P2 Web Architecture Worksheet
P2 Web Architecture Worksheet
P2 Web Architecture Worksheet
5 mins
The ..of a website, such as.., is the core of its URL. organisation or individual charge recognisable
It should be a .. name for the .. who registered it. It has to be registered with one of the official domain name registrars. There is a .. for registering a domain name.
2. Domain Structure:
contact page single page Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Every .. on the Web has a special web filename, known as a .. . For example, http://www.example.com/contact.html is the URL for a .. on a website. web addresses URL download documents or music files
Sometimes you can ..; other files from the Internet, such as .. . Each of these also has its own.., such as http://www.example.com/cats.jpg. URLs are sometimes referred to as.. .
HTTP: This tells the ..to use the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol which is the system used to download files from a .. to your computer. file or page .html domain name
www.example.com : This is the .. for the website contact.html: This is the name of the .. in the website. In this case, the filename ends in .. so it must be a web page.
The web server will be owned by a. Many . offer web hosting as part of their services to clients. charge web space
If you want to put your website on the Web, a web hosting company will be able to provide you with .on the server. They will of course .you for the service.
8 mins
Use the links to help you define the different domain types: http://getdotted.com/domain-name-types.php http://www.duport.co.uk/advisor/marketing/domainnames/type-of-domain.php http://cnnmoneytech.tumblr.com/post/25019566133/how-many-com-sites-are-there
.com is one of the oldest top-level domain types. This domain type has been used by international organisations and is a popular domain type compared to other types.
Can you help the following customers pick their domain type?
1. I own a software company, which domain type is suitable for me and why?
2. I want to set up Ms Vyas ICT tutoring, which domain type is suitable for me and why?
3. I want to market UK customers, and be on the top search engine results, which domain type of suitable for me and why?
4. I want to attract international customers for my website, which domain type is suitable for me and why?
Report Structure
Assignment 2: Write a short report to describe the aspects of web architecture
Include the following keywords during your paragraphs and images which are supporting the descriptions
Starter sentence: A World Wide Web allows web users to access websites from a web browser. URL, HTML, HTTP, Web architecture, W3C http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Web http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/W/World_Wide_Web.html
Starter sentence: An Internet Service Provider allows individuals or organisations to connect to the WWW using a dial up or broadband connection through a router/modem hardware device. Access to the internet, Company, Individual users and organisations, Broadband connection/dial up connection Popular ISPs: BT, TalkTalk (AOL), Virgin Media, Sky Broadband
Starter sentence: A Web Hosting Services allows individuals or organisations to help upload their website onto a web server and register their domain name as an URL. Uploaded, Web server, WWW, Web hosting, ISPs, Web space, Register a domain name, Secure webhosts Assign username and password http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/W/Web_host.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_hosting_service http://www.123-reg.co.uk/domain-names/ http://www.top10bestwebsitehosting.co.uk/?kw=web%2520hosting%2520UK&c=9265236828&t=search&p=&m=e&a=21&gclid=CIiSmr y_vaoCFUtA4QodMh7O5A
Domain Structure
You can refer to your Domain Structure missing gap exercise Single page, Special web filename, URL, Download, HTTP http://uk.ask.com/what-is/what_is_domain_structure http://domains.dantobias.com/structure/subdomains.html 5. Domain names
URL, Recognisable name, Organisation/individual, Registered with official domain name registrars, Charge http://computer.howstuffworks.com/dns.htm http://www.eurid.eu/files/Factsheet%20domain%20names.pdf