Alquimia From Seikou-Kishi
Alquimia From Seikou-Kishi
Alquimia From Seikou-Kishi
18008-Philosophers-Stone-and-howto-make-it-New-free-book/page2 The philosopher's stone is a particular item created in mineral alchemy and requ ires the separation of a metal (and here read metal ore) into its three alchemic al principles, the alchemical mercury, sulphur and salt, and these three princip les should be separated and refined in their own way and then recombined in thei r pure forms to create the philosopher's stone. The stone has two properties: the creation of the 'elixir of life', which will h eal all ailments as the universal and supreme panacea, and the transmutation of all metals into gold. The way it does this requires a little explanation: There are three alchemical kingdoms, the mineral, the animal and the vegetable. The mineral kingdom is the greatest of these and of the highest vibration (the s mall quantities of inorganic material in the human body provide nourishment of a highly spiritual, rather than biological, nature). For this reason, medicaments created in the vegetable kingdom will be the weakest (yet powerful in their own right if sufficiently purified), animal alchemy produces yet stronger medicamen ts yet is taboo because of its nature, while mineral/metal alchemy is the strong est. Now, in every kingdom there is a pure, undifferentiated spirit called Mercury, a nd the mercury of every plant is the same, the mercury of every animal is the sa me and the mercury of every metal is the same, yet the mercuries of the three ki ngdoms are different from each other. Then, there is the principle called Sulphu r. Sulphur differs from (in our case) metal to metal, with the purest sulphur be ing found in gold, then silver, etc.. The last principle is the salt, this is th e fixative agent which combines the sulphur and the mercury into their form. The salt, like the sulphur, is different in every metal/animal/plant. Now the creation of the philosopher's stone involves separating a metal into its three constituents and driving them to perfection. To perfect mercury (by remov ing all impurities which dirty the 'pure mercury' as a reminder of 'the body of the metal'), repeated distillations rarefy the substance, for sulphur, purificat ion comes by washing it in its mercury, casting any sediment off and separating by distillation again. For the salt, the solid matter left behind once the mercu ry and sulphur are removed are calcined, which is to say they are burnt and grou nd repeatedly. In the vegetable kingdom, this process of calcination begins by taking the body of the plant once the alcohol and essential oils have been removed (alcohol is t he mercury of the plant kingdom, and the volatile oils the sulphur) and burning them. The ashes at this stage will be black and is called negredo or 'the blacke ning'. These ashes are burned and they will begin to turn grey, eventually becom ing white, which is called albedo. At this stage, the salt is said to be pure in the vegetable kingdom, and in any kingdom alchemical products produced by the w ork of salts in this stage will be very efficacious, yet for the production of t he philosopher's stone, further purification of the salts is necessary. By conti nuing to burn the white ashes in a crucible, they will eventually turn red, call ed the rubedo stage. This is absolutely necessary for the production of the phil osopher's stone, which is the pinnacle of the art. Now that you have your purified sulphur and salt, distil over the mercury onto t he salts and back off again. Repeat this step sufficiently and the mercury will
slowly loose its colour until it is entirely colourless. Between each distillati on, calcine the salts again. Once this is done, all three principles will be pur e and ready for recombination, which is called revivification since the three pr inciples of life have been separated from the dead bulk and, in combination, the metal/animal/plant is said to be resurrected in its new form. To create a stone from the three principles, keep the ashes/salt in their crucib le and heat, adding the mercury to the salt drop by drop. Once the salts will ac cept no more mercury, begin to add the sulphur. When the salt will accept no mor e of either, the stone has been formed. Slowly lower the heat of the stone to bo dy temperature and leave the stone at that temperature for as long as possible. The stone will change in nature the longer it is kept at this temperature, becom ing more and more rarefied. The reason this works to transmute metals into gold is because, once it is perfe cted it cannot again be sullied, and it will uplift and purify whatever it touch es. When the smallest grain of the stone is dropped into molten metal of any typ e, the pure sulphur will uplift the sulphur of the metal until its sulphur is th e sulphur of gold, while the pure salt will uplift the salt of the metal until i t is the salt of gold, which is the perfection of the metal kingdom. The reason this works to heal is because the mineral kingdom has the highest vib ratory pattern of all three kingdoms, and by taking it into the body the body re ceives the same uplifting vibrations that turn base metals into gold. The vibrat ion of the stone is enough, and placed in cold water, it will impart its vibrato ry nature to that water, which can then be imbibed to partake of its vibration.
This is all well and good, but the true philosopher's stone requires the magistr y of the elements in mineral alchemy, which is very dangerous, not only for the great heat, but because, in separating the pure from the impure, one separates t he medicine from the poison, and the poison is all the more readily apparent. There are many people out there offering the philosopher's stone or the elixir o f life (these are names for the same thing, the elixir being the stone's effect upon the body). I cannot count the amount of times I've heard people talk about their 'elixir of life', when all they mean is they have some drink full of wheat grass juice and vitamin c, or when they say they have the 'philosopher's stone', yet forget that transmutation of metals to gold is the hallmark of the stone. M ade correctly, the philosopher's stone is capable of both of these miracles. Sim ilar stones can be made in the vegetable kingdom, and if the demand is there I'd be happy to give instruction. Parent Post Last edited by Seikou-Kishi; 26th July 2011 at 13:03.