Sustainability Newsletter 16
Sustainability Newsletter 16
Sustainability Newsletter 16
may-august 2012
16 2012
sustainability newsletter
content 2
In recent years, those of us who work for Petrex have made a constant effort to develop a culture of prevention, in which a job well done is synonymous with safe job, and the well-being of every individual is valued above any operational rush. In order to achieve this, we have developed STOP and LiHS programs and we have used tools to identify and assess risks and in the preparation of work permits. These measures and what has been learned through a number of courses have been adopted by us in order to be applied, particularly where most of the action occurs in our business: in the operative areas. Before each task, we must consciously apply what we have learned, always make the highest demands on ourselves and reflect upon the risks entailed in each job we undertake. Persevering in this way, we will internalize the culture of prevention, by adopting all these tools and asking ourselves: How can I do this task in a safer way? Am I taking unnecessary risks by doing my tasks in the way I always do them? Can the way in which I work place me or one of my workmates in danger? We must continue to ask ourselves these questions when planning tasks; this is the path towards an operation totally free of accidents. We must not waver! Lets develop these measures and direct our efforts towards building safe working environments, and in this way give our loved ones the peace of mind which comes from knowing we will return home safely. We would like to call upon toolpushers and all those who supervise the companys fieldwork, in both operations and maintenance: Every time you meet with your teams and plan the tasks to be done, invite them to ask questions like those listed above. Start yourselves: encourage the personnel who work for you to ask more questions, to solve their doubts and to present their ideas that will lead to everybodys work being more efficient and safer. As supervisors, you have the power to inspire your teams to be the main driving force behind a better Petrex. Let us make sure we are focused and responsible in our work, taking care of our own well-being and that of our workmates, so that we can all go home afterwards and be with our families. The safer the better is not merely a slogan; it is an attitude we decide to adopt every time we go to work. Lets have the courage to do just that.
Education Socio Economic Development
Management Tools
prevention of
Cardiovascular diseases are those illnesses that affect the heart or blood vessels and which are responsible for 30% of deaths worldwide (WHO). The medical profession has identified the main causes of these diseases as inadequate diet, lack of exercise and smoking. That is why our Occupational Health Unit constantly promotes the adoption of a healthy lifestyle among all our workers. Complementing the activities of the Health Unit, the Sustainability Talent
Program has directed its efforts to addressing this issue of vital importance for our workers and their families, seeking to raise awareness and, in this way, join forces in combating these illnesses. To this end, the Looking After My Heart Campaign was organized in Iquitos (Peru) and the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Program was organized in Ciudad Ojeda and El Tigre (Venezuela), with both campaigns aimed at our workers and their families.
cardiovascular diseases
What are cardiovascular diseases? They are those illnesses that affect the heart or blood vessels and which are responsible for 30% of deaths worldwide. What are the most common cardiovascular diseases and what are their effects? High cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), high triglyceride levels and hypertension can produce obstructions in blood vessels, impeding blood flow and forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood around the body. These conditions, added to an activity that requires physical effort, can lead to heart attacks or ruptured blood vessels. What are the causes of cardiovascular diseases? In addition to hereditary predisposition, a diet containing excessive levels of fat, salt and sugars, limited physical activity and smoking are the main causes of these illnesses. How can we prevent cardiovascular diseases? Considering the causes mentioned above, we can see that we can control of 3 out of 4 of them, and this means we must change our habits in the following ways: 1. Eat a balanced diet, appropriate to our level of physical activity. 2. Exercise regularly. 3. Give up smoking. These three solutions, as well as helping us to avoid cardiovascular diseases, will enable us to feel healthier and fitter and enjoy our lives more.
looking after my
The activity began with talks designed to raise awareness. The first was held on July 19 and was aimed at those fieldworkers who were on leave; the second was held the next day, July 20, for the Iquitos office staff. In both talks the most common cardiovascular diseases were presented in a dynamic way, together with the risks of contracting one of them and the habit we should adopt in order to prevent them. On Sunday July 22 the Petrex initiative was integrated into the Great Solidarity Jog, a sporting event organized by the parish of San Martn de Porres. This made it possible for all the participants to put into practice the second preventive habit, Exercise regularly, by running through the main avenues of the city. A total of 50 Petrex families participated in this campaign, and they learned how to improve their state of health and prevent circulatory system diseases. In addition, they also contributed to the well-being of the community, for the money collected from those who registered for the Great Jog was donated to the parish for the maintenance of its care homes for HIV-positive persons and persons in rehabilitation.
cardiovascular disaese
Between May and August at our Ciudad Ojeda and El Tigre (Venezuela) operations, the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Program was developed. This program consists of a round of training sessions that seeks to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events among our workers, evaluate the risk factors of each worker, encourage a healthy lifestyle and contribute to the strengthening of a culture of prevention. The participants were selected according to the risk factors they presented (such as obesity or smoking); in this way, 83 individuals in Ciudad Ojeda and 100 in El Tigre participated in this program. The talks on cardiovascular diseases were complemented by slideshows and videos in which the possible consequences were demonstrated, as well as the habits recommended as prevention (such as giving up smoking, eating a low fat diet and establishing an exercise routine). The activity ended with the taking of the blood pressure and a medical evaluation of the participants, to enable the Medical Unit to carry out a closer monitoring of these workers.
campaign-Ciudad Ojeda and Monagas (Venezuela)
Vaccination against certain diseases is one the most effective tools in preventive healthcare. From May to August, the Petrex workers located in the Ciudad Ojeda (Occidente) and Monagas (Oriente) regions participated in the vaccination campaign, which included vaccinations against hepatitis, influenza and tetanus toxoid, to which our personnel are exposed. In the same way, some communities in the ar eas mentioned also participated in the campaign. In Monagas, vaccinations were given to 78 workers at the PTX-5928, PTX5932, PTX-5810, PTX-5869 and PTX-5 rigs, as well as to the labor relations personnel of the Temblador office. In the same way, in Ciudad Ojeda (Occidente), vaccinations were given to 172 workers at the Petrex Base and to the residents of Urbanizacin Libertad, close to the base. Here we had the support of the Urbanizacin Libertad Outpatients Medical Centre.
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workshop-El Tigre (Venezuela)
It is essential to eat well in order to reduce the risk of contracting diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. A proper combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients will enable our body to function correctly; however, there are factors such as tradition and lifestyle that lead us to adopt a diet which fails to meet or exceeds our requirements. For this reason, at El Tigre (Venezuela), the Food for a Balanced Diet workshop was held. It was aimed at the wives and family members of Petrex workers. The objective of this workshop is for those individuals responsible for the preparation of food in the home to innovate in terms of the meals they offer their families, combining tastiness with proper nutrition. During the month of June, 26 members of Petrex workers families participated in the workshop, which was organized by the occupational health and sustainability units, with the support of a local chef, who led the activities.actividades.
culture of
In recent years, safety has been positioned as one of the most important values within Petrex and Saipem. Under the slogan The safer the better, we have all been making an effort to transform ourselves into a company in which operational efficiency goes hand-in-hand with the physical and mental well-being of our personnel. Through the Sustainability T alent Program, we seek to pass on to our main stakeholders this commitment to protect the lives of individuals, and for that reason we have launched initiatives such as the LiHS for families workshops, or alliances with institutions such as the firemen.
Venezuela and Per
Sharing with the families of our employees the values of the Company, such as Safety, has been one of the main objectives of the Sustainability Talent Program in the recent years. Through the LiHS for families workshops, we have created a space to let them know what safety means for Petrex, what we do to guarantee the health and safety of our workers and, above all, how they (the families) can have a full family life while assuming prevention as a value and taking care of one another. During the last four month period (May to August) the LiHS for families workshops were held in almost all of our offices:
T alara (Peru)
how is developed a
The workshops are divided into five phases 1.The introduction: This is when the ice is broken. Through dynamics, the LiHS facilitators introduce the participants and free their outgoing natures, enabling them to interact throughout the workshop and take full advantage of the process. 2.How does my safety behavior impact in those around me? Through videos and photos, the participants identify unsafe actions and conditions in their daily lives and develop the concept of safety as every action oriented towards maintaining well-being. In this way, the participants associate the videos with what happens to them every day in the home, at school, in the street or at work. 3.What does safety mean at Petrex? The facilitators teach the participants how Petrex operations work, and about the risks to which those who work here are exposed, and the measures that are taken in order to work in a safe and healthy manner. The main element here is teaching the safety vision.
safety awareness
campaign-Ciudad Ojeda (Venezuela)
The Safety Awareness Campaigns are aimed at employees and the objective is to strengthen their preventive attitudes during the performance of their tasks. Through presentations focused on safety issues, the aim is to improve work efficiency while at the same time reducing losses from occupational harm (injuries or work related illnesses), damage to property or to the environment. The campaign emphasized the importance of preventive observation, a safe working attitude through which each individual decides to perform their tasks and communication as tools for minimizing the occurrence of events during operations. This activity was held on Wednesday August 22 at the Hotel Amrica in Ciudad Ojeda. There were 19 participants in this first one-day event, which was headed by Dr. Alfonso Cruz, r epr esentative of the Operations Management of El Menito PDVSA.VSA.
workshop-Iquitos (Per)
One of the institutions which, like Petrex, work to promote a culture of safety among the general population is the national firemen service. In the city of Iquitos, we have been working hand-in-hand through a number of workshops aimed at Petrex families, with the aim of preventing accidents that can occur at home, and learning how to react if such situations do occur. On this occasion, the wives of our workers participated in the Fire prevention in the home workshop. On Thursday August 16, the workshop was held from 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm in the Hotel Oro Verde and 31 wives participated. The content of the workshop was mainly focused upon the prevention of fires in the kitchen and electrical fires, which are the
fire prevention
leading causes of domestic fires in the city. The workshop expounded upon the measures that every individual can apply in the home in order to avoid the risk of fire, such as checking gas or kerosene connections in the kitchen, maintaining electrical wiring in good condition and storing flammable and toxic substances in a safe place. In addition, the importance was stressed of always keeping an eye on the stove when it is being used, and watching the children. The participants also learned what to do if such an event occurs: each participant identified the best way to evacuate their home and they learned how to provide first aid in the case of burns or accidents involving electricity.
Firemen work continuously to educate the community in the prevention of domestic accidents. Very often, children are the protagonists in these events, because of their restlessness and curiosity. That is why Petrex and the XI Departmental Command of the Peruvian National Volunteer Firemen Service (Loreto) have been running since April the Learning to be a Fireman workshop. In our previous newsletter, we reported on the first of these workshops, held in April. Between May and August the second and third editions of the workshops were held. The second workshop was aimed at children between 8 and 11 years old and was held on Saturday May 19 and Saturday May 26. A total of 28 children participated in these events. In contrast with the first workshop, given that the participants were older, the material used was a little more complex: however, the dynamism of the activity was not lost. A total of 30 children aged between 5 and 11 participated in the third workshop, held on Saturday August 18 and Saturday September 1. Given the greater age range of this workshop, the participants were divided into two groups: the younger children followed the techniques of the first workshop, while the older ones adhered to the methods of the second workshop. The content of the workshops is based upon the Fire Preventions Education Program My First Steps in Fire Prevention by NFPA. This illustrates eight key types of behavior for fire prevention, of which two were focused upon: Stay away from hot things that can cause harm and Practice the escape plan. The workshop was run by members of the Loreto fire department.
learning to be a
Iquitos (Per)
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in educational institutions-Talara (Peru)
Reading comprehension is one of the most important skills that young students must develop. It is not enough to read; it is also necessary to understand what is being read, so that it can contribute to education. In late 2010, the Ministry of Education published the results of the PISA 2009 test, which showed that 65% of Peruvian schoolchildren aged 15 do not understand what they read. This, over their entire lives, means fewer opportunities for their personal development and that of their community. This situation was also identified in the district of El Alto (Talara, Peru), where Petrex provides services, and after talks with the directors of local educational institutions, it was concluded that while a number of factors have led to this situation, one of the most significant is the limited availability of books appropriate to each age group, leading therefore to limited development of the reading habit. In order to reverse this problem of low reading comprehension, through the Ministry of Culture the state has begun to implement an effective tool for encouraging an appreciation of reading among the population: Promolibro. Petrex contacted this institution and, after it learned about the situation in El Alto, proposed the joint implementation of the Educational Establishments Reading
fostering the
The PISA test (Program for International Student Assessment) is an OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) initiative which carries out a standard assessment of reading comprehension, mathematics and sciences among 15 year-old students in different countries around the world, at the request of their governments. The results obtained are being used more and more by governments to evaluate educational quality and the impact of different educational policies. .
Program which, after coordination work carried out by Petrex, is now being introduced in El Alto.
Who are the partners in the reading encouragement project? 1. The El Alto educational institutions: IE 15515 El Alto, IE Julio C. Tello, IE 14905 Cabo Blanco (third grade primary school) and IE Flix Cipriano Coronel Zegarra (secondary school). 2. The Ministry of Culture. 3. Petrex The activities began with the preparation of the reading modules by Petrex. Once these modules had been submitted to each educational institution, the Ministry of Culture approved the participation of the schools and prepared the books selected for each one, in accordance with the level (primary or secondar y) of their students. Petrex assumed responsibility for transporting the books and delivering them to each school. For their part, the schools created their own Reading Promoter teams, who on May 24 participated in training in techniques for encouraging reading through the use of puppets. Giannina Rondn, from the Ministry of Culture, was the instructor for this workshop, and Petrex took care of the organization of the event. On Friday May 25, the students from the participating schools took part in a big parade through the streets of El Alto. Holding placards and marching to the band of the IE Flix Cipriano Coronel Zegarra School, they called upon the entire population of El Alto to get hold of a book and read, expressing in this way their enthusiasm for the initiative. C u r r e n t l y, t h e s c h o o l s a r e implementing a program in accordance with the established plan, and around 1300 students now have access to new books appropriate for their age. Every day, the books are made available to the students during recess, and the Promoter responsible keeps a record of the reading activity of the participants. In addition, once a week the modules are taken to nearby plazas, where the general public can select a book to read individually.
Facilitating childrens access to basic knowledge is not enough to orient them towards contributing to the development of their communities. They must also be permitted to learn about the culture of their region and their country, so that in this way they can strengthen their cultural identity and value it more highly, thereby achieving the objective of orienting their efforts towards the progress of the community with which they identify. This is the spirit underpinning the initiatives designed to promote cultural values. In June and July the Basic Cuatro Workshop was held, focused on the typical Venezuelan folkloric instrument of that name, in an alliance with the El Tigre symphonic orchestra. As well as teaching the children to play the cuatro, the workshop also educated them in basic musical language and enabled them to learn more about the history of that instrument in Venezuela. In the practical classes, a number of Venezuelan rhythms were explored, including joropo, vals, golpe, orqudea and polo. In El Tigre during June and July the Clay Modeling Workshop was held, in coordination with the Mujer de Barro [Clay Woman] Foundation, in which students learned pottery-making techniques, from the preparation of the clay to firing and glazing. The workshop concluded with an exhibition of the pieces made by the children.
introduction to
Monagas (Venezuela)
Introduction to drilling is a tool that Petrex implements in order to maintain a relationship of mutual benefit with the communities where our drilling rigs are located. These workshops enable the residents of these communities to familiarize themselves with basic knowledge regarding drilling rigs and the management tools that enable them to operate efficiently. On June 20 and 21, the first of these workshops was held at the Casa de la Cultura in T ejero; the second workshop was held on August 15 and 16 at the Liceo Bolivariano in El Furrial. 82 residents participated, from the communities of Monte Verde, La Libertad, Centenario, El Aceital, Beln, Jerusaln, Sagrado Corazn de Jess and Democracia; all of which are located in the state of Monagas. The participants learned about the components and functioning of a drilling rig, as well as basic issues associated with Petrex operations: quality, safety, health, environmental care and sustainability. This basic knowledge will enable them to perform efficiently and safely should they decide to take a temporary position working on one of the drilling rigs operating in their community.
Along with a basic education, education for employment is crucial in the development of a population. In this regard, we share with the communities, and especially the children, what we know best: our work. This enables them, if they wish, to orient the development of their skills towards what is required for a career with Petrex.
universitystudents drilling
Ciudad Ojeda and Maturn (Venezuela)
Universities provide companies like Petrex with the professionals that enable them to develop their activities. For this reason, we involve ourselves in their training, in order to reinforce those aspects that will be crucial should they decide to develop their future career in our sector. On June 5 in Ciudad Ojeda, 35 students from different engineering branches of Santiago Mario Univesity participated in these events prepared by Petrex personnel. In addition, on August 14, 46 future engineers from the Santiago Mario University Polytechnic Institute participated in similar events in Maturn. On this occasion, the events covered issues associated with drilling operations and the maintenance of oil wells, the components of drilling rigs, the Petrex quality management system, ISO 9001 standard and the HSE management system. All of this was achieved through visits to the drilling rigs, where students also learned about the basic industrial safety measures in operations.
training of
business development
One of the key elements in the Saipem Groups efforts to promote the development of the zones where it works is the principle of Local Content in its operations. As well as the local hiring of personnel and suppliers, under this principle the company also seeks to promote the development of local companies and the creation of new companies, so that the wealth created in the zone can be distributed thanks to the business initiative of the local population.
making course-Talara (Per)
Concern for improving income in the home is not exclusive to our workers: the wives of many of the workers are constantly seeking ways of contributing to the family economy without neglecting their responsibilities in the home. Conscious of their concerns, through the Sustainability Talent Program, Petrex organizes courses that provide them with the tools required for creating small home-based businesses, thereby giving them the chance to develop a second income. In this context, from July 24 to August 3, the Yogurt making course was held in the city of Talara. The spouses of Petrex personnel from all the rigs and the base were invited to register for the course, which was taught by the Talara Senati institute. The course made it possible for the participants to learn how to prepare different kinds of yogurt, the preparation techniques of which are easy to learn, while the investment required for marketing these products is minimal, enabling them to reach distinct sections of the public and generate a good profit. Also, they received a business management module, enabling them to properly manage their yogurt business. A total of 40 women completed the course, including three teachers from the CEBE Perpetuo Socorro, who now pass on what they have learned as part of what they teach the students of that educational institution.
An efficient operation is the result of the commitment of those of us who work for Petrex, but it also depends on the quality and promptness of the goods and services we receive from our suppliers. This commitment to the company on the part of our suppliers is achieved over time and through mutual trust, but also by sharing with them what it is that the company expects, and how it is managed; this enables them to adapt their goods and services to the requirements of their customer, transforming them into strategic partners. Under this premise, at El Tigre (Venezuela) the Health, Safety and Environment Alliances with Suppliers events were held, during which Petrex shared key issues for the company with 35 suppliers. The themes covered included: the quality management system and ISO 9001 standard; the HSE management system and the ISO
El Tigre (Venezuela)
14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards; the Sustainability Talent Program; and Petrex supplier management. Through this close collaboration with suppliers, a joint approach to criteria and efforts for the creation of an improved business relationship were established, thereby strengthening the culture of prevention both within Petrex and among suppliers.
United States, Al Gore, in which he presents the many changes that are occurring in the world as a result of environmental contamination, and which are having a growing effect on life on Earth. Afterwards, the participants took part in a debate about the documentary and exercises were used to enhance the learning experience. The second one-day event was held at Morichal, on August 25, and was focused upon Raising Awareness Regarding the Handling of Waste. During this event, members of the 19 de Abril de la Cruz de la Paloma community and the Morichal Boy Scouts group were brought together. The participants learned about waste management: its handling and classification; the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle). They also identified some everyday activities with the potential to pollute and which we can change, such as excess use of automobiles. The methodology employed was based upon the collecting of waste, which was then properly identified and classified. This process was reinforced through talks and debates focused on the issue. These one-day events, together with the complementary talks received by workers at the Maturn Base and the drilling rigs in northern Monagas, reached 630 participating individuals..
environmental education
The commitment to the environment assumed by Petrex also implies the informing of the companys interest groups regarding such concerns. In this way, by working together we can make an impact on the issue of care for our planet. On this occasion, the environmental education campaigns were aimed at the workers on a number of drilling rigs, and their families. Two one-day environmental education events were held. The first event was in Monagas, at the Hacienda Sarrapial, on June 6, to mark World Environment Day. This first one-day event was based around the documentary An Inconvenient Truth, produced by the former vice-president of the
RigPTX-12 (Peru)
disposal of batteries at
Used batteries are a very common form of hazardous waste, not only at Petrex operations but also in our homes; however, given that they are objects which are in daily use, very often we do not dispose of them correctly. The PTX-12 rig (Peru) implemented an initiative with the aim of ensuring the correct disposal of this type of waste. It installed red boxes around the camp, with signs saying BATTERIES ONLY. This initiative has made it possible for all personnel working at that location to identify easily the bins and, in this way, dispose correctly of this hazardous waste product.
3R at petrex
Ciudad Ojeda (Venezuela) and Talara (Per)
As part of our environmental management system, the management of waste from operations is one of the key ways in which we minimize the impact of our activity on the environment. However, it is also important to remember that all our activities (personal, recreational, in the office, etc.) generate waste, and although this may not be on the scale of Petrex operations, taken together they can have a significant impact on the ecosystem. For this reason, we carry out programs for the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste, in which our workers learn and apply their knowledge and creativity in order to minimize their ecological footprint and that of their work. In the case of Venezuela, talks were given at the PTX-5920, PTX-5940 and PTX-5954 drilling rigs; also, talks were presented at the Ciudad Ojeda Base on two occasions, reaching 93 workers. In these talks, emphasis was placed on reduction of the use of plastic cups for drinks, given that these can take up to 1000 years to biodegrade in the environment. Glasses, ceramic cups or other reusable containers can replace these. Another of the waste materials the Venezuela operation is seeking to reduce is paper, given that in the manufacturing of this product considerable resources are used. T o achieve this, the workers are asked to use both sides of the paper in their printouts. At the T alara base, the Environmental Unit has been working since the beginning of
examples of
the year on recycling the different types of waste which are produced: empty oil drums, plastic jerry cans, used tires, wood and paper. The empty oil drums have been adapted for a number of uses: containers for draining oil filters, containers for contaminated earth and storage vessels for sand to be used in case of fire. During the painting of rigs, plastic jerry cans are used to hold substances for dissolving paint. Once they are empty, they are given a new use; they are cleaned, cut and painted, so that they can be used to organize tools and small items in the warehouse. Old tires are cut and painted, so that now they are used to mark out the parking spaces at the base. The wood from the packaging of machinery and parts for our equipment is plentiful. We use this wood for making a number of useful objects, such as signposts, furniture, boxes for recycled paper and packaging for components that will be sent out of the base. These are just some examples of applications of the three Rs. We invite all our workers to take part in these initiatives. We are equally committed to the environment in our operations and our offices. Contact the individual in charge of Environmental or Sustainability issues at your place of work; your contribution can become a best practice and contribute in this way to caring for our resources.
campaign at Lobitos-Talara (Per)
On T uesday June 5, at Playa Lobitos (in the district of the same name in the province of T alara) the personnel of the PTX -26 rig carried out a campaign for collecting waste, which emerged from an initiative launched by the workers themselves. In addition to improving the landscape and hygiene of the beach close to their operations, the campaign also had the objective of raising environmental awareness among those individuals participating and the rest of the neighboring population. The one-day clean up campaign began with a talk about environmental care and, in particular, about the proper management of waste. Afterwards, the Petrex personnel and personnel from other companies that work in the area formed themselves into work groups that were stationed along the 450 meter long beach in order to collect waste. At the end of the day, around 270 kg of waste had been collected, of which 90 kg was organic material, while the rest was constituted of other types of waste. The beaches of the district of Lobitos, 18 km from T alara, are considered among the best in Peru for surfing and windsurfing, because of the characteristics of their waves, which can reach heights of up to three meters. This characteristic of the local seas means the district has great potential as a tourist destination so, in order to conserve the area, it is essential to keep the beaches clean.
tools sustainability talent program
Country and location Venezuela Days without accidents 180 days Rigs PTX-5823, PTX-11, PTX-5955, PTX-5920, PTX-4, PTX-5936, PTX-5814 360 days 1200 days Per Colombia 365 days 700 days 365 days 720 days PTX-5810, PTX-5, PTX-5869, PTX-5837, PTX-5802 PTX-5930 PTX-5825 Base Teniente Lpez PTX-5829, PTX-22 PTX-5933
When did you join Petrex and what was your first position? I joined Petrex on March 5 1993 as an Assistant General Mechanic at the T eniente Lpez Base (Block 1AB). How has your development with the company been? My development with the company was progressive because I set for myself the goal of rising within the company and in that way reaching the position I now find myself occupying: Maintenance Supervisor. What do you believe were the key personal factors you took advantage of in order to reach the position you currently occupy? Passion for my profession, my desire to get ahead, willingness to learn and contribute every day so that the department I work in and the company I belong to improve constantly and are safer. What were the contributions of Petrex and the individuals who helped you to get where you are today? The continuous training the company gave me made it possible for me to continue to give my best in my work in terms of Quality, Responsibility and Safety. Also, I was able to meet a group of individuals who allowed me to learn from their experiences and knowledge through a cascade training philosophy that helped me to develop as a professional. After all these years, can you tell us some anecdote or event in which your experience and knowledge were determinant? When there was a break in the pulley on a workover rig, it was necessary to disassemble
luis me
Petrex has become a leader in the drilling and well maintenance sectors. This has been achieved thanks to its main strength: the commitment of its workers, supervisors and managers, who work as a team and with passion in order to meet the objectives that have been set out.
all the pulley systems in order to identify the root causes, until it was decided that the passage of the cables through the pulley system of the block was incorrect. I proceeded to change the pulley with a new one and then the cable was passed through correctly, enabling operations to continue normally. What is your opinion of Petrex? What do you believe its strengths are, and in what ways do you think it could improve? In my opinion Petrex is a company which throughout its almost 30 years of operations in Peru, principally at Lot 1AB and Lot 8 and T alara, has become a leader in the drilling and well maintenance sectors; and now it is expanding into Latin America. This has been achieved thanks to its main strength: the commitment of its workers, supervisors and managers, who work as a team and with passion in order to meet the objectives that have been set out. What impact have the culture of safety and the LiHS course had on your work? When I joined Petrex I believed that the work I did was safe, but once I had received the LiHS course, that changed significantly my way of thinking and acting. It gave me a more proactive focus on safety, not only applying it in my place of work, but also in my home, enabling me in this way to consolidate each day my commitment to all the workers I supervise, so that they always work thinking
Listening to our stakeholders is a priority for Petrex. Their opinions are the base of a fluent dialogue, which allows improving our performance and, thus, increase the generation of value for all the stakeholders. Therefore, send us your comments, opinions or proposals to the following email: [email protected]
Lima Av. Repblica de Panam 3050 San Isidro Lima - Per Telf. (1) 221-5050 Talara Zona Industrial s/n Talara Alta Talara - Piura Telf. (73) 381-906 Iquitos Jr. Loreto 370 Iquitos - Loreto Telf. (65) 23-6443 Bolivia Av. San Martn N 1800 Edificio Tacuaral 5 Piso Ofic. 501 Equipetrol Norte Santa Cruz de la Sierra Telf. (591) 3-3432424
El Tigre Av. Intercomunal El Tigre San Jos de Guanipa Edificio Parque Industrial Standard II Piso PB Local D Zona I El Tigre Estado Anzotegui Telf. (283) 500-4800 Ciudad Ojeda Av. Intercomunal Sector Barrio Libertad Ciudad Ojeda Estado Zulia Telf. (265) 632-2226 Ecuador Av. 6 de Diciembre e Ignacio Bossano Edificio Titanium, Piso 9 Quito Telf.: (59 3) 2-333-2261 Colombia Calle 97 N 23-60 Piso 10 Edificio Proksol Bogot (1) 747-0808