5-Health Promotion
5-Health Promotion
5-Health Promotion
Health promotion
Logo visualises the idea that health promotion is a comprehensive multi-strategy approach
The three basic strategies for health
promotion are:-
Health promotion is concerned with
strategies for promoting health.
There are 3 basic strategies:-
1-Advocacy for health
2-Enabling all people: Giving knowledge,
information and skills. Health promotion is the
process of enabling people to increase control over,
and to improve their health.
3-Mediating between different interests in society in
the pursuit of health.
1-Advocacy for health:-Is combination of individual and
social actions designed to gain political commitment ,policy
support, social acceptance and systems support for a
particular health goal or programme. Advocacy can use mass
media, multi-media or community mobilization so as to create
living conditions conductive to health.
-Public Works
-Water Authority
-Red crescent
-Alternative medicine
Prerequisites for health:-The
fundamental conditions and resources for
health are:
-stable ecosystem.
-sustainable resources.
-social justice and equity.
Health promotion action areas:
Primary prevention;
includes measures to keep illness and
injuries from occurring as work to control
and prevent communicable disease, teach
young adult healthy life style behaviors
and it involve planning invention of needs
and problems, and design program to
overcome problem so never occurs.
Secondary prevention
involves efforts to detect and treat existing
health problems at the earliest stage when
disease already exists. Hypertension and
cholesterol screening program to identify
high risk individual and encouraging early
treatment to prevent heart attack.
Focuses on the illness end of the
wellness-illness continuum.
Provides direct services to people with
health problems.
Offers indirect services that help people
obtain treatment.
Develop programs to correct unhealthy
Rehabilitation: Maximize the recovery
and preventing recurrence