Aquarius: The Complete Book of
Aquarius: The Complete Book of
Aquarius: The Complete Book of
Message from The AstroTwins
All About Aquarius
BEAUTIFY. Career & Life Purpose
The Aquarius Look Money
Home Décor
Fitness & Food—Eating Well
LOVE. Entertaining
Aquarius in Love Family Dynamics
Meet Your Match Friendship
Date Planner
Breakup Recovery
Wedding Planner LEARN.
Planets & Their Meanings
The 12 Houses of the Zodiac
The Elements: Fire, Earth, Air & Water
Cory Verellen,
Moon & Rising Signs
Cosmic Events To Watch
12-Month Planetary Planner
Astrologers Tali & Ophira Edut
There’s no mistake you were born under your sign. The moment you
arrived was created just for you—and there will never be another one
like it. Your astrological sign, which is determined by the date and
time you were born, gifted you with unique talents, beauty, strength
and challenges. Just as there are billions of stars in the sky, there’s only
one you in the universe. (As identical
twins, we can attest to this!) So we’re
here to help you be your ultimate
best, with the cosmos as your guide.
Dates: January 20–February 18 Oprah Winfrey Denise Richards
Symbol: The Water Bearer Rosa Parks Isla Fischer
Alicia Keys Sarah Palin
Color: Violet
Emma Roberts Sheryl Crow
Ruling Planet: Uranus, the planet Rosa Parks Judy Blume
of surprises and originality Jennifer Aniston Alice Walker
Good Day: Friendly, unique Shakira Yoko Ono
Paris Hilton Heather Graham
Bad Day: Rebellious, detached
A quarius is the sign of the BFF, and your casual style makes it
easy for you to flow between the varied groups of friends you
roll with. Down-to-Earth, sporty, and easygoing, you look fab in
denim and a wedge heel or funky sneakers. There’s a bit of a New
Colors: Violet, indigo
Age soul in every Aquarius and yoga clothing could become an
everyday staple. Bohemian tops from India, Mexico, Morocco, and
other corners of the world look right at home on you. Focus areas: Calves
The Aquarius body type can be athletic, even boyish. Since you
rule the calves, you can wear sportier styles, like m i n i s k i r t s
with sneakers. Since you’re always on the go,
invest in shoes with ankle straps, bright ballet
flats, or high boots with a side buckle.
Home is a high-traffic zone for Aquarius, so why not turn it into an art gallery?
A quarius rules all things modern and futuristic, and your home should reflect that. By-
pass the antiques and overstuffed sofas, and furnish with strong, graphic pieces like a
contemporary leather sofa on a steel frame. Skip the rugs and opt for bare hardwood floors
and modern materials like glass and steel. It may be less cozy, but
you like it that way. You’ll have plenty of friends dropping by, so
create a space that accommodates high traffic and cleans up eas-
ily. With your soft spot for animals, you probably have a few pets
around, too.
Active, energetic Aquarius is a team player by nature.
Body Part
Ankles, circulatory system
favorite activity is ordering a la carte with your posse at a
favorite restaurant. However, you’ll easily overload on por-
tions, or snack on appetizers instead of ordering a proper
meal. With your nervous energy and hardworking nature,
you may grab too many meals on the go. Aim for a balance
between nutritious and indulgent choices.
available on
Is it possible to find both a best friend and a soulmate in one?
The real issue? You may look like the boy or girl
next door, but most Aquarians are eccentric be- Cory Verellen,
ings. What’s in that package may be quite differ-
ent than the often clean-cut wrapper suggests. Although you may come across as light and
superficial, you’re a true visionary with a lot of complex layers, and you may secretly believe
that nobody can truly understand you. This leads you to settle for less-qualified candidates,
just to avoid being alone.
Rather than get hung up on a bad match (you can obsess over a breakup for years), Aquar-
ians should mingle in social circles that reflect your deepest interests. Aquarius is the sign
of groups, friendship and humanitarian pursuits. Join a network of people who share your
beliefs—like environmental protection or animal rights—and you’ll likely meet a mate who
shares your ideals. Wouldn’t you love to date a best friend with whom you can kick back,
laugh AND save the world?
Since you need lots of freedom, you may be drawn to a long-distance relationship. Unconven-
tional living arrangements are not uncommon in Aquarius romances. You may wish to keep
your own residence even after you’ve declared your matrimonial vows. Connecting with your
partner on the mental plane is far more important than seeing them in the flesh every day.
You’d rather be sending “I miss you” e-mails from
a spiritual pilgrimage than having the same “how
was your day, dear?” conversation after a predict-
able day.
You + Aries
The Good. This is the ideal best friends with ben- The Bad. Aquarius plays it cool while affection-
efits arrangement. The laughs don’t stop when you ate Aries likes to keep it hot—you definitely fall
two jokesters team up. Aries is the sign of the in- in different places on the passion scale. Levelhead-
dividualist, while Aquarius is the team player, and ed Aquarius won’t understand why Aries gets so
your social styles are generally complementary. Ar- worked up emotionally. Aries will sometimes won-
ies helps Aquarius gain more comfort in the spot- der if Aquarius has a pulse. Both signs struggle with
light while Aquarius reminds Aries to consider other anger management, although the Aries fire tends to
people’s feelings and perspectives. You inspire each blaze up in quick , frequent spurts, while Aquarius
other to grow and be more adventurous. crackles unexpectedly like a bolt of lightning. Fights
can turn ugly, and even verge on violent.
You + Taurus
The Good. Earthy sensual Taurus and cool, logical The Bad. Rebel Aquarius bores easily, while tradi-
Aquarius have a lot to learn from each other. If you tional Taurus likes things to stay exactly as they are.
were in a band, Taurus would keep the beat on bass Aquarius’ popularity can stir up jealousy in the Bull
or drums, while Aquarius would be the vibrant lead who needs more coddling and one-on-one time.
singer. Both signs love a good party. Social Aquarius Taurus’ slow-moving style can frustrate Aquarius.
will fill the guest list with a wild group of friends Both signs are family-oriented, although you define
while Taurus makes sure everyone’s plate is full “family” differently. For Aquarius, sharing DNA is
and glass is refreshed. You’re both excellent project not a prerequisite, while Taurus likes a small, close-
managers. knit circle.
You + Gemini
The Good. There’s a natural click between you two The Bad. You’re both players at heart, and may be
air signs: you just get each other, no questions asked. too alike—and too commitmentphobic—to keep
Social and intellectual, you’re the ultimate party and the sparks flying. Neither Aquarius nor Gemini likes
travel companions. You won’t try to cramp each the idea of giving up your freedom for love, but the
other’s free-flowing style and you’ll introduce each “open relationship” arrangement could provoke
other to illuminating and unconventional ideas. jealousy, especially in Gemini. You both like mind
This could be the ultimate friends-with-benefits ar- games, which is not a good thing. Gemini is clever
rangement if neither of you is in the mood to get and cunning, while Aquarius is keenly strategic: the
too serious. mental chess battles could be exhausting!
You + Cancer
The Good. Domestic Cancer keeps the home fires The Bad. Cancer needs a lot of reassurance to feel
burning while social Aquarius collects a fascinating secure, and likes to be babied. Aquarius prefers to
roster of dinner party guests. Good thing you both be BFFs with a partner and may be too obsessed
love to entertain. Cancer rules the emotional realm, with plans and ideas to tune in to Cancer’s feelings.
and can teach logic-driven Aquarius how to feel Jealousy is almost inevitable here. Outgoing Aquar-
more deeply. Lighthearted Aquarius helps the Crab ius makes friends with the world, ignoring Cancer’s
loosen up and laugh off dramas that might have pre- desire for one-on-one time. Cancer’s possessiveness
viously taken months to sift through. clashes with the Aquarian free spirit.
You + Leo
The Good. Showtime! With your shared humor, The Bad.Popular Aquarius wants to be BFFs with
this relationship is one giant laugh-fest. You both the world, which can make Leo feel less-than-spe-
do killer impersonations of people, and you play cial. When Aquarius ignores Leo at the party, or
well off of each other too. Together, you’re the life of Leo makes a scene to get Aquarius’ attention, the
any party, bringing the entertainment on every level. fighting begins. Leo wants to lavish affection on
You’re also great at working on a shared project with Aquarius, which can make the Water Bearer feel
clearly defined roles. Leo brings the celebrity buzz, overwhelmed and pressured. Aquarius’s crude jokes
Aquarius maps out the project plan. Affectionate and aloof social style offend etiquette-oriented Leo.
Leo warms cool Aquarius, while Aquarius helps Leo The game playing can distract you both from your
to lighten up the dramatic emotions. higher purposes in life.
You + Virgo
The Good. Intellectual stimulation runs high here. The Bad. You’re both unpredictable, but in differ-
You’ll have endless fun analyzing new ideas, shar- ent ways. Aquarius is always searching for the next
ing quotes from books, and attending conscious- big thing, while Virgo believes in tradition. Virgo’s
ness-raising events together. Aquarius is the sign of moods can change on a dime, especially when
the humanitarian, Virgo is the sign of service. Your something “offensive” crops up—including com-
union may revolve around making the world a bet- ments, sights, and odors. Aquarius likes to experi-
ter place, or creating a safe and comforting space for ment freely, and may feel nitpicked by perfection-
your 1,001 friends and pets. ist Virgo. Virgo is constantly terrified by Aquarius’
daredevil antics.
You + Libra
The Good. You’re compatible air signs who are fun The Bad. Aquarius is the sign that rules friendship,
loving free thinkers. Life is a giant adventure when while Libra is the sign of romance. Cool Aquarius
the two of you join forces, and you’ll give each other often forgets to bring the sentimental gestures Libra
plenty of room to explore and experiment. The ad- craves. Libra likes PDA, Aquarius gets uncomfort-
ventures you both crave will become a reality, and able with too much touchy-feely stuff. Unpredict-
your conversations will be lively, stimulating de- able Aquarius has a surprising temper that throws
bates. Affectionate Libra warms up Aquarius, while off Libra’s delicate balance. Libra may suppress up-
Aquarius teaches Libra how to deal more effectively set feelings for far too long, which can dull the pas-
with conflict. sion here.
You + Scorpio
The Good. You’re both ambitious and competitive, The Bad. Scorpio needs to be Numero Uno in a
and make excellent partners when you’re working partner’s universe, but Aquarius doesn’t like to play
towards a common goal. Together, you can really favorites. Scorpio doesn’t trust easily and usually
work a room: Aquarius gets everyone talking while rolls with a small, close-knit entourage. Aquarius
Scorpio keenly observes the interpersonal dynam- becomes besties with people in three minutes or
ics. You are both obsessed with understanding the less, which enrages the private, possessive Scorpi-
inner workings of the human mind. Staying physi- on. Aquarius finds Scorpio’s judgmental streak off-
cally fit is a common goal too, so sign up for a char- putting while Scorpio may find Aquarius superficial
ity bike race or run together. and flighty.
You + Sagittarius
The Good. You’re insta-BFFs who immediately The Bad. Fire sign Sagittarius is passionate and ex-
begin plotting adventures—and business ven- pressive while air sign Aquarius is cool and breezy.
tures—within moments of meeting one another. Sagittarius’ emotional temperament can overwhelm
Independent free spirits, you give each other plenty Aquarius at times, causing the Water Bearer to back
of breathing room. No topic is off-limits for you away. That makes the Archer go into hunter mode,
two philosophical signs. You’re both obsessed with and the cat and mouse games can get exhausting.
personal development, and will enjoy enrolling in While the relationship sounds great on paper, make
workshops and seminars together—especially ones sure you’re really all in. Otherwise, taking it to the
that involve traveling far from home. physical realm can destroy a beautiful friendship.
You + Capricorn
The Good. Like a pair of high-powered project man- The Bad. Cap is a rule-maker and Aquarius is a rule-
agers, you’re all about getting the job done. Ambi- breaker, and that’s where the trouble lies. In public,
tious Capricorn and visionary Aquarius could rule Cap is the picture of etiquette, while Aquarius will
the world together. You’re both builders. Capricorn dance on the tabletops. Your values may clash, es-
brings the structure and tradition, while Aquarius pecially when it comes to family. Capricorn offers
helps you both think outside the box. Stable Cap- unconditional love while Aquarius is constantly try-
ricorn brings a steady grounding force to scattered ing to improve people. Capricorn’s heaviness could
Aquarius, while the Water Bearer’s playfulness can also overwhelm lighthearted Aquarius, who just
lighten Capricorn’s heavy moods. wants to have fun.
You + Aquarius
The Good. The union of two popular Aquarians The Bad. Casual Aquarius is the sign of friendship,
is a giant social experiment. If your vast networks and with your laid back personalities, you may
of friends get along, you’ll both reach relationship never get past the buddy-buddy vibes. You’re both
Nirvana. Since you’re both competitive team play- logical, but emotionally detached. When feelings
ers, bond over activities that stretch you beyond get hurt, the other one may not know how to deal.
your comfort zones—the more physically challeng- There may be a lack of emotional support here,
ing, the better. Exploring unconventional ideas and which can bring out the worst in both of you. Who’s
experiences together will keep you inspired. You’ll going to bring the nurturing and TLC? You’ll have to
encourage each other’s growth throughout life, even work harder to develop sensitivity to one another’s
if that means growing apart temporarily. deeper needs.
You + Pisces
The Good. Lighthearted Aquarius is a breath The Bad. Fun loving Aquarius finds Pisces’ moods
of fresh air to emotional Pisces, who tends to get and broods to be a drag. Emotional Pisces wonders
bogged down in feelings. Pisces’ dreamy sensitivity if Aquarius is missing a sensitivity chip. Both of you
awakens the softer side of Aquarius. You’ll admire are other-focused, but between Aquarius’ 1,001
each other greatly, even if you never fully under- pals and all the wounded souls Pisces is trying to
stand one another. You’re both creative types who help, when will you make time for the relationship?
care about making the world a better place. Aquar- Aquarius likes to operate in a logical manner, but
ius is the humanitarian, while Pisces is the sign of Pisces makes decisions based on intuition and feel-
compassion. As a couple, you are the comforting ings. You may frustrate each other to no end.
nucleus of your shared social circle.
Go (with friends) to an
independent film festi-
val or sports game.
and maybe on to Burning Man from there. Sporty and active, you’re not
Sign up for a metaphysi-
looking for a fussy affair. You’ll happily meet a date for a day of hiking,
cal workshop to explore
an MMA class, or even a surfing lesson. Yoga on the beach, followed by a
picnic? Fine by you! As a relationship progresses, you might join a sports life’s spiritual dimension
league together or crew a sailboat as a couple. You pride yourself on being
original and avant-garde. Meet up for a sci-fi film festival, experimental Head to a comedy club
theater performance, transcendental meditation workshop, or to hear a or offbeat funny movie
known guru channel an ancient spirit.
Make posters and go to an
You love being around people, so crowded sports events, concerts, and anti-war protest together
outdoor festivals make you very happy. While you may not give a date
your undivided attention, you love the idea of sharing these group expe- Spend the day wandering
riences. Besides, you’re not looking for a mate who needs babysitting. If around a cool city, explor-
you can both work the room like a pair of social butterflies, you may soon ing and taking photos of
be sharing a cocoon for two.
each other with your brand
new digital cameras
Humor is a must! You love to laugh and your wit is sharp and wicked.
Take a date to a comedy club or karaoke bar, where your ridiculous ren-
dition of Sir Mix-A-Lot leaves the crowd in stitches. Ride bumper cars
or dress in matching costumes on a random day, just because.Anything
that verges on the absurd is the perfect way to stir up romance in your
How your sign can move on when the honeymoon is over.
have a dificult time accessing your feelings until life forces you to deal. Consider this:
emotions are stored as energy, and when we block them, they get stuck. Since Aquarius
rules circulation, you need to let your emotions pass through you like electricity run-
ning through a wire. Go for a run on the beach, or do some breathing exercises, book
a session with a Reiki master, energy healer, or acupuncturist.
If you simply can’t get out of your funk, do some volunteer work. Aquarius is a
humanitarian sign. Making a difference for others will remind you of how privileged
you actually are, and lend you some needed perspective.
Heart Healing Tips for Aquarius
Air-sign Aquarius lives in the clouds when it comes to love. With
your active imagination, you can turn a total loser into a knight
in shining armor. Your experimental tastes draw you to unusual
people whom you label “fascinating”—but they’re often com-
pletely incapable of a real commitment. One Aquarius friend
bragged about her “amazing artist” boyfriend. A year later, she
was still supporting him while he “found the courage to paint
again.” Puh-leeze! Another Aquarian accepted a marriage pro-
posal after two weeks of dating a foreign grad student looking to
extend his Visa...but no, it was truly love! (When she vacillated
for too long, he disappeared on the pink bicycle he’d rode in
on—no kidding.) Ask yourself: did I mistake CRAZY for inter-
esting? Learn to make smarter choices next time.
love is in the stars
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Available at all retail and online bookstores, including and Barnes and Noble.
Ah, the party! It’s the moment you’ve been waiting
for, and the highlight of your big day. Aquarians are
often uncomfortable with sentiment and emotional
outpourings, so chances are, you’ll be relieved to
wrap up the ceremony and dive into the fun. A
casual and informal reception is just your speed,
and a funky location could make it a real blast. Try
a modern art gallery, a loft space, even a planetar-
ium or aquarium! An enclosed-glass atrium or an
outdoor tent with hanging Asian lanterns can give
you the airy vibe you love. For summer weddings,
print your programs on stylish fans that double as
favors. You’re the sign of the water bearer, so a pool
party or beach wedding could be fun for you, too.
Or, incorporate a watery feel into your decor. For
example, you could set the table with aquamarine
rippled-glass chargers over a white table cloth. The
reflecting light will cast a pattern that resembles the
waves on an ocean floor. Decorate with vases, urns
and vessels, even little fishbowls as centerpieces.
Serve signature cocktails in bright, aquatic blue.
Tracy Toler,
You may look like the girl next door, Aquarius, but the Age of Aquarius”—so you could go ultra-mod
you’re a total original. In dress form, this translates with a Twiggy-inspired minidress, a beaded clutch
into a simple gown with creative, attention-grabbing and a small feather headdress. Even if your dress
details—or else a wild, experimental dress sewn by isn’t short, your veil should be (if you wear one).
an avant-garde designer. Don’t be afraid to be “out Whatever you do, avoid “pouf” at all costs. Many
there.” If anyone can pull it off, you can! Aquarius Aquarians tend to be long and lean, with an almost
is an air sign, so try floating layers and semi-sheer tomboyish build. Showy ballgowns and anything
fabrics. Think: angels, butterflies and birds—any- too feminine or romantic will not only look unap-
thing with wings! A column dress, a slip gown or an pealing, but they’ll feel strange, too. Play up your
empire waist with floaty, cascading layers look great daring, unconventional style and choose trendy
on you. You could even do a one-shoulder toga style over traditional.
gown. The free-love 1960s were the “dawning of
you don’t mind breaking from convention. In fact,
you could invent your own way of including your
loved ones. Since they’ll probably be an eclectic mix
of guys and girls from all walks of life, honor the
diversity of your circle with an innovative ritual of
your own. Use your vivid imagination. If you do
have bridesmaids, keep a spirit of lightness and fun
in their outfits. Choose short dresses, even made by a
costume designer or a crafty friend. Pick the beachy,
fun colors your sign loves: aqua, salmon, lavender or
pale lime green.
As the sign of groups and friendship, you love to be
in a crowd. Skip the private beaches (you’ll be bored)
Tracy Toler, and head to a rollicking resort on a Carribean island
like St. Lucia. Who cares if snobbish types think
the swim-up bar is cheesy? You could meet tons of
THE RING. people and have a blast. A run or walk on the beach,
Aquarius is a future-focused sign, and you love
buffet dinners and group activities could enliven
something that’s original and modern. You tend to
your stay even more. Some Aquarians are drawn to
be sporty and active, so you need a ring that can
New Age philosophies. If you’re the type who loves
travel well, too! Too much bling is tasteless and over
meditation, mysticism and gurus, make a pilgrimage
the top in your opinion, so go for something clean,
to India for some post-nuptial enlightenment. Sporty
pretty and simple like a minimal solitaire ring set in
Aquarians who marry in the winter might head to the
a simple metal band. Try a princess-cut stone, which
slopes of Aspen for snowboarding and skiing. Stay at
is square with lots of facets, modern and super-
a great lodge where you can meet and mingle—and
sparkly—giving you that girly touch you still enjoy.
book your trip to coincide with a festival or cultural
event. Summers in Aspen are great, too—you can
THE BRIDAL PARTY try mountain biking, river rafting, even llama trek-
Aquarius is the sign of friendship, and chances are,
king! You might also enjoy, the friendly, relaxed vibe
you have too many close pals to keep this manage-
of Italy, or a trip to Mexico to enjoy the rich culture,
able. You hate politics and drama, so you may end up
white sand beaches, and lively resorts.
skipping the whole bridal party ritual. Fortunately,
With your gift of gab and hilarious jokes, you can sell just about
anything. Like Aquarius Oprah Winfrey, you genuinely love inter-
acting with people, and you’re naturally curious about everyone.
It’s not uncommon for Aquarians to become personal friends with
your clients. Commission-based jobs don’t faze you. In fact, you
rise to the challenge. Cold calling, which other signs dread, is a
BEST CAREERS breeze for outgoing Aquarius. You have no trouble picking up the
FOR AQUARIUS phone and dialing a total stranger.
futurist Your quirky brain loves to solve problems or find your way out
scientist/inventor of a difficult spot. You make a great advertising copywriter or PR/
salesperson marketing specialist, and with your futuristic bent, you could be
public relations a scientist or an inventor. Aquarius rules electronics, so you may
pop star work with computers or telecommunications. The ever-evolving,
free-speech-enabling Internet was made for you! You could thrive
in a wide variety of web-based jobs from designer to complex coder
nonprofit worker
to social media expert to project manager.
psychic healer
talk show host
Aquarius is focused on the future, and that often leads you to work
with future generations. You love kids, and with your team spirit,
you make a great teacher or coach. As the sign of the rebel, you also
understand childrens’ need to assert themselves, and encourage
project manager
them to express that. A stint in the Peace Corps or a non-profit is
a requisite for your resume. You’re the zodiac’s humanitarian, you
want to make a lasting difference for the people around you!
Pitfalls to avoid
Sloppy with details. Entrepreneurship appeals to
your free spirit, but you can be impatient and sloppy
with details. If you open your own business, team up
with a Capricorn or Virgo. These grounded earth signs
will handle the mundane administrative tasks you hate.
Make sure you have a good lawyer and accountant,
since you like making deals on a handshake. You’re
at your best selling people on your vision or product,
so funnel your energy towards being the rainmaker
instead of hte drone.
How to embrace your inner Rich Girl and keep money in the bank.
book a private reading
One-on-One Astrology Readings
Private, personal horoscope chart readings with The AstroTwins are
available by phone or in person. If you’re at a crossroads in any area
of your life, The AstroTwins will help you move ahead on a clear, con-
fident path. They’ve counseled thousands of clients to create the rela-
tionships, careers and lives of their dreams. To book a consultation,
A nomad at heart, you’re already planning your next adventure.
Kick off your shoes and kick up your heels. It’s an Aquarius party.
Cory Verellen,
quarius is the sign of groups and friends, so you’re
right at home in the middle of a big bash. With your
outrageous jokes and boisterous laugh, you turn every
party into a full–on fiesta. You’ve got tons of friends,
and you tend to be quite popular, even while rebel-
ling against cliques and the status quo. In fact, it’s your
trademark Aquarian individuality—like those sarcastic
comments that crack everyone up—that wins you so
many fans. Taken too far, though, your “girls gone wild”
vibe may alienate loyal friends, creating a fair share of
frienemies in the process.
For social Aquarius, friends become part of your extended family.
F amily for Aquarius does not require shared DNA. As the zodiac’s so-
cial organizer, your ever-expanding entourage may become your de
facto extended family. You’re an idealist and a visionary. In order to feel
‘related’ to people you need a shared outlook on life. This doesn’t always
come through your bloodline, but if it does, lucky you! You’ll be BFFs
with any relatives who see the world through the same colorful kaleido-
scope that you do.
With your adventurous spirit, you may be too busy hopping from
Goa to Ibiza to Burning Man to remember to have children. If you do
become a parent, that Baby Bjorn is sure to get a workout. You’re not
one to sit at home for long. Your offspring will just have to trek along
on your fantastic voyage.
i ni Lib
Gem ra
A parenting site brought to you by The AstroTwins
* Child Horoscopes
* Mom Horoscopes
* Cosmic Features for Family Life
A quarius is the sign of friendship and teamwork. You
tend to be more focused on the group than the individ-
ual, and often have trouble letting youself get really close to
people. Aquarians dream of making the world a better place,
and may actually be more generous with the general public
than you are with your own friends and family. Running off
and joining the Peace Corps you can handle. Should a friend
show up bawling on your doorstep, however, you may be
overwhelmed by the intensity of it all. Your heart is big and
you will try to help. But you’ll feel a little bit trapped by the
situation, too.
How do the planets affect you? Every planet orbits the sun at a different
speed, going slower and slower the farther they are from the sun. Each one
is said to affect a different part of your personality.
The “inner planets”— the sun, moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus—move
quickly through the zodiac. As a result, they affect your day-to-day life,
moods and habits.
The “outer planets” — Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto — move
slowly, changing signs every 1-12 years. As a result, they shape the bigger
trends in your life. In fact, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto orbit the sun so
slowly that they’re said to shape entire generations.
Each planet is associated with a zodiac sign, and that sign will exhibit traits
of the planet. For example, turbo-charged Aries is ruled by warrior planet
Mars. Cheerful Sagittarius is ruled by optimistic Jupiter. If you want to learn
more about your sign, look no further than its ruling planet! (P.S. We still
look at Pluto as a “real” planet, even though astronomers have diminished its
status to “dwarf planet.” Its impact is undeniable in astrology.)
Like a clock, the zodiac is divided into 12 segments, or houses,
each one ruled by a different sign. The zodiac begins with the
first house, and goes counterclockwise around. Each house is
associated with a set of traits, beginning from the self, and ex-
panding outward into society and beyond. At the moment you
were born, the planets were all in specific signs and houses.
When an astrologer interprets your chart, she blends the mean-
ing of each planet, the house it’s in, and the sign it’s in, to map
the obstacles or gifts you’ll face in this lifetime.
When planets visit a house, they light up that part of your chart,
and energize that house’s traits. Astrologers use the houses to
predict which parts of your life will come into focus, and where
you can take the best possible action. To learn more about a
house, read about the sign that’s associated with it.
The seventh house is the sector of relationships
and other people. It governs all partnerships,
both business and personal, and relationship-
associated matters, like contracts, marriage, and 10TH HOUSE
business deals. (Ruled by Libra) The tenth house is at the very top and most
public part of the chart. The tenth house gov-
erns structures, corporations, tradition, public
image, fame, honors, achievements, awards,
8TH HOUSE boundaries, rules, discipline, authority, fathers
and fatherhood. The cusp, or border, of the
The eighth house is a mysterious sector that
rules birth, death, sex, transformation, myster- tenth house is also called the midheaven, and it
ies, merged energies, and bonding at the deepest clues astrologers into your career path. (Ruled
level. The eighth house also rules other people’s by Capricorn)
property and money: real estate, inheritances,
investments, et. al. (Ruled by Scorpio)
The eleventh house rules teams, friendships,
9TH HOUSE groups, society, networking, social justice, re-
bellion, and humanitarian causes. It also rules
The ninth house covers the higher mind, ex-
pansion, international and long-distance travel, originality, eccentricity, sudden events, surpris-
foreign languages, inspiration, optimism, pub- es, invention, astronomy, science fiction and all
lishing, broadcasting, universities and higher things futuristic. (Ruled by Aquarius)
education, luck, risk, adventure, gambling, re-
ligion, philosophy, morals and ethics. (Ruled by
The zodiac completes with the twelfth and fi-
nal house, which rules endings. This house cov-
ers the final stages of a project, tying up loose
ends, completions, the afterlife, old age, and
surrender. It’s also associated with separation
from society, institutions, hospitals, jails, hidden
agendas, and secret enemies. And it rules the
imagination, creativity, arts, film, dance, poetry,
journals, and the subconscious mind.(Ruled by
The twelve zodiac signs are grouped into four “elements”—fire, earth, air and water. Each of
these elementary groups has distinct traits. Together, they form the natural world, so each is
in some way dependent on the other.
Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Like fire itself, fire signs tend to be passionate, dynamic, and temperamental. Fire can keep
you warm, or it can do great destruction. While fire burns out quickly without fuel to keep it
going, it can also regenerate its power from the ashes. A single spark can set off a forest fire.
As a result, fire signs need to be nurtured and managed carefully.
Air signs are all about action, ideas, and motion—they are the “winds of change.” When a
strong gust hits you, you can’t help but move. While some within their ranks may be true-
life “airheads,” others are as powerful as a gravity-defying G-force. Air signs bring everyone a
breath of fresh air when things start to get stale. Like the breeze, you can’t quite catch them,
and you never know where they’ll drop you once they sweep you up. It will almost always be
an adventure, though.
Earth signs keep it real. They are the “grounded” people on the planet, the ones who bring us
down to earth and remind us to start with a solid foundation. Slow and steady, these “build-
ers” are loyal and stable, and stick by their people through hard times. On good days, they’re
practical; at worst, they can be materialistic or too focused on the surface of things to dig into
the depths.
Intuitive, emotional and ultra-sensitive, water signs can be as mysterious as the ocean itself.
Like water, they can be refreshing, or they can drown you in their depths. These signs often
have intense dreams and borderline-psychic intuition. Security is important to them—after
all, water needs a container, or it dries up and disappears.
There’s more to your chart than your Sun sign—much more. At the moment you
were born, each planet was in a specific sign at a specific degree. Your moon and
rising sign are two of your chart’s key features. Along with your sun sign, these
two star players can tell a lot about your personality.
How do you calculate your moon and rising signs? The moon moves into a dif-
ferent sign every 2-3 days, and the rising sign changes every two hours. You’ll
need to check moon sign and rising sign tables to determine yours. Visit our site
at, where you can do a free natal chart.
Following moon cycles can be a great way to set You know those times when everything goes hay-
goals and reap their benefits. Astrologers believe that wire, and you can’t figure out why? A planet could
our energy begins to build at the new moon, then be retrograde—meaning that from earth, it appears
peaks two weeks later at the full moon. New moons to be spinning backward. While this is just an opti-
mark beginnings, and are the perfect time to kick cal illusion, it feels like an astrological reality! The
off any new project or idea. Full moons are times for areas that a retrograde planet rules may become
completions, creative outpourings, and harvesting. weak or out of wack, causing chaos to erupt during
They’re also your cue to cash in on anything you this backspin.
started at the new moon. Wrap up your success over
the next two weeks as the moon dwindles, then be- Two major retrogrades to watch are Mercury and Ve-
gin the cycle all over again. In many cultures, farm- nus. Mercury, planet of communication, transporta-
ers have planted by the new moon and harvested by tion and technology, goes retrograde for three weeks
the full moon. about three times a year. Arguments and misunder-
standings rage, plans fall apart, cars break down,
and computers crash suddenly. Back up your digital
ECLIPSES files beforehand, postpone any deals, and plan to be
Eclipses happen 2-3 times a year, bringing sudden explain yourself a few extra times. Love-planet Ve-
changes and turning points to our lives. If you’ve nus goes retrograde about once a year, and causes
been sitting on the fence about an issue, the eclipse relationship craziness. Astrologers advise against
will knock you off and force you to face the facts. proposals, weddings, and any major relationship
Truths and secrets will rise to the surface. Things moves during this 4-6 week period.
that aren’t “meant to be” will be taken away. There
are two types of eclipses—solar and lunar. Lunar So what’s good about retrogrades? The prefix re-
eclipses happen when the earth passes directly be- means to go back—and retrogrades are a time to
tween the sun and moon, cutting off their com- polish up projects already in the works, or to dig
munication. A solar eclipse takes place when the up ones you’ve set aside. Old friends and past issues
new moon passes between the sun and the earth, can resurface, giving you a chance to reconnect or
shadowing the sun. The effect is similar to a spiri- revise. This can be a useful time to resolve any argu-
tual power outage—it either makes you feel a little ments, revisit old ideas, research an idea or renew a
off-center, or makes your mind crystal clear. Expect commitment. Tighten up your routine during these
the unexpected, and wait for the dust to settle before periods, and you’ll be ready to rock when the retro-
you act on any eclipse-fueled impulses. grade planet returns to “direct” (or forward) motion.
january finish everything july get in shape
february start something new august relationships
march money september get married
april communicate october vacation
may family november career & achievement
june flirting december friends & netwoking
think completion. Finish any lingering loose
ends. You’ll want a clean slate next month, when march
your personal New Year begins! Return phone money & makeovers
calls, donate old clothes to charity, and resolve
any conflicts. Get plenty of rest, and pour out Last month was all about getting in touch with
your feelings in a journal or creative work. Your the person you’ve become. Now, it’s time to build
dreams are full of vivid messages, and your heal- an environment—and an income—that reflect the
ing powers are strong. Consider volunteering at a new you. Treat yourself to a makeover. Stock your
hospital or with the elderly. fridge with gourmet groceries. Add a few fabulous
pieces to your wardrobe, or pick up a beautiful
vase or bed cover. Money is highlighted now. Are
4 april
the magic back with lighthearted dates. Grab your
sweetie and head to a fiesta. Dive into a creative
project, and let your inner artist emerge. Children
are highlighted. If you want to get pregnant, the
Communication is this month’s theme. If you
stars are on your side. Spending time with young
haven’t expressed what’s on your mind, do it now!
people can restore your own childlike wonder.
Send off emails, return calls, write letters, reach out
to old friends. It’s a great month for writers, too.
Your mind bubbles with ideas, so jot them down in
a notebook. This month rules siblings and friends,
so make time to connect with yours. Short trips
and your neighborhood are also featured. Organize get fit & organized
a block party. Explore your favorite local haunts
or discover new ones. Grab a pal for a bike ride or After an indulgent month, it’s time to get organized.
power-walk, and enjoy an inspiring talk. The planets morph you from party girl into the
Queen of Clean. Sort out your calendar, projects
and workspace. Attack the clutter and get your life
may back on track. This month’s energy also sends you
family matters on a health kick. Hit the gym, walk around the
neighborhood, buy a yoga or Pilates DVD. Pick up
Home and family are where it’s at now. Cozy up some fresh, organic groceries and prepare a healthy
your household—add fluffy towels, scented soaps, meal. Bring your eating and life back into balance.
soft sheets and fresh flowers. Don’t overdo on par-
ties. Instead, opt for home-cooked meals, a good
book and your favorite DVD. Your energy is low-
key now, so book some private time. Spend qual- august
ity time with your parents and cherished family
members, or send them a thoughtful card. Female relationships get serious
energy and femininity are strong now. Surround
yourself with comforting, inspiring women. Get in Happy half-birthday! You’re midway through
touch with the powerful woman that you are! your astrological year now, and the planets shift
your focus to relationships and other people.
Committed partnerships, both personal and pro-
fessional, are highlighted. If you’ve longed to get
june serious with that special someone, now is a great
romance & fun time. If you and a close person have been having
trouble understanding each other’s perspectives,
Fun, fun, fun! Your energy turns light and play- you may finally see the light. Contract signings go
ful now. The planets favor romance, and creativity well. If you’re getting married, this is the month
this month. If you’re single, this is your month to to say “I do!”
get out and flirt! If you’re in a relationship, bring
9 september
it’s in the details
How deep are your bonds with people? You’ll find
11 november
out this month, as the planets bring out your most
Career, achievement and ambition are all featured
intimate side. You feel passionate, driven, even
now. Keep your eye on your goals and aim for them!
mystical—your life could feel like a spicy novel! At
People relate to you as a natural leader now, so take
times, you or someone around you may seem a bit
charge and step boldly into what you want. If you
secretive. Solve the mystery. The stars also focus on
haven’t commanded the respect you deserve, ask
joint resources and large amounts of money. Real
for it. If you’re looking for fame, this is the month
estate, income taxes, investments, inheritances, and
to put yourself directly in the spotlight. You could
credit cards are all highlighted. Pay off debts, write
be honored and noticed for all your hard work.
a living will, invest in property. Research everything
Acknowledge yourself for how far you’ve come!
thoroughly, as your mind is sharp. Pay attention to
every detail!
10 october
vacation & inspiration 12 december
After an intense month, you’re ready for a vaca- There’s strength in numbers, and the planets
tion! The stars light up your sector of long-distance urge you to team up now. What better way
travel now, beckoning you to pack your bags and to get your message out there than with a fun
head for distant shores. Book a getaway outside and lively crew? If career is your passion, join
city limits, even if it’s just a long weekend. If you a networking group or attend a profession-
can’t leave town, expand your horizons by attend- al group meeting. If you’re looking to expand
ing an inspiring class, lecture or workshop. Higher your circle of friends, try a book club,
education is featured now, so apply to schools or co-ed singles group, or an intramural sports team.
for scholarships. Step outside your comfort zone at Reconnect with old friends by hosting a party or
every opportunity. Explore another culture. Avoid reunion. Humanitarian efforts are also featured this
petty squabbles. Enjoy inspiring, soul-searching month, so volunteer for a worthy cause. Get out
conversations. and mingle!
The AstroTwins’ Love Zodiac
Demystify men and transform any relationship. The Astro-
Twins have been using the zodiac for over 15 years to help
couples find the love affair of their dreams. You can have a
great relationship with a man of any zodiac sign—the key
is to learn what makes him tick. Using this definitive guide
to understand his personality, his preferences, and his val-
ues will help you decide whether you’re in it for the long
haul—or not. You’ll quickly discover:
About the Authors & Astrologers
Identical twin sisters Tali and Ophira Edut—known as
The AstroTwins—are professional astrologers who “bring
the stars down to earth” with a unique, practical com-
bination of astrology and coaching. Their columns and
predictions reach millions every month. They are the as-
trologers for, TV Guide magazine, and Lifetime,
and regular guests on Sirius Radio. They are the authors
of several books including The AstroTwins’ Love Zodiac:
The Essential Astrology Guide for Women (Sourcebooks), a
450-page handbook to understanding the men of every
sign. Other titles include Shoestrology: Discover Your Birth-
day Shoe (Random House), a cosmic guide for fashionistas, and Momstrology (Harper Collins) a
parenting manual by the stars which will be published fall 2013.
Tali and Ophira also give private consultations, and have read charts for celebrities including Be-
yonce, Stevie Wonder and Sting. Through chart-reading services and their website,
they help clients and readers “de-sign” amazing lives. Based in New York City and Seattle, Ophira
and Tali enjoy city life with husbands, kids and pet dachshunds.
Copyright © 2012 by Ophira & Tali Edut, Mediarology, Inc. dba Astrostyle. All rights reserved.