ I went$ an m! action on this occasion at an! rate
was rea**! a case o# 5the thir to the Preser"er$5 #or I ha the
%oo #ortune to return sa#e*!( an #or this I must$ ne/t to the -o$
than+ Dion!sios$ )ecause$ thou%h man! wishe to ma+e an en o# me$
he 're"ente them an 'ai some 'ro'er res'ect to m! situation.
On m! arri"a*$ I thou%ht that #irst I must 'ut to the test the
1uestion whether Dion!sios ha rea**! )een +in*e with the #ire o#
'hi*oso'h!$ or whether a** the re'orts which ha come to Athens were
em't! rumours. Now there is a wa! o# 'uttin% such thin%s to the test
which is not to )e es'ise an is we** suite to monarchs$ es'ecia**!
to those who ha"e %ot their heas #u** o# erroneous teachin%$ which
immeiate*! m! arri"a* I #oun to )e "er! much the case with
Dion!sios. One shou* show such men what 'hi*oso'h! is in a** its
e/tent( what their ran%e o# stuies is )! which it is a''roache$
an how much *a)our it in"o*"es. For the man who has hear this$ i# he
has the true 'hi*oso'hic s'irit an that %o*i+e tem'erament which
ma+es him a +in to 'hi*oso'h! an worth! o# it$ thin+s that he has
)een to* o# a mar"e**ous roa *!in% )e#ore him$ that he must
#orthwith 'ress on with a** his stren%th$ an that *i#e is not worth
*i"in% i# he oes an!thin% e*se. A#ter this he uses to the #u** his
own 'owers an those o# his %uie in the 'ath$ an re*a/es not his
e##orts$ ti** he has either reache the en o# the who*e course o#
stu! or %aine such 'ower that he is not inca'a)*e o# irectin% his
ste's without the ai o# a %uie. This is the s'irit an these are the
thou%hts )! which such a man %uies his *i#e$ carr!in% out his wor+$
whate"er his occu'ation ma! )e$ )ut throu%hout it a** e"er c*ea"in% to
'hi*oso'h! an to such ru*es o# iet in his ai*! *i#e as wi** %i"e
him inwar so)riet! an therewith 1uic+ness in *earnin%$ a %oo
memor!$ an reasonin% 'ower( the +in o# *i#e which is o''ose to this
he consistent*! hates. Those who ha"e not the true 'hi*oso'hic tem'er$
)ut a mere sur#ace co*ourin% o# o'inions 'enetratin%$ *i+e sun)urn$
on*! s+in ee'$ when the! see how %reat the ran%e o# stuies is$ how
much *a)our is in"o*"e in it$ an how necessar! to the 'ursuit it
is to ha"e an orer*! re%u*ation o# the ai*! *i#e$ come to the
conc*usion that the thin% is i##icu*t an im'ossi)*e #or them$ an
are actua**! inca'a)*e o# carr!in% out the course o# stu!( whi*e some
o# them 'ersuae themse*"es that the! ha"e su##icient*! stuie the
who*e matter an ha"e no nee o# an! #urther e##ort. This is the
sure test an is the sa#est one to a''*! to those who *i"e in *u/ur!
an are inca'a)*e o# continuous e##ort( it ensures that such a man
sha** not throw the )*ame u'on his teacher )ut on himse*#$ )ecause
he cannot )rin% to the 'ursuit a** the 1ua*ities necessar! to it. Thus
it came a)out that I sai to Dion!sios what I i sa! on that
I i not$ howe"er$ %i"e a com'*ete e/'osition$ nor i Dion!sios
as+ #or one. For he 'ro#esse to +now man!$ an those the most
im'ortant$ 'oints$ an to ha"e a su##icient ho* o# them throu%h
instruction %i"en )! others. I hear a*so that he has since written
a)out what he hear #rom me$ com'osin% what 'ro#esses to )e his own
han)oo+$ "er! i##erent$ so he sa!s$ #rom the octrines which he
hear #rom me( )ut o# its contents I +now nothin%( I +now inee
that others ha"e written on the same su),ects( )ut who the! are$ is
more than the! +now themse*"es. Thus much at *east$ I can sa! a)out
a** writers$ 'ast or #uture$ who sa! the! +now the thin%s to which I
e"ote m!se*#$ whether )! hearin% the teachin% o# me or o# others$
or )! their own isco"eries0that accorin% to m! "iew it is not
'ossi)*e #or them to ha"e an! rea* s+i** in the matter. There
neither is nor e"er wi** )e a treatise o# mine on the su),ect. For
it oes not amit o# e/'osition *i+e other )ranches o# +now*e%e(
)ut a#ter much con"erse a)out the matter itse*# an a *i#e *i"e
to%ether$ suen*! a *i%ht$ as it were$ is +in*e in one sou* )! a
#*ame that *ea's to it #rom another$ an therea#ter sustains itse*#.
Yet this much I +now0that i# the thin%s were written or 'ut into
wors$ it wou* )e one )est )! me$ an that$ i# the! were written
)a*!$ I shou* )e the 'erson most 'aine. A%ain$ i# the! ha a''eare
to me to amit ae1uate*! o# writin% an e/'osition$ what tas+ in *i#e
cou* I ha"e 'er#orme no)*er than this$ to write what is o# %reat
ser"ice to man+in an to )rin% the nature o# thin%s into the *i%ht
#or a** to see4 .ut I o not thin+ it a %oo thin% #or men that
there shou* )e a is1uisition$ as it is ca**e$ on this
to'ic0e/ce't #or some #ew$ who are a)*e with a *itt*e teachin% to #in
it out #or themse*"es. As #or the rest$ it wou* #i** some o# them
1uite i**o%ica**! with a mista+en #ee*in% o# contem't$ an others with
*o#t! an "ain0%*orious e/'ectations$ as thou%h the! ha *earnt
somethin% hi%h an mi%ht!.
On this 'oint I inten to s'ea+ a *itt*e more at *en%th( #or
'erha's$ when I ha"e one so$ thin%s wi** )e c*earer with re%ar to m!
'resent su),ect. There is an ar%ument which ho*s %oo a%ainst the man
"entures to 'ut an!thin% whate"er into writin% on 1uestions o# this
nature( it has o#ten )e#ore )een state )! me$ an it seems suita)*e
to the 'resent occasion.
For e"er!thin% that e/ists there are three instruments )! which
the +now*e%e o# it is necessari*! im'arte( #ourth$ there is the
+now*e%e itse*#$ an$ as #i#th$ we must count the thin% itse*#
which is +nown an tru*! e/ists. The #irst is the name$ the$ secon
the e#inition$ the thir. the ima%e$ an the #ourth the +now*e%e. I#
!ou wish to *earn what I mean$ ta+e these in the case o# one instance$
an so unerstan them in the case o# a**. A circ*e is a thin%
s'o+en o#$ an its name is that "er! wor which we ha"e ,ust
uttere. The secon thin% )e*on%in% to it is its e#inition$ mae u'
names an "er)a* #orms. For that which has the name 5roun$5
5annu*ar$5 or$ 5circ*e$5 mi%ht )e e#ine as that which has the
istance #rom its circum#erence to its centre e"er!where e1ua*. Thir$
comes that which is rawn an ru))e out a%ain$ or turne on a *athe
an )ro+en u'0none o# which thin%s can ha''en to the circ*e
itse*#0to which the other thin%s$ mentione ha"e re#erence( #or it
is somethin% o# a i##erent orer #rom them. Fourth$ comes
+now*e%e$ inte**i%ence an ri%ht o'inion a)out these thin%s. :ner
this one hea we must %rou' e"er!thin% which has its e/istence$ not in
wors nor in )oi*! sha'es$ )ut in sou*s0#rom which it is ear that it
is somethin% i##erent #rom the nature o# the circ*e itse*# an #rom
the three thin%s mentione )e#ore. O# these thin%s inte**i%ence
comes c*osest in +inshi' an *i+eness to the #i#th$ an the others are
#arther istant.
The same a''*ies to strai%ht as we** as to circu*ar #orm$ to
co*ours$ to the %oo$ the$ )eauti#u*$ the ,ust$ to a** )oies
whether manu#acture or comin% into )ein% in the course o# nature$
to #ire$ water$ an a** such thin%s$ to e"er! *i"in% )ein%$ to
character in sou*s$ an to a** thin%s one an su##ere. For in the
case o# a** these$ no one$ i# he has not some how or other %ot ho* o#
the #our thin%s #irst mentione$ can e"er )e com'*ete*! a 'arta+er
o# +now*e%e o# the #i#th. Further$ on account o# the wea+ness o#
*an%ua%e$ these ;i.e.$ the #our< attem't to show what each thin% is
*i+e$ not *ess than what each thin% is. For this reason no man o#
inte**i%ence wi** "enture to e/'ress his 'hi*oso'hica* "iews in
*an%ua%e$ es'ecia**! not in *an%ua%e that is unchan%ea)*e$ which is
true o# that which is set own in written characters.
A%ain !ou must *earn the 'oint which comes ne/t. E"er! circ*e$ o#
those which are )! the act o# man rawn or e"en turne on a *athe$
is #u** o# that which is o''osite to the #i#th thin%. For e"er!where
it has contact with the strai%ht. .ut the circ*e itse*#$ we sa!$ has
nothin% in either sma**er or %reater$ o# that which is its o''osite.
We sa! a*so that the name is not a thin% o# 'ermanence #or an! o#
them$ an that nothin% 're"ents the thin%s now ca**e roun #rom )ein%
ca**e strai%ht$ an the strai%ht thin%s roun( #or those who ma+e
chan%es an ca** thin%s )! o''osite names$ nothin% wi** )e *ess
'ermanent ;than a name<. A%ain with re%ar to the e#inition$ i# it is
mae u' o# names an "er)a* #orms$ the same remar+ ho*s that there is
no su##icient*! ura)*e 'ermanence in it. An there is no en to the
instances o# the am)i%uit! #rom which each o# the #our su##ers( )ut
the %reatest o# them is that which we mentione a *itt*e ear*ier$
that$ whereas there are two thin%s$ that which has rea* )ein%$ an
that which is on*! a 1ua*it!$ when the sou* is see+in% to +now$ not
the 1ua*it!$ )ut the essence$ each o# the #our$ 'resentin% to the sou*
)! wor an in act that which it is not see+in% ;i.e.$ the 1ua*it!<$ a
thin% o'en to re#utation )! the senses$ )ein% mere*! the thin%
'resente to the sou* in each 'articu*ar case whether )! statement
or the act o# showin%$ #i**s$ one ma! sa!$ e"er! man with 'u22*ement
an 'er'*e/it!.
Now in su),ects in which$ )! reason o# our e#ecti"e eucation$ we
ha"e not )een accustome e"en to search #or the truth$ )ut are
satis#ie with whate"er ima%es are 'resente to us$ we are not he* u'
to riicu*e )! one another$ the 1uestione )! 1uestioners$ who can
'u** to 'ieces an criticise the #our thin%s. .ut in su),ects where we
tr! to com'e* a man to %i"e a c*ear answer a)out the #i#th$ an! one o#
those who are ca'a)*e o# o"erthrowin% an anta%onist %ets the )etter o#
us$ an ma+es the man$ who %i"es an e/'osition in s'eech or writin% or
in re'*ies to 1uestions$ a''ear to most o# his hearers to +now nothin%
o# the thin%s on which he is attem'tin% to write or s'ea+( #or the!
are sometimes not aware that it is not the min o# the writer or
s'ea+er which is 'ro"e to )e at #au*t$ )ut the e#ecti"e nature o#
each o# the #our instruments. The 'rocess howe"er o# ea*in% with
a** o# these$ as the min mo"es u' an own to each in turn$ oes
a#ter much e##ort %i"e )irth in a we**0constitute min to +now*e%e
o# that which is we** constitute. .ut i# a man is i**0constitute
)! nature ;as the state o# the sou* is natura**! in the ma,orit!
)oth in its ca'acit! #or *earnin% an in what is ca**e mora*
character<0or it ma! ha"e )ecome so )! eterioration0not e"en
L!nceus cou* enow such men with the 'ower o# si%ht.
In one wor$ the man who has no natura* +inshi' with this matter
cannot )e mae a+in to it )! 1uic+ness o# *earnin% or memor!( #or it
cannot )e en%enere at a** in natures which are #orei%n to it.
There#ore$ i# men are not )! nature +inshi' a**ie to ,ustice an
a** other thin%s that are honoura)*e$ thou%h the! ma! )e %oo at
*earnin% an remem)erin% other +now*e%e o# "arious +ins0or i# the!
ha"e the +inshi' )ut are s*ow *earners an ha"e no memor!0none o#
a** these wi** e"er *earn to the #u** the truth a)out "irtue an "ice.
For )oth must )e *earnt to%ether( an to%ether a*so must )e *earnt$ )!
com'*ete an *on% continue stu!$ as I sai at the )e%innin%$ the
true an the #a*se a)out a** that has rea* )ein%. A#ter much e##ort$
as names$ e#initions$ si%hts$ an other ata o# sense$ are )rou%ht
into contact an #riction one with another$ in the course o#
scrutin! an +in*! testin% )! men who 'rocee )! 1uestion an
answer without i** wi**$ with a suen #*ash there shines #orth
unerstanin% a)out e"er! 'ro)*em$ an an inte**i%ence whose e##orts
reach the #urthest *imits o# human 'owers. There#ore e"er! man o#
worth$ when ea*in% with matters o# worth$ wi** )e #ar #rom e/'osin%
them to i** #ee*in% an misunerstanin% amon% men )! committin%
them to writin%. In one wor$ then$ it ma! )e +nown #rom this that$ i#
one sees written treatises com'ose )! an!one$ either the *aws o# a
*aw%i"er$ or in an! other #orm whate"er$ these are not #or that man
the thin%s o# most worth$ i# he is a man o# worth$ )ut that his
treasures are *ai u' in the #airest s'ot that he 'ossesses. .ut i#
these thin%s were wor+e at )! him as thin%s o# rea* worth$ an
committe to writin%$ then sure*!$ not %os$ )ut men 5ha"e
themse*"es )ere#t him o# his wits.5
An!one who has #o**owe this iscourse an i%ression wi** +now we**
that$ i# Dion!sios or an!one e*se$ %reat or sma**$ has written a
treatise on the hi%hest matters an the #irst 'rinci'*es o# thin%s$ he
has$ so I sa!$ neither hear nor *earnt an! soun teachin% a)out the
su),ect o# his treatise( otherwise$ he wou* ha"e ha the same
re"erence #or it$ which I ha"e$ an wou* ha"e shrun+ #rom 'uttin%
it #orth into a wor* o# iscor an uncome*iness. For he wrote it$
not as an ai to memor!0since there is no ris+ o# #or%ettin% it$ i#
a man6s sou* has once *ai ho* o# it( #or it is e/'resse in the
shortest o# statements0)ut i# he wrote it at a**$ it was #rom a mean
cra"in% #or honour$ either 'uttin% it #orth as his own in"ention$ or
to #i%ure as a man 'ossesse o# cu*ture$ o# which he was not worth!$
i# his heart was set on the creit o# 'ossessin% it. I# then Dion!sios
%aine this cu*ture #rom the one *esson which he ha #rom me$ we ma!
'erha's %rant him the 'ossession o# it$ thou%h how he ac1uire
it0-o wot$ as the The)an sa!s( #or I %a"e him the teachin%$ which I
ha"e escri)e$ on that one occasion an ne"er a%ain.
The ne/t 'oint which re1uires to )e mae c*ear to an!one who
wishes to isco"er how thin%s rea**! ha''ene$ is the reason wh! it
came a)out that I i not continue m! teachin% in a secon an thir
*esson an !et o#tener. Does Dion!sios$ a#ter a sin%*e *esson$ )e*ie"e
himse*# to +now the matter$ an has he an ae1uate +now*e%e o# it$
either as ha"in% isco"ere it #or himse*# or *earnt it )e#ore #rom
others$ or oes he )e*ie"e m! teachin% to )e worth*ess$ or$ thir*!$
to )e )e!on his ran%e an too %reat #or him$ an himse*# to )e rea**!
una)*e to *i"e as one who %i"es his min to wisom an "irtue4 For
i# he thin+s it worth*ess$ he wi** ha"e to conten with man! who sa!
the o''osite$ an who wou* )e he* in #ar hi%her re'ute as ,u%es
than Dion!sios$ i# on the other han$ he thin+s he has isco"ere or
*earnt the thin%s an that the! are worth ha"in% as 'art o# a
*i)era* eucation$ how cou* he$ un*ess he is an e/traorinar! 'erson$
ha"e so rec+*ess*! ishonoure the master who has *e the wa! in these
su),ects4 How he ishonoure him$ I wi** now state.
:' to this time he ha a**owe Dion to remain in 'ossession o# his
'ro'ert! an to recei"e the income #rom it. .ut not *on% a#ter the
#ore%oin% e"ents$ as i# he ha entire*! #or%otten his *etter to that
e##ect$ he no *on%er a**owe Dion6s trustees to sen him remittances
to the Pe*o'onnese$ on the 'retence that the owner o# the 'ro'ert! was
not Dion )ut Dion6s son$ his own ne'hew$ o# whom he himse*# was
*e%a**! the trustee. These were the actua* #acts which occurre u'
to the 'oint which we ha"e reache. The! ha o'ene m! e!es as to
the "a*ue o# Dion!sios6 esire #or 'hi*oso'h!$ an I ha e"er! ri%ht
to com'*ain$ whether I wishe to o so or not. Now )! this time it was
summer an the season #or sea "o!a%es( there#ore I ecie that I must
not )e "e/e with Dion!sios rather than with m!se*# an those who
ha #orce me to come #or the thir time into the strait o# Sc!**a$
that once a%ain I mi%ht
To #e** 9har!)is measure )ac+ m! course$
)ut must te** Dion!sios that it was im'ossi)*e #or me to remain
a#ter this outra%e ha )een 'ut u'on Dion. He trie to soothe me an
)e%%e me to remain$ not thin+in% it esira)*e #or himse*# that I
shou* arri"e 'ost haste in 'erson as the )earer o# such tiin%s. When
his entreaties 'rouce no e##ect$ he 'romise that he himse*# wou*
'ro"ie me with trans'ort. For m! intention was to em)ar+ on one o#
the train% shi's an sai* awa!$ )ein% ini%nant an thin+in% it m!
ut! to #ace a** an%ers$ in case I was 're"ente #rom %oin%0since
'*ain*! an o)"ious*! I was oin% no wron%$ )ut was the 'art! wron%e.
Seein% me not at a** inc*ine to sta!$ he e"ise the #o**owin%
scheme to ma+e me sta! urin% that sain% season. On the ne/t a! he
came to me an mae a '*ausi)*e 'ro'osa*3 5Let us 'ut an en$5 he
sai$ 5to these constant 1uarre*s )etween !ou an me a)out Dion an
his a##airs. For !our sa+e I wi** o this #or Dion. I re1uire him to
ta+e his own 'ro'ert! an resie in the Pe*o'onnese$ not as an
e/i*e$ )ut on the unerstanin% that it is o'en #or him to mi%rate
here$ when this ste' has the ,oint a''ro"a* o# himse*#$ me$ an !ou
his #riens( an this sha** )e o'en to him on the unerstanin% that
he oes not '*ot a%ainst me. You an !our #riens an Dion6s #riens
here must )e sureties #or him in this$ an he must %i"e !ou
securit!. Let the #uns which he recei"es )e e'osite in the
Pe*o'onnese an at Athens$ with 'ersons a''ro"e )! !ou$ an *et
Dion en,o! the income #rom them )ut ha"e no 'ower to ta+e them out
o# e'osit without the a''ro"a* o# !ou an !our #riens. For I ha"e no
%reat con#ience in him$ that$ i# he has this 'ro'ert! at his
is'osa*$ he wi** act ,ust*! towars me$ #or it wi** )e no sma**
amount( )ut I ha"e more con#ience in !ou an !our #riens. See i#
this satis#ies !ou( an on these conitions remain #or the 'resent
!ear$ an at the ne/t season !ou sha** e'art ta+in% the 'ro'ert! with
!ou. I am 1uite sure that Dion wi** )e %rate#u* to !ou$ i# !ou
accom'*ish so much on his )eha*#.5
When I hear this 'ro'osa* I was "e/e$ )ut a#ter re#*ection sai
I wou* *et him +now m! "iew o# it on the #o**owin% a!. We a%ree
to that e##ect #or the moment$ an a#terwars when I was )! m!se*# I
'onere the matter in much istress. The #irst re#*ection that came
u'$ *eain% the wa! in m! se*#0communin%$ was this3 59ome su''ose that
Dion!sios intens to o none o# the thin%s which he has mentione$ )ut
that$ a#ter m! e'arture$ he writes a '*ausi)*e *etter to Dion$ an
orers se"era* o# his creatures to write to the same e##ect$ te**in%
him o# the 'ro'osa* which he has now mae to me$ ma+in% out that he
was wi**in% to o what he 'ro'ose$ )ut that I re#use an
com'*ete*! ne%*ecte Dion6s interests. Further$ su''ose that he is not
wi**in% to a**ow m! e'arture$ an without %i"in% 'ersona* orers to
an! o# the merchants$ ma+es it c*ear$ as he easi*! can$ to a** that he
not wish me to sai*$ wi** an!one consent to ta+e me as a 'assen%er$
when I *ea"e the house3 o# Dion!sios45
For in aition to m! other trou)*es$ I was *o%in% at that time
in the %aren which surroun his house$ #rom which e"en the %ate+ee'er
wou* ha"e re#use to *et me %o$ un*ess an orer ha )een sent to
him #rom Dion!sios. 5Su''ose howe"er that I wait #or the !ear$ I sha**
)e a)*e to write wor o# these thin%s to Dion$ statin% the 'osition in
which I am$ an the ste's which I am tr!in% to ta+e. An i#
Dion!sios oes an! o# the thin%s which he sa!s$ I sha** ha"e
accom'*ishe somethin% that is not a*to%ether to )e sneere at( #or
Dion6s 'ro'ert! is$ at a #air estimate$ 'erha's not *ess than a
hunre ta*ents. I# howe"er the 'ros'ect which I see *oomin% in the
#uture ta+es the course which ma! reasona)*! )e e/'ecte$ I +now not
what I sha** o with m!se*#. Sti** it is 'erha's necessar! to %o on
wor+in% #or a !ear$ an to attem't to 'ro"e )! actua* #act the
machinations o# Dion!sios.5
Ha"in% come to this ecision$ on the #o**owin% a! I sai to
Dion!sios$ 5I ha"e ecie to remain. .ut$5 I continue$ 5I must as+
that !ou wi** not re%ar me as em'owere to act #or Dion$ )ut wi**
a*on% with me write a *etter to him$ statin% what has now )een
ecie$ an en1uire whether this course satis#ies him. I# it oes
not$ an i# he has other wishes an emans$ he must write 'articu*ars
o# them as soon as 'ossi)*e$ an !ou must not as !et ta+e an! hast!
ste' with re%ar to his interests.5
This was what was sai an this was the a%reement which was mae$
a*most in these wors. We**$ a#ter this the train%0shi's too+ their
e'arture$ an it was no *on%er 'ossi)*e #or me to ta+e mine$ when
Dion!sios$ i# !ou '*ease$ aresse me with the remar+ that ha*# the
'ro'ert! must )e re%are as )e*on%in% to Dion an ha*# to his son.
There#ore$ he sai$ he wou* se** it$ an when it was so* wou*
%i"e ha*# to me to ta+e awa!$ an wou* *ea"e ha*# on the s'ot #or the
son. This course$ he sai$ was the most ,ust. This 'ro'osa* was a )*ow
to me$ an I thou%ht it a)sur to ar%ue an! *on%er with him(
howe"er$ I sai that we must wait #or Dion6s *etter$ an then once
more write to te** him o# this new 'ro'osa*. His ne/t ste' was the
)ri**iant one o# se**in% the who*e o# Dion6s 'ro'ert!$ usin% his own
iscretion with re%ar to the manner an terms o# the sa*e an o#
the 'urchasers. He s'o+e not a wor to me a)out the matter #rom
)e%innin% to en$ an I #o**owe his e/am'*e an ne"er ta*+e to him
a%ain a)out Dion6s a##airs( #or I i not thin+ that I cou* o an!
%oo )! oin% so. This is the histor! so #ar o# m! e##orts to come
to the rescue o# 'hi*oso'h! an o# m! #riens.
A#ter this Dion!sios an I went on with our ai*! *i#e$ I with m!
e!es turne a)roa *i+e a )ir !earnin% to #*! #rom its 'erch$ an
he a*wa!s e"isin% some new wa! o# scarin% me )ac+ an o# +ee'in% a
ti%ht ho* on Dion6s 'ro'ert!. Howe"er$ we %a"e out to a** Sici*! that
we were #riens. Dion!sios$ now esertin% the 'o*ic! o# his #ather$
attem'te to *ower the 'a! o# the o*er mem)ers o# his )o! %uar. The
so*iers were #urious$ an$ assem)*in% in %reat num)ers$ ec*are that
the! wou* not su)mit. He attem'te to use #orce to them$ shuttin% the
%ates o# the acro'o*is( )ut the! char%e strai%ht #or the wa**s$
!e**in% out an uninte**i%i)*e an #erocious war cr!. Dion!sios too+
#ri%ht an concee a** their emans an more to the 'e*tasts then
A rumour soon s'rea that Herac*eies ha )een the cause o# a**
the trou)*e. Hearin% this$ Herac*eies +e't out o# the wa!.
Dion!sios was tr!in% to %et ho* o# him$ an )ein% una)*e to o so$
sent #or Theootes to come to him in his %aren. It ha''ene that I
was wa*+in% in the %aren at the same time. I neither +now nor i I
hear the rest o# what 'asse )etween them$ )ut what Theootes sai
to Dion!sios in m! 'resence I +now an remem)er. 5P*ato$5 he sai$
5I am tr!in% to con"ince our #rien Dion!sios that$ i# I am a)*e to
)rin% Herac*eies )e#ore us to e#en himse*# on the char%es which
ha"e )een mae a%ainst him$ an i# he ecies that Herac*eies must no
*on%er *i"e in Sici*!$ he shou* )e a**owe ;this is m! 'oint< to ta+e
his son an wi#e an sai* to the Pe*o'onnese an resie there$
ta+in% no action there a%ainst Dion!sios an en,o!in% the income o#
his 'ro'ert!. I ha"e a*rea! sent #or him an wi** sen #or him a%ain(
an i# he comes in o)eience either to m! #ormer messa%e or to this
one0we** an %oo. .ut I )e% an entreat Dion!sios that$ i# an!one
#ins Herac*eies either in the countr! or here$ no harm sha** come to
him$ )ut that he ma! retire #rom the countr! ti** Dion!sios comes to
some other ecision. Do !ou a%ree to this45 he ae$ aressin%
Dion!sios. 5I a%ree$5 he re'*ie$ 5that e"en i# he is #oun at !our
house$ no harm sha** )e one to him )e!on what has now )een sai.5
On the #o**owin% a! Eur!)ios an Theootes came to me in the
e"enin%$ )oth %reat*! istur)e. Theootes sai$ 5P*ato$ !ou were
'resent !estera! urin% the 'romises mae )! Dion!sios to me an to
!ou a)out Herac*eies45 59ertain*!$5 I re'*ie. 5We**$5 he
continue$ 5at this moment 'e*tasts are scourin% the countr! see+in%
to arrest Herac*eies( an he must )e somewhere in this nei%h)ourhoo.
For Hea"en6s sa+e come with us to Dion!sios.5 So we went an stoo
in the 'resence o# Dion!sios( an those two stoo shein% si*ent
tears$ whi*e I sai3 5These men are a#rai that !ou ma! ta+e stron%
measures with re%ar to Herac*eies contrar! to what was a%ree
!estera!. For it seems that he has returne an has )een seen
somewhere a)out here.5 On hearin% this he )*a2e u' an turne a**
co*ours$ as a man wou* in a ra%e. Theootes$ #a**in% )e#ore him in
tears$ too+ his han an entreate him to o nothin% o# the sort.
.ut I )ro+e in an trie to encoura%e him$ sa!in%3 5.e o# %oo
cheer$ Theootes( Dion!sios wi** not ha"e the heart to ta+e an!
#resh ste' contrar! to his 'romises o# !estera!.5 Fi/in% his e!e on
me$ an assumin% his most autocratic air he sai$ 5To !ou I 'romise
nothin% sma** or %reat.5 5.! the %os$5 I sai$ 5!ou i 'romise
that #or)earance #or which our #rien here now a''ea*s.5 With these
wors I turne awa! an went out. A#ter this he continue the hunt #or
Herac*eies$ an Theootes$ senin% messa%es$ ur%e Herac*eies to
ta+e #*i%ht. Dion!sios sent out Teisias an some 'e*tasts with
orers to 'ursue him. .ut Herac*eies$ as it was sai$ was ,ust in
time$ )! a sma** #raction o# a a!$ in ma+in% his esca'e into
9artha%inian territor!.
A#ter this Dion!sios thou%ht that his *on% cherishe scheme not to
restore Dion6s 'ro'ert! wou* %i"e him a '*ausi)*e e/cuse #or
hosti*it! towars me( an #irst o# a** he sent me out o# the
acro'o*is$ #inin% a 'rete/t that the women were o)*i%e to ho* a
sacri#icia* ser"ice #or ten a!s in the %aren in which I ha m!
*o%in%. He there#ore orere me to sta! outsie in the house o#
Archeemos urin% this 'erio. Whi*e I was there$ Theootes sent #or
me an mae a %reat out'ourin% o# ini%nation at these occurrences$
throwin% the )*ame on Dion!sios. Hearin% that I ha )een to see
Theootes he re%are this$ as another e/cuse$ sister to the
're"ious one$ #or 1uarre**in% with me. Senin% a messen%er he en1uire
i# I ha rea**! )een con#errin% with Theootes on his in"itation
59ertain*!$5 I re'*ie$ 5We**$5 continue the messen%er$ 5he orere
me to te** !ou that !ou are not actin% at a** we** in 're#errin%
a*wa!s Dion an Dion6s #riens to him.5 An he i not sen #or me
to return to his house$ as thou%h it were now c*ear that Theootes an
Herac*eies were m! #riens$ an he m! enem!. He a*so thou%ht that I
ha no +in #ee*in%s towars him )ecause the 'ro'ert! o# Dion was
now entire*! one #or.
A#ter this I resie outsie the acro'o*is amon% the mercenaries.
Various 'eo'*e then came to me$ amon% them those o# the shi's6 crews
who came #rom Athens$ m! own #e**ow citi2ens$ an re'orte that I
was e"i* s'o+en o# amon% the 'e*tasts$ an that some o# them were
threatenin% to ma+e an en o# me$ i# the! cou* +et ho* o# me
Accorin%*! I e"ise the #o**owin% '*an #or m! sa#et!.
I sent to Arch!tes an m! other #riens in Taras$ te**in% them the
'*i%ht I was in. Finin% some e/cuse #or an em)ass! #rom their cit!$
the! sent a thirt!0oare %a**e! with Lamiscos$ one o# themse*"es$
who came an entreate Dion!sios a)out me$ sa!in% that I wante to %o$
an that he shou* on no account stan in m! wa!. He consente an
a**owe me to %o$ %i"in% me mone! #or the ,ourne!. .ut #or Dion6s
'ro'ert! I mae no #urther re1uest$ nor was an! o# it restore.
I mae m! wa! to the Pe*o'onnese to O*!m'ia$ where I #oun Dion a
s'ectator at the -ames$ an to* him what ha occurre. 9a**in% 7eus
to )e his witness$ he at once ur%e me with m! re*ati"es an #riens
to ma+e 're'arations #or ta+in% "en%eance on Dion!sios0our %roun
#or action )ein% the )reach o# #aith to a %uest0so he 'ut it an
re%are it$ whi*e his own was his un,ust e/'u*sion an )anishment.
Hearin% this$ I to* him that he mi%ht ca** m! #riens to his ai$
i# the! wishe to %o( 5.ut #or m!se*#$5 I continue$ 5!ou an others
in a wa! #orce me to )e the sharer o# Dion!sios6 ta)*e an hearth an
his associate in the acts o# re*i%ion. He 'ro)a)*! )e*ie"e the
current s*aners$ that I was '*ottin% with !ou a%ainst him an his
es'otic ru*e( !et #ee*in%s o# scru'*e 're"ai*e with him$ an he
s'are m! *i#e. A%ain$ I am har*! o# the a%e #or )ein% comrae in
arms to an!one( a*so I stan as a neutra* )etween !ou$ i# e"er !ou
esire #rienshi' an wish to )ene#it one another( so *on% as !ou
aim at in,urin% one another$ ca** others to !our ai.5 This I sai$
)ecause I was is%uste with m! mis%uie ,ourne!in%s to Sici*! an m!
i**0#ortune there. .ut the! iso)e!e me an wou* not *isten to m!
attem'ts at reconci*iation$ an so )rou%ht on their own heas a**
the e"i*s which ha"e since ta+en '*ace. For i# Dion!sios ha
restore to Dion his 'ro'ert! or )een reconci*e with him on an!
terms$ none o# these thin%s wou* ha"e ha''ene$ so #ar as human
#oresi%ht can #orete**. Dion wou* ha"e easi*! )een +e't in chec+ )!
m! wishes an in#*uence. .ut now$ rushin% u'on one another$ the!
ha"e cause uni"ersa* isaster.
Dion6s as'iration howe"er was the same that I shou* sa! m! own or
that o# an! other ri%ht0mine man ou%ht to )e. With re%ar to his own
'ower$ his #riens an his countr! the iea* o# such a man wou* )e to
win the %reatest 'ower an honour )! renerin% the %reatest
ser"ices. An this en is not attaine i# a man %ets riches #or
himse*#$ his su''orters an his countr!$ )! #ormin% '*ots an
%ettin% to%ether cons'irators$ )ein% a** the whi*e a 'oor creature$
not master o# himse*#$ o"ercome )! the cowarice which #ears to
#i%ht a%ainst '*easures( nor is it attaine i# he %oes on to +i**
the men o# su)stance$ whom he s'ea+s o# as the enem!$ an to '*uner
their 'ossessions$ an in"ites his con#eerates an su''orters to o
the same$ with the o),ect that no one sha** sa! that it is his
#au*t$ i# he com'*ains o# )ein% 'oor. The same is true i# an!one
reners ser"ices o# this +in to the State an recei"es honours #rom
her #or istri)utin% )! ecrees the 'ro'ert! o# the #ew amon% the
man!0or i#$ )ein% in char%e the a##airs o# a %reat State which ru*es
o"er man! sma** ones$ he un,ust*! a''ro'riates to his own State the
'ossessions o# the sma** ones. For neither a Dion nor an! other man
wi**$ with his e!es o'en$ ma+e his wa! )! ste's *i+e these to a
'ower which wi** )e #rau%ht with estruction to himse*# an his
escenants #or a** time( )ut he wi** a"ance towars constitutiona*
%o"ernment an the #ramin% o# the ,ustest an )est *aws$ reachin%
these ens without e/ecutions an murers e"en on the sma**est sca*e.
This course Dion actua**! #o**owe$ thin+in% it 're#era)*e to su##er
ini1uitous ees rather than to o them( )ut$ whi*e ta+in% 'recautions
a%ainst them$ he ne"erthe*ess$ when he ha reache the c*ima/ o#
"ictor! o"er his enemies$ too+ a #a*se ste' an #e**$ a catastro'he
not at a** sur'risin%. For a man o# 'iet!$ tem'erance an wisom$ when
ea*in% with the im'ious$ wou* not )e entire*! )*in to the character
o# such men$ )ut it wou* 'erha's not )e sur'risin% i# he su##ere the
catastro'he that mi%ht )e#a** a %oo shi'6s ca'tain$ who wou* not
)e entire*! unaware o# the a''roach o# a storm$ )ut mi%ht )e unaware
o# its e/traorinar! an start*in% "io*ence$ an mi%ht there#ore )e
o"erwhe*me )! its #orce. The same thin% cause Dion6s own#a**. For
he was not unaware that his assai*ants were thorou%h*! )a men$ )ut he
was unaware how hi%h a 'itch o# in#atuation an o# %enera*
wic+eness an %ree the! ha reache. This was the cause o# his
own#a**$ which has in"o*"e Sici*! in count*ess sorrows.
As to the ste's which shou* )e ta+en a#ter the e"ents which I
ha"e now re*ate$ m! a"ice has )een %i"en 'rett! #u**! an ma! )e
re%are as #inishe( an i# !ou as+ m! reasons #or recountin% the
stor! o# m! secon ,ourne! to Sici*!$ it seeme to me essentia* that
an account o# it must )e %i"en )ecause o# the stran%e an
'arao/ica* character o# the incients. I# in this 'resent account
o# them the! a''ear to an!one more inte**i%i)*e$ an seem to an!one to
show su##icient %rouns in "iew o# the circumstances$ the 'resent
statement is ae1uate an not too *en%th!.

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