Food Web Lesson Plan

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Lesson Planning Waynesburg University Pre-Instructional Planning: The thought process that leads to the development of quality, meaningful

lesson plans
Guiding questions that will provide the framework for the lesson. (Respond to each question.)
Who will you be teaching? (Identify student grade level as well as academic functioning level and specific needs of individual students) Fifth grade science students including learning support students Who (if anybody) will assist with the presentation of this lesson, and what will their role be? A classroom aide will assist students in their independent work. She will not be presenting any of the lesson. What is the long range goal(s) that is tied to this lesson? Through this unit students will learn about ecosystems and how the various parts of an ecosystem interact and affect one another to maintain stability. What is the specific learning objective(s) for this lesson? Students will understand what makes up an ecosystem and will present a food chain example within a specific ecosystem using Glogster. What prerequisite skills/knowledge will students need to effectively access and participate in this lesson? Students should know the terms climate and food chain mean. These terms will be expanded upon in the lesson. When within the stages of learning will this lesson be presented? (Is it a learning acquisition lesson, learning fluency lesson, learning maintenance lesson, or learning generalization lesson?) Students will use new information (acquisition) to create a Glogster and present it to the class. When will this lesson be completed? (Will it be a one-day lesson or a multiple day lesson?) 4-day lesson Where should this lesson be presented to ensure maximum student access and participation? (computer lab, classroom, science lab) AND what materials will be needed? In the classroom with the class laptops available for days 2 and 3 Why are you planning to teach this lesson? Why must this information/skill be presented to the students? Students need to understand the relationships among living things within an ecosystem. When they learn these relationships they can move on to understanding the relationships between living and non-living things within ecosystems. How does this lesson relate to the PA Academic Standards? 3.3.4.A Know the similarities and differences of living things. *Identify life processes of living things *Describe basic needs of plants and animals How does this lesson relate to the previous lesson? How does this lesson relate to future lessons? Previous lessons on food chains. This lesson on food webs expands upon that knowledge. In future lessons non-living aspects of ecosystems will be introduced as factors of stability. How will you determine if students have met the lesson objective? (Think assessment) The Glogster rubric will be used to assess the students knowledge of food webs. How should this lesson be presented to ensure maximum student access and participation? (lecture, whole group activities, small group activities, cooperative learning groups) Whole group lessons, followed by monitored independent work and student presentations. All students will present their Glogsters.

Lesson Planning Waynesburg University Writing the lesson plan: Translating thoughts into a plan of action

Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson: (Provide Standard number and statement) 3.3.4.A Know the similarities and differences of living things. *Identify life processes of living things *Describe basic needs of plants and animals Lesson Objective(s) (Stated in observable and measurable terms) Students will be able to define the parts of a food web and give an example of a food web within a specific ecosystem. Assessment Plan (What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?) Students will present their Glogster, which illustrates their learning and their research. A rubric will be used to grade the presentation. Materials: Ball of yarn Vocabulary/picture cards Computer with projector Student laptops with internet connection Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs: No special needs students Enrichment Techniques: Students are encouraged to include more detailed information in their presentations in addition to the required information. Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able to participate in the lesson): Students have access to the educational aide in the room for individual help. She will specifically assist the learning support students in the class.

Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set: Review food chain definition Watch You-Tube video on website and answer the questions that are posted. Specifically define the following vocabulary terms: producer, consumer, carnivore, herbivore, decomposer Detailed Teaching Sequence: (Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred) Day 1: Introduction (above) Read food web information in student text. (Pages 30-32) Distribute vocabulary/picture cards Students stand in a circle and yarn connects students as a food web. Sun/Energy stands in the center. (Ex: sun trees gazelle lion decomposersshrubs etc.) Discuss what would happen if one part didnt exist or was destroyed Day 2: Assignment and Research Present assignment guidelines from website and project example. Explain each part of the sample Glogster. Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities Students choose an ecosystem and research online using research tools learned in library class. Take notes in list format on the categories posted in guidelines on website Find and save non-copyrighted images Day 3: Create Glogster (process taught previously in library class and practiced in previous assignment) Closure: Day 4: Present information using Glogster as visual aid. (Rubric used to assess student understanding)

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