Konferens Program Kraftsamling For Okad Halsa 180605
Konferens Program Kraftsamling For Okad Halsa 180605
Konferens Program Kraftsamling For Okad Halsa 180605
A revitalized commitment to health promotion and
prevention in Swedish health care
Stockholm, 5 June 2018 (09.30-16.00)
Venue: City Conference Centre
This, however, is not the case for all population groups and for all risk factors. It is a
persistent challenge that, in a welfare state like Sweden, health inequities not only
remain, but are widening. For example depending on the level of education, or on
income level, life expectancy can differ by up to almost 5 years. An increase in alcohol
consumption and the rising percentage of binge-drinking in adults is also worrying.
There is also a concern about growing obesity rates amongst adolescents and at the
same time declining rates of physical activity and stubborn inequities persist in most
risk factors. These examples are a clear indication that alongside the positive trends
there are important challenges that need to be faced.
In this situation it is worthwhile reviewing policies and interventions that work. There is
now a very strong (economic) case for promoting health and preventing disease.
There is also an economic case for investing in health, raising the efficiency of public
health and health systems. There is strong evidence for many policy areas and
populations which is relevant to Sweden. This includes interventions tackling alcohol-
related harm, promoting physical activity, improving the quality of nutrition, and
acting during early childhood development and education to promote health. There
is also an urging need to, more actively, address inequalities.
The 2030 Agenda on sustainable development is a good starting point for such a
review as it is very comprehensive. It includes the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), 17 global goals set by the
United Nations. The broad goals are
interrelated, though each has its
own targets to achieve. Many
countries are attempting to tailor
those goals to their own specific
needs and circumstances, using
them as a driving force to design
different health services, discussing
effective interventions and
improving governance across
sectors and between levels.
Sustainable development in general
contributes to respecting human
needs, and the building of a sustainable society is to meet these needs - health
promotion processes are central to this.
An increased awareness of the importance of health promotion processes for a
sustainable society makes it reasonable to expect increased interest in identifying,
strengthening and developing these processes further. It creates a virtuous circle in
the drive for a sustainable society. Health promotion processes as well as increased
focus on prevention as the driving force for sustainable development creates an
inclusive approach for future leadership to rally around common objectives. In such a
context, health care is a core sustainability actor and factor. The SDGs can, through
health promotion, develop into a real commitment.
In the context of the European Commission’s the State of Health in the EU cycle,
Sweden is hosting a voluntary exchange in form of a seminar on revitalizing the
commitment to health promotion and prevention in the Swedish health system.
Seminar, Stockholm, 05 June 2018
The overall aim of this seminar is to mobilize Swedish health care for action for a
stronger emphasis on health promotion and prevention. One step towards this aim is
to develop a common understanding among key stakeholders on the evidence and
the governance relating to more clearly prioritizing health promotion and prevention.
To this end we want to address the following questions:
• How can the health care sector take the lead in health promotion and
prevention? What are the barriers for action?
• What health promotion and prevention strategies and intervention are
effective when it comes to improving population health and tackling equity in
• What practical governance mechanisms can be used for coordination
between different political levels and across sectors?
Target audience
The seminar will bring together approximately 100-120 policy-makers and stakeholders
from both the regional and national level, including patient representatives and
professional groups.
In order to develop a common understanding of the role of the health care sector,
effective health promotion and prevention interventions and the necessary
governance instruments needed, we want to create an in-depth dialogue between
some of the leading national and international experts, and to review experiences
from Sweden as well as other countries. To this end we will have presentations, panel
discussions and facilitated discussions.
Seminar, Stockholm, 05 June 2018
Programme (provisional)
Facilitated discussion
Dr Matthias Wismar
11.30–12.00 Break
12.00–13.00 Session 2: How can the health care sector take the lead in in health
promotion and prevention? Which are the barriers for action?
Seminar, Stockholm, 05 June 2018
This is followed by a panel which will react to the presentation from the
national perspective. The discussion should include the role of primary care
and hospital care.
• Roanan Toomey, Department of Health Ireland (Irleand)
• Didier Jourdan, Blaise Pascal University and Haut Conseil de la Santé
• Jan de Maessener, Belgium
• OECD (tbn)
• and participants from Sweden.
15.45–16.00 Wrapping up and closing the seminar -Ministry of health and Social affairs