Nutrition Lesson Plan (Primary) : Vegetables, and Another One With Rice, Salad, Chicken
Nutrition Lesson Plan (Primary) : Vegetables, and Another One With Rice, Salad, Chicken
Nutrition Lesson Plan (Primary) : Vegetables, and Another One With Rice, Salad, Chicken
Grade level: 5 Subject: Balanced Healthy diet
Lesson objective(s):
Students communicate how eating enough of the right kinds of food keep them healthy.
Students communicate the different kinds of nutrients.
“Draw and Write” quarter sheets
Projector or computer-linked TV to show the video “Balanced Diet”
Ask students to draw their favorite foods on the handouts or in a notebook and answer when they last ate the food. Then
lead a share-out discussion of students’ favorite foods. As a class, together begin to sort the favorite foods into healthy
foods and unhealthy foods. This will get students started thinking about the connection between food and health.
Possible questions to expand the discussion include:
What foods do you often eat? Are they healthy or unhealthy foods?
What foods do your parents/family members eat? Do you eat the same food?
Ask students to fill the “what they already know” part in the KWL graphic organizer about healthy and unhealthy food.
EXPLORATION (~30 minutes)
Describe what hands-on/minds-on activities students will be doing.
List “big idea” conceptual questions the teacher will use to encourage and/or focus students’ exploration
Pass out two photographs of different plates to each student. Explain that the photos show what two different plates; one
with only vegetables, and another one with rice, salad, chicken,. Ask students to look closely at the images and quietly
reflect on the following questions:
Which plate will you choose, and why?
Which plate do you think is the healthier option?
Why do you think it is the healthier plate?
Divide students into groups, and let them compare and share their answers.
Ask students to fill the “what they would like to know” in the KWL graphic organizer.
Share with students the concept of nutrition using the video “A Balanced Diet”
Help students break down the video. Watch several times and help students answer in groups the following questions:
List the groups of nutrient.
What kinds of nutrients supply our body with energy?
How do proteins help our bodies?
Nutrition Lesson Plan
Nutrition Lesson Plan
When was the last time you ate this When was the last time you ate this food?
food? _________________________________
When was the last time you ate this When was the last time you ate this food?
food? _________________________________
Nutrition Lesson Plan
Nutrition Lesson Plan
Nutrition Lesson Plan
Nutrition Lesson Plan
Nutrition Lesson Plan