Witchcraft Dictionary
Witchcraft Dictionary
Witchcraft Dictionary
An individual who through serious study and accomplishments is considered highly
proficient in a particular magickal system. A person can be an adept at Egyptian magickal
practices, but a total failure at practical kitchen magick.
AKASHA: The Fifth element, the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the
universe. It is related to outer space, inner space, the unmanifested, and the life force.
See Also Elements
AKASHIC RECORDS: In the early part of this century the famed psychic Edgar Cayce
brought to general society the thought form of Akashic records. Supposedly, there is a
giant data base somewhere that can be accessed for information on subjects such as past
lives, healing, and other magickal/spiritual practices. This record system cannot be
accessed by material equipment, such as PC networking with a larger computer. In this
case, the mind of the psychic or Witch accesses the data through Universal Connections.
ALTAR: A special, flat surface set aside exclusively for magickal workings or religious
AMULET: Usually considered an object of protection that has been charged to deflect
specific negative energies or thought forms. Amulets can be made of feathers, plants,
beads, etc. The horseshoe and the four-leaf-clover are two examples of amulets.
See Also Talisman
ANKH: An Egyptian hieroglyphic that is widely used as a symbol for life, love and
reincarnation. It is depicted as a cross with a looped top.
ANKH: An ancient Egyptian symbol resembling a cross with a loop at the top. It
symbolizes life and cosmic knowledge, and every major God and Goddess of Egyptian
mythology is depicted in works of art carrying it. Also know as the crux ansata, the ankh
is used by many contemporary Witches (especially Wiccans of the Egyptian tradition) in
spells and rituals involving health, fertility, and divination.
ARADIA: A champion Italian Goddess sworn to protect her people against the aggression
of masculine faith and its persecutors during the reign of medieval terror. The original
Aradia was a female Christ figures in Italy who taught around 1353. She was imprisoned
more than once, escaped several times and eventually disappeared. The second Aradia
you will hear about is Leland's Aradia, a book detailing information from an Italian
Gypsy Witch. The third Aradia is the daughter of Diana and Lucifer (God of the Sun).
She is considered the Queen of the Witches.
ARCANA: The two halves of a Tarot deck. The Major Arcana consists of 22 trumps
depicting dominant occurrences in our lives. The Minor Arcana consists of 56 suit cards
(sometimes called the lesser Arcana) that assist in fleshing out the trump situations, or
indicate smaller occurrences in our lives. See also Tarot Cards.
ARCHETYPES: (EF) Extremely basic forms within the human psyche; the archaic
"racial memories." Refer to the works of Dr.Carl Jung.
ASTRAL: (SR) This word conjures lots of definitions. To keep it simple, let's describe it
as another dimension of reality. Referred to as "dream time". This reference is from the
Australian Aboriginal people and their teachings, which are well worth further study.
ASTRAL TRAVEL/PROJECTION: The process of separating your astral body from your
physical one to accomplish travel in the astral plane or dream time.
ATHAME: A cleansed and consecrated ceremonial knife used in ritual work by Witches.
The knife is never used for blood-letting, and rarely used to cut anything on the material
BANISH: To magically end something or exorcise unwanted entities. To rid the presence
BLOOD OF THE MOON: A woman's menstrual cycle. If this cycle occurs over a Full or
New Moon (and you can arrange that) she is far more powerful than during any other
time of the month, as long as she acknowledges this strength within herself. For too many
years women have been told that they must regard their cycle with an unkind eye, calling
it a curse when actually it is a boon. Society has so dictated this to them that many feel
weak, tired and disoriented because they are supposed to. Wrong. If you can rearrange
your thinking on this matter, the Blood of the Moon can pack a powerful wallop for you.
if you feel spacey, try grounding.
BOOK OF SHADOWS: A relatively new term for the collection of information in book
form for a Witch's reference. Much akin to a magickal cookbook. Another name for this
text would be grimoire.
BOLLINE: A curved, white-handled knife used for practical magickal purposes such as
cutting. For instance, the knife can be used to harvest herbs, cut a branch for a wand,
inscribe candles, etc.
BURNING TIMES: In reference to a historical time from around 1000 CE through the
17th century when it is said that over nine million people were tortured and burned by
church and public officials on the assumption that they were the Christian version of
Witches. This turned into an extremely profitable venture, as all land and property was
seized from the accused individual and portions given to the accuser (in reward fashion)
and the remainder seized by the church officials. Historians indicated that the majority of
people tortured and murdered were women and children.
CABALA: Also seen as Kabbala, Kabbalah and Qabala. The ancient Hebrew magickal
CHAKRAS: Seven major energy vortexes found in the human body. Each is usually
associated with a color. These vortexes are: crown - white; forehead (third eye position) -
purple; throat - blue; chest - pink or green; navel - yellow; abdomen - orange; groin - red.
Smaller vortexes are located in the hands and feet, as well.
CHANNELING: New Age practice wherein you allow a disincarnate entity to "borrow"
your body to speak to others either through automatic writing or verbally. Channeling
does not have a very good track record simply because it is difficult to prove and the
information imparted is usually not about things that can be "tested." Subjects normally
involve distance prophecy, what the afterlife is like, the structure of other dimensions,
words of wisdom that everybody really needs to know before it is too late, etc.
Channeling is the new buzz-word for mediumship. The best known and most accurate
medium within our present century was the later Edgar Cayce. Most book stores will
carry some of his material and it is well worth your time to read. Channeling is not the
same as contacting the dead for information or help.
CHARMS: Can either be an amulet or talisman that has been charged by saying an
incantation over it and instilling it with energy for a specific task.
CONE OF POWER: Psychic energy raised and focused by either an individual or group
mind (coven) to achieve a definite purpose. The most interesting Cone of Power raised in
recent history was that of the Witches of England who stood together, despite their
differences, to turn Hitler back from the shores of their beloved country.
CLEANSING: The act of removing any negative energy, vibrations or images from an
object or place by utilizing positive, psychic energy.
COVEN: A group of thirteen or fewer Witches that work together in an organized fashion
for positive magickal endeavors or to perform religious ceremonies. The covenstead is
the meeting place of the Witches, and is often a fixed building or place where the Witch
can feel safe and at home.
DAYS OF POWER: Although usually referred to as Sabbats, there are other days
throughout the year that can be considered days of power. These days can be triggered by
astrological occurrences, your birthday, a woman's menstrual cycle (also know as the
Blood of the Moon), or your dedication/initiation anniversary.
DEDICATION: Unlike the initiation ceremony that brings one into an order, the
dedication of a Witch is that process where the individual accepts the Craft as their path,
and vows to study and learn all that is necessary to reach adept ship in a given tradition.
In a dedication, you consciously prepare yourself to accept something new into your life
and stick with it, regardless of the highs and lows this action may produce.
DEOSIL: Clockwise movement. Most rituals and ceremonies, even spells, call for deosil
movement at some point in their construction.
DIVINATION: The art of using magickal tools and symbols to gather information from
the Collective unconscious on the nature of people, places, things, and events in the past,
present and future.
DOWSING: The art/science of using a pendulum or stick to find the actual location of a
person, place, thing or element. Dowsing can also be used to answer "yes" or "no"
questions. and quite a science has developed by holding a pendulum over a specially
designed chart to answer specific questions on life patterns.
DRAWING DOWN THE MOON: A ritual used during the Full Moon by Witches to
empower themselves and unite their essence with a particular deity, usually the Goddess.
EARTH MAGICK: A practical form of magick wherein the powers and forces of Earth
Mother are used to conduct magickal workings or celebrations. Usually items associated
with the Earth and nature hold a particular significance in the ritual or spell.
ELDER: Many Wiccan organizations have a group or board of Elders who oversee the
operations of the church and its variety of functions. These people have usually gained
their positions through a combination of their abilities which may include education,
experience, magickal adeptship and counseling.
ELEMENTS: Usually counted as four: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. However, many Witches
add Spirit or Akasha to this category, as well. Each element has a direction within a
magick circle or working: East = Air; South = Fire; West = Water; North = Earth; Center
= Spirit or Akasha.
ENCHANTMENT: A magickal object that must be kept absolutely secret and hidden
from all human eyes ands affects a hidden aura. Enchantments must be charmed first.
Gems and magickal writing are good items for Enchantments
FAMILIAR: An animal who has a spiritual bond with a Witch; often is the family pet.
Familiars can also be entities who are created to protect your home from the astral.
FASCINATION: A mental effort to control another animal or person's mind. It has been
referred to as "mind-bending." Although the technique of fascination runs a borderline
when considering humans, it should not be totally trashed. Using it for a love spell would
be unethical, and much like committing psychological rape. But if you found yourself in
an unsafe situation where your person (or friend or family member) is in real physical
danger. I wouldn't have the guts to tell you not to use all the tools and skills available to
GREEN MAN: Another name for the God, as in his kingdom of the forest.
INITIATION: An experience that so transforms the individual that their concept of
personal and worldly reality has been altered. A dedication ceremony should not be
confused with an initiation.
KARMA: The belief that one's thoughts and deeds can be either counted against them or
added to their spiritual path during several life times. In Sanskirt it means "action."
Follow the law of cause and effect.
LEFT-HAND PATH: A term that points to those people who feel that they are justified in
using magick for purposes that are not constructive to other human beings. It is a
reference that they are possibly a self-serving individual. Conversely, the right-hand path
is considered positive in nature.
MAGIC(K): The art and science of focusing your will and emotions to effect change both
in the world around you and the world within you. Magick is neither good nor evil,
positive nor negative. It is the use of the power that determines the path it will take.
MAGICK CIRCLE: A circular boundary drawn in visionary blue flames or white light
that protects the Witch from outside forces while conducting ritual magick. One must
never step outside the circle while performing a ritual unless the appropriate precautions
have been take to cut a door. Nor should anyone step in during a ritual, unless they are
following a pathway made for them. The door is usually cut with the athame or wand.
The circle should never be left hanging after your ritual is over. This means that it must
be closed just as ceremoniously as it was opened. The magick circle is considered the
doorway between the worlds and allow us to move between the two. Some Witches draw
the circle in the physical, either permanently on the floor or for temporary use with herbs,
sand, salt, chalk or a nine-foot cord. The circle is still cast with blue or white light by the
High Priestess/Priest or individual designated to do so. In some covens, the person in
charge of a particular quarter is responsible for preparing the area before the coven
members arrive. This includes cleaning the area, cleansing, consecrating, and making
sure all the necessary supplies have been transported to the location.
NEW AGE: Usually refers to mixing metaphysical practices with a structured religion.
PANTHEON: A Collection or group of Gods and Goddesses in a particular religious or
mythical structure. Examples are: Greek pantheon, Roman pantheon, Egyptian pantheon,
Teutonic pantheon, etc.
PRIESTESS: A female dedicated to both the service of her chosen deity (ies) and
humankind. A High Priestess is the feminine leader of a coven or Wiccan organization
and plays the role of Goddess in certain ceremonies. A solitary Witch can be a Priestess
by dedicating herself to a particular God or Goddess.
PRIEST: A male dedicated to both the service of his chosen deity (ies) and humankind. a
High Priest is the male leader of a coven or Wiccan organization and plays the role of the
God in certain ceremonies.
(NOTE) Neither male nor female has dominion over the other in the Craft. The High
Priest and High Priestess in a coven environment should work as a balanced team. On
occasion they draw the energy of the God and Goddess respective to their sex in order to
further a positive magickal working or celebrate a holiday. These people must be skilled
in magick and ceremony, but they also need maturity, wisdom and a great deal of
humility. They are required to be diplomatic and merciful when the situation demands.
Their job is not an easy one. You will hear reference to the Great Rite, wherein the High
Priest and High Priestess magickally draw the energy of the God and Goddess through
sexual interaction, either simulated or real. However, if intercourse actually takes place, it
is almost always done in privacy, out of sight of the other coven members. In the 1970s
sexual intercourse among coven members was prominent in some traditions. In the 1990s
with the threat of the AIDS virus and society's shift to more conservative views on
sexuality, actual intercourse is not as widely practiced. Sex magick is NOT a requirement
for any individual to practice Witchcraft.
REINCARNATION: The belief that one has lived before in another lifetime.
RITUAL: A focused mental/physical ceremony to either honor or thank one's chosen
pantheon, or to perform a specific magickal working or act.
RUNES: A set of symbols that are used both in divination and magickal workings. There
are several types of runes with different origins. A few are the Norse, Scandinavian and
Germanic runes. Unlike the Tarot, they are an integral part of the magickal system with
its own pantheon, should you care to use it. They can function as an alphabet and are
useful in vision questing, dream recall and controlling your environment.
SCRYING: A divination method using specific tools such as a bowl of inked water, a
mirror, crystal ball, etc., where the diviner "sees" either normal visual pictures, mental
visual pictures, or information without any pictures at all!
SIGIL: A magickally oriented seal, sign, glyph, or other device used in a magickal
working. The most powerful sigils are those that you create yourself. Sigils can be used
on letters, packages, clothing, on paper tucked in your pocket, etc.
SKYCLAD: In some traditions, for example the Alexandrian, it is the act of celebrating
or doing a magickal working in the nude. This should not be misconstrued with sexual
contact. There are many solitaries that prefer to work skyclad, feeling that he absence of
clothing leaves their energy unhindered during the ceremony.
SPELL: Extended mental and emotional energy spoken aloud, written, spoken to oneself,
drawn or even danced. To work, it should be clear, concise, focused and emotional. The
need must be present to bring any spell to a successful culmination.
SPIRAL: The sacred spiral plays an important part in magickal workings. It is the symbol
of "coming into being." A spiral dance celebrates the spiral symbolism.
TALISMAN: An object that has been magickally charged in order it bring something to
the bearer. Such an item could be a gemstone to win a court case, or a drawing to put in
your pocket that will bring good luck.
TAROT CARDS: A set of 78 cards which carry pictures and symbols used to connect the
diviner with the collective unconscious. No one knows the specific origin of the cards,
and there are many beautiful decks now on the market. Although the Rider/Waite deck is
well known. The cards can be used to determine the past, present and future of an event
or person and can become powerful tools in magickal workings and rituals.
TAROLOGIST: One who is adept at the art and science of handling the Tarot.
VISION QUESTING: Using astral projection, bi-location, or dreamtime to accomplish a
specific goal. Also called pathworking.
WHEEL OF THE YEAR: One full cycle of the seasonal year, beginning with the
Samhain celebration (October 31).
YIN/YANG: The twin poles of energy. The yin/yang concept is one system of viewing
the universal energies. Yin corresponds to Receptive Energy and yang to Projective