Astrotwins' Guide To Astrological Compatibility
Astrotwins' Guide To Astrological Compatibility
Astrotwins' Guide To Astrological Compatibility
understand your love interest, boss,
coworkers, parents, kids, rivals, whoever...
and why theyre in your life.
yes, even that person )
astrologers for and
Please share this book.
Like what you read? We invite you to forward this to guide to anyone and everyone
you think it will help. Seriously. Were passionate about ending unnecessary
human confict, and helping people have great relationships.
So pass this along liberally. Its free!
how to get along with anyone.
(*yes, even that person.)
Copyright 2011 by The AstroTwins,
Ophira & Tali Edut. All rights reserved.
enjoy our free daily, weekly & monthly horoscopes
About The AstroTwins, Ophira & Tali Edut
identical twin sisters Tali and Ophira Edutknown as The
AstroTwinsare professional astrologers who bring the stars
down to earth with a unique, practical combination of as-
trology and coaching. Their columns and predictions reach
millions every month. They are the astrologers for
and, and regular guests on Sirius Radio. Their
book, the astrotwins love Zodiac: the essential astrology
guide for Women (Sourcebooks), is 450-page guide to un-
derstanding the men of every sign. Tali and Ophira also give
private consultations, and have read charts for celebrities in-
cluding Beyonce, Stevie Wonder and Sting. Through chart reading and consultation services and
their website, they help clients and readers manifest amazing lives. Based in New
York City and Seattle, Ophira and Tali enjoy city life with husbands, kids and pet dachshunds.
Please share this book.
Like what you read? We invite you to forward this to guide to anyone and everyone
you think it will help. Seriously. Were passionate about ending unnecessary
human confict, and helping people have great relationships.
So pass this along liberally. Its free!
how to get along with anyone.
(*yes, even that person.)
Copyright 2011 by The AstroTwins,
Ophira & Tali Edut. All rights reserved.
enjoy our free daily, weekly & monthly horoscopes
you know that one person who can push your
buttons like nobody else in the world? No matter
how enlightened you are, every interaction with them
reduces you to a frustrated mess.
You scream in public. You cry in
the bathroom. You rage to your
friends. Ugh! How did they get to
you again?
Then there are your kindred spirits,
the people with whom you just in-
stantly click. Theres no need to ex-
plain yourself; its like youve known
each other for lifetimes. (Surprise:
maybe you have. More on that in a
It would be great if we could just
fll the world with soulmates and
ship the diffcult people off to
some desert island. Unfortunately,
they often happen to be our par-
ents, children, bosses, coworkers, spouses...people with
whom our lives are inextricably intertwined.
Its sink or swim. Youve got to make it work. And thats
where astrology can help.
If youre reading this, chances are, youve heard the ge-
neric astrology compatibility tips. Im a Cancer, shes
a Scorpio. Were both water signs, so were perfect for
each other! Or, Hes a Virgo and Im an Aquarius
thats a terrible match, Ive heard. I really like him, but
we probably shouldnt date, right?
Studying and practicing astrology for almost 20 years,
weve come to believe that everyone is in your life for
a reason. And that reason is encoded in the angle be-
tween your signs. Astrology is based on angles (called
aspects in astro-speak), each one creating a unique
interpersonal dynamic.
Some aspects do make for a smoother relationship, but
heres something else weve learned: easy doesnt neces-
sarily mean good. Certainly, you need kindred spirits
is in the distance between your signs
(or, as our friend Gabrielle Bernstein calls them, spiri-
tual running buddies). But sometimes, you need a chal-
lenge in order to evolve. The person who pushes you
out of your comfort zone, or refects
your own inner struggles, can be a
powerful teacher. Often, we attract
diffcult people unconsciously be-
cause our souls yearn to grow. We
need to wake up, pay attention, learn
something. So dont shoot the mes-
sengereven if he is a Capricorn (or
whatever sign youve put on your
cosmic s--t list).
As twins, weve been lifelong stu-
dents of interpersonal dynamics. Its
the nature of being born this way
(cue the Lady Gaga). Sure, weve had
our spats. But weve also been negoti-
ating since the crib, where we shared
toys and even invented our own lan-
guage. We cut our coexisting teeth on
years of birthday parties, when friends gave us shared
presentsas if we were each half a person. (Trust us:
one memorable fght over a Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine
in 1979 taught us the value of compromise.)
We wrote this guide to help you understand WHY. Why
are these tear-your-hair-out, frustrating relationships in
your life? We say its because theres something for you
to learn. The suffering and friction and confict...well, it
ceases to be as big of an issue when you understand that
persons purpose in your life on a karmic/soul level. You
stop trying to change them and you quit pretending to
be someone youre not. You can say, This is what Im
dealing with here. Do I accept it or not? The power is
back in your hands.
As astrologers, were all about helping you make a con-
scious choice from an informed place. Thats what we
love about astrology. It gives you a map, but YOU are
always the driver. So here are a few things weve learned
on our own journeys, through trial and observation,
through hurled objects and weepy reconciliations. May
it bring you peaceyes, even with that person.
4 copyright 2011 by ophira & tali edut. all rights reserved.
when youre the SAME SIGN
energy: self-acceptance * aspect name: conjunct
As they say, how can you love somebody else unless you
love yourself? Youll fnd out exactly how deep your self-
love runs when you tangle with a signmate. Its like look-
ing in the mirror: On a good day, you steal a few extra
glances at the hottie smiling back. Yeah, baby! But when
your hair is a wreck or an adult acne outbreak strikes,
the last thing you want to see is your own refection.
When a signmate mirrors your better traits, you fnd
yourself high-fving, feeling validated and laughing
aloud with recognition. When s/he presents the ugly
truth about your own fawsor demonstrates a raw,
unevolved trait common to your signyou just want
to run and hide.
For example, as outspoken Sagittarians, we know that
our sign has a rep for bluntness. We adore the refresh-