Leson 6
Leson 6
Leson 6
Level 1
Basic Overview and Whether You Agree or Disagree
Absent Date=
Level 4
Level 2
Basic Questions to Issue and 1 potential advantage/disadvantage
Level 3
Higher Level Questions and 3 potential advantages/disadvantages for each issue
All information and questions related to issue and embed this into ePortfolio.
Potential Sources
Basic Overview: The HPV vaccine is given as three shots. These shots have been proven to protects against HPV viruses.
What it Does Protect Against: 1.genital warts 2.Cervical Cancer 3.vainal cancer % of Cervical Cancer Protection:
What it Doesnt Protect (Think!): 1.Pregnancies 2.not all HPV 3. % of Genital Wart Protection: 90% Is there a shot for boys? What is it called?
My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One (I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good for Society Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages 1. Gives teens a less likely risk of 1. It is a new vaccine so it might getting certain HPVs not be safe
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2. Can encourage teens to be more sexually active. 3. Does not treat diseases
How Many Shots:
Three shots.
Cost: about $130 for each dose
Does this promote promiscuity or should we take advantage of something that could potentially help us?
In my opinion, it does promote promiscuity because teens think that if they get the vaccine they are safe but it only protects against 90%.
Potential Sources
My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One (I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good for Society Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages 1. It is highly effective 1. it messes up your menstruation cycle for a while
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Do You Need a Prescription?: You need a prescription if you are under 18.
Does this promote people not taking accountability for their choices or provide an alternative to someone not wanting to get pregnant?
I think yes, because they think that they can have unprotected sex because afterwards they will get Plan B but you can still get the STDs.
Potential Sources
Basic Overview: The Condom availability debate states that condoms should be passed around in schools to prevent unwanted pregnancies and from sexually transmitted diseases.
Provide one stat on teen pregnancy. About 750,000 teenagers get pregnant each year. Cite: http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtoo ls/11-facts-about-teen-pregnancy
Provide one stat on teen pregnancy. A sexually active teen who does not use Plan b has a 90% chance of getting pregnant. Cite: http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandto ols/11-facts-about-teen-pregnancy In your opinion do these statistics warrant public educations involvement?
My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One (I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good for Society Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages 1. May prevent pregnancy 1. condoms in schools can encourage sex
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2. Can prevent from STDs 3. More males are using condoms each year when they are sexually active.
What does a schools condom availability program look like? Who gets condoms, where, when and how?
So the big question is how would condom availability affect the student body? Does it promote unhealthy behavior or are you providing a healthy outlet for those that will do it anywaysif so is it even a schools place to get involved ? I think encourages
Potential Sources
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Time Frame:
My Level of Agreement: Highlight or Underline One (I think this is.) Really Really Bad For Good for Society Society Potential Advantages Potential Disadvantages 1. The baby is given medical care 1. Parents leave the child behind
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2. parents do not get in trouble by government for leaving their babies behind
What happens to parental rights?
What is Illinois Law exactly? The Illinois law states that it protects parents from facing any civil ir criminal liberty for giving up their newborn.
Does this promote people not taking accountability for their choices or provide an alternative to someone not able to provide for a child?
I think it does because some people might think that it is okay if they get pregnant because they just have the baby and just give it to safe haven aferwards