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Chat Abbreviations

OMG, oh my God; LOL, laughing out loud; FYI, for your information; and IMHO, in my humble opinion, WAYD What Are You Doing, LMK Let Me
Know, LYMY Love You Miss You..

Young people know and use thousands of these shortcuts on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter and when sending SMS texts. Abbreviations are short forms of words or phrases. Abbreviations are often used in chat rooms because they are easy to type and they save time. They are useful when there is a limit on the number of characters used in a message. Here are some common abbreviations. They are shown here in capitals (for example: AFK), but they can also be in small letters (for example: afk). You may receive e-mail that includes them. Dont worry about memorizing these, just get the general concept. Here is an exercise to understand how chat abbreviations work :
- Whats up ? - Please tell me more - Have a good night - Cool - Not my problem ! - Because - Just to let you know - Please call - As soon as possible - Wait and see ! - Face to face - Got to go now - Before - Thanks - See you soon ! - I dont believe it ! - Wait - Mobile What are you doing ? - Oh ! I see - Keep in touch - In my humble opinion - Before I forget Bye for now - Number # B4 B4N F2F HAGN IDBI J2LYK KWL NMP PC SYS WAYD WU ASAP BIF CUZ G2GN HIG IMHO KIT MOB OIC PTMM THX W8NC W8

Exercise 1 How is it going ?

Exercise 2 Are
concerned - Happy

you OK ? - It doesnt matter - As far birthday to you - On the other hand

as I am - Just

a minute - Later - Everyone - See you - At home - Be seeing you - No problem - Please Excellent - Want to talk ? - Meeting - Anyone - Great - For your information - Do you remember ? - In any case - Just do it - Thats all for now - By the way AFAIC BCNU CU EVRY1 GR8T IAC JDI L8ER NE 1 OTOH RUOK? WAN2TLK? AH BTW DUR? FYI HB2U IDM JAM MTNG NP PLZ TAFN XLNT

Exercise 3

Just a second - Never mind - Someone - Kisses and hugs - In your dreams - See you tomorrow As you know - Best friends forever - Over the top - People - Keep cool - I love you - Have fun - What do you think ? - Mind your own business ! - Thank God/ goodness its Friday ! - Mate - Boyfriend - Also known as Dont you think so ? - Easy - Not to worry - Talk to you later - I see - Girlfriend - Please let me know - Know what I mean - Wish you were here AKA BF CUT EZ JAS IC IYD KWIM MYOB NTW PLMK SUM1 TTUL WYWH AYK BFF DYTS GF HF ILU / ILY KC M8 NM OTT PPL TGIF WDYT XOXOXO

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