P2 Web Architecture Worksheet

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Web Architecture - Domain Name Registrars and Web Hosting Companies

Task 1: Fill in the missing gaps

1. Domain Names:
www.example.com domain name

5 mins

The ..of a website, such as.., is the core of its URL. organisation or individual charge recognisable

It should be a .. name for the .. who registered it. It has to be registered with one of the official domain name registrars. There is a .. for registering a domain name.

2. Domain Structure:
contact page single page Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

Every .. on the Web has a special web filename, known as a .. . For example, http://www.example.com/contact.html is the URL for a .. on a website. web addresses URL download documents or music files

Sometimes you can ..; other files from the Internet, such as .. . Each of these also has its own.., such as http://www.example.com/cats.jpg. URLs are sometimes referred to as.. .

A URL consists of several parts: web server browser

HTTP: This tells the ..to use the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol which is the system used to download files from a .. to your computer. file or page .html domain name

www.example.com : This is the .. for the website contact.html: This is the name of the .. in the website. In this case, the filename ends in .. so it must be a web page.

3. Web Hosting Services:

web server world wide web website

A has to be uploaded to a in order to appear on the. ISPs web hosting company

The web server will be owned by a. Many . offer web hosting as part of their services to clients. charge web space

If you want to put your website on the Web, a web hosting company will be able to provide you with .on the server. They will of course .you for the service.

Task 2: Domain Name Types

8 mins

Use the links to help you define the different domain types: http://getdotted.com/domain-name-types.php http://www.duport.co.uk/advisor/marketing/domainnames/type-of-domain.php http://cnnmoneytech.tumblr.com/post/25019566133/how-many-com-sites-are-there

Domain Types .com

.com is one of the oldest top-level domain types. This domain type has been used by international organisations and is a popular domain type compared to other types.

Most suitable for?

Large profit making organisations who want to attract global customers.

.org .me.uk .net .gov Other

Can you help the following customers pick their domain type?

1. I own a software company, which domain type is suitable for me and why?

2. I want to set up Ms Vyas ICT tutoring, which domain type is suitable for me and why?

3. I want to market UK customers, and be on the top search engine results, which domain type of suitable for me and why?

4. I want to attract international customers for my website, which domain type is suitable for me and why?

Unit 17 Website Creation

Report Structure
Assignment 2: Write a short report to describe the aspects of web architecture

Include the following keywords during your paragraphs and images which are supporting the descriptions


World Wide Web (WWW)

Starter sentence: A World Wide Web allows web users to access websites from a web browser. URL, HTML, HTTP, Web architecture, W3C http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Web http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/W/World_Wide_Web.html


Internet Service Providers (ISP)

Starter sentence: An Internet Service Provider allows individuals or organisations to connect to the WWW using a dial up or broadband connection through a router/modem hardware device. Access to the internet, Company, Individual users and organisations, Broadband connection/dial up connection Popular ISPs: BT, TalkTalk (AOL), Virgin Media, Sky Broadband



Web Hosting Services

Starter sentence: A Web Hosting Services allows individuals or organisations to help upload their website onto a web server and register their domain name as an URL. Uploaded, Web server, WWW, Web hosting, ISPs, Web space, Register a domain name, Secure webhosts Assign username and password http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/W/Web_host.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_hosting_service http://www.123-reg.co.uk/domain-names/ http://www.top10bestwebsitehosting.co.uk/?kw=web%2520hosting%2520UK&c=9265236828&t=search&p=&m=e&a=21&gclid=CIiSmr y_vaoCFUtA4QodMh7O5A


Domain Structure

You can refer to your Domain Structure missing gap exercise Single page, Special web filename, URL, Download, HTTP http://uk.ask.com/what-is/what_is_domain_structure http://domains.dantobias.com/structure/subdomains.html 5. Domain names

You can refer to your Domain names missing gap exercise

URL, Recognisable name, Organisation/individual, Registered with official domain name registrars, Charge http://computer.howstuffworks.com/dns.htm http://www.eurid.eu/files/Factsheet%20domain%20names.pdf

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